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Argumentative writing 01

Group: 03

1. Cut Mukramah ( 1806102020015)

2. Fany Fadhilla ( 1806102020024 )
3. Jabal Thariq ( 1806102020026 )
4. Salma Azania ( 1806102020014 )


1. Deciding what is acceptable to cut and paste

2. Qouting Statistics
3. Pharaphasing by changing noun to verb
4. Pharaphasibg by changing the part of speech to word order
5. Pharaphasing by changing part of speech and word order-continued

Paraphrase and Avoiding Plagiarism

1. Deciding what is acceptable to cut and paste

Which words and phrases in bold can be cut and pasted into our own work
without specifying where they came from because they are quite common and applicable
in any situation?

In this inquire about venture I will consider bilinguals as (1) “those

who utilize more than one dialect or tongue in their ordinary life” (Grosjean, 2010).
The conclusion of lingos is especially important here, (2) as portion of
the venture included Italian participants. (3) In Italy, diverse lingos are talked in
several locales. These tongues are not fair mellow enunciations from the mother tongue,
but legitimate dialects which will essentially contrast in syntactic, semantic and
phonological properties. For illustration, (4) somebody from Sicily who talks Sicilian
and Italian ought to be considered as bilingual as somebody from Barcelona
who talks Catalan and Spanish. As in most of the Italian districts as lingo can
be talked for authentic and social reasons, (5) we may say that a consider able extent of
Italians, particularly in more seasoned eras, are bilinguals.

(6) What is bilingualism? I inquired this address to a craftsman, the one who
painted the work spoken to at the starting of this chapter. She answered: (7)”Bilingualism
is my fourth measurement. It is the way I see things without boundaries, without
communication limitations. Bilingualism may be a space in which
culture records openly and the intellect extends to unused captivating territories.”

Maybe this definition of bilingualism is as well sentimental. In any case, I feel that
(8) it captures the exceptionally nature of being bilingual in present
day times. Agreeing to Beatens of this Breadsmore (1982) the term bilingualism has an
“open-ended semantic “. (9) No definition can truly clarify the complexity of the
cognitive, social, instructive and social variables that are implanted in those who set out on
a bilingual life. In this to begin with chapter (10) I will endeavor to portray what is
bilingualism within the modern world.(11) how it is examined, and (12) why it
is vital to get it significant cognitive mechanisms that bolster within the human brain.

2. Qouting Statistics :

Which of the insights and discoveries in strong would you be able to utilize in your
paper without making a reference to the writing or crediting a source?

The developing intrigued in bilingual or multilingual speakers isn't astounding on

the off chance that we think that more than half of the world’s populace –(1) almost 3.5
billion individuals – routinely talk (2) more than one dialect (Grosjean, 1982, 2010).
As distant as Europe is concerned, the European Commission as of late distributed a report
(2006) in which a huge test of European citizen
were inquired how numerous dialect they talked other than their mother tongue. (3) Fifty-
six percent of the individuals in 25 nations answered that they may have a discussion in
a moment dialect, and 28 % answered they talked a third. (4) Awesome Britain is one
of the foremost “monolingual” nations in Europe, in any case, (5) 38 % of
those surveyed answered they seem talk a moment language.

These figures, in spite of the fact that amazing, don't tell us

much approximately a possibly bilingual or multilingual populace that shows up to be
a colossally heterogeneous bunch. Were the dialects learnt early in childhood or afterward?
Are the extra languages used in existence? How complement are
these individuals their moment dialect? These (6) three essential questions are
themselves sufficient to transmit indeed to the naïve eye
how troublesome considering bilinguals might be. As Grojean (1998) pointed to”…
working with bilinguals is more challenging undertaking [at that
point considering monolinguals].

3. Pharaphasing by changing noun to verb

1. Microscope using is essential for comprehend the technique
2. In certain environments this could impact to enchance lipid preservation
3. The anaerobic bacteria can impact degrade strong to the wood
4. The amount formed is depend on the degree of oxidation, thus the values
observed variable is high and are influenced by many factors
5. samples were directly monitored to observe morphological characteristics
6. Assess this indext was carried out by means of the correlation function
7. the probe heating carried out in two different ways
8. The main drawbacks are the increase in volume and weight of the residue
causes incinerate process lost advantage and the produce of a material that
might still be very hazardous for the environment.
9. This solution reach a consensus among these processes
10. The authors wish to thank the Department of Political Sciences for set up
and coordinate the project.

4. Pharaphasibg by changing the part of speech to word order

1) A result has been confirmed by our present trial (wiley 2009)
2) Pandely (2000) has reported lower values than what we got
3) A fact can be a cause for making a difference can be ignored
4) X and y are different because no one can prove they are same.
5) After we finish doing that activity then we can conclude that x and y are the
6) The clarity of the values reaching the peak can be seen in Figure 1
7) if x is the center instead of y then it is possible to have a difference
8) According (Kim 2009, Li 2010, Hai 2011) Good performance is the result
of much effort
9) This system was used for the first time after its creation

5. ParapHrasing by Changing The Parts of Speech and Word Order -

Continuled The Following The Fast Excercision:

1) The experiment are ready as bound by flow norm.

2) A lot of attention atty maid pay when treatment the experiment.
3) This step anguish from a number of trap.
4) We want to thank the people who have worked and supported, without
them this work would not have been possible

5) Great chance that the participant answered the question incorrectly

6) The reasons for this result are doesn't make sense yet

7) Independent of this method, and consequently poor results on the second

test, the results of our tests still show that

8) Since it was just an initial experiment, it is not surprising that there is a

slight difference

9) The advantage in term of display far outweigh the surcharge

10) As expected, there were a few errors due to

the enormous sum of information being processed.

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