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Excellence Accountability Service

SCHOOL YEAR : 2023 - 2024
Rotation, Networking, Job Enrichment, Career
Development Plan & Assertive Communication Training)


1. Give the basic understanding of management and its importance

2. Provide a foundation of the managerial functions of job rotation, networking,
job enrichment, career development program and assertive communication
3. Give the advantages and disadvantages of different management tools.


Management tools are techniques or means used by

managers to influence their employees. Managers bear a great
responsibility and have a great influence on their teams. It is
their task to control the work processes in a company. To ensure
that this influence also has a positive effect on the company’s
success, managers use so-called leadership tools. They have
both direct and indirect management tools at their disposal.
Management tools are tools used by managers to direct and
manage their teams or organizations. These tools can include a
variety of methods and techniques, such as goal
setting, employee development, performance
management, communication, delegation of responsibility,

motivation, and conflict management. For example, one

leadership tool might be conducting regular performance reviews

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or feedback sessions to encourage and improve employee

performance and engagement. Another tool could be a goal-
setting process in which clear goals and metrics are set for the
team or organization to measure and track progress. Which
management tools are used depends closely on the
particular style? There are many different leadership tools and
techniques that leaders can apply in different situations to
effectively lead their teams and guide them to success.



- is a management approach where employees are shifted between two

or more assignments or jobs at regular intervals of time in order to expose them
to all verticals of an organization. It is a pre-planned approach with an objective to
test the employee skills and competencies in order to place him or her at the right
place. In addition to it, it reduces the monotony of the job and gives them a wider
experience and helps them gain more insights.

- it is a well-planned practice to reduce the boredom of doing same type of

job every day and explore the hidden potential of an employee. The process
serves the purpose of both the management and the employees. It helps
management in discovering the talent of employees and determining what he or
she is best at. On the other hand, it gives an individual a chance to explore his or
her own interests and gain experience in different fields or operations.

Job Rotation Objectives

Reducing Monotony of the Job

Succession Planning

Creating Right-Employee Job Fit

Exposing Workers to All Verticals of the Company

Testing Employee Skills and Competencies

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Developing a Wider Range of Work Experience

Advantages of Job Rotation

Allows managers to see your hidden talents:

Helps in exploring interests and ideas:

Identifies skills and attitudes:

Motivates all employees and helps them to deal with new challenges:

Boosts satisfaction and lowers the rate of attrition:

Helps in aligning all requirements and competencies:

Keeps away all fraudulent practices

Disadvantages of Job Rotation

Wastage of time and effort:

Employees take time:

Leads to a whole lot of stress and anxiety:

It doesn’t check the time wasted:

Zero results

- a managerial tool which involves getting people to talk to each other
through conferences, phone calls, air travel. Books, papers, pamphlets, lectures,
workshops, parties, grapevines, mutual friends, tapes, newsletters, etc. it exists
to foster self-help, to exchange information, to change society, to improve
productivity and work life, and to share resources.

Advantages of Networking

You can improve your job opportunities through networking

Networking gives you the chances to stay in contact with business

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Networking can lead to friendships

Networking can help you to improve your knowledge

Business networking has become quite easy thanks to social media

You may get interested in new fields

Can help in terms of personal development

Makes it easier to start new projects

You can become an expert in your field

Business networking can help you getting out of your comfort zone

Can provide B2B opportunities

Business networking can help to strengthen a brand

Can translate into higher profits for companies

Important to recognize the latest trends

You can exchange ideas in your business networks

You can get insider information through business networking

Disadvantages of Business Networking

Business networking takes time

May not be effective

Can give you a false sense of security

You have to keep your profiles up-to-date

Business networking changes over time

Many people don’t get how it actually works

Many people don’t get how it actually works

Networking meetings can be expensive

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Networking is a long-term game

You may lose your own identity

You have to provide value

Business networking is not a magic pill

- Job enrichment is a process where the organization try to boosts up the
morale of employee by providing an importance and higher work satisfaction to
their employees. They treat them well by offering best of tasks that help them
improve and perks just as offered to their superiors or mangers. It means a
vertical expansion of a job. Job enrichment makes the job more meaningful,
enjoyable and satisfying. It gives the workers more autonomy for
planning and controlling the job. It also gives the workers more responsibility.
Job enrichment gives the workers opportunities for achievement,
recognition, advancement and growth. So, the workers are motivated to
work harder. Therefore, Job enrichment makes the job a source of motivation.

Characteristics or Features of Job Enrichment

Nature of Job: Job enrichment is a vertical expansion of the job. The workers
are given jobs, which require higher-level knowledge, skills and
responsibilities. Job enrichment improves the quality of the job.

Objective: The objective of Job enrichment is to make the job livelier and more
challenging. So, the job is a source of motivation for the workers.

Positive Results: Job enrichment gives positive results if the workers are highly
skilled. This is because workers are given opportunities to show initiative and
innovation while doing their job.

Direction and Control: Job enrichment encourages self-discipline. It does not

believe in external direction and control.

Advantages of Job Enrichment

Learning new skills

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Boosts energy of the employee by reducing boredom

Creates a positive and better working environment

Increases the chances of recognition and reward

Provides motivation for the advancement

It provides a sense of accomplishment

Reduces absenteeism

Create a professional approach

Disadvantages of Job Enrichment:

Increases work load Mis-communication

Additional skills needed •Lack of performance

Lack of knowledge Unfavorable for the employees


The bottom line is that all these advantages and disadvantages can make
one thing clear about job enrichment and that is providing job
enrichment can be a power which comes from its own flaws.
Therefore, interested people can definitely understand the actual
objective of these benefits and limitations of job enrichment. You can also
suggest your friends read all of the above details carefully to understand it even


- Career development is a term used to describe a process utilized by an

agency to provide opportunities for individual growth and development at all

 This program offers the employee the opportunity to assess his skills and
capabilities, evaluate his career progress and make plans for furthering
his personal career goals.
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 Designed to improve the knowledge, skills, abilities and experiences of individual

within an organization. The result is a more productive team that will have a
direct impact on profitability

Best Practices for Career Development Programs:

1. Ask employees what they want.

Before you make your career development plan, it’s best practice to ask
your employees what they want out of it. This information can guide you in
program creation. If you implement an initiative that the employees feel is not
beneficial, they won’t participate.

2. Make a career development plan

Creating a specific and comprehensive career development plan should

be done after you know what your employees want. Take their feedback into
consideration by building a program that fits their needs.

3. Mix and match career development strategies

This means you can leverage various career development

strategies under your overall career development package. You can also
diversify your career development program by offering personal development
opportunities as well as leadership skill development.

4. Be transparent

You can increase employee satisfaction, and overall company

culture, by communicating your goals from the beginning. Make your goals
known to the whole organization is a best practice for successful career
development program.

5. Offer tools and resources

If you implement your career development plans without guiding your

participants, you are setting yourself up for failure. Instead, offer them tools
and resources to be successful. It’s best practice to provide some
assistance to steer your program in the right direction.

6. Measure your success

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Measuring your success is fundamental in maintaining your

career development program. Without numerical proof that the program is
effective, your stakeholders and investors may lose faith and pull funding.

Disadvantages of Career Development Programs.

1. Accessibility

Career development programs can be costly if employees from multiple

locations have to meet at a central location. However, there is a way to get
around this cost. You can hold career development meetings using virtual
programs or conference call.

2. Loss of productivity

When your employees are participating in a career development program,

they aren’t working. This can mean a decrease in production on the
days of the program. While this may not be a problem is some sectors, others
such as manufacturing, usually can’t afford the lag in production.

3. Desirability

Having your employees participate in a career development

program may make them more desirable to your competitors. This may lead
to the employee leaving your company and using the training you provided to
help your competition.

4. Time frame

While many career development programs are a good idea, there are
some instances where employees may know all of the information that
is presented in the program. This makes the program a waste of time and

5. Problem solving

A career development program won’t solve all of the problems you have
in your company. Some problems, such as tardiness and laziness may only be
fully addressed by staffing changes


Excellence Accountability Service

Assertive communication is the ability to express positive and negative

feelings in an open honest and direct way. It recognizes our opinions while still
respecting the views of others. It allows us to take responsibility for ourselves
and our actions without judging or blaming other people.

 Enables managers and employees to deal with one another and with customers
and clients when necessary in straight forward ways that recognize the rights and
needs of all individuals involved.
 Provides certain specific verbal skills that a person can use to avoid being
intimidated and manipulated by others.

Advantages of Assertive Communication

It helps us feel good about ourselves and others.

It leads to development of mutual respect with others.

It increases our self-esteem.

It helps us achieve our goals.

It minimizes hurting and alienating other people.

It reduces anxiety.

It protects us from being taken advantages of by others.

It enables us to make decisions and free choices in life.

It enables us to express, both verbally and non-verbally, a wide range of feelings
and thoughts, both positive and negative.

Disadvantages of Assertive Communication

Others may not approve of this style of communication, or may not approve of
the views you express.

Also, having a healthy regard for another person’s rights means that you won’t
always get what you want.

You may also find out that you were wrong about a viewpoint that you held.
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It involves the risk that others may not understand and therefore not accept this
style of communication


Networking - is a managerial tool which involves getting people to talk to each


Job Rotation - is used in some companies to provide an opportunity for

employees to become familiar with a variety of operations in the firm.

Job Enrichment - This is an employee motivational tool which uses job redesign
strategies aimed at providing employees with some responsibility, more
autonomy, and a greater sense of accomplishment.

Assertiveness in communication is the ability to directly state your feelings and

needs in a respectful manner. An assertive communication style neither shrinks
from speaking up nor aggressively forces a perspective on someone else.
Assertive communication is directed by the three Cs of effective communication
(clear, consistent, courteous)

Career development programs are plans designed to match employees’ abilities,

needs and career goals to current and future opportunities within an organization.
It is a way to set your employees up for success and long-term progression in
your company.


Muinat Zubair (December 2, 2022) What are career development programs, and
do you need one at work? Available at:

Coursera Staff (Nov 30, 2023) Assertive Communication: Definition, Examples, and
Tips. Available at:
Excellence Accountability Service

Philippine Normal University (2019 – 2020) Man Management Tools

Consolidated Report. Available at:


Identify the answer on the given questions:

1. It is a pre-planned approach with an objective to test the employee skills and

competencies in order to place him or her at the right place.
2. A type of management tool that exists to foster self-help, to exchange
information, to change society, to improve productivity and work life, and to share
3. It is a process where the organization try to boosts up the morale of employee
by providing an importance and higher work satisfaction to their employees.
4. A term used to describe a process utilized by an agency to provide
opportunities for individual growth and development at all levels.
5. It recognizes our opinions while still respecting the views of others. It allows us
to take responsibility for ourselves and our actions without judging or blaming
other people.

Enumerate the Disadvantages of Career Development Programs. (6-10)

11-15. Based on your own opinion, what is the best management tools to be
utilized? And why?
Excellence Accountability Service


1. Job Rotation
2. Networking
3. Job Enrichment
4. Career Development Programs
5. Assertive Communication Training
6. Accessibility
7. Loss of productivity
8. Desirability
9. Time frame
10. Problem solving
11 – 15 (Answers may vary)
Possible answer:
Job enrichment is the best management tools to be utilized because it
involves creating meaningful roles through feedback, encouragement,
communication, and autonomy. Managers who focus on job enrichment focus on
creating jobs with meaning. The aim is to create a healthy work environment and
employee work-life balance that intrinsically motivates employees. It’s about
creating a work culture based on psychological safety at work where managers
encourage a growth mindset and employees strive to take on more responsibility.
If you fail to enrich an employee’s job and provide them with a sense of autonomy
and satisfaction, you run the risk of creating a repetitive and monotonous
environment where employees feel bored, undervalued, and dissatisfied. And
once an employee feels that way, a pay rise is unlikely to inspire them to give it
their best.
Excellence Accountability Service

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