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CHAPTER I Section-A 1 3 L ‘A particle moves in circle of radius R. In half the period of| revolution its displacement is and distance covered is (1983 -2 Marks) Four persons K,[, M, Nareintially atthe four comers ofa square of sided. Each person now moves with @ uniform speed vin such a way that K always moves directly towards ,Ledtecly towards M, M directly towards N, and Neiectly towards K. The four persons will meet ata time. (1984-2 Marks) Spotlight Srotatesin horizontal plane with constant angular velocity of 0.1 radian/second. The spot of light P moves along the wall ata distance of 3 m. The velocity ofthe spot Pwwhen 9= 45° (sefig)is mis (1987-2 Marks) ‘ eas ‘Two balls of different masses are thrown vertically upwards with the same speed. They pass through the point of projection in their downward motion with the same speed (Neglect ar resistance). (1983 - 2 Marks) A projectile fired from the ground follows a parabolic path. ‘The speed of the projectile is minimum at the top ofits path. (1984 - 2 Marks) ‘Two identical trains are moving on rails along the equator ‘on the earth in opposite directions with the same speed. They will exert the same pressure on the rails. (198: 3 Marks) reeked eas cued A river is lowing from west to east at a speed of S metres per minute. Aman on the south bank ofthe river, capable of swimming at 10 metres per minute in still water, wants to ‘swim across the river in the shortest time, He should swim inadirection (1983 - 1 Mark) ber Vs | 3 5 2 5. (@) due north (b) 30° east of north (©) 30° west ofnorth (@) 60° east of north ‘Abboat which has a speed of $ km/hr in still water crosses a river of width 1 km along the shortest possible path in 15 ‘minutes. The velocity of the river water in km/hr is @t (b) 3 (1988-1 Mark) @4 @ Var In 1.05, aparticle goes from point 4 to point B, movingin a semicircle of radius 1,0 m (see Figure). The magnitude ofthe average velocity A (1999S - 2 Marks) (@) 314m (b) 20mis (© 10ms @ Zero & Aball is dropped vertically from a height d above the ground. Ithits the ground and bounces up vertically toa height 2. "Neglecting subsequent motion and air resistance, its velocity ‘varies with the height h above the ground as (2000S) a @ a © h @ yy” AA particle starts sliding down a frictionless inctined plane. IfS, isthe distance travelled by it from time 2n nel 2n © 35 A body starts from rest at time ¢= 0, the acceleration time ‘graph isshown in the figure. The maximum velocity attained by the body will be 20045) @ Ps @ Moms Acceleration ons?) 10) () S5mis (©) 650mis (@ 550m/s he (sec) 7. The velocity-displacement graph of a particle moving along a straight line is shown, 20055) ‘The most suitable acceleration-displacement graph will be 4 A -—>« @ ©) LX\>5 4 4 > > © @ 8. Twoidentica discs ofsame radius Rate rotating about their axes in opposite directions with the same constant angular speed o. Thedises arein the same horizontal plane, Attime £0, the points P and Qare facing each other as shown in the figure. The relative speed between the two points P and Qisy,Inone time period (7) of rotation ofthe discs, v, asa function of time is best represented by (2012) PY p al ® ka, © | i) how, @ | 9. Consider a dise rotating in the horizontal plane with a constant angular speed «about its centre O. The disc has a shaded region on one side of the diameter and an unshaded region on the other side as shown in the figure. When the disc sin the orientation as shown, two pebbles P and Qare simultaneously projected at an angie towards R, The velocity ‘of projection isin the y~z plane and is same for both pebbles ‘with respect to the dise. Assume that (i) they land back on the disc before the disc has completed 1/8 rotation, (i) their L Topic-wise Solved Papers - PHYSICS range is less than half the dise radius, and (ii) © remains constant throughout. Then 2012) @ © P lands in the shaded region and Q in the unshaded region. P lands in the unshaded region and Q in the shaded region. (©) Both Pand Q land in the unshaded region, (@) Both Pand Q land in the shaded region. BY MCQs with One or More than One Correct} A pparticle is moving eastwards with a velocity of 5 m/s. In 10s the velocity changes to 5 m/s northwards. The average acceleration in this timeis (1982 - 3 Marks) (@) zero (b) 1/2 mvis* towards north-west (© 1/V2 mis towards north-east @ Ling m/s? towards north-west 57/3? towards north-west 1 (©) m/s? towards north A particle of mass m moves on the -axisas follows: itstarts from rest at (= 0 from the point x= 0, and comes to rest at {= Lathe pointx= 1. NO other information is available about its motion at intermediate times (0 4 at some point or points in its path (@)_@ must change sign during the motion, but no other assertion can be made withthe information given. ‘The coordinates ofa particle moving ina plane are given by 3(0)= a 08 (pt) andy (2)= sin (pt) where a, b(< a) and are positive constants of appropriate dimensions. Then (1999S - 3 Marks) (@)thepath ofthe particles an ellipse (©) the velocity and acceleration of the particle are normal toeach other at ¢= 2/2p) (©) the acceleration of the particle is always directed towards a focus (@ the distance travelled by the particle in time interval Op)isa © ERD Acar accelerates from rest ata constant rate c-for some time after which it decelerates at a constant rate B to come to rest. Ifthe total time lapse is seconds, evaluate. (1978) (maximum velocity reached, and the total distance travelled ‘The displacement x of particle moving in one dimension, under the action of a constant force is related tothe time £ GP_3481 Motion 2 by the equation 1= vx+3 ‘where x is in meters and rin seconds. Find (@ The displacement of the particle when its velocity is zero, and (i) The work done by the force inthe first 6 seconds, Answer the fllowing giving» 979) reasons in brief: 7 Isthe ime variation of position, © shown inthe figure observed ‘in nature? (1979) x articles P and Q of mass 20 gm and 40 grn respectively are simultaneously projected from points 4 and Bon the ground ‘The inital velocities of Pand Ormake 45° and 135° angles respectively withthe horizontal 4Basshown in the igure Each particles an initial speed of 49 ms. The separation Bis 245m. (1982-8 Marks) y 2 ¢ 1s a 2 ‘Both particle travel in thesame vertical plane and undergoa collision After the collision, P retraces its path, Determine the positon of O when it hits the ground, How much time afer the collision does the particle Q take to reach the round? Take g=9.8 mis: ‘Two towers AB and CD are situated a distance d apart as shown in figure 4B is20mbigh and CDis30 mhigh from the ground. An ‘object of mass mis thrown from the top of 42 horizontally with a velocity 10 mi/stowards CD." (1994-6 Marks) Simultaneously another object of mass2:misthrown from the top of CDatan angle of 60° to ic thehorizenta towards AB with the same magnitude of initial velocity as that of the first object. The two objects move in the same vertical plane, collide in mid-air and tick to each other. al Calculate the distance “a” between the towers and, i) Find the position where the objects hit the ground. ‘Two guns, situated on the top of a hill of height 10m, fre one shot each withthe same speed 5/3 m sat some interval of time. One gun fires horizontally and other fires "upwards at an angle of 60° with the horizontal, The shots colldein airata point P. Find (ithe time-interval between the rings, and i the eoordnatesof the point P. Take origin of the coordinate system at the foot of the hill right below themuzzleand trajectories inx-yplane. (1996-5 Marks) ‘large, heavy bors sliding without fiction down a smooth plane of inclination 0. From a pont Pon the bottom ofthe tox, particles projete inside the box. The inital speed athe particle with espect othe box is, and the direction el, ‘ofprojection makes an angle a: with the bottom as shown in Figur, (1998 - 8 Marks) (@) Find the distance along the bottom ofthe box between the point of projection P and the point Q where the particle lands. (Assume thatthe particle does not hit any other surface ofthe box. Neglect air resistance.) (®) Ifthe horizontal displacement ofthe particle as seen byan observer onthe ground is zero, find the speed of the box with respect to the ground at the instant when particle was projected. An object is kept fixed atthe point.x=3 m and y= 1.25 m ‘on plank Praised above the ground. At time ¢= 0 the plank starts moving along the +x direction with an acceleration 1.5 mis?. At the same instant a stone is projected from the ‘origin with a velocity i as shown. A stationary person on the ground observes the ston hitting the object during its downward motion at an angle of 45° tothe horizontal. All the motions aren the X-Y plane. Find and the time after ‘hich the stone hits the object. Take g= 10 mis (2000-10 Marks) (Ona frictionless horizontal surface, assumed to be the x-y plane, a small trolley 4 ismoving along astraight line parallel to the y-axis (see figure) with @ constant velocity of (63-1) Ata patiular instant, when hein 04 makes mangle of 45" with the x-axis, balls thrown along the surfce frm the origin O. ts veloiy makes an ange ith the rani andit hits the tole. {a) The motion of the ball is cteerved fom the fame of tie wally. Calulte the angle @ made by the velocity vector ofthe ball with the x-axisin this Tame (0) Find the sped of thea wth. respect 0 the surface, if = 48/4. 002s Marks) H RECS STATEMENT-1: Foran observer looking out through the ‘window of fast moving train, the nearby object appear ‘move in the opposite direction tothe train, while the distant objects appear to be stationary. STATEMENT? : Ifthe observer and the object are moving at velocities 3, and ¥, respectively with reference 19a laboratory frame, the velocity ofthe object with respect to the observers iy ~ 3, 200s) (a) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 isa corect explanation for Statement-1 (b) Statement! is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is [NOT a corret explanation for Statement (©) Statement -1is True, Statement-2is False (@)_ Statement -1 is False, Statement-2is True 1 BERReaeekease A train is moving along a straight Line with a constant acceleration ‘a’, A boy standing in the train throws a ball forward with a speed of 10 m/s, at an angle of 60° to the horizontal, The boy has to move forward by 1.15 m inside the train to catch the ball back at the initial height. The acceleration ofthe train, in mis?, is ear) Section-B A ball whose kinetic energy is, is projected at an angle of 45° to the horizontal. The kinetic energy of the ball at the highest point ofits flight will be 12002] @ E ) ENV? © He (@)_ 2210, Froma building two balls and Bare thrown such that is thrown upwards and B downwards (both vertically wth the same speed). If, and vj are thei respective velocities on reaching the ground, then (2002), @ ©) 14 =% © %4>%~ (@) their velocities depend on their masses. ‘Acar, moving with a speed of 50 km/hr, can be stopped by brakes after at least 6m. ifthe same caris movingat a speed of 100knvhr, the minimum stopping distance is [2003] @ 2m &) Bm © Am —@ 6m ‘Aboy playing on the roof ofa 10m high building throwsa ball with a speed of 10m/s at an angle of 30° with the horizontal. How far from the throwing point will the ball be atthe height of 10 m from the ground ? (2003) p> %q L¢= 10ms?,sin30? = 3, c0s30? 43 (a) 520m (b)4.33m_ (©) 260m (d)8.66m_ awa s Topic-wise Solved Papers - PHYSICS Ainplanes A and B are flying with constant velocity in the ‘same vertical plane at angles 30° and 60° with respect tothe horizontal respectvelyas shown in igure. The speed of dis 1003 mis. At time #= Os, an observer in 4 finds B at a distance of 500 m. The observer sees B moving with a constant velocity perpendicular tothe line f motion of 4. If at = fo, A jst escapes being it by B, fin seconds is (JEE Adv. 2014) {30° A60° A rocket is mioving ina gravity iree space with a constant acceleration of 2 m/s? along +x direction (see figure). The length ofa chamber inside the rocket is m, A ball is thrown, from the left end ofthe chamber in +x direction with a speed (of 0.3 m/s relative tothe rocket. At the same time, another ball is thrown in =x direetion with a speed of 0.2 mvs from its right end relative to the rocket. The time in seconds when the two balls hit each other is (EE Adv. 20149) O3ms — 0.2ms|a=2ms* i wed ee om ‘The co-ordinates ofa moving particle at anytime are given by x=ar° and y=Br°. Thespeod ofthe particleat time “is given by 12003) (@) arya? +p? © Piya? +p? @ ‘A balls released from the top of a tower of height h meters. Ittakes T seconds to reach the ground. What isthe position ©) 32 fo? +p? fa? +p? ofthetallat © second 12004] 5 enters om the ground @ 4 Th (b) 7 meters from the ground (© meters fom the ground 1h (@ "7 meters fiom the ground Ue Ax B= Bx A, then theangle between Aand Bis [2004] @z ) 3 OF @ re GP_3481 Motion 8 10. nL. 12. 1. A projectile can have the same range ‘R’ for two angles of| projection. If°7,” and ‘7,’ to be time of flights inthe two cases, then the product ofthe two time of flights is directly proportional to (2004), 1 1 OR OF OF OR hich ft lying stone FALSE fora arise hnoungiecelil econ engulrspsd? (2004) (®) Thencdeton vec pins ote ceteof wee (3, Tener veut mgt cies () Thewioaysearisangentebecive (9, Thevciyondueonton ses epee roca ae An tombe cing vita pot, ante fos mbin since, eerie tice fare 20k besiningdance wil os @) Om (b) 40m © 20m (d) 80m ‘tals dom tm apt witha sped yt a dito ange. one same pt ada be sae intanapanon sar runing vacant sed 2 toch hel Wilthepason bese teach heb? seavhtholdbetesmecepjcon 0 0d Oke Oy tease Oto Yess at ting fom eel lt raph dino’ hn cnn a cannt spd tn ad f then decelerates at the rate 5 to come to rest. If the total distance traversed is 15 S, then [2005] @ sie & s=ft © sir @ sir a nm [particles moving eastwards with velocityoFS ms“! In 10 seconds the velocity changes to 5 ms“ northwards. ‘Theaverage acceleration inthis time is [2005] (©) ms? towards noth (©) Lins" towards north - east are Lg? (©) ms towards north - west OF (@ 210 TThe relation between time t and distance x is 1= ax” + bx where a and b are constants. The acceleration is [2005] (@) 23) —2abv* (@) 2a?) -24 A particle located atx starts moving along ‘with the positive x-direction with a vel y= a>, The displacement of the particle varies with time as 2006) @? Or @ A @ 8 16. Aparicleisprojected at 60°tothe horizontal witha kinetic energy K. The kinetic energy at the highest point is |2007] @ K2 be) Ko Ze) KA 17, Thevelocity ofa parcleis =v + gr. its position is = Oate=0, then ts displacement ater unit time (= @ wre3+f — O) mtr © +824 @) wreth 18, A body isa est atx =0. At-=0, it tats moving in the positive xirection with a constant acceleration, At the same instant another body passes through x= O moving inthe positive x-direction with a constant speed. The position of the ist body is given by (0) after time sand that ofthe second body by ¥3() after the same time interval. Which of the following praphs correctly describes (x, ~ x) a3 8 function of time ‘1°? 12008) x) a LZ. ow ery fm © to © LE) 19. Consider a rubber ball freely falling from a height A=4.9 m ‘onto a horizontal elastic plate. Assume that the duration of collision isnegligible andthe collision with te plates totally elastic, ‘Then the velocity asa function of time and the height as a function of time will be 120094 wom © @ ~VA_,, a 20, A particle has an initial velocity of 37-+4j and an acceleration of 0.47 +037. Tis speedafier 10sis: 12009] (@) 7V3 units (6) Tunits (6) 8Sunits (@) 10units a. 2, 2B. m4, 26. 2. ropiic-wvise Sotved Papers - PHYSICS particles moving wit velocity = k(yi +39) , wherek isa constant. The general equation forits path is [2010] (@) y=¥ + constant “constant (©) xy = constant + constant ‘Appoint P moves in counter-clockwise direction on a ireular path as shown in the figure. The movement of is such that it sweeps outa length s= +5, where sis in metres and ris in seconds. The radius of the path is 20 m. The acceleration of'P' when ¢=2 sisnealy. (2010) @ 13m © Rms : a () 7.2m (@) 14m? . ‘ x Fora particle in uniform circular motion, the acceleration ata point P(R,@) on the circle of radius Ris (Here 8 ismeasured from the x-axis) [2010] v ; ) Zeno i+%sino av @ THe © Zeno "sino j A small particle of mass m is projected at an angle ® with the ‘xaxiswith an initial velocity vy in thex-yplaneas shown in thefigure. Atatime ¢< "052 the angular momentum of 8 theparicleis (2010 (mg vot? e080) (me vorcosoe wy 1 evpp? cost © ~fmgvot* cose 1 . (@) Smavot* cost 4 where j,j and & are unit veotors along x, y and 2-axis respectively ‘An object, moving with a speed of 6.25 mvs, is decelerated atarate given by: 2011] a 7-258 where vis the instantaneous speed. The time taken by the object, to come to rest, would be: (@) 2s 0) 45° © 8s @ Is ‘A water fountain on the ground sprinkles water all around it, Ifthe speed of water coming out ofthe fountain is, the total area around the fountain that ges wetis: [2041] nv ¥ 2 CO ® FF OT OF ‘A boy can throw stone up toa maximum height of 10 m. ‘The maximum horizontal distance that the boy can throw the same stone up to wll be 12012] (@) 20/2m_ (b) 10m (©) 10V2 m @) 20m 28. Two.ars ofmass m, and m, are moving in circles of radi r and ry, respectively. Their speeds are such that they make ‘complete circles in the same time ¢. The ratio of their centripetal acceleration is (@) mr: mary © nn @ ©) mm, i 29._A particle of mass m is at rest at the origin at time 10. Itis subjected toa force FU) = Fe in thes direction, Its speed v0) i depicted by which of the following curves? 30. Aprojectileis given an initial velocity of (7-+2j) mis, where 7 isalongthe groundand 7 isalong the vertical. If g= 10 mm/s? theequation oftstrajctoryis: JEE-Main 2013] @ y=x-sx? (b) y= 2x-5x? © ay=2x-5x7 (@ ay=2x-25%2 31. From a tower of height H, a particle is thrown vertically ‘upwards with a speed u. The time taken by the particle, tohit the ground, is n times that taken by it to reach the highest point ofits path. The relation between H, u and mis: JEE Main 2014) (@) 2gH=nw? (b) gH=(n-2)'w? (© 2wH=mi(n-2) @ sl=(n-2)"° 32, Two stones are thrown up simultaneously from the edge of a cliff 240 m high with initial speed of 10 m/s and 40 m/s respectively. Which of the following graph best represents the time variation of relative positon of the second stone swith respect tothe frst? (Assume stones donot rebound aftr hiting the ground and neglect air resistance, take g= 10:mv/s*) (The figures are schematic and not drawn to scale) JE Main 2015}, 7 ® O2-y))m © Jor-mim 2) 2-™ 6) 7 2 GP_3481

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