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Bahria University

Department of Law -



Guiding Principles
Writing Tips
Frequently Asked Questions
Research Project

Department of Law
Bahria University
Table of Contents
1. Preface ..................................................................................................................................................................3
2. Research Project ...................................................................................................................................................3
2.1. Registration of Research Project (LLB-523) ................................................................................ 3
2.2. Individual & Groups .............................................................................................................................................3
2.3. Research Proposal (timeline) ........................................................................................................ 3
2.4. Research Coordinator.................................................................................................................... 4
2.5. Research Committee ..................................................................................................................... 4
2.6. Supervisor ..................................................................................................................................... 4
3. Research Work ......................................................................................................................................................5
3.1. General Instructions ...................................................................................................................... 5
3.2. Front Matter .................................................................................................................................. 5
3.3. Font, Headings, line Spacing, Margins and Numbering ............................................................... 6
3.4. End Matters ................................................................................................................................... 6
3.5. Referencing and Citations ............................................................................................................. 6
3.6. Submission of Research Project .................................................................................................... 8
4. Plagiarism Policy ..................................................................................................................................................8
5. Marking Policy .....................................................................................................................................................9
6. Frequently Asked Questions .................................................................................................................................9
7. Research Committee ........................................................................................................................................... 10
Annexure I- Research Proposal Form………………………………………………………………………………...11
Annexure II- Template for Proposal of Research Project…………………………………………………………….12
Annexure III- Specimen of Acceptance Form…………………………………………………..................................13
Annexure IV- Speimen of Supervisor Evaluation Form……………………………………………………………..14
Annexure V- Specimen of Research Committee Evaluation Form………………………………………………….15
Annexure VI- Specimen of Final Result……………………………………………………………………………..16
Annexure VII- Research Project Full Template……………………………………………………………………...17
Annexure VIII- Referencing Style Guide.........................................................................................................30

1. Preface

Since 2010, the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan, through the collaborated efforts of
National Curriculum Review Committee (Law) and Pakistan Bar Councils‟ Committee on Legal
Education, had adopted LL.B 5 Years Program whereby the law schools across the country are
directed to include a legal research module so that the graduating lawyers could address the
existing needs of legal research. Consequently, a research based dissertation of 3 Cr Hrs has been
included as mandatory course in the roadmap of the LLB (5-Year) Program. The primary
purpose of this compulsory component is to train the students for academic research and writing.
It is expected the research work undertaken by the students will contribute to human knowledge
and will become useful to scholars, researchers, legislators, policy makers and general public.
The Department of Law at Bahria University, Islamabad has designed a standard format to
regulate these projects. The students of the LLB (5-Year) program undertaking this research
course are required to meet all the conditions as spelled out in this handbook. In this ready
reference all the necessary information is presented in an orderly manner for the guidance of the
students, supervisors and examiners. This Guidebook includes research project evaluation policy,
grading scheme, procedure of allocation of supervisor, duties of supervisor, the role of the
research coordinator and the research committee.
Students should carefully read this Guidebook and adhere to it in letter and spirit.

2. Research Project

2.1. Registration of Research Project (LLB-523)

The students are required to register, as per rules, this course in the 10th semester.

2.2. Individual & Groups

Students can undertake the project either individually or in groups. Maximum number of the
members in a group is three.

2.3. Research Proposal (Timeline)

Students are advised to conceive the topic and area of their research after the 8th semester as they
shall submit their research proposal on Form attached Annexure I duly endorsed by the proposed
supervisor before the end of the 12th week of the 9th semester. Students must discuss their
proposed topic with any member of the faculty and seek guidance as to how they sketch the
outline of their proposed work. A prescribed format for the proposal is annexed herewith
Annexure II. The final draft of the proposal is to be submitted to the Research committee through
the Research Coordinator.
It is important to note that submission of research proposal does not mean the acceptance of the
proposal. The committee may reject the proposal or ask the student/group to improve it.
Research Committee shall, latest by the end of 14th week of 9th semester, approve the proposal
after careful examination .
After the approval of proposal the Research Coordinator will issue the acceptance letter
(Annexure III) to the student/group and a copy to the relevant supervisor.

2.4. Research Coordinator

The Head of the Department (Law) shall appoint/notify a full time faculty member of the
department as Research Coordinator to look after, monitor and coordinate in order to meet all
requisites and prerequisites of the research project. The Research Coordinator shall be
responsible to:
a) Ensure the deadlines as mentioned in this guide.
b) Maintain and update the list of the students enrolled/registered for the research project.
c) Coordinate with Research Committee, Supervisors and Examiners.
d) Ensure the timely submission of the research proposals and issue the acceptance letters to
each student after the approval of the Research Committee. The format of the acceptance
letter is attached at (Annexure-III).
e) Ensure the timely submission of the final drafts as required in this guide. The coordinator
shall, in writing, acknowledge the reception of the final drafts.
f) Ensure that the supervisors have collected the final drafts within the time specified and
have submitted their result on prescribed form (Annexure- IV) before the deadline as
mentioned in the guide.
g) Attend the meeting of the Research Committee and keep the record of decisions so made.
h) Keep the record of the evaluation by the Research Projects Evaluation Committee on
prescribed form (Annexure- V) and forward the final result on prescribed form
(Annexure VI) to the university‟s Examination Cell.

2.5. Research Committee

The Head of the Law department shall, among the faculty members, appoint/notify any two to
three members as the members of the Research Committee. The Head of the Department or his
nominee shall chair the committee. The committee shall comprise the Chairperson, the Members
so notified and the Research Coordinator. All the matters, to be considered by the committee,
shall be decided by the chairman after having sought the opinions of the members. The research
committee shall:
a) Finalize and approve the research topics.
b) Approve or allocate to each student/group a research supervisor.
c) Evaluate through viva voce the research work and finalize the grade value.
d) Review and amend, from time to time, the rules and requirements as laid down in
this guide.

2.6. Supervisor
After examining the submitted proposals, the Research Committee shall allocate a supervisor for
each student/group. The supervisors shall be responsible for the following:
a) Timely completion of the project.
b) Ensure that the work is not plagiarized.
c) Evaluate the work in the 15th week of the 10th semester and submit the result (Annexure-
IV) with Research Coordinator.
d) Adherer to the instructions mentioned in this Guidebook.

e) Notify his/her areas of interest on the University Website.
f) Notify his/her consultancy hours on the door of office/cubical.
g) Keep record of monthly progress, and keep that in mind while awarding marks.
h) Timely respond to the queries of student.
i) Keep in record the plagiarism reports.

3. Research Work
Students have a fair amount of discretion with regard to style but they must be consistent in
format throughout. The work should be written in clear, grammatically correct English, with
words spelled and divided correctly. The students are also required to follow the standard and
appropriate punctuation where needed. Students are advised to properly divide their work into
chapters. Appropriate introduction and conclusion must be added to the Research work. Research
Project should include: Front Matter, Introduction, Literature Review, Chapters, Conclusion,
Footnotes, and End Matter.

3.1. General Instructions

The students are required to:

a) Carefully read all the guidelines mentioned in this Guidebook and ensure that you have
fulfilled all the requirements.
b) Meet all deadlines.
c) Ensure the timely submission of the Research Proposal.
d) Carefully review and proofread the work before final submission.
e) Constantly and timely update the supervisor about progress and problems regarding
Research Work.
f) Contact Research Coordinator in case of any complaint against your supervisor.
g) Keep in touch with Research Coordinator for all the relevant information.
h) Comply with the policy of academic honesty, research ethics and avoid all malpractices.

3.2. Front Matter

It refers to all the pages appearing before the first Chapter of the research work. The Front matter
include following pages:
a) Title page
b) Evaluation Page
c) Supervisor‟s Approval (Name and Signature)
d) Declaration and Plagiarism Report – Similarity Index duly signed by the supervisor
e) Abstract: A concise summary of the Research Work. Its purpose is to inform readers
about the content of the research. It usually includes a brief description of the research,
the procedures or methods, and the results or conclusions.
f) Table of contents (headings, sub headings and page numbers)
g) List of Abbreviations
h) List of Cases (if applicable)

i) Preface (Acknowledgments and Dedications)

3.3. Font, Headings, line Spacing, Margins and Numbering

a) Use Time New Roman or any other academic font but avoid comic or fancy font styles.
Be consistent with style.
b) Use 16 font sizes and Bold for First Heading, 14 and Bold for Second Heading, 12 and
Bold for Third Headline.
c) Properly divide the work in sections and subheadings.
d) Use 12 font sizes for main body of text.
e) Use 10 font sizes for footnotes.
f) Lines in main body of text must be double spaced.
g) Acknowledgements, footnotes and the bibliography can be single-spaced
h) Distinct the quotations either by italicizing or minimizing the margins and font size. A
quotation of more than three sentences is not allowed to be reproduced it must be
rephrased and cited.
i) Left margin is must be 1.25 inches (32 mm) and the right, top, and bottom margins must
be 1 inch.
j) Every page except the title page must have a number on it however the front matter must
be numbered in lower case Roman numerals.

3.4. End Matters

The end matter of the research work must include:
a) Bibliography; List, alphabetically, the select works which are referred and relied upon to
achieve the goals of research.
b) Appendices; Material that is relevant but is tangential /very detailed (raw data, procedural
explanations, questioners etc., are to be separately placed after the bibliography.

Note: Please refer to the Annexure VII comprising Templates for above requirements.

3.5. Referencing and Citations

For citations, use Oxford University Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA).
Please see the Annexure VIII for this referencing style details. See few examples as under:

a) Book:
author, | „title‟ | in editor (ed), | book title | (additional information, | publisher
| year)\
Jeremy Horder (ed), Oxford Essays in Jurisprudence: Fourth Series (OUP
Note that where books are translated or edited, put (trs) or (ed) after the author.

b) Book contributions:

author, | „title‟ | in editor (ed), | book title | (additional information, | publisher

| year)

Francis Rose, „The Evolution of the Species‟ in Andrew Burrows and

Alan Rodger (eds), Mapping the Law: Essays in Memory of Peter Birks(OUP 2006)

c) Journal articles:

author, | „title‟ | [year] | journal name or abbreviation | first page of article.


author, | „title‟ | (year) | volume | journal name or abbreviation | first page of

Paul Craig, „Theory, “Pure Theory” and Values in Public Law‟ [2005]
PL 440.

JAG Griffith, „The Common Law and the Political Constitution‟(2001) 117 LQR 42.

Note that if the year of publication identifies the volume, it is in [square brackets]. If
there is a volume number, the year is in (round brackets).

d) Online journals

author, | „title‟ | [year] OR (year) | volume/issue | journal name or abbreviation | <web

address> | date accessed.

Graham Greenleaf, „The Global Development of Free Access to Legal Information‟

(2010) 1(1) EJLT <http://ejlt.org/article/view/17> accessed 27 July 2010.

e) Working papers, SSRN etc:

author, | „title‟ | (year) | paper source | paper number | <web address> | date accessed.

John M Finnis, „On Public Reason‟ (2006) Oxford Legal Studies Research Paper
1/2007, 8 <http://ssrn.com/abstract=955815> accessed 18 November 2009

f) Websites, blogs:

author, | „title‟ | (website, date published) | <web address> | date accessed.

Sarah Cole, „Virtual Friend Fires Employee‟ (Naked Law, 1 May 2009)
<www.nakedlaw.com/2009/05/index.html> accessed 19 November 2009.

„Competition in the Media Sector‟ (DG Competition)

http://ec.europa.eu/competition/sectors/media/overview_en.html accessed 24 May

Note that if there is no author, start with the title. If there is no publication date, put the
access date only.
g) European treaties and legislation:

Consolidated Version of the Treaty on European Union [2008] OJ C115/13

Council Regulation (EC) 139/2004 on the control of concentrations between
undertakings (EC Merger Regulation) [2004] OJ L24/1, art 5.

3.6. Submission of Research Project

a) Students are required to submit final Copy, three in number of their Research project to
the Research Coordinator before the end of 12th week of the final semester. These must
be in spiral binding.
b) They are required to submit three hard-bound copies after incorporating the suggestion
made by the Evaluation Committee.
c) The cover (binding) should be of black color, bear the Bahria University monogram and
inscription including thesis title, name of student(s), name of supervisor, name of
Department, name of university, and year should be made with golden color. (The
specimen is in Annexure-VII.
d) Research project should include approval letter and plagiarism report generated by the

4. Plagiarism Policy
Research work should be original and properly cited. All research projects shall be
checked for Plagiarism.1 Only 19% plagiarism is acceptable. Read Higher Education‟s
Plagiarism policy for definitions and penalties as given on the following web link:

Plagiarism is the act of taking another person's writing, conversation, song, or even idea and passing it off as one‟s
own. This includes information from web pages, books, songs, television shows, email messages,
interviews, articles, artworks or any other medium.

5. Marking Policy

The research Project will be assessed and given marks out of 100. The Supervisor & Examiners
should keep following things in mind before awarding marks:

a) Originality of Work
b) Coherence
c) Legal Arguments
d) Quality of Content
e) Quality of Language and proper use of Legal language and terminologies.
f) Clarity of thought
g) Citations

Assessment Breakup
Criteria Marks assigned To be awarded by
Research Project 40 Supervisor
Viva Voce 60 Research Committee

6. Frequently Asked Questions

a) What if I failed to meet proposal deadline?
It will result in failure just like you are failed in any course and shall be re-

b) What if I failed to submit my Research Project on time?

You will be awarded the F Grade.

c) Is it possible to change Supervisor?

Given the reason you may request in writing to the Research Coordinator for
the change of supervisor. Request if endorsed by the coordinator shall be
considered by the committee for necessary action.

d) What will be the procedure if I fail to get passing marks in the Research
You will have to re-register the Research Project.

e) What if I want to change the topic of my Research Project?

On the recommendation of your supervisor you may be allowed to change the
topic. You have to apply for, through an application to Research Coordinator
in this regard.

f) Who should I contact in case I am unable to contact my Supervisor?

You may contact the Research Coordinator.

1) Can I change my group?
You may seek the change of group, by giving valid reason, from coordinator
and the Coordinator may forward the request to the Research Committee for

7. Research Committee

1. Prof. Ahmad Ali Khan (Chairman)

Email: aakhan@bahria.edu.pk
Office No: 051-9262870

2. Dr. Nadia Khadam(Member, Coordinator)

Email: sabeen@bui.edu.pk
Office No: 051-926002 – 352

3. Abdur Rauf Khatana (Member)

Email: arauf@bahria.edu.pk
Office No: 051-926002 – 354

4. Saadia Zahoor (Member)

Email: szahoor@bui.edu.pk
Office No: 051-926002 – 353

10 | P a g e
Annexure- I
Department of Law
Research Proposal Form (form –A)

1. Proposed Project Title:

2. Number of Students:

3. Group/Individual:

4. Proposed Supervisor Name:

5. Student(s) Information :
Name Enrolment # Cell # Email # ID Postal Address

6. Consent by the Supervisor: ______________________________________

Signature Supervisor…………………. Signature Student ……………………………

 Registration of the research project is subject to submission of this form.

11 | P a g e
Annexure- II
Template for Proposal of Research Project

a) Title Page: The title page should include the title of the Research Project, University
Logo, Name of the students/Group members, Proposed Supervisor, date of
submission, and department). Avoid italics.
b) Content Page: All Contents of the document should be clearly mentioned in proper
order along with page numbers).
c) Title for the Research Project: Shall be properly and prominently written.
d) Research Statement: It is a concise summary of the main claim of the research. It
should ideally be one sentence. This statement is developed, supported, and explained
in the course of the research by means of examples, arguments, analysis and
e) Introduction to the Topic: It should not only give the relevant in
f) Literature Review: Briefly discuss the existing literature available on the relevant
aspect of your topic.
g) Objectives of the Research: Objectives of the Research should be clearly explained
and should depict the importance and worth of the research.
h) Research Questions (Clearly and concisely mention the legal question that you wish
to answer through your research)
i) Research Methodology (Clearly state your Research Methodology)
j) Tentative Outline (Briefly mention how you intend to divide your work in Chapters.
If possible discuss sub topics).
k) Bibliography (Separately mention all Articles, Books, Official Reports and Web
Resource in an alphabetical order).

12 | P a g e
Annexure- III
Acceptance Form
(To be filled and issued by Research Coordinator)

Approved Topic of the Research

Name of the Approved Supervisor

Name of Student/Group Members

Date of Approval

Due Date of Submission

Comments (If any)

Signature of Research Coordinator

Date of Issuance: / /2015

Copy to: Supervisor & Student/Group

13 | P a g e
Supervisor Evaluation Form
(Submitted by the supervisor to the Research Coordinator)


LLB 523- Spring/Fall 2015


Name of Student

Enrollment Number

Research Project Title

Submission Date


Total Marks 40

Marks Obtained

Name: Signature: Date:

14 | P a g e

Research Committee Evaluation Form

(To be filled by the Evaluation Committee Member on the day of Viva Voce)


LLB 523-Spring/Fall 2015- ____ 2015


Project Title:



Name of Student
Enrollment Number
Submission Date


Total Marks 60
Marks Obtained

Evaluation Committee Member

Name: Signature: Date:

15 | P a g e

Final Result

(To be completed by The Research Coordinator and submitted to University’s Examination Cell)

LLB 523-Spring/Fall2015

Final Result- _____ 2015

Name of Student
Enrollment Number
Registration Number
Research Project Title
Research Project Supervisor

Total Marks
Marks Obtained

Examiner 1:

Name: ___________________ Signature:______________________

Examiner 2:

Name: ___________________ Signature:______________________

Examiner 3:

Name: __________________ Signature:______________________

Examiner 4:

Name: __________________ Signature:______________________

________________________ _________________________
Research Coordinator Head of Department(Law) 16 | P a g e

Research Project Full Template

Research Project for Degree of LL.B.


Research Project Supervisor:_______________

This research project is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the degree of LL.B.

Submitted by: __________________

_____ May 2015

Department of Law
Bahria University, Islamabad

17 | P a g e
Research Project for Degree of LL.B.

Supervisor Approval

I hereby, forward this work done by

to the Research Committee for the final Evaluation.

Supervisor Name: __________________

Supervisor Signature:________________

_____ May 2015

Department of Law
Bahria University, Islamabad
Research Project for Degree of LL.B.

18 | P a g e
Declaration of Ethical Conduct in Research

I, as a student of Bahria University, hereby declare that

firstly, I have abided by the research ethics while writing
this research project.
Secondly, I have not committed any acts that may
discredit or damage the credibility of my research. These
include, but are not limited to: falsification distortion of
research findings or plagiarism.
Thirdly, I need to go through a plagiarism check before
submitting this research project.

Date: ____ May 2015

Degree: LL.B.
Department: Law
Supervisor Name: ____________
Name & Signature of Student: ______________

19 | P a g e
Plagiarism Report

It will be given by supervisor.

20 | P a g e
Acknowledgement and Dedication

Note: Write few lines to acknowledge and thank to those who

helped you during this work.

21 | P a g e
Table of Contents

22 | P a g e
List of Abbreviations

(If required)

23 | P a g e
List of Case Laws

If Applicable

24 | P a g e

25 | P a g e
Then your chapter 1(introduction) will start from here
and end at Last chapter (conclusion)
Start page numbers (Roman) from table of contents
till abstract.
Actual page number will start from Chapter 1 till end
of bibliography.

26 | P a g e
Last chapter will be Conclusion

27 | P a g e
Appendices (if any)

28 | P a g e

29 | P a g e
Referencing Style
You need to follow the referencing style Oxford
University Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities
(OSCOLA) Fourth Edition. You can find this referencing
style details on this address www.law.ox.ac.uk/oscola

30 | P a g e

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