Modul Learning Revit Autodesk Sesi 1

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NAME : Yano Octaviano

POSITION : Technical Specialist – AEC Industry

COMPANY : Autodesk


CONTACT : +6282 110784073

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Early-Stage Design for AEC

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FormIt 360 is

5 © 2021 Autodesk. All rights reserved.

Key Features +Strengths

Enhanced early-stage design inside the Autodesk ecosystem

❑ Start simple and add complexity as needed
❑ Directly connect to Revit with less rework
❑ Unique combination of Computation (Dynamo) and Direct
manipulation (FormIt)
❑ Unique connection with Autodesk design analysis + production
products (Energy Analysis, Revit)
❑ Design coordination with built-in Collaboration features + native
BIM 360 Docs integration
❑ Available on iPad, web and desktop for access anywhere,

6 © 2021 Autodesk. All rights reserved.

AShort History
About FormIt

7 © 2021 Autodesk. All rights reserved.

FormIt Pro for AEC Collection Value
FormIt Pro is Autodesk's premier AEC 3D modeling and analysis environment for conceptual and
computational design workflows. Take advantage of FormIt Pro in the AEC Collection to expand
and diversify your services while designing with sustainability in mind.
FormIt Pro offers enhanced early-stage design inside the Autodesk ecosystem
1. Start simple and add complexity asneeded
FormIt is asolid modeler; you candesign in both additiveand subtractive methodsby
pushing andpulling solidsand voids. Asasolid modeler,FormIt has diagnosticsand
repair toolsto ensure geometrywilltranslate to 3Dprinters and other solid modeling
apps like 3dsMax,Unity, andRevit.
2. Directly connect to Revit with lessrework
Unlikeany otherconceptual modeling tool, FormIt’slevels, group categories, location
and materials transfer to Revit withno rework.Transferyour model to Revitfor real-
time realistic visual presentations and for detailed design and documentation.
3. Unique combination of Dynamo computation and direct
Anintegrated Dynamoworkflow allowsfor early design exploration using generative
BIM. Design technologistscan
createDynamo graphs whilearchitectural designers manipulate Dynamo-driven
geometrywithout leavingFormIt.
4. Leverage location data for environmental and sustainable analysis
Identifying aprojectlocation, whetherdirectly from FormIt orviaInfraWorksfor 3D
context, gives access to weather data, sun and shadow studies, solar radiation and
Insight energy analysis outputs for informed analysis earlier in the design process.
5. Take advantage of the Autodesk ecosystem by sharing data on
Autodesk Docs
Save, share, view and track issues on Autodesk Docs for project coordination.
Additionally,useFormItPro’s multi-
userenvironment forreal-timecollaboration.
6. Available on iPad, web and desktop for accessanywhere,anytime.

8 © 2021 Autodesk. All rights reserved.

FormIt Pro vs FormIt Pro

* For large, complex models, Windows App performs better than Web / iPad

9 © 2021 Autodesk. All rights reserved.

FormIt & Autodesk tools Workflow

AEC Collection Value: 2D → 3D Context

For customers new to BIM, FormIt provides simple, intuitive
features and workflows

+ for 3D context generation

10 © 2021 Autodesk. All rights reserved.

FormIt & Autodesk tools Workflow

AEC Collection Value: 3D → Connected BIM

For customers looking to expand their BIM services, FormIt
provides advanced tools and workflows

+ to move from Concept to Detailed Design

11 © 2021 Autodesk. All rights reserved.

FormIt & Autodesk tools Workflow

AEC Collection Value: 2D → 3D

For customers new to BIM, FormIt provides simple, intuitive
features and workflows

+ For Programming

12 © 2021 Autodesk. All rights reserved.

FormIt & Autodesk tools Workflow

AEC Collection Value: 2D → 3D

For customers new to BIM, FormIt provides simple, intuitive
features and workflows

+ for compute samples with a simple interface

13 © 2021 Autodesk. All rights reserved.

FormIt & Autodesk tools Workflow

AEC Collection Value: Collaboration +

Take Advantage of the Autodesk ecosystem by sharing data on
Autodesk Docs

❑ Share all project data from one location on Autodesk Docs

❑ View FormIt models on Autodesk Docs Viewer
❑ Multi-user experience with FormIt Collaboration

14 © 2021 Autodesk. All rights reserved.

FormIt & Autodesk tools Workflow

AEC Collection Value: 3D → Connected BIM

For customers looking to expand their BIM services, FormIt
provides advanced tools and workflows

Materials from FormIt in 3DSMax

+ For real-time visualization (wip)

15 © 2021 Autodesk. All rights reserved.

FormIt & Autodesk tools Workflow

AEC Collection Value: Energy Analysis

For customers looking to expand their BIM services, FormIt
provides advanced tools and workflows

+ helps you optimize building and glazing performance.

16 © 2021 Autodesk. All rights reserved.

FormIt & Autodesk tools Workflow

AEC Collection Value: Energy Analysis

17 © 2021 Autodesk. All rights reserved.

Technology for High Performance Building Design

Energyoptimization madeeasy:

❑ An in-BIM building energy analysis tool– no more “throw away” models!

❑ Fast, easy, and intuitive tools for energy performance, that can be used by
designers (not just specialists anymore)
❑ Cost-effective + highly accurate
❑ Offers TRUE real-time feedback
❑ Detailed design analysis from early stage throughout lifecycle
❑ Compare cost and performance information across 1000s of design

18 © 2021 Autodesk. All rights reserved.

Autodesk Learning Resources for High Performance
Building Design

Insight Key Workflow


Building Design

AIA+2030 Online
Education Series

19 © 2021 Autodesk. All rights reserved.


ormit - nsight
Formit – Insight Workflow
Conceptual Design

This document explores digital workflows in the
conceptual stages of design, including program
validation using FormIt Pro & performance analytics
using Autodesk Insight,

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ormit - nsight
Exercise 1
Explore FormIt Pro
How to Access Formit Software 2 Ways
1. Open via web : https://app.formit.autodesk. com/
2. Install Formit Apps on Windows

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ormit - nsight
Exercise 1
Explore FormIt Pro

22 © 2021 Autodesk. All rights reserved.


ormit - nsight
Exercise 1
Explore FormIt Pro

23 © 2021 Autodesk. All rights reserved.


ormit - nsight
Exercise 2
Program Validation Using FormIt Pro
In this section, you will learn how to track gross area calculations in a
conceptual model created in FormIt.

1. Define your Target Areas. Open the LTU-Massing-Start.axm file.

In the Properties Panel, add the Target and Site Area as follows:

24 © 2021 Autodesk. All rights reserved.


ormit - nsight
Exercise 2
Program Validation Using FormIt Pro
2. Create a Group to organize your conceptual design geometry and
aggregate the calculation of areas with Levels. Open a window selection
and enclose all the mass geometry in the model. With the cursor over a
form, group the geometry using the rightclick context menu.

Note: Alternatively, you can find the Create > Group command
under the Create tab or use the Shortcut Ctrl+G.

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ormit - nsight
Exercise 2
Program Validation Using FormIt Pro
3. To aid in the organization of your conceptual model, name the Groups you
create. Select the Group, open the Properties panel, and change its Name
value to “Massing Model”.

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ormit - nsight
Exercise 2
Program Validation Using FormIt Pro
4. To calculate areas in FormIt, Levels must be created and applied to the
model geometry. When Levels are applied, they will be translated as Revit
Levels upon import. Open the Levels panel on the right-hand side of
FormIt. Create a new Level by clicking the “+” button. You can rename a
Level by double-clicking on its name, and you can adjust a Level’s
elevation by double-clicking on its elevation value.

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ormit - nsight
Exercise 2
Program Validation Using FormIt Pro
5. Levels are an object or group property. Select the Group of all the mass
geometry, and in the Properties Panel, enable the “Use Levels”
checkbox. The geometry will display the intersection with the selected
Levels defined in the project.
Once Levels are applied, the group Properties will report the area per
level, the total aggregate gross area, and the total volume.

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ormit - nsight
Exercise 2
Program Validation Using FormIt Pro
6. The Sketch Properties dialog reports the total Gross Area, the Target
Area, the Floor Area Ratio, and the Site Area. You can compare this
value against your proposed target area value to validate the building
program at a conceptual level.
7. Save the sketch file as LTU- Massing-Areas.axm.

29 © 2021 Autodesk. All rights reserved.


ormit - nsight
Exercise 3
Program Analysis In FormIt Pro
In this exercise, you will learn to run energy simulations and performance
analytics using Autodesk Insight. Insight provides a dashboard of energy
performance scenarios that can be updated as your model updates.
1. Open the LTU-Massing-Analysis.axm file in FormIt Pro. To successfully
generate an energy simulation using Insight, check the following

a) The model has a location defined under the

Design Tools tab > Set Location. If the
model is missing a location, associate it to
the following address: 21000 W 10 Mile Rd,
Southfield, MI 48075
b) The building geometry is watertight. To
check this, go to the Visual Styles palette,
click the Model Diagnostics panel and
enable the Identify Watertight Issues
checkbox. Any offending geometry will be
highlighted in red.
c) Levels are enabled for the model geometry. (See Exercise 1)
d) Any non-solid geometry (images, imports, lines, etc.) should be
placed into dedicated layer and switched off.

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ormit - nsight
Exercise 3
Program Analysis In FormIt Pro
2. Study the impact of direct sun insolation on your conceptual
model. Click the Solar Analysis button under the Sun menu.

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ormit - nsight
Exercise 3
Program Analysis In FormIt Pro
3. Pick the model geometry you want to analyze and click the
Analyze button in the Solar Analysis toolbar.

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ormit - nsight
Exercise 3
Program Analysis In FormIt Pro
4. The Month Peak setting shows the peak values (in Wh/m2) for the
specified month and is intended for shading studies. You can
change the month setting, and the graphics update instantly.
Hover your cursor over an analyzed surface to get a specific

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ormit - nsight
Exercise 3
Program Analysis In FormIt Pro
5. The Year Cumulative setting shows the cumulative energy for the
entire year (in kWh/m2), and it is intended for PV potential

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ormit - nsight
Exercise 3
Program Analysis In FormIt Pro
6. Click the checkmark in the Solar Analysis toolbar to exit the study,
and save the sketch

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ormit - nsight
Exercise 3
Program Analysis In FormIt Pro
7. Click the Generate Insight button under the Insight menu. The
analysis will run in the cloud, and you can continue modeling
during the computation

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ormit - nsight
Exercise 3
Program Analysis In FormIt Pro
8. Once the analysis is complete, click the View Insight button to see
your Energy model and Performance Factors. Optionally, you can
log into the Autodesk Insight web page for more features at

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ormit - nsight
Exercise 3
Program Analysis In FormIt Pro
9. On the Insight dashboard, you can set a value (or value range) for
each Performance Factor widget by clicking the factor and
dragging the blue dots. The range is helpful if you don't know the
specific system(s) your building will use yet. With each change to a
Factor, the overall Energy Cost Range (measured in USD/m2/yr)
updates. You can compare your design's performance against
benchmarks like ASHRAE 90.1 and the Architecture 2030

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