Week 2 - Your Reality is an Illusion - Understanding What You Are Made of and How Reality Actually Works

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Week 2 - Your Reality Is An Illusion: Understanding

What You Are Made Of And How Reality Actually


Hey guys, Tej Dosa here.

Welcome to Week 2 of Mentality Training. This is lecture two. This one is called
Your Reality Is An Illusion: Understanding What You Are Made Of And How
Reality Actually Works.

I know the title sounds wacky, but there’s a reason we’re even diving into all this
and that’s because up till this point you’ve lived a very limited life.

You were born in a certain city and country. You were raised by a certain type of
parent. You had a certain type of childhood.
And you’ve undergone certain types of experiences.

Over the span of all these years, your personality and idea of self naturally grew
and evolved.

You picked up new habits and character traits. Disregarded old ones. Discovered
new interests, made friends, went through more experiences. Some good. Others

And they all made you into the person you “think” you are today.

And more importantly they all shaped your view of reality.

If you’ve lived a typical life with ordinary experiences, then you’ve been made to
believe that your current version of reality is the way life works.

This everyday version of reality tells you…

You have a body, a brain and five senses.

You are separate from everything that is and everything that ever will be. A tree
is a tree, a desk is a desk, a water bottle is a water bottle, a person is a person.
Nothing is connected.

These are the lines, color inside them, don’t make too much noise and you’ll be

If you want something, you have to work really hard to get it.

It’s best to not dream too big, it’s better to set realistic goals.

Living a comfortable life is the goal.

All answers lay outside you, find them.

You’re born, consciousness follows. You die, consciousness leaves.

Life works in a linear fashion: past, present, future. There is no changing your
past. There is no influencing your future.

You are separate from the world and the people that make it up.

You are limited to who you are, there is no changing you. People are who people
are. Everything is fixed. If you sucked at business or school when you were a
teen, then you’re going to suck today. Tough luck. No getting around it.

Life is completely random, it is composed of a series of events that happen to you.

And you have zero control over the process.

Death is the end.

Brute force is how you make progress, advancing from Step A to Step B. It’s next
to impossible to make a leap from Step A to Step Z.

Magic is not real.

People like you aren’t meant for riches and the good life. You’re lucky if you can
make $100k/year and live a normal, comfortable life that affords you a few perks
every now and then, so aim low. Very low to avoid disappointment.

Chances are this or something along these lines was the reality sold to you and
it’s the way you see the world.

It’s the way you think reality works.

You’re born, consciousness follows. You experience life according to the

circumstances you were born into. Then you die and consciousness leaves.
What you choose to do and who you ultimately become is determined by where
you grew up, the environment you were born into, your peer circle, your natural
talents and personality traits.

Life is fixed.

If you grew up in poverty, then you’re destined for poverty.

If you come from a working class family, then you’re likely to become a working
class citizen yourself.

If you grew up with a family business, then you’re likely to take over the family
business once your mom/dad gives up the reigns.

Life is predetermined by your circumstances.

Doing anything beyond the circumstances you were born into is not only a far
fetched dream, but damn near impossible.

After all, how can you in all your ordinariness go from this place that is full with
so much pain, suffering and failure to that place over there that is full with great
adventure, extreme possibility and unlimited wealth?

It just isn’t “in your cards” because you’re taught life works linearly and who you
are is fixed. If you’re born into circumstances that are far from unlimited wealth
and you lack the smarts, balls and creative skills required to find a way out then
it’s “unrealistic” to think you could ever get that richer life.

This is how most people experience life.

They’re born in a set of circumstances with a fixed personality. They grow up in

these circumstances and cling to their idea of self. And they let these
circumstances become their version of reality until all that is left to do is follow
the normal, dull, watered down path laid in front of them.

But as you’re going to learn inside this Week’s Lecture…

Reality isn’t really the reality that was sold to both you and me.

We were sold a reality that told us life is a 3-dimensional experience where we

move from birth to death.

And only what we perceive with our 5 senses is real.

And life is completely random.

There is no order. Only chaos.

You have no say in it.

Your job is to make the best with what you have...

And live until it’s time to die.

Once you die, it’s over.

You only live once.

So make the most of it because once it’s gone, it’s gone.

And there is no coming back.

This is the reality sold to us on the West.

It’s a very limited and disempowering reality because what happens if...

• You were born into shitty circumstances?

• Your personality isn’t conducive for success?

• You had a rough childhood?

• You fucked up in your past?

• You don’t have the character traits required for success?

• Your life is full of despair and failure?

• You’re running out of time?

This version of reality will have you believing that you’re fucked.

That there’s little-to-no chance of you making it…

Because it just isn’t feasible to make such a big transformational leap in your life
(“you can’t go from Step A to Step Z”).

Remember: this view of reality tells you the world is fixed and things and people
are just the way they are. No getting around it.

But as crummy as this version of reality is, it’s the one we’ve been led to believe
since childhood and it’s the reason…

So many of us are walking around trapped in a limited way of being while

simultaneously being scared shitless of death.

We know death is coming…

And it’s going to wipe us out and there’s only so much time left for us to bring to
life our wildest dreams and live an epic life, but the problem is it’s just so hard.

It’s hard to break out of the habit of being yourself.

We’ve become accustomed to our personality traits…

The labels we’ve assigned ourselves…

The habits we’ve built over the years…

And the character that we are.

And since all this isn’t conducive to wealth building and success, we’re trapped in
a never ending cycle of wanting more, but not being enough to make it happen
(because even if we take action - we’re met with failure, insurmountable
obstacles and discouraging odds).

So we continue to live a watered down life that is full of failure, doubt, fear,
worry, procrastination and stress - which only compounds as we move closer to
death - since we know time is running out, but we’re not making any real
progress towards creating the life we always desired to live.

Is it thus any wonder why so many people are depressed and stuck in never
ending ruts of anxiety and despair?

We all want more from life, but are trapped in a limited reality that keeps us sick,
afraid, cut off from the world, and forever fearing our death.

This is life as we know it.

But the BIG question is...

Is this how reality truly is? Is this how life actually works?

You’ll get the answer in today’s lecture.

Once you’re done, you’re going to experience the mother of all mindfucks. And
that’s because everything you thought to be true, everything you thought was
real was simply a magnificent illusion. And this illusion has been fucking with
you ever since you took your first breath. It’s been controlling you, belittling you,
limiting you. And keeping you broke, miserable, and down on your luck. It’s time
we shatter the fucking illusion. And expose you to the true nature of reality and
who you actually are. So here is exactly what we’ll cover in today’s lecture:

>> The Alchemist’s Pledge

>> Ground Rules

>> Discovering The Truth: What Are We Made Of

• Classical Physics

• Quantum Physics

• Spiritual Perspective

>>Discovering The Truth: How Does Reality Actually Work?

• Higgs Field

• String Theory

• Observer Effect

• Quantum Entanglement

>> Breaking Your Illusions & Mindfucking You: What Does This All Mean For You
And Your Current Life?

• You made you. You control you.

• Death is an illusion

• You are bigger than you think you are

• There is fundamentally nothing to fear

• The universe is a participatory universe

• All possibilities exist

• Nothing is fixed or as it appears

• Hypothesis are everything

The main objective of today’s lecture isn’t to teach you practical tools for raising
your consciousness and way of being. That comes later. The objective today is to
teach you the way reality truly works.

I know you may not be that interested in the education component, but it’s
massively important to your development as an entrepreneur (plus it’s
interesting as fuck).

And that’s because…

I can sit here and tell you practical tip after practical tip for raising your
consciousness and coming up with insanely lucrative ideas, angles, and money-
making schemes...

But if you don’t know why you’re doing it…

If you don’t know the purpose…

If you don’t understand the teachings and science behind it…

Then you’re not going to stick with the practical tips long enough to create
massive change in your life.

That’s why Mentality Training I as a whole is broken down into two main
components: First we must educate you, then teach you the practical tools you
can use to create a more rewarding life experience. One that helps you kick ass in
business and life.
So please don’t rush. Take it slow. Enjoy the mindfuck today, then we’ll dive
deeper into the practical tools in the weeks to come.


Let’s start this week’s training by covering the Alchemist’s Pledge.

The Alchemist's Pledge

What is it?

I originally came across the contents of the Alchemist’s Pledge thanks to Trevor

Some of what you’re going to learn inside this course (mostly the initial
components) was initially brought to my attention by Trevor as well as countless
other great men and women (Full Disclaimer: I did not invent any of this
(obviously). All I did was follow my insatiable curiosity which sent me down one
rabbit hole after the next. I learned from an endless list of people. At the end of
this course, I will give you a full list of all the people who helped me uncover all
this life changing stuff).

Trevor, in particular, deepened my understanding of the true nature of reality

and how it actually works.

His story is quite impressive and surreal. He’s used some of the teachings I’ll
teach you inside this course to build and sell 3 separate companies for hundreds
of millions of dollars each.

It’s insane.

But not a far-fetched claim at all (or even unique to Trevor).

And that’s because once you discover how reality truly works, you become
aware. You become aware of your limitless potential. And all the unbelievable,
life-transforming possibilities that come along with it.

But alongside this truth also comes a price.

The price is being looked at as crazy, eccentric and weird.

The price is being full with excitement and a rush for life that you’ve never felt
before, but you can’t really share with others because nobody understands you
or your “bizarre” view of reality.

The price is silence.

That’s why you must make a commitment today to honor the Alchemist’s Pledge.
You must commit to learn with an open, non-judgemental mind. You must
commit to use what you’re going to learn inside this course for only your own
gain. And above all, you must commit to NOT persuade or even tell other people
about this new way of life.

What I’ve learned a long time ago is each and every one of us are on our own
journey. The truth although exciting is also dangerous. And only when we’re
ready to uncover it can we do so.

You’ve reached a point where you’re ready for it otherwise you and I wouldn’t
have crossed paths.

But most people aren’t ready for it.

They’re not ready to have their comfortable bubble of life burst wide open.

They’re not ready to discover the illusion that is life.

They’re not ready to accept responsibility for their current day reality.

They would much rather continue to exist in their limited view of reality because
it’s comfortable and safe.

That’s why you must NOT divulge the teachings inside this course to anybody
else. Not to your mom, girlfriend, brother or sister. For if you do, you will lose a
lot more than you gain.

I’m not just saying this to say it, either. I’m speaking from personal experience.
When I first discovered all this shit, I was floored with excitement.

And went out and tried telling anyone and anybody.

Problem is, most people weren’t ready for it. Instead of being met with the same
level of excitement that I had, I was met with mockery, disbelief and a fuck ton of

It’s unnecessary.

So do as I (eventually) did and use the teachings inside this course for your own
gain and honor every word of the Alchemist’s Pledge.

Here is the Alchemist’s Pledge in full (read it now):

“Most have eyes with which to see and ears with which to hear. Fewer have eyes for
sight and ears for listening. Open your eyes wide and your ears far, and let your
intuition guide you. The knowledge we will digest together in this course is
powerful. The knowledge is available to anyone who cares to seek it. Some find
knowledge scary or threatening when it challenges the belief systems they have
relied on for purpose or for survival. Others find the truth sets them free. Being free
and powerful is exhilarating. It is also dangerous. It has long been said that
authority figures do not like the mystic or the free thinker, because they fear
nothing, not even death… especially not death. After doing this course, you will no
longer fear death either. Therefore, the free thinker cannot be coerced into doing
harm to another in exchange for survival, nor made to accept false rule over
suffering. Those who claim authority over others whether a politician, teacher,
preacher, elder or employer are never comfortable with that. There is only one
imperative for the person who is free and powerful. You must use that to be all you
can be… to excel, to shine, and to lead by example. You cannot use this knowledge to
coerce, exhort or sculpt any other person for in attempting to do so you will lose
more than you gained.”

It’s important you reread the above a few times. Because once you’ve uncovered
the truth and experienced the mother of all mindfucks, your first inclination will
be to go out and scream it to the world.


“For you will lose more than you gained.”

Keep the truth inside and let it guide you to a richer life. Then once people have
seen the unbelievable transformations materialize in your life, you like I have
done can point to the Truth and maybe just maybe they will be more receptive to

Until then, keep it close to the chest. Deal? If so, let’s begin our quest in the search
of truth by covering a few quick and dirty ground rules below diving into who
you are and what you are made up of (Warning: What you’re about to learn runs
contrary to almost everything you’ve been led to believe so truly get ready for the
mother of all mindfucks).

Ground Rules
Since you’ve lived a certain type of life up till this point and you’re used to seeing
reality in a certain way - especially if you grew up in the West (like I did) then the
shit you learn inside this course may come across as weird, unnecessary or flat
out bullshit.

Although each and everything we cover is backed with scientific proof (and the
scientific view will be used to explain much of it), I understand that the truth
inside will challenge your preconceived beliefs, thoughts and ideas.

And this may make you feel a little threatened (depending on how tightly you’ve
been holding onto your current view of reality).

That’s okay and normal.

My goal with this course is not to convince you of anything. To not change your
beliefs. To not change your values. Or anything like that.


My goal is to simply bring to you knowledge and teachings that will upgrade your
level of consciousness and allow you to play the game of life on a much bigger
scale - a scale full with wealth, good times, and prosperity.

That’s it.

So in order to do that, I encourage you to keep the following ground rules in mind
(in addition to the Alchemist’s Pledge) as you go through today’s training as well
as the ones that follow:

1) Consume all the teachings inside with an open, non-judgemental mind

You do not have to believe any of it. Just keep your mind open and absorb all the
teachings. Watch all the videos, read all the text, and truly think about it. Don’t
rush, take it slow.

2) Commit to putting into action what you are learning and don’t rely on my
words for validation

Put things into action and prove to yourself that the teachings inside this course
are legit. Don’t just believe me. That’s not how you learn. If something excites
you, dive deeper into the subject on your own. Although I will cover everything
you need to know inside this course to make your life take off in a way you never
thought possible, knowledge is infinite. So feel free to go down your own rabbit
hole (just like I have). And remember to always test what you’re learning. That is
the whole point. Learning for the sake of learning is pretty pointless. Uncovering
truth is one thing. But applying that truth and watching magic unfold in your life
is a completely different thing. Don’t miss out on the magic. Put shit into action
(I’ll cover exactly how to do that in the weeks that follow.)

3) Have fun

Pulling back layer after layer…

And replacing your current limited view of reality with a much more powerful,
compelling perspective is not only life-changing, but REALLY fucking fun.

I can’t even begin to put the experience into words.

Life takes on a whole new feel of infinite possibilities and you become the
magician who is capable of making just about anything and everything happen
(yes taking action is still required… yes discipline and consistency is still
required, but it’s a whole lot more fun!)

So have fun here.

Become a kid again.

And enjoy each and every training.

And enjoy each and every exercise.

And enjoy each and every result.

There’s going to be a lot of meat inside this course, so go through it at your own
pace and pull back layer after layer with a sense of wonder and awe.


Now that we’ve got that covered, let’s move forward and officially begin our
quest for the true nature of reality and how it works.

Discovering The Truth: Who We Are And What

We're Made Of
I want to begin our time here at the Clicks&Copy University by first teaching you
who you are and what you’re made up of.


I sincerely believe the #1 reason why most people aren’t successful, full of
joy and filthy rich is because we don’t know who we truly are.

We think we do. We don’t.

We think we are our thoughts.

We think we are our body.

We think we are “Tej” or “Danny” or “James”.

And we identify and hold onto these things, thinking they are us.

But they’re not.

We are something far larger…

Something far more powerful…

And only after I discovered who I truly am did I start making BIG splashes in
business and just in overall life. Before discovering this, I used to be just like
every other human being you see walking around...

Limited to my three dimensional life…

Limited to a certain way of being…

Limited to playing small…

Limited to living in fear…

Limited to my personality traits…

Limited to my fixed view of reality...

Limiting to self-imposed labels…

Thinking I was my thoughts. I was my body.

It was bullshit (and tiring).

Once I discovered who I was, I let go of all the bullshit that once weighed me
down, that once told me I wasn’t capable, that once taught me that success and
wealth wasn’t for “middle-class” folks like me.

And transformed into the strongest version of myself.

This is exactly what took me from being a shit student to graduating with a 3.87
GPA. This is exactly what took me from being horrible at business to the point
where talking to another human being filled me with an uncontrollable amount
of anxiety to kicking ass and consistently generating five figure days (profit). This
is exactly what took me from being at the mercy of life to living life on my own

But how did I discover who I am and who the fuck am I?

By first studying Classical Physics and then diving deeper and studying
what both spirituality and Quantum Physics had to say about who we truly
are and what we’re made up of…

I will start with the Classical Physics perspective.

I know you may not have thought that enrolling in the world’s first
apprenticeship based university for online marketing would have you learning
about science and physics, but bear with me.

What we’re going to uncover here will completely transform the way you play
the game of business, so it’s worth taking seriously.

Classical Physics

Classical Physics was the physics taught to me in elementary and high school. It
was the physics taught to you. And it’s the physics that pretty much engraved in
us our current view of reality (which we discussed at the intro of this lecture).

And that’s because Classical Physics tells us…

Everything in the universe is separate.

A tree is a tree, a desk is a desk, a water bottle is a water bottle and a person is a

If you look at a tree, it is a tree and is separate from you.

Your body starts at one point. Ends at another.

Everything outside of you is outside of you.

You are disconnected from it all.

What’s more is…

From the Classical Physics perspective if you were to examine the human being
and ask who am I and what am I made up of, the Classical Physics perspective
would tell you that you are a person made up of blood, muscles, bones and

This is the Classical Physics perspective.

It is the perspective we’ve used to describe our material reality and everything
that makes it up and everything we can touch and see.

And it’s the physics I believed in most of my life.

I thought I was simply a human being, separate from the entire universe, nothing
was related or connected to me, and I was made up of bones, tissues, personality
traits, genes and a whole bunch of other shit that made me into the person I was.

Problem is…

The Classical Physics perspective fails to explain a wide variety of phenomena -

including the interconnectedness of our universe.

If you look into various studies and analysis, you’ll discover that the
interconnectedness of things and events has always baffled scientists from the
Classical Physics perspective.
“How can one event that happened in x influence a completely unrelated event that
happened in y? In theory, these two events are completely separate and there
should be no relationship or influence between the two, but there is…”

This always puzzled Scientists because according to the Classical Physics

perspective things are things and they are all separate from one another.

A tree is separate from a dog.

A dog is separate from a person.

A person is separate from a Facebook Ads Account.

And there should be no influence between the two.

But when you look into the natural phenomena occurring, there appears to be a
strong interconnectedness amongst each and every one of these unrelated things
which influences life as we know it.

I’m no scientist, but let’s just say this poked a ton of holes in the Classical Physics

But I didn’t give two shits about that.

For me personally, I didn’t really mesh with the Classical Physics perspective
because it pretty much said things are the way they are. There’s really no
changing or influencing them. If you were born this way, that’s the way you’re
going to be. Life is fixed and solid.

I didn’t like this because I didn’t like who I was.

I didn’t like the way I acted.

The way I thought.

The personality traits I had.

Or the way I approached things.

It was clear to me that in order to achieve massive success and build wealth on a
large scale, I would have to completely change everything I knew to be true about

But of course, according to the Classical Physics perspective this just wasn't
feasible. Sure, I could try and make slight progress but at the end of the day, shy
little insecure Tej was who Tej was at his core and there wasn’t really that much I
could do to change that.

So I pretty much accepted that and went through the motions, living life
according to the Classical Physics perspective.

But then…

I started diving deeper into the lives of self made men and women and that
pushed me down the Spirituality rabbit hole which eventually introduced me to a
much more powerful type of physics known as Quantum Physics (which
addressed all the holes of Classical Physics because it dives deeper than Classical
Physics. Where Classical Physics is concerned with life as we know it, Quantum
Physics analyzes life and the universe at the microscopic level).

Quantum Physics, in short, was (and still is) a mindfuck.

But it’s a mindfuck that would go on to unlock in me powers I didn’t even know I
had, powers that completely revolutionized the way I live my life and the results I
And that’s because unlike the Classical Physics perspective, Quantum Physics
answers the question “Who Am I?” and “What Am I Made Up Of?” in an entirely
different manner with rock solid proof.

In addition, the conclusions proposed by Quantum Physics are also in 100%

alignment with those posed by Mystics, Yogi’s and Spiritual Gurus.

This made me go hmm.

And pushed me deep into the study of both spirituality and quantum physics in
an attempt to answer the questions: “Who Am I?” and “What Am I Made Up Of?”

I wanted to understand these two questions because from the Classical Physics
perspective it was simple. I was a person made up of blood, bones, muscles,
genes, personality traits and reality was pretty much fixed according to those
variables. But was that who I truly was and the way reality actually worked? All
my studying, plus my natural intuition told me “no”.

Quantum Physics and Spirituality posed entirely different conclusions.

Conclusions that would go on to completely transform my life.

So with that said, now that you’re familiar with the limited Classic Physics
perspective (the one you’ve based your entire current day reality on), below I
want to present to you the spiritual and Quantum Physics answer to the

“Who Am I?”

“What Am I Made Up Of?”

(At the microscopic level.)

Before we begin, a quick side note…

There is a widespread belief out there that science and spirituality are at odds.
That if you believe in spirituality, you are denouncing science. And if you believe
in science, you cannot believe in spirituality because the two are against each

Nothing could be further from the truth.

I’ve been a student of both spirituality and science and what I’ve discovered is
science and spirituality are singing the same song albeit with different words.

What Quantum Physicists are now confirming is what the mystics and yogis
have been saying for centuries.

And you’ll see that for yourself today because I will present the nature of who
you truly are and what you’re made up of via the quantum and spiritual
perspective. And you’ll see for yourself the truth underlying the two fields is the
exact same. Nothing woo-hoo. No pseudo-science.

Just concrete truth.

So let’s start by seeing what Quantum Physics has to say about who we are and
what we’re made up of…

Quantum Physics
You already know that according to the Classical Physics perspective, a person is
a person, a tree is a tree, a dog is a dog. And everything is separate.

But according to Quantum Physics, this is merely one BIG illusion.

And that’s because when you look at things from the Quantum perspective (the
deeper, microscopic perspective), you quickly realize that a human being is not a
human being, a dog is not a dog, a tree is not a tree.

When you look at these things from a microscopic view, you realize that the
human being, dog, wood, desk, car, water bottle and everything else that makes
up our entire universe is made up of the exact same thing:

Tiny strings of energy (aka particles).

Of course, we don’t perceive everything as being made up of tiny strings of
energy. Due to our three dimensional nature and the limits of our five senses, we
perceive everything as solid and separate.

But at the quantum level (the deepest level of analysis), nothing is solid.

Everything is one.

And it is all made up the same tiny strings of energy.

What this means is…

There is no separation between you and a dog or you and a tree, you are both
made up of the exact same thing: Tiny strings of energy. And you are both one.

Separation is simply a magnificent illusion.

There is no separation between you and the universe.

There is no start to you or end to you.

You and the universe are one in the same.

Mind fucky? Extremely.

But it’s important to note that this isn’t a loosely thrown together theory that I’m
teaching you inside this course. This is confirmed at based on real scientific

So to further explain the Quantum Perspective and what we’re made up of, I’m
going to give you a break from reading words here and present to you a very
short video.

Please watch this right now before proceeding.

Here are a few of my favorite quotes pulled from the video above:

“The universe is made up of 12 particles of matter… 4 forces of nature…”

“The quantum theory offers a very different explanation of our world…”

“Dig deep inside the atom and you’ll find tiny particles held together by invisible

“Everything is made up of tiny packets of energy…”

“The world is a dynamic mass of jingling things…”

“Nothing is as it seems…”

“The Quantum theory is so bizarre, even Einstein couldn’t get his mind around


As you can see, the quantum explanation of who you are and what you’re made
up of is very interesting and different from the originally believed upon view
presented by Classical Physics.

You are not a person who is separate from the world.

You are made up of tiny strings of energy and this packet of energy is what makes
up the entire universe. There is zero separation between you and all the material
things that make up life as you know it.

Bizarre? Very because the implications of this are HUGE (which we’ll get into
later and how they relate to helping you transform and build a life of wealth and
good fortune).
But for now it’s worth noting that this conclusion is 100% in alignment with
what yogi’s, gurus, and spiritual teachers have been saying for hundreds of

Why the fuck am I so caught up on the perspective of Yogis?

Because if you pick up a spiritual text written by Yogis from the East, you will
notice that the contents inside have been written hundreds and hundreds of
years ago. A time well before Quantum Physics came to be and all this stuff you’re
learning was accepted as truth.

Back then, nobody knew about this.

But inside these books, you can read the Yogi’s discussing it. Talking about it. And
explaining this is how the world works (You can read them saying, “We are all
one” and “Our reality is simply a magnificent illusion” amongst other eye opening
things which we’ll cover later).

Only recently have scientists started confirming these things.

So that’s why.

In my perspective, the yogis, mystics and spiritual gurus are way more advanced
in terms of understanding how the universe works and what we’re made up of
and science is only now just starting to catch up.

That’s why I’ve been obsessed with the perspective of Yogis, mystics and gurus
because they give major clues into who we are, what we’re made up of, and how
the true nature of reality works.

So with that stated, lets now dive into the Spiritual Perspective and see how it
answers the questions:
“Who am I?”

“What am I made up of?”

And how it relates to Quantum Physics.

Spiritual Perspective

If you go down the spiritual rabbit hole, you are never the same again. And that’s
because your entire world view is blown to fucking shreds.

It’s a trip. And I don’t say that lightly.

That’s because prior to going down the Spiritual Perspective, you’re taught to
identify with your ego.

And your ego tells you that you are a human being with a body and a mind who is
separate from all of life.

And it’s just poor old you. On a solo mission.

And you identify with these labels your ego gives you, the personality traits your
ego wears, and the way of being your ego adopts.

But then you start studying Spirituality and it tells you that you are NOT your
ego. You are not just poor old you. You are something far bigger and more
powerful than you ever thought possible. You are something eternal that never

Spirituality similar to Quantum Physics tells you that you ARE the entire universe
and you’re made up of energy.

There is no separation in the world. Everything is you. Everything is one.

Everything is based around one unified field of energy.

When it comes to spirituality, the names given to this energy differ...

Some people call it God.

Others call it empty space or nothingness.

Others call it the Universe.

Others call it Love.

Others call it Consciousness.

But it doesn’t matter what you call it.

You are it.

At your core, you are not who you think you are (according to the Spiritual
perspective). You are God, the Universe experiencing itself, consciousness -
whatever “label” you want to give it. That’s who you are.

I know, I know.

Crazy talk, right?

“How can you be God? How can you be the Universe? How can you be

That’s crazy talk. Look, I get it.

But I think it’s important to note that God/Universe/Consciousness are just

words and labels and people have different things associated to each.
In theory, Quantum Physics call it “tiny strings of energy” whereas spirituality
labels it “God” - there’s really no difference between the two. You could easily
replace the word God with “empty space” or “nothingness” and it would still hold.

But let’s not get caught up in the labels.

For the purpose of this training, let’s just keep it simple..

According to the spiritual perspective, you are not who you think you are. You
are simply a field of energy and everything in this world is made up of that
energy (just like Quantum Physics concluded) - which means you by yourself are
not God or the Universe, but you and everything inside this universe as a whole is
God or the Universe experiencing itself.

So now that you’ve gotten a brief glimpse into the Spiritual Perspective, I want
you to watch two short videos on the Spiritual Perspective that dives deep into
who you are and what you’re made up of.

Please watch these now. These two videos give you a brief yet good glimpse into
what spiritual gurus view the human being to be.



To further cement the points made in the above videos, here are some of
my favorite quotes from the Spiritual perspective that explains who you
truly are:

“I am not a human being that has consciousness. I am consciousness that is

shaped into a human being…”
“You are an aperture in which the universe is looking at itself, experiencing

“Each one of you are the universe expressed in the place you know as here and

“You must stop seeing God as separate from you, and you as separate from each
other. The only solution is the Ultimate Truth: nothing exists in the universe that
is separate from anything else. Everything is intrinsically connected, irrevocably
interdependent, interactive, interwoven into the fabric of all of life...” ~ Neale
Donald Walsh

“The entire universe…”

“You are energy and the body and mind are a temporary manifestation of this

“Everyone is looking for God and everyone is God...”

“No birth, no death, no caste have I;

Father, mother, have I none:

I am He, I am He, — blessed Spirit, I am He!

Mind, nor intellect, nor ego, feeling;

Sky, nor earth, nor metals am I:

I am He, I am He, — blessed Spirit, I am He!...”

“I am that I am. The universe exists within me, as much as I exist in the
“We miss the real by lack of attention, and create the unreal by excess of
imagination. You imagine yourself to be what you are not. Stop it. It is the
cessation that is important, not what you are going to stop. You know that you
are. Don’t burden yourself with names, just be. Any name or shape you give
yourself just obscures your real nature. Stop imagining yourself as being or doing
this or that, and the realization that you are the source and heart of all will dawn
on you...” ~ Nisargadatta Maharaj

Interesting Side Note #1: If you go to YouTube and type in DMT stories, you will
notice every single person is saying the same exact thing. They are saying that
through the psychedelics experience they were able to pierce the illusion that is
life. And realized that we are not who we were led to believe. We are not a body
trapped in a three dimensional experience with 5 senses. We are made up of
energy. We are the universe. We are infinite beings with God inside us.

Take a look at this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-


Interesting Side Note #2: When Kanye West had his recent “breakdown”, the
aware mind noticed that he was saying a lot of things that are in tune with what
the Mystics were saying. He was making comments such as, “I am God”
“Everything is love” “We are all one” - but the masses viewed him to be crazy. I
have a theory that Kanye experimented with psychedelics and arrived at these
conclusions via the medicine. In one of his songs, he raps “I done lived and died
again on DMT.” (additional side note: Jay Z also makes various references to the
above all throughout his songs. “I told my wife this spiritual shit really works…”
“Arm, leg, leg, arm, head - this is God body” “I confess, God in the flesh…”)

Interested Side Note #3: Jim Carrey is seen as a complete lunatic and crazy guy
by society (which he may very well be). But when you watch his interviews and
videos, he is singing along the same lines as the spiritual gurus, mystics and
Watch this powerful video now (it’s in the words of Jim Carrey and it ties
everything above together in a major way):


Interesting, isn’t it?

It makes you think.

But what does this mean?

Well according to the spiritual perspective, you are not your body, you are not
your thoughts, you are not the labels you assign yourself, you are not destined to
make do with the life you have, you are a waveform experiencing consciousness,
you are a figment of the universe experiencing itself, you are powerful beyond
measure because there is nothing outside yourself, you are all of it.

This is important to understand because there is no limit to you. You are not
separate from the universe. You are the entire universe and everything that
makes it up. What most people view as God is what spiritual gurus, mystics, and
yogi’s view the human being to be (again not saying this is right or wrong… just
explaining the spiritual perspective).

Now that we’ve gained insight into what the spiritual folks view the human being
to be and how there is zero separation in the universe, the question becomes
what is the Universe made up of?

Well we’ve kind of already answered this question.

Since we are made up of energy and there is no separation between us and

everything that makes up the world, then by logic we are made up of the same
thing that makes up the universe as a whole: Energy.
Everything is energy.

(Which is exactly what quantum physics concludes as well.)

To illustrate this point further, it’s time to watch another short video that dives
into what everything that we call life is made up
of: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcPWU59Luoc&t=13s

Here are some of my favorite quotes that explain what everything including you
is made up of:

“One great energy…”

“One tha-tha-da…”

“One suchness…”

“We’re all one suchness…”

“You are a playing of this one energy and there is nothing else but this one

“You are THAT and you can’t be anything else…”

“All life is a magnificent illusion… a playing of energy… and there is nothing

fundamentally to be afraid of…”


It’s very interesting to note that although Quantum Physics and spirituality use
different words, the overall conclusion is the same.

Just like Quantum Physics, spirituality confirms that the human being and
everything that makes up our universe is made up of tiny packets of energy.
It doesn’t matter if it’s a tree, desk, water bottle, car, you or your girlfriend -
everything is made up of the same thing: one fundamental energy.

Which means at the core, there is no separation between you and everything else
on this planet because you’re both the same thing.

This is strange and a little bit of a mindfuck…

Because up till this point, you’ve viewed yourself to be separate from the world
and even other human beings.

You clung onto labels…

Boxed yourself into one way of being…

Imposed limits on yourself…

And made an unconscious commitment to living small because you didn’t know
who you are.

But when you look at who you are from the spiritual and scientific perspective,
you realize you’ve been believing in lies all this time. You are not small. You are
not separate from the universe.

You are energy and the energy that makes you up is the energy that makes up the
whole universe.

There is nothing, but this one energy.

Which means…

To be afraid of anything in the world…

… is to be afraid of yourself.
Because you’re made of the exact same thing you are afraid of.

How’s that for a mindfuck?

If I were you, I would sit with that for a few minutes because it has the potential
to make you completely fearless (don’t worry if you don’t get it… I’ll explain later
in the course when we get to the practical aspect. Right now we’re just concerned
with education).

So let’s keep it moving...

Have you heard the expression, “If I hurt you, I’m hurting me?”

You know where it comes from? From understanding who you truly are. If you
understand you and me are both made up of the same energy, then if I hurt you,
I’m hurting myself too.

I know this can be difficult to wrap your head around at first. So let me give you a
simple and easy metaphor:

Imagine an elephant.

Now imagine if we cut this elephant up in a bunch of different parts and each part
was a living, breathing, conscious entity. The leg was conscious with a mind of its
own. The arm was conscious with a mind of its own. The head was conscious
with a mind of its own.

To each of these “individual” parts, they would perceive life differently from the
rest. The arm would adopt different character traits than the leg. And the head
would adopt different traits than the stomach. And they would view themselves
to be separate.

But you and I both know they are made up of the same thing: an elephant.
So if the leg were to hurt the arm, they would only be hurting themselves
(similarly this is why wise people believe everything you say about another
human being is simply just a reflection of yourself).

Get it?

As dumb as this metaphor is, it goes to explain the nature of our world and the
way Quantum Physics and Spiritual gurus view it to be.

That’s because we’re each made up of the same, one fundamental energy, but that
one fundamental energy takes on different forms depending on how it vibrates.
So depending on how the energy vibrates, you’ll either get a dog, a tree, Bob or

And although each of these beings are a manifestation of the same thing, each of
these living entities will view themselves to be separate from the universe and
play small…

… not knowing that they are the entire UNIVERSE (just like an elephant’s leg isn’t
separate from the elephant, it is the elephant)

“You are a function of what the whole universe is doing in the same way that a
wave is a function of what the whole ocean is doing. You didn’t come into this
world. You came out of it. Like a wave from the ocean. You are not a stranger here.”
~ Alan Watts

I know that’s a fuckton to take in and I’m just bombarding you with mindfuck
after mindfuck, but remember our goal here is to keep shit practical.

So now that you know everything is energy and we are all “one suchness” which
we experience as vibrating strings in the form of solidity and experience…
And everything you see and sense is made of the same stuff, but different groups
of the same stuff vibrate at different frequencies giving everything a unique
solidity, look and feel…

The question becomes: “So what?”

And it’s a good question.

After all, knowing we are all made up of the same energy (or one suchness) and
that there is no difference between you and everything else that makes up the
world doesn’t really do much for us.

We must dig even deeper in our quest for truth and apply this insigh to
discovering how reality works.

Once we figure this out, we can extrapolate the insights and apply these to our
own lives to get them to take off (once you figure out how reality works, you will
know how to bend reality).

I’ve done it.

Many before me have done it.

Many after me will do it.

Including you.

So let’s continue…

Discovering The Truth: How Does Reality Actually

Now that we know the entire universe is composed of energy/particles - the
question is: how does reality work? If we’re just particles/energy floating
around, how do we get to experience life as we currently do? How do we get
turned into mass and function as “solid” human beings - when in all actuality
we’re just strings of energy?

Figuring this out will give major clues into how energy is turned into matter and
how we can influence it to create what we want.

So to answer the above questions, we must bring up the study of Quantum

Physics again. Don’t worry, we’re not going to bore ourselves here. Just focusing
on practical application.

In particular, we’re going to focus on 4 different principles of Quantum Physics:

1) Higgs Field

2) String Theory

3) Observer Effect

4) Quantum Entanglement

It’s worth noting that these 4 principles were once only known to the mystics and
yogis of the world. They were considered too dangerous in the hands of us
ordinary folks because they allow you to unlock your limitless potential which
we’ll explain later.

But for now, let’s get you acquainted with these 4 principles and the clues each
gives into how reality truly works…

1) Higgs Field
What is it?

According to Google, the Higgs Field is a field of energy that is thought to exist in
every region of the universe. The field is accompanied by a fundamental particle
known as the Higgs Boson, which is used by the field to continuously interact
with other particles.

This is important to understand because as we’ve determined you, me, trees,

dogs, desks, cars, laptops, everything in the universe is composed of tiny strings
of energy/particles.

These particles gain mass by interacting with the Higgs Field.

Without the Higgs Field, you, me, trees, cars, books, desks, laptops everything
that we perceive as solid would have zero mass and would cease to exist. The
Higgs Field is therefore the “Cosmic Glue” that we all exist in. And it is what
connects us not only to one another, but to everything that makes up our
There is zero separation. It’s an illusion.

The funny thing is just like a fish in water who has clue it’s swimming in water
we have no idea that we’re all floating around in this Cosmic Glue.

But yet it is here…

Surrounding us…

Connecting us…

Giving mass…

Creating the experience that we call life.

To gain a better understanding of the Higgs Field and how it works, I recommend
you check out this short video now:


(It’s important to note that in order to use the principles and teachings inside this
course to get your life to talk off like you never thought possible, you don’t need
to master any of these scientific principles.

Important thing is just to become aware of them.

To learn about them.

So don’t worry too much if you don’t understand it extremely well. As you’ll soon
see nobody really does! But that doesn’t prevent us from using these principles to
create an epic life).

So, what is the significance of the Higgs Field?

Since we’re all existing in this Cosmic Glue that is connecting us to everything
that is and everything that ever will be - some people believe (including yogis,
spiritual masters and mystics) that the Higgs Field connects us to the universal
mind, the minds of those who came before you, the minds that will come after
you and we can tap into these minds and connections to uncover brilliant new
insights, ideas and possibilities. In fact, Napoleon Hill even talked about this at
great lengths inside his book, “Think and Grow Rich.”

But remember, we’re not concerned with application yet. Just understanding. So
let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

Instead, let’s dive deeper into the next quantum principle…

2) String Theory

String Theory proposes that all matter and energy is made of tiny, vibrating
strings (which we covered).

But that’s not the BIG mind-fuck here…

There’s actually two BIG mind fucks proposed by String Theory.

Mind Fuck #1: String theory can only be proven to hold true in a universe
that has at least 10 dimensions which means if string theory is true (which
leading physicists believe is the case), then in order for you and I to exist -
we MUST exist in more than the 3 dimensions we know about.

Crazy, isn’t it?

Yet it’s not just science making this claim either. Yogis, mystics and spiritual
gurus have been saying for hundreds of years that there’s more dimensions out
there than what the human brain can interpret and see with our limited senses.

In total there are at least 10 dimensions - and it’s very likely that there’s more
than 10 dimensions. More like 25.

What does this mean?

It means right this moment you are existing and living in at least 10 dimensions.

According to mystics, spiritual gurus, and yogis - you can tap into these
higher dimensions with various tools and create new experiences there
that have no choice but to come to life in your normal, day-to-day world.

(This sounds wacky as fuck, but it’s backed by String Theory).

But that’s not all…

Mind Fuck #2: It’s long been believed by mystics, yogis and spiritual gurus
that death is simply an illusion. Meaning sure your physical body and mind
“dies” but who you truly are does not die. You are simply energy. And once
your natural body gives out and dies, your consciousness does not cease to
exist. Instead, it continues to live on higher dimensions. This is why mystics
do not fear death.

And according to String Theory, it could very well be the case.

Because like stated, there’s at least 7 “higher” dimensions out there that we
cannot perceive with our limited brain and 5-senses. So who's to say that we
can’t access those higher dimensions after our deaths and after we’ve left the
constraints of our physical body behind (if you read books on near death
experiences you’ll notice a lot of what people experience is what people on
psychedelics experience. As if you’ve left this world behind and now travelled to
a new dimension).

All very spooky.

But what does it mean?

Again, we’ll cover the practical tools later but for now it’s worth noting that what
if you could tap into some of these higher dimensions with various tools and
create a richer, more powerful version of you there - would that allow you to
experience that reality or something similar here back on earth?

Maybe. Maybe not.

We’ll get into that later (it’ll blow your mind).

Let’s continue our breakdown of how reality works with the next quantum

3) Observer Effect
Please watch this video to learn more about the earth shattering topic, The
Observer Effect.


Here are some of my favorite quotes from the above video:

“An atom only appears in a particular place when you measure it…”

“The act of observation creates the entire universe…”

“What is real depends on whether I look and where I look…”

“Reality is unset jello…”

“Everything is possible until an observer observes and then things come into
“Everything we know about the everyday world dissolves, there are no objects
anymore, there are only relationships…”

“Consciousness is the ground of our being…”

“We can influence the physical reality of the world…”

“Our observation has a direct effect on the world…”

“Everything starts from inside and then goes outside…”

What does this mean?

It means life is not random nor does it just happen to you. It means we are living
in a participatory universe. And you get to have your say in what you experience.

This is the case because at the quantum level, nothing but possibilities exist.
Everything is probable. It is only when we observe something that we call it
forward and bring it to life.

Our job in life is not to simply go along with the motions.

But to take conscious control of the powers granted to us by being the Observer.
Through observation, we can make what we want happen.

Because we live in a world of infinite possibility.

Everything is possible.

All possibilities exist as one suchness.

Until we make an observation.

Once we do, all possibilities collapse into what we observed.

This is why Self-Fulling Prophecies are a thing. If you think and believe x is going
to happen, then it happens. This is why Placebos are a thing. If you think a sugar
pill is going to alleviate x symptom, it will happen. This is why people are so
horned over the shitty Law of Attraction. I thought about x and it happened.

The act of observation determines our experiences.

There is no such thing as pre-determined fate.

We are the ones who create everything.

For good or bad.

“The thing is that what we see and experience in life is not reality. It’s more
reality exposed to our method of questioning. Simply put, your hypothesis affects
your outcome. What you believe is going to happen, or what you believe is going
to come true, or what you believe is a fact is quite often going to affect the
outcome, and make it that. Your hypothesis affects your outcome.” ~ Sam Ovens

But what the fuck does this have to do with business?

More than you could ever think possible.

For example:

What if just through the act of observation you could influence and shape the
results you experienced with your business? What if you just focused on the
results you want ($$$s, freedom, life on your own terms) instead of what you
didn’t (lack of sales, 9/10 businesses failing, misery)? By the principle of the
Observer Effect, would you be able to will that into existence?
We’ll find out later in the course :-)

For now we’re just educating you on the nature of reality, so let’s cover the last
principle of Quantum Physics: Quantum Entanglement.

4) Quantum Entanglement

Quantum Entanglement is something I don’t understand.

Not in the slightest.

It’s mind fucky to the 10th degree.

But in a nutshell what it proposes is…

When particles interact with one another, they become forever entangled. And
will influence each other - regardless of how far they are.
Since at the quantum, microscopic level - you and me and everything the
universe is made up of are particles/energy…

...through interaction with other particles (people, trees, nature) we can draw in
new experiences, solutions to problems, and knowledge from any time.

Spooky as fuck or what?

(According to some people this is even the explanation behind why when you
think of someone, they call or text you shortly thereafter. According to quantum
entanglement, your group of particles are forever connected with their group of
particles which means just by thinking about them, you are sending signals to
them which triggers in them the thought “Oh I wonder what [Name] is up to, let
me text him/her.” This communication is instant.)

What’s more is…

Quantum Entanglement also lets us know that since everything is entangled then
the past, present, future all exist now.

But more specifically:

Living in the past can be quite dangerous.

If you’re constantly living in the past, you’ll entangle with your future and create
more of the same there.

(Which is what a lot of people do. Instead of creating themselves anew each and
every day, they pull into the experiences of the past and recreate yesterday’s
experiences, today. Thinking the same thoughts, acting in the same way,
following the same habits.)

Time as you will find out is ONE big illusion.

The secret therefore is to do what the Yogis, spiritual gurus and mystics have
long recommended:

To always live in the NOW.

By living in the now, you take full control over your past and future and you can
start making shit happen in a BIG way.
But more on that later…

For today's lecture, we’re just focused on education.

And I don’t know about you…

But all this education has my mind fucked up. After all, we’ve covered so much
ground. Talked about so many different, complex scientific principles.

And you must be wondering what the fuck does all of it mean?

Well that’s what we’ll be concluding today’s lecture with.

So let’s get into it…

Breaking Your Illusions & Mindfucking You: What
Does This All Mean For You And Your Current
Now that you’ve been bombarded with mindfuck after mindfuck and your brain
is spinning in a million different directions, the question becomes “what does this
all mean for you and your current life?”

Well based on what we’ve covered, we can now see (not saying any of these
things are correct or not) why mystics, yogi’s and spiritual teachers have long
been preaching…

You are 100% responsible for the current day reality you are experiencing

There is nobody against you. There is no external force against you. It’s all your

Nothing is fixed (especially who you think you are), you can change in an

Up till this point, you’ve been living from a limited view of reality. Thinking
you’re this, believing you’re that. It’s all been one big mask you’ve been wearing.
It’s an illusion. You’ve been viewing yourself to be one type of person and
chances are you’ve spent a lifetime living in the past and entangling with it - only
to keep creating the same dull experiences over and over again. It’s all your
doing. But the good news is you can change that. You don’t have to keep being the
same person. You don’t have to keep wearing the same mask. And playing small.
At your core, you are the whole universe. And you can take on any trait,
personality, or way of being that you like. Nothing is outside you. Everything is

Death isn’t really what you think it is

Only thing that “dies” is your physical body. Who you truly are transcends into
higher dimensions for the energy that you are can never be destroyed, it can only
change forms.

“At physical death man loses his consciousness of the flesh and becomes conscious of
his astral body in the astral world. Thus physical death is astral birth. Later, he
passes from the consciousness of luminous astral birth to the consciousness of dark
astral death and awakens in a new physical body. Thus astral death is physical
birth. These recurrent cycles of physical and astral encasements are the ineluctable
destiny of all unenlightened men.” - Yoganda

“What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.” ~ Eckhart Tolle

You are bigger than you think

You are the entire universe and there is nothing outside you. Everything you
think is out there like success, money, good fortune is within you. And you can
easily tap into it because there is nothing in life that is bigger than you.

“Incredible amounts of energy are hidden in your brain; enough in a gram of flesh
to run the city of Chicago for 2 days. And you say you are tired?” ~ Yoganda

There is zero separation

We are all one. You, me, trees, dogs, cats, desks, cars, airplanes, whatever - we’re
all a playing of the same field of energy.

“Each time a man looks into your eyes, he is only searching to find himself; for he
knows already, that he is part of you.” ~ Jeremy Aldana

Massive success can be yours

You’re not limited to what you did in the past or your current circumstances or
your family history. If you want a life of massive success full of wealth, prosperity
and abundance - it can be yours.

You are the creator of your reality

Life is only random if you don’t know how to use your powers. If you wake up,
you can mold and create the reality you desire. It’s all in your hands.

“Mind is the creator of everything. You should therefore guide it to create only good.
If you cling to a certain thought with dynamic will power, it finally assumes a
tangible outward form. When you are able to employ your will always for
constructive purposes, you become the controller of your destiny.” ~ Yoganda

“Whatever happens, happens to you by you, through you; you are the creator,
enjoyer and destroyer of all you perceive.” ~ Nisargadatta Maharaj

Connection is everything

By honing your tools and skill set you can connect to everything that is and
everything that ever will be and get rewarded with brilliant new ideas, insights
and possibilities.

Life doesn’t just have to be a three dimensional experience

There’s much more going on here and you can tap into it.

There is nothing to fear

Everything is made up of the same thing as you are. To be afraid of anything is to

be afraid of yourself. How silly is that?

And, of course, a bunch of other points we’ve touched upon which include:
Time is an illusion, multiple dimensions exist, you can tap into everything that is
and everything that ever will be.

I know… I know…

This is a LOT to take in.

So just sit with it. Remember, you don’t have to believe a single thing. Just live
with it. And ponder. And see where life takes you.

Since we’ve covered a lot of ground today, I want to stop right here for this Week.
We’re not going to get into the application and practical tools today. Instead, I
encourage you to truly ponder what you learned today.

To truly question whether your view of reality is supporting you or if it’s time to
adopt a new, much more powerful paradigm. If the character that is you is
moving you closer to making shit happen or if it’s time to kill him and birth a
more powerful version of you.

Truly think about it.

And we’ll start putting to use everything we covered above in the weeks that

But before I leave you, I want to present to you a video of Steve Jobs.

I think it brilliantly concludes this lecture and opens your mind to a world of
infinite possibilities, a world of infinite possibilities that runs contrary to your
current reality, but a world of infinite possibilities we will tap into in the weeks
to come.

So watch it now.

And I’ll see you next week.

Now that we’ve covered the science and the education component of the nature
of our reality, we’ll start to get more and more practical and show you how you
can use various tools and methods to transform into an entrepreneurial killer.

I know it all sounds wacky and rather strange, but these are the exact same tools
I’ve used to upgrade myself from being shy and insecure to confident and bold.
From sucking in school to graduating with a 3.87 GPA. From failing at every
business I started to growing businesses to all types of crazy numbers!

And now you’ll be able to do the exact same.

So strap in, things are about to get a lot more exciting.

See you next week!

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