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Challenges Encountered during the Practice Teaching of Bachelor

of Elementary Education Student Teachers of Core Gateway

College Inc.
Abonite, John Michael A.¹, Bagayan, Sonbel M.², Flores, Jansen Mae A.³,
Marcos, Justine Femia S.⁴, Paed, Rhealyn S.⁵

¹Bachelor of Elementary Education- Core Gateway College Inc., San Jose City, Nueva Ecija
²Bachelor of Elementary Education- Core Gateway College Inc., San Jose City, Nueva Ecija
³Bachelor of Elementary Education- Core Gateway College Inc., San Jose City, Nueva Ecija
⁴Bachelor of Elementary Education- Core Gateway College Inc., San Jose City, Nueva Ecija
⁵Bachelor of Elementary Education- Core Gateway College Inc., San Jose City, Nueva Ecija

Email for correspondence: ¹ ,

² , ³ ,
⁴ , ⁵

This study investigated the challenges encountered by student teachers of Bachelor of
Elementary Education during their practice teaching. Using total enumeration method, 31 student
teachers were profiled and investigated on the challenges they encountered. Utilizing a
quantitative research with descriptive approach, data was gathered through a survey
questionnaire distributed via Google Form. The three-part survey questionnaire consisting of the
student teacher socio-demographic profile, challenges encountered by the student teachers and
the strategies to cope with different challenges. The data collected were analyzed using
frequency, percentage, and mean. The study revealed that majority of the student teachers are
female with a range of 21-23 years old and handling higher grade levels. Also, it was found that
student teachers have difficulty in managing pupils behavior inside the classroom, limited time in
preparing instructional materials, with minor issues with their cooperating teacher, noises in the
school environment and struggles when it comes to transportation in going to their respective
internship school.

Keywords: Practice teaching, Cooperating teacher, Challenges, Student teacher, Internship school,
School environment, Strategies, Google forms

Teaching as a profession like any other profession has prescribed services it renders to
any human society. It is therefore; absolutely necessary for many individuals who went to
become a teacher to acquire skills and demands. Teaching practice is a vital aspect of teacher
preparatory program in teacher training institutions. It serves as an opportunity for student-
teachers to be exposed to the realities of teaching and professional activities in the field of
education (Okubia, E., et. al. 2013). Teaching internship programs are designed to smooth the
transition from student to teacher. At the same time the teaching internship assignment gives the
teacher training institutions an opportunity to evaluate the teaching capabilities of their soon-to-
graduate students Salviana (2018). Additionally, teaching practice is a fundamental component
of teacher education programs, not only because it provides student teachers with first-hand
experience, but also because it is an opportunity for them to put into action everything they have
learned about education and their subject matter (Jarrah, A.M. 2020).

Through detecting the challenges and difficulties experienced by preservice student

teachers could lead to a feasible way to improve the quality of the practicum and build positive
attitudes towards teaching careers. Such practices could lead to a well-designed teaching
practicum, which ensures that teacher training programs can produce high-quality teachers for
society (Imsa-ard, P. et. al. 2021).
This study is conceived to determine the challenges encountered by the student teachers
of Bachelor of Elementary Education of Core Gateway College Inc. during their internship.
Understanding the challenges encountered during internship can better prepare student teachers
for the realities of classroom teaching, leading to increased confidence and efficacy. Addressing
challenges identified in the study can lead to the refinement of teaching practices, ultimately
benefiting students' learning outcomes in the classroom. Additionally, by identifying and
addressing challenges faced by student teachers can contribute to the overall quality assurance of
teacher preparation programs, ensuring that graduates are better equipped for the demands of the
profession. Schools can use insights from the study to tailor professional development
opportunities for mentor teachers and faculty members, enhancing their ability to support and
guide student teachers effectively. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine the
challenges encountered of the student teachers during their internship.


The researchers used quantitative research with descriptive approach. Descriptive
research is defined as a research method that describes the characteristics of the population or
phenomenon that is being studied. This methodology focuses more on the “what” of the
research subject rather than the “why” of the research subject (Manjunatha, N. 2019). It is a
quantitative research method that attempts to collect quantifiable information for statistical
analysis of the population sample. It is a popular market research tool that allows us to collect
and describe the demographic segment’s nature. Additionally, the quantitative part assessed the
challenges encountered by student teachers during their internship base from their answer
toward the provided questionnaire by the researchers.
The researchers used a survey questionnaire as the main instrument for the study assisted
by google form application to measure the challenges encountered by the student teachers of
Bachelor of Elementary Education in Core Gateway College Inc. Using Google Forms as a
survey questionnaire for researching student teachers, who are challenging to locate due to their
busy internship schedules, offers a convenient and accessible method for data collection.
A total enumeration method was employed in the study, which involves the complete
enumeration of all the numbers of respondents within the scope of the study. That includes the
overall total of BEED 4th year student teachers which is thirty-four (34) respondents. Under
circumstances out of the 34 respondents, only 31 student teachers responded.
In treating the data on socio-demographic profile variables, frequency and percentage
were used. On the challenges encountered by the student teachers during their practice teaching
as well as the strategies to cope with different challenges, frequency and percentage were
Socio Demographic Profile of the Respondent
It focuses on the age, sex, civil status and grade level handled by the student teachers.

Table 1. Socio – Demographic of the Respondents

n = 31
27 – 29 3 9.68
24 – 26 2 6.45
21 – 23 26 83.87
Mean = 23 Sd = 1.89
Male 4 12.90
Female 27 87. 09
Civil Status
Single 30 96.77
Married 1 3.23
Grade level handled by the student teachers
Grade 1 5 16.13
Grade 2 2 6.45
Grade 3 5 16.13
Grade 4 4 12.91
Grade 5 6 19.35
Grade 6 9 29.03

The respondents mean age was 23 years old with a range of 21 – 23 years old, and
standard deviation of 1.89 which indicates that a narrow distribution exist in terms of
respondents’ age. Table also shows that the 5 respondents were above the mean age. Results
show that among 34 student teachers of Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEED) students,
only 31 of them responded and majority (87.09%) were females while (12.90%) were males.
Finding implies that there were more female students enrolled compared with their male
counterpart. Majority of the respondents who completed the survey were females. Most
(90.32%) of the respondents were single, and the one of them was married (3.23%). Most of the
respondents handled a Grade 6 pupils (29.03%) and the least Grade level handled was Grade 2
According to Blessinger, P. (2015) mature students over the age of 21 are more likely to
possess more effective approaches to study than younger students. It is suggested that older
students may have advantage in certain learning situations that involve students life experience.
Based on the study of Sebastian, M., Banate, R. & Saquin, M. (2022), it showed that
elementary teaching is still a female-dominated profession and students have only limited
encounters with male and/or father figures in elementary education. It was also observed that
male and female teachers share equal roles in reproductive, community, and leisure activities.
Challenges Encountered by the Student Teacher
It focuses on the challenges encountered by the student teacher particularly with their pupil,
preparation of instructional materials, challenges with their cooperating teacher, struggles within
the internship school environment and personal challenges met by the student teachers.

Table 2. Challenges encountered by the Student Teachers

Challenges of Student teachers with their pupils
I encountered pupils that lacks of punctuality to go to school. 2.61 Often
I encountered pupils who spoke different dialect. 2.19 Sometimes
I encountered pupils who have different behavior inside the
classroom. 3.32 Always

I encountered pupils that lack of participation in the class

discussion. 2.77 Often

I deal with big number of pupils in a classroom. 3.16 Often

Pooled Mean 2.81 Often

Challenges with preparation of instructional materials

I only have limited time to prepare instructional materials such
as lesson plans, and other equipment. 3.00 Often

I lack financial support in purchasing materials for teaching. 2.58 Often

I have too many teaching materials needed for the lesson.
2.56 Often

I lack learning resources such as, books, modules and facilities

in the internship school. 1.94 Sometimes

I lack creativity skills in preparing instructional materials.

2.23 Sometimes

Pooled Mean 2.46 Sometimes

Challenges with their cooperating teacher

I handle too many paperwork tasks assigned by the
cooperating teacher. 2.13 Sometimes

I lack support and guidance from the cooperating teacher

regarding teaching pupils. 1.94 Sometimes

I receive mixed feedback from the cooperating teacher after

class discussions. 2.42 Sometimes

I encounter a lack of communication from the cooperating

teacher. 1.90 Sometimes

I encounter cooperating teachers who lack suggestions for 1.84 Sometimes

improving the teaching-learning process.

Pooled Mean 2.05 Sometimes

Challenges met by student teachers within the internship
school environment
I encountered a lack of resources in the school, such as
facilities, technologies, and learning equipment. 1.90 Sometimes

I struggle with the classroom environment, particularly

regarding temperature. 2.42 Sometimes

I encountered distractions in the surroundings, such as noises. 2.71 Often

I encountered poor cleanliness in the surroundings, which can
lead to health issues. 2.00 Sometimes

I noticed a lack of student teacher quarters or space to stay and

work on school assignments. 2.03 Sometimes

Pooled Mean 2.21 Sometimes

Personal challenges met by the student teachers
I encountered difficulty in getting transport to the school of
2.23 Sometimes
internship school program.
I encountered difficulty in instilling discipline among pupils
2.19 Sometimes
when the teaching supervisor is not around.
I encountered difficulty in teaching the pupils because of lack
2.13 Sometimes
of confidence.
I encountered difficulty in delivering ideas with appropriate
2.13 Sometimes
words or terms.
I encountered difficulty in managing my time because of
2.23 Sometimes
Pooled Mean 2.18 Sometimes
Overall Mean 2.34 Sometimes
3.25 – 4.00 Always
2.50 – 3.24 Often
1.75 – 2.49 Sometimes
1.00 – 1.74 Never

Challenges of Student teachers with their pupils

Results show that challenges of student teachers with their pupils had the pooled mean of
2.81, described as “often”. This implies that respondents had encountered most challenges with
their pupils is the different behavior inside the classroom. Based on McGarr, O. (2021) these
challenges point to the need for pre-service teachers to experience aspects of challenging pupil
behavior in less pressurized environments, and where they can have the opportunities to make
mistakes without fear of negative impacts on their academic progression.
The item, “I encountered pupils who have different behavior inside the classroom” got
the highest mean of 3.32 described as “always”. The item “I countered pupils who spoke
different dialect.” got the lowest mean of 2.19 described as “sometimes”.
Challenges with preparation of instructional materials
Results show that challenges with preparation of instructional materials had the pooled
mean of 2.46, described as “sometimes”. This implies that the respondents encountered
challenges related to their time in preparing instructional materials such as lesson plans, and
other equipment. Based on the findings of Collantes, L. (2021), student teachers faced very
hectic schedules due to the different teaching assignments and extra assignments given by their
respective cooperating teachers. Because of their different tasks, they found little time in
preparing for their instructional materials.
The item, “I only have limited time to prepare instructional materials such as lesson
plans, and other equipment” got the highest mean of 3.00 described as “often”. The item “I lack
learning resources such as, books, modules and facilities in the internship school” got the lowest
mean of 1.94 described as “sometimes”.

Challenges with their cooperating teacher

Results show that challenges met by student teachers with their cooperating teacher had
the pooled mean of 2.05, described as “sometimes”. This implies that the respondents had
encountered challenges regarding with their cooperating teacher on receiving mixed feedbacks
after class discussions. According to Griofa and Ruairc (2013) often in conversations with
supervisors, mentor teachers, lecturers, teaching practice administrators and tutors, and affords
the student teacher valuable opportunities to seek and receive advice in an atmosphere of
The item, “I receive mixed feedback from the cooperating teacher after class
discussions.” got the highest mean of 2.42 described as “sometimes”. The item “I encounter
cooperating teachers who lack suggestions for improving the teaching-learning process.” got the
lowest mean of 1.84 described as “sometimes”.

Challenges met by student teachers within the internship school environment

Results show that challenges met by student teachers within the internship school
environment had the pooled mean of 2.21, described as “sometimes”. This implies that the
respondents encountered challenges regarding to the distraction in the surroundings. The study
Pervaiz, A., et. al. (2024) show that unusual noise distractions impact students’ learning and
distraction concentration, which affects cognitive development and hinders effective
communication between teachers and students, leading to anxiety and waste of time and energy.
The item, “I encountered distractions in the surroundings, such as noises” got the highest
mean of 2.71 described as “often”. The item “I encountered a lack of resources in the school,
such as facilities, technologies, and learning equipment” got the lowest mean of 1.90 described
as “sometimes”.

Personal challenges met by the student teachers

Results show that personal challenges met by the student teachers had the pooled mean of
3.22, described as “agree”. This implies that the respondents encountered a personal challenges
specifically in getting transportation. Distance to school may influence student performance
through a variety of factors associated with long- distance travel to and from school (Thomas,
2016). Students travelling substantial distances to school would be exposed to longer time spent
in transit, which may detract from the time they can spend on homework or preparing for the
next day of school.
The items, “I encountered difficulty in getting transport to the school of internship school
program” and “I encountered difficulty in managing my time because of workload” got the
highest mean of 2.23 described as “sometimes”. The item “I encountered difficulty in teaching
the pupils because of lack of confidence” and “I encountered difficulty in delivering ideas with
appropriate words or terms” got the lowest mean of 2.13 described as “sometimes”.

Strategies to cope with different challenges

It focuses on the strategies for student teachers with their pupils, preparation for
instructional materials, strategies when it comes to cooperating teacher, within the internship
school environment and strategies for personal challenges met by the student teachers.
Table 3. Strategies to cope with different challenges
Strategies for the challenges of Student teachers with their
Implement a rewards system for punctuality to incentivize Agree
students to arrive on time consistently. 3.16

Embrace cultural diversity by incorporating multilingual

teaching strategies and fostering a supportive learning 3.29 Strongly Agree

Establish clear behavioral expectations and consistent

consequences, while also encouraging positive relationships 3.45 Strongly Agree
and understanding the main reasons of behaviors.

Incorporate interactive teaching methods and create a safe

space for students to express their thoughts, encouraging 3.48 Strongly Agree
participation in class discussions.

Utilize cooperative learning strategies, group work, and

classroom routines to effectively manage and engage a large 3.42 Strongly Agree
number of students.

Pooled Mean 3.36 Strongly Agree

Strategies for challenges with the preparation of
instructional materials
Focus on creating versatile lesson plans that require minimal
materials and maximize student engagement. 3.23 Agree

Explore budget-friendly options like reusing materials,

seeking donations, or accessing free resources online. 3.26 Strongly Agree

Focus on quality over quantity by selecting a few impactful

materials and adapting them for various learning styles. 3.35 Strongly Agree

Utilize digital resources and adapt lesson plans to

accommodate resource limitations. 3.23 Agree

Seek inspiration from online platforms, attend workshops on 3.29 Strongly Agree
instructional design, and gradually build creativity through
experimentation and practice.

Pooled Mean 3.27 Strongly Agree

Strategies for challenges with their cooperating teacher

Prioritize paperwork tasks based on a deadline and discuss
workload concerns with the cooperating teacher for potential 3.10 Agree

Initiate open communication with the cooperating teacher to

express the need for support and guidance in teaching 3.52 Strongly Agree

Seek clarification from the cooperating teacher to understand

feedback and address areas for improvement. 3.42 Strongly Agree

To ensure clarity and connection, communicate with the

cooperating teacher via email or face-to-face discussions. 3.48 Strongly Agree

Initiate discussions with the cooperating teacher to brainstorm

ideas for enhancing the teaching-learning process. 3.45 Strongly Agree

Pooled Mean 3.39 Strongly Agree

Strategies for addressing challenges met by student teachers
within the internship school environment
Collaborate with school administrators to source alternative
resources or seek community donations to supplement lacking 3.13 Agree

Ask for adjustments to the classroom temperature or utilize

fans and windows for ventilation to create a more comfortable 2.90 Agree
learning environment.

Implement noise reduction strategies like seating

rearrangements or quiet hours to minimize distractions. 3.19 Agree

Engage in community clean-up efforts and communicate

concerns about cleanliness to school staff for quick action. 3.29 Strongly Agree

Request dedicated student teacher spaces from school

administration or utilize shared spaces during off-hours for 2.97 Agree
work and study.

Pooled Mean 3.10 Agree

Strategies for personal challenges met by the student
Coordinate with classmates or explore alternative
transportation options to ensure reliable travel to the internship 3.35 Strongly Agree
Implement consistent classroom rules and consequences to
maintain discipline even in the absence of the teaching 3.35 Strongly Agree
Build confidence through practice, self-reflection, and seeking
3.45 Strongly Agree
support from mentors or colleagues.
Prepare and rehearse presentations beforehand, and utilize
3.39 Strongly Agree
visual aids to enhance clarity in delivering ideas.
Prioritize tasks, create a daily schedule, and assign 3.52 Strongly Agree
responsibilities when possible, to effectively manage time and
Pooled Mean 3.41 Strongly Agree
Overall Mean 3.31 Strongly Agree
3.25 – 4.00 Strongly Agree
2.50 – 3.24 Agree
1.75 – 2.49 Disagree
1.00 – 1.74 Strongly Disagree

Strategies for the challenges of Student teachers with their pupils

Results show that strategies for the challenges of student teachers with their pupils had
the pooled mean of 3.36, described as “strongly agree”. This implies that the majority of the
respondents strongly agreed to the possible strategies for the challenges of student teachers with
their pupils precisely in encouraging participation in class discussion. Based on Tok (2010), that
the most important problems that student teachers experience are “motivating students,
communicating with students and managing students”. The reason for this may be that student
teachers are not viewed as real teachers by learner. It also conforms to the findings of Saricoban
(2010) that student teachers reported that their students lack interest in learning.
The item, “Incorporate interactive teaching methods and create a safe space for students
to express their thoughts, encouraging participation in class discussions” got the highest mean of
3.48 described as “strongly agree”. The item “Implement a rewards system for punctuality to
incentivize students to arrive on time consistently” got the lowest mean of 3.16 described as

Strategies for challenges with the preparation of instructional materials

Results show that strategies for challenges with the preparation of instructional materials
had the pooled mean of 3.27, described as “strongly agree”. This implies that the majority of the
respondents strongly agreed to the possible strategies for the challenges of student teachers with
the preparation of instructional materials. According to Tok, (2016) leaning and teaching can be
improved by effective selection and use of instructional materials because they appeal to human
senses. Lessons delivered with the use of suitable teaching aid motivate pupils to learn and
remember what is learnt when there is a recall.
The item, “Focus on quality over quantity by selecting a few impactful materials and
adapting them for various learning styles” got the highest mean of 3.35 described as “strongly
agree”. The item “Focus on creating versatile lesson plans that require minimal materials and
maximize student engagement” and “Utilize digital resources and adapt lesson plans to
accommodate resource limitations” got the lowest mean of 3.23 described as “agree”.

Strategies for challenges with their cooperating teacher

Results show that strategies for challenges with their cooperating teacher had the pooled
mean of 3.39, described as “strongly agree”. This implies that the majority of the respondents
strongly agreed to the possible strategies for the challenges of the student teachers with their
cooperating teacher. In the study of Boikhutso (2013), school based mentors are appointed at
school level for every student. These are qualified and experienced classroom teachers who
assume multi-faceted roles of support toward the students to ensure that work integrated learning
is achieved and make students feel they part of the school. Students should at the end of their
teaching practice duration be motivated to take up the teaching profession because of the
constant guidance they receive from their mentors.
The item, “Initiate open communication with the cooperating teacher to express the need
for support and guidance in teaching methods” got the highest mean of 3.52 described as
“strongly agree”. The item “Prioritize paperwork tasks based on a deadline and discuss workload
concerns with the cooperating teacher for potential adjustments” got the lowest mean of 3.10
described as “agree”.

Strategies for addressing challenges met by student teachers within the internship school
Results show that strategies for addressing challenges met by student teachers within the
internship school environment had the pooled mean of 3.10, described as “agree”. This implies
that the majority of the respondents agreed to the possible strategies for the challenges of the
student teachers within their internship school environment. Based on MacCutcheon, D. (2021).
The redesign of learning spaces to accommodate such a paradigmatic shift in teaching methods
has not yet happened in most schools globally, although change is on the horizon in the form of
innovative learning environments (ILEs).
The item, “Engage in community clean-up efforts and communicate concerns about
cleanliness to school staff for quick action” got the highest mean of 3.29 described as “strongly
agree”. The item “Ask for adjustments to the classroom temperature or utilize fans and windows
for ventilation to create a more comfortable learning environment” got the lowest mean of 2.90
described as “agree”.

Strategies for personal challenges met by the student teachers

Results show that strategies for personal challenges met by the student teachers had the
pooled mean of 3.41, described as “strongly agree”. This implies that the majority of the
respondents strongly agreed to the possible strategies for the personal challenges of the student
teachers particularly in managing their time. This result is similar to Nasir & Zafar (2018) that
student teachers had challenges in managing their class time. That is, distributing appropriate
time for each activity.
The item, “Prioritize tasks, create a daily schedule, and assign responsibilities when
possible, to effectively manage time and workload” got the highest mean of 3.52 described as
“strongly agree”. The item “Coordinate with classmates or explore alternative transportation
options to ensure reliable travel to the internship school” and “Implement consistent classroom
rules and consequences to maintain discipline even in the absence of the teaching supervisor” got
the lowest mean of 3.35 described as “strongly agree”.

The study's findings revealed that the majority of the student teachers were between 21
and 23 years old, with 27 females and 4 males. Thirty are single, and one is married. The survey
also found that the higher grade levels (Grades 6 and 5) were the most handled by student
teachers, while grade 2 pupils were the least handled. The results of the questionnaire showed
that there are some challenges encountered by the student teachers during their practice teaching.
Those challenges are indicated in the previous part that includes: challenges encountered by
student teachers during their internship in terms of the pupils, preparation of instructional
materials; cooperating teacher; within the internship school environment; and personal
challenges met by the student teachers.
The study revealed that the most challenges encountered by student teachers is related to
pupils behavior inside the classroom, indicating that this challenge is experienced always. This
highlights the importance of managing pupils behavior on the teaching and learning process. In
terms of instructional materials the most common challenge they encountered was, they only
have limited time to prepare instructional materials such as lesson plans, and other equipment. It
shows that the student teachers must apply time management to balance and maintain the quality
of their teaching materials. The interaction between cooperating teachers revealed that they have
only minimal challenges encountered which means most of the time they are guided by their
cooperating teacher. The environmental challenges within the internship school revealed that the
distractions in the surroundings particularly the noises were often encountered by the student
teachers. On this regard student teachers are suggested to implement strategies to minimize the
distractions and apply proper seating arrangement inside the classroom. Moreover, personal
challenges including difficulty of getting transportation to the school of internship program and
difficulty managing of time because of workload was the most encountered by the student
teachers. This indicates that student teachers are suggested with alternative options to ensure
reliable transportation to go to their internship school. Hence, there is a need for them to learn
how to manage time effectively, prioritizing task creating a daily schedule and assigning
responsibilities when possible to effectively balance their time and workload.

For student teachers to achieve their goal of becoming an effective and efficient teacher,
they must overcome the challenges of teaching and learning process. Meeting significant people
will play different roles during internship. Roles to fully achieve their full potential and be
prepared and effective in the workplace. Based on the result of the research and discussion,
majority of the student teachers are females that ranges of 21-23 years old handling higher grade
levels which is Grade 5-6 pupils. It also shows that student teachers encountered several
challenges in their practice teaching because of some factors such as challenges with their pupils,
instructional materials, cooperating teacher, internship school environment and personal
challenges. Particularly, most of the challenges encountered by the student teachers were
difficulties in managing pupils behavior inside the classroom, limited time in preparing
instructional materials, with minor issues with their cooperating teacher, noises in the school
environment and struggles when it comes to transportation in going to their respective internship
Addressing these challenges doesn’t mean to point out the lacks and the problems that are
encountered by the student teachers. Because of these challenges student teachers may improve
their skills in the field of teaching by the strategies that are given to use in teaching to have an
effective learning and teaching process. Without adversity, people would learn or grow as
Based on the findings of the study, it shows that student teachers face various challenges
during their practice teaching. To address these challenges, it’s recommended that student
teachers implement strategies to resolve those challenges. With respect to the research findings,
the researchers wants to suggest the following recommendations: establish clear behavioral
expectations and consistent consequences, while also encouraging positive relationships and
understanding the main reasons of behavior to ensure that student teachers can handle or manage
different behaviors of pupils inside the classroom; to manage their time, student teachers must
focus on creating versatile lesson plans that require minimal materials; open communication
between cooperating teachers to address areas for improvement; appropriate seating
arrangements should be made by the student teachers to reduce the noises and minimize
distractions; and when it comes to difficulties in getting transportation in going to respective
internship school, student teachers are recommended to coordinate with their fellow student
teachers for alternative transportation options to ensure reliable travel to the internship school.
For future researchers, the findings of this study can provide valuable insights into
various challenges faced by student teachers. These insights might serve as a foundation for
further exploration of different factors that student teachers encountered, allowing for a deeper
understanding and potential solutions to enhance the experience and effectiveness of student


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