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%n G,nn7 gc,t rl

Unified Mid-Year Examination 2OL9-20 &?* ,*1i



SCIENCE December 2019

CLASS 6 2 hours


Write your School Name, and Examination Roll Number in the space provided above.
Carefully read and follow the instructions given for each Question.

Answer all questions in the spaces provided.

Write your answers in the spaces provided only. DO NOT write outside the provided space

Select only one answer when made to choose, otherwise no mark will be given

Check your answers before your return the Question paper to the invigilator.

Marks for each Section and question are shown below.

-------For Examiner's use onl

Section A:Objective (60) Section B: Subjective (40)

Question No L 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total
Max. Marks 25 10 15 10 o4 08 09 07 06 06 100
Marks Obtained

Percentage Grade

lnvigilated by: Marked by: Marks tallied by:

;It" ?tty ,/c/ru,l/ tJnified Mid-Year Examination, December 2019 / Science / Class 6 Page 1 of 16
Section A Objective 60 Marks

Q.1 Multiple choice questions LJ25l

For every given statement here are four options A, B, C and D. Encircle the best suitable

l. What skill is a scientist using when she listens to the sounds the whales make?

A. making observations

B. making a hypothesis
C. interpreting data

D. drawing conclusion

!t. is used in the laboratory for supportlng apparatus

during experiments.

A. gas jar
B. crucible

C. retort stand

D. pipette

ll t. while making tea, why do we sometimes stir the tea with a spoon?

A. to mix the ingredients ProPerlY

B. to cool the tea
C. to dissolve the tea leaves faster
D. to dissolve the sugar faster

tv. Which mixture can you separate by filtering?

A. ink and water

B. sand and water

C. sugar and water

D. vinegar and peas

Dtoa ) a{ 1A
v, Amina left the salty water in a shallow dish. One week later she saw that the
level of water had gone down. What happened to the water?
A. it had evaporated
B. it had melted
C. it had frozen
D. it had condensed

VI ln filtration, what name is used to describe the solid left on the filter paper?

A. filtrate
B. residue
C. distillate
D. both A and B

vll. Yeast is used in making bread and alcohol beverages. lt is a kind of

A. bacteria

B. fungi
C. algae

D. virus

vll! What does a decomposer do?

A. cause serious plant disease

B. breakdown dead and waste matter
C. performphotosynthesis
D. prevent the growth of bacteria

ix. is caused by plasmodium, transferred through a bite of

anopheles mosquito.

A. cholera

B. dengue

C. malaria

D. yellow fever

,%* Vrty ,?r'/rrr,// Unified Mid-Year Examination, December 2019 / Science / Class 6 Page 3 of 16
x. Which of these foods is made by microorganisms?

A. milk

B. cheese

C. jam
D. lemonade

xi. How do bacteria help our bodies'function?

A. they make our muscles stronger

B. they provide us vitamin K

C. they help carry oxygen

D. they make our skin clean

xii The Sl unit for volume is;

A. m3

B. m2

C. cm

D. km

xlt!. is a measure of the space occupied by a substance.

A. volume
B. area

C. mass

D. length

xiv. The circumference of a new born baby's head can be measured by using a

A. hand span

B. metre rule

C. measuring taPe

D. vernier caliPer

Daoc A af 16
xv Which of the following is the correct equation for speed?

A. Time = Distance /speed

B. Time = Speed / distance

C. Time = Speed x distance

D. Time = Speed + distance

xvi. The unit for measuring force is

A. [Vlass

B. Newton
C. Kilogram

D. Gram

xvii. What is upthrust?

A. A sideways force on the things acting in water

B. A downwards on force acting on things in water

C. An upward force acting on things in water

D. Any upward force

xviii. Unlike poles of a magnet always each other.

A. repel

B. attract
C. overlap

D. remain same with

xtx. What are the forces on a falling object?

A. weight downwards and air resistance upwards

B. weight downwards and air resistance downwards

C. weight upwards and air resistance downwards

D. weight upwards and air resistance upwards

!ilp 'Atry ,yl,/.e{,/l Unitied Mid-Year Examination, December 2019 / Science / Class 6 Page 5 of 16
xx. Which measurement would be different if you were on Moon than on Earth?

A. mass

B. weight

C. balance

D. unbalance

xxi Weight is the measure of the acting on an object?

A. density

B. mass
C. matter
D. gravity

xxii Which one of the following is a non-magnetic material?

A. iron

B. steel

C. aluminium
D. cobalt

xxiii. How can you increase the air resistance of a parachute?

A. make the parachute smaller

B. make the parachute bigger
C. put longer strings on it
D. change its colour

xxiv. Earth's gravity pulls object towards its

A. equator

B. hemisphere
C. north pole
D. center

07/-- (2:t^. (?^/,^^/l tlni+i6A lrlid-Vaar Fv:minetinn l)crpmhcr ?O1Q / Sciencp / Class 6 Paee 6 of 15
xxv, The force that pulls falling objects to the Earth is called

A. freefall

B. gravity
C. air resistance
D. acceleration

Q.2 State whether the given statements are true or false. lf the statement is 'false',
rewrite the correct statement, by changing the underlined word/s. IJLO|
i. Scientists make inferences by using thermometer, microscopes and telescope.

ii. A tripod stand is used for supporting apparatus during heating.

iii. The faster the solution is stirred the slower the solid dissolves.

iv. Soluble solids can be separated by filtration.

v. Talcum powder can be separated from water by sieving.

vi. Human intestines are a habitat for different types of microorganisms.

vii. Food should be cooked thoroughly at 75 oC

to prevent food poisoning.

vilt. Measuring cylinder, pipette and burette are used to measure volume of liquids in
the laboratory.

ix. The Sl unit for temperature is Degree Celsius.

x Friction causes moving objects to speeds up.

;17,n '6lty ,/b,/,"r// Vnitied Mid-Year Examination, December 2019 / Science / Class 6 PageT of 16
Q.3 Cross Matching lJ]-sl
Match the description in column A with the correct word/phrase in column B and write your
answer in column C.

Column A Column B Column C

1. A tentative explanation for an observation a. vaccine L.

2. Separate water from a solution of salt and b. magnet 2.


3. Something that does not dissolve c. bacteria 3.

4. Breakdown of dead animal and plants d. evaporation and 4.


5. A prevention against infections e. vernier caliper 5

6. Used in making yoghurt f. magnetic force 6

7. lmproper reading due to wrong eye position g. gravitational force 7

8. An instrument to measure length of a table h. insoluble substance 8

9. An instrument to measure depth of narrow i. upthrust 9

tubes or holes

10. Another name for air resistance j. thrust 10.

11. A force that makes things float k. decomposition LL

12. Force of repulsion l. parallax error L2

13. Water falling down a hill m. hypothesis 13

14. Picks up things made from iron n. drag L4.

15. Force produced by engine of an airplane o. measuring tape 15

'nt q)., (l I tt tt^i6i^a^ril v^-,Ev-,.:h-+i^h naaamhar?nlO /q.iah.o /l^leccA Pase 8 of 15

Q. + Fill in the blanks. lJtol
i. The study of stars, planets and moon is known as _
ii. The hotter the water is, the solid dissolves.
iii. _.
The process of changing gas into liquid is called as

iv. Talc powder can be separated from a solution by_.

v. theory states that many diseases are caused by
vi. lnfections caused by bacteria, can be cured by taking
( Vii.-isaprocess,inwhichyeastactsonsugartoproducecarbon
dioxide and ethanol.
vilt. error is an error in measurement caused by the eye not placed in
the correct position.

ix. The volume of small objects with irregular shapes can be found by

x. The direction and size of force can be presented by using _.

Cl-^ a2:z- (2-l^^/l tt^iii^a nrir w^^- r.,^-i-^+i^- h^-^-L^-.^.^ ,.-:---- , .

Section B Subjective 40 Marks

Q.5 Labelthe diagram of the Bunsen burner given below TJ4I



Q.6 Mixtures can often be separated by physical processes.

(a) Write down the method to separate the following mixtures l*/41

Mixture Method of separation

Salt and water

lron powder and salt

chalk and water

Rice and flour

97* ?r:ty ,/b/u,o/l Unlfied Mid-Year Examination, December 2019 / Science / Class 6 Page 10 of 16
(b) A class investigates solutions.

10 ml of water and same mass of sugar in different sizes is put into separate test tubes
the contents are stirred until all the sugar is dissolved.

pawdcr*d susar *ugar eubes gr*nulat*d *$*ar

i. Which form of sugar dissolved the quickest?


il. other than stirring and type of sugar used, what else could you do to speed up
the process of dissolving sugar? lJLl

ilt Why was the same amount of water and same mass of sugar added to each test

tube? tJLt

(c) Sara wants to separate a mixture of sand and salt. She added water to the mixture.

i. what happens to the mixture when water is added to it? IJLI

e.7.(a) Some microorganisms are harmful. Others can be very useful. State which
microorganism, bacteria, virus or fungi, is responsible for each of the following.

i. Making bread rise

ii. Causing an attack of flu

iii. Causing a disease called tuberculosis

(b) To fight some diseases people can be given vaccination

i. What is a vaccine? tJtl

ii. Choose one disease, against which you can be vaccinated' IJLI
Cough Athlete's foot

Tuberculosis AIDS

(c). i. Name a bacterium that causes food poisoning? LJLI

ii. List down two ways to prevent food poisoning. tJ2l

(d) Why are viruses not classified as living things? lJ1.l

qo/unll Unilied Mid-Year Examination, December 2019 / Science / Class 6 Page 12 of 16

Q.8.a Fill in the empty spaces given in the following table. \J4l
Physical Quantity Sl units Symbolfor units

Temperature K

Ampere A


b. Write down a suitable instrument which can be used to find the following physical
quantities: lJSl
i. mass of an apple;

ii. surface area of a table;

iii. internal diameter of a tea cup;

iTl- qtr, ll^itiarl t\/lid-Vper Fvaminatinn ftpramhpr 7n1q / s.ipn.e / Clacs 6 Pape11nf16
Q.9. (a) Differentiate between weight and mass' tJ2l

(b) An object weighs 40 N on Earth. what will be its mass on Moon? LJtl

(c) Name and label two forces by arrows to the drawing acting on a sky diver as he falls


Page 14 of 15
:il. 7l;r- .q/,J.,/l llnilied Mid-Year Examination, December 2019 / Science / Class 6
Q10. (a). The graph shows how a spring extends in length when loads were hung on it.


i. Complete this description: doubling the force cause the spring to

ii. A parcel was hung on the spring and it is extended by 6 cm. What was the weight of the

parcel? lJLl

iii. From the graph, infer the new length of the spring when a weight of 0.6 N is hung on it.


ail- e/?-t.- (Ll-.^/l tt^i+i^A irit v^-, Ev.hi^-+;^^ naramhar tnto / c.;on.a / I^lrcc A Droa{Enf14
(b).A magnet is moved close to four objects. Tick the correct boxes to show what happens.

Object Attract Repel No effect



t-r, .


(cl ldentify the following forces acting in each case. tJtl

i. A force that makes it difficult for you to push down in water

ii. A force which prevents a glass bottle from slipping out of your hand

(/,lir,, Mid-Year Examination, December 2019 / Science / Class 6 Page 15 of 16

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