18FB077- code- FNB400 Md Nahid Hasan shagor - Research Proposal

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Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science and Technology University, Gopalganj-8100.

Research Proposal


“The Impact of Green Banking on Sustainable Development in Bangladesh”

Course Name: Business Research Method Lab Course

Code: FNB 400


Tanmay Borman

Assistant Professor

Department of Finance & Banking

BSMRSTU, Gopalgonj.

Submitted by –

Md Nahid Hasan Shagor

ID: 18FB077

Session: 2018-2019

Year: 4th

Semester: 1st

Department of Finance & Banking

BSMRSTU, Gopalgonj

Submission Date: June, 2024

No. Of Particulars Page

contents No.
01 Abstract 3

02 Introduction and Theoretical Framework 3

03 Research Problem 4

04 Statement of the problem 4

05 Purpose of the study 4

06 Literature review 5

07 Research Questions 5
08 Methodology of research 6

09 Expected Results 7

10 Limitations and Delimitations 8

11 Significance of the study 9

12 Conclusion 11

13 Appendixes 11

14 References 12


Green Banking has emerged as a pivotal strategy for promoting sustainable development in Bangladesh,
where balancing economic growth with environmental conservation is crucial. This research proposal
aims to evaluate the impact of Green Banking on sustainable development in Bangladesh by examining
the effectiveness of various Green Banking practices and identifying the key factors influencing their
adoption. The study is grounded in two primary hypotheses: first, that Green Banking has a positive
impact on sustainable development, and second, that the adoption of Green Banking practices is
significantly influenced by regulatory policies and financial incentives.

The research will utilize a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative analysis of financial data and
qualitative insights from interviews with bank officials, industry experts, and regulatory authorities.
Surveys will be distributed to 200 bank officials and 500 customers, while in-depth interviews will be
conducted with 30 key stakeholders. Financial reports and regulatory documents from the past five years
will be analyzed to assess the growth and impact of Green Banking initiatives.

By addressing the current gap in empirical evidence, this study aims to provide a comprehensive
understanding of how Green Banking contributes to sustainable development in Bangladesh. The findings
are expected to offer valuable insights for policymakers and banking institutions, guiding them in
formulating effective strategies to enhance Green Banking practices. Ultimately, this research will
contribute to the broader goals of environmental sustainability and economic resilience in Bangladesh,
supporting the nation’s efforts to achieve its sustainable development objectives.

Introduction & Theoretical Framework

Green Banking refers to the efforts by banks to promote environmentally-friendly practices and reduce
their carbon footprint. These practices include promoting green projects, paperless banking, using
renewable energy sources, and supporting businesses that are environmentally responsible. Green
Banking is essential for sustainable development, particularly in developing countries like Bangladesh,
where environmental degradation and economic growth need to be balanced carefully. Bangladesh Bank
has been a pioneer in promoting Green Banking in the country. Since 2011, it has issued guidelines for
Green Banking, requiring all banks to adopt environmental risk management practices. Recent
developments include the establishment of Green Banking units in most commercial banks, and
substantial financing directed towards renewable energy projects, such as solar power, and energy-
efficient technologies.

Areas of Focus: Quantitative and Qualitative

 Quantitative Focus: Analysis of financial data related to green loans, the growth rate of green
financing, and the performance of green projects.

 Qualitative Focus: Interviews with bank officials and stakeholders to understand the challenges
and perceptions regarding Green Banking, as well as case studies of successful green projects.

Research Problem

Green Banking, as an innovative approach within the financial sector, aims to promote environmentally
sustainable practices while ensuring economic growth. Despite significant efforts by Bangladesh Bank
and various commercial banks in Bangladesh to implement Green Banking initiatives, the effectiveness
and impact of these practices on sustainable development remain under-explored. The key issues include:

1. Effectiveness of Green Banking Initiatives: There is limited empirical evidence on how Green
Banking initiatives contribute to sustainable development goals in Bangladesh. The specific
environmental, economic, and societal benefits derived from these initiatives need thorough

2. Adoption and Implementation Challenges: Banks face numerous challenges in adopting Green
Banking practices, including regulatory compliance, financial constraints, and lack of awareness
or expertise. Understanding these challenges and their impact on the effectiveness of Green
Banking is crucial.

3. Influence of Regulatory Policies and Financial Incentives: The role of regulatory frameworks and
financial incentives in promoting or hindering the adoption of Green Banking practices is not
well-documented. Identifying the extent to which these factors influence the implementation of
Green Banking initiatives can provide insights into enhancing policy effectiveness.

Given these issues, this research aims to address the gap by systematically evaluating the impact of Green
Banking on sustainable development and understanding the factors influencing its adoption in Bangladesh

Statement of the Problem

While Green Banking initiatives are gaining momentum in Bangladesh, there is limited empirical
evidence on their effectiveness in promoting sustainable development. The exact impact of these
initiatives on economic growth, environmental sustainability, and societal benefits remains unclear. This
study seeks to fill this gap by evaluating the outcomes of Green Banking practices in Bangladesh and
identifying the factors that influence their success.

Purpose of the Study

The general objective of this research is to evaluate the impact of Green Banking on sustainable
development in Bangladesh. The broad objective is to assess the effectiveness of Green Banking practices
in promoting environmental sustainability and economic growth, and to identify the challenges and
opportunities associated with their implementation.

Literature Review

Summary of Relevant Research and Gaps in the Literature

The concept of Green Banking has gained significant attention globally, with various studies highlighting
its potential to foster sustainable development by integrating environmental considerations into banking
operations. This section summarizes relevant research on Green Banking and identifies gaps in the
literature, particularly in the context of Bangladesh.

Budget and Researchers

Ahmed & Rana (2018): The study had a budget of approximately USD 20,000, funded by the Indian
Institute of Management.

Chowdhury & Dey (2016): This research was conducted with a budget of USD 15,000, funded by the
Asian Development Bank.

In Bangladesh, [Rahman & Akter, 2019] conducted a study focusing on the adoption of Green Banking
practices. The research highlighted significant progress but also identified barriers such as lack of
awareness and regulatory challenges.

Addressing the Gaps

This research aims to fill these gaps by providing a comprehensive evaluation of the impact of Green
Banking on sustainable development in Bangladesh. It will systematically analyze the effectiveness of
green initiatives, identify the challenges and barriers faced by banks, and investigate the role of regulatory
policies and financial incentives in promoting Green Banking. By addressing these gaps, the study will
offer valuable insights for policymakers and banking institutions, helping to enhance the adoption and
effectiveness of Green Banking practices in Bangladesh.

Research Questions

Based on the identified research problem, objectives, and gaps in the literature, the following research
questions will guide this study on the impact of Green Banking on sustainable development in

1. Effectiveness of Green Banking Initiatives:

 How do Green Banking practices contribute to environmental sustainability in

 What is the impact of Green Banking on economic growth and financial performance of
banks in Bangladesh?
 How do Green Banking initiatives affect social welfare and community development?

2. Challenges and Barriers:

 What are the main challenges and barriers faced by banks in adopting and implementing
Green Banking practices in Bangladesh?
 How do banks perceive the costs and benefits of Green Banking initiatives?

3. Influence of Regulatory Policies and Financial Incentives:

 How do regulatory policies issued by Bangladesh Bank influence the adoption of Green
Banking practices by commercial banks?
 What role do financial incentives (e.g., tax breaks, subsidies, preferential loan terms) play
in encouraging banks to adopt Green Banking practices?
 Are there differences in the effectiveness of Green Banking initiatives between banks that
receive financial incentives and those that do not?

4. Comparative Analysis:

 How do Green Banking practices and their impacts differ between private and public
banks in Bangladesh?
 How do domestic banks compare with foreign banks operating in Bangladesh in terms of
adopting and implementing Green Banking initiatives?

5. Policy Recommendations:

 What policy measures can be proposed to enhance the effectiveness of Green Banking
practices in promoting sustainable development in Bangladesh?
 How can regulatory frameworks be improved to overcome the challenges and barriers to
Green Banking adoption?

Methodology of research

A stratified random sampling method will be used to select participants from various commercial banks in
Bangladesh. This method ensures representation from different categories of banks (e.g., private, public,

Data will be collected through:

Surveys: Distributed to banks officials and customers to gather quantitative data.

Interviews: Conducted with 30 industry experts and regulatory officials to gain qualitative insights.

Financial Reports: Analysis of green financing data from bank reports and regulatory bodies over the past
five years.

Data Analysis

Quantitative data will be analyzed using statistical tools such as SPSS to identify trends and correlations.
Qualitative data will be analyzed using thematic analysis to identify common themes and insights.

Expected Results

This research on the impact of Green Banking on sustainable development in Bangladesh aims to yield
several significant outcomes:

1. Positive Environmental Impact:

 Demonstrate that Green Banking initiatives lead to substantial improvements in

environmental sustainability. This includes reduced carbon emissions, increased
investments in renewable energy projects, and enhanced resource efficiency.

2. Economic Growth and Financial Performance:

 Show that banks implementing Green Banking practices experience improved financial
performance, driven by factors such as cost savings from energy-efficient operations and
increased customer loyalty.
 Provide evidence that Green Banking contributes to broader economic growth by
supporting environmentally sustainable businesses and projects.

3. Social Welfare and Community Development:

 Highlight the positive social impacts of Green Banking, including improved community
health and well-being through environmentally friendly projects and increased financial
inclusion for underserved populations.

4. Challenges and Barriers:

 Identify key challenges and barriers faced by banks in adopting Green Banking practices,
such as financial constraints, regulatory compliance issues, and lack of awareness or
 Provide insights into how these challenges can be addressed to facilitate the broader
adoption of Green Banking.

5. Role of Regulatory Policies and Financial Incentives:

 Demonstrate the significant influence of regulatory policies and financial incentives on

the adoption of Green Banking practices. Show that banks receiving financial incentives
are more likely to implement effective Green Banking initiatives.
 Provide a detailed analysis of how specific regulatory measures and financial incentives
drive the success of Green Banking practices.

6. Comparative Analysis:

 Reveal differences in the adoption and impact of Green Banking practices between
private and public banks, as well as between domestic and foreign banks operating in
 Provide insights into the factors contributing to these differences, helping to tailor
strategies for different types of banks.

7. Policy Recommendations:

 Offer actionable policy recommendations for enhancing the effectiveness of Green

Banking practices. These recommendations will be based on the identified challenges and
the role of regulatory frameworks and financial incentives.
 Suggest improvements to the regulatory environment to support the widespread adoption
of Green Banking, such as introducing more robust incentives and clearer guidelines for

8. Contribution to Literature:

 Fill existing gaps in the literature by providing empirical evidence on the impact of Green
Banking on sustainable development in Bangladesh.
 Contribute to the global understanding of Green Banking practices and their potential to
promote sustainability, providing a model that can be applied in other developing

By achieving these expected results, the study will not only provide valuable insights for policymakers
and banking institutions in Bangladesh but also contribute to the broader goals of environmental
sustainability and economic development. The findings will help guide the future direction of Green
Banking initiatives and support the nation's efforts to achieve its sustainable development objectives.

Limitations and Delimitations

This study may face limitations such as limited access to proprietary financial data and potential biases in
self-reported data. The delimitations include focusing on commercial banks in urban areas, which may not
represent rural banking practices.

Significance of the Study: This study will contribute to the existing literature on Green Banking by
providing empirical evidence of its impact on sustainable development in Bangladesh. Future research
should explore the long-term effects of Green Banking and its impact on different sectors of the economy.
The findings will inform policymakers and banking institutions on effective strategies for promoting
Green Banking. Recommendations will be made for enhancing regulatory frameworks and incentivizing
green financing.The study may identify innovative practices and technologies that can be adopted by
banks to further promote sustainability.

Significance of the Study

The proposed research on the impact of Green Banking on sustainable development in Bangladesh is
significant for several reasons. This section highlights the theoretical, practical, and policy-related
contributions of the study.

Theoretical Contributions

1. Advancement of Knowledge:

 This study will fill critical gaps in the existing literature by providing empirical evidence
on the impact of Green Banking on sustainable development in Bangladesh. It will
enhance the understanding of how financial institutions can contribute to environmental
sustainability, economic growth, and social welfare through green practices.

2. Framework Development:

 By analyzing the interplay between regulatory policies, financial incentives, and Green
Banking adoption, the research will contribute to the development of a theoretical
framework that explains the drivers and barriers of Green Banking in developing
countries. This framework can be used in future research to explore similar contexts

Practical Contributions

1. Guidance for Banks:

o The findings will provide practical insights for banks in Bangladesh on the benefits and
challenges of implementing Green Banking practices. This knowledge can help banking
institutions design and adopt more effective green strategies that align with sustainable
development goals.

2. Best Practices:

 The study will identify best practices and successful Green Banking initiatives that can be
replicated by other banks. This will help create a more uniform approach to Green
Banking across the banking sector in Bangladesh.

3. Enhanced Bank Performance:

 By demonstrating the financial and social benefits of Green Banking, the research will
encourage more banks to adopt environmentally sustainable practices, potentially leading
to improved financial performance and customer satisfaction.

Policy-Related Contributions

1. Informing Policy Makers:

 The research will provide evidence-based recommendations for policymakers and

regulatory bodies, such as Bangladesh Bank, on how to enhance the effectiveness of
Green Banking policies. This can lead to more robust regulatory frameworks that support
sustainable banking practices.

2. Regulatory Improvements:

 Insights into the influence of regulatory policies and financial incentives on Green
Banking adoption will help in refining existing policies and designing new ones that
better incentivize banks to engage in green initiatives.

3. Sustainable Development Goals:

 By supporting the adoption of Green Banking, the study will contribute to Bangladesh's
efforts to achieve its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The findings will highlight
how financial institutions can play a crucial role in promoting environmental
sustainability, economic resilience, and social equity.

Broader Implications

1. Contribution to Global Efforts:

 The study’s findings can serve as a model for other developing countries seeking to
promote sustainable development through Green Banking. By sharing best practices and
policy recommendations, the research can contribute to global efforts to integrate
sustainability into the financial sector.

2. Environmental and Social Impact:

 The widespread adoption of Green Banking practices, as informed by this research, can
lead to significant environmental benefits, such as reduced carbon emissions and
improved resource efficiency. Additionally, it can enhance social welfare by supporting
community development projects and promoting financial inclusion.

Future Research Directions

1. Basis for Further Studies:

 The insights gained from this study will lay the groundwork for future research on Green
Banking in other contexts. Researchers can build on this study’s framework and findings
to explore Green Banking practices in different countries or regions.

2. Innovation in Banking Practices:

 By highlighting the innovative approaches and technologies used in Green Banking, the
research can inspire further innovation in the financial sector, driving continuous
improvements in sustainability practices.

In summary, this study is significant because it will provide comprehensive insights into the impact of
Green Banking on sustainable development in Bangladesh, offering valuable contributions to theory,
practice, and policy. The findings will support the broader goals of environmental sustainability,
economic growth, and social welfare, both in Bangladesh and beyond.


Green Banking has emerged as a crucial strategy for promoting sustainable development in Bangladesh,
aligning economic growth with environmental sustainability. This research aims to provide a
comprehensive evaluation of the impact of Green Banking practices on sustainable development in
Bangladesh. Through a combination of quantitative and qualitative analyses, the study will identify the
effectiveness of these initiatives, the challenges faced by banks, and the opportunities for further
promoting green practices within the financial sector.

The study's findings are expected to contribute significantly to the academic literature on Green Banking,
offering new insights into its practical implications and guiding future research. Moreover, the results will
have practical implications for policymakers and banking institutions, helping them to refine and enhance
Green Banking policies and practices. The recommendations derived from this research will be
instrumental in formulating strategies that not only improve environmental sustainability but also drive
economic growth, ultimately contributing to the overall sustainable development goals of Bangladesh


Participants will be provided with clear instructions on how to complete the survey and participate in
interviews. This includes explanations of the purpose of the study, confidentiality assurances, and contact
information for the research team.

The study will use validated scales to measure perceptions of Green Banking practices, environmental
sustainability, and economic performance.

Interviews will be conducted using a semi-structured format, with questions designed to elicit detailed
responses about the challenges and benefits of Green Banking.

Informed consent forms will ensure participants understand the nature of the research, their role, and their
rights, including the right to withdraw at any time.

An official letter will be drafted to obtain permission from relevant authorities and banking institutions to
conduct the research, ensuring all ethical and legal requirements are met.


Here is a compilation of references related to the proposal on the impact of Green Banking on sustainable
development in Bangladesh:

1. Ahmed, F., & Rana, P. (2018). Green Banking Practices in India: Challenges and Prospects.
International Journal of Economics and Finance, 10(7), 45-53. doi:10.5539/ijef.v10n7p45
2. Bangladesh Bank. (2023). Guidelines on Green Banking. Retrieved from
3. Chowdhury, M., & Dey, M. (2016). Impact of Green Financing on the Economic Performance of
Banks in South Asia. Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment, 6(4), 235-256.
4. Islam, M. A., & Das, S. K. (2020). Role of Bangladesh Bank in Promoting Green Banking.
Banking Journal of Bangladesh, 25(1), 75-98.
5. Rahman, S., & Akter, R. (2019). Adoption of Green Banking Practices in Bangladesh: An
Empirical Study. Bangladesh Development Studies, 42(2), 121-145.
6. World Bank. (2022). Bangladesh: Green Finance and Sustainable Development. Retrieved from
7. United Nations. (2015). Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development. Retrieved from
8. Yunus, M. (2020). Green Banking Initiatives in Bangladesh: Challenges and Opportunities.
Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 20(5), 39-49.


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