CSC101 question-1 ff

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1,Computer is an electronic device,TRUE,FALSE,Maybe,Somehow ,TRUE,1

2,One of the following is an assignment statement in

3,The basic part of an OS that is user friendly
4,"Like in Human Science, the power house of computer system is
called",CPU ,CPUX,ALU, ALUX ,CPU ,1
5,The adverse effect of internet surfing is,Virus Attack,File Protection,Access
Control,Update,Virus Attack,1
6,RAM' stands for,Random Access Memory,Read Access Memory,Read Arithmetic
Memory,Random Arithmetic Memory,Random Access Memory,1
7, Devices that accepts data from outside computer and transfer into CPU are
called,Input devices,Digital devices,analogue devices,truth table peripherals,Input
8,Place where large amounts of data are stored outside central processing unit is
called,backing store, peripherals,control unit,AL unit,backing store,1
9,Silicon piece with a system circuit on it is termed as,chip,circuit, logical gate,circuit
10,Large computers with wide range of peripheral devices are classified as,mainframe
computers,mini frame computers,mainframe processors,peripheral interface,mainframe
11,Actual equipment of computer system that can be touched are,
hardware,software,applications,bugs, hardware,1
12,ROM stands for,read only memory,random only memory, readily object
memory,random available memory,read only memory,1
13,Devices that are controlled by central processing unit but are not a part of it are
called,peripheral devices,arithmetic units,control unit devices,main store
devices,peripheral devices,1
14,The history of computer dated back…………………… Century?,17th Century ,18th
Century ,19th Century ,20th Century,17th Century ,1
15,……………………… Generation Computer used punch Cards and Magnetic Tapes
as the source of inputs and for the storage of data. ,First ,Second, Third, Fourth ,First ,1
16,The first Mathematical or Mechanical Device that was used for computation of data
was found among the ……………………… before the birth of Christ called ABACUS.,
Chinese ,India ,Egypt ,USA, Chinese ,1
17,The clock of a processor is the number of ………………………. It can process in any
given second. ,Instruction ,Commands ,Programmes ,Coding ,Instruction ,1
18,…………………….. is the most commonly used form of storage media for retaining
large volumes of data., Magnetic Disc ,Floppy Disc ,Magnetic
Drums ,Diskette ,Magnetic Disc ,1
19,…………………….. is the storage device in which information is stored on the Out
surface?, Magnetic Drum ,Magnetic Disc ,Floppy Disc ,Card Reader ,Magnetic
Drum ,1
20,…………………… is a small size and low cost method of storage used by Mini and
Micro Computers.,Floppy Disc ,Magnetic Tapes ,Optical Mark ,Light Pen,Floppy
Disc ,1
21,The Error that occurs as a result of wrong choice of command in programming is
called……………….?,Semantic Error ,Syntax Error ,Logical
Error ,Debugging,Semantic Error ,1
22,The process of writing out the instructions given in the flowchart in programming
language is called …………………….?,Codding a program ,Source a
program ,Testing a program ,None of the above,Codding a program ,1
23,What is the equivalent of the binary number 11001 in denary?,25,15,35,45,25,1
24,Subtract the binary number 111 from the binary number 11001 and leave your
answer in binary.,10010,10101010,1111001,101011110,10010,1
25,Multiply the two binary numbers 11001 and 111 and leave your answer in
26,............. are the qualities of good information EXCEPT, Maccurate, Meaningful,
Relevant , Comprehensive, Maccurate,1
27,Data processing cycle include the following EXCEPT ......................, Data scattering
, Data gathering, Data collection, Input stage, Data scattering ,1
28,Abacus was invented about ............... years ago,500," 10, 000"," 20, 000"," 1,
29,Computer has the following characteristics except .............., Universatality,
Versatility , Speed, Neatness, Universatality,1
30,................. is a low microcomputer of limited capacities designed for domestic use
with programs ,Home computer,Desktop computer ,Personal computer ,Laptop
computer ,Home computer,1
31,Octal has ............... number of symbols ,8,7,9,10,8,1
32,Denary is base ...................., Ten, Eight, Two,Seven, Ten,1
33,Manochrone is a type of monitor that display ................. and .................. colour,
Black and White , Green and Yellow , Blue and Pink ,All of the above, Black and
White ,1
34,The acronym FORTRAN stands for ............... , Formula Translation, Formula
Transportation, Formation Transcript ,Forecasting Trans, Formula Translation,1
35,READ command in BASIC cannot be used in the absence
36,The total numbers of ware in computer operation are?,1,2,3,4,2,1
37,ASCII is an acronym for…,Active Structural coding interface ID.,American
Standard Code for Information Interchange,Action Standard for Coding Interface and
instruction,Assisted structural Compiler for Interlacing and Interpolation,American
Standard Code for Information Interchange,1
38,REM is an acronym for … in BASIC Programming Language,Remember,Right
Extension Module,Remark, Run External Module,Right Extension Module,1
39,The main part of computer system that handles processing is
called?,Processor,ALU,Logic Unit,Arithmetic Unit,ALU,1
40,The function of Firewall is to,Kill virus,Block intrution,Save files,Give
connection,Block intrution,1
41,The main part of computer system that handles processing is
called?,Processor,ALU,Arithmetic Unit,Logic Unit,ALU,1
42,There are … basic types of IP address based on mode,5,2,10,3,2,1
43,The computer system can work without a hard-keyboard,Agreed ,Strongly Agreed, I
am not clear,Strongly Disagreed ,Strongly Agreed,1
44,GUI Windows are friendly as a result of their graphic capabilities while CI tend not
agree with the statement on GUI. What is your view?,Agreed ,Strongly Agreed,I am
not clear, Strongly Disagreed ,Strongly Agreed,1
45,evices that are under control of computer and are directly connected to computer
peripherals are termed as,off-line devices,on-line devices,IN gate device,IF gate
device,on-line devices,1
46,"If any instruction consist of any arithmetic operation, data is transferred
to",quantitative unit,arithmetic and logical unit,central processing unit,qualitative
unit,arithmetic and logical unit,1
47,Devices such as mercury thermometer and kitchen scales are classified as,digital
devices,analogue devices, programmed devices,signal led devices,analogue devices,1
48,Visual display unit is an example of,output device,input/output devices, backup
devices,mediums,input/output devices,1
49,Computer for which processing is used to be done with help of microprocessors is
termed as,micro processor, micro computers,mega processor,mega computers, micro
50,Two type of memories 'RAM' and 'ROM' are part of,backup memory,main
memory,shorter memory,long-term memory,main memory,1
51,The first time a device capable of performing arithmetic computation was designed
around ,1940,. 1840 ,1740,1640,. 1840 ,1
52,"One of the characteristics of ………………………… generation computer is that,
high level language such as COBOL and FORTRAN were
developed.",First ,Second,Third , Fourth,Second,1
53,The memory of the computer logic circuit that performs logical operation were
constituted by the large scale …………………………….,Internal,
Integrated ,External ,Interior shit , Integrated ,1
54,"Virtualizing means that a CPU with only four cores can function as if it has 8, with
additional virtual CPU cores referred to as ……………………………",Multi-
Threading ,Separate Threads ,Single Threading ,Double Threading,Separate
Threads ,1
55,…………………….. is a device which displays computer output obtained in line
from the computer memory.,Printer ,Computer Output Micro Film ,Graph Plotters
,Floppy Disc,Computer Output Micro Film ,1
56,……………………… Software enable computer system to do what users
require,System ,Application ,Operating System ,Translator ,Application ,1
57,………………………. Is a system software that converts High level language to
their machine code equivalent.,Application
Software ,Translator ,Assembler ,Operating System,Translator ,1
58,Translation of Numeric operation code and Symbolic addresses into machine address
is a function of
………………………..,Compiler ,Assembler ,Interpreter ,Translator,Assembler ,
59,What is the equivalent of the binary number 11.001 in
60,The equivalent of Octal number 15 in binary is?,11101,1101,1001,111,1101,1
61,What is the equivalent of hexadecimal F in Octal?,14,17,16,15,17,1
62,Which of the following is NOT an operating system , WINDOWS , nibble , Unix ,
Linux, nibble ,1
63,Covert 0.625 (in base 10) to binary ..............,1.1012,0.1012,1.0012,0.1102,0.1012,1
64,Speed is defined as the capacity to perform a series of similar task within a short
period of , Distance, Time,Ampere,Seconds, Time,1
65,.............. is an acronym for IBM , Importation of business machine, International
business machine , International business men, International business method,
International business machine ,1
66,Ancient methods of transmitting information include the following
EXCEPT ................, Whistling, Telex,Fire lighting, A and C, Telex,1
67,The abacus used ................ which were threaded on lines of wire frame ,Cowries,
Beads, Pebbles, Grains, Beads,1
68,.................. generation of computers uses artificial intelligence , First generation ,
Fifth generation, Third generation, All of the above, Fifth generation,1
69,Monitor is divided into ............. types ,3,2,4,6,2,1
70,Ups is an acronym for .................., Utility Power Supply ,Uninterrupted Power
Supply , Under Polar Site, Unimaginable Power Shortage,Uninterrupted Power Supply
71,................. is a set of well defined logical steps by which a problem can be solved in a
finite number of operations, Concept, Algorithms ,Flow,Solution, Algorithms ,1
72,Matrix system is defined by one of the following in
73,One of the building blocks of programming
74,"For two computer system to communicate with themselves on a network, they two
computer systems must be on …",The same machine,The same domain,The same
workgroup,The same IP address,The same workgroup,1
75,The cable that transfer data from computer to display unit is called,CPU
Cable ,CPUX Cable ,VGA Cable ,None of the Above ,VGA Cable ,1
76,The standard current voltage acceptable on Nigeria digital electronics is,50V ,25V-
35V,220V -250V,300V ,220V -250V,1
77,Teletypewriter terminal is an example of,Input devices,output devices,input/output
devices,storage devices,input/output devices,1
78,Material on which data is stored or an input/output is classified is termed as,mini
frame medium,micro medium,medium,macro medium,medium,1
79,"Type of integrated circuit which consists of arithmetic unit, control unit and some
main store is called a",mega processor,micro processor,micro computers, mega
computers,micro computers,1
80,Devices that are not connected to computers central processing unit are classified
as,AND gate devices,OR gate devices,off-line devices,on-line devices,off-line devices,1
81,Input and Output devices such as monitors and keyboards are classified as,arithmetic
units,control unit devices,peripheral devices, main store devices,peripheral devices,1
82,IBM 1401 was developed in year?,1859,1969,1959,1929,1959,1
83,………………………. Is the memory I n which information can added or taken out
at will., RON , REM ,RAM ,ROM ,RAM ,1
84,………………………… Generation Computer popularly referred to as an
advancement in Artificial intelligence.,First ,Second ,Fifth ,Third,Fifth ,1
85,Which of the computer machine used for performing solution or scientific and
engineering problems.,Micro Computers ,Mini Computer ,Main Frame
Computer ,Hybrid Computer,Main Frame Computer ,1
86,Which of the computer can process data both in discrete and continuous
form.,Analog Computer ,Digital Computer ,Hybrid Computer ,Mainframe
Computer,Hybrid Computer ,1
87,Which of the following is an Output Device,Mouse , Monitor ,Keyboard ,Hard
Drive ,Keyboard ,1
88,Which of the following is an Input Device?,Flash Drive ,Hard
Drive ,Mouse ,Monitor,Mouse ,1
89,"User interface can be based on test, such as the Original DOS that was used in the
………………",1970s and 1980s ,1960s and 1970s ,1980s and 1990s ,1950s and
1960s,1980s and 1990s ,1
90,……………………… Can be used to simulate a new machine not yet provided but
for which software is already
written.,Assembler ,Compiler ,Interpreter ,Translator,Interpreter ,1
91,What is the other name given to high-level language,Machine Code ,Source Machine
,Source Program ,Basic Code,Source Program ,1
92,……………………… is a system software which are special program for file
conversation or the copying maintenance.,Assembler ,Interpreter ,Utility
Language ,Machine Language,Utility Language ,1
93,…………………….. is capable of copying the contents of main memory into an
output device and standard device.,Assembler ,Interpreter ,Utility
Programme ,Compiler,Utility Programme ,1
94,Datebase oriented language is an example of …………………….,Low-level
language ,Machine Language ,High-Level Language ,Assembly Language,High-
Level Language ,1
95,Divide the binary numbers 101010 by 110,1111,110,111,1110,111,1
96,What is the equivalent of Octal number 13 in denary.,14,15,11,16,11,1
97,The hexadecimal number “D” in Octal is?,9,8,15,13,15,1
98,Add the binary numbers and leave the result in binary 111001 and
99,The following are modern methods of transmitting information EXCEPT ............. ,
Satellite , Fax ,Beating drums ,Telex,Beating drums ,1
100,Evaluate 1011011 ( in base 2) + 1100 (in base 2) ...........,. 1100111(in base 2),
1110011(in base 2), 1010111(in base 2), 110101(in base 2), 1010111(in base 2),1
101,.................... was the first invention used for counting and that eventually
motivated the genesis of computer, John Napier Bone, Pebbles , Abacus, String ,
102,................. is the age in which man wants to gather facts and figures which he can
put together to get information, Medium age, Data age, Information age, Processing
age, Information age,1
103,We put .................. together to get information, facts,figures ,data, datum,data,1
104,The grade a student received in a subject is an example of ................., Information,
processing , Data , Recipient, Data ,1
105,The first calculating device can be traced to the ......................, Egyptians ,
Babylonians, Chinese, American, Chinese,1
106,.............. is a mechanical counting device,Pebbles, Cowries, Abacus, Calculator,
107,.................. are the counting device EXCEPT, Slide rule , John Von Neumann,
Morris Cellulose, Charles Babbage Analytical machine, Morris Cellulose,1
108,One of these scientist contributed in developing the fastest processing computer and
World Wide web ............... , Blaise Pascal, Joseph Jacquard , Philip Emeagwali, Maurice
Wickes, Philip Emeagwali,1
109,Notebook computer is the smaller version of .................., Desktop computer,
Palmtop, Laptop, None of the above, Laptop,1
110,................. is a micro computer designed for independent us at home for business
purposes , Home computers, Desktop computer , Personal computer ,Laptop computer ,
Personal computer ,1
111,ALU is an acronym for .............., Aluminium Unit, Alloy Logic Unit,Arithmetic
and Logic Unit,All Computer Large Unit,Arithmetic and Logic Unit,1
112,What is the full meaning of SU? ..............., Scripture Union ,System Utility ,
System Unit, B and C, System Unit,1
113,Hexadecimal is base ...................,2,10,16,8,16,1
114,............. is the term used to describe the putting on of the computer system ,
Command, Windows , Booting, Operating, Booting,1
115,How many attribute gives computer its name?,1,6,2,5,5,1
116,Software is the concrete part of computer system,Agreed ,Strongly Disagreed ,I am
not clear,Strongly Agreed,Strongly Agreed,1
117,An unwanted file that affects the proper functioning of computer system is
called,Kiss Me ,Odinga,wrong virus file,Virus,Virus,1
118,The following are example of malware except,Trojan,Recycler,Keylogger, Avast,
119,The computer system utilizes how many types of software?,5,2,10,3,3,1
120,The computer system has how many unites? ,5,2,10,3,3,1
121,Central Processing Unit (CPU) consists of,control unit,arithmetic and logic
unit,main store, all of above, all of above,1
122,Devices which are used to receive data from central processing unit are classified
as,output/input devices,digital devices,signaled devices,output devices,output devices,1
123,The main store of CPU is also called,main memory,temporary memory,immediate
access store, both A and C, both A and C,1
124,Keyboard and mouse are,DC devices,analogue devices,truth table devices,input
devices,input devices,1
125,"Line printer, a voice synthesizer and computer terminal screen are classic
examples of",logic circuit devices, analogue circuit devices,AND gate devices,output
devices,output devices,1
126, Micro Computer is a product of the ……………………………. Generation
127,……………………… Generation Computer used large scale
integrated,First ,Second ,Fifth,Fourth,Fourth,1
128, ……………………… is the memory in which information remain when power is
129,……………………… is the memory in which information remain when power is
130,IBM 360 Series is an example of a very successful …………………………
Generation Computer?,Second ,First ,Fifth ,Third,Third,1
131,Higher Capacity of internal memory is associated with ………………………
Generation Computer?,First ,Third ,Fifth ,Second,Second,1
132,Which of the following is a device that is connected to a computer but is not part of
the core computer Architecture?,CPU ,ALU ,RAM ,Peripheral,Peripheral,1
133,The error committed by not following the rule of programming language is called
………………?,Designing ,Semantic Error ,Logical Error ,Syntax Error,Syntax
134,One of the errors that is not easy to trace is ………………….?,Syntax
Error ,Graphical Error ,Semantic Error ,Logical Error,Logical Error,1
135,……………………… involving dry running and
compilation ,Designing ,Semantic ,Debugging ,Testing,Testing,1
136,Below are mode of receiving information EXCEPT .................. , Fax , Audio ,
Visual , Audio visual, Audio visual,1
137,Change 11111 (in base 2) to base ten .......... ,35,37,32,31,31,1
138,Change 100011 (in base 2) to denary ..........,38,37,36,35,35,1
139,"Prior to the discovery of alternative means for counting, the means of counting
was................", Simple , Flexible, Hard , Difficult to use for large counts, Difficult to
use for large counts,1
140,.................. is a singler form of data, Facts, Figure, Alphanumeric , Datum,
141,Evolution of information and communication technology (I.C. T) simply
means ................. EXCEPT , Origin, Fundamentals, Beginning root, Awkward,
142,Philip Emeagwali is popularly known as the father of ...................... , Scientist,
Mathematicians, Computer, Internet, Internet,1
143,By size we have the following types of computer namely ............., Super and
mainframe computers, Mainframe and minicomputers, Mini and micro computers,All
of the above,All of the above,1
144,"Based on their mode of operation, computer is classified into ........", Analogue,
Digital ,Hybrid , All of the above, All of the above,1
145,"................ is a special purpose computers used in the production of office
documents, letters, project reports", Word iteration, Word producer, Word editor, Word
processor, Word processor,1
146,............... is the part of the computer which actually process data , Input & Output,
Central Processing Unit,System unit, Arithmetic and logical unit, Arithmetic and
logical unit,1
147,............... system uses only two symbols or digits 0 and 1 , Denary, Octal , Place
value, Binary , Binary ,1
148,The graphical representation of an algorithm is called ...................., Chart,
Symbols, Pseudocode ,Flowchart,Flowchart,1

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