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Exercise 1: Complete sentences with the suitable of the verbs in

1. At this time yesterday we (play) tennis in the schoolyard.
2. At 7 p.m yesterday he (watch) TV.
3. Yesterday while my father (watch) TV, my mother (read)
______ the newspaper, my sister (do) her homework and I
(play) ________ chess with my friend.
4. What were you doing when I phoned you? I (have) a bath.
5. She (do) her homework at the time yesterday.
6. Marry (water) the flowers at 3 p.m yesterday.
7. They (visit) the zoo at ten o'clock yesterday.
8. Peter and I (do) the exercise at this time last night.
9. At 7 p.m last night my father (feed) the pigeons.
10. At this time last year we (learn) English in London.

Exercise 2: Complete sentences with the suitable of the verbs in

1. It was very cold so I shiver (shiver with + adj:run, rùng mình vì
cgi;shiver with cold) and feel (feel) tired.
2. Leonard was doing (do) some research at the laboratory when I
called him.
3. The girl whispered (whisper) something in my ear but I couldn’t
understand it.
4. At 5:00 Mrs Simpson was having (have) a cup of coffee with some
5. Helen and Hector were spending(spend) a lot of money last Easter
6. Alexander was beginning(begin) to cry when I told (tell) him the
bad news.
7. The Williams family were moving (move) house when my mother
had the baby.
8. Hannah Hutted became (become) a well-known= famous (for)
writer five years ago in France.
9. The snow was covering (cover) the mountains when I woke
(wake) up.
10.The little girl fell (fall) down and cried (cry) loudly.
11.We were palying (play) bingo when the lights went (go) out.
12.Many people were travelling (travel) on the ship when it hit some
13.I think some prices increased (increase) a lot during the last two
14.They were talking (talk) on the phone when the boss arrived
(arrive) at the office.
15.My cousin Lilia was telling (tell) me good jokes yesterday evening
at the pub.

Exercise 3: Use the words given to make sentences. Do not change the
order of the words.
1. When Don/ arrive(qkd)/ we/ have(qktd)/ coffee
→ when Don arrived, we were having a coffee./ we were having a
coffe when Don arrived.
2. he/ sit down/ on chair/ while/ I/ paint/ it
→ He was sitting down on chair while I was painting it.
3. The students/ play/ a game/ when/ professor/ arrive
→ The students were playing a game when professor arrived.
4. Felix/ phone/ the fire brigade/ when the cooker/ catch/ fire
→ Felix was phoning to the fire brigade/brigeid/ when the cooker
caught the fire.
5. while/ he/ walk/ in the mountains/ Henry/ see/ a bear
→ While he was walking in the mountains, Henry was seeing a bear.
6. when the starter/ fire/ his pistol/ the race/ begin
→ When the starter fired his pistol, the race was beginning.
7. I/ walk/ home/ when it/ start/ to rain
→ I was walking home when it started to rain.
8. when/ Margaret/ open/ the door/ the phone/ ring
→ When Margaret opened the door, the phone was ringing.
9. Vicky/ have/ a beautiful dream/ when/ the alarm clock/ ring
→ Vicky was having a beautiful dream when the alarm clock rang.
10. when/ Alex/ see/ the question/ he/ know(đt chỉ sự nhận thức->qkđ)/
the answer/ immediately
→ When Alex saw the question, he knew the answer
immediately(adv):ngay lập tức.
Exercise 4: Match the beginnings (1-7) with the endings (a-g). Then
complete the sentences with the past simple or past continuous of the
verbs in brackets.

1. He was climbing (climb) down a) while I was having (have) a

the side of a building -c shower= take a bath: đi tắm.
2. The sun was shining (shine) b) the band was/were playing (play)
brightly(adv) - f my favourite song.
3. The hot water tank was c) when suddenly the rope broke
exploding (explode)- a (break).
4. When we got (get) to the concert d) and took up (take up: bắt đầu
-b làm gì như một sở thích) sculpture
5. I didn’t (not know) that my instead.
friends - e e) were preparing (prepare) a
6. While you were lying (lie) on surprise party for me.
the beach - d f) when I got up (get up) this
7. Last year, Simon gave up (give morning.
up + V_ing/st: từ bỏ, bỏ cuộc làm g) we were studying (study) for
gì đó/cgi) painting our exams!

Exercise 5: Complete the texts with the past simple or past

continuous of the verbs in brackets.

When I arrived (arrive) at the party, it was being (be) already packed
with people. Some of them were dacing (dance) and others were
chatting (chat). When I realized that no one was paying (pay) any
attention to me I decided (decided) to go home. But (just:ngay khi, vừa
mới) as I was leaving (leave) the party a beautiful blonde girl walked
(walk) through the door and smile (smile) at me.
Pay attention to sb/st: dành sự chú ý vào ai/cgi= take notice of st/sb

Last night I went (go) to bed early because I was feeling (feel) really
tired. But I couldn’t (not can) sleep because my family were making
(make) so much noise. My little brother was playing (play) his trumpet
and, my dad was having (have) the TV on really loud. So I got (get) out
of bed and went (go) onto the internet for an hour or so.
Go to bed = sleep; qktd(nguyên nhân, vì nó đang xảy ra), qkd(kết quả,
dẫn tới kết quả là đã ntn đó)

When I got (get) up this morning, the sun was shining(shine), so I

decided to go for a long walk. About halfway through the walk, it
suddenly started (start) to pour rain. Unfortunately,I wasn’t wearing
(not wear) a coat, so Igot (get)completely soaked
soak into/in/through: ngấm qua, thấm ướt qua; vd: the rain had soaked
through his coat(áo khoác).

Exercise 6: Complete the email with the past simple or past

continuous of these verbs. You will need to use some verbs more than
decide get give go happen not hurt play try want
Decide to V: quyết định làm gì; tôi quyết định đi về nhà (go home): I
decide to go home
try to V: thử làm gì(tương lai/hiện tại)# try V_ing: cố gắng làm việc
gì(qk); want to V: muốn làm gì đó; tôi muốn xem TV: I want to watch
TV (want to do st= want to V )
Last weekend Ben and I visited that new leisure center that everyone is
talking about. We (1) went to the ice-skating rink first. Ben slipped a few
times while he (2) (qktd)was trying to do acrobatic tricks, but luckily he
(3) didn’t hurt himself. After that, we went to the main hall to see what
(4) was happening there. On one side of the hall a rock band (5)was
playing while on the other side some skateboarders (6) were giving a
display. The Skateboarders were fantastic so we (7) decided to stay and
watch them. After the (exhibition=display=perform(v)trình diễn, biểu diễn, màn
thể hiện), we both (8)want to go to the shops inside the centre. But it was
nearly rush hour: giờ cao điểm and the shops (9)was getting really
crowded: đông đúc(over-crowded) so(vì vậy->kết quả) we (10)went to
the multiplex cinema to see The Illusionist. What a fantastic film!
Exercise 7: Complete the interview with the past simple or past
continuous of the verbs in brackets.
Happy Couple - popular across and happy couple
Daniel and Jane Brown answer your questions.
ZeroZero: How (1)did you get (you/get) to know each other? (2) were
you working (you/work) as actor at the time?
Daniel: We (3) met (meet) at university where we (4) were both
studying (both/study) drama.
Jane: (5) was already performing (already/perform) with a street
theatre company, but I hadn’t done any proper acting. In fact (6) was
thinking (think) about giving up drama completely because I (7) didn’t
like (not like) performing in a closed theatre in front of hundreds of
people. Luckily, Jane (8) convinced (convince) me to try open-air
theatre, and I (9) got (get) an audition with the theatre company she (10)
was working (work) with then(the theatre company).
Gogo 7:(11) Did you have (you/have) any financial problems at the
beginning of your career?
Jane: Of course we did. When we (12) were acting (act) in London with
a small street theatre group, we (13) didn’t have(chỉ sự sở hữu:có bao
nhiêu tiền) (not have) enough money to pay the rent! Our big break (14)
came (came) when we (15) performed/were performed (perform) at a
wedding. A member of Street Art (16) saw (see) us perform and invited
us to join his group.
Exercise 8: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar
meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Use between two
and five words(,)
1. I didn’t understand his explanations. WAS
I didn’t know what he was talking about.
2. He started painting in 2002. NOT
He didn’t start painting until:cho đến … 2002. (tra mảng kiến thức:not
3. He didn’t answer the phone during:trong khi, trong suốt dinner.
He didn’t answer the phone while he was having dinner dinner.
4. The trip was too expensive for me. ENOUGH
I didn’t have enough money to go on the trip.(tra kiến thức: theo sau
enough là gì)
adj + enough (for SB) to V:
đủ adj (cho ai) để làm gì
he is tall enough to play basketball.
Enough + N (for sb) TO V: có đủ cái gì (cho ai) để làm gì vd: she have
enough money to buy this T-shirt.
5. Why weren’t they speaking to each other? STOP
Why did they stop speak to each other?
6. I went for a run this morning despite the heavy rain:cụm N.
I went for a run even though(S+V) it was rain heavily this morning.
7. He said he wanted a job. LOOKING
He said was looking for a job.(look for=find)
8. I saw her on my way to the ice-skating rink. AS
I saw her as I was going to to the ice-skating rink.

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