DLP Biology F4 Answers Chap 8 (Final)

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• During exhalation, the abdominal muscles

CHAPTER 8 RESPIRATORY SYSTEMS contract. This increases the internal pressure of
IN HUMANS AND ANIMALS the trachea forcing air out through the spiracle.

Formative Practice 8.1 3 • F

 ishes have filaments and gills as their
respiratory structures while humans have alveoli.
1 • T
 he large number of alveoli provides a large • The respiratory tract/opening of fish is the mouth
surface area for gaseous diffusion. and operculum while in humans, it is the nose.
• The inner lining of alveoli is always moist and
enables respiratory gases dissolve in it 4 • T
 he external intercostal muscles contract, the
• The alveoli are covered with a dense network internal intercostal muscles relax.
of blood capillary that speeds up the diffusion of • The action causes the rib cage to move upwards
respiratory gases. and outwards.
• The alveolus wall is only one-cell thick, which • At the same time, the diaphragm muscles
eases gas diffusion contract and the diaphragm is lowered and
2 A frog’s skin is very thin, constantly moist and • Both movements cause the volume of the
densely supplied with a network of blood thoracic cavity to increase and its pressure to
capillaries. decrease.
3 • T
 he large number of tracheoles provides a large • The higher atmospheric pressure outside forces
surface area for gaseous exchange. air into the lungs.
• Each body cell in an insect is supplied with a
tracheole. Formative Practice 8.3
• The walls of tracheoles are thin and constantly 1 The partial pressure of oxygen is 160 mm Hg.
2 Carbon dioxide is transported in the form
• The ends of tracheoles have permeable walls
of bicarbonate ion, carbonic acid and
and contain fluids that enable respiratory
gases to dissolve and diffuse in and out of the
respiratory surfaces.  hen bicarbonate ions (HCO3–) in the blood
3 • W
plasma reach the lung capillaries, they diffuse
4 Damaged gills reduce the total surface area again into the erythrocytes.
available for an efficient gaseous exchange. Thus
• The bicarbonate ions combine with hydrogen
the fish may die due to a lack of oxygen.
ions (H+) to form carbonic acid (H2CO3).
Formative Practice 8.2 • Carbonic acid (H2CO3) then dissociates into
carbon dioxide and water.
1 Spiracles are air pores that connect the respiratory • Carbon dioxide diffuses out from the lung
structure of insects with the external environment. capillaries into the alveoli, and is expelled during
2 • D
 uring inhalation, the abdominal muscles relax exhalation.
and the spiracle valves open. This reduces the
internal pressure of the trachea causing air to be 4 Oxygen is transported in the form of
drawn into the trachea through the spiracle. oxyhaemoglobin.

1 Biology Form 4

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Formative Practice 8.4 6 Less air is inhaled and exhaled, making breathing
difficult. Air trapped in the alveoli may cause the
1 Bronchioles become inflamed, swollen and clogged.
alveoli to burst, producing a large air space in
2 The bronchiole walls swell and thicken. The the alveoli. This means less total surface area for
opening of bronchiole tube becomes smaller and gaseous exchange.
the airway becomes narrower.
7 (a) P: alveoli/lung, Q: gills
3 Inhaler reduces inflammation and opens up the
(b) • W
 hen the mouth opens, the floor of the
bronchiole tubes so that air can flow easily.
mouth cavity is lowered. At the same
4 The alveoli walls become damaged. The surface time, the operculum cavity enlarges
area of the alveoli is reduced and gaseous and the operculum closes. This reduces
exchange becomes less efficient. the pressure in the mouth cavity. Water
containing dissolved oxygen from outside
Summative Practice 8 enters the mouth.
1 Each cell in an insect’s body is supplied with a • When the mouth closes, the floor of the
tracheole that directly enters the cell to enable mouth cavity is raised up. Water flows
gaseous exchange. through the gill’s lamellae and gaseous
exchange occurs between the blood and
2 Amphibians do not have rib cage and diaphragm water by diffusion. At the same time, the
to help in the expansion and compression of the operculum muscles relax and the operculum
lungs. cavity becomes smaller. The volume of the
3 Breathing becomes difficult because the volume mouth cavity is reduced resulting in a higher
and air pressure of the thoracic cavity cannot be pressure in the mouth cavity compared to
increased nor decreased. the pressure outside. The high pressure
forces water to flow out through the opening
4 The increase in the rate of heartbeat causes of the operculum.
oxygenated blood to flow to cells at a faster rate. • The surface of P and Q is always moist
This enables cellular respiration to occur at a faster because they are covered in a film of fluid
rate to supply extra energy required during the state that helps respiratory gases to dissolve.
of panic. At the same time, carbon dioxide can be The large number of respiratory structures
expelled at a faster rate. provides a large total surface area to volume
5 (a) • T
 he heat generated from cigarettes dries ratio for respiratory gaseous exchange.
up the tracheal wall and damages cilia. The • The rate of oxygen supply to all cells in
cilia produce more mucus. the human body is high because humans
• Coughing is a reflex action to expel mucus. have diaphragm and intercostal muscles
Cigarette smoke damages the alveoli, to aid in the breathing mechanism. These
reducing the total surface area for gaseous are not found in fish. Besides, humans
exchange. This causes emphysema. have a muscular heart that is able to pump
oxygenated blood to the whole body faster.
(b) Lung cancer is caused by carcinogens that
induce the growth of cancer cells. Essay Questions
(c) Tar that is deposited on the surface of alveoli, 8 Similarities:
blackens them, reduces the efficiency of
• The respiratory surface is moist to dissolve
gaseous exchange and may cause cancer.
oxygen for diffusion.
Biology Form 4 2

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• The respiratory surface is thin for fast gas 9 (a) • A
 ir is inhaled when the external intercostal
diffusion. muscles contract and the internal intercostal
• The respiratory surface has a large ratio of total muscles relax.
surface area to volume that allows more gases to • This action causes the rib cage to rise
diffuse through it. upwards and outwards.
Differences: • At the same time, the diaphragm muscles
contract, lowering and flattening the
Humans Insects diaphragm.
System/organ: lungs System/organ: tracheal • The volume of the thoracic cavity increases
system while the pressure decreases, and air is
drawn into the lungs due to the higher
Air enters the trachea Air enters the trachea atmospheric pressure on the outside.
through the nostrils through the spiracles
(b) • T
 he higher CO2 partial pressure in body
The nasal cavity does Spiracles have valves
cells compared to that of the tissue
not have any valves
capillaries causes CO2 to diffuse from body
The trachea branches The trachea branches cells into blood plasma.
into bronchus/bronchi into tracheoles • A small portion of carbon dioxide blood
Bronchus/bronchi end Tracheoles have dead- plasma is dissolved and another portion is
in alveoli ends transported by the haemoglobin.
Gaseous exchange Gaseous exchange • Most of the carbon dioxide diffuses into the
occurs in the alveoli occurs in the red blood cells (erythrocytes).
tracheoles • In the erythrocytes, carbon dioxide
combines with water to form carbonic acid
The trachea is The trachea is
supported by cartilage supported by chitin
rings to prevent rings • Carbonic acid dissociates to bicarbonate
collapse ions (HCO3–) and hydrogen ions.
Alveoli is covered in The tracheoles are not • HCO3– diffuses into the blood plasma and
a network of blood covered with blood is carried to the lungs. HCO3– ions then
capillaries capillaries but come combine with H+ to form carbonic acid
into direct contact with (H2CO3).
body cells • Carbonic acid then dissociates to produce
carbon dioxide and water.
Oxygen is transported Oxygen diffuses
to body cells through directly from the • The high in the lung capillaries as opposed
blood tracheole to body cells to the low CO2 partial pressure in the
alveoli causes CO2 to diffuse from the lung
Gaseous exchange Gaseous exchange is capillaries into the alveoli and subsequently,
is facilitated by facilitated by abdominal expelled through exhalation.
intercostal muscles muscles
and diaphragm

3 Biology Form 4

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Enrichment inhale at the sea surface and hold their breath
when submerging. Apart from keeping a high
10 Frog is the most suitable animal as an indicator
concentration of oxygen in their blood and muscles,
of air pollution level. Although the frog possesses
body metabolism and heartbeat is reduced
a pair of lungs, the main respiratory organ is the
when whales dive. The arteries in some parts
skin. Unlike the heart, the air that diffuses through
also constrict to reduce blood circulation to that
the skin is not filtered. Therefore, air pollution may
particular part to save oxygen consumption. The
cause the skin to be clogged by tiny particles.
saved oxygen is channelled to other important body
Clogged skin reduces the efficiency of gaseous
parts such as the heart, sensory organs and brain.
exchange and cause death to the frog. Thus, frogs
In this way, a whale is able to hold its breath for
are more sensitive to air pollution compared to
approximately 50 minutes before rising to the sea
other vertebrates.
surface to breathe.
11 Whales are able to store a very high concentration
of oxygen in their blood and muscles. They

Biology Form 4 4

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