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Lesson Plan of Suffixes and practice of Affixes

English Grade V

Students’ learning Outcomes

 Recognize specific parts of words, including common inflectional endings, compound words and affixes.

Information for Teachers

 An affix: An affix is added to the root of a word to change its meaning.
 An affix added to the front of a word is known as a prefix. One added to the back is known as a suffix.
Such as: incapable (The affix is the prefix in.) laughing(Thee affix is the suffix –ing)
 Affixes: prefixes and suffixes together are called affixes.
 Prefixes: When letters are added to the beginning of a root/base word to make a new word we call
them prefixes.
 Suffixes: When letters are added to the end of a root/base word to make a new word we call them
suffixes. Such as “smokeless” is formed by adding the suffix “-less” to the noun “smoke.” “Sadly” is formed
by adding the suffix “-ly” to the adjective “sad.”
 The four most common suffixes are-ed, -ing, -ly, and -es.
 Root word or base word is the main word on which inflection is done or to which we add prefixes or

 Compound Word : When two words join together to make a new word, the new word is called a
compound word. Such as apple + sauce, Earth + quake, brain + storm, ear + rings, finger+ prints etc.
 Compound words are written in different ways: sometimes they are written as one word e.g. ‘armchair’,
‘sunflower’, sometimes with the words separated by hyphen- e.g. “gear -change”, “fruit-cake” etc.

Material / Resources
Chalk/marker, board, flashes cards of root words and suffixes, textbook,

Worm up activity
 Hold a pencil in your hand and ask the students, ‘What am I holding?
 Write the word pencil on the board.
 Hold another pencil in your hand and repeat the question.
 Write ‘pencils’ on the board in colored chalk against the word ‘pencil’.
 Ask a student to jump in the class.
 Write the word jump on the board.
 Ask the students, “What did he do? Answer can be: He was jumping or he jumped.
 Write the words ‘jumping’ and ‘jumped’ against the word jump on the board.
 Inform the students that:
o When we talk about more than one thing, we add a‘s’ to it. This makes the word plural.
o When we talk about an action that has already been done, it becomes past or continuous and can add the
letter –ed or –ing to the verb.


Activity 1
 Inform the class that new words can be made by adding some letters to the end of the root words. These
letters are called suffixes.
 Paste the flash cards on the board. Such as:
Sad + Ly
Perfect + Ly
Happy + Ly
Glad + Ly
Mouth + Full
Beauty + Full
Care + Full
Care + Less
Meaning + Less
Friend + Less
Walk + Ed
Jump + Ed

 Ask the students to pronounce the words.

 Teach the students that some root words will change spellings when a suffix is added to them e.g. beauty
+ full =beautiful.
 Teach them that the last ‘I’ of ‘full’ runs away when it is added to a root word. E.g. beautiful.
 Students should write more words in the notebooks.

Activity 2
 Each of the words below has a prefix or suffix or both. Find the base word:
1. ____________precooked. 9. _________discussion.
2. ____________impolite. 10. ________disagreement.
3. ____________Unpopulated. 11. ________inventor.
4. ____________indebted. 12. _______renewal.
5. ____________announcement. 13. _______Pleasure.
6. ___________disturbance. 14. ________talkative.
7. ___________courageous. 15. ________inconvenient.
8. ___________energetically. 16. ________ substandard.
Answer key:
(1. Cook, 2. Polite, 3. Populate 4. Debt, 5. Announce 6. Disturb 7. Courage, 8. Energy, 9.Discuss, 10. Agree,
11.invent, 12.new, 13.please, 14.talk, 15.convene, 16.standard)

Activity 3
 Write a root word in the box. Add the following prefixes or suffixes given in the box to the root word to
make a meaningful word. Then write complete word in the blank. (first one has been for you)
 Please note whenever a prefix or suffix can’t be added leave the box blank.

im un Re
full ly less

Prefix Root Word Suffix

In Possible
Prefix Root Word Suffix

Sum up / Conclusion
 Ask students the function of the inflections/suffixes and definition of compound words.
 Why do we add s, es, ed and ing at the end of words?
 Give some suffixes and their root words.

 Assess students’ understanding through responses and written work.

Follow up
 In your notebooks write,
o 5 action you did in the evening (words ending in ed and ing) underline the root word and circle the
inflection in each action.
o 5 things from your house (words ending in s and es ). Underline identifies the root word and circle the
inflection in each action.
 Write five words with suffixes.

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