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Week 3 - Putting The Pieces Together: How You Built

Yourself And Why You Must Die

Hey guys, Tej Dosa here. Welcome to Week 3 of Mentality Training. This is lecture
three. This one is called Putting The Pieces Together: How You Built Yourself And
Why You Must Die.

Another strange title? You bet.

This course is very strange and I know the topics we’ve been covering thus far
(and will continue to cover) aren’t really discussed by the mainstream media. (I
have my own theories on why with one theory being society as a whole is
designed to keep the masses depressed, incomplete and in pain so they can turn
around and sell em products (a lot of marketing is built on this). Getting the
masses to spend money makes the economy go around. If everyone understood
who they were and how powerful they are, all the insecurities inside them would
instantly vanish. And many billion dollar industries would come crashing down.
Or maybe not. Just a theory.)

But in this course, we have zero interest in keeping you in the dark. Quite the
opposite. I want to arm you with the same knowledge that completely
revolutionized every area of my life. And the way I live it.

So now that you’ve started travelling down the rabbit hole yourself and got
acquainted with topics such as String Theory, The Observer Effect, and Quantum
Entanglement - the question(s) becomes:

“How exactly are these scientific principles relevant to your life?”

“How have these principles shaped you into the person you are today?”
“How have these principles contributed to all the successes and failures you’ve
experienced up till this point?”

And these questions don’t necessarily have answers that come easy.

Quite often, I find people have no problems accepting the principles of String
Theory, The Observer Effect, and Quantum Entanglement…

… but they think of these principles as “outside” themselves.

As something that happens to the universe, but not to them.

As if they are immune to the implications posed by these principles.

This is simply not the case.

You and the universe are one in the same.

Everything that governs the universe and the way it works also governs you
and your life experience because you are it.

There is no escaping any of it.

You can live in denial, ignore these principles, and continue to live life as you
know it, but you’d be doing yourself a huge disservice.

That’s because hidden in these principles are powerful insights into how you can
create a better human experience. An experience full of prosperity, wealth and
good fortune.

Sounds like hogwash?

Most definitely. I get it.

So that is why in today’s lecture I’m going to show you how all three of these
principles have made you into the person you are today. And how you have not
arrived here by accident. Sure, you may have been sleepwalking, but the
character that you are today was created and molded by your own hands.

You may not like this character. He or she may have parts that are holding you
back. And limiting you.

But that’s okay.

Understanding how the application of these scientific principles have made you
who you are today is a huge step forward. By understanding this, you’ll be
convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that just like you created this current
version of yourself, you can create a much stronger, richer, more powerful
version of you with the exact same tools.

That’s the goal of today’s lecture. We’re going to connect all the pieces together
for you and help you wake up. Then get practical and show you how you can start
to mold your human experience. In between, we’ll sprinkle a few more mind
fucks and prove to you that life as you once knew it was simply a magnificent

Here’s a quick and dirty rundown of what we’ll cover today:

>> How Your Brain Used String Theory, Observer Effect and Quantum
Entanglement To Build Your Current Character/Reality

- Thoughts are energy

- Reticular Activation System

- Mirror Neurons
>> Putting All The Pieces Together: What Does This All Mean?

>> Exercise: Connecting The Dots

>> Why The Current You Must Die

>> How To Kill Yourself

- Time is an illusion - past/present/future occur now

- Exercise #1: Changing the story

- Exercise #2: Clearing your holding patterns

- Exercise #3: Freeing yourself

>> Moving forward - What to expect

- Building a more powerful you

Lots of ground to cover today, so let’s get straight to it.

How Your Brain Used String Theory, Observer

Effect And Quantum Entanglement To Build Your
Current Character/Reality
It’s easy to dig into the scientific principles of String Theory, Observer Effect and
Quantum Entanglement and view their application to the universe at large…

It’s much harder to understand how you interact with these principles to design
your life experience.

But the funny thing is…

You’ve been doing it your entire life.

You just didn’t know it.

And that’s because the mechanism in which you interact with these principles is
the human brain. And not many people understand the true power of the brain
or how to use it.

And that’s a shame because the human brain governs your interaction with
String Theory, Observer Effect and Quantum Entanglement.

If you can simply broaden your understanding of the human brain and how it
works, then you’ll not only see how you’ve used it to create your current day
experience, but also what you can change in order to create a better experience.

But before we get there, let us first take a step back and explain to you in detail
how your brain used the principles of String Theory, Observer Effect and
Quantum Entanglement to build your current character and reality.

In order to illustrate this, we’ll dive deeper into the human brain and how its
various components relate to String Theory, Observer Effect and Quantum
Entanglement. We’ll discuss the thoughts inside your brain, Reticular Activating
System (RAS) and Mirror Neurons in particular.

Let’s get started.

What Made You?

When you first come into this world, you’re a blank slate. You have no memories.
Nothing to think about. No association with the outside world. Instead, your
brain is free, clean and full with limitless potential. You can be anything. Do
anything. The world is yours.
But as you grow up and learn about the world around you that quickly changes.
No longer are you a blank slate. Instead, your brain acts like a sponge absorbing
water - it takes in everything around you. Everything you see. Hear. Smell.
Everything you expose your senses to.

And because of this, you learn very quickly as a child.

You can easily pick up languages…

Learn how to read…

Learn how to write…

Learn how to behave…

And how to function in society.

But your sponge like brain comes at a cost. This cost is your brain is exposed to
everything around you and it has no filter. It’s picking up everything and

What was once a blank slate is now being socialized and conditioned to
view the world in one way.

And the way you view the world depends largely on who you were surrounded
by and the environment you were exposed to during your early years.

More specifically:

You’ll notice a child very quickly starts to internalize

the behaviors and thoughts he/she sees around him. So chances are you too
picked up on all the fears, stressors, worries, paradigms, behaviors, thought-
processes of those around you during your formative years.
How they saw the world, you started to see the world.

How they acted, you started to act.

What they paid attention to (and prioritized), you prioritized.

What they told you, you believed and internalized.

(Because you didn’t know any better and your well meaning parents didn’t
understand how to build you up to be powerful beyond measure.)

And all these behaviors and thoughts planted inside you ultimately made you,

But why?

Why did the thoughts planted inside you during childhood and adolescence become
your present day reality?

Why did your observations become your life today?

Why did the behaviors you observed in others become your own actions today?

The answers as you may have guessed relate to how your brain uses the powers
of String Theory, Observer Effect and Quantum Entanglement to create your
present day reality.

So let’s discuss each in detail below…

Thoughts Are Energy: How Your Brain Used String

Theory To Build Your Current Character/Reality
String Theory tells us that everything in the universe is composed of tiny
vibrating strings of energy.
Doesn’t matter what it is.

From the particles in your body to the specks of light that let you read these
words to the thoughts inside your brain - EVERYTHING in this universe is
a playing of this ONE fundamental energy (call it God, nothingness, one suchness
- whatever).

As a result, everything in this universe (including the thoughts inside your brain)
are governed by the laws of quantum mechanics.

In other words…

The same weird rules of quantum mechanics that apply to electrons and
protons apply to you and your thoughts.

Now, it’s easy to look past the implications of what this means. After all, most
people don’t live their life as if the rules of quantum mechanics apply to them or
their thoughts.

Instead, they view thoughts as something that aren’t real. As if thoughts don’t
carry any energy.

But this couldn’t be further from the truth.

As you can see from the video below thoughts are real things.

The video above shows you what thoughts look like inside the brain of a fish.
Keep in mind, the human brain is more advanced and powerful than that of a fish,
so the activity inside our brain would look even more intense.
Since thoughts are real things that can be measured, they are governed by the
same rules of quantum mechanics because thoughts are energy just like
everything else that makes up the nature of our universe.

But that’s not the craziest part.

Craziest part (at least to me) is a thought is the least dense thing in our universe
(next to a state of nothingness) which means it has the highest energy of
anything we can conceptualize.

Why is density important?

Because the less dense something is, the higher its vibration, and larger its
energetic footprint.

Since thoughts are the least dense thing in our universe, they carry the most
power according to the laws of String Theory.

Thoughts have the ability to both create and destroy. To build you up to become
all that you can be or to ruin all your chances of living a life full of wealth,
prosperity and joy.

Thoughts are fucking powerful.

But what makes thoughts so powerful?

Remember how I said the rules of quantum mechanics that govern electrons and
protons also govern our thoughts? Well, these rules are the reason why thoughts
are so powerful.

So let’s take a quick minute to go over these rules as well as the properties of
thoughts they give rise to…
The Properties Of Thought:

Thoughts are (high) energy which means they are governed by the same rules
that govern all energy in the universe.

Everything in this universe is made up of energy - including your thoughts. As a

result, your thoughts are governed by the same rules of quantum mechanics that
govern all the energy in the universe.

The main rules being…

1) Energy cannot be destroyed, it can only change forms - A thought cannot

be destroyed or deleted once you have it. It exists forever since it is energy,
which means all the thoughts you’ve had up till this point exist somewhere,
someplace (spooky isn’t it?).

2) E=MC^2 - Mass and energy are interchangeable. Mass is energy. And energy is
mass. This was proven by Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. But what this means in
relation to thoughts is since thoughts are energy - every thought you’ve ever had
has no choice but to turn into mass (energy of a thought → turns into mass (what
we can see and feel). This does not mean every thought turns into mass. Nope. It
simply means thoughts remain out there somewhere among the stars as energy
with the potential to be converted. Every thought you ever had has either
converted into its material equivalent to create the life you have now, or it
remains in space ready to do so.

But what exactly does this all mean?

The implications are quite simple yet scary.

What this means is thoughts are energy.

And every thought you’ve had since you took your first breath has either turned
into the material equivalent of itself today (mass) or is somewhere out there
ready to do so (e=mc^2 (since thoughts are energy they have no choice but to
turn into mass).

In other words…

Your current life today is the sum total of all your thoughts.

What you have thought (energy) has turned into what you have experienced

If you’ve thought shitty thoughts up till this point such as:

“9/10 businesses fail…”

“I’m shy…”

“I lack confidence…”

“I’m not good enough…”

“People like me don’t get rich…”

“Money is evil and/or hard to come by…”

“I suck at writing copy…”

“Online biz is hard…”

Then according to the laws of String Theory, your reality today is equivalent to
the sum total of all your above thoughts (because thoughts are energy and
energy has no choice but to turn into mass.)
Positive Thoughts - Crappy Thoughts = Present Day Reality

(If the number is negative, chances are you’re living a shitty reality right now.
Just facts according to String Theory.)

Your current day reality is equal to the sum total of your thoughts

Nothing more. Nothing less.

To illustrate this point even further, I encourage you to pause right now and
watch this video before proceeding:

I know this is a bitter pill to swallow, but it goes even deeper than this when you
consider the implications of The Observer Effect and Quantum Entanglement, so
let’s get into those now.

Reticular Activation System (RAS): How Your

Brain Used The Observer Effect To Build Your
Current Character/Reality
“The human mind has an “inhibitory system” which routinely and automatically
removes from perception, reason and judgment over 99% of available fact.” ~
Jermone S. Bruner

Reality isn’t really what you think it is.

If you’re like most, then you think what you perceive and see with your eyes and
senses is what reality is made up of.

And that’s all of it.

But that’s a lie.

Because all your life your brain has been playing tricks on you.

Not because it’s evil.

But because it needs to in order to function in the world.

Here’s what I mean…

Since you took your first breath, you have been bombarded with 2 million bits of
data every single fucking second.

The problem is?

Your brain can’t handle all this data.

It can only handle about 147 bits of data.

So what does it do?

Well your brain comes equipped with something called the Reticular Activation
System (RAS) that helps filter out 99.927% of the real world, or almost all of it.

What you’re left with and what you can actually see and experience on earth isn’t
reality as a whole…

But just a portion of it. A very small portion.

The rest of reality is hidden from your awareness.

And you can’t see it or experience it.

Take a moment to think about what this means.

Right now 99.927% of reality is completely OUTSIDE your awareness and you
have no fucking idea it’s there or even what makes it up.
(Sidenote: one theory I have about psychedelics is they allow you to access a
larger portion of reality so you start to see a much larger picture than just the
147 bits of data you are accustomed to, but that’s just my own theory. No science
to back it up - not that I’ve checked or anything lol)

Trippy, isn’t it?


But this brings up the question, how does your brain determine what 147 bits of
reality it should show you and what it should exclude?

And it’s a great question.

The brain or the Reticular Activation System in particular determines what to

show you based on what it thinks is important/what you want.

In other words…

The 147 bits of reality you see is largely dependent on your thoughts because the
Reticular Activation System uses your thoughts to determine what is important
to you/what it should focus on.

As a result…

Reality isn’t really reality.

What you’re seeing and experiencing today is simply what you have programmed
your RAS filter to see/experience.

And I’ll even prove it to you…

What happens when you’re in the market for a new car?

Say a Tesla.

Well, you start seeing Teslas everywhere!

Out of nowhere, it seems like every second car you’re seeing on the streets is a
fucking Tesla.

Why is this happening?

Is it just a coincidence?


The Teslas were there all along, but they were OUTSIDE your awareness of
reality because your brain didn’t think they were important to focus on (so your
RAS tuned them out).

But when you started thinking about buying a Tesla, they suddenly became IN
your awareness and your RAS tuned in on them which is why you started seeing
Teslas all over the fucking place.

This is the power of the Reticular Activation System. And if you remember the
implications of the Observer Effect, you’ll quickly understand that your RAS is
built on the foundation of the Observer Effect.

In other words…

What you focus on, you get/experience.

Your current reality therefore is not something that just happened to you.

It is the result of how you’ve programmed your RAS.

Most people cannot accept this. They view reality to be outside themselves, but
nothing in the universe is outside yourself. You are all of it. There is no
separation. So you use your RAS to filter out what you experience and what you
don’t experience.

To illustrate this point even more, I encourage you to watch this quick video right
now before proceeding to the Quantum Entanglement section:

Now that you understand more about the RAS, you should start seeing how the
current reality you are living today is largely due to how you’ve programmed
your RAS.

If you’ve been struggling in business…

If you’ve been struggling to take action…

If you’ve been struggling to make money…

If you’ve been struggling to break out of your shell…

If you’ve been struggling with social anxiety…

It could be due to how you’ve programmed your RAS!

But more on that later.

For now let’s keep it moving and show you how the principle of Quantum
Entanglement has made you who you are today. And shaped your current view of
Mirror Neurons: How Your Brain Used Quantum
Entanglement To Build Your Current
Quantum Entanglement tells us that once particles come into contact with one
another, they are forever entangled.

What’s more is separation is an illusion.

There is no separation between you and I and everyone else that makes up this
planet. We are all one.

And what’s even more interesting is…

When you dig inside the brain, you quickly find that there are neurons inside the
human brain that back this idea up.

What are these neurons?

Mirror Neurons.

In short, mirror neurons allow you to feel what another person feels by simply
watching that person while they are engaged in a particular activity.

There is no separation between you and others.

We are all connected.

By simply watching another person do something, you feel the exact same
sensations in your brain as if you were the one doing said activity.

Fascinating, isn’t it?

This goes to show that you are entangled with everything and connected to it all,
but the deeper implication is everything you’ve exposed your senses to up until
now has influenced and shaped who you are (because your brain viewed it as if
what you were watching, you were experiencing).

From the media you consumed to the people you hung out with and everything in
between - all the behaviors you saw exhibited by others have penetrated into
your brain and influenced your own behavior.

There is no getting around it.

Everything is programming.

And you’re entangled with it all.

Forever connected and influenced by everything.

But what do all these three things really mean in practice?

Well let’s put the pieces together.

Putting All The Pieces Together: What Does This

All Mean?

I know it takes time to wrap your head around the fact that String Theory,
Observer Effect, and Quantum Entanglement have all played a very serious role
in shaping you into who you are today. But that’s just the cold hard truth.

And that’s because...

The person you are today is largely contingent on:

>> All the thoughts you’ve had up until this point (String Theory)

>> The way you’ve programmed your Reticular Activation System (Observer

>> What you’ve exposed your senses to (Quantum Entanglement)

You did not arrive at this point in your life by accident.

It’s all your doing. For good or bad.

One of the biggest ah-ha moments I had in my life was when I realized I was
creating my life without even knowing it. When I was struggling in school and in
business, I was creating that. When I was getting straight A’s in University and
killing it in business, I was creating that too.

Only difference was in the former I was letting the scientific principles of String
Theory, Observer Effect and Quantum Entanglement work against me (I was
sleepwalking. I had no clue about their existence or how reality as a whole

But during the latter, I woke up.

And recognized these principles and the role they played in shaping my reality.
Once I recognized this role, I woke up and started consciously using these
scientific principles to work for me (instead of against me).

And that made and continues to make all the difference.

But we’ll get into that next week.

This week I want you to wrap your head around the fact that you have created
your current reality and your current self. There is nothing outside yourself.
There is no separation. Everything is one. So the person you are today and the
reality you are experiencing is the result of your own doing.

Nothing more. Nothing less.

But I know this is a bitch to wrap your head around…

That’s why I’m going to give you a brief exercise to do right now that will help
you put all the pieces together and see this for yourself. This is the exact exercise
I did that woke me up to the fact that I was the sole creator of my reality and who
I had become.

I hope it has the same impact on you!

Let’s get to it.

Exercise: Defining Your Current Self And Current

Reality And Tracing It Back To String Theory,
Observer Effect And Quantum Entanglement
This is a very short, but extremely powerful exercise, so please do this right now.

Step 1) Take out a sheet of paper or open up a Word Doc.

Step 2) Define your current self.

Step 3) Define your current reality.

Step 4) Think back to childhood and all the experiences you’ve had up till this
point and ask yourself: What were the thoughts and beliefs your brain
continuously repeated? (Fun fact: Each day we have 70,000 thoughts. But only
20% are new thoughts. The rest are just us repeating the same old thoughts and
acting out the same old beliefs).
Step 5) Think back to childhood and all the experiences you’ve had up till this
point and ask yourself: How did you program your RAS? What did you program it
to experience/see? Did you program it for success or failure? Did you program it
for safety or adventure? Be real.

Step 6) Think back to childhood and all the experiences you’ve had up till this
point and ask yourself: Who were the people you spent the most time with, what
sources of media did you consume the most, and what did you continuously
expose your senses to? What behaviors did these things/people engrave in you?

Step 7) Connect the dots. If you were honest with yourself and did this exercise
correctly, you’ll notice that your dominant thoughts, the way you programmed
your RAS, and the behaviors you took away from what you exposed your senses
to have clearly shaped and molded your current self and current reality. The link
is undeniable.

In other words…

>> All the thoughts you’ve had up until this point (String Theory)

>> The way you’ve programmed your Reticular Activation System (Observer

>> What you’ve exposed your senses to (Quantum Entanglement)

Have made you into who you are today.

And your life into what it is.

If your life sucks, then blame it on String Theory, Observer Effect and Quantum
Entanglement. If your life is great, then blame it on String Theory, Observer Effect
and Quantum Entanglement.
These are the culprits my friend.

There is no denying that.

But now that you realize this, the question becomes:

Is the person you are today and the reality you’re currently living the one that
you want?

Is it the one you want to continue to experience until your physical body gives

That’s something only you can answer.

But since you’ve enrolled in this University and started this journey, I’m willing
to bet the answer is no.

You like the old me have created a version of you that isn’t suited to amass great
wealth and power.

You have been using the scientific principles of String Theory, Observer Effect
and Quantum Entanglement against you.

Instead of using these principles to become all that you can be and to create a
beautiful, rich reality - you’ve used these principles (without knowing) to create a
shitty fucking reality.


If so, I have good news for you and bad news.

What do you want first?

The good news?

Alright cool…

The good news is just like you have built your current character and your current
reality according to the above scientific principles (and the way you used your
brain), you can just as easily create a new character and a much more powerful,
enjoyable reality.

And I’m going to show you how starting next week.

But now the bad news…

The bad news is that in order for you to create a new powerful you and
better reality, you first have to kill the current you.

There is no getting around it.

In order for you to transform, the you that you are now must die.


Why The Current You Must Die

Now that you’re fully aware of the fact that you’ve created yourself and your
current reality according to the principles of String Theory, Observer Effect and
Quantum Entanglement - I’m sure you’re eager to build a more powerful you and

But before you can do so, the current you must die.

The current you must die because us humans are sick in the head. We think we
are conscious beings. Most of us aren’t. Instead, we sleepwalk through life. And
don’t live each day anew. But repeat the same behaviors of yesterday, the same
thoughts, the same observations.

Remember how I said we think 70,000 thoughts a day but 80% are just thoughts
from the past?

Well this is extremely important to understand because if we do not kill the

current you, then you will just continue to fall victim to all the thoughts,
behaviors, and observations of your past.

Which means String Theory, Observer Effect and Quantum Entanglement will
keep on giving you more of the same.

Instead of transforming and becoming all that you can be, you will continue to
experience the same old shit. The same old mediocre ass results. The same dull

We don’t want that.

We want to transform you into an entrepreneurial killer.

In every sense of the world.

To do that, the current you must die.

There is no other way because the person you are right now is not fully capable
of generating the results you desire in life - otherwise you would’ve already done

There’s something about you…

Could be a personality trait, your past or who you view yourself to be that is
keeping you trapped and stuck.

In order for you to grow, you have to kill the current version that is you.
Otherwise you will continue to repeat the same thoughts, habits, and behaviors
that have led you here.

In order to get something different, the current you must die and you must break
your connection to the past.

There is no getting around it.

Once you’ve killed the current version that is you, then we can start using the
scientific principles of String Theory, Observer Effect, Quantum Entanglement to
create a more powerful version of you and bring to life better experiences.

I’ll give you all the practical tools and strategies for making that happen in the
weeks to come, but for now it’s clear that the current you is no longer serving you
and he or she must die.

So how do you kill yourself?

How can you erase all the bitter memories of your past?

How can you free yourself of all your past behaviors?

How can you shed all the layers you’ve adopted throughout the years?

How can you become anew and start fresh?

It sounds next-to-impossible, doesn’t it?

It sounds difficult and grueling.

After all, you’ve probably lived 20+ years on this planet and accumulated so
many habits, thoughts and behaviors that make you, you.

How can you just shed all those and kill the current you?

Well the answer is quite simple, but also quite the mindfuck.

Let’s get into it now.

How To Kill The Current You

The answer is quite the mindfuck because up till now you’ve been believing in a
very BIG illusion. What is this illusion?

The illusion is time.

Up till this point, you’ve bought into the idea that your idea of time is how the
universe works. There is a past, present, future. And life flows chronologically.
But when you look at the nature of the universe and the way it works, you realize
that your idea of time is an illusion.

Time does not move chronologically.

Everything there is and everything that ever will be exists right now. No
such thing as the past, present, future.

Everything is now.

I’ll go into more detail about the illusion of time and how you can leverage this
illusion to bring to life unbelievable experiences in a later lecture, but for now I
just need you to entertain the idea of time being an illusion (Remember I don’t
care if you believe any of this. All I care about is you apply what you learn and
judge the results for yourself).

So what exactly does the illusion of time have to do with killing the current
version of you?

It has many things to do with it.

But the most important of all is realizing that your past is not something that
happened and is now over.

Nope, my friend.

The past is just as real as the present.

It is alive and happening right now. We just can’t perceive it because our brain
views time as chronologically. But make no mistake about it, your past self is
existing and living right now.

Quite the mind fuck?


But it gets even weirder...

What this means is since who you are today is based largely on your past
and all the experiences and thoughts you had in your past - to kill yourself
and your current version of you - all you have to do is change the way you
acted in the past.

“What the fuck?”

“How do you do that?”

“I think you’ve lost it, Tej.”

I know. I know.

Being able to tap into your past sounds fucking crazy and like I lost my marbles.
Trust me, I know.

But changing the past is the quickest and easiest way to change your present. I
know it sounds crazy and impossible. But remember the principle of Quantum
Entanglement and how we are entangled to everything - including our past. And
how we can consciously change it?

Well that’s exactly what you have to do in order to free yourself of all the
limitations your past has imposed on you.

So how can you change the way you acted in the past?

By doing 1 simple exercise. This exercise will free you of your past and allow you
to begin anew, so let’s cover it now.

Exercise #1: Changing The Story Of Your Past

It doesn’t matter if you believe in this or not. All I want you to do today is try this
exercise and see how you feel. I’ll dig deeper into the science behind it all and
how you can use it to build a better life as the weeks progress, but for now we
don’t care about any of that.

All we care about is changing the story of your past so it no longer haunts you or
sabotages your chances of transforming into an entrepreneurial killer, so let’s kill
your past now in just 3 easy steps.

Step 1) Close your eyes and meditate or do some box breathing for 10-20
minutes. Nothing extreme, keep it simple. If you’re meditating, then simply close
your eyes and focus on your breath. If you’re doing box breathing, then simply
hold your breath for 4 seconds, inhale for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 4
seconds, exhale for 4 seconds. And repeat. Once the 10-20 minutes are up, pull
out a pen and a pad and write down all the events from your past that are still
fucking with you. Write down everything that comes to mind. Maybe you write
down shit that happened to you. Maybe you write down shit other people did to
you. Maybe you write down bullshit thoughts you let turn into beliefs. Whatever.
Focus on writing down the BIG things from your past that have made you who
you are today. Focus on writing down what is constantly on your mind from your
past. The reason you want to do this is because this is what your RAS is
programmed to reinforce. By coming to terms with these things, you can loosen
the hold the past has over you and officially begin anew. So do that now.

Step 2) Take a break. Drink some water. Maybe go for a quick walk around the
block. Whatever. Once you’re ready, return back to the contents on your notepad
and now you’re going to relive these experiences in a new way. You are not going
to relive these experiences in the way you remembered them happening. But in a
totally different way - in a way that you wish it had happened. In other words,
imagine that same event ending in the way you wanted it to go down. In the ideal
situation. For example, if a bully from your past used to fuck with you and that
caused you a bunch of psychological problems, then imagine that bully
apologizing to you and you guys hugging and laughing about it.

I know it sounds stupid. But just do it and imagine that same event ending well.
Just do it for fun. All you’re doing is simply imagining a better outcome. Nothing
more. Nothing less.

This does not mean you’re turning the other cheek and becoming delusional. Nah.
This exercise is backed by science. And that’s because you are quite literally
changing what happened in the imagined past.
Remember what you learned about the cosmic glue. By imagining this, you are
actually reaching out across space and via quantum entanglement impacting that
person and that event. This is powerful.

3) When you are finished, walk over to a mirror and say out loud (do this often):

"I did my best with the information that was available to me at the time. Everyone
makes mistakes. I release everything in my past and send it on with my love and
best wishes. By holding onto the past, I recreate the past. By worrying and hoping
for my future I destroy the present potential. I (name) am not bound by the process
of time. I am present and in this moment I recreate the past and the future in my
best interests now. Let it be.”

After you are done with the above, take note of how you feel.

Not only will you feel as if a load has been lifted from your shoulders, but
something spooky may also happen.

Remember the principle of quantum entanglement and how it tells us how

one particle behaves impacts another particle - no matter how far they may

Well according to some spiritual folks and even scientists what this exercise does
is reach back into your past and the people that made it up and communicate the
new feelings of this better outcome to them (I know, sounds bizarre). And this in
return may actually lead to them hitting you up and apologizing or forgiving you.

I know. I know.

Crazy talk.

But when you wrap your head around quantum entanglement and how everyone
is connected, then it becomes a lot easier to believe.
And the implications are undeniable.

But we’ll get into that at a later date.

Right now we just care about changing the way you perceive the past. So get in
there and recreate the past with your imagination. That’s all you have to do. And
create it in the way you wanted it to go down. As if you had a magic wand and
you could paint the past in whichever way you please.

Do it now before proceeding to the rest of this course.

This exercise is very important (as crazy as it may be lol).

Okay now that we got that over and done with, I also have two additional
exercises I want to introduce to you today. I will not be going into crazy details
today (will cover that later). But today, I just want to introduce these two
additional exercises to you because they too can be used to free yourself from all
the chaos of your past, so please check these out now.

Exercise #2: Clearing Holding Patterns With

Everything is energy and energy takes on different forms depending on how it
vibrates. We know this to be true. But what you may not know is your body may
store all the energy from your past.

I say may because this hasn’t been proven by science yet, but according to the
yogis, mystics and spiritual gurus - this is the “truth”.

The way it works is simple…

There is something called “Body Memory”.
(Sidenote: This may play a large role in what PTSD is. If you go through a
traumatic event in life, your body keeps and stores this memory. And it
influences your actions from there on out).

This Body Memory stores every traumatic experience you’ve gone through inside
your human body as energy.

But not as free flowing energy.

As blocked energy.

If you’ve gone through fucked up shit in your past (or even everyday traumatic
experiences in your life), then without a doubt you have blocked energy inside
your body.

And this is keeping you from becoming all that you can be. It is holding you back.
And inhibiting you.

So in other words, you are literally carrying the past with you everywhere you
go. Which means you are more likely to continue to repeat the same thoughts,
behaviors and traumatic events from your past in the present moment.

We don’t want this (obviously).

We want to release this energy and let it flow.

No more blocked energy. That’s the goal.

Fortunately, you can free yourself and begin to clear this energy out.

And that’s what brings us to Exercise #2 on our mission to kill the current you, so
we can start using the scientific principles to bring to life a much more powerful
What is Exercise #2?


But before we get into that, I invite you to check out these two videos on how the
body stores energy and why it’s important to release this energy because
otherwise you’ll continue to “act” and function in the same manner as you did in
your past.

Now that we got that out of the way, let’s get back to Bioenergetics.

What the fuck is that?

Bioenergetics is a collection of exercises that are designed to clear your body of

its holding powers (blocked energy).

It’s important to do because in order for you to become all that you can be, you
have to free yourself of all the trauma and experiences from the past inside your
body. And return back to being a blank slate as you were as a child.

This is exactly what Bioenergetics makes possible.

Like I said, I’ll get into the full details at a later date, but for now I just want to
show you a few exercises you can start doing daily to clear yourself of all your
blocked energy:

Once you’ve checked that out, it’s time to move onto the last and final exercise
(which is kind of crazy).
Exercise #3: Freeing Yourself
The last exercise you can do to free yourself of the current you is one you find all
throughout the spiritual texts, but also one that is backed by science.

What is this exercise?

A screaming exercise.

Similar to bioenergetics, this screaming exercise allows you to clear up all your
inhibitions, all the things you kept locked away, all the energy that convinced you
to play small. And to become more open, free and live.

This is crucial because the current you is holding you down and keeping you
caged. You have to break the hold it has over you.

I recommend doing the screaming exercise to free yourself.

Here’s how it works:

While driving or out in nature alone, simply start screaming and moving your
body freely and naturally. Do this for about 5 minutes. And notice how amazing
you feel afterwards.

Here’s a quick demonstration:

Now that you’re familiar with the three exercises you can do consistently to kill
the current version of you, it’s extremely important you do these as often as you
can in order to free yourself of all that is holding you back.

Make these a part of your life.

You don’t have to do these daily, but you should do them often.

At least in the early days.

Once you do, you’ll begin to feel different. And you’ll open yourself up to
experiencing a world of infinite probabilities which brings us to the next and final
part of this lecture.

Moving Forward - What To Expect From Here On

Alright, alright (Kevin Hart Voice) that pretty much brings us to the end of
today’s lecture.

But before I send you off, let me quickly recap all the ground we’ve covered up
until this point. And what you can expect in the weeks to come.

Now that you’ve discovered who you truly are and what you’re made up of, plus
the 3 scientific principles that are governing your life. And how they have shaped
the current you. And your current reality. And how you can free yourself from the
past. And all the bullshit trauma it has brought into your life…

We’re ready to dive even deeper.

We’re ready to see the matrix for what it truly is and how we can start using the
principles of quantum physics to bring to life a much more powerful you and a
much more powerful reality.

This is what the rest of this course will be concerned with.

And soon you will also be tasked with your term project that will literally force
you to put all this shit into action and grow into the strongest version of yourself.
This term project is arguably the single most important thing you’ll ever do and it
takes advantage of everything we’ve discussed to date and everything we will
discuss so keep that in the back of your mind.

But for now, just work through the insights delivered in today’s lecture. And get
ready for the weeks to come!

We’re about to break the matrix.

I’ll see you next week.

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