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Slopes and Types of Straight Line © Only One Option Correct Type Direction (@. Nos. 1-30) This section contains 30 multiple cholee questions. Each question has four Phoices (2). (2), (0) and (), out of which ONLY ONE option is correct. Working Space The equation of a line passing through (4, ~ 2)and (-1,3), is ye axty=0 ety 42e0 Aa xsy=2 «, (2,) Im the equation (y ~ ys) = m(x ~ xy) ifm and x, are fixed and different lines are drawn for different values of y;, then (where, m # =) 2. there wl be one line only A thora wil bea se of parallel ines 6. tho lines wil pass through the single point G. None of the above 3. tthe fines ax ~ y ~b = Oand x ~2by += Omeet atthe point (1,2), then aa=t4b=3 b. a=Gb=-1 cand a ab=1 4 The equation of fine passing through the points (at, a/t;) and (ata, a/t) is a ty +x=al th) b. thy +x =2a(h +t) © thx +y=alh +b) d. None of these C3) The equation ofthe line passing through the point (~& 2) and paralel to X-axis, is Oa x= 320 bi x+320 jor y-2=0 d. y+2=0 6 A(1, 3)and C(5 1)are two opposite vertices of a rectangle. If the slope of the line on which the other two vertices and Diie is 2, then equation of BD, is. a -yed b. Qx-y=t © x+y=4 4, x+y=1 (TD) Astraight ine through the point A(3, 4)is such that its intercept between the axes . is bisected at A. Its equation is wee 2006) a. x= 4y+7=0 we 4x + 3 = 24 ©. 3x + 4y=25 a. x+y=7 a ‘The intercept made by a line on Y-axis is double to the intercept made by it on X-axis. Itis passes through (1, 2), then its equation is em oxtyed b. x+y +4=0 c. x-ya4 d, 2x-y+4=0 9 Ifthe point (3, ~4) divides the intercept of a line between the coordinate axes in the ratio 2 : 3. Then, its equation is a e+ 3y+1=0 b. 3x-4y +120 ©. 2x 3y=5 d. 2x-y=10 2 STRAIGHT LINE 23 Y ‘axe8 is —1. Its equation is (aie 2006 mEbtedfes aE o 54d -tor 4k AGS ato Kat 1 y 3 Aline makes an angle 45° with X-axis and at a distance of V2 from the origin. Its equation is mere b.Viety=t Yey-xe2 — @ y-yay? ‘The equation of ines on which the perpendicular from the origin makes 40° angle with X-axis and which form a triangle of area 52 with axes, are v3 a. xt Viy-1 A Sixvys19=0 & x+V5yi 102 4. None ofthese 13 Aline Passes through the point (1, 2) and makes 60° angle with X-axis. A point on this line at a distance 3 from the point (1, 2), is (5 533 (3,3 S238) 4 (3,38 pe) (3 8 5, 93) © [3.24 %3) 4. None of thes. (3 24 ems 14 If line passes through the point P(1, 2)makes an angle.ot 45° with the X-axis and meets the line x + 2y - 7 = Oat Q, then PQ equals w2 A 028 b 3 a. 2 3 3 ° {Q's fotated about P through 45° in anti-clockwise direction. The cauation of the line PQ in the new position is ays bye? ew xe2 a x02 0 (9 A straight line through the point (2, 2) intersects the lines V/3x + y=Oand 3x y = Oat the points A and B. The equation to the ine AB so that the A OAB is caultralis te 220-20 reynaco a. Nenwar « (19) tre ranh orn tinction cos sente+2) cox" + cee wW 3. a straight line passing through (0, ~ sin?) with slope 2 b. a straight line passing through (0, 0) ©. a parabola with vertex (1- sin? 4) ¢& @ straight line passing through the point (n/2, —sin?4) and parallel to X-axis - 4a ‘The number of integer value of m, for which the x-coordinate of the point of ~_Inlersection of the ines 3x + 4y = 8, y= mx + fis also an integer is rset 200 2 bo a4 a4 19 Al points inside the triangle formed by the points (1,3), (5,0) and (4 2)satisly a. ax +2y20 b. 2e+y-1320 ©. 2341250 4. None of these 20 A line passes through (2, 2) and cuts a triangle of area 9 sq units from the fst Quadrant. The sum of all possible values for the slope of a line is a 25 b. -2 e185 a4 24 DPP — STRAIGHT LINE AND CIRCLE , ae 21 The diagonals of a parallelogram PORS are along the lines x + 3y = 4and ‘Working Space 6x- 2y = 7. Then, PORS must be a , a. rectangle b. square ¢. oydlic quadrilateral d. rhombus @ ‘Aand B are any two points on the positive X and Y-axes, respectively satisfying 2(0A) + 3(0B) = 10. If Pis the middle point of AB, then the locus of P is wa. 2x+3y=5 b. 2x4 3y=10 o. 3x +2y=10 d. 3x +2¥=10 23. The sides of a AABClie on the lines 3x + ay = 0, 4x + 3y = Oand x = 3.Let(h,k) be the centre of the circle insoribed in A ABC. Then, value of (h +k}, is 4 1 ° bt a 8 4 zy a5 ifm and b are real numbers and mb > 0, then the line whose equation y = mx +b cannot contain point a. (0, 2009) 4 (2009, 0) «. (0, ~ 2009) 4. (20, ~ 100) 25. Ifthe x-intercept of the line y = mx + 2is greater than 4 then the gradient of the line lies in the interval EA a. (-1,0) b. (0) ©. (0-4) 4. (-4,0) 26 The greatest slope along the graph represented by 4x? ~ y? + 2y ~ a.-3 b. -2 «2 a3 27 InaAABC, side AB has the equation 2x + 3y = 29and the side AC has the ‘equation, x + 2y = 6. If the mid-point of BCis (5, 6), then the equation of BC is ax-y=-1 b. Sx-2y=13 ©. 2k + 3ty=291 d. 3x-4y=-9 28 A variable rectangle PQRS has its sides parallel to fixed directions. Q and S tie, respectively on the lines x =a, x = ~a and P lies on X-axis. Then, the locus of Ris a. a straight line b. acircle ©. a parabola 4. pair of straight lines 29 A rectangular billiard table has vertices at P(Q 0}, Q(Q, 7) R(1A 7)and $(10 0). A ‘small billiard ball starts at M(3 4) and moves in a straight line to the top of the table, bounces to the right side of the table, then comes to rest at N(7, 1} The coordinates of the point, where it hits the right side, are a37 b. 38 ©. 39 a4 30 Line AB passes through point (2, 3) and intersects the positive X and Y-axes at ‘Ala, 0)and B (0, b}, respectively, Ifthe area of A AOB is 11, the numerical value of 4b? + 997, is a. 220 b. 240 ©. 248 4, 284 2 STRAIGHT LINE 25 © One or More than One Options Correct Type Working Space Direction (Q, Nos. 31-36) This section contains § multe cholée questions. Each question has four heices (a), (2), (6) and (el), out of which ONE oF MORE THAN ONE are correct f Aand 8 are two fixed points whose coordinates are (3, 2) and (6, 4), respectively. x The coordinates of a point P, if ABP is an equilateral triangle, is/are Sf (4-98.34 V8) J (4418, 3-3) 0. (3- V3, 44 V3) d, (3+ V3,4~ 3) 32 Straight lines 2¢ + y = 5 and x ~ 2y = 3intersect at the point A. Points B and Care ‘chosen on these two lines such that AB = AC. Then, the equation of a line BC passing through the point (2, 3) is a 3x-y-3=0 b, x+3y—1 Oc. Sx4y-9=0 Gd. x-3y+7=0 33° The straight lines x + y= 0 3x +y —4=Oand x + 3y ~ 4= Oforma triangle which is a. isosceles b. right angled 6. obtuse angled. equilateral 34 The x-coordinates of the vertices of a square of unt area are the roots of the equation x? ~ 3x] + 2= Oand the y-coordinates of the vertices are the roots of the equation y* - 3y + 2= 0. Then, the possible vertices of the square is/are (1, 1), 2,1), (2, 2), (1,2) be (A. (-2, 9662, 2), (4,2) © AL 14 (1,2), (2,2) (2,9, (4-42), -2, 2) Mee ~\ (35) The area of the 4 ABCis 20 sq units. The coordinates of vertex A are (-5, O)and B ~ are (3, 0). The vertex C lies on the line, x — Y = 2 The coordinates of C are a. (6,3) (-3,-5) ©. (-5,-7) B(7, 5) ve 4 © Comprehension Type Direction (0. Nos. 3638) Tis section contains paragraph dsorbing thoy. exporinont, dt, oe Tiree quostons road tthe poragreph have beet gen brah saute has ey oe ne ame te forgiven oon (9. fa ch Passage Let ABCDis a square with sides of unit length. Points E and F are taken on sides AB and AD, respectively so that AE = AF. Let P be @ point inside the square ABCD. 36 The maximum possible area of quadrilateral CDFE, is 1 1 5 a ag ot a3 a5 37 The value of (PA)? ~ (PB)? + (PC)? — (PD)* is equal to a3 b2 at ao 38 Leta line passing through point A divides the square ABCD into two parts so that area of one portion is double the other, then the length of portion of line inside the square is 6 3 fi a 40 », 48 an 3 3 ° 3 é ® One Integer Value Correct Type Direction (Q. Nos, 39 and 40) This section contains 2 questions. Wher worked out will result in an |, integer from 0 to 9 (both Inclusive), =o Ay -O a > i) The orthocentre of the triangle formed by the lines 2x + 3y ~ 1= 0, x + 2y — ~ ak + by ~1= is at origin, then (a + b)is 40 Ifthe point (1,2) always remains in the interior ofthe triangle formed by the lines Y=%y=Oand x + y= 4, where A.€(a b) Then, a + bis 26 DPP ~ STRAIGHT LINE AND CIRCLE eeo_—t—™ Angle between Straight Lines, Image and Foot i of Perpendicular © Subjective Questions iretion (0 Nos. +3) Tose question ar subject n natu, needio be soved cmpletolon _ Werkng Space ooo the angles between the pairs of straight lines. = Sand 3x +y=7 Band 6x -y=11 (2-V3)x + Sandy iv, y= 3x + 7and 3y ~ (2+ 3)x-7 8 vy. (a? =mn)y = (mn + n2)x +08 and (mn +m?)y =(mn ~n?)x 4m? i. Find the sum of the abscissae of all the points on the line x + y = 4 that lie at a unit distance from the line 4x + 3y - 10 = 0. li. Find the equations of all the sides of a square whose each side is of length 4 units ‘and centre is (1, 1), Given that one pair of sides is parallel to 3x ~ 4y = 0. 3. Find the equations to the straight lines which divide internally and externally, the line joining (-3, 7) to (5, ~4)in the ratio of 4 : 7 and which are perpendicular to this line. © Only One Option Correct Type Direction (Q Nos. 420) This seton contain 27 maple cace questions. Each question hes fou aoc ee and (cu ef ich ONLY ONE options caret 4. Ifthe coordinates of the points A B and C are (-1, 5) (0, 0) and (2, 2), respectively and Dis the mid-point of BC, then the equation of the perpendicular drawn from B to the line AD, is a 2xty=0 b. x42y=0 o. x-2y=0 . 2x-y=0 5 The equation of a line perpendicular to the line 5x ~ 2y + 7 = Oand passing through the point of intersection of ines y = x + 7 and x + 2y +1=Qis a, 2x+5y=0 b. 2x4 5y= 20 ©. 2x +5y=10 d. None of these 7 3 (6 The equation of the line which passes through (acos*@, asin® 8) and perpendicular to the line xseo8 + ycosec 8 = a, Is a. xc080 + ysind = 2ac0s 20 b. xsind ~ ycos0 = 2asin20 ¢. xsin0 +ycos0 = 2ac0s 20 _greens0 = ysnd = aco8 20 2 STRAIGHT LINE 27 Working Space 7 The ends of the base of an isosceles trianige are at (2a, 0)and (0, a) and one ee side is parallel to Y-axis. The equation of the other Side is a x+2y-a=0 b, x+2y=29 ©. ax+4y-4a=0 4, 3x~4y +4a=0 8 Ifa, Bandy are three different values, then equation (B~v)x + (y ~ aly + (0. ~ B)=Oand (B? - y°)x + (73 ~ ayy + (a? -B%)=0 represents same line, if a.a+B+y=0 b. a+Bey=4 ca=B+y 4. None of these 9 Astraight line parallel tothe lines 3x ~ y ~ 3= Oand 3x y ~ 5 = Oand lies between them, If its distance from these lines are in the ratio 3 : , then its equation will be a 3e-y 41-0 b. 3x-y 42-0 ©. 3x-y=0 None of these 10 The equation of the line perpendicular to the line X — 4 = tand passing through a the point at which it cuts X-axis, ok oh ele els (4) The perpenaicular bisector ofthe line segment joining P(1, 4) and Q(k, 3)has y-intercept ~4. Then, a possible value of kis twee 2000 at b.2 @ 2 An4 (42 The tine pip? + x = y +4 = Oand (p? + 2x +(p? + Ny +24 = Oare perpendicular to a common line for IW 2009) oA exactly one value of p b. exactly two values of p . more than two values of p d, No values of p 13. The line parallel to the X-axis and passing through the intersection of the lines ax + 2by + 3b = Oand bx ~ 2ay ~ 3a = 0, is (where (a, b) + (0,0) {leet 2005) 8: below the X-ans ata datance of $ from it b, below ta xan at dane ot 2 fom 6. abot sansa dnc of Som «eo. xara tre oF? rome 14° The line L given by E + F = Tpasses through the point (13, 32). The line K is Parallel to L and has the equation * + A = 1, Then, the distance between L and K, c IAleze 2010) 28 DPP - STRAIGHT LINE AND CIRCLE rrr EI EIEEEE'S 45. Tholines x+y =la] ~ y = Tintersect each other in the fist quadrant Working Space ‘Then, the set ofall possible values of ais the interval. (wee 2011) a (AN) b. (0,6) the) 4. (-.) 46 Alino is drawn through the point (1, 2) to meet the coordinate axes at P and Q such that itforms a AOPQ, where Ois the origin. If the area of AOPQis least, then the slope of the line PQ is. Taree 2012) ae o 74 4 47 Ite —3y = pax + 2y = qandax + y =r form a right angled triangle, thenur see 2019) a.a?-6a~12=0 b. a?-9at12=0 c. a? -9a+18=0 d. a? -6a-18=0 (® ‘The coordinates of foot of a perpendicular drawn on line 3x - 4y ~ 5 = Oto the point (0, 5), is a. (1,3) b. (2,3) ©. (3,2) (3,1) 49 Consider the lines 2x + 3y = 7, 2x + 3y = 12and point A(3 ~ 5). Then, 2. Allies between the lines b. sum of perpen stan om Ato te neis 2 6. distance between lines is 1 V13 4. None of the above 20. The ratio in which the line 3x + 4y + 2 = Odivides the distance between 3x + dy +5 = Oand 3x + aT:3 b. 3:7 2:3 dd. None of these CBA The product of perpendiculars drawn from the point (Ja? — 6, 0)to the line 7 X cose + Ysina = tis ats a. at—p? ba’ ca th b? 22. The points on the line x + y = 4which lie at a unit distance from the line 4x + 3y = 10are a. (3.1), (-719) b. 39.7.1) ©. (3, 1).(7, 14) d. (14,3), (-7.19) 23 Letline Lbe 2x +y = 2 If the coordinate axes be rotates at 45° angle, then the lengths of the intercepts of Lon new axes will be b. 142 Ww? om d a yh 0 Ga ‘The reflection of the point (3, 8) with respect to the line x + 3y = 7, Is Q a. (5,~6) (1-4) 7. 6.(0.-4 4. (-9,~4) 29 2 STRAIGHT LINE Working Space B d. None of these 26 Ifthe base of an equilateral triangle is x + y = 2and its ‘opposite vertex is (2, 1), then the length of its each side is 2 b 3 « B (2 a5 3 \2 oys 27 Aline cuts intercepts a and 6 on the coordinate axes. If after rotating the axes at a constant angle without changing the origin it makes intercepts p and q on the new axes, then a. a? +b? =pPag? ba? +bPaptyg? ©. a + p?=b? 4g? 6. a? +ptabeyg? 28 A straight line through the origin © meets the parallel ines 4x + 2y = 9and 2x + ¥ =~ Bat points P and Q, respectively. Then, the point O divides the segment PQ in the ratio (ur see 2002) at:2 bo 3:4 2H 44:3 29° The vertex of right angled triangle lies on the straight line 2x ~ y -10 = Oand the {ae oiher vertices, at points (2, ~ 3) and (4, 1). Then, the area of triangle in sq units is a. 10 b. 3 33 a ait = 1 © @ Point Pies onthe ino 1x +5) = 15,1 slo eget tom me ‘coordinate axes, then P can be located in which of the four quadrants? lori d. Only IV © Matching List Type Divecton (0. Nes. 31 and 92) Colas for tho coec combination of lemons om Cola land Cokin Ware even as options (1) () and), out ofc ee 31 Consider the line Ax + By +C=0. Mateh the Column | with Column I and mark the correct option code. I Column 1 | Column it ‘intercept is rite and y.nterceptis infinite. |p. A=0:8,Cx0 |u| intercept isintnte and yintercoptis finite. |. C=O,AB¥O Both xand yinteroepts are zero | AB=0C20 v. {Both xand yintercepts are ininte, OAC EO Codes ney Tere saga} ea eaee atin bp ars Cece p Geer ttaleledg 30 DPP - STRAIGHT LINE AND CIRCLE asec Yr —™ aten the Column I with Column Il and select the correct option from the given : codes. Column! Column tt “ough the point @,9) and perpendicuarto |p. | eerinmrtne pom and paper | | 474 S218 egies | . peng oioy ne pom Send ppendauaro | «| x4 4 +16=0 | ine tne ring (. 7) and (-8 | poooing trough he point (-4 ~8)and porpendcur | «| 7y~6x=116 |EeeeTestoning a 2 © Comprehension Type Direction (2. Nos. 39-26) This socon contains a paragraph, describing theory. experiment, at. Direct (ons roated fo the paragraph have been given. Eoch question hes only one correct ens ng he four given options (2), (0), (6) and (A). Passage Inthe diagram, a line is drawn through the points A(0, 16)and B(B, 0) Point P is ‘chosen in the first quadrant on the line passing through A and B. Points Cand D fre chosen on the X and Y-axes respectively, so that PDOC is a rectangle. Then, yy 3@.0) 33. Perpendicular distance ofthe line AB from the point (2,2), is a v4 b. 10 «, ¥20 d. 150 34 Sum of the coordinates of P if PDOC is a square, Is 22 o 3 3 et an 35 Number of possible ordered pairs(s) of all positions of the point P on AB, so that the area of the rectangle PDOC is 30 sq units, is a3 b.2 ot 4.0 2 STRAIGHT LINE Working Space 31 [BJs] Equation of Straight Line making an Angle ‘c’ with Given Straight Line © Only One Option Correct Type Srestion (0. Nos. 13) This secon contains 9 mutiplo chole questions. Each question has four ‘choices (a). (by), (c) and (), out of which ONLY ONE option eae Working Space \O ‘vero oten anit! wang) ann onaton ote cpm ne ACY ~ 8) = (243) (x ~ 2) DB. (y~3)= (4+ V3)(x +2) © (y= 3)= (24 V3)(x +4) 4. (y~3)= (6+ ¥3)(x-2) 2 (1,2) vortex of a square whose one diagonal is along the X-axis, The ‘equations Of sides passing through the given vertex are 8. x-y=0,x4 274520 bi x= 24 3=0,2K4y- © x-yet=0,x+y—3=0 d. None of these 3 The equation of the lines which pass through the origin and are inclined at an angle tan“ mo the line y = mx +c, are a y= 0, 2mx +(1- mJy =0 b. ¥=0,2mx-(m?-ty=0 ©. X=0,2mx+(m?-4y=0 4. None of these 4 Ifone of the diagonals of a square is along x = 2y and one of its vertices is (3,0), then its sides through this vertex are given by the equations a ¥-3x+9-0,3+x-3-0 B. y+9e-9=0, y4x-3-0 ©. y-8x+9=0, yx 43-0 4. ¥~3x 43-037 4x4+9-0 A straight ine L through the point (3, -2)is inclined at an angle of 60° to the line V3x +y=1IfLalso intersects the X-axis, then the locus of L is a. y+Vx-2-3/3<0 By ~ Vix +24 3-0 © V3y—x+342/3=<0 4. V8y+x~34+2/3=0 ur see 2011) & A sauare of side a es above X-axis and has one vertex atthe origin, The side Passing through the origin makes an angle «(0 <0 < m/4)with the positive Grection of X-axis. The equation ofits diagonal not passing through the orgin is a. (C080. + sina) + x(c0s4~sina))=a b. (6084 ~sina)+ x(sina ~ cosa) =a 6. (0080+ sine) + x (sina ~cosu) =a 4. y(cosa + since) x(sina scosu)=0 32 DPP ~ STRAIGHT LINE AND CIRCLE r | 7 Leto 0, thene +f, 18 at b. 2 23 a4 11 A straight line through P(2, ¢ + f 1) inclined at an angle of 60° with positive Y-axis. The coordinates of one of the points on it at a distance (c + f) units from point P is (c, f obtained from previous equation), a. (2-243,5) b. (3+ 2V8.3) ©. (2432.4) 4. (2+ 32.3) 12. If (@ b)are the coordinates of the point obtained in previous question, then find the equation of line which is at the distance (b ~ 2a~ 1) units from origin and make equal intercept on coordinate axes in first quadrant. a xt+y+4V6=0 b. x+y +2V6=0 c. x+y-4/6=0 4. x+y —102 <0 | INE 33 2 STRAIGHT L Passage Il Working Space ‘An equilateral A ABC has its centroid at the origin and the base BClies along the line xtyet 13 Area of equilateral A ABG, is (in sq units) a3 EXKS wa 23 ww », NS we a 43 at 4 oy 4 14 Gradient of the other two lines, are 32 a4 a. V3.2 » co. V2 4442 4. 24-32-38 © One or More than One Options Correct Type Direction (0, Nos. 15-18) This section contains 4 multe choice questions. Each question has four hoices (a), (b) (c) and (d), out of which ONE or MORE THAN ONE are correct 15 Aline passes through the origin and makes an angle of n/4 with the line x-y+1=0, then a. equation of the line is . equation of the line is. ©. the point of intersection of the line with the given line is (~, 0) d. the point of intersection of the line with the given line is (0, 1) a fg Equation of a straight line passing through the point (2, 3) and inclined at an angle of are tan: with the line y + 2x = is ay=3 Be x=2 6, Sxtdy-18=0 d. ax+3y-17=0 (7) Hone vertex of an equilateral triangle of side a, lies at the origin and the other lies 9 Number of lines that can be drawn through the point(4- 6)s0 thatits distance, from (~2, 3)will be equal to 12, is equal to yy 20 Two mutually perpendicular straight lines through the origin form an isosceles ‘riangle with the line 2x + y = 5, Then, the area ofthe triangle, is 34 DPP ~ STRAIGHT LINE AND CIRCLE Angle Bisector and Family of Concurrent Lines © Only One Option Correct Type Working Space Direction (Q. Nos. 1-28) This sation contains 28 multiple choice questions. Each question has four Preiss (). (0). (0) and (2), out of which ONLY ONE option is corect. (AD. The equation of the bisector of the acute angle between the ines 3x - ay +7 = 0 7 and 12x + 5y - 2=Qis a. tx 3y-9=0 Cr te By + 9-0 ©. 2+ 77y~101=0 4. None of these 2. The equation of the line which bisects the obtuse angle between the lines x= 2y +4=Oand 4x ~ 3y +2 Qis a. (4—V5)x ~ (3 ~ 2v8)y + (2 4V5)=0 b. (4+ V5)x +(3-+ 2V5)y + (2+ 4V5)=0 ©. (44 V5)x ~ (34 2V5)y + (2+ 4Y5)= 0 4d. None of the above | 3 The equation of the bisector ofthe angle between the lines 3x ~ 4y + 7 = and i 12x - By = B= Qis : a, 99x ~ 77y + 51=0, 2% +277 ~131=0 b. 99x ~ 77y + 51=0, 2+ 27y + 131=0 ©. 99x ~ T7y +131=0, 20 + 27y ~ 51=0 d, None of the above ‘The equation of a straight line passing through the point (4, §) and equally V inclined to the lines 3x = 4y + Zand Sy = 12x +6, is a. 9x -Ty = Tx + 9y=73 b. 8x + Ty = and 7x ~ 9y = 75 ©. Bx ~7y = and 6x + 9y=73 d, None of these (5) If(@, a) falls inside the angle made by the lines y = > x>0,and y = 3x, x>0 S then a belongs to {Wee 2006) (a a. (3,0) *(} 3} « (2-3) 4. (0,4) enn 2) 6 Let P(-1, 0), @(G 0), R(3 3V3)be three points. The equation of the bisector of the £POR, is (wee 2007 2 Brsyno b. x4 5y=0 ¢. Vix+y=0 4 0 2 STRAIGHT LINE 35 ee © The equation ofthe tine passing through the point of intersection ofthe line Les aed 1) © 4x — By ~ 1= Oand 8x ~ 2y ~3= O and parallel to the line 2x ~ 3y + 2~0,is a. x-3y=1 b. Sx-2ya4 Lo =H 4 120 4, 2x-y=t 8 The fix point through which the line (2cos0 + 3sin)x + (3c088 - Ssind)y - (Scos0 ~ 2sin0) = O passes for all values of 9 is 2. (0,0) b. (1,1) © 21) 4. None of these 2 Q) The staight ine ax +by +60, where Sa +2b + 4c = Oare concurrent at the point (13 (3.1) (3.1) a(13 a (-3,7 la i) a) en 2) 10 1 12 13 14 15 The straight line through the point of intersection of ax + by +.¢ = Oand 9’ +b'y +0” = Oare parallel to the Y-axis has the equation a. x(ab’~a’b) + (cb’~c’b) =0 b. x(ab’ +a’b)+(cb’ +0'b)=0 ©. y(a’b ~ab’) + (a’e ~ ac’)=0 4. None of the above The line (3x — y + 8)+ 2 (2x ~ 3y — 4)= Owill be paralol to V-axis,if).is 1 1 3 3 ai ». 4 e a -3 3 3 ° 2 2 For the straight lines given by the equation (2 + k)x + (1+ k)y = different values of k. Which of the following statements is true? a, Lines pass through the point (2, ~ 9) . Lines pass through the point (-2, 9) . Lines are parallel 4. None of the above 'fa,b and are in an AP, then ax + by + ¢ = Owill always pass through a fixed point whose coordinates are a. (4-2) b. (4,2) ce (1,2) @. (4-2) The fix point through which the line x(@ + 2b)+ y(a + 3b)=a +b always passes for all values of a and b is a. (2,1) b. (1,2) ©. (2-1) . (4-2) tn the equation y~ m,x ~ 6, + Ay - myx 69) = 0, Kis a variable quantity which ‘hay have any value, then the straight line represented by this equation passes through the fixed point is a (Ste mea mass) w, (S2=81, mez —mae,) ( m+, (m,=m,"~m=m,} «. [ meni) 4. None of these meme {11'0 algebraic sum ofthe perpendicular distance from the points (2, 0), (0, 2) and {1 1)10 variable straight ine is zero, then find the coordinates thvough which the line passes, Ay) b. 0,0) ©. (3,2) 4. (2,3) DPP - STRAIGHT LINE AND CIRCLE | as Working Space 47 Aisa point on either of two lines y + VB l= 2ataa distance of units from thelr ae point of intersection. The coordinates ofthe fot of perpendicular from A°on the Preector of the angle between them are a. (2.2) b. 0,0) ¢ 4. 0.4) itnon-zero numbers a, b and c are in HP, then the straight line 4 + i. always passes through a fixed point, that point is tatete 2008) 1) i 4,2) = a (4 a.(% 3) bn?) ce. (-4-2) (4.2) 49. ifthelines x+y +1= 0, 4x +37 +4=Oand x+y +B = O,where a? +p? = 2 fare concurrent, then aaztB=-1 baat Batt cas-tpett daathB=t £28 Given that the family ofines, a(3x + 4y + 6)+b(x + ¥ + 2)= 0. The line of the ve family situated at the greatest distance from the point P(2, 3) has equation La, 4x4 3y+8=0 b. Sx + ay +t o. 15x + 8y + 30=0 4. None of these 24 ina ABC, if A(2, ~t)and 7x ~ 10y + 1= and 3x ~ 2y + 5= Dare equations of an altitude and an angle bisector respectively drawn from B, then equation of BC is axty+t=0 b. x+y 417=0 ©, ax +97 +30=0 d. x= 8y-7=0 22. The line (k + 1)?x + ky ~ 2k? ~ 2 = O passes through a point regardless of the value of k. Which of the following is the line with slope 2 passing through the point? a y=2x-8 boy=2e-5 yadda Oe 48 23° The line 2x + 3y ~ 6 2x+ 3y = 8cut the X-axis at Aand B. A line / is drawn through the point (2, 2) meets the X-axis at C in such a way that the abscissa of A Band Care in GP. The equation of line is a. 3x-5y=16 bd. 3x48Y=16 c. Sx+3y=16 J. Sx ~3y=16 © Statement Type Direction (Q. Nos. 4 and 25) This ction is based on Statement and Statement I Select the coract answer fom the codes gwen below €. Both Statement | and Statement Il are correct and Statement Il Is the correct explanation of Statement I b. Both Statement | and Statoment Il are correct and Statement Ils not the correct explanation of Statement | ©. Statement |is correct but Statement Ils incorrect, 4. Statement Ils cortect but Statement | incorrect, 24 statement! Centroid of the triangle whose vertices are A(~1, 11), B(-9 ~ 8)and (16, ~ 2)lies on the internal angle bisector of the vertex A, because Statement l_ AABCis isosceles with B and Cas base angles. 25 Consider the ine L : 3x + y + 4= Oand the points A(-§ 6) and B(3 2), Statement! There is exactly one point on the line L which is equidistant from the points A and B, because Statement l The points A and B are on the different sides of the line. 2 STRAIGHT LINE 37 © One or More than One Options Correct Type Working Space Direction (0. Nos. 26-34) This section contains 9 multiple choice questions. Each question has four hoes (a), (6), (c) and (e), out of which ONE or MORE THAN ONE are correc. 26 The equations of the sides AB, BC and CA of a. ABC are 2x + y= 0, x + py=q , respectively and if the centroid is (2, 3), then and x -y a ptq=74 b. equation of BCis x + 15y + 59-0 c. equation of median through Ais 5x — y~7 d. equation of altitude through A is 11 ~ y - 13=0 27 Two sides of a rhombus ABC (lying entirely in first quadrant or fourth quadrant) ot aren eqalt2 suns, roy = any = x Then, ose coorates of Bis/are (O being origin) a. (1481448) b. (tev -1-¥8) «. W3-13-9) 4. None of these If the lines x — 2y — 0, 3x + y- 4= Oand Ax + 4y + 2? = Oare concurrent, 0 then wha2 b A=-3 airs (054) ea hed 29° Ifthe lines ax + by + ¢ = 0, bx + cy +a = Oandex + ay +b = Oare concurrent (a+b +0 #0} Then, a. a+b? +03 ~ 3aby ce a=b=c d. a? +b? +0?—ab~bo~ca=0 30 Ifthe point (, «)1los inside the triangle formed by the lines 2x + 3y + x + 2y ~ 3= Oand 5x ~ 6y ~ 1= 0, then a can be inthe interval 3 1 3,21 t= a. (4.1 CE] ete (4) 31 Two lines from the family of lines (1+ 2h)x (1+ A)y + 1= Oand the line x + y form an equilateral triangle. The equation of the two lines can be a. y= 2=(2+V3)(x~9) b. y-2=(2-V3)(x-1) ©. y~2=(3-V2)(x- dy 2=(3-V2)(x - 2) 32 The diagonals of rhombus ABCD intersect at point (1, 2) and its sides are parallel to the lines x ~ V3y + 203 = Oand V3x —y + 3= 0. If the vertex A lies on X-axis, then possible coordinates of vertex C are a. (~1,4) b. (4-4) ©. (3,4) d. None of these 33. The area of a triangle is 5 sq units. Two of its vertices are (2, 1) and (3, -2) the third vertex 3 3) (7 13) 1 11) G3) 6 Ga) ef ® Locus of mirror image of (4, 3) about the variable line w (2- 3m)x + (1+ 4m)y + (2—m) = O(wrnere, mis variable), is atv bns Sd yoo b. 1x7 + 117 + 18x 4 ty + 96=0 passing through {- 82, ~4# \ 2 + Wy? — 18x ~ 18y - 96 = ote + ty’ y- 8-0 Wai) 38 DPP - STRAIGHT LINE AND CIRCLE . ccs Working Space » Comprehension Type , x ction (Q. Nos. 3640) This secon conains 2 paragraphs, each doscnbing igo. experiments, piraction salons raed oa paragraphs hav Seon Qvon: Each quran has ony on rect et, one our gan options (a) 0) ae). Passage | The equations of two equal sides AB and AC of an isosceles AABCare x + y = Sand 7x - y = 3.If the area of A ABC's 5 units, then answer the following questions 35 Which of the following cannot represent BC? a y-* b. y+Bx=12 ©. y+ 9x=20 a. 3y+x=-7 ae 36 It 3 3 is one of the possible position of B, then which of the following cannot be possible position of C? 3 18) » (59) | ° 4. None of these | 37 = +The number of possible AABC must be a3 ba et 42 Passage II The vertex Aof A ABCis (3, ~ 1} The equation of median BE and angular bisector CF are 6x + 10y - 59 = Oand x ~ 4y + 10 = 0. Then, 38 Slope of the side BC must be 1 2 oa ». -2 3 3 ad d. None of these | 7 39° The equation of AB must be axty=2 b. x+4y=10 ©. 18x 4 13y=41 a. 23x 40 The length of the side AC must be a, \Tiunits b. VB units c. V@5 units 4, None of these 2 STRAIGHT LINE 39 |B)2)2= ss) Locus ® Only One Option Correct Type Direction (2. Nos. 1-27) This section contains 27 mutple choice questions. Each question has four choices (a), (2), (0) and (2), out of which ONLY ONE option is correc. 1 For variable lines * + f= 42 +b =10, the locus of mid-point ofthe intercept of a this tine between coodinate axes is a. 10x+5y=1 bo x+y=10 e. xty=5 , Sx +10y=1 2. Aline moves in such a way that the sum of the intercepts made by it on the axes. Is always c (constant). The locus of the mid-point of its intercept between the axes is a x+y=20 b. xtye ©. Axty)=e d. None of these 3 A variable line passes through a fixed point (a, b)and meets the coordinates axes at A and 8, The locus of point of intersection of lines through A B parallel to coordinate axes is a %4¥u2 v 242 ab xy a X4%a3 ab {4) The locus of point of intersection ofthe lines x cos a + y sina: =a and S xsina— ycos a = a. x? y? =a? —b? b ~y7 2 4b? xt ty? aa? —b? wt Pty? na? +b? 5 Apoint moves so that square of its distance from the point (3 ~ 2)is numerically ‘equal to its distance from the line 5x ~12y =13. The equation of the locus of the point is a, 13x? + 18y? — 83x + dy +182 b. x? ty? 1m + 16y +26=0 oc. xP 4 y? 1x + 16y=0 d, None of the above (@ Asialgt ine segment of ng! moves whit ens on ho coordinate ars, The louse the pot wien dtd nein hao of h216 a. 9x? + 36y? =? b. 36x? + 9y? =? ©. 36x? + 9y? = 4? AA. 9x? + 36y? = a? 7 Iffor the variable line ~ + z = 1,the relation Va? + tb? = tie? (cis constant) is a satisfied, then the locus of the foot of perpendicular from the origin on this line is a taytac? b. xP ty? = 20? 6. Ux? +y?)= 0? 4. None of these 40 DPP ~ STRAIGHT LINE AND CIRCLE Working Space 7 8 The locus of the mid-point ofthe intercept ofthe varable line x cos a. + y sink = p (pis constant) between the coordinate axes is fete] d. None of these | @ WA, 3)and BL-2, ere vertices ofa AABC and canto of he tiangl les on | the line 2x + 3y =1 then locus of the vertex C, is >a, 3x4 2y b. 2x-3y=7 x +3) x —2y = Way 4. 3x-2y=3 410. {f sum of the distance of a point from two perpendicular lines in a plane Is 1, then its locus is a. square b. circle c. straight line d. two intersecting lines 44. The area of the triangle formed by the intersection of a line parallel to X-axis and passing through P(h, k) with the lines y = x and x + y =2is 4h, then locus of P is {UT JE 205) 2x+t bo ysaxet 3x41 4. None of these 412 Avariable straight line passes through a fixed point (a, b)intersecting the coordinates axes at A and B. If Ois the origin, then the locus of the centroid of AOABis a. bx tay Sxy b. bx tay -2xy=0 ©. ax +by~3xy=0 d, ax +by ~2xy=0 43. ABis a variable line sliding between the coordinate axes in such a way that A lies on X-axis and B lies on Y-axis. If Pis a variable point on AB such that PA = b, ‘and AB =a + b, then equation of locus of P is, ao x 4d. None of these 14 Aand Bare fixed points. The vertex C of AABC moves such that cot A + cot B = constant. The locus of Cis a straight line a. a perpendicular to AB b. parallel to AB «. inclined at an angle(A-B)toAB 4. None of these 45 Let Abe the fixed point (Q 4) and B(2t, 0)be a moving point. Let M be the mid-point of AB and let the perpendicular bisector of AB meets the Y-axis at R. The locus of mid-point P of MR, is a. the parabola y = x? +2 b. is the ellipse having vertex (0, 2) ©. is the parabola having length of latusrecturn, 1 5 d. the parabola x? + y =2 (18. Vertices of a variable triangle are A(3 4), B(5 cos 0, 5sin 8)and {Ssin 0, ~ cos 8). Then, locus ofits orthocentre is a (x+y IP 4 (xy 7 =100 b. (xt y— TP + (xy 4? ©. (xty— Th 4 (x+y 1 =100 mt (x+y TPH (x-y eP 2 STRAIGHT LINE Working Space Al 17 49 20 21 22 23 @ A2 Working Space Ifthe distance of any point (x, y)from the origin is defined as aca lx, y)=max {| | Ly [J then the locus of the point (x, y), where d(x, y)=‘.is a. a square of area 1 sq unit b. a square of area 4 sq units ©. atriangle 4d. None of these PU, 0) 1 0) and R(2, 0)are three given points, then the locus of the point § satisfying the relation, SQ? + SR? = 2SP?, is a. a straight line parallel to X-axis, b. a circle passing through the origin . a circle with centre at origin _sk a straight line paraliel to Y-axis Consider a quadratic equation in Z with parameters x and y as 2? ~xz + (x~ y)? = 0. The parameters x and y are the coordinates of a variables Point P w.rt. an orthonormal coordinate system in a plane. If the quadratic ‘equation has equal roots, then locus of Pis a. acircle b. alline pair through the origin of coordinates with slope 1/2 and 2/3 ©. alline pair through the origin of coordinates with slope 3/2 and 2 4. a line through the origin of coordinates with slope 3/2 and 1/2 Given A(t, 1) and AB is any line through it, cutting the X-axis at B. If ACis perpendicular to AB and meets the Y-axis at C, then the equation of locus of mid-point P on BC, is, axty=t b. x4y=2 ©. xt y= ay . 2x e2y=4 Given * 4 iF = ‘and ax + by =1are two variable lines, a and b being the a Parameters connected by the relation a? + b? = ab. The locus of the point of intersection has the equation a xty tty 120 bo Peyaays 0 oxy ey rt=0 do xe yPa ny Triangle formed by the lines x + y = Q x ~ y = Oand ix + my =1 If/andm vary ‘Subject to the condition /? +m? =1 Then, the locus of its circumcentre is a (x? y?Pax?sy? be by? Pa x? y? xP ty? = axty? G(x? yh a(x? 4 v2? The distance of the point P(x, y;) rom each of the two straight ines through the origin is d. The equation of two straight lines is 8. (14 yaa)? = d(x? + y?) b. POY) ~ yg c,d xy, + yxy) = x2 + y? (xy, + yxy) Ifthe vertices A and B of a AABC are given by (2, 5)and (4,~ 11), respectively and Cmoves along the line L = 9x + 7y + 4 = 0, then the locus of the centroid of the ABC, is a. circle b. any straight ine o- alline parallel toL d. a line perpendicular to L DPP - STRAIGHT LINE AND CIRCLE 25 A Band Care points in he xy-plane such that A(,2} 85 6)and AC =28C. Then, | Werkina Space ‘a, ABCis @ unique triangle b. there can be only two such triangles c. No such triangle is possible 4. there can be infinite number of such triangles 26 Each member ofthe family of parabolas y = ax? +2x +Shas a maximum or a minimum point depending upon the value of a. The equation to the locus of the maxima and minima for all possible values of a, is, a. a straight line with slope 1 and y- b. astraight line with slope 2 and y-i 6. astraight line with slope 1 and x-intercept 3 4. acircle 27 The area (in sq units) enclosed by the graphs of | x + y|=2and | x|=1is a2 ba 2 6 4.8 © Comprehension Type pirecton (2, Nos. 2850) This section contains aparegroph, describing tec experiments, dt, Direction rclata toe paragraph have been given each quoslon has only one correct answer Tres tur gon opo (9a) Passage Let ABC be an acute angled triangle and AD, BE and CF are its medians, where E and F are the points E(3, 4) and F(1, 2), respectively and centroid of AABC is (3.2) then answer the following questions: 28 The equation of side AB, is a ox+y b. xty-3=0 ©. 4x~2y=0 d. None of these 29 Coordinates of D are a. (7-4) b. (5,0) ©. (14) 4. (3,0) 30° Height of the altitude drawn from the point Ais (in units) a, 2 b. a2 c, 62 a. 23 2 STRAIGHT LINE 43 2) straight Line Dpp-1 Slope and Types of Straight Line faite ope rae Src Oat ane ee ae oedeee tea We Wb Be Wa Be Wb Wd Wa Wa Wa ad Ra Ba Wh Bd BWe We Wa Wa wa Bab Bab Bac Bab Wbd We Wd Wh 3,0 401 DPP-2 Angle between Straight Lines, Image and Foot of Perpendicular ' 0%, ayean (22). can, dvan-(4)} on Ae VA WA Ui) 3x-ay etl 3.121y-88x=371, 38y~-24x=1043 eB, Wd Wd Wa Wa wd 15, Mb Ud Ma Bd Wh BW. Bc Sa 3b 3c Ba 8, |) Bx-4y-9=0, Are 3y+3=0, 4x+3y-17=0 Gide Teg iol ee ond (i= AG wb 2d Wb BH Wb DPP-3 Equation of Straight Line Making an Angle ‘’ with Given Straight Line La 2c ab 4a b&b 6a td Bd Be Wd Wa Wd Ba Wd Bab Woe Wabed Bad 19.0 20.5 . DPP-4 Angle Bisector and Family of Concurrent Lines Lb 2a 3a 4a 8b 6e Te Bb %b Wa Wb Wh Ba We Bb Ba Wh Wh Wd Wa Ub Ra Bh Wa Bh BWacd Mab Bad Wacd W. hd Bab Wac Bac Wd Wd We Wh Wh We Me DPP-5 Locus ee oc age ee ee alee dee Toe Wickes Cal Va Wa Ba Wb Wd Wd Wh Wd Wd Ma | Qa Wa Ba We Wd Ba Wd Ba Wh We 124 DPP - STRAIGHT LINE AND CIRCLE 2. Straight Line DPP-1 Slopes and Types of Straight Line (1) We knaw tat, the equation of ine passing through two given Brot anda yi eK Ure my) yon ae ee ris ie vragen . yan Sug 2. (b) Given equation Y= w= mlx) - Y= y= A — rm = ye me my + y 0 Given, mand x, are fixed Le. mxis a constant Let my y=me-o4y Here, y is variable, for liferant values of y, we have set of lines having siope Therefore, these line are parallel 3, (Given ines are a y-b=0 0) x= 2b) + ‘i Lines ane) meet te po, 2) a-2-b=0 = a-ba2 @ ad ab a0 & a 9 (On song Eqs i and (9. We get a=3be1 4. (a) The equation ofthe ine passing through the points (oss }eo(oei)s = tay tas a+ at, Tay + x= ats +t) 5. (0) Aline paralelto X-axis, passes through -3,2)intersect Y-axis ata distance 2 unit above the origin is y a joa oO ey r y=2 y-2=0 6. {a} Given, verices of rectangle are A (1.3), C(6 1) and slope of | line BDis 2 0.9). > €(9, 2) 6 60) Let AC and 8D intersect at point <=. £ will be mid-point of AC and BD, as diagonals of rectangle bisect each ather Coordinatesote (128, 2+ 2° 2 ‘ieee Equation of 80 which is passes through @, 2) and having slope 2 (y-2)=2 &-3) Given, Ais mid-point 01D, ! | | | | | | 7. {b) Let the line intersect X-axis at C(x, 0) and Y-axis at D(0, y). lene, cont a Dae repose (6,0) and (0.8, | Now, equation of CD is a4 8, (a) Lotintercept made by the line on X-axis isk +: Intercept on Y-axis ie2k | Now, equation of in in intercept forms xe 0 3k o Since,ne () passes trough the pont (1,2) 1,2 ty 2a4 | ae | = 7 I k | or kee +. Rogues equation of ne Ey Yat 24 o Ben yea 152 DPP - STRAIGHT LINE AND CIRCLE pe of gle a | Hh 0 9. (a) Lottheline intrsect X-axis a(x, O} and Y-axis at (0, y end Equation ot ine or whet 8 io or 2x-y=10 Equation of tine His given tha > “a+ From Eqs. () and (i), we have agai 4a + 1)~9a= (a+ 1) det d-donat na = avdnatta = at420 Wnona = -2, then Equation of such ines are 11. (@) Slope of nein, = yexse tis given that stance of origin from te ine is. = e From Eqs. (i) and i). we get Yorn? yon? 12, (0) Let the equation one in perpendicular fxm is Y BKe2) ea xcosee+ ysina= p = xc083P + ysinQO" = p = Be y=2p Again, BOA = eendO8 = b Now, in AONA cosace Fy B 1 0 = Jon o8 = = 1B xa 218 WS = p25 = poss From Eqs.) and (, we have Vixt y= #10 => Vee yt 18. (¢) Equation of such nels and Coordinates of point ro 8,2-4 *} ANSWERS WITH EXPLANATIONS @ o (civer) 153 154 14, (a) Slope of ine, m = tan ase = 1 | + Eaualon of tne having slope‘ ancipasses tough PCL 2) Is | | yoda tet) = Y-28x1 ~ goystad i} ne () meets with ina x42y-7=0 * atpoin. Point of intersection of ies () and (i) 5) wold 415. (c) Given equation of ne, x-y=2 a Since, the ine () intersects X-axis at P ‘Coocainates of Pare (2, 0) Now, slope Eq, (), m= | Let be the angle subtended by ine () with postive diction of Karis | | > fand=1 = 0= 45 | | Since, the line () rotated through 45° in anti-clockwise daction, + Slope ofthe ine in new postion, y= tan = 0 Equation of line PQ in new postion, 16. ©) Given equation af fne, V+ y= 0 and x-y=0 @ Ny 22 ie 0" ———__ pe 120" sey Bey: Slope o ine (is im, =~ YB = tanto Ieemakes 120° with Xx, ‘Sloe oftine (p,m, = VB = tans ltmakes 60° with X-axis, ‘Aline passes through the point 2,2) and intersect ine () and (i) al Aand B, respectively such that a ADBIs equiateral, Thisine wil be parallel to X-as, Hence, equation of ineis y = 2. 17. (let 108 x005{x + 2) cos?(x+ 1) 08(e+ I~ Noose + 1+ 1) cos%(x+ 1) 008% + 1) sin®t costa + 4) (008% ~ sin c0s(A + B)cos(a - 6} | ‘Thisis a straight ne whichis paral to X-axis 1) Cleary, tpasses trouah 18. (a) Giventinos are axe aye8 ® and yemert o On song Eas. () and i, we get xe Dae Now, for xto be an teger, 5 must be comely visite by (+ 4) B+4me25 of 41 ¥ Se4m=5 6 m=) of - 2 Now, " aaa = a1 Hence, two values of mare possible 19, (a) Let A(t 9), 8(5,o)andc(-1,2)be tre0 gvon points, i \Wie have fo find the inequality which i ctisted by al he points| Inside a aBc. =. Among the given three inequaltis which is sated by points ‘A, Band willbe the correct anewere, By option (a), wo have 3e42y20 AUL3):3x142% 96920 B(G0):15 + 0= 1520 C(-12):-344=120 Hence, option (a is comect, 20. (a) Let the fine cut at X-axis at point Ala, 0) and Y-axis at point 0,6) 2.0.0) 2.2) Alo) «+ Equation of ing a’p Since, ine () passes through (2.2) w DPP - STRAIGHT LINE AND CIRCLE 7 te nt o) ‘ Given, area AOAB = 8'sq unit y-cnordinat of incentre = dab : 2 = a =18 ® FromEqs. (and (i, we have o (-b)=43 “ ad (On song Eas. and, we get een 24. (As. =0 Stopnotine sme 2 7 mo . ‘ a=-2, asm>0 2 = x<0 Thus, (2008, 0) isnot posible as xis +6 again, = « b.whnch canbe #¥e and = ve bath 21. (Since, lagonals of parallelogram PORS are perpenciula, Since ndopendont tn. = PORS must be a ombus. 25. (6) Given, equation of ine, 22. (a) Given yams 2 2(0A) + $108) = 10 jos Yat = 24 + y= 10 0 e | | | | erssima and amco o 44me0 and 2m>0 Subeitusing the values of and yn Ea, we get > m>-4 and m<0 2(2h} + 32k) = 10 mel-40) = an 6k =10 26. (c) Gven, = 2b Ske 5 at ys 2y-100 «+ Reguiedioaus is 5 ax (72 -2y41)=0 ae = ae yt 23, (a\Giventinosare x4 4y~0 of 8 exey-1ex-ys 00 axe ay=0 oO Given equation represent pat of straight ine, 0 and ‘i ant y-tn0 ‘Ontaking mutual intersection of these ines, wo getihe verices | end 2x-y+ 120 of iangle as | slope ottine (his ACO, 0,88 - abana | my Sipe of tne 8 (eo mn? : Hence, reatet slope is 2. | 97. «) pret ag Hag (ea) | Abo, H+ 2y=6 From Eqs. i) and (i, we get 2Uy + m2) 4 AY, + yaa at | 2k + 37, =29 | = 4y, + Bye=2 ANSWERS WITH EXPLANATIONS 0 “i 0 w i ~ 155 From Eqs. and (y), we got ea HY) na-18 From Eas. fi) and), we det n= 9) (26 - 18} an D(5, 6) Hence, equation of BC is 2b Sty = 201 “) 28. (a) Since, Plies on Xan, cleary@ also an X-avis andat the point, | winera x =ainterseet x Y s| le AO ja ** Simialy. Stes onthe tine SAPO), Trerefore, point R moving onthe ine Henoe. locus of isa straight in, 29. (a) ¥ 0.7) 10. Q pea 10=2 ta 19, 7 on ie foo ra % la 4 eve if, onF 318000. Inanwu, tarry, nanan, Hence, From fist wo relations, = 046 From last we celations, 103-10 ab +b ab-b From Eas. ) and fi, we get mat 6 = 10a = 37 ae37 156 4. therefore flies on x=a (since, 0] 80. (2) Equation oftine Ag, a 0 = 304.26 y=94W8 ‘Therefore, cootdnates of pant P ore (4 ¥3.3-V) or (43.34 V3) 82, (a,b) Gen, equation ot ine ere | 6 i) Tre pot tnesecen cine are. ie AB-AC =r ‘von oordrate ot pon © a By and coocinates ot point Bar (12 Equation of ine BC is | 38. (2.0) Given, equation ot tines are Bey 0) oO and x4 87-400 @ Taking mutual intersection of tines (), and, we get tho votes of tangles as @,~2) (1) andt-2,2) A2.-2) 0.0 ob, 2) Now AB= BIER PDH = VIB Bc = f(aF + CHF = v0 AC = B+ OF 4 2-2 = 48 =8C = AA8C isosceles Hence, option a) i corect. ABE + BC? — sc? Now, 088 = 2AB-BC 2104+ 10-32 3 5 = 28> 90° cos0 bxaxkes20 ie 2 ~ kato i rr From gs. i) and (i), we got Coordinates of pointC as (7, 8} or(-8 ~ 5} Hence, options (b} and (dare carect, | | 36. (9 | Rx+ 3-1) + Alas by-t)=0 0 (o.0) C0.) passes throughO(0,0} then -1-2=0 het ne From Eq, (), we get Z 2x + 8y-1- aby +120 i = 2-ay+(a-by=0 WOAH Ae HBC I casero 0) sre otcore = 1-21? —14-m | 2 |e Qa hate h_ tenon? i i) ": Simtay, BEL AC = asbeo a | soking as. and i, we get | begase arb=0 a 0. (1) Given, tines ae " | 10. 1) C0, 1) | Ke 7 a0 cn galt S809 | A) i i) UP +t) 0? 4 8%) 4 (8? + U9) H+ 7) aoe ai re at The coordinates of vertices A (0, 0), B(4, O)andC (2, 2). 38. preter (0) Aand (1, A)must ies on the same sido of BC. (i) Band 2)must lies on the same side of CA, | =0 | | “Point 3 esinsde the & ABC, then | | y (i) Cand (, 2} must ies on the same side of AB. ° Then, 0 som tea aco iea-4 out.y) = aes | 4 o SO tae w x ° nH a * = net 2 i 2am a0 ) : From Eqs. () and (i), we get dean = at b= Ostet REE ies 158 DPP ~ STRAIGHT LINE AND CIRCLE DPP-2 Angle between Straight Lines, Image and Foot of Perpendicular ) Given, equations of tines are oes Vix+ y=? ‘Slope of line (), maa Slope of ine 8, m= Let@be the angle between the tne (i) andi, (Given, equations of tines aro x=ay=3 and 6t~ yet Slope of ine me 1 a ‘and slope oftine (9, m= 6 Let be the angle betwoen the tines, () and (i) (i Given, equation of ines ae e-vOxe5 and y= + V3x-7 Sope tine), m =e) Slope tine (9, m= 2 + v3) Letobe the angle between the ies () and tone = | f 8 | Fe mel” | 1 PW a Fels = ti) = a (Given, equation offnes are yoo? and gy Slope ote) mas p0 oti v3 Letobete angi between ines () and () 1 | (8 tno =|%=22|.| 275 | I5| 4 +m mel lagxt) |2) 3 a rm (Given, equation of ines are (1? ~ may = (ona + nF) x4 08 and (enn + on? by = (mn ~ 0) x mi? Smmectiws, myo (mE2) Sinetiat, men =H ANSWERS WITH EXPLANATIONS Let @be the angle between the () and (i tines mint + mn + mnt + ma? ~ mins ee Siméon) | ante? 0 @ ‘Any point on theine () (48). «Distance ofthe point (a, B) rom the ine 4x + ay = 10%8 ¢ az at 9B +1 eo = 4a+ 9B-10-4 5 far 3B=15 o 4a 3B=5 (0) Since, point (af) es on ine atpe4 o Sandat B= 4. weget ‘On solving equations 4a + 9 = Sanda + B = 4,we get a=-76=1 Sum of absclsse = 3-7 =~ 4 (@ Since, PO and RS is paral to sides. Thus, equations of PQ and A are A ae) ye Sx— y= Ay and 4x+ By = Ro passing tough (1, 1) Equation ol PQis, —3x- 4y=—1 ‘and equation of Sis, 4x4 3y=7 Distance between 3x ~ 4y1= Dand side x ~ ay + w= 0 2 = met = wetee10 see a wety-9 Now, ABand CO are 3x-4ys 10 and 3x-4y-9=0 ‘so, BC and AD are ant ay 9e0 and ane 3y-17=0 159 '. Conse the fa situation whan th tne aie the ino 2.7 | 8P4Q\6,~ Ahn tho rato 4:7 intemal, | * Coordinates of point are 4 aaa a bat Ea | 4x5-749 4044757), { (2833 Snr | (ap) Equation of ine passing through} toraie 3) and perpendicular 8 y= 33= 8x4 & ¥- Sa axe & | = 12ly~ 969 = eax + 8 | = 1aty~ 88x ~ 374 ‘Again, conser the socond stuaion when the lno divides on of | P and Q inthe rata 4: 7 extomady. Coordinates of point Rare | 33 Equation of tine passing rou 4 Sone perpendicular toPdis | 687, a real §) | = ty TB waxy 328 | a 3 = 8y 715 = 24x + 908 | = Bay ~ 26x = 1049 4. (6) Given, points are A(~+, 5), (0, 0} and 2,2) and Os the mid-point of BC. } Coordinates oD av (1, 1) | Now, equation at tne AD is BBs } 4 j = -8--S eee y-o=-S ty 5 yo 9= 2049 | = ext y-360 0 Siope of Ao, ™ Spe ono porpeneuir to AD, i | aa (on? line Perpendicular to AD ana passes tough point | Gos 1 0-0-2 -0) | ~ x-2y20 | 5. (a Wo know tha, the equation oa ine passes though point of i ee nett, MES ats by +o, 0° nara | 20k + Bal Ce Oi8(AX + byys C1) 4 Alagr + by o,)eo Eavation of aie passes through poh of intersection ol haes yes Tandx+ 2y4 12910 VAN Nxt 2ys Hao = (4 Der Oh nye y 0} and Sx-2y4 wo foe =e) | Slope offre myo Sd | 160 ‘Slope of te (, 2 Since, Ines () and i) are perpenctoula to each other, mys mg= 1 wea) = 8+ 224-2 = 2. Substuting the vie of inne (wo ge -8x- i5y=0 ~ 2x4 by<0. (2) Given, equation of ine, x9ec0+ ycosee 0 =a 0 m= ‘Siope of ne 'Now equation of a tne passes thraugh (acos"e, asin’) and Perpendicular to the line (is (y~ asin®9) = c0t6 (x acos*9) = ys ~ asin* 9= xcos@ - acoso ~ C080 ~ ysin0 » a(sin' 0 ~ eos" @) = 7080 ysin® = a(aino + cos?9) (sin? — cos? 0) 008 0— ysin0 = acosz0 [sin + cos%e = 4, - rina acceso et) (A) Let Aa, 0} an (0,2) be two ends of tho base of isosceles PAB, la Pa 4) oO Ala, 0) 7 Since, side Ais parallel to Y-axis Coordinates of points Pare (2a, k) Now, Phek P= (ean OF Waa - fia TR caP PA=P5 — (-APABis onl) 5 Pat = p68 ~ A = 4a? +k? + a? — Dak 55 set ~ 20k z aise 2h) <0 5 Se-2k=0 f-ae0) = ae 2 a EwuondtinePBis ya «229 4 yan 2-9 e ary dono . (a) Given, equation ot tne are B-vix4+ (7 ~ aby + (a-pj=0 M and BP yx4 (7 - wy+ (Bug i) ‘Since, Eqs. (and (i) represent same tne DPP ~ STRAIGHT LINE AND CIRCLE et 9. From first two relatons, we have * Required equation, ee | + x= y—3) Pop poe 34 A = 241~8y~ 90 2 Freie Pidia ae rex ayn 15 = BPs a? + op ay? +a? oxy || 10. (6) Given, equation of tne is = 8° + of -y?- ay =0 x-her “ ° Bey + af -y For point of inersecton of ine () wih X-axis, put y = Gin = B+ nG-9- ap we pet = B-WB+y+ a0 Ether Bax a Ea Wintersect X-axis at(a, 0} arBryed Now. the equation o ine perpendicular olin (is (6) Given, equation ot nes, Bt prkyaen 0 en y= 0 ne i is passes through the point (2, 0) ak @ aly Puly=Oinine (), we get a axa Substituting the value on Eq (i, wo got Hy Sed Point (1,0) es onthe ne (. bra | Let coordinates of point Q is (a. BL it aefos of fine segment | eer | 11. (6) ipo ote segment | aa Bes A | Now, slope of ne fi, m= 3 | | and slope oO is | i | | pia N OH) | Slope of AN= tk ~ 1) "Now, equation of ANS Fae afx-(Kt rFeoeafe- (23) = a+ 3p Mg ory intercept, x= Oy = 4 On so'ving Eas. i) and (we get 7 be a wD [Hed a8 pe 2 ahs = 1s_ (et Let point A(x y)cvidos PO in tho rato: 6, | pl _axbs5 og ae = ats ond & a 12. (@)Weknow that ines perpendicular tothe sare Ene are paale Leaman ee to | @88Chather Therefore, pe of bah helines wl be some maar ie. PUP N= (+1) me pat Since, i passes through point | ‘There is exactly one valve ofp. | o 1. (a) Equation ofa ne passing through the intrscction of tines e+ 2by + 36 = Dandie 2ey ~ dan die Subtiutng the value of Ain Eg, (, Wo get (ax 2by + 2b) 2 (bx ~ 2ay~ 29) = 0 x-y= 38 | es Abye+ 0 ~20nyy + 26 — 90h = 0 0 4 This ine is paral to X-axis ~ 12x- 4y-15=0 Cooticient of xmust be zero, Alternate Method te. Poel ee ae-y-3=0 > On puting this vale in Eq, (), we got 207+ al y+ afb? + a {— Negative sign shows that the ine is below X-axis and at a distance 372 fom't ANSWERS WITH EXPLANATIONS 161 Alternate Method 16: (6) Given ane trough (1,2) meets the coordinate aes al and Equation of given tines re then the area of GPa thus obtained is minimus a4 2674 90 =0 | Y and be 2ay~ 38 | lo (On soving Eqs. ().and (i, we get the point ofintersectionas, | 1g Eqs. (i and i 3 (1, 2) e | x > x Also, itis given at the ected ine is paral to X-axis | 3 o-0 | Now auton one passing ouch (0-2) nag spe : pane | > Letmbe the siope oftine PQ, then the equation of POs 07+ 972)= 01-9) | y-2=mbe=1) = yo- 92 Now, PO meets Xs a? (1 3 18, the requied line is below Xx al a dstance 3 tort eae 2 and Y-axis al Q(0, 2 - m) 14, (o) Given, equation of ines L a z o) end Ke 0 Sines, the ine L passing through he point. 32) 38, Boy oy be-20 5° Thotin fara‘, then ts equation must be ae | 520 | | = Hm=-2 6 ‘On comparing this equation wth the given equation K, we get | ae r=~3 | Formaximum or minimum, = aed | im)= 0 2 | and, c= 5A, eee mans 7 = on sx = on 3/8 (rama) Thotofre, th stance betwen the ines Land K (enim) ‘eal minirur or teat, when m = ~2. 17. (o)'x- 3y=p and ax+ 2y=q are perpendicular, then [wae pose . sec y= ate pmpn then 4 = Point of inlersection of ines () and (i) is Feast ie ans Oo) (a tals ’) act 2y =qandax+ y = reannot be perpendioular as -2.cayet = a? Since, lines ()) and (@) intersect in tirst quadrant. 2 a eee Both xand ycoordlnates are postive “Thus, a=6 o le. tll so = (a-6)(a~3}"0 ow a= 9041 | and | 18. Givenequaton oie, x= ay — 0 = t+lal20 | P10, 5) and ajal-tz0 | | and lal >t 0 | 4 ova. 6) W-icaco > wast (?ot posstie) ey | ao etm axt faze acti . Let coordinates of foot of perpendicular areQ(a, 8) | | a- B=5 @ | 162 DPP ~ STRAIGHT LINE AND CIRCLE | 19. 20. Slope of ine (), m= Slope of PQ, = 3B- 5)=~ 4a = sas gp @ (On solving Eas. ard fi, we get | a= 3p Hero, coordinates of fot of peroenciclarae (3,1) | (Gien,tnosare 2x ay | axe ay=12 @| Lenath of perpendicular tom A(3, ~ 8)0 tha ke (is px=2x8-7], 38g a ‘Again, lng of perpendicular trom A(3~ 5. ine is 2x3 oa | 16, 21. a7 | sso + pnts he hag Pe Pos a” i i A does notes between the ines and sum of perpendicular from Atothetinev we Hence, (d)'scomect option. (6) Given, equation of tines, are 3x4 aye2=0 0 3x4 ay45=0 ‘i 3x4 4y-5=0 wy | € ‘sc ay Seay +5=0 ‘Any point P onthe tine can bet by puting y= 0. in x4 dy-5=0 = 3x4 4x 0-520 | = xed 0} apn onthe ine Bet ays Now, slope ofine Sx + 4y + 5=0 ™ =f | | | Let mg be the siope of ine PO, yom =—1 (PQs perpenciculato the given ines) 4 mes | ANSWERS WITH EXPLANATIONS. “Equation of, passing ough (1, 0) hong slope 43a (2) ye d(e§ 4,7 eg 2x~Sy=20 1 Onsohing ecuations 3x 4y +2 = Oand12x -8y we gt corsntes of pone @ 2) 75" 25 , On solving equation 3x + 4y 4 wo got the coordina of point, and 12x ~ By = 20, #8) Lae ntPO nao cea Bigs a 62 1089s mn (+ yazan aa2l = . aerate ete 5-2 Here, oy = re a "| 25 eral (8 Lat pap be the loath of perpen avn om (Ge= 7 o)anal-Ja=27, tomo nec Zeno 1 0 w 163 ae ees ee ” 22. (8) Given, nos we | Ooms Xe Lar” ® ale bet ayab=0 ; | Gwen, pis the length of perpendicular rom agin tothe te point onthe ne Lata p)be epi on ee | i. [et 20-0 i : a+pas ) fore t Now; cistance ofthe inte Bom the tine 4x + 3y = tbis 4 a+ 10) i - [eres (oven) ‘ “ [e+ op =t0)=5 = 5 sat B-10=45 | far B 215 m) = far B=5 “ (on sobing Eas. i) and. we got = bi a=3 1 ‘Onsobing Eqs i and ), we get 26. (@) Givon, equation of base of an Aen fa ae -7,p=11 | equilateral A ABC is j Hence, points ar (2, 1),-7, 11, xa ya? 23. (4) Given, oquaton ottine, aecae 4 € bidet yao o Ae ihe axes are rotated hough an angle 48 than 1 B c xe Xoos age — Yoinag = 20 | + ADA 0 C5 mw Let the side of an equilateral A ABC bea. = Bo o Hero, X and are coordinates oa pln thespecttonew aves. a2 Let panda be the intercept one Lon the new aes. From Eas. (and, we got +. Equation fine is Bot x o a8 a & Substituting he vales of xand ying, (), we get B ft) tetas BSE | xey EG i = Bax Sot a2 0 = 2X = 2+ X+ Vm 22 = ax Ya I 5 eee | 2B AB | ‘leary, Eqs Wand (hy roprosent same tne | pg a2 24. (b) Let reflection of point (3, 8) wth respect to the line x + 3y = 7 'sb4, 9). N=3. 4-8-2004 348-7) | (OM =Length ofthe perpenicua m0, 0)onthetine | = om = 1 @ | | | | \ | | Laine sees te rotated tough an engl @ vith reference tothe | || new aes, then equation of in ie ayy ay a | pia ‘ | | OM = Length of perpendicular fromO(0, O}on the line (ai) oa 164 DPP ~ STRAIGHT LINE AND CIRCLE 0 28. From Eqs. i) and (h), we get ~ a Gg or a+ beap tag? “Tiss equad ration, Altornato Method “The equation af ne ne wth ference to th od ace is e4¥e i ato o | the axes ao rotated through an angle 8 then | = Xcos0- ¥sin8,y = Ksind + Yeos0 | | Hote, X and ¥ are coordinates ofa paint P(x y}with respect to The equation of ino with respect to new axesis xy @ pig Substuting the values of xand yin ine we Get | 090 028) 2008) yay a | @ ry latly, Eqs.) and Gi represent the same tne. Therelore, 00 > nd cose > | hich is the required caation, (b) The avon ines are 4x4 2y: ox w ‘Sign of constant on RHS shows tha wo ines ie on opposite sido ‘of cxgin. Lot any ine trough engin meet these lines at Pand ©, respectively Then, required ratio SOP : 00, y In particular, OP can be taken perpendicular to the two parallel linas. Then, required rato is equal tothe ratio of perpendicular stances o ines from origin. "Non, distance of origin from 4x + 2y ~ <2 ore lee os 9 a and distance of origin trom2x.+ y + = 0 elie One once, the required ratio 2 " 0g ANSWERS, 29. (b) SlopeaR 2=m, (say) pr HO ood (cay) a o nce Pla. Bes 2x y~ 100 2a-B-10=0 o (On soving Eas () ac i), wo gt me Now, fo aF a= =< = (18-2) + 8- JB, B.S 9 ro- (5-2) + ails te ies eno Pan » 3 aR x PO 1 2 2 wos 31. WITH EXPLANATIONS . (6) Given, equation one Se Sy 215 6 See, pont Px yes on hn 1) and equstant ko he caval es = The uel ake of abscosa nd or of point are sane. Puc yin, meget eres 8 a 8 3 15,18 oie pnt? contre tpn ae('. 8) = Plies inst quadkant Now, put x= ~ yin Ea. (), we get + Coordinate of point Pare Hence, Plies in tnd quadrant (@ Equation of ne, Acs By+C=0 and wo alo 165 (0 elntee ite = (eay) = Azoandc #0 Hrtercep itt 050 (i wemtercopt inte sritercept ite 7 fom = Beace0 2 >) (i) Both x and y-iterceps ae 20. c c = Se 0and-S ao amg = C=oandAeeo fw >@) (6) Both x ancy rtrcept are infinite, = Ca mond-S am a a = CeO Azomde +0, = Ce 0andAa=0 moo 32. (0) 6 Equation of ie perpencicuaro ax ~ 9 Bet bye 0 Since, ne () passes trough (2.3). 2 9x24 4x = a + Roqured equation one 3x + Ay= 18 o>-@ Equation one perpenctcular 10 7x + 8 Bx-Ty=h Since, ine (passes trough point (610). 2 8-6-7 4 = de-n8 + Requited equation of tine Beye 118 = Ty- Bra 18 2 i) (9) (©) Equation of ine passing trough (8, 7) and(-6, a) 3-7 =7= 37 ag y-te SF 0-9 a 72 Ai rte Bans = ty 77 = ax-20 = Axo tty==s7 0 ere ihe Petbendeuarto Eq, () and paving trough @-3is 1" Bea) = AY+ 12 =—11e4 22 166 | 33. 4y+ Meno -12 0 | ) >) (Eton ofr onng points (1,39) and 2,7) 8 een) | tx 4 yoaes | > Yo Be ax- = aenyet 0 Equation o ine perpendicular to Eq. () and passing through 4-3) 1 +32-lay y pee yan x4 4y4 16-0 | m0 | (6) Equation of ine AB, | ; | 4 (0.16) | oeon ) Oro wag* | Yr aan atte 2xt y=t6 Now, perpendicular distance of point 2,2 rom tne () is = 0 (a) Let te coordinates of point P boxy) OC = DP = xandO0 = CP = y NPOOC isa squato, then OC = 00 =. From Eq. (), we gat 2xe 018 ro ~ Bay 16,16. Mere gt ag | (©) Gwen, area orectangle DOC = dosqunts - nys%0 = 5 yn w 5 ‘At postions of point Pinar thevaies ol andy whch sty an Eqs () and) Smutaracusy 3.0) From Eas. anc, we get 2x4 3 Sin 5 axt+ 20 7 = 29? 16x + 0-0 I eB a 2? - 8x4 15=0 - x08 SATO, | 2 = When = 5,y=6 | and.x=3.y=10 os Poston of poin Pi (5.6) (8, 10, = DPP ~ STRAIGHT LINE AND CIRCLE @ DPP-3 Equation of Str ht Line making an Angle ‘o’ with Given Straight Line 1. (Le A@.2)oeonovaterandx+ y=2bethe oppose st | ‘an equilateral tangle. Cleatly, remaining two sides pass through | the point AQ, 3)and make an angle of 60° with x-+ y= | mmbatesigoctrs yo2 Tene 10 tocamts | Ciitoche be oe ae | 42.3) a = 2+ VByx-2) | wa yeaa) | = Bx~2) | | 2. (c) Lot A(,2)be one vertex of square and diagonal BD is along ass \ AOD = £408 = 65% ¥ | Ala) | x. x | | y | Let be the sop a ine 8D, than m = | + Eaton fo sides of square is | 9 | yo 2 = tan AP (x1) | y-2=80-9 = y-2= 0-9 ane y-2= n=) 5 xeyeteo are xt y-3=0 3. {b) Given, equation of ine yemre 6 \ i | S090 cine ism, Since, toeaured inosine at an ago ie () + Spe olreqaedin = tan tan*im)= m Ecqtion of nes o-9-(228)0-0 | . ya r2 = ny = Wl = m*) = 2m and = 2mx — (mi? ~ 1) y= Oand ANSWERS WITH EXPLANATIONS 4, (2) Given, equation ofline ie x2) 0 Slope of tine (i), m3 We kewow that, agonal ofa square bisec vertex angle, Required lines aro incinod at an angle of 45° withthe ‘diagonal, Now, equation of ines J ton y-0= 2 gg te Phan Ften fin = y=2u-9) asl 2 tet = ye 2uns = 2 ay and y-2o ug cra = te s)and = Sx-y-90 and x4 3y-3=0 5. (0) Given, aquatonottne wins y= ny es ‘straight tne passing through P and making an angle «= 60 is ‘ven by yn = tan (ot a) = yamine Tren, tan d= = V3 and y~Vin+24 N3=0 Nealectng y + 2 = 0,29 t does not intersect X-ans. 167 6. (a) The coordinates of and Bare shown in tguregven below The equation ofthe clagonal AB is (y-esina) = 26980 asin = y(coee + sina) alsinacosa + sino} e-{c0sa~sina) x+ acos cosa sina) | = yloose+ sina) + x(e0se.~ sina) 7. (d) In the atgand plane, P is represented by e® and Q is | tepresentes bye", Now rotation about a ine with angle ais given bye" el, ‘Therefore, is obtained rom Py efectionn the line making an ange $. 8. (a) Given, equation oftines are et 0 +3 @ yemes a wy Sopeotine(), m= 3 Slope oftine{, my = 4 {and slope of tine (i sm. Since. ines () and (are equay inlined to the ine 6), (in) (i) | Bal -Gea)- (Fe) (14 3m) (1-2) | | bth=0 od 4-te=0 | ie (4 mer ts hy +2n=0 o| and U-myesim=hy=0 Having sopes tara 1 » Slope of diagonal re myc = = me: *-1 Thus, angle between caganal is 0” and ep 168 Explanations for Q, Nos. (10-12) 10. Give, equation a ines e+ ay=5 0 a ¥yets Itis glen that, ABC ie right angled isosceles tangles in which AB = AC: > ZAR =2ACB = 49 Thorelore, BC's equally inclined with AB and AC. ‘Slope of tine Slope oie ti, m Letmbe tho slope of tne BC. (2 = (24 am? = 4 ami? 94 6m + 26m = 16 + Om? ~ 24m > mel-7 7 ~ Lines are and Mn) Ty Mend and yoQentee7 = x-Ty+19=0 and 7x4 y-940 Lix-Tyt 10 oy Lites y-9=0 ) (Dh iat by rom and iyscetey+ ao ‘On comparing these lines with Eqs. (i) and (ih), we get a=tb 13, d=7e=4\f=-9 c+ fa ta-9= = {a} Coordinates of point Para(e + f = ie. P2. 3) fro + f= aunts} 2 Equation of ine passing tough P2, 3) and making an angle (0 + 45°)Le. 150° witn positive Xa x-2 3 cos 150° sin 160° ‘Coornates of any point on t wich is al dtance r ram (2,2) ie a2 100s 160, y= 3+ rsin 150" Hewe.r=4 5 Ha Acoa 1622 ax a2 28 1 254 4sint60'=344xte5 ’ 2 DPP ~ STRAIGHT LINE AND CIRCLE 13, i ” 42. 10 oA = 08 > OBA = 01k 0D 1 AB= ZODA = 90" ZAOD = 180"-(90°+45") 4a (ay) Equation of AB, oos a+ ysina= p os 48° + yin 45" = a % eB xe ys tv 13. (@) Given, equation ol tine xey LetAB= AC 2 AC =a Ai 8 C D a ayant raw AD 1 BC, AD is median of ABC Equation of AD, © y-O=1x-0) = y= = veo “ Dis te point ofinersecon a ne x + y= 19nd x= y Cn soving Ens. () an we ot ‘ 2i2 41 «+ Coordinates of point 0 are( +, 2 ee r (2) ‘We kc hat, certo vies the median AD in the ratio 2:1 Coordinates of point A axteixn 2 ahent axteixk and os —2 kant Hence, point As (1, 1h Now, ADs {- ‘Non ADB Aa? = AD? + BD? 2 (aye A + (2 = 0-8 o(G) 2: = Ba = a 2 Nom aca ot ate = 3 xat= x6 38 = 8x8 - 8B cgi $- BB soumte ANSWERS WITH EXPLANATIONS 14, 15. 16. 17. (6) Gradient of ther two lines are Q wis tan? gg _at< tan oor Teen er 9 TF Cyan ee 5 eB yg AAG ae a = 2-5 ond 248 {a.b) Given, equation ofine ae 0 Slope oftine (m= ‘The equation of fines making an angle e swith the line @) and passing trough oiinis ane (0.0) Gon, equaton of ine yen 0 Lot tne requited tne nein at © withthe Be (). @ = arc tan (3) 2 ‘and slope oftine Equation o nes and y-3 3/2 = = 3-82 (4 2)and x= y S12 (uy 2)and x=2 axe 4y-18= 0and x=2 abe.) Given, equation of ine x-Wy=0 0 ‘Slope o ine (), We know that, each angle ofan acuilaterl tangle i 6. +. Other two sides of equilateral wiangle makes 60" angle withthe lino x ~ v8y=0 169 Now. equation oer to ses ot eau wand ih a | Passes through origin if 1 | a0 0 | y-oe u0 tan 60 and and ‘Ary point on the ine i) at distance a fiom the point (0, 0) is aos sin(® 3) 2 Slope of na x= 0,8 tnd=wsoet® 2 ww = x=Oandyes@ Coordinates of second vartx are(0,a)or(0, a) Again any Point onthe line (a) ata cstance a om the pont (0,0) = em( ‘Slope of ine Vy + 2 Coordinates of tied vertex are ( Ba, sjo(Ss 22 18. (ad) Here, mye = tane = i C47, 5) Ths equations A and AD avo . ls > beryeted and 2yexe7= | 170 19, 20. (©) The equation of line, which passes through (4, — 5) having slope ms yo Se mix 4) = y+ Se mx-am = ma y~4m-5=0 0 {is given that the ciotance of point(-2, 9)ttom ine (is 12 units, m= 3~ 4m~81 4p Inte m= 8.42 ore =tn=8 | = ene InP Taking positive sign, we get 2 (Ym® +7) Poe (6-04 BF = 146m? + 1 Stim? + 64 + 96m = 144m? + 144 = 108m? — 96m + ~ 210 = Bim + 20=0 "= Since, D < 0. Therefore real value of m isnot possible. Hence, no lines are possible, (6) Given, equation eine axe yes 0 ‘ope of ne (),m Equation of ines passing trough (0, 0} and making an angle 445° wth the ne AB, ie ana = 2+ By = Oand ax + Now, to got the cocrtnates of point, on solving equation 2x+ y= Sandx+ 3y= 0,weget xeSyeot Coordinates of point A ae (3, — 1) Now, OA = (SOF I~ OF i= i0 Since, AOAB's isosceles tangle, igh angled at O. (OA = 08 = 10 and 2A08 = g9° Hence, area of AAOB = 1x OA x08 $> 0x 40 = Seq unis DPP ~ STRAIGHT LINE AND CIRCLE

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