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PEGA Business Training Test

Section 1: Multiple Choice

1. What is PEGA primarily used for? a) Database Management

b) Business Process Management (BPM)
c) Network Security
d) Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
2. Which of the following is a key feature of PEGA's platform? a) Cloud Storage Solutions
b) Predictive Analytics
c) Custom Software Development
d) Static Web Pages
3. PEGA’s application development uses which approach? a) Agile Methodology
b) Waterfall Methodology
c) DevOps
d) Six Sigma
4. In PEGA, what does DCO stand for? a) Direct Control Operations
b) Dynamic Case Operations
c) Direct Capture of Objectives
d) Digital Customer Outreach
5. What is a PEGA Case? a) A physical storage unit for files
b) A unit of work that delivers a business outcome
c) A data type in the PEGA database
d) A security protocol
6. PEGA's rule-based architecture helps in: a) Managing hardware resources
b) Defining and enforcing business logic
c) Designing network topologies
d) Encrypting data
7. Which PEGA component is used to create reusable elements across applications? a) Data
b) Rulesets
c) UI Forms
d) Activities
8. PEGA PRPC stands for: a) PEGA Rules Process Control
b) PEGA Rapid Process Creation
c) PEGA Rules Process Commander
d) PEGA Rapid Prototyping Control
9. In PEGA, a section is used to: a) Control database interactions
b) Define user interface layouts
c) Manage server configurations
d) Implement security settings
10. PEGA's guardrails are: a) Security protocols
b) Best practices for application development
c) Data encryption methods
d) Network configurations
Section 2: True or False

1. PEGA applications can only be deployed on cloud environments.

True / False
2. PEGA allows for the creation of custom reports using its reporting features.
True / False
3. In PEGA, properties are used to define the data structure of an application.
True / False
4. PEGA's Workflow Management ensures tasks are completed in a specific order.
True / False
5. PEGA applications cannot integrate with external systems.
True / False
6. A flow in PEGA represents the sequence of processes that drive a case to its resolution.
True / False
7. PEGA does not support Agile methodology for project management.
True / False
8. PEGA's Case Management includes capabilities for managing sub-cases and
True / False
9. Decision rules in PEGA are used to automate decision-making processes.
True / False
10. PEGA's mobile capabilities allow applications to run on multiple devices and platforms.
True / False

Section 3: Short Answer

1. Explain the role of the PEGA Customer Decision Hub.

2. What is the purpose of PEGA's Direct Capture of Objectives (DCO)?
3. Describe the benefits of using PEGA’s rule-based architecture.
4. How does PEGA ensure scalability and performance in enterprise applications?
5. What are PEGA’s guardrails, and why are they important?
6. Define what a PEGA Data Page is and its use in an application.
7. How does PEGA facilitate integration with third-party systems?
8. What is a PEGA Operator ID, and what is its significance in application security?
9. Outline the steps involved in creating a new case type in PEGA.
10. Describe how PEGA’s Agile Workbench aids in project management.

Section 4: Essay

1. Discuss the impact of PEGA on modern business process management. Include examples
of how PEGA can improve efficiency and decision-making in an organization.
2. Analyze the importance of PEGA's predictive analytics capabilities. How do these
capabilities support business operations and customer engagement?
3. Evaluate the role of PEGA in digital transformation initiatives. How does PEGA support
companies in adapting to the digital age?
4. Compare and contrast PEGA’s approach to application development with traditional
software development methods.
5. Examine how PEGA’s Case Management framework enhances workflow automation and
business outcomes. Provide a detailed example to illustrate your points.

Section 5: Practical Application

You are a PEGA Business Architect tasked with creating a new application for a financial services
company. The application needs to handle customer onboarding, loan processing, and customer

1. Design a high-level outline of the application’s workflow. Include key stages such as data
collection, verification, approval, and customer support.
2. Identify and describe at least three PEGA components you would use to build this
application, and explain their roles.
3. Create a sample data model for the customer onboarding process, including key
properties and relationships.
4. Develop a mockup of a user interface for the loan application form using PEGA's UI
design tools. Describe the layout and elements included.
5. Propose a strategy for integrating the PEGA application with the company’s existing CRM
system. Outline the steps and technologies involved.

Answer Key

Section 1: Multiple Choice

1. b) Business Process Management (BPM)

2. b) Predictive Analytics
3. a) Agile Methodology
4. c) Direct Capture of Objectives
5. b) A unit of work that delivers a business outcome
6. b) Defining and enforcing business logic
7. b) Rulesets
8. c) PEGA Rules Process Commander
9. b) Define user interface layouts
10. b) Best practices for application development

Section 2: True or False

1. False
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. False
6. True
7. False
8. True
9. True
10. True

Section 3: Short Answer

1. PEGA Customer Decision Hub: The PEGA Customer Decision Hub provides real-time AI-
driven decision-making capabilities, enabling businesses to deliver personalized customer
experiences by analyzing data and predicting customer behavior.
2. Direct Capture of Objectives (DCO): DCO in PEGA helps in capturing business requirements
directly into the application. This ensures that the development aligns closely with business
objectives and reduces the time taken for requirements gathering and implementation.
3. Benefits of PEGA’s Rule-based Architecture: PEGA's rule-based architecture allows for
flexibility, reusability, and ease of maintenance. It enables business users to define and
modify rules without deep technical knowledge, ensuring quicker adaptation to changing
business needs.
4. Scalability and Performance: PEGA ensures scalability and performance through its robust
architecture, which includes features like stateless processing, dynamic load balancing, and
optimized database interactions. This allows PEGA applications to handle large volumes of
transactions efficiently.
5. PEGA’s Guardrails: PEGA’s guardrails are guidelines and best practices for building
applications. They help maintain consistency, ensure high performance, and prevent
common errors during development.
6. PEGA Data Page: A PEGA Data Page is a mechanism to source and cache data for an
application. It ensures data is retrieved efficiently and can be reused across different parts
of the application.
7. Integration with Third-party Systems: PEGA facilitates integration through various
connectors and services, such as REST, SOAP, and JMS. These tools enable seamless data
exchange and communication with external systems.
8. PEGA Operator ID: The PEGA Operator

ID is a unique identifier assigned to each user in a PEGA application. It controls access permissions
and roles within the system, ensuring that users have appropriate access to functionalities based
on their responsibilities.

9. Creating a New Case Type:

o Navigate to the Case Designer.
o Click on “Add a new Case Type.”
o Define the Case Type’s properties, such as name, description, and ID.
o Configure stages and steps to outline the workflow.
o Define data models and forms to collect necessary information.
o Implement business rules and decision logic.
o Test the Case Type to ensure it meets the business requirements.
10. PEGA’s Agile Workbench: The Agile Workbench is a tool within PEGA that supports Agile
project management. It allows teams to capture user stories, bugs, and feedback directly
within the PEGA environment. This ensures that development is closely aligned with
business needs and facilitates continuous integration and delivery.

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