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Chapter One


1.1 Introduction

Natural resource elements are associated with day-to-day activities such as rainfall
and sun light which is having both positive as well as negative impact on our lives and
property. The sun emits ultraviolet energy which is one of the sources for vitamin D,
staggering the growth of oncogenes and also used by plants during photosynthesis which
is indirectly source of food for all living creature. Rainfall also having its very negative
impact and such as destruction and damage of nursery bed herbs or plants and various
ornamental flowers, skin disorder in humans, fever and sickness, and increase in mortality
of living stocks [1]. in open spaces where there is little shelter, such as in parks, farms and
markets, having automatic and permanently placed shelter in these areas can be very
helpful and could be a good way of collecting rain water.

The Purpose of this research is chosen to improve the design of the preexisting
shelter. Automatic sensor shelter can be used during rainy, summer, snow fall and dense
foggy season. It can helpful to not only save the life of cloth, the vegetables and fruits
but in some situations also save the human life [2]. And also hope in the future it shall
connects with Local Meteorological Network to be compatible with smart cities, and
applied to the Agricultural and livestock areas that suffer from drought or lack of

The vision is to make an optimize structure which is of low cost that fulfills the
need of the people working in open areas. The main function of an automated shelter is
protection from sunlight. This shelter meets these needs by using multiple sensors and a
set of DC motors to automatically sense raindrops and gives a signal to the pinion
attached to a motor. The rotating of the motor is responsible of opening and closing of
the shelter. The shelter is shaped in a way that allows it to collect rain water with can be
used in different applications, the equipment which is to be developed should be
economical and easy to use. So that implementation of it can be done on larger areas [3].

1.2 Statement of the Problem
The problem which is faced by people in day-to-day life is the extreme condition
of weather that leads to immense number of problems in our lives; High temperatures
negatively affect human movement in open spaces, which impedes the failure to
complete activities and tasks in an excellent manner. Likewise, rainfall leads to the
destruction of many tools such as devices, important papers, and the collapse of the
building’s infrastructure and corridors. Specifically, we face this problem in the
university, with the high temperature and rainfall impeding the movement of students,
professors, and staff, and affecting performance as required.

1.3 Significance of the Study

This project mainly directed to the university’s campus to protect the students,
staff and infrastructure and has unique design with water and has water and heat proof
material that can live for a long lifecycle, and the chief of service can follow the status
of it any were at any time, and can be implemented in governmental and private facilities,
gardens and playgrounds.

1.4 Objectives

1.4.1 Main objective

This project aims to make a smart shelter implement and developed Automatic
rainwater and heat sensing shelter in university campuses open areas to avoid bad weather
due to its functionality and Simple unique design. It is very important for modern societies
to avoid the risk of rainfall and high temperature for Students and university Staff.

1.4.2 Specific Objectives

• To design the circuit of the smart shelter system.

• Create a microcontroller program to receive data from sensor and analysis
sensors da weather and send it to microcontroller.
• According to this data the system will open and close the shelter by motor.

• Sends the information to observer through an SMS by using the GSM module.

1.5 Thesis Outlines

This chapter will include the introduction of the project and the problem that face the
researcher and main goal of the project and what is the objective steps that is going to
solve it and the significant of study.

• Chapter Two

This chapter will include digest/outline of historical view and general information
about the component of the project and the Review of Related Literatures and Studies
to present the similarities and differences this project.

• Chapter Three

This chapter will include the methodology of the project and how this project will
create and develop.

• Chapter Four
This chapter will include the results and design of the project based on the weather

• Chapter Five

This chapter will include the conclusion of the project and the recommendation to
make it more effective.

1.6 Definitions of Terms:

WSN: is a network comprising of various sensor nodes that are highly energy
efficient used in various applications now a days.

GSM: is a digital mobile network that is widely used by mobile phone users in
Europe and other parts of the world.

H-Bridge: An H-bridge is built of four switches that control the flow of current to a load,
normally its compatible with a microcontroller, such as an Arduino, to control motors to
move either forward or backward by connecting two sets of switches. Using one current
source, you can drive current in two directions by closing two switches.

Chapter Two
Literature Review

2.1 Historical Fundamental

In this chapter we will talk generally about the main concept and we will discuss it
in details.

2.1.1 Umbrella

The umbrella has been around for almost 4000 years… first discovered in the
historical Mesopotamia region in Western Asia. In those distant times, the sun was a
more threatening enemy than the rain, which is why the mighty parasol emerged to
protect against this threat, these emergent umbrellas were first made of palm leaves,
papyrus and peacock feathers and they were exclusively reserved for the upper class in
ancient Egypt and the Mesopotamia region. Although, this product was so heavy it often
required people to carry it. Parasols were also present in medieval China, where they
were made out of bamboo sticks, and covered with leaves and feathers, from parasols to
umbrellas In French, ‘paraplegia’ means umbrella, with ‘para’ meaning protection.
Whereas in English,

Umbrella has the Latin stem ‘umbra’ meaning shadow so has a direct link to its
predecessor, the parasol, it was only by the 16th century that the umbrella as we know it
became a reality. The decisive moment when oil and wax covers replaced the status quo
covers on parasols. It is from this moment that the umbrella became an item to protect
against bad weather and rain. From this point on, the parasol and the umbrella have
separate destinies, In the 17th century, the umbrella became a hit in Western countries,
especially in stylish Italy, France and Britain. At first, it was only considered a feminine
accessory to protect women from the rain, but English men progressively adopted it
through the 18th century with Jonas Hanaway leading the way for the era of umbrellas
for men, Umbrellas as new fashion accessories, it became more and more popular with
the European higher-class society in the 18th century, and it even became a fashion
accessory during the period of the French revolution. Craftsmen focused their work on
the handles, to make works of art through refining and sculpting canes from prestigious
materials like ebony, these materials were often pricey, so in the 19th century umbrellas

became attention grabbing pieces. So many inventions came about to avoid theft of these
treasures; integrated padlocks, sirens/alarms, even hidden weapons. The umbrella also
became multifunctional in response to growing demands for personalization, equipped
with lights, watches, perfume storage and even smoking accessories and an array of other
unexpected objects, (blog post about these coming soon!), The first European umbrellas
had a whalebone structure, and even though the materials used have evolved immensely,
this same basic structure remains important. The whale bone structure was replaced by
wood, steel, then aluminum and now fiberglass. The oil cloth canvas has also been
replaced by more and more resistant types of nylon. The modern-day umbrella upgraded
as telescopic (foldable), umbrella was only born in the 20th century, thanks to Hans
Haupt in 1928. However, Jean Marius invented a compact, foldable umbrella in France
in 1701, but it was not telescopic. It was only by 1969 that Bradford Philips obtained the
first patent for his foldable umbrella invention. But the story doesn’t end there, materials
continue to evolve for more resistance and comfort… which gives way to the
development of new models: transparent umbrella, pocket-sized umbrella, inverted
umbrellas, walking-stick umbrellas…the list goes on, as the umbrella has become both
a practical object and an indispensable fashion accessory [4].

2.1.2 Microcontrollers

A microcontroller is a small computer on a single integrated circuit containing a

processor core, memory, and programmable input/output peripherals, microcontrollers
are designed for embedded applications, in contrast to the microprocessors used in
personal computers or other general purpose applications, Microcontrollers are used in
automatically controlled products and devices, such as automobile engine control
systems, implantable medical devices, remote controls, office machines, appliances,
power tools, toys and other embedded systems. Some microcontrollers may use four-bit
words and operate at clock rate frequencies as low as 4 kHz, for low power consumption
(single-digit mill watts or microwatts). Other microcontrollers may serve performance-
critical roles, where they may need to act more like a digital signal processor (DSP),
with higher clock speeds and power consumption.

Microcontrollers are sometimes called Embedded Microcontrollers, which just
means that they are part of a larger device or system unlike a general-purpose computer,
which also includes all of these components, a microcontroller is designed for a specific
task to control a particular system.

Microcontrollers are used in a wide number of electronic systems such as: control
systems in industries; electronic measurement instruments; printers; mobile phones;
security systems; hearing aids; TV; radio; and CD players Interrupts. Microcontrollers
must provide real time (predictable, though not necessarily fast) response to events in
the embedded system they are controlling.

(18051microcontrollers) the most universally employed set of microcontrollers

come from the 8051 family. 8051 microcontrollers persist to be an ideal choice for a
huge group of hobbyists and experts. In the course of 8051, the humankind become
eyewitness to the most ground-breaking set of microcontrollers. The original 8051
microcontrollers were initially invented by Intel.

PIC microcontroller, Peripheral Interface Controller (PIC) provided by micro-chip

technology to categories its solitary chip microcontrollers. These appliances have been
extremely successful in 8bits microcontrollers. The foremost cause behind it is that
microchip technology has been constantly upgrading the appliance architecture and
included much require peripherals to the microcontroller to go well with clientele

AVR microcontroller, AVR also known as Advanced Virtual RISC, is a customized

Harvard architecture 8-bit RISC solitary chip micro-controller. It was invented in the
year 1966 by Atmel. Harvard architecture signifies that program & data are amassed in
different spaces and are used simultaneously. It was one of the foremost micro-controller
families to employ on-chip flash memory basically for storing program, as contrasting
to one-time programmable EPROM, EEPROM or ROM, utilized by other micro-
controllers at the same time. Flash memory is a non-volatile (constant on power down)
programmable memory.

The boards feature serial communication interfaces, including Universal Serial Bus
(USB) on some models, for loading programs from personal computers. For
programming the microcontrollers, the Arduino project provides an integrated
development environment (IDE) based on a programming language named Processing,
which also supports the languages C and C++.

Manufacturers have often produced special versions of their microcontrollers in

order to help the hardware and software development of the target system. Originally
these Other versions may be available where the ROM is accessed as an external device
rather than as internal memory, however these are becoming increasingly rare due to the
widespread availability of cheap microcontroller programmers [5].

Arduino Microcontroller series, the most common used microcontroller specially in

student projects because its fits all the required need in one PCB board with good IDE
editor to write and edit the code on it and we will use Arduino series here, and it’s had a
lot of categories like:

• Arduino UNO.

• Arduino Nan

• Arduino Mega.

Figure (2.1) Types of Arduinos

2.1.3 Sensors

A sensor is a device that responds to any change in physical phenomena or

environmental variables like heat, pressure, humidity, movement etc. This change affects
the physical, chemical or electromagnetic properties of the sensors which is further
processed to a more usable and readable form. Sensor is the heart of a measurement system.
It is the first element that comes in contact with environmental variables to generate an
output, we have many types of sensors like

• Analog sensor

Analog sensors are the devices that produce analog output in correspondence to the
quantity being calculated. These sensors also observe the change in external factors such
as light intensity, speed of the wind, and solar radiation, and others. And the output ranges
between 0V to 5V, like (light sensor, sound sensor, analog temperature sensor.

• Digital sensor

Digital sensors are the kind of electrochemical or electrical sensors where the
information is converted to digital form and then transmitted. The output of a digital sensor
is the distinct digital signal of the quantity which is being measured, like (photodetector
sensor, infrared sensor, and their special types that work with both, like (Rain Sensor,
accelerometer sensor.

2.2.3 Motors

Motors are mechanical or electro-mechanical devices that convert energy into

motion. Energy, in the form of electrical, hydraulic, or pneumatic, is converted to rotational
or linear motion and then output to a shaft or other power transmission component where
it provides useful work. Electrical motors include AC or DC varieties, which are further
broken out by specific special purpose electrical motors, including gear motors, stepper
motors, servomotors, and linear motors. Hydraulic and pneumatic motors rely on fluid (oil,

air) for their motive power, there’s various types of motors and we will discuss some of
them like:

• AC Motors

AC Motors are electro-mechanical devices powered by alternating current to produce

rotational motion. The rotation provides mechanical work to drive other rotating machines
such as pumps. Standard frame sizes are available over a range of powers to ease
interchangeability. Enclosures can range from simple open designs to explosion-proof,
non-ventilated designs, with totally enclosed, fan-cooled (TEFC) being common. An
international rating system also prescribes the levels of cooling and protection. AC motors
form a large portion of motors in use today and drive pumps, fans, compressors, etc. Sizes
range from sub-fractional horsepower machines to 20,000 HP plus-sized units with metric
sized units similarly available. AC motors will be either single- or three-phase.

Figure (2.2) AC motors

• DC Motors

DC Motors are electro-mechanical devices powered by direct current to produce

rotational motion. The motion provides rotational work to drive other rotating machines
such as hoists at varying speeds. It can produce strong slow-speed torque, making them
suitable as traction motors for locomotives, and there’s much more types of motors like
(servo motor, stepper motors).

Figure (2.3) DC motors

2.1.4 WSN (Wireless Sensor Network)

Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is an infrastructure-less wireless network that is

deployed in a large number of wireless sensors in an ad-hoc manner that is used to monitor
the system, physical or environmental conditions. Sensor nodes are used in WSN with the
onboard processor that manages and monitors the environment in a particular area. They
are connected to the Base Station which acts as a processing unit in the WSN System. Base
Station in a WSN System is connected through the Internet to share data. WSN can be
used for processing, analysis, storage, and mining of the data [11].

• Applications of WSN:

• Internet of Things (IOT)

• Surveillance and Monitoring for security, threat detection

• Environmental temperature, humidity, and air pressure

• Noise Level of the surrounding

• Medical applications like patient monitoring Agriculture

• Landslide Detection

• Challenges of WSN:

• Quality of Service

• Security Issue
• Energy Efficiency

• Network Throughput

• Performance

• Ability to cope with node failure

• Cross layer optimization

• Scalability to large scale of deployment

2.3 Related Studies:

In the study [2] Automatic sensor-based umbrella can be used during rainy,
summer, snow fall and dense foggy season. It can helpful to not only save the life of cloth,
street vegetable the vegetables, fruits but in some situations also save the human life. The
idea is to design an umbrella that can be open and shut automatically with the help of
Arduino programming. In present research work is come over with a smart rain sensing
system can detect the rain and opens up the umbrella’s link support. A raindrop sensing
system is adding in this smart system, which gives a reading proportional to the amount of
rain pouring on it. The smart system consisting of a rack and pinion system, the rack is
fixed to umbrella such that when a sensor senses the exceeding value of raindrops, it gives
a signal to the pinion attached to a motor. Then the motor starts rotating and the umbrella
get opens. The aim of present study is complete controlling, design and modeling of
umbrella. The result of this research is an appropriate technology to promote the
ergonomics with multidisciplinary approach for the customer.
In the study [3] The aim of this thesis is to make a smart umbrella which can reduce
human effort due to its functionality and can target the market due to its unique design, is
really important in modern society at risk of rainfall and wind without coverage in place.
The purpose of this project is to make such an umbrella that is really sensitive in the
incidences of rain and sunlight at domestic and market level. Specifically, in summer
season the floor of open areas gets so warm due to sun light that makes difficulty for
working. This umbrella covers the entire hall during the rain and sunlight. This umbrella
operates with the help of different sensors like temperature sensors, water sensors and wind
sensors. The opening and closing of umbrella are being controlled through a motor. Motor
can give a quick and instant response to the shaft so that shaft can play a major role of
power transmission for opening and closing of umbrella. Motor provides required rpm to
the shaft. Whenever temperature of the atmosphere goes above 35°, temperature sensor
sends signal to Arduino which is control unit box. Then Arduino sends signal further to the
motor so that motor may activate and deliver required rpm to the coupling shaft. This
project is a cost-effective way of providing automated controlled shade from high intensity
sunlight and rain. So, the problems of open and vast areas can be solved by using such
types of automated umbrellas.

In the study [6] Park is a green open space widely used by the community to carry
out various activities ranging from recreation, playing, sports, and other passive activities.
Current weather conditions are often uncertain. This makes people inconvenient when it
rains suddenly, especially when outdoors such as in parks. Because if they don't
immediately take shelter when it rains, it can make the body sick, besides that, rainwater
can damage the non-waterproof gadgets they carry. In other conditions, when the weather
is bright, and the sun is shining hot, it can make people feel hot and lazy to do outdoor
activities in the park. Therefore, an automatic umbrella tool was made that functions as a
shelter in the garden. In this tool, there is a light sensor module and also a rain sensor,
which is controlled with the Arduino Uno microcontroller as an input data processor and
an L298N motor driver, which functions to regulate the speed and direction of the DC
motor rotation (to the right and left) as an umbrella drive. When the motor rotates to the
right, the umbrella will open, while when the motor rotates to the left, the umbrella will
close again.

2.2.1 Comparison

Table (2-1) Comparison of previous projects and project

Project Author/Name Differences/Comparison

I. I.Y. I. Chandra, M. Riastuti, Kosdiana, I-they used a (LDR) light sensor for the Sun
E.P Nugroho (Automatic Garden light so we used humidity sensor for the
Umbrella Prototype with Light and Rain humidity and temperature.
Sensor Based on Arduino Uno

II. M. D. Gudela, Dwarkadas J (Design of I-study they used temperature sensor so we

an Automatic Umbrella Actuated through will use a humidity sensor.
Water and Temperature Sensors) II-They use for the controlling Arduino
III- they have more complex mechanic
system (cranks, Chain and Sprocket
IV- Rainfall Monitoring using Acoustic
III. D Gupta, A Gupta, N, S Quazi, M I-they fixed the rain problem but they didn’t
Affan, A Kumar (Design and Modeling of fix the temperature problem so we used the
Automated Rain Sensing Umbrella) humidity sensor
II-they used a switch to control the system
but ours is fully automatic system

Chapter Three

3.1 Methodology
This chapter presents the research methodology used in the study. This includes a
discussion regarding the research design. We will connect all the component (mechanical-
Electronics) together and implement them with the microcontroller and view the result and
the status of the weather and the shelter, and write and test the code of each component
with c++ language. In the Arduino IDE terminal to produce full project system.

3.2 Implementation of the system using Mechanical & electrical &

electronic components

We will connect all the System with the following Wiring Diagram Instead of
spaghetti of wires.

Figure (3.1) Full System Wiring

3.2.1 Electronic Components

• Arduino UNO R3

The Arduino UNO R3 is the perfect board to get familiar with electronics and coding.
This versatile microcontroller is equipped with the well-known ATmega328P and the
ATMega 16U2 Processor. This board will give you a great first experience within the
world of Arduino., And "Uno" means one in Italian and is named to mark the upcoming
release of Arduino 1.0, and its Target areas: Maker, introduction and industries. [7],
Arduino is used for building different types of electronic circuits by USB connection
between the computer and Arduino. Programming language used in Arduino is just a
simplified version of C++ that can easily replace thousands of wires with words [8]. By
Specification of:

Table (3-1) Specification of Arduino Uno

Microcontroller ATmega328

Operating Voltage 5V

Input Voltage: (recommended) 7-12V

Digital I/O Pins: 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output)

Analog Input Pins 6

DC Current per I/O Pin 40 MA

Flash memory 32 KB of which 0.5 KB used by bootloader

Clock speed 16 MHZ

Other Reset button

Figure (3.2) Arduino Uno R3

We use it as the below diagram:

Figure (3.3) Arduino Uno R3 Diagram

3.2.2 Electrical Components

• Rain sensor (FC-37)

The rain sensor module is an easy tool for rain detection. It can be used as a switch
when raindrop falls through the raining board and also for measuring rainfall intensity. The
module features, a rain board and the control board that is separate for more convenience,
power indicator LED and an adjustable sensitivity though a potentiometer. The analog
output is used in detection of drops in the amount of rainfall. Connected to 5V power
supply, the LED will turn on when induction board has no rain drop, and DO output is
high. When dropping a little amount water, DO output is low, the switch indicator will turn
on. Brush off the water droplets, and when restored to the initial state, outputs high level.
Sensitivity though a potentiometer [9], and it has the Specification of:
• This sensor module uses good quality of double-sided material.
• Anti-conductivity & oxidation with long time use
• The area of this sensor includes 5cm x 4cm and can be built with a nickel plate on
the side
• The sensitivity can be adjusted by a potentiometer
• The required voltage is 5V
• The size of the small PCB is 3.2cm x 1.4cm
• For easy installation, it uses bolt holes
• The output of the comparator is a clean waveform and driving capacity is above
• Adopts high quality of RF-04 double sided material.
• It uses an LM393 comparator with wide voltage. [10]

Figure (3.4) Rain Sensor

We use it as the below diagram:

Figure (3.5) Rain Sensor Diagram

• Humidity and temperature sensor (DHT-11)

DHT11 Temperature & Humidity Sensor features a temperature & humidity sensor
complex with a calibrated digital signal output. By using the exclusive digital-signal-
acquisition technique and temperature & humidity sensing technology, it ensures high
reliability and excellent long-term stability. This sensor includes a resistive-type humidity
measurement component and an NTC temperature measurement component, and connects
to a high-performance 8-bit microcontroller, offering excellent quality, fast response, anti-
interference ability and cost-effectiveness, and its Specification is:

Table (3-2) Specification od DH-11

Item Range Humidity Temperature Accuracy Resolution
Measurement Package

DHT11 20-90%RH ±5%RH ±2℃ 1 4 Pin Single

0-50 ℃

Figure (3.6) Humidity Sensor
This sensor is designed to detect a specific range of temperature and humidity, we use
it as the below diagram:

Figure (3.7) Humidity Sensor Diagram

• 16 x 2 LCD With IIC I2C TWI SPI chip

A Liquid Crystal Display used to display data and information.

Figure (3.8) 16 x 2 LCD

We use it as the below diagram:

Figure (3.9) 16 x 2 LCD Diagram

• GSM Module

Is a device which can be either a mobile phone or a modem device which can be
used to make a computer or any other processor communicate over a network. A GSM
modem requires a SIM card to be operated and operates over a network range subscribed
by the network operator, it can be connected to a computer through serial, USB or
Bluetooth connection.

Figure (3.10) GSM

To send a 2G SMS massage to notify the user with the process by the below diagram

Figure (3.11) GSM Diagram

• Transmitter and Receiver Devices

• Transmitter
A transmitter (or radio transmitter) is an electronic device which produces radio waves
with the help of an antenna. A transmitter generates a radio frequency current applied to
the antenna, which in turn radiates radio waves. A transmitter generates radio waves for
communication, radar and navigational purposes.

• Receiver
A radio receiver is a device that receives radio waves and converts the information which
is carried by them into a usable form. A radio receiver can be an integrated circuit (IC)
within another device. An antenna intercepts electromagnetic radio waves and then
converts them into alternating currents that are applied to the receiver, which extracts the
desired information [11].

Figure (3.12) RF Transmitter & Receiver

Its one-way Wireless communication used to control the node of the shelters group

Figure (3.13) Transmitter and Receiver

We use it as the below diagram:

Figure (3.14) Transmitter & Recover Diagram

3.1.3 Mechanical Components

• Stepper Motor
Stepper motors are DC motors that move in discrete steps. They have multiple coils
that are organized in groups called "phases". By energizing each phase in sequence,
the motor will rotate, one step at a time, with a computer controlled stepping you can
achieve very precise positioning and/or speed control. For this reason, stepper motors
are the motor of choice for many precision motion control applications [12].

Figure (3.15) Stepper motor

• Motor driver circuits

In the field of Robotics, we have different types of motors such as DC motors,
Servo motors, stepper motors etc. Selection of motors depends on your application
and there are various ways to operate them, some motors can be controlled directly
by various methods such as connecting the power supply directly to them and make
it work. But what if we want to control these motors using other controller devices
such as Wireless systems, microcontroller, etc. we need something known as
MOTOR DRIVERS, Motor drivers acts as an interface between the motors and the
control circuits. Motor requires high amount of current whereas the controller circuit
works on low current signals. So, the function of motor drivers is to take a low-
current control signal and then turn it into a higher-current signal that can drive a
motor [13].

Figure (2.16) Motor Driver Block Diagram

The main Components require in the servo motor, the controller, the power supply
unit, and the necessary connections for a servo motor. For the dc motor, you need a
controller, motor driver circuit, DC motor, power supply unit, and the necessary direct
connections, this controller can be a microcontroller or a microprocessor. The motor driver
control circuit is a current amplifier that steps up current from the microcontroller helping
drive the motor, Also, the motor causes motion. The process of interfacing the engine with
the controller, brushless motor, and stepper motor often requires a motor drive controller.
Moreover, the power supply unit only supplies the motor with the required current, We
differentiate the driver’s types depending on the kind of control they provide. For example,
some provide non-speed control while others offer high-speed control. Notably, a single
motor can use different types of drivers.

Table (3-3) types of drivers

Motor Motor driver

A4988, L293, DRV8833,

Stepper motor

DC motor A4988, L293, DRV8833

Servo motor L293

The working principle done in few steps, first, the microcontroller sends signals to the
motor. Then, the signs received are interpreted and stepped up in the engine afterward. The
motor has two voltage input pins. Pin one turns on the driver, whereas pin 2 applies voltage
to the motor via the motor IC, If the microprocessor transmits a high input to the driver IC,
the driver IC will send the same input. Consequently, The Importance of Motor Driver,
Notably, a driver is necessary because the microcontroller requires lower-level voltage than
the motors. Due to this, we cannot supply power directly from the microcontroller to the
engine. We need a motor driver in between these electrical components at this point. The
driver steps up the current from the microprocessor to match the motor current [14].

Figure (3.17) Motor Drivers

• L298N Motor Driver

It’s a controller use an H-Bridge to easily control the motor specification

Figure (3.18) L298N Motor

We use it as the below diagram:

Figure (3-19) L298N Motor Driver

3.3 Block Diagram


GSM Main
Arduino Sensor Arduino Motor

UNO UNO Driver

351Mhz RF 351Mhz RF motor

Transmitter Transmitter

The Shelters

3.4 Flow Chart


NO Rain/ YES


Let the shelter closed as it’s by WSN System/ Opens the shelter by the
the driver shield instruction
Node of The driver

Sends data to the GSM



Figure (3-21) flow Chart

In this system we will connect all the component together as show above, by
connecting the sensors (rain, humidity) as detectors of the outer environment, from analog
signal into the microcontroller as a digital signal, if its rainy or sunny, depend on these
reading the motor with the motor driver controls all the properties we need in the motor to
open and close the shelter as the wanted situation, then by the (WSN) system it will provide
us to control a set or group of shelters by making one shelter as master and the other as
slaves, and display the status of the weather and the shelter in (LCD) module, we connect
the notification system (GSM Module) to notify the user with all the process and the current
status to make him always up to date .

Upload the code into Arduino IDE and test the result on Serial Monitor by soaking
the rain sensor into water and the humidity sensor in testing temperature case. And the
serial monitor displays the below result and send data to the GSM Module based on the
amount of water drop, humidity and temperature on the rain and humidity sensor module,
and there are three cases:

Frist Case: The Sensors Board is completely soaked or in Hight temperature; will
be activated “HEAVY RAINING OR HOT WEATHER” will be sent to the serial monitor
and to the LCD and the GSM and open the shelter.

Second Case: The Sensors Board is dry and Hight temperature; will be activated
and “NOT RAINING AND HOT WEATHER” will be sent to the serial monitor and to the
LCD and the GSM and open the shelter.

Third Case: The Sensors Board is dry and cool; will be activated and “NOT
RAINING AND THE WEATHER IS COOL” will be sent to the serial monitor and to the
LCD and the GSM and close the shelter.

Chapter Four
Results and Discussion

4.1 Results

In this chapter we will discuss the result of process to our project the sequence can be
show in two sections: Section (A) define the designing stage, and (Section B) define testing
and coding our condition.

4.1.1 Design of shelter

The first stage discusses the designing process by calculating the parameters of
the desired area so we started by imagining different types of shelters and select the best
design, to start creating about 4 to 5 shapes or designs of the shelter in the
SOLIDWORKS design Software, and print it by 3D printing Technology.

Figure (4.1) SOLIDWORKS Design

Into the printing stage:

Figure (4.2) 3D printing stage

4.1.2 Testing

Connecting the humidity (DH-11) and rain sensors (FC-37) to the system and
test the code and use the result in to get different conditions and values to arrange
them to get specific cases and display the status in the LCD and SMS in owner

• Testing Humidity Sensor

Connecting the humidity sensor (DH-11) to the system and test the code of the
humidity-Temperature(C-F)-Heat Index (C-F) Test the Sensor and use the result in to
get different to arrange them to get specific cases and display the status in the LCD and
SMS in owner cellphone.

Figure (4.3) Humidity Sensor Test

• Testing Rain Sensor

Connecting the Rain sensor (FC-37) to the system and test the code if there’s raining
or not and control the sensitivity of its detection plate.

Figure (4.4) Rain Sensor Test

Test the Sensor reading with the LCD

➢ Rain Condition

Figure (4.5) Raining Condition

➢ No Rain Condition

Figure (4.6) No Raining Condition

• Tasting Humidity with Rain Sensor

Connecting the humidity sensor (DH-11) and the Rain sensor (FC-37) to the
system and test the code of the humidity-Temperature(C), and if there’s raining or
not and control the sensitivity of its detection plate.

➢ Humidity & No Rain condition

Figure (4.7) Humidity & No Rain

➢ Humidity & Rain condition

Figure (4-8) Humidity & Rain

Figure (4-9) No Rain & Cool Weather

• Hot Temperature or Rain (Rain || Hot weather)

Figure (4.10) Rain or Hot Weather

• Testing the WSN with the system

To connect the master and the other shelters to communicate with each other, by
receiving the instruction from the Master shelter that have the sensors and main
controlling, the instruction have two reading opening and closing the shelter.

Figure (4.11) Testing WSN Opening condition

Figure (4.12) Testing WSN Closing condition

• Testing the Motor with the shelter

By connecting the Rain sensor with humidity to the system and check if it works
properly to manipulate the values by specific condition control the motor by rack and
pinion mechanism to open and close the shelters in the LCD in their condition to define
shelter statue

Figure (4.9) Testing >>>
• Temperate Temperature & No Rain (No Rain && Cool weather)

Figure (4-13) Process of opening and closing of the shelter

• Testing the GSM Module with the system

Finally, notify the owner at anywhere at any time by the current status by using GSM,
by sending 2G SMS Massage into his cellphone, by using (RX-TX) signals for sending and
receiving method.

Figure (4-14) Wiring and testing of GSM Sim900a Module

And we can define the status of the network be blinking delay speed, when the working

Figure (4-15) Blinking Indicator

Figure (4.16) receving Oppenin shelter instruction

Figure (4.17) receving Closing shelter instruction

Into our final result, notification system, that shows the current status in global system
by the 2G GMS System like the following

Figure (4.16) receving openning and Closing shelter status at the owner cellphone

• Testing The all system

By detecting the outer environment by the sensors and manipulate the reading to
create our condition to control the motors of the shelters to determine when to open
and close, and to show the Real time status in the LCD monitor, and send the current
status by transmitter on it and the instruction to the other shelters by receiver to follow
the master shelter and open and close with it by the WSN system, and to the owner by
the GSM system.

Figure (4.16) Closing shelter

Figure (4.16) opening shelter

Chapter Five
Conclusion and Recommendation

5.1 Conclusion
In this chapter we will discuss the full process of our system, beginning of designing
of the shelter by using SOLIDWORKS Designing and Simulation Software, we designed
many designs with several plans and print it with 3D printer in International University of
Africa, and getting to the implementation of the electrical and mechanical parts by writing
and testing the sensors with the code and take their result, depend on this result will give
us multiple cases to display and use it in the system, Through the system that controls the
set/group of the shelter to communicate with each other by receiving the instruction signals
from the master shelter to be a full function system, and the motors and other mechanical
parts, Finally getting into notification system that notify and make the owner or the chief
of service of the university up-to-date ;And that’s make our project different is his
efficiency by chose real parameter that is heat not sunlight as previous projects, and modern
destine technique with take care of cost of the chosen material. In conclusion the system
was accomplished be set of nodes of shelters controlled by imbedded system in order to
safe people and their gadgets and the infrastructure from damage by the rain water, and we
considered the maximum usage of fresh water

5.2 Recommendations
• We recommend to connect the shelter with the local weather station and water desalination
plants, that make it compatible with smart cities.
• We recommend to use this shelter in other wide areas like gardens farms, other governmental
and private facilities
• We can add emergency system by adding Air speed sensor by detecting if their tempest or
storms coming by shutting down the shelter


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