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Quarter 3 Module 4

Lesson 4. The Value of

Qualitative Research

Prepared by:
Ms. Ma. Veronica Anne E. Bengala
Mr. Christopher Armand Caguia
Mr. Alvin Sequiña

It is really undeniable that research plays a vital role not only in the academe, but also in the
industry practices. But then again, there are still people who avoid getting involved in research. Well
as a student, you should maximize all the possible opportunities to be knowledgeable on the
research process while still studying. This will be truly helpful to your future career.

This module aims to develop and to improve your minds for you to know the role of
qualitative research in societal growth. This module introduces you to the fundamental techniques of
improving your communications skills such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing. This will also
make you realize the essence of honesty and truthfulness in working. This module will also stir up
your curiosity about your surroundings. Then, you can also see the difference between objective and
subjective ways of doing things in the field of research.

This module is anchored to the theory of “Experiential Learning: Learning by Doing” by John
Dewey (1938) and David Kolb (1984. Anthony William Bates, the author of the article ‘Teaching in
Digital Age’ cited Simon Fraser University’s definition of experiential learning as:
“the strategic, active engagement of students in opportunities to learn through doing, and reflection
on those activities, which empowers them to apply their theoretical knowledge to practical
endeavours in a multitude of settings inside and outside of the classroom.”

Thus, in this module you will be asked to do series of learning activities that encourages you
to reflect on real life situations and experiences, produce something from these daily experiences
and observations, gain insights that will enhance your practical expertise in your field of
specialization. The learning experiences will be delivered through use of technology to enhance your
knowledge and skills in this digital age.


This module requires your time and utmost attention. In this case, you need to set aside other tasks
that is not related to this module and try to find a place that is free from distractions so that you can
focus on the lessons. Always remember to do the following:

1. Read carefully the contents and follow the directions provided in this module.
2. Perform all the activities/exercises provided in this module.
3. Answer the pre-test and post-test in this module.
4. Always check the rubric/criteria for grading on how you will be evaluated before you respond
to each activity/exercises.
5. Do not forget to smile and enjoy studying! Go beyond what is given here. Explore the internet!
Although this module might be challenging, this is an opportunity to learn. Keep an open mind
and an open heart! Happy Learning!

Foreword ................................................................................................................................................ 1

User Guide ............................................................................................................................................ 1

Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................................ 2

Pre Test.................................................................................................................................................... 3-4

Module Content ........................................................................................................................................... 5

Analysis: Let’s Analyze! ............................................................................................................................... 5

Abstraction: Let’s Discuss and Learn! ....................................................................................................... 7-9

Application: Let’s Practice!........................................................................................................................... 9

Post Test ............................................................................................................................................. 10-12

Assessment Creteria ................................................................................................................................. 12

References ........................................................................................................................................... 12-13

Activity Sheets ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14-16


Directions: Read and analyze each item. Choose the letter of the correct answer from the choices below.

1. What is qualitative research?

A. Research is a rigorous, systematic and refined technique of thinking, employing specialized tools,
instruments, and procedures in order to obtain a more adequate solution to a problem.
B. Research is the process of collecting and analyzing non-numerical data to understand concepts,
opinions, or experiences.
C. Research is the process of gathering and interpreting numerical data from surveys.
D. All of the above.

2. It is the process of acquiring detailed information to help an industrial company determine which
product or service is most profitable or in demand. What is it?
A. Social Science Research
B. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Research
C. Business Research
D. None of these

3. These questions are best described as unstructured questions or free-form survey questions that
allow a participant to answer in an open-text format.
A. Open-Ended Questions
B. Closed-Ended Questions
C. Essay Questions
D. High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) questions

4. Which of the following is the strength of a qualitative research?

I. Prevents imposing issues.
II. First-hand account of observing, prevents imposition of preconceived ideas and
explore unforeseen effects
III. Can ask leading questions.
IV. Responses can be more spontaneous.

5. Which group of words does NOT connote the idea of a qualitative research?
A. Personally engaged and subjective
B. Use of Multiple Methods
C. Naturalistic and exploratory
D. Highly-structured and scientific

6. Which of the following is one of the weaknesses of a qualitative research?

A. Results are limited as they provide less elaboration of human perceptions.
B. Data created through qualitative research are always accepted.
C. Data analysis involving numerical data is difficult.
D. There is a limited review of related literature or in-depth information about the topic.

7. All of the following are strengths of qualitative research EXCEPT

A. Explores sensitive issues.
B. Captures diversity of experiences and perceptions.
C. Allows participants to freely exchange ideas.
D. Proves a certain theory or principle.

8. Which of the following is one of the weaknesses of a qualitative research?

A. Results are limited as they provide less elaboration of human perceptions.
B. Data created through qualitative research are always accepted.
C. Data analysis involving numerical is difficult.

D. There is a limited review of related literature or in-depth information about the topic.

9. Qualitative research is often referred to as inductive research. What is inductive also known for?
A. Bottom-up C. Top Down
B. Mixed Method C. None of these

10. Which of the following types of qualitative research is designed to focus on the commonality of a “lived
experience” with a particular group and its aim is to determine what an experience means for the
persons who have had the experience of living in a certain community which is the subject of the
A. Ethnography C. Grounded Theory
B. Phenomenology D. Case Study

11. “A student really idolizes his English teacher who is very expert in grammar and literature. The former
wants to write a scholarly chronicle about the latter’s experiences including his family background,
how he achieved his success in life, his likes and dislikes, his achievements and struggles in life.”
What type of qualitative research should a student employ?
A. Historical Research C. Biography
B. Discourse Analysis D. Narrative Report

12. “A female student with an exceptional memory is identified. She is capable of recalling major events,
the weather, and what she did in any given date”. What type of qualitative research is used if a
psychologist conducts an in-depth investigation of this student including open-ended questions, brain
scans and memory tests?
A. Historical Research C. Biography
B. Discourse Analysis D. Narrative Report

13. It is a qualitative research which analyzes the language “beyond the sentence”. It is the study of the
ways in which language is used by the people, both written and spoken contexts.
A. Historical Research C. Biography
B. Discourse Analysis D. Narrative Report

14. Abigail wants to conduct a research that is primarily used to generate theory through relevant
information taken from very reliable sources and has a focus in theory development. What kind of
qualitative research is best for her?
i. Ethnography C. Phenomenology
ii. Grounded Theory D. Case Study

15. A qualitative research designed to present things or events that have happened in the past through a
logical progression of the relevant information accompanied by interesting pictures of the events and
its main purpose is to present a factual depiction of what has been occurred is known as:
A. Historical Research
B. Discourse Analysis
C. Biography
D. Narrative Report


4 The Value of Qualitative Research


At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

1. Infographic 1. describe the characteristics, strengths and

2. Digital poster weaknesses and kinds of qualitative
research; and
2. Illustrate the importance of qualitative
research across fields.
1. shows self-confidence when working independently; and
2. display positive attitude in collaborating with others during group tasks.

TIME ALLOTMENT: Three (3) hours


Research undeniably plays a vital role not only in the academe, but also in the industry practices. But
then again, there are still people who avoid getting involved in research. Well as a student, you should
maximize all the possible opportunities to be knowledgeable on the research process while still studying. This
will be truly helpful to your future career. After we have defined qualitative research, we discovered that this is
important practically because most things cannot just be baselessly interpreted; they need to be described.
Appreciating the nature of life and experience is vital than simply counting things. We need to understand the
quality of some things in order for them to have meaning.

I. Activity (Let’s Warm Up)

Directions: Given the link below, watch and observe the video.

II. Analysis (Let’s Analyze)

Directions: After watching the video, answer the following questions.

1. What are the characteristics of qualitative research?

2. What are the strengths of qualitative research?

3. What are the weaknesses of qualitative research?


4. Based on the video, what kind of topic is suitable for a qualitative research? Describe it.

5. Why is qualitative research important to our lives? Explain your answer.


6. What are the types of qualitative research? Describe each type.


III. Abstraction (Let’s Learn and Discuss!)

Let us start the discussion by discussing the Meaning and Characteristics of Qualitative Research. Please
visit the link below.

Characteristics of Qualitative Research

 Qualitative research occurs in the field or in a natural setting where the phenomenon is happening.
The researcher engages with the people directly involved and often acclimate themselves to the
views, beliefs, and culture of the community in focus.
 Researchers act as the key instrument in collecting data for qualitative research. The interactions,
direct observations, and subjective analysis of the researcher and participants become part of the
research process and collected data.
 The participant and their subjective views on a particular phenomenon are put into emphasis in a
qualitative study. These different perspectives are highlighted when presenting the findings of the
 Qualitative research uses multiple sources of data and analysis. Data can be collected using
interviews, focus group discussions, observations, document reviews, and audio- visual information.
Although these methods are not based on a unified theoretical and methodological concept, criteria
and protocols are developed to ensure that findings are grounded in empirical data.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Qualitative Research Methods

Semi-structured interviews
 Prevents imposing biases  Tendency to ask leading questions
 Important means to dig down  Interviews and analysis can be both
information using open- time-consuming, subjective, and not
Strengths ended questions Weakness generalizable
 Ensures mutual  Participants’ accounts always mean
understanding between something, but they cannot
participant and interviewer  always be taken at face value

 First-hand account of Observations and analysis can be time-

observing, prevents consuming and are not generalizable
imposition of preconceived Weakness  Observer’s presence may influence
ideas and explore participants
 unforeseen effects  Observer may misinterpret actions,
may be subjective
Focused group discussion
 Less expensive than  Findings are not generalizable unless
individual interviews sampling techniques are used to
 Provides a relaxed constitute the groups
atmosphere so that people  Depends on people’s ability to talk in
Strengths feel free to express their Weakness groups; group dynamics may inhibit
views and strengths people
 Responses can be more
 spontaneous than in a one-
to-one interview

For additional information:

1. It adopts a naturalistic approach to its subject matter.

2. Promotes a full understanding of human behavior/personality traits in their natural setting.

3. It is instrumental for positive societal changes.

4. It engenders respect for people’s individuality.

5. it’s a way of understanding & interpreting social interactions.

6. Increases researcher’s interests in the study.

7. Offers multiple ways of acquiring and examining knowledge about something.

Let us discuss the Research Paradigm. It is defined as a cluster of beliefs and dictates which for
scientists in a particular discipline influence what should be studied, how research should be done, and how
results should be interpreted (Bryman, 2008). It is divided into two namely: Qualitative – an inquiry process of
understanding a social or human problem based on building a complex, holistic picture, formed with words,
reporting detailed views of informants; and Quantitative – an inquiry process into a social or human problem
based on testing a theory composed of variables, measured with numbers, and analyzed with statistical

In qualitative research, researchers are primarily concerned with processes rather than outcomes.
Researchers are also interested in meaning, or how people make sense of their experiences. The researcher
is the primary instrument for data collection and analysis.

The research is highly descriptive in that the researcher is interested in deriving meaning from words
or pictures. The process is inductive.

Kinds of Qualitative Research

1. Phenomenology -

2. Ethnography -

3. Case Study -

4. Discourse/Conversation Analysis -

5. Inductive Thematic Theory -

6. Grounded Theory -

7. Narrative Analysis -

8. Historical Analysis –

9. Biography –

10. Action Research –

Moving on, let us discuss the Basic Research Approaches in a Specific Area of Discipline.

1. Scientific or Positive Approach

 Deals with empirical data instead of personal views, feelings or attitudes.

 Allows control of variables or factors affecting the study (Laursen, 2010).
 Express and records findings quantitatively.
 Presents structured interviews, questionnaires and observational checklists.

2. Naturalistic Approach

 A people-oriented approach focusing on discovering the real concept or meaning behind

people’s lifestyles and social relations.
 Present things qualitatively through verbal language. Using words as unit of analysis.
 Bases determining universal social values to define ethical and unethical that society ought to
know, not only for the benefit of individual and community but also for the satisfaction of
man’s quest for knowledge.” (Sarandakos 2013; Ransome 2013)

3. Triangulation/ Mixed Method

 Allows a combination or a mixture of research designs, data collection and data analysis
 Enhance the validity and reliability of qualitative research design.
 Enhances accuracy of interpretation.
 Has an opportunity to view every angle of the research from different perspectives.

Main Methods of Data Collection

a. Interactive interviewing – people asked to verbally described their experiences of phenomenon.
b. Written descriptions by participant – people asked to write descriptions of their experiences of
c. Observation – descriptive observations of verbal and non-verbal behavior.

In the field of Humanities, researchers ought to focus not to man’s social life but instead studies it’s
meanings, significance and visualizations of man’s experiences in the field of Fine Arts, Literature, Music,
Drama, Dance and other artistically inclined subjects.
Humanistic Categories

1. Literature and Art Criticism – Focus on language depends on interpretative and reflective thinking.
2. Philosophical Research – The focus of inquiry is on knowledge and principles of being and on the
manner human beings conduct themselves on Earth.
3. Historical Research – Investigation centers on events and ideas that took place in man’s life at a
particular period.

Hard Sciences versus Soft Sciences

Quantitative Research Qualitative Research

Hard Sciences Soft Science
Studies natural data driven phenomenon Studies human behavior in a scientific manner
Objective Subjective
Tests Theory Develops Theory
Numbers Words
Cause and Effect Relationship Knowing meaning & discovery
Statistical Analysis and Generalization Researcher’s interpretation
Examples: Examples:
Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy, Earth Sociology, Psychology, Political Sciences,
Sciences Economics, Anthropology, History.

 Qualitative and Quantitative Research can go together in a research approach.

 There is a symbiotic relationship between these two research methods, in which they reinforce or
strengthen each other.
 Moreover, any form of knowledge, factual or opinionated and any statistical or verbal expression of
this knowledge are deduced from human experience that is subjective. (Hollway 2013; Letherby 2013

IV. Application
A. Directions: Using what you have learned from the lesson, create an infographic describing the kinds
of qualitative research. Below is an example of infographic.

B. Directions: Create a digital poster that illustrates the importance of qualitative research.

Let’s Check Your Understanding!

Directions: Read and analyze each item. Choose the letter of the correct answer from the choices below.

1. What is qualitative research?

A. Research is a rigorous, systematic and refined technique of thinking, employing specialized

tools, instruments, and procedures in order to obtain a more adequate solution to a problem.
B. Research is the process of collecting and analyzing non-numerical data to understand
concepts, opinions, or experiences.
C. Research is the process of gathering and interpreting numerical data from surveys.
D. All of the above.

2. Which of the following is the strength of a qualitative research?

I. Prevents imposing issues.

II. First-hand account of observing, prevents imposition of preconceived ideas and explore
unforeseen effects
III.Can ask leading questions.
IV. Responses can be more spontaneous.

3. “A college counselor met a student who was experiencing depression due to family problems. During lunch,
the counselor shared with her friend of the session she had with the student and the family issue the student
was facing”. This shows that the counselor had breached which Research Ethics?

A. Informed Consent C. Confidentiality

B. Intellectual Property D. Social Responsibility

4. Which of the following kinds of qualitative research is intended to concentrate on the commonality of a "lived
experience" with a specific group and its goal is to evaluate what an experience means for individuals who
have had the experience of living in a certain research-related community?

A. Ethnography C. Grounded Theory

B. Phenomenology D. Case Study

5. “A female student with an exceptional memory is identified. She is capable of recalling major events, the
weather, and what she did in any given date”. If a psychologist performs an in-depth investigation of this
student, including open-ended questions, brain scans and memory checks, what sort of qualitative analysis is

A. Historical Research C. Biography

B. Discourse Analysis D. Narrative Report

6. These questions are best described as unstructured questions or free-form survey questions that allow a
participant to answer in an open-text format.

A. Open-Ended Questions
B. Closed-Ended Questions
C. Essay Questions
D. High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) questions
7. It is the process of acquiring detailed information to help an industrial company determine which product or
service is most profitable or in demand. What is it?

A. Social Science Research

B. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Research
C. Business Research
D. None of these

8. When you conduct a study about the cultures and traditions of an ethnic tribe, you would employ a
qualitative research called …

A. Ethnography C. Phenomenology
B. Grounded Theory D. Case Study

9. It refers to the protection of people’s identity by not disclosing or exposing their names or personal

A. Confidentiality C. Voluntary Participation

B. Anonymity D. Privacy

10. It is a qualitative research which analyzes the language “beyond the sentence”. It is the study of the ways
in which language is used by the people, both written and spoken contexts.

A. Historical Research C. Biography

B. Discourse Analysis D. Narrative Report

11. Abigail wants to conduct a research that is primarily used to generate theory through relevant information
taken from very reliable sources and has a focus in theory development. What kind of qualitative research is
best for her?

A. Ethnography C. Phenomenology
B. Grounded Theory D. Case Study

12. All of the following are strengths of qualitative research EXCEPT

A. Explores sensitive issues.

B. Captures diversity of experiences and perceptions.
C. Allows participants to freely exchange ideas.
D. Proves a certain theory or principle.

13. Which of the following is one of the weaknesses of a qualitative research?

A. Results are limited as they provide less elaboration of human perceptions.

B. Data created through qualitative research are always accepted.
C. Data analysis involving numerical is difficult.
D. There is a limited review of related literature or in-depth information about the topic.

14. Which group of words does NOT connote the idea of a qualitative research?

A. Personally engaged and subjective

B. Use of Multiple Methods
C. Naturalistic and exploratory
D. Highly-structured and scientific

15. A qualitative research designed to present things or events that have happened in the past through a
logical progression of the relevant information accompanied by interesting pictures of the events and its main
purpose is to present a factual depiction of what has been occurred is known as:

A. Historical Research
B. Discourse Analysis
C. Biography
D. Narrative Report

A. Criteria for Application

Criteria for Grading Points

Content 20
Creativity 20
Organization of ideas 10
Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling 10
Total 60


Abdullah, S.N. (2018).Practical Research 1: Qualitative Research [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from

Asturias, P., Samar, G., & Damilig, A. (2016). Practical Research 1. Manila City: Hunt Publishing Center.

Bajao, J. (2017). PRACTICAL RESEARCH 1. Retrieved from:

Blair, L. (2018). Characteristics of qualitative research. Retrieved from:

Buenseco, D.B, Dacanay, D.E., Manalo, G.A. (2016).Department of Education Practical Research 1
Teachers Guide .Ist ed. Lexicon Press, Inc. Pasig City

B2Bwhiteboard (2012). Qualitative research-defined. Retrieved from:

Key Differences (2018) Qualitative Vs Quantitative Research: Difference between them with examples &
methods. Retrieved from:

Melegrito, M., Mendoza, D. & Mactal, R. (2017). Applied research: An Introduction to qualitative research
methods and report writing. Quezon city: Pheonix Publishing house, Inc.
Quantitative vs. Qualitative Research: The Differences Explained | Scribbr (2019). Retrieved from:



Lesson 4: The Value of Qualitative Research
Answer Sheet

Date: _________________________
Name:______________________________________________Year and Section:__________________


1. ___________________ 10. ________________________

2. ___________________ 11. ________________________
3. ___________________ 12. ________________________
4. ___________________ 13. ________________________
5. ___________________ 14. ________________________
6. ___________________ 15. ________________________
7. ___________________
8. ___________________
9. ___________________

II. Activity (Let’s Warm Up)

Video watching.

III. Analysis (Let’s Analyze)

Directions: After watching the video, answer the following questions.

1. What are the characteristics of qualitative research?


2. What are the strengths of qualitative research?


3. What are the weaknesses of qualitative research?


4. Based on the video, what kind of topic is suitable for a qualitative research? Describe it.

5. Why is qualitative research important to our lives? Explain your answer.


6. What are the types of qualitative research? Describe each type.


IV. Application
B. Directions: Using what you have learned from the lesson, create an infographic describing the kinds
of qualitative research. Below is an example of infographic.

C. Directions: Create a digital poster that illustrates the importance of qualitative research.

Post Test
1. ___________________ 10. ________________________
2. ___________________ 11. ________________________
3. ___________________ 12. ________________________
4. ___________________ 13. ________________________
5. ___________________ 14. ________________________

6. ___________________ 15. ________________________
7. ___________________
8. ___________________
9. ___________________


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