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Matrices: 1,105 X. PROBLEMS BASED ON © OGOK 1EDUCTION OF GF TO ITS CANONICAL FORM Example 1.6.7. Reduce the quadratic form Q= Gx? + 3y? + 32? — dry ~ 290 4+ dex into canonical form by an orthogonal transfomration, {Anna, March, 1996] [A.U ‘Trichy Jan. 2010) Sol. Given : QF : 6x? + 3? + 30? — ary — aye + der Step 1. The matrix of the QF is coeff. coef. xy Jeoett. x2 62 Z A= |5 cocft.yx coetty? } coef. yz “| 3 ‘j 1 1 2 rs 2 ell.2x 5 coeff.zy coeff, 2 Step 2. To find the characteristic equation of A. The characteristic equation of A is |A - Al| = 0 ic, 4-84? +8,4-S, = 0 where S; = Sum of the main diagonal elements =6+3+3=12 Sp = Sum of the minors of the main diagonal elements. 3 -1[,|6 2(,| 6 2 © [=1 5, 3] Domes ephamg = (9-1) + (18-4) + (18-4) =8+14+ 14 = 36 + Sree) 8 = |A| = |-2. 3-1 ied 2 -1 3 = 6(9-1) +2(-6 +2) +2(2-6) = 6(8) +2(-4) +2(-4) = 48-8-8 = 32 ++ The characteristic equation is A? ~ 120? + 361-32 = 0 Step 3. To solve the characteristic equation 2 — 120? + 30-32 = 0 20 2 -22 = 1-2 +H IfA=1, then 2? ~ 120 + 361 — 9 1 106 1? + 50d = 32 Wie thon 1 ial ool 92. = 8-42 + 72 = was =, then 2? A = 2is a root By Synthetic division 2 Other roots are given by 42-101 +16 = 0 @-8)a-2) =0 ie, Ae 8A = 2 Hence the Eigenvalues are 2, 2, 8 Step 4. To find the Eigenvectors : To get the Eigenvectors, solve (A - al) X = O 6-A 2 2] fH 0 -2 3-4-1] |x} = Jo 2 Says 0 Case (i) If A = 8 then the equation (A) becomes =2 2) Slr =ai\ ee " Nat Pa : i corresponding Eigenvector is x, ~ ‘| 1 When 4 = 2 then the equation (A) becomes 2 2 fs 1 -1] |x| - = if. ql °) - 4x, — 2x + 25 = 0 ” -tytm-x% = 0 ~O ¥ Mm -xn +2, = 0 © @, ©) & (6) are same as 2x =x, +25 = 0 Ix, = 0 we get —x, +x, = 0 ' 2 = Hence the corresponding Figenvector is X, = ‘To find the third Figenvector orthogonal w %, aud Zp suns Se ww A is symmetric. 1 Let X3 = |m| as Xz is orthogonal w X, and X, n Ke % =O oU-m+a-0 KX, - 0 oMtmen-9 Solving (7) and (8) by rule of cross anuliylicaive wie & i TRE aS aS a8 3 Sal ale 2 ie +f “Is i Z alg 2 ale si FIs |S 3 (ole eles : als 7S 48 To -[s 8 [+18 [8 ae rs z 7 “Bec f pie | RTE o--s enfsa[e ate Tieals als Ths fs aT oe SS 0 gor ane ee 1 x Step 5. Form Normalised matrix N and find N™ 2 =} 1 16 0 2 “yY Tiga 2 1 <=-1//8 -2 Wn whe 7 = 324+8+8 O-2+2 4-2-2 i 8 0 0 O-8+8 0+2+2 0+2-2) |) 4 9 . 2 6 oo 2 16-8-8 O+2-2 2+2+2 p 8. Canonical form. a 4 HI = ateader : 0 O 2] Ilys Thus the QF X’ AX through the transformation X = NY reduce to the yonical form 84 + 2y3 + 24. ample 1.6.8. Reduce the Quadratic foru: to # canonical form by an orthogonal pie ee lee Alco ite notre : lumber of positive square term = 5 = 2 7 = rank of matrix = 3, IA] = 220, = 2%-r=4-3 014 of QF = 3 [Since the C.F contains 3 terms only| © 1.6.9. Reduce the quadratic form 0 +9 +2 ~ dxy — 292 — 27 form through an orthogonal transformation, [A.U. M/J 2005] [A.U. June ; the characteristic equation of A. ic equation of A is |A—AI| = 0 # + SoA —S3 = 0 where um of the main diagonal elements oe + 1 ‘of the minors of the main diagonal clements sl Leni A “I f+ i+ |-1 : +(1-1)+0-) a re Matrices —F 0 0 za 0 2 0 0 0 z Step 7 : Canonical form cot. 1¥2y3) | 0 0 oN oO ol] [v1 0} |y2} = -yp + 23+ 39 2) |y3 Example 1.6.10. Obtain an orthogonal transformation which will tr the quadratic form Q = 2x, x, + 2x2 x3 + 2x; x, into sum of squares. Sol. TAT! CRT IT . 1429 5 coeff. A 2 “1% 2 COC. ty 2 Coeff. yay 1 M5 elfrye, coef. xd equation of A is |A-Al| = 0 +S,A-S3 = 0 where ‘of the main diagonal clements 2 + 1 4 ‘Sum of the minors of the main diagonal elements 2 i|,|1 0 i: — ki i+ |0 ‘| +|-4 4 @-1)+0-0+2-1 1T+1+1 =3 c-3 0 = {Aj = |-1 21 1 1 = 1@2-1)+h(-1-9+00) =1i-1 -0 characteristic equation is 2 40 492 P40 +34 -9 IB. To solve the charecteriatle ‘ p40 od — Ov, ai) (1 2 3) JO 1 ; 0 0 woo oe ror Oy} +3 + 393 of the Q.F e Canonical form contains only two terms both which are positive, 2F is positive semi-definite. p 10. The Canonical form of the Q.F is zero. When v. = 0. vz = O and y, is arbitrary.

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