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Reformulating the Paradigm of Technical and Vocational Education



Rina Rifqie Mariana

State University of Malang

Along with variation and quantity of food in society, control of quality has less consideration.
Empiric data shows the rate of food poisoning increase significantly which is caused by the
small industries in Indonesia. Therefore, the role of vocational institution (culinary) as the
front-line should be able to be a good mediator in quality assurance to food safety. The
implementation of the role reflects on the students as the consumers also the thoughtfulness of
food problem in society. In a broader scale, the vocational institution (culinary) could do a
preventive efforts which is will do a collaboration with government, industry and society to
take relevant responsibility of food safety based on their consideration.

It is undeniable that almost all institutions have expectation of the alumnae to possess
applicative skills, running well and also adaptability to rapid global changes in society. The quality
of a study program really depends on the ability to build awareness of quality assurance. In the
areas of vocational especially in culinary study program, reviewed in subject matter, this program
has clear and detail competency, therefore it is applicable.
The development of education is not a simple issue; it is a dynamic, complex, profound and
broad. It is concern party, aspect and dimension. In another side, the rapid change of national
policy place government and society proud to take part of new responsibility.
Culinary study program is an applicative institution and has a clear objective, competency,
skills, and users. The alumnae of vocational institution (vocational school, polytechnic, diploma
program and undergraduate) are expected to give relevant contribution in work world whether as
employee or entrepreneur.
Food safety in the past decade has become a national and international issue. Food consumed
by people is the basic component to be a good quality of human resources. Related to the food
safety issue in school area, many researches result show that the condition of food safety in
Indonesia is still bad. According to BPOM (2010), the data of poisoning cases in school area are
caused by small industries (56, 52%). The system of observation and system analysis about the
food trading in school area still become a big problem. The alternative is not always about
technology, some of the issues need non-tech solution, such as policy of supporting or public
education where school official take part to cope with this problem.

The Issue of Food Safety
According to Rifqie (2011) stated that the food safety especially snacks traded in school area
in Malang still below standard. The result from BPOM (2009), Whardani (2009), Radja Gukguk
(2006) and Anita (2006) also shows the same result about the condition of food quality traded in
school area. BPOM (2010) investigated that borax used in students’ favorite snack, B rhodamin in
sausage (Rifqie, 2011), also pathogen indicated caused the food contaminated and poisoned. This
should be a warning for all school officials and also hawkers to concern about this issue and
increase their awareness to produce healthy food.

Reformulating the Paradigm of Technical and Vocational Education

Rifqie’s (2011) show that the low secure of food at school is caused by 1) the hawkers; they
tend to face low financial, no education, 2) the less awareness of consumers (students) to consume
safe and healthy food because the limit of financial, 3) the safety management system is not applied
well in a link (Good Manufacturing Process, Good Distribution Process, Good Catering Process)
by small industries marketed around school areas, 4) unsupported law; authority, mandate, unclear
information, 5) government policy and the implementation to manage food safety still low, because
no collaboration intra agencies, no guarantee from independent institution or accountability system,
the limit allocation of competent human resources and finance, marginalized of small industries
by the government.
Then, who will response this condition? The implementation of security system based on the
regulation number 28 on 2004 describe as security food from farm to table, so the control in
province level is under some agencies right. The concern agencies are BPOM, Disperindag, but
where is vocational institution especially culinary take place in this issue?
Imagine when there is no awareness of vocational institution dealing with this problem.
Would we let this condition getting worse? Or just let it To Whom It May Concern? And ignore it?

Society is responsible for culinary in food safety

Guideline for Strengthening a National Food Safety Program established by WHO (1996)
stated that all stakeholders; government, industries, consumers are responsible in food safety
(WHO, 1996). Lots instruments of regulations established by the government but the
implementation often not match with the rules of bureaucracy. To enhance the food safety
institution work system, other agencies, officials should be integrated and involved to arrange the
program, procedures, development, and the policy of concern agencies. Does culinary have
expertise to deal with this problem? Moreover with the food poisoning issue in school area.
Generally, the causes of food safety in small industries have been discovered. Some other causes
related to the control of food safety is that the role of school health unit is still not maximal (Rifqie,
2011). Many party involved to a school predicate championship and awards. They keep the
cafeteria as clean as possible when the championship is held. Unfortunately, after the judging
phase, the ignorance is back. They ignore what they have built. Even though there are still some
schools who have strong commitment to keep the responsibility. It seems that culinary can take part
in this situation, develop healthy cafeteria in school in elementary to university.
Many things could do by culinary to play actively cope with this food safety. The correlation
within the concept of food is that it is the government, industry and society. Rifqie (2011)
recommend to put independent agency and school health unit to work together in a collaborative
way as describe below:

Reformulating the Paradigm of Technical and Vocational Education

The Implementation Of Quality Assurance On Food Safety Of Snacks

Producers/ *) Schools/ Intermediary
Government *) *)
Hawkers School health unit institution
 The strategy  The  Participate  Responsible to  Center of
management and implementation and the hawkers and academics,
rules based on of quality awareness food in school industries,
need analysis assurance of society area government, and
and population system and to quality  Include Food consumers
cencus food safety assurance Safety in school cooperation to
 The (GDP, GMP, and food curriculum work on national
implementation GCP based on safety  Human resources food quality
of collaborative HACCP, ISO  Increase development  Access
program with 9000, ISO human (socialize to information from
relevant agency. 14000 etc) understandi hawkers, any research result
 Policy  Quality ng about cafeteria, and  Publish the
socialization assurance and the concept students) research result
 Supervision and food safety of food  Establish school trough media and
low enforcement supervision safety policy of healthy social event
 Technology and  The proper  Socialize food  Increase self
research applicable the  Heath service awareness of
development technology consumer  Environment producers /
 Human (secure, eco- to be aware development hawkers through
resouchers friendly, etc) of healthy socialization
development  Responsible to and hygiene  Arrange the rules
(food products in food of donate to school
supervision, marketed society
espionage, and  Human  Cooperate with
industry) resourches non-government
 Information development organization or
center for another relevant
society agencies
 Investigate the  Mediate to gain
case of quality finance for public
deviation and modal
food safety.

Together Responsibility



Source: Rifqie M (2011)

Figure 1: The correlation between government, agencies, consumers, school and intermediary
institution responsibility and the implementation of food safety system of snacks.

Reformulating the Paradigm of Technical and Vocational Education

Intermediary institution is the place of nutritionist to apply their relevant knowledge on


Ideas Implementation
Several suggestions are recommended by academics to develop the intermediary institution
to bridge cooperation among government, industries, and society. Those are based on the deviation
of food safety control by small industries. The intermediary institutions are aims to:
1. Become cooperation center of government, industries, academics, and consumers to built
national food quality standard by develop infrastructure and software needed in the
implementation of food safety program.
2. Access information from any research result
3. Publish the research result trough media and social event
4. Increase self awareness of producers / hawkers through socialization
5. Arrange the rules of donate to school society
6. Cooperate with non-government organization or another relevant agencies
7. Mediate to gain finance for public modal

In this campus autonomy era, the role of culinary should be oriented to the human resources
preparation as the asset of government, high competent entrepreneur and aware of knowledge
development on culinary. The vulnerable of food safety in society should be on the list of
consideration and need immediately coordination and preventive effort to avoid the spread of food
poisoning in children as the next generation.

Anita, 2006. Analisis Keamanan Pangan Jajanan dan Upaya Peningkatan Mutunya (Studi Kasus
Produk Cilok di Kecamatan Darmaga Kabupaten Bogor). Laporan Hasil Penelitian IPB.
BPOM, 2010. Analisis Kondisi Keamanan Pangan di Indonesia dan Kebutuhan Komunikasinya.
Laporan Kegiatan konsultasi nasional. Direktorat Surveilan dan Penyuluhan Keamanan
Pangan, BPOM.
Raja Gukguk.,J.A. 2006. Penggunaan Bahan Tambahan Makanan Kimia Dalam Rangka
Pengembangan Industri Pangan. Risalah Seminar Bahan Tambahan Kimiawi. Pusan Antar
Universitas Pangan dan Gizi Bogor.
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Lingkungan SD di Kota Malang. Universitas Negeri Malang.
Rifqie.R.M. 2011. Situation Analisys of Food Safety to Formulate Policy of Food Safety Operatinal
for Food Street Vendors in Malang, Indonesia.1(10). Journal of Agriculture & Food
Technology (JAFT,USA)
Rifqie.R.M, 2012. Strategi Pengembangan Kebijakan Keamanan Pangan pada Makanan Jajanan
di Lingkungan Sekolah Kota Malang. Disertasi Universitas Brawijaya.
Whardani (1999). Hubungan Konsumsi Rhodamin B Dalam makanan jajanan dengan Kelainan
Faal hati Siswa SDN Madyopuro 2, Thesis PPS Unair.
WHO,1996. (Worl Health Organization) Food Safety Safer Foodborn llness Fact Sheet


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