BBA 3 - IIT - U1

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Unit 1 – introduction to it

Computer Systems

 I/O Devices
 Memory Devices
 Processors
 Software
 Classification of Software
a. Systems Software
b. Application Software
Operating Systems

 Definition
 Types of OS
 Understanding of GUI

 Definition
 Types of Network
a. LAN
b. WAN
 Network Topologies
 Physical Communication Media
 OSI Model

Computer Systems

I/O Devices

 Devices used for input and output operations in a computer system.

 Examples: keyboards, mouse, printers, and monitors.
 Facilitate user interaction with the computer.
 Convert user actions into data the computer can process.
 Display processed data back to the user.

Plot no 38, ECIL Cross Roads, opposite to Xenia Hospital, ECIL, Secunderabad, Telangana 500062
Memory Devices

 Components that store data and instructions for processing.

 Types: RAM (volatile memory) and ROM (non-volatile memory).
 RAM: Temporary storage for active processes and applications.
 ROM: Permanent storage for essential system instructions.
 Critical for system performance and data retrieval speed.


 Central Processing Unit (CPU), the brain of the computer.

 Executes instructions from software applications.
 Comprises ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) and Control Unit.
 Determines the computer's speed and capability.
 Multicore processors enhance multitasking and performance.


Definition: A collection of data or computer instructions that tell the computer how to
work, in contrast to the physical hardware from which the system is built.

Classification of Software
Systems Software

 Manages and controls hardware components.

 Includes operating systems, device drivers, and utilities.
 Essential for the basic functioning of a computer.
 Provides a platform for running application software.
 Examples: Windows, Linux, macOS.
Application Software

 Designed to help users perform specific tasks.

 Includes word processors, spreadsheets, and media players.
 Runs on top of systems software.
 Tailored to user needs and productivity.
 Examples: Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop, VLC Media Player.

Operating Systems

Plot no 38, ECIL Cross Roads, opposite to Xenia Hospital, ECIL, Secunderabad, Telangana 500062

 Software that manages hardware and software resources.

 Provides a user interface to interact with the computer.
 Coordinates between applications and hardware components.
 Ensures efficient and secure operation of the system.
 Fundamental for computer functionality.

Types of OS

 Batch Operating System: Processes batches of jobs without user interaction.

 Time-Sharing Operating System: Allows multiple users to use the system
 Distributed Operating System: Manages a group of independent computers as a
single system.

 Real-Time Operating System: Processes data as it comes in, critical for time-
sensitive applications.
 Embedded Operating System: Specialized OS for embedded systems like appliances
and vehicles.

Understanding of GUI (Graphical User Interface)

 Visual interface for interacting with the computer.

 Uses windows, icons, menus, and pointers (WIMP).
 Simplifies navigation and operation for users.
 Enhances user experience with intuitive design.
 Examples: Windows Explorer, macOS Finder.


 A collection of interconnected devices for sharing resources and information.

 Enables communication between computers and other devices.
 Facilitates data transfer and resource sharing.
 Can be wired or wireless.
 Essential for modern communication and business operations.

Types of Network

Plot no 38, ECIL Cross Roads, opposite to Xenia Hospital, ECIL, Secunderabad, Telangana 500062
LAN (Local Area Network)

 Covers a small geographic area, like a home or office.

 High data transfer rates and low latency.
 Examples: Office networks, home Wi-Fi.
 Typically involves Ethernet or Wi-Fi connections.
 Allows resource sharing within a limited area.

WAN (Wide Area Network)

 Covers a large geographic area, like cities or countries.

 Lower data transfer rates compared to LAN.
 Examples: The Internet, company-wide networks.
 Utilizes various technologies like leased lines, satellites.
 Connects multiple LANs over long distances.

Plot no 38, ECIL Cross Roads, opposite to Xenia Hospital, ECIL, Secunderabad, Telangana 500062
Network Topologies

 Bus Topology: All devices share a common communication line.

 Star Topology: Devices connect to a central hub.
 Ring Topology: Devices form a circular data path.
 Mesh Topology: Devices connect with multiple redundant connections.
 Hybrid Topology: Combination of two or more topologies.
Physical Communication Media

 Twisted Pair Cable: Common for telecommunication.

 Coaxial Cable: Used for cable television and internet.
 Fiber Optic Cable: High-speed data transmission with light signals.
 Wireless Media: Includes radio waves, microwaves, and infrared.
 Satellite Communication: Long-distance data transmission.
TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)

 Fundamental protocol suite for the internet.

 TCP: Ensures reliable data transmission.
 IP: Handles addressing and routing of data packets.
 Enables communication across diverse networks.
 Provides a standardized way of data exchange.
 Backbone of internet communication.
OSI Model (Open Systems Interconnection)

 Conceptual framework for understanding network interactions.

 7 Layers: Physical, Data Link, Network, Transport, Session, Presentation,
 Physical Layer: Deals with hardware transmission.
 Data Link Layer: Manages data frames between adjacent nodes.
 Network Layer: Handles routing of data packets.
 Transport Layer: Ensures reliable data transfer.
 Session Layer: Manages sessions between applications.
 Presentation Layer: Translates data formats.
 Application Layer: Provides network services to applications.

Plot no 38, ECIL Cross Roads, opposite to Xenia Hospital, ECIL, Secunderabad, Telangana 500062

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