Guide to Your Astrology Birth Chart

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Zodiac signs Planet Symbols

Aries Sun
June 21, 1981 at 2:17 AM
Taurus Pocatello, Idaho, United States
Gemini Mercury
Cancer Venus
Leo Mars
Virgo Jupiter
Libra Saturn
Scorpio Uranus
Sagittarius Neptune
Capricorn Pluto
Aquarius Chiron
Pisces Ascendant
Nth Node

You can think of the planets as symbolizing core parts of the human personality, and the signs as
different colors of consciousness through which they filter through.

Sun in 29 Gemini Neptune in 23 Sagittarius

Moon in 12 Aquarius Pluto in 21 Libra
Mercury in 0 Cancer North Node in 3 Leo
Venus in 19 Cancer Chiron in 20 Taurus
Mars in 11 Gemini Ascendant in 20 Aries
Jupiter in 1 Libra MC in 10 Capricorn
Saturn in 3 Libra
Uranus in 26 Scorpio

The aspects describe the geometric angles between the planets. The orb is the range, up to which
an aspect is considered active. A tighter aspect indicates a stronger influence.

Saturn Sextile North Node orb: 0 Jupiter Conjunction Saturn orb: 2

Venus Sextile Chiron orb: 1 Mercury Square Saturn orb: 3
Venus Square Ascendant orb: 1 Neptune Trine Ascendant orb: 3
Mercury Square Jupiter orb: 1 Sun Square Saturn orb: 4
Pluto Opposition Ascendant orb: 1 Jupiter Sextile Uranus orb: 5
Sun Conjunction Mercury orb: 1 Sun Opposition Neptune orb: 6
Moon Trine Mars orb: 1 Mercury Opposition Neptune orb: 7
Neptune Sextile Pluto orb: 2 Venus Trine Uranus orb: 7
Jupiter Sextile North Node orb: 2 Mars Trine Saturn orb: 8
Venus Square Pluto orb: 2 Sun Trine Pluto orb: 8
Sun Square Jupiter orb: 2

This section describes the significance of each planet's placement in its respective sign. While the
inner planets (Sun to Jupiter) reflect core parts of the individual personality, the slow-moving
outer planets (Saturn to Pluto) are thought to reflect more abstract and collective energies.

Sun's symbolism Gemini's symbolism

The ego and will Dynamic mind
Center of gravity Whimsical
One's approach to self- Versatile; Jack of all trades
realization Witty; Mercurial
Self-expression Social
Where one seeks to shine
Inner Animus

Sun in 29 Gemini
Gemini is represented by the twins. Joined in partnership, the two
siblings are the ying to each other's yang. Through ideas and play, their
restless energy stimulates and excites one another. Gemini's path
involves learning adaptability, flexibility and versatility. Quick on its
feet, it likes to approach things with sharpened reflexes, bringing
dynamism into even the most mundane of situations.

The sign is reflective of boundless energy, wit, and speed. Gemini

thrives on stimulation. For a Gemini, a hub of diverse people and ideas
is home: the city, college, etc. She is a 'people person', a social butterfly
who enjoys multiple connections. While flirting with various subjects
or people all at once, a Gemini's approach is likely whimsical and
playful; sometimes, it can be outright capricious, lacking stubbornness
in personal perspectives and preferences. This suggest an openness that
lends itself well to her curious nature. As a result, she can easily
stumble upon novel ideas, the type that others scoff at too early. In fact,
Gemini does not shy from exploring the superficial or frivolous, as long
as it's exciting and flashy.
Without direction, a Gemini can find themselves scattered in their
efforts. She can appear distracted and discontent. This aids the
stereotype of the fickle Gemini. Like a bee jumping from one flower to
the next, she seeks a new object of attention. Gemini's traits are
balanced by the traits of its opposite sign: Sagittarius. Sagittarius's focus
is on enjoying the journey, not just the destination; it is allowing every
turn and crevasse to be a part of an unfolding adventure; it is about
releasing preoccupation with everyday interruptions and seeing a
positive broader, big picture perspective.

The two polarities work together. This aids the Gemini's capacity to
savor and find the delight in their experiences, and also she learns to be
adaptable and adept in the present moment.
Moon's symbolism Aquarius's symbolism
The emotions Free-spirited
Intuitive nature Visionary, forward-thinking
One's temperament and Galvanizing
moodiness Embracing uniqueness
How one nourishes oneself Valuing personal freedom
Need for security
Inner Anima

Moon in 12 Aquarius
When the Moon crosses into Aquarius, it indicates an individual with
an emotionally eccentric approach. She is willing to take the lone path;
she is willing to be uncompromising in her vision. She highly values
personal freedom and is likely desiring ample personal space to
replenish. On an individual level, the Moon symbolizes one's emotional
realm and how one nurtures themselves, and the Aquarian path is
about walking one's path, even if unpopular; it's about treading new
unexplored ground.

Aquarius Moon can come off emotionally aloof and detached. Often,
she has many friends and acquaintances but not comfortably intimate
with many. She may simply not want to be too attached as she values
moving independently, and, yet, the presence of a people is soothing to
her. She is drawn to the idea of being a part of something bigger than
herself. For her, the collective is never dull. Its always being challenged
by individual perspectives, and a positive collective has a way of being
uplifting for the individual, soothing of drama, and affirming of the
highest ideals for each member.

Ultimately, Aquarius Moons seek a utopia. They relish in the diversity of

perspectives, approaches, and preferences that life presents. Nothing is
too bizarre for them. If it's interesting, it piques their curiosity. They
find themselves grow through all the many experiences. In fact, they
feel nourished by unusual spaces with visionary ideals.

As Moon in Aquarius follows a deepening path of self-awareness, they

cultivate a warm, intimate personal expression. They don't allow their
cool and logical approach restrain them from full self-expression of
self-love; they benefit from the proverbial wearing of hearts on sleeves.
Mercury's symbolism Cancer's symbolism
Mental approach Nourishment
Communication style Nurturance
Reflexes, sensitivity of the Chameleon
nervous system Emotionally aware
Sociability Bubbly

Mercury in 0 Cancer
Symbol: Cancer is represented by the crab, a delicate, highly aware
being who is able to trust one's self and one's connection to the Divine.
Its hard, protective shell symbolizes its capacity to protect itself and
honor its sensitivity. Living on both land and sea, it is adaptable to many
environments, imbued with the capacity to nurture oneself. Its
distinctive sideways walk symbolizes its capacity to flow with the shifts
in its emotions, following an intuitively inspired path.

Expression: Your verbal expression is emotionally expressive and

sensitively aware; however, you are not immune to moody tendencies.
In this defensive state, you allow your emotional subjectivity to overrule
practical or logical thinking. Outside of this, you come off as thoughtful,
empathic, and poetic. You're an emotional being who seeks to use the
intelligence behind your emotions to guide you.
Venus's symbolism Cancer's symbolism
Romantic self Nourishment
Sensual self Nurturance
Style of creative expression Chameleon
Aesthetic taste Emotionally aware
How one attracts and what Bubbly
one is attracted to

Venus in 19 Cancer
You seek relationships that priorities building a genuine
understanding of one another. In essence, you’re looking for a sensitive
partner. It doesn’t necessarily mean you’re the ultra sappy type, but,
rather, you simply have a strong ability to empathize and to see the
psychological reasons behind human behavior.

You want a partner with a high degree of emotional intelligence

because, ultimately, understanding our emotional worlds makes us
more likely to live in fulfillment and in truth. Truth is not always pretty,
but compassion means there is willingness to feel love anyway and
there is something deeply attractive to someone who has such depth to
their personality.

On the other end of the spectrum, you should be wary of being an

emotional sponge with a partner. It’s crucial to set aside time for
yourself an to meet your needs first, even if you need to disconnect
from each other for a while. It’s useful to honestly assess which of your
romantic tendencies are productive.

With this placement, there is a greater desire to establish deep roots,

and build emotional bonds with others. You often have a strong
intuition about people, which can help reduce misunderstandings and
Mars's symbolism Gemini's symbolism
How one uses their energy Dynamic mind
How one takes action Whimsical
One's sexual nature Versatile; Jack of all trades
One's pioneering or Witty; Mercurial
enterprising side Social
What sparks your passion

Mars in 11 Gemini
Your energy tends to be bountiful, versatile, and dynamic. Your mind is
very alert, so sometimes you are more captivated by thought rather than
following through with action. In fact, you may have almost
encyclopedic knowledge about an equal measure of many useful and
useless things. You particularly know the value of entertainment,
allowing yourself to just have some fun in life. You have the gift of
having a proclivity towards play and knowing how to be be light-
hearted about things, as long as you don’t allow yourself to become

You have an innate curiosity that leads you to many ventures. As fickle
as the wind, you can become fully engrossed in a topic after it tickles
your fancy, only to completely abandon it with little to no resolve. You
have everything you need to succeed but you could benefit from
cultivating more staying power to avoid your energies becoming

What it boils down to is often understanding the difference between

entertainment and distraction. What’s helpful is spending time to find
out what path and actions really align with you. Anything that is not
fully aligned with you is, ultimately, a distraction. When you're engaged
in activities that don't reflect your true strengths, they deprive you from
focusing on where you really want to be going. Sometimes you can be
like a bee, hoping from flower to flower. But, as you know, "more" does
not always mean "better".

It's true that some distraction can be very healthy, such as when you
need to wind down or get your mind off a pressing subject. But, it also
serves you to continually reconnect with your Soul's purpose, to not
disperse your focus from your heart's desire.
Jupiter's symbolism Libra's symbolism
The urge to expand, explore A multifaceted perspective
Where one operates in a Harmony, peace
'big way' Refinement, grace
One's tendency to overdo Diplomacy, fairness
Search for understanding Balance
Where you want life to be easy

Jupiter in 1 Libra
You believe in the wisdom of being objective, seeking to not be at the
whim of ephemeral emotions. You may have come to this conclusion by
witnessing people take things personally by simply misinterpreting the
tone of an email or conversation. Such trivial matters can lead to,
sometimes, painful consequences.

You value seeing beyond your subjective lens of the world, aware it's
often rooted in our past experiences and background. However, this
approach can become excessive if you consistently expect low standards
from those around you; furthermore, you may also end up dulling your
own connection to your emotions.

Emotions are the chemistry of resonance. People reciprocate the

emotions we express to each other. If you don’t emote, you’re remote.
Detached like an uptight intellectual, you can feel like someone who is
cut off from his or her heart.

The antidote to this is to have an open and spacious heart. You can hold
the truth of your personal beliefs, preferences, and moods, all while
finding common ground with people. The gift of this placement is really
to become a better lover, integrating the ability to understand others
and hold the desire for harmony, while honoring the needs of yourself.
Saturn's symbolism Libra's symbolism
Urge for stability, self-reliance A multifaceted perspective
The structures in one's life Harmony, peace
One's attitude toward self- Refinement, grace
discipline Diplomacy, fairness
How one concentrates and Balance
focuses their energy

Saturn in 3 Libra
As one of the first slow-moving outer planets, Saturn influences the
chart abstractly rather than concretely. Its presence suggests, especially
towards your goals, you seek to be balanced and objective in your
approach. You want the structures in your life to be stable and well
thought-out. You don't want to be swayed by biases or irrational
judgements; rather, you believe in gathering information from a
multitude of sources in order to determine the truth.

Conversely, you can be inhibited from action by indecision: "paralysis

by analysis". Here you feel stuck because you depend on other's input to
sway your understanding. It benefits you to place importance on your
own intuition and not lose connection with the wisdom and guidance
from your own gut.
Uranus's symbolism Scorpio's symbolism
Flashes of insight Depth
Where and how we seek Emotionally embodied
change Meaning and significance
Our desire to emancipate Embracing the mystery and
and liberate enigma
Sharp, perceptive

Uranus in 26 Scorpio
As a far-away outer planet, the effect of Uranus has a more abstract
influence on the personality relating to how one seeks change or
improvement in their environment.

Uranus in Scorpio seeks to electrify right from the heart; right from the
core of the soul, peering into the crevasses of emotion tucked away.
With this placement, one seeks to be in an environment that is
emotionally forthcoming and open, because there is no value in lying to
oneself or even others about where we are coming from. Being fully
embodied, allowing oneself to feel the fullness of what one feels
initiates a moment that allows transformation to happen. The magic is
in the willingness to look within, be honest, and seek happiness. Uranus
in Scorpio seeks to create change by uprooting the taboos and our most
intimate parts on a collective level, and insisting that these parts
deserve love and freedom of expression.
Neptune's symbolism Sagittarius's symbolism
Our imaginative realm Spontaneous
Our visions, dreams, fantasies Uninhibited expression
Illusions and deception Abstract; Big picture

Neptune in 23 Sagittarius
As a far-away outer planet, the effect of Neptune has a more abstract
influence on the personality. Neptune's energy itself seeks to diffuse
thoughts and activate the imagination, moving away from the concrete
and tangible. Dreaming is the act of building something new —
pivoting in a new direction, though the details may be unclear and
foggy. With Neptune in Sagittarius, this energy activates the attributes
associated with Sagittarius: living the life of the vagabond; honouring
the desire to roam and feel uninhibited in the choices they make;
manifesting the dream of living an adventurous life, with ever
unfolding experiences to capitalize on in each moment; building a life
without responsibilities and restraint.
Pluto's symbolism Libra's symbolism
Transformative and A multifaceted perspective
regenerative cultural changes Harmony, peace
Exposing the underworld Refinement, grace
Awareness of dormant Diplomacy, fairness
capacities Balance

Pluto in 21 Libra
As Pluto is the furthest planet from the Sun, it reflects most abstractly
on the personality. Also because it is slow-moving in the sky, its
placement defines a generation more than an individual. The Pluto in
Libra generation was born between 1972 and 1984.

Pluto delves into the collective unconscious — the things unsaid and
ignored. It dives deeply into this underworld to bring these themes back
to the surface. Once these themes are brought back to light, there is an
opportunity for collective healing and regeneration around these
themes. Pluto in Libra unearths injustices and imbalances on a
personal and collective level. It exposes the folly of being closed-minded,
partisan, and biased. This energy brings taboo topics to light and seeks
to create real equality versus superficial equality.
Ascendant's symbolism Aries's symbolism
One's vibe Bold and initiating
One's mask Selfhood is paramount
The impression one makes Strong drive
Appearance Direct and uncomplicated
Thriving when challenged

Ascendant in 20 Aries
The Ascendant reflects our external mask—how we come off to others.
This is the face you show to the world, but not necessarily to those who
know you well (that is reflected more by the Sun and Moon).

You come off as independent, self-reliant, and confident in your

approach. You're not one to diminish your accomplish, but, rather, you
feel a strong sense of pride in them. You have a direct and
straightforward approach in your communication, and you're up for an
adventure, unfazed by challenges, and quite outgoing.

You also have a competitive streak, and you can be quite daring
regardless of how realistic a success may appear from a practical point
of view. However, your eager attitude can be mistaken for naïvety.

You're a natural born fighter, someone who appears to walk through

life like a warrior. With a warrior spirit, you're naturally headstrong too,
and you can be unwilling to listen to perspectives other than your own;
however, this attitude also fosters your pioneering spirit as you don't
listen to the naysayers.
North Node's symbolism Leo's symbolism
Qualities one is learning to Courageous
embody in this life Liberated self-expression
Life lessons Entertainer
(South Node, the opposite Center of attention
point in the chart are the Playful
qualities that come natural to

North Node in 3 Leo

The North Node represents the qualities one is learning to embody in
this life: being willing to take 'center stage'; having a playful expression;
being silly rather than overly analytical; having an open expression of
your emotions; being unaffected by peer pressure.

Chiron's symbolism Taurus's symbolism

Point of pain, as well as source Receptive; easy-going
of healing Beauty, aesthetics, senses
Comfort, stability
Grounded; persistent
Inner stillness and contentment

Chiron in 20 Taurus
You long for the healing experiences of comfort and material wealth.
However, as long as you are dependent on external circumstances, you'll
find yourself hurt by their absence. The key is cultivating your inner
appreciation of the abundance of life. When you can tap into these
qualities in yourself, you'll have the power to heal these wounds.
MC's symbolism Capricorn's symbolism
Your approach to career Self-reliance
Public persona Self-responsibility
Making one's mark

MC in 10 Capricorn
The Midheaven is at home in Capricorn. This placement suggests you
have the power of endurance and consistency in whatever path you
choose. You often seek to transform 'structures' and make a positive
influence on outdated systems; you're striving to leave a lasting mark on
the world.

The descriptions here are written explaining the aspect's positive qualities and potential gifts, as
well as its unbalanced expression. The idea is that the individual has the capacity to direct their

Saturn in Libra symbolism North Node in Leo

Seeks structure which reflects symbolism
objectivity, harmony and impartiality Soul lessons around the themes of
Maintains a balanced view by seeing liberated expression and an intelligent
things from multitude of perspectives use of will

Sextile symbolism
Cooperative energies
Energies in friendship
Concious effort required to reveal gifts
of this placement

Saturn Sextile North Node

With this placement, the North node represents a core part of your soul's
journey to learn to develop self-responsibility, discipline, and self-control.
You've fighting a tendency to be moody, which allows your insecurities to
cripple you. In this state, you tend to self-isolate at home or any place
that's within your comfort zone. This blocks you from making a
meaningful impact on yourself and the world as meaningful impact can
only occur outside your comfort zone.

By learning to develop pragmatic, sensible approaches to problem

solving, you can transcend the need to look back on the past; instead, you
can remain focused on the present and the future. You'll find that self-
responsibility is freeing, as it validates the fullness of your own power
and opens you up to enormous potential.

With this mindset, you take full responsibility for your success. Even if
the journey must be walked one step at a time, you will walk that walk.
By keeping your commitments and promises, you'll give value to your
word, gaining the gift of living with integrity. This mature perspective
has treasures that are often missed, but they deeply ignite the soul of one
with this placement.
Venus in Cancer symbolism Ascendant in Aries
Mindful, conscientious in love symbolism
Emotionally aware creative expression Independent, self-reliant, and
Sensitive to lover’s feelings confident in their approach
Values creature comforts; safety A direct and straightforward nature in
Attracted to emotional intelligence their communication
Walking through life like a warrior
Square symbolism
Difficulty balancing energies
Stimulating, challenging, motivating

Venus Square Ascendant

You come across as an unabashed romantic. You're poetic and heartfelt,
and fully immersed in the creative aspects of life. Your demeanor is
dreamy and amorous, and you, likely, attract many suitors. In fact, you
are likely to attract someone who is looking for a partner that is sensitive,
receptive, and emotional. On first impression you're easy-going and
relaxed; similarly, your appearance is casual and carefree.
Mercury in Cancer Jupiter in Libra symbolism
symbolism Striving to bring harmony and
Emotionally-aware verbal expression pleasure to all
A nurturing mental approach Seeing the world through social
Bubbly, active communication relationships
A sensitive, intuitive mind Having a gentle grace that pacifies
any tension in situations
Square symbolism Seeking an understanding of self-
Difficulty balancing energies
Stimulating, challenging, motivating

Mercury Square Jupiter

You're a memorable conversationalist, communicating with a style that
stimulates interesting ideas. You don’t shy away from the “big-picture”
topics because you allow your curious mind to explore grand and
imaginative concepts. Your favorite phrase, prefixed to much of what you
say, is ”what if?”. Much chin stroking and sounds of ‘aha’ are had when
conversing with you; conversely, small talk bores you; you're always at the
ready to steer conversations towards topics more stimulating and
expanding in nature.

Be weary of talking a big game but having nothing to show for it. Talking
without action will only atrophy your sense of practically, leaving you
prone to overestimating your abilities and glossing over key details.
Cultivating focus will transform how you approach ideas; focus will
allow you to combine action with your immense imagination—this is
powerful. Your constant philosophizing can make you seem like an
arrogant “know-it-all”. Truly trying to hear what people are saying before
dismissing their views will only enhance your communication skills.
Pluto in Libra symbolism Ascendant in Aries
Seeking to bring honest harmony symbolism
within the world Independent, self-reliant, and
Ushering in a wider acceptance for confident in their approach
non-traditional societal views A direct and straightforward nature in
their communication
Opposition symbolism Walking through life like a warrior
Tug of war
Flip flopping between energies
Opportunity to find fulcrum between
Living best of both worlds

Pluto Opposition Ascendant

On first impressions, you come across as cryptic and secretive. It feels as
if you're intentionally cagey about revealing parts of your personal
character, and, yet, you attract people who seek to demystify your
personality, as they feel challenged by it. Even then, you still don’t give
much away about how you operate or perceive the world.

However, as the Ascendant only reflects what is seen on the surface, your
private personality might be much more forthright and transparent,
especially depending on the other aspects of your chart; although, to
others, you seem to display a mysterious charisma. Your appearance,
likewise, has a mysterious and magical flair that evokes more questions
than answers about who you are.
Sun in Gemini symbolism Mercury in Cancer
Dynamic mind symbolism
Knowledgeable; Jack of all trades Emotionally-aware verbal expression
Social butterfly; Possesses playful A nurturing mental approach
charm Bubbly, active communication
Witty, talkative A sensitive, intuitive mind

Conjunction symbolism
Engeries are merged in feeling
Realms of life are interwined
Rest, stability between planets

Sun Conjunction Mercury

You're a thinker; you're often found lost in deep ponderous thoughts;
your mind is home to a vibrant ecosystem of ideas, imagination, and
possibilities. You treat your mind like an athlete treats their body —
keeping it quick-witted, sharp, and agile. Craving mental stimulation, you
have a multitude of different outlets that help you tap into different parts
of yourself. In particular, you seek to be intellectually stimulated, such as
when speaking, debating, or writing.

At times, being too isolated in your mind can lead to restlessness. Your
overactive thinking can prevent you from taking action. Remember that
not everything needs to be thought out. You benefit from meditating and
releasing control of understanding every step of the process.

Meanwhile, your self-image and identity can become too tied up with
your perception of your intellectual prowess. In some cases, it can make
people feel like you are conversing with yourself. Take a breath and
allow yourself to exchange knowledge with people with more
detachment, regardless of where the conversation goes.

It benefits you to cultivate more of the joy you feel around verbal
expression. You have a gift to share with people that can open them up to
seeing things in new ways, or, even, you revealing to them whole new
paradigms of understanding. These gifts are usually best expressed when
rooted in love rather than a need to be right.
Moon in Aquarius Mars in Gemini symbolism
symbolism Whimsical use of energy
Free-spirited emotional nature Versatile; Jack of all trades
Values personal freedom to feel Likes exploring various paths
Nourished by unique expression Focused on newness and innovation
Electric, forward-thinking Loves mental work, learning

Trine symbolism
Effortless, harmonious flow
Two planets bring out the best in each
Natural, easy, talented energy

Moon Trine Mars

You are a fiery ball of raw passion and intense energy, marching forward
towards intense, powerful experiences. You believe in the power of
forward momentum, not allowing yourself to dwell on past emotions.
This forward-facing attitude allows you to be a very open person. People
find you to be a welcoming and compromising person who has many
friends and acquaintances. Although, not everyone is so receptive to your
rare brand of blunt honesty, but some people do find it so refreshing that
they value your insights highly.

At lower vibrations, you stray from your forward-thinking attitude. You

develop a defensive and sensitive nature that is quick to bite. When
stagnant, your energy has no outlet. It pools, leading to uncontrolled
outbursts of emotions. You cannot help but interpret constructive
criticisms as personal attacks. These times provide you contrast, showing
how you work best when your energy is directed towards the positive and
progressive. When you are constructively focused, you easily build
momentum towards anything you set your mind to.
Jupiter in Libra symbolism North Node in Leo
Striving to bring harmony and symbolism
pleasure to all Soul lessons around the themes of
Seeing the world through social liberated expression and an intelligent
relationships use of will
Having a gentle grace that pacifies
any tension in situations
Seeking an understanding of self-

Sextile symbolism
Cooperative energies
Energies in friendship
Concious effort required to reveal gifts
of this placement

Jupiter Sextile North Node

With this placement, the North node represents a core part of your soul's
journey to learn to act spontaneously, trust its instincts, and develop a
strong feeling for adventure, without needing to be in control. There is a
tendency with this placement to overthink things, needing to be able to
rationally explain something from all angles. There is tendency to
invalidate your instinctual understanding with logic.

However, you feel free when you give yourself permission to act on your
truth, without needing to understand every single minute detail.
Similarly, there is also a tendency to need to have a reason for every
decision, a justification for every turn, and, yet, you will experience
freedom from taking risks, acting spontaneously, and being able to stand
by your instincts, regardless of the consequences, without needing to
defend your decision.
Venus in Cancer symbolism Pluto in Libra symbolism
Mindful, conscientious in love Seeking to bring honest harmony
Emotionally aware creative expression within the world
Sensitive to lover’s feelings Ushering in a wider acceptance for
Values creature comforts; safety non-traditional societal views
Attracted to emotional intelligence

Square symbolism
Difficulty balancing energies
Stimulating, challenging, motivating

Venus Square Pluto

Your faith in your intuition has calibrated it into a sixth sense. You use it
to provide a litmus test of your relationships. You'll not settle for
anything less than an energetically charged "love at first sight”
relationship; until then, you are content with waiting for the perfect one.
You’re not seeking a casual Friday-night fling; you’re seeking a deep,
transformative, and passionate experience to share with someone.

You understated your charisma fuels your magnetic allure. People are
drawn to your fearlessness in venturing where others are afraid to go.
You’re a persuasive speaker, one who can arouse strong feelings in
people. Your perceptive wit can sometimes feel you're speaking directly to
someone’s soul.

You're transparent about how your emotions dictate your actions.

Sometimes you've a hard time detaching from relationships as you grip
them too tightly; you can exhibit irrational emotions and overbearing
behaviour. This is an indicator that you're not following your intuition;
instead, try believing that everything is working out for you, regardless of
another person’s actions. When you cultivate a true heart-based
connection, you'll find it easy to feel grounded in your own love.
Sun in Gemini symbolism Jupiter in Libra symbolism
Dynamic mind Striving to bring harmony and
Knowledgeable; Jack of all trades pleasure to all
Social butterfly; Possesses playful Seeing the world through social
charm relationships
Witty, talkative Having a gentle grace that pacifies
any tension in situations
Seeking an understanding of self-
Square symbolism identity
Difficulty balancing energies
Stimulating, challenging, motivating

Sun Square Jupiter

You believe in magic and that the world is a magical place. This
sentiment has shaped your enthusiastic and optimistic outlook of life.
People find you a supportive, generous, and warm character — one who
not only sees the best in themselves but also in others. When you're
flowing in your naturally positive mindset, you can simply feel lucky.
You don’t sweat the small things; instead, you chuckle at any misfortune
that happens to come your way.

In low vibrations, this aspect can lead you into bouts of procrastination
because you develop an unrealistic expectation that everything will just
fall into your lap. Not everyone understands your faith in the universe,
and they feel you are someone who exaggerates and makes grand
promises without follow-through. Also be aware of restlessness as it may
lead you to overextend yourself.

Finding yourself in such a rut provides you with a sure sign that you
have veered off the path of positivity. Tap back into the magic that you
know, and never let anyone dilute it. When you expect the best to happen,
things often have a way of resolving themselves.
Jupiter in Libra symbolism Saturn in Libra symbolism
Striving to bring harmony and Seeks structure which reflects
pleasure to all objectivity, harmony and impartiality
Seeing the world through social Maintains a balanced view by seeing
relationships things from multitude of perspectives
Having a gentle grace that pacifies
any tension in situations
Seeking an understanding of self-

Conjunction symbolism
Engeries are merged in feeling
Realms of life are interwined
Rest, stability between planets

Jupiter Conjunction Saturn

You've a rare combination of grand ambition and pragmatic caution. All
that you do is planned with a hopeful, yet, grounded approach. This gives
you great fortitude, which keeps you enthusiastic about your
goals. You've faith in yourself and your path towards your goals.

You've an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. You’re always consuming

information to keep abreast of current thoughts and developments in
your field. This may be rooted in your ever-present feeling of "imposter
syndrome”. Never totally being sure of yourself, you need constant
reassurance from people. You can feel threatened by the success of other
people because you don't know your worth.

When these planets are out-of-balance, you tend to overdo things,

creating a scenario where you physically exhaust yourself. Taking
frequent 'mini vacations' are effective in restoring your vitality and
giving you a fresh approach towards your goals.
Mercury in Cancer Saturn in Libra symbolism
symbolism Seeks structure which reflects
Emotionally-aware verbal expression objectivity, harmony and impartiality
A nurturing mental approach Maintains a balanced view by seeing
Bubbly, active communication things from multitude of perspectives
A sensitive, intuitive mind

Square symbolism
Difficulty balancing energies
Stimulating, challenging, motivating

Mercury Square Saturn

You’re a realist who thrives in a structured and organized environment.
You believe self-discipline isn’t repressive but rather a tool of freedom; it
allows you to put action towards the things you want to do. You live by a
strong set of moral values that uphold integrity and honor above all. In
communication you are resourceful with your words, saying only what
needs to be said — nothing more, nothing less. You’re an attentive
listener who truly tries to extrapolate all the information that they

Be weary of your realist attitude morphing into a defeatist attitude. In

this mode your air of confidence morphs into indifference, easily slipping
into bouts of momentary depression. Another trend to look out for is self-
censoring your communication, drawing yourself as the passive
participant in conversations; this, over time, will compound towards pent
up emotions welling up inside you. Communication is a mutual
exchange not a Shakespearean soliloquy.
Neptune in Sagittarius Ascendant in Aries
symbolism symbolism
An inhibited and audacious Independent, self-reliant, and
imagination confident in their approach
Holding dreams of unrestraint A direct and straightforward nature in
exploration their communication
Walking through life like a warrior
Trine symbolism
Effortless, harmonious flow
Two planets bring out the best in each
Natural, easy, talented energy

Neptune Trine Ascendant

You come across as a spiritual person, so, in your appearance, you may
seek to emphasize what is otherworldly and metaphysical; similarly, your
appearance can be fantastical and imaginary, which makes your
personal creativity highly apparent. You have an ethereal air around
you, an intangible aura. People can sense a great deal of mystery around
you. Your first impressions can come across as unfamiliar or unpractical,
as if you speak in abstractions or metaphors.
Sun in Gemini symbolism Saturn in Libra symbolism
Dynamic mind Seeks structure which reflects
Knowledgeable; Jack of all trades objectivity, harmony and impartiality
Social butterfly; Possesses playful Maintains a balanced view by seeing
charm things from multitude of perspectives
Witty, talkative

Square symbolism
Difficulty balancing energies
Stimulating, challenging, motivating

Sun Square Saturn

Resilience best describes your character. You have undying grit and
determination that allows you to achieve great things. You approach life
with the old adage of "slow and steady". Much like a tree, you put
emphasis on building a strong trunk — from the strong base everything
else flows. You hold yourself to a high standard of integrity, and your
accomplished demeanor inspires trust of aptitude from others. You have
a way of using hard times to strengthen your resolve.

A trap you may set for yourself is playing the role of the martyr; you find
yourself unnecessarily shouldering the burdens of other people. Not
everything needs to be achieved through blood, sweat, and tears. Your life
is not defined by the struggle. The easy route is sometimes the best way to
go. You are a hard nosed worker, that shuns attentions; instead, allow
others to celebrate you. Also be mindful about how you self-censor your
expression. Loosening your grip on this will give you a magical sense of
Jupiter in Libra symbolism Uranus in Scorpio
Striving to bring harmony and symbolism
pleasure to all Challenging collective taboos
Seeing the world through social Seeking a world that is emotionally
relationships forthcoming and open
Having a gentle grace that pacifies
any tension in situations
Seeking an understanding of self-

Sextile symbolism
Cooperative energies
Energies in friendship
Concious effort required to reveal gifts
of this placement

Jupiter Sextile Uranus

Your big desire is to be successful and to make a meaningful impact on
the world. You believe knowledge is power, so you consume it in all
forms to aid your efforts in becoming successful. You’re not averse to
change, believing that embracing innovations and improvements gives
you an advantage over the competition.

Ideas that pique your interest quickly turn into obsessions. Your
enthusiasm is electric, and it allows you to consistently grind away at
goals that are extremely difficult. You’re a master momentum builder,
quickly establishing wind in the sails of all you do. Similarly, you can
retreat from projects just as quick as you joined them.

You sometimes get stuck in irregular energy flows which makes it hard
for you to generate momentum. Persistence is something you find hard to
maintain as you dislike slow progress towards your goals. The energy to
succeed is found in clear direction and focused intent.
Sun in Gemini symbolism Neptune in Sagittarius
Dynamic mind symbolism
Knowledgeable; Jack of all trades An inhibited and audacious
Social butterfly; Possesses playful imagination
charm Holding dreams of unrestraint
Witty, talkative exploration

Opposition symbolism
Tug of war
Flip flopping between energies
Opportunity to find fulcrum between
Living best of both worlds

Sun Opposition Neptune

Hey, did I catch you day-dreaming again? As you may have guessed, you
are a dreamer. At times, the vividness of you imagination can blur your
lines of reality. This ambiguity makes you hard to label. You feel comfort
operating in mysterious, ethereal realms; there you tap into mystical
creative energy, expressing through music, art, poetry, dance, and other
arts; you come across as a sensitive and spiritually attuned being, seeking
a higher path to tread in life; therefore, people find you a deeply
compassionate person.

At lower vibrations, you can escape into a dream world, perhaps,

preferring to live an illusion rather than your reality. This can lead you to
not be in the present moment, but, rather, far-away yearning for
something else. This avoidance of responsibility creates a habit of
perpetual disappoint and dissatisfaction. In these moments remember
that your dream and reality are not in competition, but they are working
in tandem with each another. Your imagination is there to inspire what
is next and what is growing, but it never hurts to have compassion for
where you are now too.
Saturn in Libra symbolism MC in Capricorn symbolism
Seeks structure which reflects Seeks self-reliance, self-mastery
objectivity, harmony and impartiality within one's chosen profession
Maintains a balanced view by seeing Strong personal drive lends one to
things from multitude of perspectives positions of authority
Has pragmatic, down-to-earth and
Square symbolism efficient approach
Difficulty balancing energies
Stimulating, challenging, motivating

Saturn Square MC
You work in a methodical manner; you plan and you execute — it’s,
rather, a simple formula. Efficiency is the name of the game in your
world. It’s a binary process for you: what gets me closer to my goal versus
what doesn’t. You've a frank take on your abilities. You don't delude
yourself into believing that you know something, when you're actually
clueless about it. Your pragmatism won’t allow you. You do whatever it
takes to get up to speed. In your eyes doing anything else is simply a
waste of time.

Potential careers: Doctor, Mechanic, Business Manager, Politician.

Mercury in Cancer Neptune in Sagittarius
symbolism symbolism
Emotionally-aware verbal expression An inhibited and audacious
A nurturing mental approach imagination
Bubbly, active communication Holding dreams of unrestraint
A sensitive, intuitive mind exploration

Opposition symbolism
Tug of war
Flip flopping between energies
Opportunity to find fulcrum between
Living best of both worlds

Mercury Opposition Neptune

Your intuitive sense of energies allows you to be an effective and
adaptable communicator. You can sense where someone is vibrating and
know how best, in that moment, to interact with them. In conversation,
people often remark how accurate, almost psychic-like, your assessments
of them are. However, at times you may feel frustrated, as you are such a
‘feeling’ based being, everything you feel can't always be communicated
clearly to people.

You feel beyond the five senses, channeling many artistic muses who
express through you in many creative forms. You've always felt an
affinity with these ethereal realms; confusion arises for you when you
stray away from that path. When you deny spiritual experiences, you lose
your sense of clarity and direction.
Venus in Cancer symbolism Uranus in Scorpio
Mindful, conscientious in love symbolism
Emotionally aware creative expression Challenging collective taboos
Sensitive to lover’s feelings Seeking a world that is emotionally
Values creature comforts; safety forthcoming and open
Attracted to emotional intelligence

Trine symbolism
Effortless, harmonious flow
Two planets bring out the best in each
Natural, easy, talented energy

Venus Trine Uranus

You try to live in way that aligns your needs with leaving a net positive
effect on the world. You embody a wholesome social perspective that
draws you towards communities, groups, or work with the public. Your
relatable nature has given you a broad circle of friends. In relationships,
you don’t covet a particular type; instead, you find yourself attracted to a
wide range of people. What matters to you most is the authentic
expression of the individual self.

You're fiercely an individual; anytime you feel a suppression of this, you

develop a fear of commitment, which creates a discord with the people
you interact with. The path of an individual can often feel like shoving a
square peg in to a circle hole. Strong, powerful desires cause you to swing
between red hot passion and ice cold apathy in relationships. Sometimes
you wonder if you would prefer wanting to be a social butterfly or to be a
lone wolf.

The more you cultivate compassion for your strong preferences and
eccentricities within yourself, the more it'll be reflected in your
relationships. Likely you're attracted to the strange, unusual, and exciting
as a way to explore your own identity outside of normal societal
Mars in Gemini symbolism Saturn in Libra symbolism
Whimsical use of energy Seeks structure which reflects
Versatile; Jack of all trades objectivity, harmony and impartiality
Likes exploring various paths Maintains a balanced view by seeing
Focused on newness and innovation things from multitude of perspectives
Loves mental work, learning

Trine symbolism
Effortless, harmonious flow
Two planets bring out the best in each
Natural, easy, talented energy

Mars Trine Saturn

You value self-reliance; you value having a sense of control over your
own destiny without depending on anyone or anything else. You see the
value in self-discipline — which ultimately is just doing what you really
want to spend your time doing. You’d like to have that kind of personal
self-direction in your life, and you likely can abstain from comforts and
pleasures that are important to other people, in order to get where you
want to go.

When the energy is out-of-balance, you shoulder too much weight. You
take on a disproportionate share of duties because you believe it's the
responsible thing to do. On the other hand, it's possible that identifying
too closely with the struggle leaves you blind to easy solutions.

Your willingness to believe that things can unfold more effortlessly can
transform your life. Your mind can be highly pragmatic, but, sometimes,
it's not important to have the whole path laid out in front of you. When
you're tapped into your intuition, feeling your way and believing your
way into solutions, things can work out with even more ease.

When your energy is in balance, your self-discipline works alongside

your intuition in achieving your goals. You don’t always need to see the
whole path to know you're intuitively heading in the right direction. As
you trust your own ability to learn, grow, and remain persistent without a
need to rush, no goals seems insurmountable to you.
Sun in Gemini symbolism Pluto in Libra symbolism
Dynamic mind Seeking to bring honest harmony
Knowledgeable; Jack of all trades within the world
Social butterfly; Possesses playful Ushering in a wider acceptance for
charm non-traditional societal views
Witty, talkative

Trine symbolism
Effortless, harmonious flow
Two planets bring out the best in each
Natural, easy, talented energy

Sun Trine Pluto

You operate in a black and white manner — if you like something, you
devote 100% of your being into it. To some people you're an enigma. You
keep few connections, but the few you have are pure, genuine, and
intimate. You don’t operate on the surface level; you delve deep looking
for transformative experiences. You're a highly intuitive being. You trust
your gut and act accordingly.

Understandably, as you fully immerse yourself under the waterfall of all

you do, you are weary of new people who come into your life. You move
cautiously into experiences, testing the frigidness of the water first. At its
extreme, you may find yourself overly distrustful of others, to the point of
manipulating others in order to compensate for the lack of control your
feel. Letting go of inner-turmoil will allow you to undergo the powerful
cathartic experiences that you seek.
Neptune in Sagittarius Pluto in Libra symbolism
symbolism Seeking to bring honest harmony
An inhibited and audacious within the world
imagination Ushering in a wider acceptance for
Holding dreams of unrestraint non-traditional societal views

Sextile symbolism
Cooperative energies
Energies in friendship
Concious effort required to reveal gifts
of this placement

Neptune Sextile Pluto

With this placement, you may idealize the journey of self-discovery. You
romanticize inner-transformation, for you whole-heartedly pull yourself
towards healing your unconscious trauma. This enables you to be a
powerful teacher for how to transform and revitalize one’s life.

You experiment with different practices and activities which aid you in
your healing journey. It could be a practice like yoga, where just finding
that extra bit of space as you deepen into a stretch can enable you to
realize how intimately aware you're of yourself. As you connect with all
the parts of your body, you feel immense release.

It could involve connecting with the crazy jungle of tangled thoughts,

beliefs, and judgements that we all carry around with us. By taking a
writing class or intentionally journaling, you may find yourself talking
with your shadow. It can be cathartic and liberating to bring this place
into the light.

Ultimately, you're like an alchemist for your own spirit, but it’s also wise
to be wary about obsessing over self-improvement, as if you need to fix
yourself endlessly. In truth, you feel nourishment by loving yourself as
you are.

Chart patterns are a collection of aspects that are grouped together to reveal a larger geometric
pattern within the chart.

Yod symbolism
Targeted energy
An realm of life where insights, electricity flows through
Awakening experiences

Yod between Chiron in 20 Taurus, Pluto in 21 Libra, and

Neptune in 23 Sagittarius

The sextile at the base of the Yod is between Neptune and Pluto. The themes of
this sextile are: Uncovering "hidden" social illusions / Ushering in new
advancements and horizons of culture / Collective compassion.

When the themes of this sextile are active, they bring clarity and healing to the
planet at the tip of the Yod, Chiron. This placement reflects a potential dormant
awakening around Chiron's themes: Capacity to heal your inner wounds / Interest
in living an emotionally authentic life / Effortless healing from within.
Multiple Planet Square symbolism
Contradictory approaches
Unique, unconventional outlooks
Ability to live best of both worlds

Multiple Planet Square between Mercury in 0 Cancer, Sun in 29

Gemini, Saturn in 3 Libra, Jupiter in 1 Libra, and MC in 10

This Multiple Planet Square falls within Cardinal signs (Aries, Libra, Cancer,
Capricorn). You are an enigma, an uncommon breed. Your interests tend to
contradict one another. Rather than setting down your course in straightforward
fashion, one tends to zig-zag, meandering through an assortment of approaches.
Others have a hard time pinning down what you will do next.

The approaches tend to flop between the symbolism of the signs within the square
- Cancer (heartwarming, emotive), Gemini (playful, dynamic and curious), Libra
(balanced, fair and objective) and Capricorn (pragmatic and self-reliant). The key
themes of the Cardinal signs are being quick to take initative, getting things
moving, and being keen to explore outside one's comfort zone. With this
placement, there is an opportunity to find the fulcrum between this sides and
experience the best of both worlds, exuding their most positive aspects.
T-Square symbolism
Prompts action
High degree of motivation to succeed in this area
Unwillingness to accept anything less that what is wanted
Offers frustration, as well as opportunity to excel in an unprecedented way

T-Square between Pluto in 21 Libra, Venus in 19 Cancer, and

Ascendant in 20 Aries

The key thing about this T-Square is that the planets primarily fall in the Cardinal
signs (Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn). The chart is dominant in the characteristics
of Cardinal signs which indicates a person who is quick to take initative. They like
gettings things moving, acting on ideas rather than sitting around and posturing.
They like to get their hands in the clay, endlessly exploring and starting things that
ignite their fire. And yet, they can leave behind a string of projects left unfinished.

Sometimes they lack the perseverance needed to follow a project or adventure

through its climbs and dull moments. Sometimes its that they expect external
situations to continually stimulate them, finding it challenging to going through
periods without theater. They can be chasers of the next adrenaline kick, social
butterflies with numerous connections. They benefit from seeking more internal
peace and balance. Ultimately, the gift of this placement is heightened attributes
needed to be an explorer, with a vigor needed to encounter and break through to
the new to find something completely unknown.
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