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Week 12 - Conclusion

Welcome to Week 12 of Mentality Training. Inside this week, we bring Mentality

Training to an end. It’s been a ride. Full of mind fucks, earth shattering
realizations, and practical implications that can change life as you know it for the
rest of your days. What I’ve exposed you to is the exact knowledge that has
helped me the most in business and life as a whole.

I recommend you do not let Mentality Training end with this week. Instead, I
encourage you to use this to kick start your awakening process. What I’ve
revealed inside this course may have come across as crazy, bullshit, and too out
there. And rightfully so. Depending on your background, your upbringing, your
experiences, some of these things may have been too big for you to wrap your
head around. That’s okay. Everybody is on their own journey. Nobody is right.
Nobody is wrong. Important thing to realize is that we are all on our own journey
of waking up. And awakening. As a result, I deeply encourage you to go through
the contents of Mentality Training a few times. Every 3 months or so. I
recommend you take away all the practical tips and insights and consistently
apply them towards your life. Do not half-ass any of this, but take it seriously.
Turn it into a discipline. And if you’re so inclined, I encourage you to dive deeper
into the topic of consciousness and self-actualization (I’ll provide you with a few
resources for going deeper). It is the greatest ride you’ll ever go on and it will
allow you to generate unbelievable results in every area of your life. I am on the
same journey myself. It is a continuous journey, but a very fulfilling journey. So
with the above noted, I will bring Mentality Training to a close today by

• Important Reminders/Summary Of Mentality Training

• List Of References/Study Material You Can Use To Dive Deeper Into All
That You’ve Learned
• Concluding Remarks

Let’s get into it.

Important Reminders/Summary Of Mentality

Below I present a brief summary of all that we’ve covered inside Mentality Training.
I recommend you review this section daily at first. Then once a week. It is crucial
you keep these reminders at the top of your mind as you go through your life and
entrepreneurial career. They will help you more than you can ever know. In
addition, I’ve briefly summarized some of the practical techniques you need to add
to your daily life. Do not neglect these. Do not let your disbelief get in the way of you
putting these to the test. Remember: You do not have to believe any of this. All I ask
is you give what you’ve learned a go and to judge the results for yourself. If you can
commit to doing that, you will be blown away at where life takes you. A life full of
abundance and great adventures awaits you.

1. The human being, dog, wood, desk, car, water bottle and everything else that
makes up our universe is made up of the exact same thing: tiny strings of energy
(aka particles). Everything is one. There is no separation between you and things
outside yourself. This is simply an illusion.

2. You are not your body, your thoughts, the labels you assign yourself. You are
not destined to make do with the life you have, you are a waveform experiencing
consciousness, you are a figment of the universe experiencing itself, you are
powerful beyond measure because there is nothing outside yourself, you are all
of it. There is nothing you can do to add to yourself. There is nothing you can do
to take away from yourself.

3. Fear is an illusion: To be afraid of anything in the world is to be afraid of

yourself. Because you’re made of the exact same thing you are afraid of: tiny
strings of energy.
4. You exist in more dimensions than you can perceive. You can tap into these
higher dimensions with various tools such as visualization, meditation, nature
and create new experiences there that have no choice but to come to life in your
normal, day-to-day world.

5. Life is not random nor does it just happen to you. We are living in a
participatory universe. And you get to have your say in what you experience. This
is the case because at the quantum level, nothing but possibilities exist.
Everything is probable. It is only when we observe something that we call it
forward and bring it to life. Our job in life is not to simply go along with the
motions. But to take conscious control of the powers granted to us by being the
Observer. Through observation, we can make what we want happen. Because we
live in a world of infinite possibility. Everything is possible. All possibilities exist
as one suchness. Until we make an observation. Once we do, all possibilities
collapse into what we observed.

Practical tip: Control your mental attention. Devote your

thoughts/words/reactions/actions only towards what you want. Do not devote any
attention to what you are against.

6. Everything is energy. Energy connects everything. Energy carries information.

The past, present and future all exist simultaneously. Therefore, as energetic
beings, we have access to the past, present and future at any point in time via
energy. It all connects.

Practical tip: To change your past, change the feelings you have about your past.

7. Energy = Mass. Thoughts are energy. Every thought you’ve had since you took
your first breath has either turned into the material equivalent of itself today
(mass) or is somewhere out there ready to do so (e=mc^2 (since thoughts are
energy they have no choice but to turn into mass). In other words… your current
life today is the sum total of all your thoughts. What you have thought (energy)
has turned into what you have experienced (mass).

Practical tip: To change your life, change your thoughts. Positive thinking is an
illusion. It is impossible to think positive because thoughts happen automatically.
The trick is to have positive reactions to your thoughts. When you have a shitty
thought, replace it with a positive reaction. Control your self-talk. Take conscious
control. And direct it towards what you are for, not what you are against.

8. The person you are today is largely contingent on: (1) All the thoughts you’ve
had up until this point (String Theory); (2) The way you’ve programmed your
Reticular Activation System (Observer Effect); (3) What you’ve exposed your
senses to (Quantum Entanglement)

9. You are not your body or your thoughts or your senses or your mind, you are
what lies beyond that. You are awareness, you are God, you are the Universe, you
are consciousness, you are a figment of the universe experiencing itself.

10. Everyone and everything is God. We are all one. But we’re all dressed up as
different characters and acting out different roles because all of Life is one big

11. You can only live from God-Mode by living in the Now. Everything else is an
illusion. Be fully here now. And play/create from this place with your thoughts,
words, actions. It’s the only thing you have to do.

Practical tip: Develop awareness. Build presence. And witness your

thoughts/words/actions of your character. Take conscious control of these
thoughts/words/actions and direct/guide your character. Do not be at the mercy of
your character.
12. You are not what you think and feel. You are witnessing what you think and
feel. There are two of you. Ego-you. Witness-you.

13. We are vibrational beings (cheesy but true. We can have experiences inside
our body that influences the experiences/reality outside our bodies. Thoughts,
feelings, emotions can change the electric magnetic field in our heart and change
the reality around us. Thoughts lock in possibilities, but emotions/feelings bring
it to life. Feeling = Union of thought and emotion. Feelings = Vibrations you’re
sending out.

Practical tip: Visualize what you desire daily. Feel the feeling you would feel IF
what you wanted to achieve had already happened. Become and live that feeling
today to raise your vibration and experience what you desire.

14. All you have to do to make your life take off is reach a higher state of
consciousness, raise your vibration to match what you desire, and live in that
feeling NOW. Then take action from that state of knowing and you will get what
you desire in due time.

Practical tip: Review the Character Development Folder you created inside this
course 3x a day. Feel it fully. And keep that feeling with you as you work and grind
away day after day.

15. You are not a physical being having a spiritual experience. You are a spiritual
being having a physical experience. At the time of your death, your physical being
and ego-self will die. Death is an illusion. It is not the end. It is your soul changing

16. Ideal mindset: Warrior Monk. Way of the warrior: Action, completing daily to-
do list, optimizing performance levers (sleep, diet, energy, focus). Way of the
wizard: Review mindset folder 3x, morning meditation, follow morning
meditation with 5-10 minutes of visualization, connect with nature, deep
breathing/box breathing/Wim Hof, control your mind (align thoughts/words
with what you want, not what you are against), be aware, stay conscious of the
feelings (vibration) you are emitting.

17. Your Intent + Determination + Vibration = Success. Your intent =

visualizations/intentions/contents of your mindset folder. Determination =
grit/work/discipline. Vibration = empowering thoughts/feelings.

18. You can have anything, you can become anybody. To bend reality to your will:
control your thoughts/words, raise your vibration via
visualization/meditation/nature, and take action from a state of knowing (state
of knowing = living as if what you want is already here). Do that and the world is

Now that I’ve briefly summarized the course (for you to easily review), it’s time to
offer a few recommendations that you can use to dive deeper into your awakening
process. These recommendations are what have helped me the most along my
journey. They may not have the same impact on you, I don’t know. Only one way to
find out.

List Of References/Study Material You Can Use To

Dive Deeper Into All That You’ve Learned
Below is a list of my favorite books, speakers, spiritual gurus/teachers, etc. (in no
particular order).


• Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda

• Course In Miracles by Helen Schucman

• Three Simple Steps by Trevor Blake

• I Am THAT by Nisargadatta Maharaj

• Conversations with God (Books 1-3) by Neale Donald Walsch

• Awareness by Anthony De Mello

• Illusions: The Adventures Of A Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach

• The Bhagavad Gita

• Autobiography of a Spiritually Incorrect Mystic by Osho

• Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

• Stillness Speaks by Eckhart Tolle

• Be Here Now by Ram Dass

• Dying to Live by Anita Moorjani

Speakers/Spiritual Gurus:

• Allan Watts

• Terrence Mckenna

• Ram Dass

• Tom Campbell

• Neem Karoli Baba

You don’t have to go through all the above resources. Just going through a couple
will send you down the rabbit hole. And help open your eyes to all that is. And
that makes up life as we know it.

It is quite the trip.

Concluding Remarks
In every ending is a beginning. We end this course to kickstart the next step of
your transformation. Now that you’ve opened your eyes to an all new reality and
have discovered practical techniques for bending the world to your will, it’s time
to do what we’re here to do:

Help you build a wildly profitable online business. And go from $0 to full-time
income online.

This is the entire purpose.

Mentality Training was designed to help you awaken. To lose hold of all your past
conditioning. And to teach you a new way to use your brain/mind aka the most
powerful tool at your disposal. Now it’s time for us to use your newfound mental
powers to help you become all that you can be in the area of business and
prosperity. So as you go on with your journey inside the University, I recommend
you keep in mind everything we’ve covered inside this course. Review it often.
And use it on a daily basis. Once combined with what I have in store for you (Year
Long Project + Semester 2&3), you’re going to be blown away at the results.

Thank you so much for completing this course.

And stay tuned for what is coming your way.


Note: The above was applicable for CCU students. If you're interested in joining
the CCU, you can learn more here:

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