Sandesh Shrestha Resume

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Full-stack developer with a passion for creating efficient, scalable, and user-friendly web applications. Seeking
opportunities to leverage my skills in front-end and back-end development to contribute to innovative projects.

 Language: JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, Python(basic)
 Front-End: React.js, Tailwind, Bootstrap. Gsap, Framer Motion
 Back-End: Node.js, Express.js, Firebase, Postman, Insomnia
 DBMS: MongoDB, MySQL
 Soft-Skill: Team Oriented, Good Communication

Web Development Intern:
6/2024 – 7/2024
Code Clause, REMOTE
 Assisted in the development and testing of front-end and back-end components for web applications.
 Participated in Agile development processes, including sprint planning, daily stand-ups and sprint reviews.
 Worked closely with senior developers to troubleshoot issues, implement fixes, and deploy updates.

Full-Stack Blog Application: LINK 06/2024 – 07/2024
 Developed a fully functional and responsive blog application using the MERN stack.
 Implemented secure user authentication with hashed passwords and unique tokens authentication and
post management (create, edit, delete) for registered users.
 Enabled blog viewing, searching by categories, and profile management for users.
 Successfully managed the project from design to deployment, showcasing persistence and problem-
solving skills.

Advanced Authentication System: LINK 05/2024 – 07/2024

 Developed a comprehensive authentication system using React.js for the front-end and Node.js,
Express.js, MongoDB for the backend.
 Implemented secure user registration with hashed passwords using bcrypt and stored in MongoDB.
 Integrated JSON Web Token (JWT) for user login and access to protected routes.
 Ensured security and privacy of user data with robust authentication and authorization features.

AI Chat Interface: LINK 07/2024 – 07/2024

 Developed an AI chat interface using React.js for the front-end.
 Implemented local storage to persist previous user prompts across sessions.
 Enhanced user experience with dynamic response rendering and loading indicators.
 Designed responsive UI components such as cards for prompting predefined questions.

Inspiria Knowledge Campus || Siliguri
2022 – 2025
Bachelor’s in computer application, GPA: 8.8

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