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Bahir Dar University

Institute of Technology

Faculty of electrical and Computer engineering

Introduction to Power System

3. Transmission Line Parameters

1 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
Chapter Three
Transmission Line Parameters
 Introduction
 Transmission parameters
 Resistance of transmission lines
 Frequency (Skin) effect
 Temperature effect
 Spiraling and bundling effect and
 proximity effect
 Inductance of
 Single phase two wire line
 Three phase transmission line with symmetrical and asymmetrical spacing
 Composite conductor lines
 Bundled conductors
 Double circuit three phase lines
 Capacitance of
 Single phase two wire line
 Three phase line with equilateral and asymmetrical spacing
 Tenaw A. of earth on transmission line capacitance 11/26/2022
▪ The electric energy produced at generating stations is transported over
high-voltage transmission lines to utilization points.

▪ The trend toward higher voltages is motivated by the increased line capacity
while reducing line losses per unit of power transmitted.

▪ The reduction in losses is significant and is an important aspect of energy

conservation. Better use of land is a benefit of the larger capacity.

▪ The transmission and distribution of three-phase electrical power on

overhead lines requires the use of at least three-phase conductors.

▪ Most low voltage lines use three-phase conductors forming a single three-
3 phase circuit.
Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
▪ Many higher voltage lines consist of a single three-phase circuit or two
three-phase circuits strung or suspended from the same tower structure
and usually called a double-circuit line.
▪ The two circuits may be strung in a variety of configurations such as
vertical, horizontal or triangular configurations.

▪ Figure 3.1 illustrates typical single-circuit lines and double-circuit lines in

horizontal, triangular and vertical phase conductor arrangements.
▪ A line may also consist of two circuits running physically in parallel but on
different towers.

▪ In addition, a few lines have been built with three, four or even six three-
phase circuits strung on the same tower structure in various horizontal
and/or triangular formations.

4 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
5 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
▪ Bundled phase conductors are usually used on transmission lines at 220 kV
and above.
▪ These are constructed with more than one conductor per phase separated at
regular intervals along the span length between two towers by metal
▪ Conductor bundles of two, three, four, six and eight are in use in various
▪ The purpose of bundled conductors is to reduce the voltage gradients at the
surface of the conductors because the bundle appears as an equivalent
conductor of much larger diameter than that of the component conductors.
▪ This minimizes active losses due to corona, reduces noise generation, e.g.
radio interference, reduces the inductive reactance and increases the
capacitive susceptance or capacitance of the line.
▪ The latter two effects improve the steady state power transfer capability of
the line.
6 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
Transmission Line parameters
▪ The power transmission line is one of the major components of an electric power
▪ Its major function is to transport electric energy, with minimal losses, from the
power sources to the load centers, usually separated by long distances.
▪ The design of a transmission line depends on four electrical parameters:
1. Series resistance 3. Shunt capacitance
2. Series inductance 4. Shunt conductance
▪ The series resistance relies basically on the physical composition of the conductor
at a given temperature.
▪ The series inductance and shunt capacitance are produced by the presence of
magnetic and electric fields around the conductors, and depend on their
geometrical arrangement.
▪ The shunt conductance is due to leakage currents flowing across insulators and
air. As leakage current is considerably small compared to nominal current, it is
usually neglected, and therefore, shunt conductance is normally not considered
7 for the transmission
Tenaw A. line modeling. 11/26/2022
Line resistance
▪ The AC resistance of a conductor in a transmission line is based on the calculation
of its DC resistance.
▪ If DC current is flowing along a round cylindrical conductor, the current is
uniformly distributed over its cross-section area and its DC resistance is
evaluated by l
RDC = 
▪ where ρ - is the resistivity of conductor
l - is the length and
A - is the cross-sectional area
▪ If AC current is flowing, rather than DC current, the following factors need to be
1. Frequency or skin effect
3. Spiraling of stranded conductors
4. Bundle conductors arrangement
5. Proximity effect
6. Also the resistance of magnetic conductors varies with current magnitude.

8 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
Frequency Effect
▪ The frequency of the AC voltage produces a second effect on the conductor
resistance due to the non - uniform distribution of the current. This
phenomenon is known as skin effect.
▪ As frequency increases, the current tends to go toward the surface of the
conductor and the current density decreases at the center.
▪ Skin effect reduces the effective cross-section area used by the current,
and thus, the effective resistance increases.
▪ Also, although in small amount, a further resistance increase occurs when
other current-carrying conductors are present in the immediate vicinity.
▪ For 60 Hz, k is estimated around 1.02

where: k- skin effect correction factor

9 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
Temperature Effect
▪ The resistivity of any conductive material varies linearly over an operating
temperature, and therefore, the resistance of any conductor suffers the
same variations.
▪ As temperature rises, the conductor resistance increases linearly, over
normal operating temperatures, according to the following equation:
 T + t2 
R2 = R1  
 T + t1 
▪ R2 is the resistance at second temperature t2
▪ R1 is the resistance at initial temperature t1
▪ T is the temperature coefficient for the particular material (C°)

10 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
▪ Resistivity (𝜌) and temperature coefficient (T) constants depend upon
the particular conductor material.
▪ Table 1 lists resistivity and temperature coefficients of some typical
conductor materials

Table 3.1: Resistivity and Temperature Coefficient of Some Conductors

11 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
Spiraling and Bundle Conductor Effect

▪ There are two types of transmission line conductors: overhead and

▪ Overhead conductors, made of naked metal and suspended on
insulators, are preferred over underground conductors because of the
lower cost and easy maintenance.
▪ Also, overhead transmission lines use aluminum conductors, because of
the lower cost and lighter weight compared to copper conductors,
although more cross-section area is needed to conduct the same
amount of current.
▪ There are different types of commercially available aluminum
▪ Aluminum-conductor-steel-reinforced (ACSR),
▪ Aluminum-conductor-alloy-reinforced (ACAR),
▪ All-aluminum-conductor (AAC), and
▪ All-aluminum alloy- conductor (AAAC).
12 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
Figure 3.2: Stranded aluminum conductor with stranded steel core (ACSR)

▪ ACSR is one of the most used conductors in transmission lines. It consists

of alternate layers of stranded conductors, spiraled in opposite directions
to hold the strands together, surrounding a core of steel strands.
▪ Figure 3.2 shows an example of aluminum and steel strands
▪ The purpose of introducing a steel core inside the stranded aluminum
conductors is to obtain a high strength-to-weight ratio.
▪ A stranded conductor offers more flexibility and easier to manufacture than a
solid large conductor.
▪ However, the total resistance is increased because the outside strands are
larger than the inside strands on account of the spiraling.
13 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
▪ In high-voltage transmission lines, there may be more than one conductor per
phase (bundle configuration) to increase the current capability and to reduce corona
effect discharge.
▪ Corona effect occurs when the surface potential gradient of a conductor exceeds
the dielectric strength of the surrounding air (30 kV/cm during fair weather),
producing ionization in the area close to the conductor, with consequent corona
losses, audible noise, and radio interference.
▪ As corona effect is a function of conductor diameter, line configuration, and
conductor surface condition, then meteorological conditions play a key role in
its evaluation.
▪ Corona losses under rain or snow, for instance, are much higher than in dry
▪ Corona, however, can be reduced by increasing the total conductor surface.
▪ By increasing the number of conductors per phase, the total cross-section area
increases, the current capacity increases, and the total AC resistance decreases
proportionally to the number of conductors per bundle
14 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
▪ Conductor bundles may be applied to any voltage but are always used at
345 kV and above to limit corona.
▪ To maintain the distance between bundle conductors along the line,
spacers made of steel or aluminum bars are used. Figure 3.3 below
shows some typical arrangement of stranded bundle configurations.

▪ Figure 3.3: Stranded conductors arranged in bundles per phase of (a) two, (b) three, and (c) four.

15 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
Proximity effects
▪ In a transmission line there is a non-uniformity of current distribution
caused by a higher current density in the elements of adjacent
conductors nearest each other than in the elements farther apart. The
phenomenon is known as proximity effect.
▪ It is present for three-phase as well as single-phase circuits. For the usual
spacing of overhead lines at 60 Hz, the proximity effect is neglected
Example 1:
▪ A solid cylindrical aluminum conductor 25 km long has a diameter of
1.4732 cm. Obtain the conductor resistance at:
▪ (a) 20°C
▪ (b) 50°C

16 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
▪ The resistivity of aluminum at 20° is 2.8 x 10-8m .

a). d=1.4732cm
 d2
A= = 1.70456 cm 2
l 25 x 10
R1 =ρ = 2.8 x 10-8 -4
= 4.106
A 1.70456 x 10

228+50 278
b). R 2 = R1 ( ) = 4.106( ) = 4.6Ω
228+20 248

17 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
Example 2
▪ A three phase transmission line is designed to deliver 190.5 MVA at 220 kV over a
distance of 63 km. the total transmission loss is not to exceed 2.5 percent of the rated line
MVA. If the resistivity of the conductor material at 20° is 2.8 × 10−8Ωm , determine the
required conductor diameter and the conductor size in circular miles.
The total transmission line loss is
PL = (190.5) = 4.7625MW
s (190.5)103
I = = = 500 A
3VL 3(220)
From PL = 3R I ,the line resistance per phase is

4.7625 x 106
R= = 6.35 
3(500) 2
The conductor cross sectional area is
(2.84 x 10-8 )(63 x 103 )
A= = 2.81764 x 10-4 m 2
18 Tenaw A.
d =1.894 cm = 0.7456 in = 556000 cmil 11/26/2022
Inductance of a single conductor
▪ The inductive reactance is by far the most dominating impedance element.
▪ A current-carrying conductor produces a magnetic field around the
conductor. The magnetic flux lines are concentric closed circles with
direction given by the right hand rule.
▪ With the thumb pointing in the direction of the current, the fingers of the
right hand encircled the wire point in the direction of the magnetic field.
▪ When the current changes, the flux changes and a voltage is induced in the
▪ By definition, for nonmagnetic material, the inductance L is the ratio of its
total magnetic flux linkage to the current I, given by

L= (1)
Where  is the flux linkage, in weber turns

19 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
▪ Consider a long round conductor with radius r, carrying a current I as
shown in figure

▪ The magnetic field intensity 𝐻𝑥, around a circle of radius x, is constant

and tangent to the circle.

20 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
▪ The Ampere’s law relating 𝐻𝑥 to the current 𝐼𝑥 is given by
2 x

H x .dl =I x
Hx = (2)
2 x

▪ Where 𝐼𝑥 is the current enclosed at radius x. As shown in figure,

Equation (2) is all that required for evaluating the flux linkage 𝜆 of a
▪ The inductance of the conductor can be defined as the sum of
contributions from flux linkages internal and external to the conductor.

21 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
Internal Inductance
▪ A simple expression can be obtained for the internal flux linkage by
neglecting the skin effect and assuming uniform current density throughout the
conductor cross section
I Ix
= (3)
 r 2  x2

substituting I x from equation (3) in to equation (2) yields

Hx = x (4)
2 r 2

For a nonmagnetic conductor with constant permeability o , the magnetic flux density is given by
o I
Bx = o H x = x (5)
2 r 2
where o is the permeability of free space (or air) and is equal to 4 x10-7 H / m
▪ The differential flux dø for a small region of thickness dx and one meter length of
conductor is
0 I
dx = Bx d x .1 = xd x (6)
2 r 2
22The flux dA.
Tenaw x links only the fraction of the conductor from the center to radius x
 Thus, on the assumption of uniform current density, only the fraction  x

 r2
of the total current is linked by the flux, i.e
x2 I
d x = ( 2 )dx = 0 4 x 3dx (7)
r 2 r

 The total flux linkage is found by integrating d x from 0 to r

0 I r 3
2 r 4 0
int = x dx (8)

 I
= 0 Wb / m

 The inductance due to the internal flux linkage is

μoI 1
Lint = = x10-7 H/m (9)
8 I 2

Note that Lint is independent of the conductor radius r

23 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
Inductance Due To External Flux Linkage
▪ Consider 𝐻𝑥 external to the conductor at radius 𝑥>𝑟 as shown in Figure
▪ Since the circle at radius x encloses the entire current 𝐼𝑥 =𝐼 and in ( 2) 𝐼𝑥
is replaced by I and the flux density at radius x becomes
 oI
Bx =  oHx = (10)
2 x
▪ Since the entire current I is linked by the
flux outside the conductor, the flux linkage d x
Is numerically equal to the flux dx
▪ The differential flux dx for a small region
of thickness d x and one meter length of the
conductor is then given by
0 I
d x = dx = Bx dx.1 = dx (11)
2 x
24 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
 The external flux linkage between two points D1 and D2 is found by
integrating d x from D1 to D2

o I 1D2
ext = D1 x dx
=2 x 10-7 I ln 2 Wb / m (12)
The inductance between two points external to a conductor is then
L ext = 2 x10−7 ln H /m (13)

25 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
Inductance of a single phase two wire system
▪ Consider one meter length of a single phase line consisting of two solid
round conductors of radius 𝑟1 and 𝑟2 as shown in figure below .
▪ The two conductors are separated by a distance D. conductor 1 carries
the phasor current 𝐼1 referenced into the page and conductor 2 carries
return current 𝐼2=−𝐼1.
▪ These currents set up magnetic field lines that links between the
conductors as shown.

Figure: single phase two wire line

26 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
▪ Inductance of conductor 1 due to internal flux is same as equation (9)
▪ The flux beyond D links a net current of zero and does not contribute to the net
magnetic flux linkages in the circuit
▪ The inductance of conductor 1 due to the external flux linkage (i.e D1= r1 &
D2=D) D
L1ext = 2 x10−7 ln H /m (14)
▪ The total inductance of conductor 1 is then
1 −7 −7 D
L1 = x10 + 2 x10 ln H / m (15)
2 r1
This equation is often rearanged as follows:
1 D
L1 = 2 x10−7 ( + ln )
4 r1
−7 1 D
=2 x10 (ln e + ln4
+ ln ) (16)
r1 1
1 D
=2 x10−7 (ln −1 4
+ ln )
r1e 1
27 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022

Let r = r1e , the inductance of conductor 1 becomes
' 4

1 D
L1 = 2 x10−7 ln '
+ 2 x10 −7
ln H /m (17)
r1 1
Similarly, the inductance of conductor 2 is
1 D
L2 = 2 x10−7 ln '
+ 2 x10 −7
ln H /m (18)
r2 1
If the two conductors are identical, r1 = r2 =r and L1 =L2 =L, and the inductance
per phase per meter length of the the line is given by
1 D
L = 2 x10 −7 ln ' + 2 x10 −7 ln H /m (19)
r 1
▪ Examination of equation (19) reveals that the first term is only a
function of the conductor radius
▪ This term is considered as the inductance due to both the internal flux
and that external to conductor 1 to a radius of 1m.
▪ The second term of (19) is dependent only upon conductor spacing. This
term is known as the inductance spacing factor.
28 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
▪ The term r ' = re −1 4 is known mathematically as the self geometric mean
distance of a circle with radius 𝑟 and is abbreviated by GMR.
▪ 𝑟′can be considered as the radius of a fictitious conductor assumed to have
no internal flux but with the same inductance as the actual conductor
with radius r.
▪ GMR is commonly referred to as geometric mean radius and will be
designated by DS . Thus, the inductance per phase in millihenries per
kilometer becomes
L = 0.2 ln mH/km (20)
▪ A single-phase transmission line 35 Km long consists of two solid round conductors,
each having a diameter of 0.9 cm.The conductor spacing is 2.5 m.
▪ calculate the equivalent diameter of a fictitious hollow, thin-walled conductor having
the same equivalent inductance as the original line.
▪ What is the value of the inductance per conductor?
▪ Calculate the reactance at f = 60Hz
29 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
-1 -1
Solution: ' 4 4
r=e r =e ( ) = 0.35 cm
or d =2r' = 0.7 cm
L = 0.2ln = 1.314 mH/Km

L=1.314x35 = 45.99  46 mH
X L = 2 fL = 2 (60)(0.046) = 17.342 

Flux linkage in terms of self and mutual inductances

▪ The series inductance per phase for the above single phase two wire line
can be expressed in terms of self inductance of each conductor and their
mutual inductance.
▪ Consider one meter length of the single phase circuit represented by two
coils characterized by the self inductances 𝐿11 and 𝐿22 and the mutual
inductance 𝐿12 . The magnetic polarity is indicated by dot symbols as
shown inA.figure.
Tenaw 11/26/2022
Figure: The single phase line viewed as two magnetically coupled coils

▪ The flux linkage 𝜆1 and 𝜆2 are given by

1 = L11 I1 + L12 I 2 (21)

2 = L21 I1 + L22 I 2
Since I 2 = - I1 , we have
1 = ( L11 - L12 ) I1 (22)
2 = (- L21 + L22 ) I 2

31 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
▪ Comparing equation ( 22) & ( 17 & 18), We can give the following equivalent
expressions for the self and mutual inductances:
L11 = 2 x10 −7 ln
r '1
L22 = 2 x10 −7 ln (23)
r '2
L12 = L21 = 2 x10 −7 ln

▪ The concept of self and mutual inductance can be extended to a group of n

▪ Consider n conductors carrying phasor currents 𝐼1,𝐼2,…,𝐼𝑛, such that
I1 + I 2 + I 3 + .... + I i + .... + I n = 0 (24)
Generalizing, the flux linkages of conductor I are
i = Lii I i +  Lij I j ji (25)
j =1

1 1
i = 2 x10 ( I i ln ' +  I j ln
) ji (26)
32 Tenaw A. r i j =1 Dij 11/26/2022
Inductance of three phase transmission lines
Symmetrical spacing
▪ Consider one meter length of a three phase line with three conductors,
each with radius r, symmetrically spaced in a triangular configuration as
shown in Figure .

Figure : three phase line with symmetrical spacing

▪ Assuming balanced three phase currents we have

I a + Ib + Ic = 0 (27)

33 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
▪ The total flux linkage of phase ‘a’ conductor is
1 1 1
a = 2 x10−7 ( I a ln + I b ln + I c ln )
r' D D
Substituting for I b + I c = - I a
1 1
a = 2 x10−7 ( I a ln − I a ln )
r' D
= 2 x10−7 I a ln ' (28)
▪ Because of symmetry, λ b = λ c = λ a , and the three inductances are identical.
Therefore, the inductance per phase per kilometer length is
L=0.2 ln mH/km (29)
Where r' is the geometric mean radius, GMR, and is shown by Ds . For a solid
conductor, Ds = re for stranded conductor Ds can be evaluated from a later

section in this chapter

The inductance per phase for a three phase circuit with equilateral spacing is the
34 sameTenaw
as for
A. one conductor of a single phase circuit. 11/26/2022
Asymmetrical spacing
▪ Practical transmission lines cannot maintain symmetrical spacing of
conductors because of construction considerations.
▪ With asymmetrical spacing, even with balanced currents, the voltage drop
due to the line inductance will be unbalanced.
▪ Consider one meter length of a three phase line with three conductors,
each with radius r. The conductors are asymmetrically spaced with
distances shown in figure.

Figure : three phase line with asymmetrical spacing.

35 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
▪ The flux linkages are




36 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
Where the operator a = 11200 and a 2 = 12400
a 1 1 1
La = = 2 x10−7 (ln + a 2 ln + a ln )
Ia r' D12 D13
b 1 1 1
Lb = = 2 x10−7 (a ln + ln + a 2 ln ) (33)
Ib D12 r' D23
c 1 1 1
Lc = = 2 x10−7 (a 2 ln + a ln +ln )
Ic D13 D23 r'

▪ Examination of equations (33) show that the phase inductances are not
equal and they contain an imaginary term due to the mutual inductance.

37 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
Transpose Line
▪ The equilateral triangular spacing configuration is not the only
configuration commonly used in practice. Thus the need exists for
equalizing the mutual inductances.
▪ One means for doing this is to construct transpositions or rotations of
overhead line wires.
▪ A transposition is a physical rotation of the conductors, arranged so that
each conductor is moved to occupy the next physical position in a regular
sequence such as a-b-c, b-c-a, c-a-b, etc. Such a transposition arrangement
is shown in figure below.
▪ If a section of line is divided into three segments of equal length separated
by rotations, we say that the line is “completely transposed.”

38 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
Figure: A transposed three phase line

▪ Since a transposed line each takes all three positions, the inductance per phase
can be obtained by finding the average value of equation (33)
La + Lb + Lc
L= (34)
Noting a + a = 11200 + 12400 = −1, the average becomes

2x10-7 1 1 1 1
L= (3ln − ln − ln − ln )
3 r' D12 D23 D13
1 1
L = 2 x10−7 (ln − ln 1
r' 3
( D12 D23 D13 )
−7 ( D12 D23 D13 )
=2A.x10 ln (35)
39 Tenaw r' 11/26/2022
▪ Or the inductance per phase per kilometer length is
L = 0.2 ln mH/km (36)
GMD = 3 D12 D23 D13 (37)

▪ This again is of the same form as the expression for the inductance of one
phase a single-phase line.
▪ GMD (geometric mean distance) is the equivalent conductor spacing. For
the above three phase line is the cube root of the product of the tree phase
spacing. DS is the geometric mean radius, GMR.
▪ For stranded conductor DS is obtained from the manufacture’s data. For
solid conductor DS = r ' = re −1 4 .

40 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
▪ In modern transmission lines, transposition is not generally used.
However, for the purpose of modeling, it is most practical to treat the
circuit as transposed. The error introduced as a result of this assumption is
very small.
Inductance of Composite Conductors
▪ In the evaluation of inductance, solid round conductors were considered.
However, in practical transmission lines, stranded conductors are used.
▪ Also, for reasons of economy, most EHV lines are constructed with
bundled conductors. In this section an expression is found for the
inductance of composite conductors.
▪ The result can be used for evaluating the GMR of stranded or bundled
conductors. It is also useful in finding the equivalent GMR and GMD of
parallel circuits.

41 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
Figure : Single phase line two composite conductors.

▪ Consider a single phase line consisting of two composite conductors 𝑥 and

𝑦 as shown in Figure above. The current in 𝑥 is 𝐼 referenced into the page,
and the return current in 𝑦 is − I .
▪ Conductor x consists of n identical strands of sub-conductors, each with
radius rx .
▪ Conductor y consists of m identical strands of sub-conductors, each with
radius ry . The current is assumed to be equally divided among the sub-

42 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
▪ The current per strand is 𝐼/𝑛 in x and 𝐼/𝑚 in y.
▪ The application of the expression of the linkage flux developed in the
previous sections will result in the following expression for the total flux
linkage of conductor 𝑎.
I 1 1 1 1
a = 2 x10−7 (ln + ln + ln + ... + ln )
n rx ' Dab Dac Dan
I 1 1 1 1
− 2 x10−7 (ln + ln + ln + ... + ln )
m Daa ' Dab ' Dac ' Dam
m Daa ' Dab ' Dac ' ...Dam
a =2x10 I ln -7
n rx ' Dab Dac ...Dan

The inductance of subconductor a is

a −7
m Daa ' Dab ' Dac ' ...Dam
La = = 2nx10 ln (39)
I n rx ' Dab Dac ...Dan
43 Tenaw A. n 11/26/2022
▪ The inductance of other sub-conductors in x are similarly obtained. For
example, the inductance of the sub-conductor n is
n −7
m Dna ' Dnb ' Dnc ' ...Dnm
Ln = = 2nx10 ln (40)
I rx ' Dna Dnb ...Dnc
The average inductance of any one subconductor in group x is
La + Lb + Lc + ... + Ln
Lav = (41)
Since all the subconductors of conductor x are electrically parallel, the inductance will be
Lav La + Lb + Lc + ... + Ln
Lx = =
n n2
substituting the value of La , Lb , Lc ,..., Ln results in
Lx = 2 x10-7 ln H/m (42)
GMD= mn (D aa' D ab' ...D am )...(D na' D nb' ...D nm ) (43)
GMR x = n (D aa D ab ...D an )...(D na D nb ...D nn ) (44)
44 where DaaA.= Dbb = ... = Dnn = r 'x
Tenaw 11/26/2022
▪ GMD is the mnth root of the product of the mnth distances between n
strands of conductors x and m strands of conductor y.
▪ GMRx is the n 2 root of the product of n 2 terms consisting of r’ of every
strand times the distance from each strand to all other strands within
group x.
▪ The inductance of conductor y can also be similarly obtained. The
geometric mean radius GMRy will be different. The geometric mean
distance GMD, however, is the same.
Example 1
▪ Find the geometric mean radius of a conductor in terms of the radius r of
an individual strand for
▪ (a) Three equal strands as shown in Figure (a) below
▪ (b) Four equal strands as shown in Figure 1 (b) below

45 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
Figure : figure for example 1 above.

Solution 1
a ). GMR = 9
( r ' 2r x 2r ) 3
3 -
= re 4
x 2r x 2r = 1.46r

b). GMR = 16 (r' x 2r x 2r x 2 2r) 4

= e 4
8 2r 4 = 1.723r

46 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
Example 2
▪ A stranded conductor consists of seven identical strands each having a
radius r as shown in Figure. Determine the GMR of the conductor in terms
of r.

Figure: Cross section for stranded conduct

▪ From Figure, the distance from strand 1 to all other strands is:
D12 = D16 = D17 = 2r
D14 =4r

13 =D A.
15 = D 2
14 − D 2
45 = 2 3r 11/26/2022
▪ The GMR of the above conductor is

GMR = 49 (r '.2r.2 3r.4r.2 3r.2r.2r ) 6 r '(2r ) 6

−1 6 6
= r (e) (2) (3) (2)
7 4 6 7 7

= 2.1767 r

▪ With a large number of strands the calculation of GMR can become very
tedious. Usually these are available in the manufacturer’s data.

48 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
GMR of bundled conductors
▪ At voltages above 230 kV (extra high voltage) and with circuits with
only one conductor per phase, the corona effect becomes more
▪ Associated with this phenomenon is a power loss as well as interference
with communication links.
▪ Corona is the direct result of high-voltage gradient at the conductor
surface. The gradient can be reduced considerably by using more than
one conductor per phase.
▪ The conductors are in close proximity compared with the spacing
between phases.
▪ A line such as this is called a bundle-conductor line.

49 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
▪ The bundle consists of two or more conductors (sub-conductors) symmetrically
arranged in configuration as shown in Figure below.
▪ Another important advantage of bundling is the attendant reduction in line
reactances, both series and shunt which improves the line performance and increases
the power capability of the line.
▪ The analysis of bundle-conductor lines is a specific case of the general
multiconductor configuration problem

Figure : Examples of bundled arrangements.

▪ The subconductors within a bundle are separated at frequent intervals by spacer

▪ Spacer-dampers prevent clashing, provide damping and connect the
subconductors in parallel.
50 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
▪ The GMR of the equivalent single conductor is obtained by using GMR
formula developed in the previous sections. If 𝐷𝑠 is the GMR of each
subconductor and d is the bundle spacing we have
▪ For the two subconductor bundle

Dsb = 4
( Ds xd ) 2 = Ds xd (45)

For the three subconductor bundle

D bs = 9
( Ds xdxd )3 = 3
Ds xd 2 (46)

For the four subconductor bundle

Ds = 16 ( Ds xdxdx 2 d ) 4 = 1.09 4 Ds xd 3

51 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
▪ Evaluate 𝐿𝑥 and 𝐿𝑦 then calculate L in H/m for the single phase two
conductor line shown in figure


52 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
53 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
Dxx = 9 (0.02336)3 (0.5) 2 (2.0) 2 = 0.3128 m
D1'1' = D2'2' = r ' y = e 4
ry = (0.7788)(0.04) = 0.03115 m
D1'2' = D2'1' = 0.3 m
D yy = 4 (0.03115) 2 (0.3) 2 = 0.09667 m

54 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
 3.189 
Lx = 2 x10−7 ln   = 4.644 x10 −7
H/m per conductor
 0.3128 
 3.189 
Ly = 2 x10−7 ln   = 6.992 x10 −7
H/m per conductor
 0.09667 
L=L x + L y =1.164x10-6 H/m per circuit

55 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
Inductance of three phase double circuit line
▪ A three phase double circuit line consists of two identical three phase
▪ The circuits are operated with a1 − a2 , b1 − b2 𝑎𝑛𝑑 c1 − c2 in parallel.
Because of geometrical differences between conductors, voltage drop
due to line inductance will be unbalanced.
▪ To achieve balance, each phase conductor must be transposed within its
group and with respect to parallel three phase line.
▪ Consider a three phase double circuit line with relative phase positions,
a1b1c1 − c2b2 a2 as shown in Figure below

Figure:Transposed double circuit line.

56 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
▪ The method of GMD can be used to find inductances per phase. To do this,
we group identical phases together and use the developed expression of
the GMD to find it between each group
DAB = 4 Da1b1 Da1b2 Da2b1 Da2b2
DBC = 4 Db1c1 Db1c2 Db2c1 Db2c2
DAC = 4 Da1c1 Da1c2 Da2c1 Da2c2 (48)

The equivalent GMD per phase is then

GMD = 3 DAB DBC DAC (49)

▪ Similarly, the GMR of each phase group is

(D D )
DSA = 4 b
s a1a2 = Dsb Da1a2

(D D )
DSB = 4 b
s b1b2 = Dsb Db1b2

( )
57 =4 D
DSCTenaw A.b D
s c1c2 = Dsb Dc1c2 (50) 11/26/2022
▪ Where D b is the geometric mean radius of the bundled conductors.
The equivalent geometric mean radius for calculating the per phase
inductance to neutral is
The inductance per phase in millihenries per kilometer is
L=0.2 ln mH/km (52)

58 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
▪ Calculate the inductance per phase for the three-phase, double-circuit line
whose phase conductors have a GMR of 0.06 ft, with the horizontal
conductor configuration as shown in Figure below.

59 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
60 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
▪ Transmission line conductors exhibit capacitance with respect to each
other due to the potential difference between them.
▪ The amount of capacitance between conductors is a function of
conductor size, spacing, and height above ground.
▪ By definition, the capacitance C is the ratio of charge q to the voltage v,
given by
C= (53)
▪ Consider a long round conductor with radius r, carrying a charge of q
coulombs per meter length as shown in Figure below.

61 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
Figure : Electric field around a long round conductor.

▪ The charge on the conductor gives rise to an electric field with radial flux
lines. The total electric flux is numerically equal to the value of charge on
the conductor.
▪ The intensity of the field at any point defined as the force per unit charge
and is termed electric field intensity designated as E.
▪ Concentric cylinders surrounding the conductor are equipentential
surfaces and have the same electric flux density.

62 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
▪ From Gauss’s law for one meter length of the conductor, the electric
flux density at a cylinder of a radius x is given by
q q
D= = (54)
A 2 x(l )

▪ The electric field intensity E may be found from relation

E= (55)
where  o is the permitivity of free space and is equal to 8.85 x 10-16 F/m.
substituting equation (54) in to (55) results
E= (56)
2 o x

63 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
▪ The potential difference between cylinders from position 𝐷1to 𝐷2 is
defined as the work done in moving a unit charge of one coulomb from
𝐷2to 𝐷1 through the electric field produced by the charge on the
conductor.This is given by

D2 D2 q q D2
V12 =  Edx =  dx = ln (57)
D1 D1 2 o x 2 o D1

▪ The notation 𝑉12 implies the voltage drop from 1 relative to 2, that is, 1
is understood to be positive relative to 2. The charge q carries its own

64 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
▪ Consider one meter length of a single phase line consisting of two long
solid round conductors each having a radius r as shown in Figure below.

Figure : Single phase two wire line.

▪ The two conductors are separated by a distance D. Conductor 1 carries a

charge of 𝑞1 coulombs/meter and conductor 2 carries a charge of 𝑞2
▪ The presence of the second conductor and ground disturbs the field of the
first conductor.
▪ The distance of separation of the wires D is great with respect to r and the
height of conductors is much larger compared with D. Therefore, the
distortion effect is small and the charge is assumed to be uniformly
distributed on the surface of the conductors.
65 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
▪ the capacitance between conductors is
 o
C12 = F/m (62)

▪ Equation ( 62) gives the line to line capacitance between conductors.

▪ For the purpose of transmission line modeling, we find it convenient to
define a capacitance C between each conductor and a neural as
illustrated in Figure 1.

66 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
Figure 1: Illustration of capacitance to neutral.

▪ Since the voltage to neutral is half of 𝑉12, the capacitance to neutral

𝐶=2𝐶12, or
2 o
C= F/m (63)
▪ Recalling ε o = 8.85x10-12 F/m and converting to  F per kilometer, we have
C=  F / km (64)
▪ The capacitance per phase contains terms analogous to those derived for
inductance per phase.
▪ However, unlike inductance where the conductor geometric mean
radius (GMR) is used, in capacitance formula the actual conductor
radius r is used.
67 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
▪ Consider one meter length of a three phase line with three long
conductors, each with radius r, with conductor spacing as shown in

Figure : three phase transmission line.

▪ Since we have a balanced three phase system

qa + qb + qc = 0 (67)

68 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
For balanced three-phase voltages,
Vab =Van o o -Van -120o
Vac =Van o o -Van -240o (76)
Vab +Vac = 3Van (77)
Thus, the capacitance per phase to neutral is
qn 2 o
C= = F/m (78)
Van ln GMD
Or capacitance to neutral in  F per kilometers is
C= μF/km (79)
▪This is the same form as the expression the capacitance of one phase of a
single phase line.
▪GMD is the equivalent conductor spacing. For the above three phase line
is the cube root of the product of three phase spacings.
69 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
▪ The procedure for finding the capacitance per phase for a three phase
transposed line with bundle conductors follows the same steps as the
procedure in the precedent section.
▪ The capacitance per phase is found to be

2 o
C= F/m (80)
▪ The effect of the bundling is to introduce an equivalent radius r b . The
equivalent radius r b is similar to the GMR (geometric mean radius)
calculated earlier for the inductance with the exception that radius r of
each subconductor is used instead of 𝐷𝑠.

70 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
▪ If d is the bundle spacing, we obtain for the two-subconductor

rb = r x d (81)
For the three-subconductor bundle
rb = 3 r x d2 (82)
For the four subconductor bundle
r b = 1.09 4 r x d 3 (83)

71 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
▪ Consider a three-phase double-circuit line with relative phase positions
a1b1c1 − c2b2 a2 as shown in Figure. Each phase conductor is transposed
within its group and with respect to the parallel three-phase line.
▪ The effect of shield wires and the ground are considered to be negligible
for this balanced condition.
▪ Following the procedure of previous section the average voltages
Vab ,Vac and Van are calculated and the per-phase equivalent capacitance
to neutral is obtained to be
2 o
C= F/m (84)
Or capacitance to neutral in  F per kilometer is
C=  F/km (85)
72 Tenaw A. GMRc 11/26/2022
▪ The expression for 𝐺𝑀𝐷 is the same as was found for inductance
calculation and is given by (49). The 𝐺𝑀𝑅𝑐 of each phase group is similar
to the𝐺𝑀𝑅𝑙, with the exception that in (4.56) 𝑟𝑏 is used instead of𝐷𝑠𝑏.
This will result in the following equations

rA = r b D a1a2
rB = r b D b1b2
rC = r b D c1c2 (86)

▪ Where r b is the geometric mean radius of the bundled conductors given

by previous equations.
▪ The equivalent geometric mean radius for calculating the per-phase
capacitance to neutral is
GMRc = 3 rA rB rC (87)
73 Tenaw A. 11/26/2022
Tenaw A. 11/26/2022 74

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