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- Được thành lập bằng cách thêm đuôi __er
1. Tính từ/trạng từ ngắn
- là những tính từ có 1 âm tiết.
Eg: short -> shorter
Tall -> taller
Form: S1 + (be) + adj_er + THAN + S2.
Eg: She is (tall) than her close friend. -> taller

S1 + (V) + adv_er + THAN + S2

She often comes to class (late) than her friend.-> later

2. Tính từ/ trạng từ dài.

- là những từ có từ 2 âm tiết trở lên.
Eg: expensive, difficult
Form: S1 + (be) + more + tính từ + THAN + S2
Eg: The exam was (difficult) than we expected. -> more difficult
This exhibition is much (interesting) than the last exhibition. -> more

S1 + (V) + more + trạng từ + THAN + S2

Eg: Tom drives (slowly) than I do. -> more slowly
My friend did the test (carefully) than me. -> more carefully

*NOTES: big →bigger

far→further/farther:xa hơn
Eg: the way from here to the subway station is (far) than to the bus stop.
 Dùng những từ và cụm từ để nhấn mạnh với SO SÁNH HƠN:
- much/ far/ a lot
- quite a lot/ considerably
- a great deal
- a good deal
- a bit/ a little
- significantly/ slightly
- rather
Eg: I got up little (late) than usual.→later
I am feeling a lot (good) today.→better
He is much (old) than me.→older
He is a far (good) player than Ronaldo.→better


1. Tính từ/trạng từ ngắn.
Form: S + (be) + THE + adj_est.
S + (V) + THE + adv_est.
Eg: It was (happy) day of my life.→the happiest
Everest is (high) mountain in the world.→the highest
I think John works (hard) of all.→the hardest
He worked (hard) of the three workers.→ the hardest
I’m (happy) man in the world.→ the happiest

2. Tính từ/ trạng từ dài

Form: S + (be) + THE MOST + adj.
S + (V) + THE MOST + adv.

S + (be) + THE MOST + adj.

Eg: London is (popular) tourist destination in England.→the most
They work (efficiently).→ the most efficiently
Jane speaks English (fluently) in her class.→the most fluently
 Để thể hiện mức độ so sánh của tính từ mạnh hơn, có thể dùng “by
far, easily, much,quiet” + so sánh nhất
Eg: The Beatles was by far (successful) rock band of the 1960s.→the
most successful
This method is by far (completed).→the most completed
She’s easily (good) dancer in the group.→the best
This is quiet (irresponsible) behaviour I’ve seen.→the most irresponsible

*LƯU Ý: trong so sánh nhất thường gặp những cụm từ:

- ‘ve ever…. eg: This is the most interesting book I’ve ever seen.
- cụm từ ‘in+ địa điểm”: in Viet Nam, in England, in my class, in the
world, in my life….. eg: London is the most popular tourist destination
in England.
- cụm giới từ: of all, one of ….. eg: this is one of the most wonderful
land-scapes I’ve ever seen.


Eg: she’s the least friendly:thân thiện person in my class.


Tính từ/trạng từ So sánh hơn So sánh nhất
good/well better The best
Bad/badly worse The worst
Little:ít less The least
Much/many:nhiều more The most
Far:xa Further/ farther The furthest/the
old Older/elder Oldest/eldest
Fast(a), fast(adv)#fastly
Late(a), late(adv)#lately
Eg: good-looking→better-looking→the best-looking
Well-known→better-known →the best-known
More well-known→the most well-known
Cách dùng “more” và “less”: more/less + adj/adv + than
Ex: He did more carefully than me. He did less carefully than me.
• Ta có thể nhấn mạnh sự hơn nhiều bằng cách dùng "much/far/a lot, many,
greatly, a great deal” hoặc hơn ít bằng cách thêm "a bit/a little/slightly" trước
hình thức so sánh.
Ex: I am far taller than you. This house is slightly more expensive than that one.
• So sánh số lần: Dùng so sánh bằng và số lần để trước so sánh.
Ex: I am twice as heavy as you.
• So sánh số lượng: Dùng so sánh HƠN và số lượng để trước so sánh
Ex: I am 2 kg heavier than you. I am 3 years older than you
Môt số Idiom dùng so sánh hơn: ̣
• as soon as: càng sớm càng tốt
• as well as = and Ex: I need to learn English as well as Math.
Lưu ý:
• Có thể lược bớt mệnh đề sau “than”: than expected/scheduled/anticipated
Ex: I did the exam better than I had expected. = I did the exam better than
• at the latest: là muộn nhất Ex: You should submit by Friday at the latest.
• at least: ít nhất Ex: You should study at least 4 courses to get mark 10.
S+ V+ less and less + long/short adj/ adv
She becomes less and less beautiful.
• Dạng 1: Một chủ ngữ (càng………càng..)
- Với tính từ/trạng từ ngắn: S + V + adj-er + and + adj-er
Ex: It is hotter and hotter
- Với tính từ/trạng từ dài: S + V + more and more + adj/adv
Ex: The lessons are more and more difficult.
• Dạng 2: 2 chủ ngữ The + so sánh hơn + S + V, the + so sánh hơn + S + V
Ex: The hotter it is, the more unpleasant I feel.
The younger you are, the easier it is to learn.
The more you study, the higher your results are.
Note: Một số adj không dùng để so sánh là những adj chỉ tính chất duy nhất,
đơn nhất, chỉ kích thước, hình học (mang tính qui tắc)
Eg: only, unique, square, round, perfect, extreme, just..
Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D to complete each sentence.
1.Ms. Jones isn‘t as nice …….. Ms. Smith. B. for C. like D. to
2. The rooms in Graduate Towers are……….. Patterson Hall.
A. larger than B. larger than that of C. larger than those in D. larger than in
3. Although she is very popular, she is not……her sister.
A. pretty as B. as pretty C. prettier than D. most pretty than
4. Tuition at an American university runs…….. Six thousand dollars a
A. so high as B. as high to C. as high as D. as high than
5. Everyone looks much………. today than they did yesterday.
A. happy B. happily C. more happily D. happier
6. Mr. Brown receives a …….. salary than anyone else in the company.
A. big B. more bigger C. bigger D. the bigger
7. The Boeing 747 is twice…….. the Boeing 707.
A. bigger than B. as bigger as C. as big as D. more bigger than
8. Do you know that beautiful lady over there?‖ ― Yes, that‘s Wanida.
She‘s…………. in her group.
A. more beautiful than any girl B. more beautiful than any other girl
C. so beautiful as other girl D. beautiful more than another girl
9. My young brother grew very quickly and soon he was…….. my mother.
A. more big than B. so big than C. as big as D. too big than
10. He is not……. tall as his father.
A. the B. as C. than D. more
11. John‘s grade……. than his sister‘s.
A. higher B. more high C. more higher D. the highest
12. Diana is the…….. of the three sisters.
A. more short B. shorter C. shortest D. more short
13. She speaks English as………. as her friend does.
A. good B. well C. better D. the best
14. Of three shirts, this one is the………….
A. prettier B. more prettiest C. prettiest D. most pretty
15. The baby‘s illness is……….. than we thought at first.
A. bad B. worst C. worse D. badly
16. Today is the……… day of the month.
A. hot B. hotter C. hottest than D. hottest
17. He works more ……….. than I.
A. slow B. slowly C. most slowly D. slowest
18. My book is as………. as yours.
A. good B. well C. better D. the best
19. I love you………. than I can say.
A. much B. many C. more D. the most
20. It‘s…………. to go by bus than by car.
A. cheaper B. cheapest C. more cheap D. more cheaper
21. That house is ………one on the street.
A. oldest B. the oldest C. old D. older
22. This hotel must be……….. than the small one next door.
A. expensive B. more expensive C. the most expensive D. the more expensive
24. An orange is ……… than a plum.
A. more large B. more larger C. larger D. the largest
25. What is the………. thing you have done ever done?
A. more difficult B. most difficult C. difficulty D. difficult than
26. This river is……… than that river.
A. narrow B. narrowest C. narrower D. most narrow
27. The test is not………difficult………. it was last month.
A. as/ as B. so/ as C. more/ as D. A and B
28. Peter usually drives……….. Mary
A. more fast B. more fast than C. faster than D. B and C
29. My brother sang…. of all the pupils of the group.
A. more beautifully B. the most beautifully
C. less beautifully D. most beautifully
30. At 3,810 meters above sea level in Bolivia stands Lake Titica, …in the world.
A. the highest large lake B. largest high lake
C. high largest D. the high largest lake
31. The hotel was……. any one we had stayed at before.
A. more expensive than B. more expensive as
C. most expensive than D. better expensive than
32. A: It‘s a long way from Britian, isn‘t it?B: Yes, but it isn‘t as…as Hong Kong.
A. far B. farther C. farthest D. further
33. Of the four dresses, which is ……………….. expensive?
A. the best B. the most C. the more D. the greater
34. The larger the apartment, the................... the rent.
A. expensive B. more expensive C. expensively D. most expensive
35. The faster we walk,………….. we will get there.
A. the soonest B. the soon C. the more soon D. the sooner
36. ― Why did you buy these oranges? ‖ ―They were ………. ….. I could find.
A. cheapest B. cheapest ones C. the cheapest ones D. the most cheapest
37. She plays the piano …………… as she sings.
A. as beautifully B. more beautifully C. as beautiful D. the most beautifully
38. The streets are getting more and …………… these days.
A. crowded B. less crowded C. more crowded D. most crowded
39. The larger the city, …………… the crime rate.
A. highest B. higher C. the highest D. the higher
40. You must explain your problems …………....
A. as clear as you can B. as clearly as you can
C. as clear than you are D. as clearly as you are
41. Pil is ……………… person we know.
A. the happier B. the happie C. happier D. happiest
42. Which woman are you going to vote for? –I ‘m not sure. Everyone says that
Joan is………….
A. smarter B. the smarter C. more smarter D. more smart
43. Bill is ………………
A. lazier and lazier B. more and more lazy
C. lazier and more lazy D. more lazy and lazier
44. It‘s too noisy here. Can we go somewhere …………………?
A. noisier B. more quie C. more noisy D. quieter
45. ……………….. the time passes, ……………. I feel ! The deadline of my
thesis is coming, but I have just finished half of it.
A. The faster / the nervous B. The more fast / the nervous
C. The fast / the more nervous D. The faster / the more nervous
46. China is the country with………………….. population.
A. the larger B. the more large C. the largest D. the most large
47. She sat there quietly, but during all that time she was getting…………….
Finally she exploded.
A. more and more angry B. the most angry
C. the more angry D. angrier and angrier
48. For …….., it is certain that in the future some things will be very different.
A. the better or the worse B. the good or the bad
C. good or bad D. better or worse
49. Her grandfather‘s illness was………………….. we thought at first.
A. more seriously as B. as seriously as C. more serious than D. as serious
50. My brother was feeling tired last night, so he went to bed………….. usual.
A. more early than B. as early as C more earlier as D. earlier than
51._____ you study for these exams, _____you will do.
A. The harder / the better B. The more / the much
C. The hardest / the best D. The more hard / the more good
52, His house is _______ mine.
A. twice as big as B. as twice big as
C. as two times big as D. as big as twice
53. A: It‘s hot there, isn‘t it? B: It‘s very……….. during the day.
A. hot B. hotter C. hottest D. hotter than
54. ………. apples are grown in Washington State.
A. Best B. The most good C. The best D. The better
55.The test becomes………. and…………
A. hard/ hard B. difficult/ difficult C. harder/ harder D. difficulty/ difficulty
56. His health is getting………. and…………….
A.. good/ good B. better/ better C. bad/ bad D. well/ well
57. The more paper we save,…………preserved.
A. more is wood pulp B. the more wood pulp is
C. wood pulp is D. the much wood pulp is
58. The more polluted air we breathe,……. we get.
A. the more weaker B. the more weak C. the weaker D. weaker more
59. The more we study, the……we are.
A. more good B. better C. better than D. good
60. The more I tried my best to help her, ………. she became.
A. less lazy B. the lazier C. the more lazy D. lazier
61. The weather becomes………………
A. colder with colder B. colder and colder
C. colder and more colder D. more and more cold
62. The more he slept,……………. irritable he became.
A. the most B. the vey more C. much more D. the more
63. ……….. he worked, the more he earned.
A. The more hard B. The hard C. The harder D. The hardest
64. ………I get to know Jim, the more I like him.
A. For more B. More C. The more D. The most
65. The competition makes the price of goods……….
A. most cheap and cheap B. cheaper and cheaper
C. more cheap and more cheap D. cheaper and more cheaper
66. That factory is producing……. pollution.
A. more and more B. better and better C. less and least D. more and less
67. The ………I read about history, the…….. it makes me realize how relevant
history is for us today.
A. more/ better B. better/ better C. more/ more D. better/ more
68. The less we study, the……….. we are.
A. worse B. bad C. well D. good
69. ………. the match was, the more spectators it attracted.
A. The most interesting B. The best interesting
C. The more interesting D. The interesting
70. The more running water you use,……………
A. your bill will be higher B. will be higher your bill
C. the higher your bill will be D. the highest your bill will be
71. ……………you study for these exams, ……….. you will do.
A. The harder/ the better B. The more / the much
C. The hardest / the best D. The more hard / the more good
72. My neighbour is driving me mad! It seems that…………. it is at night,
……………he plays his music!
A. the less / the more lou B. the less / less
C. the more late / the more loudlier D. the later / the louder
73. Thanks to the progress of science and technology, our lives have become……
A. more and more good B. better and better
C. the more and more good D. gooder and gooder
74. The Sears Tower is………….. building in Chicago.
A. taller B. the more tall C. the tallest D. taller and taller
75. Peter is……………John.
A. younger and more intelligent than B. more young and intelligent than
C. more intelligent and younger than D. the more intelligent and younger than
76. Robert does not have…………. Peter does.
A. money more than B. as many money as
C. more money as D. as much money as
77. It gets………….. when the winter is coming.
A. cold and cold B. the coldest and coldest
C. colder and colder D. more and more cold
78. French is a…………language to learn than English is.
A. difficult B. more difficult C. most difficult D. more and more difficult
79. A car is………………. than a motorbike.
A. cheap B. cheaper C. expensive D. more expensive
80. Thanks to the great effort of doctors and nurses, her health is getting…………
A. worse B. better C. worse and worse D. better and better
Exercise 1: Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. The examination was ______ . All the students passed.
A. surprising easy B. surprisingly easy C. surprising easily D. surprisingly easily
2. Tom sounded ________ when I spoke to him on the phone.
A. angry B. angrily C. to be angry D. to be angrily
3. Jane is ________ because her job is .
A. bored – bored B. boring – boring C. boring - bored D. bored - boring
4. Her illness was ________ than we had thought first.
A. much serious B. more serious C. serious D. most serious
5. The garden looks ______ since you tidied it up.
A. better B. well C. more good D. more well
6. Petrol is twice _____ it was a few years ago.
A. more expensive than B. much expensive as
C. as expensive as D. as expensive than
7. That house over there is _____ building in the city.
A. the eldest B. the oldest C. the elder D. the older
8. Thank you for the money. It was ________ of you.
A. more generous B. the more generous C. most generous D. the most generous
9. We were lucky to have one of ________ rooms in the hotel.
A. a nice B. a nicer C. the nicer D. the nicest
10. Your English is improving. It is getting _______ .
A. well and better B. good and well C. better and better D. good and better
Exercise 2: Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. In the kitchen there is a ______ table.
A. beautiful large round wooden B. large beautiful wooden round
C. wooden round large beautiful D. round large wooden beautiful
2. Ann works _____ than most of her friends.
A. much harder B. a lot more hardly C. more hardly D. many harder
3. The shop wasn’t crowded this morning it usually is.
A. as - than B. so – as C. more – than D. so - than
4. It’s ______ film that I have ever watched.
A. most boring B. the most boring C. best boring D. the best boring
5. _____ we leave, ______ we will arrive.
A. The earlier - the sooner B. The earliest - the soonest
C. Earlier – sooner D. The earliest - the sooner
6. Let me know immediately if you hear any _____ news.
A. farther B. further C. farthest D. furthest
7. I have never had a ________ meal than that.
A. more delicious B. most delicious C. delicious more D. delicious most
8. Jane didn’t do so well in the exam______ she had hoped.
A. as B. so C. than D. more
9. Your writing is terrible. I can _____ it.
A. hard read B. read hard C. hardly read D. read hardly
10. It is a ______ restaurant and the food is good.
A. reasonable cheap B. reasonable cheaply
C. reasonably cheap D. reasonably cheaply
Exercise 3: Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. Don’t walk so _____ ! Can’t you walk ______ ?
A. fast - slower B. fast - more slowly C. fastly - slower D. fastly - more slowly
2. It was ______ that she passed the exam. Everyone had thought that she failed.
A. surprising B. surprised C. surprisingly D. surprisedly
3. There is a _______ bag in the corner of the room.
A. small black plastic B. black small plastic
C. plastic small black D. plastic black small
4. The driver of the car was ________ in the accident.
A. serious injured B.seriously injured C. serious injuredly D. seriously injuredly
5. Could you speak _______ so I can understand what you mean?
A. a bit slowly B. a little slower C. a bit slowlier D. a little more slowly
6. Please cut my hair _______ the style in this magazine.
A. the same long as C. the same long like
B. the same length like D. the same length as
7. The chef tasted the meat _______ before presenting it to the President.
A. cautious B. cautiously C. more cautious D. much cautiously
8. The climate in Sa Pa is much colder _______ of Hanoi.
A. than it B. than that C. than there D. than this
9. Please give me _______ of the two pieces of the cake.
A. smaller B. the smaller C. smallest D. the smallest
10. This is the _______ dog I’ve ever seen.
A. dirtier-looking B. dirtiest-looking C. more dirty-looking D. most dirty-looking
Exercise 4: Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. So far as Mrs. Brown was concerned she did not seem to be in the least _______
A. embarrassed B. embarrassment C. embarrassing D. embarrass
2. He did not come and she looked rather ______ .
A. worrying B. worry C. worrier D. worried
3. The rise of crime is ______ .
A. depressed B. depressing C. depression D. depressive
4. The pictures made a ___ impression on him.
A. depressing B. depressed C. depressive D. depression
5. She is not_________with her position.
A. satisfying B. satisfaction C. satisfactory D. satisfied
6. I don’t like horror films. I think they are _______ and ______ .
A. frightening – boring B. frightening – bored
C. frightened – boring D. frightened - bored
7. Don’t look so ___ . Of course, it was a __decision but we had no other choices.
A. surprised - surprised B. surprising - surprising
C. surprised - surprising D. surprising - surprised
8. It was a __ journey. 1 wish I hadn’t it. I feel completely _________ later.
A. tiring - exhausting B. tired - exhausted
C. tired - exhausting D. tiring - exhausted
9. The football match was _. Our team lost the game and we left the stadium quite..
A. disappointing - disappointing B. disappointing - disappointed
C. disappointed - disappointed D. disappointed - disappointing
10. He can’t remember his pupils’ names. It seemed funny at first, but now it is
rather__ A. embarrassed B. embarrassment C. embarrassing D. embarrass
Exercise 5: Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. That is_______story I have ever heard.
A. more incredible B. as incredible C. the most incredible D. most incredible
2. It is not always _______students who do well in tests.
A. brighter B. most bright C. more bright D. the brightest
3. Terylene shirts are _______ to wear, but cotton shirts are much .
A. harder - most comfortable B. hardest - more comfortable
C. harder - more comfortable D. more hard - more comfortable
4. Which is _____ , Lake Michỉgan or Lake Superior?
A. deeper B. the deepest C. deepest D. deep
5. She is far _____ than she used to be.
A. self-confident B. more self-confident C. self-confidenter D. most self-confident
6. _________ man among the guests is a basketball player.
A. The tallest B. Taller C. The taller D. Tallest
7. I like both of them, but I think Kate is _________ to talk to.
A. more easy B. as easy C. as easy as D. easier
8. Most people are _______ than their parents used to be.
A. better off B. the best off C. as well off D. best off
9. She has a lot to be thankful for; but __ thing of all is that she does not realize it.
A. the sadder B. sadder C. the saddest D. saddest
10.I want to buy a car _________ one you have.
A. more powerful B. the more powerful
C. as most powerful D. the most powerful
Exercise 6: Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. Actually, today I feel _______ than I did yesterday.
A. bad B. worst C. worse D. the worst
2. This is _____ interesting exhibition I’ve ever visited.
A. more B. less C. most D. the most
3. At college the work is harder than the work we did at school, but it is much___
A. more B. many C. most D. a few
4. We didn’t think you were _______ in ancient history.
A. interested B. not interesting C. interesting D. less interesting
5. My _______ brother studies at college.
A. old B. older C. elder D. the eldest
6. This is _______ film I have ever seen.
A. good B. worse C. the best D. better
7. I’ll feel _______ when my exams are over.
A. happy B. more happily C. happily D. happiest
8. I felt _______ because I had fever.
A. badly B. worse bad C. bad D. the worst
9. The more you work, the _______ you’ll pass your exams.
A. good B. best C. better D. the best
10. Prices go up and up. Everything gets _______ expensive.
A. most B. more C. least D. less
Exercise 7: Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. That was great! It was ______ meal you have ever cooked.
A. good B. best C. better D. the best
2. This exhibition is _______ interesting than the previous one.
A. little B. least C. less D. the least
3. The last film I saw was _____ frightening than this one.
A. little B. least C. less D. the least
4. Today is ______ cold than yesterday. So I’m wearing my shorts.
A. little B. least C. less D. the least
5. Everyone in your team played _______ except the captain.
A. bad B. worst C. badly D. the worst
6. You know much, but you know _______ than your teacher.
A. little B. least C. less D. much
7. Small shops are not as ______ as supermarkets.
A. more convenient B. most convenient C. convenient D. the most convenient
8. The child studied hard, and as a result he passed the exams of all.
A. good B. best C. better B. the best
9. This is ______ film I’ve ever seen.
A. more interesting B.most interesting C. the most interesting D.not interesting
10. We were disappointed as the film was ______ than we expected.
A. entertaining B.most entertaining C. less entertaining D.entertaining
Exercise 8: Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. Though the dish smelt ______ , he refused to eat saying he was not hungry.
A. good B. well C. bad D. worse
2. She looked at me _______ and told me to leave the room.
A. angry B. angrily C. angrier D. as angry
3. She spends a lot of money on her clothes but they always look _______.
A. cheap B. cheaply C. cheaper D. cheapest
4. “Have you seen him?” “Yes, he looks _______ but he says he feels
A. good - bad B. well - badly C. well - bad D. good - badly
5. His cough sounds _______ . He should see a doctor.
A. terrible B. terribly C. as terrible D. less terrible
6. Be _______! Stop talking, behave yourselves.
A. quiet B. quietly C. quieter D. quietest
7. The situation looks _______ . We must do something.
A. bad B. badly C. more badly D. as bad
8. He seemed to me a bit _______ today.
A. strange B. strangely C. more strangely D. as strange
9. The fish tastes_______. I won’t eat it.
A. awful B. awfully C. more awfully D. as awful
10. He looked _______in his new suit.
A. good B. well C. gooder D. much good
1. Dạng câu chuyển từ so sánh hơn -> so sánh nhất
Ví dụ :
- There is no more intelligent student in this school than John.
 John is the most intelligent student in this school
- I’ve never met any more handsome person than Gind.
=> Gind is the most handsome person I’ve ever met.
- Have you got any bags smaller than that one?
=> Is this the biggest bag you have got?
2. Dạng câu chuyển từ so sánh nhất -> so sánh hơn
Ví dụ:
- Minh is the tallest student in the class
=> No one in the class is as tall as Minh
=> No one in the class is taller than Minh
I. Sắp xếp các từ sau thành câu hoàn chỉnh.
1.bigger/ one/ Nam’s/ than/ new/ old/ is/ his/ school
2. taller/ Huy/ brother/ is/ than/ his
3. one/ This/ more/ than/ that/ chair/ is/ comfortable
4. city/ in/ the/ Living/ is/ more/ than/ countryside/ living/ in/ the/ peaceful/
5. is/ intelligent/ his/ friend/ He/ more/ than
6. city/ country/ quieter/ the/ The/ is/ than
7. art gallery/ she/,/ her family’s/ Incredibly/ dislikes
8. and/ located/ statue/ a temple/ a/ railway station./ The/ is/ between
9. the/ is/ a/ near. /There/ cathedral/ square
10. backyard/ workshop/ in/ My father’s/ is/ the
II. Viết câu so sánh hơn, dùng các từ gợi ý.
1. Nam/ tall/ Thang ______________________________________
2. My house/ big/ his house. ______________________________________
3. Mai/ young/ her sister. ______________________________________
4. Mr. Ha/ fat/ Mr. Tuan ______________________________________
5. My brother/ strong/ me. ______________________________________
6. I / short/ Hoa. ______________________________________
7. Phuong’s room/ large/ Lan’s room. ______________________________________
8. Ms. Linh / beautiful/ Ms. Huyen. ______________________________________
9. This exercise/ difficult/ that exercise.
10. My toys/ nice/ your toys. ______________________________________
III. Viết lại bắt đầu bằng từ đã cho sao cho câu không thay đổi.
1. This exercise is easier than that one.
=> That exercise is ______________________________________
2. The black car is cheaper than the red car.
=> The red car ______________________________________
3. This film is more interesting than that one.
=> That film is ______________________________________
4. This river is longer than that one.
=> That river is ______________________________________
5. Miss Lan is older than Miss Nga.
=> Miss Nga is______________________________________
6. My kitchen is smaller than yours.
=> Your kitchen ______________________________________
7. Her old house is bigger than her new one.
=> Her new house ______________________________________
8. The black dress is more expensive than the white one.
=> The white dress ______________________________________
9. According to me, English is easier than Maths.
=> According to me, Maths ______________________________________
10. This computer works better than that one.
=> That computer ______________________________________
IV. Chỉ ra và sửa lỗi sai trong mỗi câu sau:
1. Cats are popularer than snakes as pets. ______________
2. My mom is more strict than your mum. _________
3. Pigs are more intelligent as other animals. __________
4. Your mobile phone is more trendy than mine. ________
5. Turtles are slow than crocodiles. _______________
6. Disneyland is interestinger than any other amusement park. ___________
7. Elephants are heavyer than pigs. ____________
8. Jack is now more happy than he used to be. ____________
9. Bears are more rare than snakes. ______________
10. The tourist company was farer down the street than I had thought.
V. Sắp xếp trật tự các từ sau để tạo thành câu hoàn chỉnh
1. /all /Tom's /the /of/is/cleanest/room
2. /Sienkiewicz / writers/, /is /the /Polish /greastest /one. /Of/all
3. /one /of /is /the /in /world. /Egypt/oldest /countries/the
4. /world, /second /is /the /the /Canada/country/in/largest
5. /worst /was /us. /time /for /Winter/the
6. /ugliest /know /is /town /I. /It /the
7./country /road /is /widest /in /the. /This/the
8. /is /the / world? /What/animal/smallest in /the
9. /animal /Is /whale /or /the /the / in /world? /the/elephant/biggest/ the
10. /worst /am /student. /I/in/the /class
VI. Dựa vào các từ gợi ý, viết câu so sánh nhất.
1.The Amazon River/ long/ river/ world.
2. Everest/ high/ mountain/ world.
3.My father/tall/family.
4.Ngoc/ good/ our school.
5.Bill/nice/of the class
VII. Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb.
1. Children often___________________ (use) a computer for school work.
2. ___________________ (Jane/ watch) TV now?
3. Mark___________________ (not go) to school on Friday afternoon.
4. Look! The cat___________________ (eat) your breakfast.
5. ___________________(you/ study) IT at school?
6. I___________________ (not listen) to music, I ___________________ (play) a
gameat the moment.
7. Put on a raincoat. It_____________ (rain). It_______________ (rain) a lot in
8. Where are the children? ~ They ___________________ (read) books in the library.
9. It _________________ (snow) quite hard – perhaps we shouldn’t go out tonight.
10. My mother _________________ (not like) buying food in supermarkets.

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