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Time Speed and Distance


Terms Unit
Distance Kilometres , Metres , Miles
Time Hours , Minutes , Seconds
Speed Km/hour , Mitre/minute , Mile/hour
Proportionality Concept
Constant Relationship Formula
Time Speed ∞ Distance

Speed Time ∞ Distance

Distance Speed ∞ 1/Time

The ratio of time taken by Jodha and Akbar to travel from their home to a Palace is 6:5.
Then, what will be the ratio of their speed?
Distance is constant. Therefore -- Speed ∞ 1/Time

Jodha Akbar
Average Speed

Travelling at a Mean Average Speed, a and b are

speed, where the speeds
following are
Time Arithmetic
Distance Harmonic Mean
Bhagyashree travels from her home to college at 30km/hr and returns to her home at 40
km/hr. What is the average speed for the entire journey?
Ashok covered a distance of 225 km as follows. He covered the first 15 km at 45
km/hr, the next 120 km at 60 km/hr and the remaining journey at 90 km/hr.
Find his average speed for the journey of 225 km.
(a) 65 km/hr (b) 67.5 km/hr (c) 70 km/hr (d) 73.5 km/hr
Walking at (4/7)th of his usual speed , He will reach the market 18 minutes late. What is
the usual time taken by you to reach the market ?
A. 20 minutes
B. 24 minutes
C. 25 minutes
D. 30 minutes
What is the distance between Alankar’s house and office, if he will reach office late by 20 minutes, traveling at
10 km/hr and will reach early by 15 minutes, traveling at 15 km/hr?
14.5 km
17.5 km
16.5 kmd
15 km
What is the average speed if a man drives 3 hours at 60 km/hr and the next 6 hours at 50 km/hr.?
55 km/hr
52.5 km/hr
53.33 km/hr
56.67 km/hr
Two cyclists do the same journey by travelling at 9 km/hr and 10 km/hr respectively. Find the distance
travelled when one takes 32 minutes longer than the other.
44 km
48 km
50 km
46 km
A car during its journey travels 30 minutes at a speed of 40 km/hr, another 45 minutes at a speed of 60 km/hr
and 2 hours at a speed of 70 km/hr. Find its average speed (approximately).
50 km/hr
63 km/hr
55.5 km/hr
48 km/hr
Walking at 5/7th of his usual speed, Kapil reaches the college 6 min late. Find Kapil’s usual time to reach college.

15 min
10 min
5 min
8 min
Train A leaves from P to Q. Half an hour later train B leaves for P from Q. Two hours after A had started, the trains
meet. A has covered 50 % more distance than train B when they meet. What is the ratio of the speeds of train A to
train B?
A. 6 : 5
B. 5:6
C. 9:8
D. 8:9
A train moves at a speed, which is 50% more than the speed of a car. Both start from the point P simultaneously and
arrive at a point Q, 120 km away from P at the same time. While on the way, however, the train lost about half an hour
while taking halt at the stations. The speed of the car is
120 kmph
75 kmph
80 kmph
60 kmph
A man is walking at a speed of 15 km per hour. After every kilometre, he takes rest for 3 minutes. How much time will
he take to cover a distance of 4 km?
35 minutes
25 minutes
30 minutes
45 minutes
A man covers a certain distance on a toy train. If the train moved 4 km/hr faster, it would have taken 30 minutes
less. If it moved 2 km/hr slower, it would have taken 20 minutes more. Find the distance.
60 km
50 km
72 km
Normally it takes 3 hours for a train to run from A to B. One day, due to a minor trouble the train had to reduce the
speed by 12 km/hr and so it took ¾ of an hour more than usual. What is the distance from A to B?
240 km
160 km
150 km
180 km
Two cats, C1 and C2 running from point X to Y, a distance of 27 km at 5 km/hr and 4 km/hr
respectively. C1 reaches Y and immediately returns and meet C2 at W. What is the distance
of XW?
A. 24
B. 25
C. 26
D. 30
Phebe fires a gun at 01:30 a.m. when Chandler starts on his car towards Phebe. Phebe
fires it second time after 10 minutes and 30 seconds but Chandler hears the second shot
10 minutes after hearing the first shot. What was Chandler’s speed in kmph, if the speed
of sound in air is 330 m/s?
A. 19.8
B. 59.4
C. 58.6
D. 111.8
Relative Speed
Case 1.
When bodies are moving in the same direction
Relative Speed = Difference of their speed (|S1-S2|)
Case 2.
When bodies are moving in the opposite direction
P (S1)
Relative Speed = Sum of their speed (S1 + S2)
Time taken by the Formula
train to cross the
A stationary man or a
Platform or
stationary object
Two moving train T1
& T2, where s1 & s2
are the speed of the
A train crosses a pole in 30 sec, travelling with a speed of 72 km/hr. While the time taken to
cross a platform is 85 sec. Find the length of platform.
Two trains A & B, travelling towards each other with the speed of 80km/hr and 64 km/hr,
respectively. If the length of A is 500 metres and for B is 900 metres, then how much time
will A & B take to cross each other?
Q: A train traveling at the speed of 80 kmph leaves Ambala at 10.30 a.m. and another train
traveling at the speed of 95 kmph at 1.30 p.m. leaves Ambala, travelling in the same direction.
After how many km from Ambala will they be together?
1760 km
1280 km
1520 km
1440 km
Q: Train A leaves Mumbai for Pune at 5:30 a.m. and reaches Pune at 9:30 a.m. Train B leaves Pune for
Mumbai at 7:30 a.m. and reaches Mumbai at 13:30 hrs. At what time will these two trains meet?
A. 7:42 a.m.
B. 8:42 a.m.
C. 9:12 a.m.
D. 8:48 a.m.
Find the time taken to cover the distance from Delhi to Agra, a distance of 360
km, by the Shatabdi express moving at 20 m/s.
3 hours
4 hours
5 hours
6 hours
Q: A train without stoppages travels at the rate of 50 km per hour and with stoppages travels at the
rate of 45 km an hour. How many minutes does the train stop on an average per hour?
6 min
10 min
5 min
8 min
A thief running at 8 km/hr is chased by a policeman whose speed is 10 km/hr. If the thief is 100 metres
ahead of the policeman, then the time required for the policeman to catch the thief will be :
2 minutes
3 minutes
6 minutes
10 minutes
Boat and Streams
Upstream Speed(against the current) = v
Speed = Boat speed in still water - Speed of current
Downstream Speed (along the current) = u
Speed = Boat speed in still water + Speed of current
Speed of Boat in still water(x)
x = ½ (u+v)
Speed of stream(y)
Y = ½ (u-v)
Total Time of Boating (T)
T = Upstream time + Down Stream Time = D/v + D/u = D/(x-y) + D/(x+y)
A boat moves in opposite direction to that of current at a speed of 12 km/hr. If the speed of
current is 16 km/hr, then what is the speed of boat in still water?

Upstream Speed = Speed of boat in still water - Speed of current

A man takes 2.2 times as long to row a distance upstream as to row the same distance
downstream. If he can row 55 km downstream in 2 hour 30 minutes, what is the speed of
the boat in the still water?
– 40 km/h
– 8 km/h
– 16 km/h
– 24 km/h
The speed of the boat in still water is 5 times that of current, it takes 1.1 hour to row to point B from point A
downstream. The distance between point A and point B is 13.2 km. How much distance (in km) will it cover in
312 minutes upstrem?
A. 43.2
B. 48
C. 41.6
D. 44.8
On a river , Q is the mid - point between two points P and R on the same bank of the river. A boat can go from P
to Q and back in 12 hours, and from P to R in 16 hours 40 minutes. How long would it take to go from R to P?
The speed of a boat along the stream is 12 km/hr and against the
stream is 8 km/hr. The time taken by the boat to sail 24 km in still
water is?
2 hrs
3 hrs
2.4 hrs
1.2 hrs
A motorboat in still water travels at a speed of 36 km/hr. It goes 56 km upstream
in 1 hour 45 monutes. The time taken by it to cover the same distance down
the stream will be-
1 hour 24 minutes
2 hour 21 minutes
2 hour 25 minutes
3 hour
Practice Question
Ram and Laxman are travelling from Ghaziabad and Lucknow respectively. They start
simultaneously towards towards each other at a speed of 46 km/hr and 34 km/hr. If the
distance between Ghaziabad and Lucknow is 560 km. Then at what till will they meet each
A. 6 hr
B. 7 hr
C. 8 hr
D. 10 hr
Car A trails car B by 50 meters. Car B travels at 45km/hr. Car C travels from the opposite
direction at 54km/hr. Car C is at a distance of 220 meters from Car B. If car A decides to
overtake Car B before cars B and C cross each other, what is the minimum speed at which
car A must travel?

A. 36 km/hr
B. 45 km/hr
C. 67.5 km/hr
D. 18 km/hr
Amrit and Tanya starts from two different places, towards each other at the same time and
meet each other after 4 hours. If Amrit travelled with 66.66% of his speed and Tanya
travelled with 200% of her speed, they would meet after 3 hours. What is the speed of Amrit
if the distance between the two places are 48 kms.
A. 5 km/hr
B. 6km/hr
C. 10km/hr
D. 12km/hr
Two ducks P and Q swim towards each other from two places, 48 km apart. Speed of the
duck P and Q in still water are 7km/hr and 9km/hr, respectively. If A proceed downs and Q
up the stream, they will meet after?
A. 2 hrs
B. 3 hrs
C. 4 hrs
D. 5 hrs
A crocodile can swim in at a speed of 7.5 km/hr in still water. If the ratio of the time taken
by him to swim up as to swim down is 2:1, then what will be the speed of current?
A train approaches a tunnel AB. Inside the tunnel is a cat located at a point that is 3/8 of
the distance AB measured from the entrance A. When the train whistles, the cat runs. If
the cat moves to the entrance of the tunnel A, the train catches the cat exactly at the
entrance. If the cat moves to the exit B, the train catches the cat exactly at the exit. The
speed of the train is greater than the speed of the cat by what order ?

A. 3:1
B. 4:1
C. 5:1
D. None of these
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