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Week 5 - Practical Training #1: Building Your God-

Level Powers

Hey, Tej Dosa here. Welcome to Week 5 of Mentality Training. This is lecture five.
This one is called Practical Training #1: Building Your God-Level Powers.

Inside this lecture we’re going to start getting practical. And show you how to
create a better reality. One that delivers to you a more enjoyable experience.

The reason for this is because you’re at the perfect point right now. If you’ve been
consuming these trainings week-by-week, then we’ve basically shown you reality
is an illusion, killed the past you, built you back up with new paradigms for
seeing the world, and now we’re going to give you practical tools you can
leverage to make change happen. To really improve your life and grow like you
never thought possible. Most people, you see, do not grow because they’re
trapped. They’re trapped in their own vicious habits, paradigms, and thought
patterns. They’re trapped in the same environment. They’re trapped in the same
life experience. You have to break all that. Take control over your experiences.
And become free.

We’ve done a little of that when we killed the old you, but now we’re going to
really ramp shit up in this training and the ones that follow because every
training is going to be practical.

So take a moment to brief yourself on what you’ll learn inside today’s practical

• Experiencing Your God-Like Self: Separating Yourself Into Two (God You
And Human You)

• Your One And Only Job: Controlling And Guiding Human You To
Experience All The Beautiful Joys Of Life
• How To Control Human You #1: Monitor The Thoughts And Emotions Of
Human You (Just Observe)

• How To Control Human You #2: Reprogram The Programming Formula:

External Stimuli → Thoughts → Reactions

• How To Control Human You #3: Implant Empowering Thoughts And

Reactions Into Your Human Self (Human You Has Thoughts/Emotions On
Auto-Pilot Because Of Programming Formula, But God Level Can Choose

As you can see, it’s quite the action packed lecture. So let’s jump into it right

Experiencing Your God-Self: Separating Yourself

Into Two (God You And Human You)
You are not what you think and feel. You are witnessing what you think and
feel. We’ve made this clear in the other trainings. As a result, I like to view myself
as two people. One is the God-Self. The other is the Human-Self. If you meditate
or study spirituality, you’ll know this to be true at a very deep level. In
spirituality, they’ll use different words to describe the two you’s. They’ll call the
God-Self ‘Awareness’ and they’ll call the Human Self ‘Ego’ or whatever. But the
labels don’t really matter.

What matters is you realize there are two of you.

The Human Self is the one who is constantly thinking and feeling. If you’re stuck
thinking this won’t work or what someone will think or what will happen if you
do x and fail, then guess what? That’s your Human Self talking. You’re living and
experiencing life from the Human Self perspective.

This is the perspective most people experience life through. They go through
their entire life living out of their Human Self. They’re at the mercy of their
thoughts and emotions. When they’re feeling good, they do good. But when
they’re thinking and feeling bad, they do bad. Changing their behavior is very
difficult because the Human Self is very limited. He or she clings onto labels,
assigns himself ways of being and lives out of his limited paradigm. And calls it
life. Anything outside his paradigm is alien to him and outside himself, so he just
ignores it.

Moreover, it’s very difficult for the Human Self to go against his thoughts and
feelings. If he knows he should be cold calling or sending out emails, but the
Human Self is thinking “Fuck that, let’s not do that today” or is procrasting and
feeling lazy, then guess what? You don’t take the actions that would’ve built you
up. Because whatever the Human Self thinks or feels is what becomes law. This is
why most people do not succeed. They know what to do. They know how to do it.
But they let the thoughts and emotions of their Human Self keep them on the
sidelines of life, always longing for a better life, but never doing what it takes to
get it. It’s a fucking shame.

If you’re constantly living life through your Human Self, you will forever be at the
mercy of life. You won’t be able to rise above your circumstances to achieve
greatness. Just the truth from my personal experience and the lives of those I’ve
studied/followed closely.

Luckily it doesn’t have to stay this way.

That’s because there’s another you inside you. If you’re like most, you probably
didn’t even know this Second You existed. You simply just thought the Human
Self was all there was to you.

But that’s a lie.

There is a second you and that second you is your God-Self. Your God-Self is the
one inside you who is silently observing the thoughts and emotions of your
human self. It’s vast, powerful, and connected to all that is and that ever will be.
This is the true you.

Here’s a quick exercise you can do to get in touch with your God-Self:

Stop reading this for a minute. And just silently observe the emotions and thoughts
running through your body. Don’t get swept away by any, but just become aware of
them. Notice how you feel. Are you feeling excited, at peace or is something in the
back of your mind causing you to beat yourself up - what’s going on inside you right
now? What thoughts and emotions are running wild? Witness what you’re thinking
and feeling. Pinpoint it. Make the observation.

Once you do this exercise, you’ll quickly see that it puts you into contact with
your God-Self. Because one part of you is feeling “excited”, but another part of
you, a much more deeper part of you is able to observe/witness your Human Self
feeling “excitement”.

This second part of you is your God-Self or awareness or your higher self -
whatever you want to call it. Doesn’t matter.

But give it a name.


Because understanding there are two of you is the crucial first step in getting
practical. Without making this distinction and truly feeling it, you won’t be able
to grow by leaps and bounds. That’s because you will always be limited by your
Human Self.

So to further explain this concept, I want to share with you an excerpt by Eckhart
Tolle from the book, The Power of Now. This excerpt beautifully explains the
distinction and how Eckhart originally stumbled across it in his own life. Read it
in its entirely now and you’ll be able to better understand the distinction
between the two you’s.

“Until my thirtieth year, I lived in a state of almost continuous anxiety interspersed

with periods of suicidal depression. It feels now as if I am talking about some past
lifetime or somebody else's life. One night not long after my twenty-ninth birthday, I
woke up in the early hours with a feeling of absolute dread. I had woken up with
such a feeling many times before, but this time it was more intense than it had ever
been. The silence of the night, the vague outlines of the furniture in the dark room,
the distant noise of a passing train - everything felt so alien, so hostile, and so
utterly meaningless that it created in me a deep loathing of the world. The most
loathsome thing of all, however, was my own existence. What was the point in
continuing to live with this burden of misery? Why carry on with this continuous
struggle? I could feel that a deep longing for annihilation, for nonexistence, was
now becoming much stronger than the instinctive desire to continue to live. "I
cannot live with myself any longer." This was the thought that kept repeating itself
in my mind.

Then suddenly I became aware of what a peculiar thought it was. `Am I one or two?
If I cannot live with myself, there must be two of me: the `I' and the `self' that `I'
cannot live with." "Maybe," I thought, "only one of them is real."

I was so stunned by this strange realization that my mind stopped. I was fully
conscious, but there were no more thoughts. Then I felt drawn into what seemed
like a vortex of energy. It was a slow movement at first and then accelerated. I was
gripped by an intense fear, and my body started to shake. I heard the words "resist
nothing," as if spoken inside my chest. I could feel myself being sucked into a void. It
felt as if the void was inside myself rather than outside. Suddenly, there was no
more fear, and I let myself fall into that void. I have no recollection of what
happened after that.
I was awakened by the chirping of a bird outside the window. I had never heard
such a sound before. My eyes were still closed, and I saw the image of a precious
diamond. Yes, if a diamond could make a sound, this is what it would be like. I
opened my eyes. The first light of dawn was filtering through the curtains. Without
any thought, I felt, I knew, that there is infinitely more to life than we realize. That
soft luminosity filtering through the curtains was love itself. Tears came into my
eyes. I got up and walked around the room. I recognized the room, and yet I knew
that I had never truly seen it before. Everything was fresh and pristine, as if it had
just come into existence. I picked up things, a pencil, an empty bottle, marveling at
the beauty and aliveness of it all.

That day I walked around the city in utter amazement at the miracle of life on
earth, as if I had just been born into this world. For the next five months, I lived in a
state of uninterrupted deep peace and bliss.

After that, it diminished somewhat in intensity, or perhaps it just seemed to because

it became my natural state. I could still function in the world, although I realized
that nothing I ever did could possibly add anything to what I already had. I knew, of
course, that something profoundly significant had happened to me, but I didn't
understand it at all. It wasn't until several years later, after I had read spiritual
texts and spent time with spiritual teachers, that I realized that what everybody
was looking for had already happened to me. I understood that the intense pressure
of suffering that night must have forced my consciousness to withdraw from its
identification with the unhappy and deeply fearful self, which is ultimately a fiction
of the mind. This withdrawal must have been so complete that this false, suffering
self immediately collapsed, just as if a plug had been pulled out of an inflatable toy.

What was left then was my true nature as the ever-present I am: consciousness in
its pure state prior to identification with form.”
Powerful, isn’t it? Very.

Good news is you don’t need to have such a spiritual awakening in order to
transform your life (luckily), but you do need to internalize and recognize that
there are two of you.

One is the being who thinks and feels (Human Self). The other is the one
who observes and witnesses what you think and feel (God Self). One is your
ego, the other is pure consciousness.

If you just understand that, then we can move on…

Your One And Only Job: Controlling And Guiding

Human You To Experience All The Beautiful Joys
Of Life
I’m going to let you in on a secret.

I’ve only had one job in life. It wasn’t to be a good copywriter. A good student. A
good son. A good marketer. A good entrepreneur.

None of that shit.

My one and only job was to live from my God-Self and guide my Human Self to
become all that “it” could be.

All my adult life I’ve been playing a video game.

My God-Self has been holding a “video game controller” that pulls the
strings on my Human Self and gets him to act in whichever way will further
my dreams and ambitions (I don’t identity with my human self, but my God
Self. This is why I don’t cling onto labels, get trapped in one way of being,
Most people live from the Human Self Perspective. They experience life and all
the trials and tribulations it brings from this point of view. I don’t do that shit. I
live from the God-Level Self. In a state of never ending awareness. Instead of
letting life sweep me up and move me wherever it desires to take me, I remain in

And I use that control to guide my Human Self.

This, my friend, has and continues to make all the difference.

That’s why before I bring to your attention the 3 practical tips you can apply right
away to start changing, you too need to realize that your one and only job on this
journey is to simply live from the God-Level self and control/mold your Human
Self. To view your ‘God-Self’ as holding the video game controller that controls
the behavior of your Human Self (Character).

Nothing more. Nothing less.

This is all you have to do. And you can quickly start to experience all the joys of
life because the limitations that once kept you trapped down and out no longer
exist because they can only plague the life of your Human Self, not your God Self.

That’s because at your core, you are full of abundance and peace. Nothing can
hurt your God-Self. Only your Human-Self. The trick is to operate from your God-
Self so you can easily maneuver your way through obstacle after obstacle and
achieve massive success…

… without giving into fear, doubts, worries or laziness (these characteristics only
live at the human-self level).

Okay now that we got that covered, let’s dive into the 3 practical techniques
you can apply right away to control the human you and build a richer, more
meaningful human experience.
Practical Tip #1: Monitor The Thoughts And
Emotions Of Human You (Just Observe)
The first thing you have to do is strengthen your contact with your God Self.
Chances are up till now you’ve lived your entire life from the Human Self
Perspective. Whatever it thought or felt, you lived out. There was no distinction
between you and your thoughts and feelings. You were one in the same. As a
result, you need to put in the reps to break this conditioning. Fortunately, it’s
quite easy.

And doesn’t really involve you doing much.

Instead all you have to do is raise your awareness and observe. The more you
observe, the more you get in touch with the God Self inside you. The more you get
in touch with the God Self, the easier it is to free yourself of all the limitations that
plague your Human Self.

So the first practical technique is to simply raise your awareness.

From this point on, make a constant effort to observe what is going on inside you
throughout the day. Witness your thoughts and emotions. Don’t get swept along
by them.

If something happens that makes you feel angry, observe/witness your Human
Self getting angry. You’ll notice you can feel angry AND observe your anger from
a state of complete bliss at the same time. This state is where your God-Self lives.
Anger only lives at the Human Self level, so make it a conscious effort to observe.

If you know you should be doing x, but the thoughts inside your brain are telling
you to take a break or go slack off, observe these thoughts. The key is not to
judge. But to simply observe your thoughts and emotions.
If you want to do x, but you’re scared of what someone else will think, observe
these thoughts and feelings. Don’t judge or beat yourself up. That doesn’t do you
any good. Just observe and witness the inner turmoil.

It doesn’t matter if you’re thinking or feeling good or bad stuff. What matters is
you strengthen your awareness. It’s like a muscle. Most of us approach life from
the first person. Whatever we think or feel, we become. But by simply observing
what you think or feel, you create a little bit of separation. This little bit of
separation is all you need to take charge of your life and transform like you never
thought possible, but more on that later. For now, you just need to observe. And
get good at it.

Whatever emotion you feel, observe it. Whatever thoughts are running through
your mind, observe it.

This is practical tip #1.

But how exactly do you put it into action?

Here’s how I personally do it:

Throughout my day-to-day life, I increase my awareness by simply

narrating what my human-self is thinking, feeling and/or experiencing in
the third person.

For example, if my human self is feeling anxious, I’ll tell myself “Tej is feeling
anxious right now” - as if I am an objective third person and “Tej” is separate
from me. If I’m driving a car, I’ll run a narration that says, “Tej is driving down
xyz street right now with the windows down and Frank Sinatra blasting through
the airways.”

I try to narrate the thoughts, feelings and experiences my Human-Self is

undergoing as much as possible. I do this constantly throughout the day. And at
first, it seems silly as fuck. Like why the fuck do I need to narrate what I’m
thinking, feeling and/or experiencing, right? Seems weird, I know. But once you
do it, you quickly raise your awareness. You quickly become conscious of all the
thoughts and emotions running through your Human Self. Whereas before you
would just get swept along with these emotions, you can now view these
emotions and thoughts with separation. No longer do you identify with the
thoughts and emotions, but you simply become aware of them. This grants you
unbelievable powers (which you’ll discover for yourself).

So start right now.

Narrate inside your head what you are experiencing right now.

Narrate inside your head that “[Your name] is reading Week 5 of Mentality
Training right now while seated at [place] and is feeling [emotions] while
thinking [thoughts].”

Once you stop reading this lecture and go do something else, narrate that too. Get
good at narrating in the third person whatever you are thinking, feeling, and/or

This isn’t just something you do for a little while and then give up. Nope you need
to make this a lifelong habit.

The benefits just keep getting bigger and badder (do this long enough and there’s
enough separation created between the Human You and God You that you can
literally control the Human You like a video game character. In other words, you
can narrate what you want your Human Self to do and he/she will do it with ease
- this is what I mean by holding the video game controller and guiding your
human self to victory. But more on how to do that in a later lecture).
For now just practice narrating/witnessing your thoughts and emotions. Do this
with zero judgment. If you’re thinking bad shit, it’s okay. Just observe what your
human self is thinking and feeling. The key is to build your awareness.

Once you’ve raised your awareness and observed your inner thoughts and
emotions for a while, you’ll quickly realize something life changing.

You’ll realize the same formula keeps running rampant.

This formula is the one responsible for triggering all the thoughts and emotions
you are feeling. It is the one giving rise to all the internal chaos running wild
inside your Human Self. Once you realize this, you can begin to make the formula
work for you instead of against you. But first, you have to discover the formula.

What is it?

Sensory output [Input] → Thoughts → Reactions [Output]

After you’ve lived from a state of awareness for a while, you’ll quickly notice that
the thoughts and emotions your Human Self feels all come to life because of the
formula above.

Something “outside” yourself in the way of external stimuli leads to an automatic

“thought” which leads to a “reaction”.

For example, let’s say you’re feeling good and on top of the world. But then you
read one of those Clickbaity articles that tells you, “End of the golden age: The
upcoming recession will wipe out 90% of people (probably including you)!”

As soon as you read this, you instantaneously have a thought, “Oh fuck…” and get
swept along with a fuck ton of negative emotions/reactions. Maybe worry, maybe
doubt, maybe fear.
And then all your interactions from then on are colored with these emotions and
thoughts. Previously you were excited about life and business and all the
possibilities it would grant you, but now you’re suddenly fearful and afraid. “Is it
really smart to be building an online biz right now?” “Should I really have
invested so much in courses and trainings when I could’ve saved that money for a
rainy day?”

All these reactions will hit you one after another until you’ve entered a
downward spiral. If you were acting out of the Human Self perspective, then you
would’ve got swept along this downward spiral very quickly. But because you’ve
been building your awareness and witnessing what you’re thinking and feeling,
you’ll realize that this entire downward spiral was caused due to external

Something outside yourself (in this case a clickbaity article) triggered inside you
negative thoughts which produced negative reactions.

This is happening to you all the time.

Things outside yourself (external stimuli) are influencing your thoughts and
reactions on auto-pilot.

You think you’re picking what to think and feel.

But you’re not.

The media, the people around you, your environment, heck everything you
expose your senses to is influencing what your Human-Self is thinking and
feeling. If you’re exposing your senses to negative shit, then your human self will
continue to think and feel negative shit.

This is the big ah-ha moment you will arrive at once you’ve put in the reps and
carefully observed what your human self is thinking and feeling.
Previously you would’ve thought these thoughts and emotions were happening
at random and/or were within your control.

But quickly you’ll realize they’re all due to outside stimuli.

All negative thoughts and emotions can be traced back to negative external

Maybe it’s toxic people…

Maybe it’s disempowering rap songs…

Maybe it’s what you saw on the news…

Maybe it’s what you read on Twitter…

Maybe it’s something someone said to you…

Maybe it’s something you saw…

Maybe it’s a combination of all the above.

Doesn’t matter. What matters is once you’ve raised your awareness and grown
conscious of what your human self is thinking and feeling, you’ll realize the cause
of what you’re thinking and feeling is by and large due to external stimuli.

Once you’ve realized this, it’s time for Practical Tip #2.

How To Control Human You #2: Reprogram The

Programming Formula: External Stimuli →
Thoughts → Reactions
Up till this point, you’ve let this formula run on auto-pilot. You didn’t control it.
You didn’t mold it. Instead, you let it run at random. And you plugged your senses
to whatever stimuli was around you because you didn’t know any better.

As a result, you grew full with thoughts and feelings. Some good. But mostly bad.
These thoughts and feelings have made up your Human Self. And the quality of
these thoughts and feelings have contributed to the quality of your human-self’s

This is the realization you will undoubtedly arrive at once you get good at
observing what your human self is thinking and feeling, plus what is causing your
human self to think and feel what it is. After you’ve arrived at this realization, it’s
time to do something about it. It’s time to loosen the hold this formula has over

We do this in two parts.

Part 1) Limit negative external stimuli

After you’ve observed what your human self is thinking and feeling for a while,
you’ll realize it thinks and feels a lot of negative shit that prevents you from

To overcome these negative thoughts and feelings, you don’t want to attack these
at the surface level, but instead you want to attack the root cause of the negative
thoughts and emotions.

As you know, the root cause is negative external stimuli.

If you simply decrease the occurrence of negative external stimuli, then your
Human-Self will have less negative thoughts and will feel less negative emotions
Simple, right? Indeed.

So that’s what you need to do in part one.

Here is a list of all the negative external stimuli I’ve cut out in my own life (and
you should too!):

>> The news - It’s designed to cause you to think negative thoughts and enter a
state of negative emotional turmoil, so advertisers can turn around and sell you
shit during the commercial breaks (this is why the news is obsessed with
showing you negative external stimuli). Cut out the news. It’s draining. It’s
exhausting. It’s causing your human self to be full with so many unnecessary
negative thoughts and emotions. It’s crazy.

>> Internet media - The internet isn’t any better than the news you see on the
television screen. It’s worse. Most of the media you expose your senses to is
causing you harm. Personally I used to check out sites like WorldStarHipHop and
it’s just full of garbage. This garbage was seeping into my consciousness and
influencing the thoughts and feelings of my human self. I had to do away with it.
As soon as I did, I felt instantly lighter and free of all the negativity that once used
to color my reality.

>> Politics - This is another huge one. Stop jerking off to Hilary Clinton or Barack
Obama or Donald Trump or whoever. Who gives a fuck. Don’t engage in the
political spectacle. Don’t follow none of that shit. It will turn you into a mindless

>> Toxic music - I used to listen to a lot of grimey rap music. I love that type of
music. It’s my guilty pleasure for sure. But it is also very toxic to the mind. I only
know because I went on a “rap-music fast” and I couldn’t believe how much more
energy I had. The music you listen to is influencing your thoughts and feelings.
Get rid of all the music that is filling your head up with negativity and emotional
turmoil (or do like me and save that music just for partying).

>> Twitter Timeline - This is another big one. I stopped reading my Twitter
Timeline months ago. Sure, I’ll occasionally frequent it every now and then. But
I’m not checking it like I once was. Why? Because in the beginning, our corner of
Twitter was great. It was full with positive people inspiring one another and it
was a place to document your progress. But now it’s turning into a shitshow. So
many beefs. So much bullshit advice that’s actually harmful. So much negativity.
So much jealousy. I don’t want that stuff to penetrate my mind and influence my
thoughts and emotions. Fuck that. I ain’t got time for that shit. You don’t either.

>> Complainers - Complainers lower your energy levels like you wouldn’t
believe. That’s because when others complain, your human self joins in and starts
complaining too. Once you start complaining, your thoughts are negative which
produces negative feelings and lowers your energy. If somebody around you is
always complaining, stop hanging out with them. If they’re family, limit your
contact with them. It hurts, but it’s needed.

>> Gossipers - Same shit as the complainers. Avoid.

>> Negative people - Go through the contacts list in your phone right now. As
you read each name, you will instantly feel an emotion. Either positive or
negative. If you feel a negative emotion, I suggest you delete the number.
Extreme? Sure, but this is serious business here. We’re upgrading you in every
way possible and this is crucial to do if you want to experience a better quality of
life. So do it.

>> Social media - If it ain’t making you money, delete it. Social media is crazy
right now. Negativity sells, so everybody is just creating toxic content that gets
more eyeballs because that means more ad dollars. It may make for good
entertainment, but it’s poisoning your thoughts and emotions. Get rid of it. You
don’t need any of it. And you especially don’t need to see pictures of people from
high school who are fake stunting all the time. Social media is a highlight reel.
People make themselves look way better than they actually are. If you’re not
careful, you’ll look at this and start second guessing your own life (remember…
negative external stimuli influences and triggers negative thoughts which
produces negative reactions). Delete.

>> Reading the comments section - The comment section usually attracts the
lowest of lows. Whether it’s comments on your ads, comments under a youtube
video, comments under a thread - don’t read that shit. Most of the time people
are just arguing with one another. And typing out paragraphs longer than the
essays I had to write in University. Not useful, don’t pay it any mind.

>> Doubters - Their doubts will quickly become your doubts. Remove yourself
from the presence of doubters.

Cutting out the above is not easy. But it’s worth it. By cutting out the above
stimuli, I notice my human self is no longer plagued with unnecessary negative
thoughts/emotions because there’s no external stimuli to cause these
negative thoughts/emotions. This means my Human-Self no longer gets in the
way of me and my dreams with bullshit limiting thoughts/disempowering

I cannot even begin to explain how much more powerful this makes me. And how
much more powerful it will make you. I honestly believe that success and
amassing wealth is easy. But our human self just gets in the way due to all the
negative thoughts/emotions/programming. That’s why you need to cut out as
much negative external stimuli as possible, so you can free yourself of all the
negativity your human self keeps locked inside his/her mind and heart.

Once you do, it’s time for part two.

Part 2) Increase positive external stimuli

After you’ve limited negative external stimuli, you’ll notice your human self no
longer thinks and feels as much negative thoughts/emotions as before. This is
great. But it’s not good enough.

Now we need to flood your human self with positive thoughts and emotions.
Positive thoughts and emotions that get him/her to play the game of life to the
best of your ability.

So how do we do that?

Quite easy.

We work with the same Programming Formula (see below) but now we make it
work for us, instead of against us.

External Stimuli → Thoughts → Reactions

To make it work for us, all we have to do is expose our senses to more positive
stimuli. By doing so, your human self will automatically have more positive
thoughts which will produce positive reactions that go on to shape your quality
of life.

Here’s a list of positive stimuli I’ve added to my life so my human-self

automatically thinks and feels more positive shit (by default):

>> 2.0 Character Development Folder - This folder as you should already know
is full with positive stimuli. By simply exposing my senses to it 3x a day, I’m full
with way more energy and that’s because it triggers positive thoughts and
positive reactions/emotions. It’s one of my most prized possessions.
>> Short mini-movies - On my laptop, I have a folder with short mini-movies
that I’ll watch every now and then. These short movies capture the life I desire to
live and pump me the fuck up.

>> Affirmations recording - I’ve already covered this in the assignments

section, but this recording keeps my human self full with positive thoughts and

>> People richer, happier, more fitter than me - By exposing my senses to

people who are richer, happier, more fitter than me, I quickly start thinking and
feeling the same thoughts and emotions as they do. This in return allows me to
get very similar results.

>> 10 minutes of window shopping a day - I originally got this tip from Andy
Friscella. Dude’s a beast, check him out if you haven’t already. But the way this tip
works is each day you simply window shop for a few minutes (just do it online).
And expose your senses to what you want. Watches, cars, houses. Whatever.
Andy used to window shop private jets and shit, and now he has one. I mostly
window shop experiences, don’t really give a fuck about material possessions.
And a large chunk of my window shop experiences I am living out now.

>> Good hearted people w/ high energy - For their presence makes my human
self think good thoughts and feel good emotions, which influences the way I
interact with the world and everybody in it.

>> Stand up comedy - I love to laugh. If you’re not laughing a gazillion time each
day, you’re taking this life shit too seriously. Lighten up and have some fun. Dave
Chappelle. Richard Pryor. Chris Rock. Eddie Murphy. Louis CK. Mitch Hedberg.
These are some of my go-tos for getting those deep belly laughs.

>> Uplifting music - You know what I’m talking about, the type of music that has
you walking around feeling like you’re the fucking man.
By exposing my senses to the above stimuli, I notice my human self automatically
starts thinking and feeling more positive shit. Whereas before it would try to get
in the way of me and success by procrastinating, hitting me with doubts, and
limiting me - now it works with me and supercharges my rate of progress.

It’s dope.

So that’s the second thing you need to do. Once you’ve done implementing the
above, then it’s time for the third and last practical tip for today’s lecture.

How To Control Human You #3: Implant

Empowering Thoughts And Reactions Into Your
Human Self (Human You Has Thoughts/Emotions
On Auto-Pilot Because Of Programming Formula,
But God Level Can Choose Thoughts/Reactions)
Once you build your awareness and grow conscious of what your human self is
thinking and feeling, you’ll realize most of the thoughts and feelings are occurring
due to what you expose your senses to.

In other words, they’re happening automatically.

External stimuli controls what you think and feel.

Once you realize this, you should limit the occurrence of negative stimuli and
increase the occurrence of positive stimuli to mold your human self into a
positive force of nature.

When you do, you’ll start to experience the benefits instantly (because you’ll be
working with the scientific principles/laws of nature that govern our reality).

Roadblocks will suddenly disappear.

Obstacles will vanish.

Procrastination will die.

Laziness will come to an end.

Instead, you’ll be free as a bird. Able to fly to wherever you desire.

But that’s only IF you add one more piece to the puzzle.

You see, up till now you’ve learned to separate yourself into two,
observe/witness the thoughts of your human self, and control what you expose
your senses to. This is great. But we’re not done yet.

The last practical tip is to control human you through the lens of god-you.

How do you do that?

Here’s how…

1) Choose the most optimal reaction. Always. - You can try to limit a fuck ton
of negative external stimuli, but some will always seep through. Don’t worry
about it. The key is to operate from the god-level you, not the human-level you.
The human-level you is quick to react negatively to negative stimuli. But the god-
level you must learn to step before your human-level you and choose the most
optimal reaction. You have full control over how you react to the events that
happen in your life. Do not give up this privilege. Whenever shit happens in life,
pause before you react. Take a deep breath and choose the most empowering
reaction (even if it’s “bullshit”). For example, if you send out cold emails and
someone sends back a disheartening/rude response, your human self will want
to instantly react negatively. Don’t. Pause, take a deep breath, and choose an
empowering reaction (tell yourself “oh they must be having a bad day!” instead of
“fuck I knew I shouldn’t have sent that bold of a cold email… I suck at this!”
Remember thoughts are energy and energy has no choice but to turn into reality.
Choose reactions with care. It’s better to choose a positive bullshit reaction than
a negative “true” reaction).

2) Give your human self commandments/instructions - Your job is to make

your human-self dance and feel no pain. Imagine if your human self was a video
game character. And your God-Self was playing a game called “Get massively
successful and wealthy or die trying.” The human-self was inside the video game.
The god-self was the one controlling your human self via a remote control. The
god-self could make the human self do whatever it pleased. It would make him
cold call, send out emails, work long hours, whatever. It would make him wake
up early, put in the reps, and get better each and every day. Would you want to
play that video game? Do you think you would be able to win? If so, prove it.
Because that’s pretty much what life is. There are two of you. God you and human
you. God you is the one controlling human you (if you’re conscious). So put your
powers to the test. Command your human-self. Tell it what to do and when. Then
do it. If it starts bitching out, make it dance. And feel no pain. There is no fear, no
doubt, no negative turmoil that exists at the level of god-you because he/she is
the observer/witness, so there is nothing to get in the way of you and success.
Simply operate from the god-level you and give instructions/commandments to
the human you and make it do the work. Each morning, I wake up and have a list
of what my human self needs to get done. And when. Then I simply go through
the list and knock it out one-by-one. Sure, my human self bitches and moans and
procrastinates and gets lazy every now and then. But that’s when I take a deep
breath, return back to the God-Level me and make my human-self dance/do the
work. My god-self is the one pulling the strings. Not my human self like how most
people run their life. This in return allows me to blow the competition out of the
water. It’s not even funny. We’ll dive way deeper into the full details behind this,
but for now just get used to viewing yourself as two and giving your human self
instructions and following through - especially when your human self doesn’t
want to (remember you need to make awareness and narrating what your
human self is thinking and feeling a part of your daily routine so you can create
separation between your human you and god you and tap into the latter).

3) Lift yourself up with positive language - God-you needs to go hard on

human-you/make him dance, but it also needs to act as his/her cheerleader.
Whenever shit goes wrong and your human you starts feeling down and out,
hype your human self back up. How? By simply repeating to yourself a positive
saying. Keep those energy levels high. (Side note: Every morning I wake up and
tell myself, “I feel absolutely amazing. Today is going to be brilliantly successful
for me!) By doing this, you can weather any storm. And keep your head high
throughout all the trials and tribulations life brings. This is what it takes to win.

Those are the three practical tips you need to start implementing right away.

In summary, you need to view yourself as two (god you and human you), learn to
observe the thoughts and feelings of human you, limit the negative stimuli you
expose yourself to, increase the positive, and then operate/live your life from the
god-level, not the human level.

If you put into action just the above, you’ll become unstoppable. Nothing will
phase you. Nothing will fuck you up. Yes, the strong tides of life will come and
wash you away. But you’ll get right back up without missing a beat because you
have all the tools you need to come back stronger and better than ever.

This game of success and wealth building is only as hard as you make it.

If you operate from the human-you level, then it’s tough.

You have to constantly fight negative thoughts and emotions, battle doubters and
complainers, and fight through procrastination and limiting beliefs in an attempt
to take action. And when you fall down, you have to muster up all the energy
inside you to stand back up (most can’t).
But if you operate from the god-level, it’s so much easier.

You don’t get swept along by your BS thoughts and emotions. You cut out all the
negative stimuli. You inject more positive stimuli into your world. And your god-
self becomes the higher self that your human self/lower self needs to grow up to
be a winner (kind of like a parent/child relationship). Once you hit this level and
way of being, then the world becomes your oyster. And everything opens up to
you. Like magic.

So get in the habit of putting into action everything we covered today. We’re just
getting started with the practical tips and I purposely left quite a bit of detail out
because I want you to experiment with these practical tips yourself this week
(you’ll get so much more out of it this way). Next week, we’re going to ramp shit
up even more and show you how you can use the scientific principles we covered
in week 2 to connect to all that there is and all that there ever will be. Very
powerful lecture.

See you then!

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