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LESSON 2 時制②(過去形・過去進行形)

A 過去形:過去の状態や出来事を表す 参 pp.72-74
❶ My father looked tired after the long drive.
❷ I went to see a movie last Sunday.

B 過去進行形:している最中だったことを表す 参 pp.74-78
❸ I was taking a nap around 2:00 p.m. yesterday.
❹ My mother was wearing sunglasses on the beach.

C 過去形・過去進行形:いつのことなのかを接続詞を使って表す 参 pp.76-77
❺ The sun was setting when we arrived at the beach.
❻ My sister broke her leg while she was skateboarding.

D used to:昔よくしていたこと・今とは違う過去の状態を表す 参 pp.78-79

❼ I used to spend my summer vacation with my cousins.
❽ There used to be a park next to my cousins’ house.
EXERCISES 時制②(過去形・過去進行形)
1 日本語に合うように,

When I was a child, I often (

)に適語を入れなさい。 A B C

Staded ) the violin.

It suddenly (

t @l/ ) to rain while I ( walked)( ) in the park.
The TV was on but nobody ( レ )
( ) it.
(4)私の姉はちょうど 1 年前,東京に住んでいた。
My sister (
V し
) in Tokyo just a year ago.

Sam ( ) constantly ( ) about his dormitory when (
し)( )

a college student.
(6)ジャックは母親から電話をもらったとき,サッカーをしていた。 v
Jack (
う )
( ) soccer when he got a phone call from his mother.

2 日本語に合うように,
( )に適語を入れなさい。 D

Bill ( )
( )( t

) fishing with his friends on weekends.

There ( s )( )
( ) a big park in my town.
i n

3 日本語に合うように,
( )内の語(句)を並べかえ,全文を書きなさい。 B C D
I ( myself / every day / Canada / enjoyed / in / I / when / was ).

Ionjryed everyday when

mysele in Canada

When I ( was / used / little, / like / to / I / apples ).


(3)昨夜 10 時にあなたは何をしていたの。

doing at ten lasthight

What ( at ten / you / were / doing / last night )?

A lot of ( I / studying / students / arrived / were / when ) at the classroom.
studenes study ing when / were arrived
4 [ ]内の語(句)を使って,日本語を英語に直しなさい。 B C

allday vidsgame
(1)私は一日中ビデオゲームをしていた。[ be / all day ]

playdau [ get home / cook ]

hiher come
と ooked ranchwhen
LESSON 2 時制②(過去形・過去進行形)

解 答

(1) played(例文❷) (1) I enjoyed myself every day when I was in
(2) began[started] / was walking(例文❷❻) Canada.(例文❺)
(3) was watching(例文❸) (2) When I was little, I used to like apples.
(4) lived(例文❶) (例文❺❽)
(5) was / complaining / he was (3) What were you doing at ten last night?
(例文❹◆繰り返された行為の強調) (例文❸)
(6) was playing(例文❸❺) (4) A lot of students were studying when I arrived
at the classroom. (例文❸❺)
2 D
(1) used to go(例文❼) 4 BC
(2) used to be(例文❽) (1)I was playing video games all day.
(2)When I got home, my mother was cooking dinner.

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