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Gestalt Rules

Tiefling in plate armor slices through dozens of
demons in a couple of seconds, before looking Building Gestalt
at the neverending horde pouring out the portal.
He draws an arcane rune with the tip of his Characters
sword, and conjures a swarm of meteors to The first thing that you need to do is have a character concept
wipe out the ravenous horde. in mind and choose two classes; at first-level, you will be
The herald of Orcus looks down at the considered a 1st-level character with the class features of
Archmage he is sent to assassinate. He mutters a prayer to both classes. This means that your proficiency bonus scales
the lord of undeath and rips the weave of magic around him, as though you are a single class, from 1st-level to 20th-level.
creating a field of antimagic that renders useless even the But, building a character such as this needs to possess
most potent of defences. There's a glint of steel as he some specifications, in order to promote a more balanced
unsheathes his weapon and leap down from the ceiling, and system for the game. Gestalt characters are, of course, going
his dagger takes care of the rest. to be more powerful than a standard character, but some
The Archdruid looks at the army of hobgoblins that cut limitations can be created so that your game experience is
down his sacred grove for 'provisions'. His vision goes red still as fun and challenging as it was before you implemented
with the flames of boundless rage. The flames cover his this system.
visage as he turns into a frenzied behemoth from the Either the whole party should have gestalt characters,
Elemental plane of fire. The army of hobgoblins sent to or none of them.
invade the bordering nation is never heard from again.
A Take on Multiclassing Rules for Creation
Multiclassing can be too punishing in 5e. Step 1 - Classes
If you want to be fighter who is also a cleric of the divine, Choose Two Classes.
you can multiclass fighter/cleric, but your character would For example, if you want to be a divine Assassin of Orcus,
always be weaker than a pure fighter or cleric at the same you could pick Rogue and Cleric
level. Now, it doesn't mean its unbalanced; 5e does a great job
making sure a multiclass in never more powerful than pure Step 2 - Hit points and hit die
In practice though, multiclass ends up feeling like a let You have the larger hit die of the two classes, and use that to
down, as you would never get those high level spells, yet also calculate hit points.
not being particularly good with the sword and shield. Not to For example, a Fighter/Wizard gestalt would have D10 for
mention missing out on the high level features of both hit die, and rolls that for hit points on level up
How can we solve this? With gestalt characters, you can Step 3 - Proficiencies
level up both classes at once. You pick the saving throw proficiencies of one of the two
Meaning, instead of being a level 3 Fighter/ level 4 Cleric, classes.
you can be a level 7 Fighter/Cleric. You gain all other proficiencies of both classes (skills,
Being a gestalt means you get the features of both classes, weapons, armor, tools, languages)
and do not have to choose which class to advance and which For example, the rogue/cleric gestalt can pick Dex, Int
to delay when you level up. saving throw proficiencies and a total of 5 skill proficiencies,
and so on
Gestalt characters are certainly more powerful and versatile Step 4 - Starting Equipment
than a pure class. You gain the combined starting gold of both classes, but no
They have more options, but are limited by Action economy. equipment.
Thus, Being powerful here means they can go through For example, the rogue/cleric gestalt would have 4d4x10 +
larger dungeons and more encounters without the continous 5d4x10 gold for a total of 9d4x10 gold.
need to rest as they have more resources on their disposal.
This encourages longer adventuring days, with a focus on Step 5 - Class Features
short rests.
In conclusion, You gain all class features from both classes. This also means
This system is balanced only if the whole party uses both subclass features.
Gestalt Characters. For example, the rogue/cleric gestalt would have both
sneak attack and channel divinity.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Step 6 - ASI
You gain one ASI and one feat at 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and
19th levels.
For example, the rogue/cleric gestalt can gain +2 dex and
the war caster feat at 4th level.
Step 7 - Similar Features
Extra Attack, Unarmored Defense etc.
Pick one from the similar features, and gain an ASI or a feat.
For example, a monk/babarian gestalt can gain unarmored
defence from one of the classes, and gain +2 str from the ASI.
Step 8 - Spellcasting
You gain the spells known/prepared from both classes, and
are tracked separately.
You gain the spell slots from both of the classes.
For example, a lvl 10 Paladin/Sorcerer gestalt will have
spell slots equal to a lvl 10 sorcerer, plus those of a paladin at
the same level.
Your spellcasting modifier is changed to the lower of the
two spellcasting modifiers for all spells you cast.
For example, a 20th level wizard/cleric gestalt with 16 wis
and 20 int, would have +3 as his spell casting modifier, and
will have 2 9th lvl slots, 2 8th lvl slots, and so on.
1) Multiclassing?
Multiclassing is Not allowed with gestalt characters, as
multiclassing is the very mechanic this system tries to
Most multiclass requirements can be handled with a
gestalt combo.
2) Warlock spell progression?
Warlocks are no exception to the spellcasting rules (step 8).
You gain both warlock spellslot progression (which
recharges on a short rest), and the other class's progression
(which recharges on a long rest).
3) How do I balance encounters for a
gestalt party?
A gestalt character may seem like twice as powerful as a
normal character, but that's a misconception. In terms of
power level, consider them to be 2 levels higher than their
A gestalt will have almost the same health as a normal
character, and about the same damage output, as it is limited
by action economy. However, they have more resources and
can go on for longer.
Consider increasing the number of encounters they face,
rather than the difficulty of encounters.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.

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