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National Curriculum of Pakistan


Grades 1-12

National Curriculum of Pakistan

Grades 1-12


It is with great pride that we, at the National Curriculum Council Secretariat, present the first core
curriculum in Pakistan's 75-year history. Consistent with the right to education guaranteed by
Article 25-A of our Constitution, the National Curriculum of Pakistan (2022-23) aspires to equip
every child with the necessary tools required to thrive in and adapt to an ever-evolving
globalized world.

The National Curriculum is in line with international benchmarks,

yet sensitive to the economic,
religious, and social needs of young scholars across Pakistan. As such, the National Curriculum
aims to shift classroom instruction from rote learning to concept-based learning.

Concept-based learning permeates all aspects of the National Curriculum, aligning textbooks,
teaching, classroom practice, and assessments to ensure compliance with contemplated student
learning outcomes. Drawing on a rich tapestry of critical thinking exercises, students will acquire
the confidence to embark on a journey of lifelong learning. They will further be able to
acknowledge their weaknesses and develop an eagerness to build upon their strengths.

The National Curriculum was developed through a nationwide consultative process involving a
wide range of stakeholders, including curriculum experts from the public, private, and
non-governmental sectors. Representatives from provincial education departments, textbook
boards, assessment departments, teacher training departments, deeni madaris, public and private
publishers, private schools, and private school associations all contributed their expertise to
ensure that the National Curriculum could meet the needs of all Pakistani students.

The experiences and collective wisdom of these diverse stakeholders enrich the National
Curriculum, fostering the core, nation-building values of inclusion, harmony, and peace, making
the National Curriculum truly representative of our nation's educational aspirations and

| take this opportunity to thank all stakeholders, including students, teachers, and parents who
contributed to developing the National Curriculum of Pakistan (2022-23)

Dr. Mariam Chughtai

National Curriculum Council Secretariat
Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training
Math Progression Grid (1-8)
Note: The progression grid identifies the core student learning outcomes.
An asterisk (*) placed at the end of a student learning outcome indicates an advanced/additional skill for that specific learning outcome.
Please refer to the relevant ‘Suggested Guidelines” document to be informed of more directions for advanced/additional complementary content and idea;

Domain A: Numbers and Operations

Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8

Benchmarks: Benchmarks: Students will be able use language, notation and Venn
Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of place value (up to 4- Students will be able to demonstrate diagrams to describe sets and their elements, operate with
digit numbers); represent whole numbers with words, diagrams, number knowledge of place value (5-digit to 7-digit real numbers, their properties and identify absolute value
lines, or symbols; order and compare numbers. numbers); represent whole numbers with of real numbers, apply commutative ,associative and
words, diagrams, number lines, or symbols; distributive laws on real numbers , compare, arrange and
order and compare numbers. round off real numbers to required degree of accuracy,
They will add and subtract numbers up to 4-digit numbers; multiply (up
calculate factors, multiples, HCF and LCM, square roots
to 3-digit numbers with 1-digit) and divide (3-digit by 1-digit number). and cube roots, ratio, rate, proportion, percentages, profit,
Solve problems involving odd and even numbers, addition, subtraction, They will add and subtract numbers up to 6-
loss, discount, Zakat, Ushr, commission, Taxes,
multiplication and division of numbers (involving missing numbers, digit numbers; multiply (up to 5-digit
insurance, partnership and Inheritance and apply all of
money, quantities and measures), round numbers to nearest tens, numbers with 3-digit) and divide (up to 5 digit these concepts in real life contexts.
hundreds and thousands and make estimates. up to 2 digit number) Solve problems
involving odd and even numbers, addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division of
Recognise fractions as parts of wholes or collections; represent fractions numbers (involving missing numbers, money,
using words, numbers, equivalent fractions in simplest form; compare quantities and measures), round numbers to
and order simple fractions; add and subtract simple like and unlike nearest tens, hundreds and thousands and
fractions, including those set in problem situations. make estimates.
Demonstrate knowledge of decimal place value to the tenth.

Recognise fractions as parts of wholes or

collections; represent fractions using words,
numbers; compare and order simple fractions;
add and subtract simple like, unlike fractions,
including those set in problem situations.

Demonstrate knowledge of decimal place

value (up to three decimal place) compare,
order, and round decimals (to the nearest
whole number and up to two decimal place);
add, subtract, multiply and divide decimals,
including those set in real world problems
(including money, quantities or measures).

Student Learning Outcomes

[SLO: M-01-A-01] [SLO: M-02-A-01] [SLO: M-03-A-01] [SLO: M-04-A-01] [SLO: M-05-A-01]
Count objects and Count numbers up to Count up to 9999 (4- Count up to 99,999 Count up to
and across 999 (3- digit numbers). (5-digit numbers). 9,999,999 (7-digit
digit numbers) numbers)
forwards and
backwards, beginning
from zero or one, or
from any given

D: M-01-A-02] [SLO: M-02-A-02] [SLO: M-03-A-02] [SLO: M-04-A-02] [SLO: M-05-A-02]

and write Read and write Read and write up to Read and write up to Read and write up to
pers up to 99 (2- numbers up to 999 in 999 in numerals and in 99,999 (5-digit 9,999,999 (6 and 7
numbers) in numerals and up to words. numbers) in numerals digit numbers) in
numerals and in 99 in words. and in words. numerals and in
words. words.

[SLO: M-01-A-03] [SLO: M-02-A-03] [SLO: M-03-A-03] [SLO: M-04-A-03] [SLO: M-05-A-03] SLO: M-07-A-
Recognise the place Recognise the place Recognise the place Recognise the place Recognise the place 01]
value of each digit in value of each digit in value of each digit in 4- value of each digit in value of each digit in With increasing
2-digit numbers 3-digit numbers digit numbers. 5-digit numbers. 6 and 7 digit degree of
(tens, ones/units). (hundreds, tens, numbers. challenge, use
ones/units). the concept of
place value for
whole numbers,
integers, rational
numbers and

[SLO: M-01-A-04] [SLO: M-02-A-04] [SLO: M-03-A-04] [SLO: M-04-A-04]

Compare and order Compare and order Compare numbers using Compare numbers
numbers up to 99 numbers up to 999 symbols and arrange using symbols and
using appropriate using appropriate numbers up to 9999 arrange numbers up to
language and <, > using appropriate 99,999
and = signs. language
before, after and
between two

[SLO: M-02-A-05] [SLO: M-03-A-05] [SLO: M-04-A-05] SLO: M-07-A-

Round numbers to Round numbers to the Reinforce/recall round 02] Round off
the nearest tens using nearest tens, hundreds off numbers to the whole numbers,
different concrete and thousands using nearest tens, integers, rational significant
objects and pictorial different concrete and hundreds, thousands. numbers and figures.

representations. pictorial decimal numbers
representations. SLO: M-04-A-06 to a required
Round numbers to the degree of
nearest ten thousands. accuracy,
significance or
decimal places
(up to 3 decimal

[SLO: M-02-A-06]
Recognise the
position of objects
and write it using
ordinal numbers up to
to 10. 20.

[SLO: M-02-A-07] [SLO: M-03-A-06] [SLO: M-04-A-07]

Read and write Read and write Roman Read and write
Roman numbers up numbers up to 20. Roman numbers up to
to 12. 100.

[SLO: M-01-A-07] [SLO: M-02-A-08]

Find, recall and use Find, recall and use
addition and addition and
subtraction facts to subtraction facts to
20. 100.

[SLO: M-01-A-08] [SLO: M-02-A-09] [SLO: M-03-A-07] [SLO: M-04-A-08] [SLO: M-05-A-04]
Compare numbers to Add and subtract Add and subtract Add and subtract up Add and subtract up
find how many more numbers mentally numbers mentally and to 5-digit numbers to 6-digit numbers
and how many less and in formal written in written form (with mentally and in mentally and in
form (with and and without regrouping) written form (with written form (with
SLO: M-01-A-09 without regrouping) including: and without and without
Add and subtract including: © 4-digit numbers regrouping) including: regrouping)
o 3-digit number with 1-, 2-, 3- and e 5-digit numbers including:
and a 1- digit 4-digit numbers. with 1-digit, 2- e 6-digit numbers
number. digit, 3-digit, 4- with 1-digit, 2-
o 3-digit number digit and 5-digit digit, 3-digit, 4-
and tens. numbers. digit, 5-digit and
-digit numbers o 3-digit number 6-digit numbers.
and tens. and a 2-digit
o Two 3-digit
o 2-digit numbers
and 1-digit
o Two 2-digit

[SLO: M-01-A-11] [SLO: M-02-A-10] [SLO: M-03-A-08] [SLO: M-04-A-09] [SLO: M-05-A-05]
Solve real-world Solve real-world Solve real-world word Solve real-world word Solve real-world
word problems with word problems with problems (including problems (including word problems
addition and addition and missing numbers and multi step) involving (including multi
subtraction using subtraction money) involving addition and step) involving
concrete objects and (involving missing addition and subtraction. addition and
pictorial numbers, money, subtraction. subtraction.
representations quantities and
involving missing measures)
[SLO: M-02-A-11] [SLO: M-03-A-09] [SLO: M-04-A-10] [SLO: M-05-A-06] [SLO: M-07-A- [SLO: M-08-.
Estimate the answer Estimate the answer to Estimate the answer Estimate the answer 03] 02]
to an addition and an addition and to an addition and to an addition and Use knowledge Analyze
subtraction question. subtraction question. subtraction question. subtraction question. of rounding off approximation
(using various (using various (using various (using various to give an error when
approaches) approaches) approaches) approaches) estimate to a
calculation; to
check the
of the solution.

[SLO: M-02-A-12] [SLO: M-03-A-10]

Recognise even and Recognise and
odd numbers. differentiate between
even and odd numbers.

[SLO: M-02-A-13] SLO: M-08- o

Identify international A-04]
currency and Convert
denominations (for Pakistani
instance dollars.) currency to
SLO: M-02-A-14 international
Solve money currencies
problems involving and vice
addition and versa.
subtraction of
Pakistani money and
Pakistani money. a few selected
international currency
notes. (for instance

[SLO: M-01-A-14] [SLO: M-02-A-15] [SLO: M-03-A-11]

Count and write in Count and write in Count and write in
2’s, 5s and 10s using 3s, 4s, 5s, 10s and multiple steps.
concrete objects 100s. Develop times tables
(such as counters, for 6,7, 8, and 9 and
pebbles, popsicle write multiplication
sticks etc) and sentences using
pictorial concrete and pictorial
representations (such representations.
as number line,
, hundred square grid)

SLO: M-01-A-15 SLO: M-02-A-16

Recognise counting Recognise counting
in 3s, 4s as
multiplication tables
of three and four.

SLO: M-02-A-17
multiplication as
repeated addition and
multiplication tables
(times tables) for 2, 3,
4,5 and 10.
SLO: M-02-A-18
Write multiplication
statements (i.e.,
sentences) using
concrete and pictorial

[SLO: M-01-A-17] [SLO: M-02-A-19] [SLO: M-03-A-12]

Recognise using Recognise using Reinforce through
concrete objects and concrete and pictorial concrete and pictorial
pictorial representations that representations that the
representations that the multiplication of multiplication of any
the multiplication of any two numbers can two numbers can be
any two numbers can be done in any order. done in any order.
, be done in any order.

[SLO: M-02-A-20] [SLO: M-03-A-13] [SLO: M-04-A-11] [SLO: M-05-A-07]

Multiply mentally Multiply mentally and Multiply up to 4-digit Multiply upto 5-digit
and in written form in written form: numbers with 1-digit numbers with 1-
using the e 2 digit numbers and 2-digit numbers digit, 2-digit and 3-
multiplication tables by 1 digit mentally and in digit numbers in
that they know: numbers. written form. written form.
o 1 digit o 3 digit numbers
number by by 1-digit
another 1 numbers.
digit number.

SLO: M-02-A-21
Multiply mentally
and in written form
using the
multiplication tables
that they know:
o 2-digit
number by a
number using
n grid.

SLO: M-02-A-22
Multiply a number
with 0 and 1.

[SLO: M-02-A-23] [SLO: M-03-A-14] [SLO: M-04-A-12] [SLO: M-05-A-08]

Solve real-world Solve real-world word Solve real-world word Solve real-world
word problems problems involving problems involving word problems
involving multiplication. multiplication. involving
multiplication. multiplication.

SLO: M-01-A-18] [SLO: M-02-A-24]

pise division Recognise division as
repeated subtraction
through concrete and

SLO: M-02-A-25
Write division
statements (i.e.,
sentences) using
concrete and pictorial
[SLO: M-01-A-19] [SLO: M-02-A-26] [SLO: M-03-A-15]
Recognise using Recognise using Reinforce through
concrete objects and concrete and pictorial concrete and pictorial
pictorial representation that representation that the
representation that the division of one division of any two
the division of one number by another numbers cannot be done
number by another cannot be done in any in any order
number cannot be order. (Commutative).
done in any order.

[SLO: M-02-A-27] [SLO: M-03-A-16] [SLO: M-04-A-13] [SLO: M-05-A-09]

Divide mentally and Divide mentally and in Divide up to 4-digit Divide up to 5-digit
in written form: written form: numbers by 1-digit numbers by 1-digit
o [-digit number by © 2-digit numbers by 1 and 2-digit numbers and 2-digit numbers
another 1-digit digit number (with in written form. in written form.
number (without and without
remainder) remainder)
o 2-digit number by o 3-digit numbers with
a 1-digit number 1-digit numbers (with
(without and without
remainder) remainder)

SLO: M-03-A-17
Divide a number by 1
and itself.

[SLO: M-02-A-28] [SLO: M-03-A-18] [SLO: M-04-A-14] [SLO: M-05-A-10]

simple real Solve real-world Solve real-world word Solve real-world word Solve real-world
problems word problems problems involving problems involving word problems
ing involving division. division. involving division.
multiplication and

division using any division using any
method (for instance method (for instance
materials, repeated materials, repeated
addition, groups and addition/subtraction,
arrays, mental groups, arrays,
methods, and known mental and or written
multiplication methods).

[SLO: M-02-A-29] [SLO: M-03-A-19] [SLO: M-04-A-15] [SLO: M-05-A-11]

Solve real-world Solve real-world word Use appropriate Use appropriate
word problems problems involving operations to solve operations to solve
(including Pakistani addition, subtraction, real-world word real-world word
currency) involving multiplication and problems involving problems involving
addition, subtraction, division. addition, subtraction, addition, subtraction,
multiplication and multiplication and multiplication and
division. division. division.

[SLO: M-04-A-16] [SLO: M-05-A-12]

Identify divisibility Identify divisibility
rules for 2, 3, 5 and rules for 7 and 11
10 and use them on up and use them on up
to 4-digit numbers. to 5-digit numbers.

SLO: M-04-A-17 SLO: M-06-A-

Identify and 011
differentiate between Identify:
multiples and factors eFactors of up
and find: to 3-digit
o all factor pairs of numbers
anumber eMultiples of
e common factors up to 2-digit

of two numbers numbers
e Prime factors
SLO: M-04-A-18 of up to 4-digit
Identify and numbers and
differentiate between express in
multiples and factors index notation
and find:
e common
multiples of two
or more than 2-
digit numbers.

SLO: M-06-A-
Identify base and
exponent and
express numbers
given in expanded
form in index
notation and vice

- - [SLO: M-04-A-19] [SLO: M-05-A-13] - - -

Identify and Identify and
differentiate between | differentiate between
2-digit prime and 2-digit prime and
composite numbers composite numbers
up to 50. up to 100.

= - - [SLO: M-05-A-14] | [SLO: M-06-A- | [SLO: M-07-A- -

Find H.C.F and 03] 04]
L.C.M of two Find H.C.F and Recall H.C.F and
numbers (up to 2- LCMoftwoor |L.CM.
digits) using various | three numbers (up
methods. (For to 3-digits) using
instance prime various methods
factorization, (for instance
division method etc.) | prime
factorization and
division method).

- - - - [SLO: M-05-A-15] | [SLO: M-06-A- -

Solve real-world 04]
word problems Solve real-world
involving H.C.F and | word problems
L.CM. involving H.C.F
and L.CM.

- - - - [SLO: M-06-A- | [SLO: M-07-A-

05] 05]
Recognise, Recall -
identify and Recognise,
represent integers | identify and
(positive, represent
negative and integers
neutral integers) | (positive,
and their absolute negative and
or numerical neutral integers)
value. and their
absolute or
numerical value.

[SLO: M-06-A-
Arrange a given
list of integers
and their absolute
value in
ascending and
descending order.

- - - - - SLO: M-06-A- - -
Add and subtract
upto-2-digit like
and unlike
integers and
commutative and
associative laws

- - - - SLO: M-06-A- - -
Multiply up to 2-
digit like and
unlike integers
and verify
associative and
distributive laws.

SLO: M-06-A-
Divide like and
unlike integers.

[SLO: M-01-A-21] [SLO: M-02-A-30] [SLO: M-03-A-20] [SLO: M-04-A-20] [SLO: M-07-A- | [SLO: M-08-A'
Recognise, find, Identify, name and Recognise among: - Differentiate among: 06] 05]
name and write write; proper fractions -proper fractions Identify and
fractions: -unit fractions -improper fractions. -improper fractions represent (on a
- half (%2) -non-unit fractions -mixed numbers -mixed numbers. number line)
- quarter (%) -like fractions rational numbers.
- two-quarters (2/4) -unlike fractions of a
- three-quarters (¥4) discrete set of objects SLO: M-07-A-
of a length, shape, using pictorial 071
set of objects or representations. Represent whole
quantity using numbers,
pictorial integers and
, representations. decimal numbers
on a number line.

absolute value of
a real number.

[SLO: M-03-A-21] [SLO: M-04-A-21] SLO: M-07-A-

Identify equivalent Convert improper 08]
fractions and show fractions to mixed Identify and
families of equivalent numbers and vice convert between
fractions. versa. various types of
SLO: M-03-A-22
Simplify fractions to the
lowest term.

[SLO: M-02-A-31] [SLO: M-03-A-23] [SLO: M-04-A-22] [SLO: M-05-A-16] = [SLO: M-07-A- | [SLO: M-08-A-
Compare and order Compare and order like | Compare and order Compare and order 09] 07]
unit fractions and like fractions using symbols unlike fractions. whole numbers, Compare (using Demonstrate the
fractions (with <,>and=. proper, improper symbols <, >, =, ordering
denominators up to fractions and mixed <and >) and properties of
10) using <, > and = numbers in arrange (in numbers.
sign. ascending and ascending or
descending order. descending
order) whole
integers, rational
numbers and

= [SLO: M-02-A-32] [SLO: M-03-A-24] [SLO: M-04-A-23] [SLO: M-05-A-17] = SLO: M-07-A-
Add and subtract like | Add and subtract like ‘Add and subtract like | Add and subtract; 10]
fractions within one | and unlike fractions and unlike fractions two or three unlike Verify
whole (e.g., Vs + % = (with denominators that (with denominators fractions and mixed associative and
4/4). are multiples of the that are multiples of numbers. commutative
same number). the same number) and properties of
write the answer in rational numbers.
mixed numbers (if

[SLO: M-04-A-24] [SLO: M-05-A-18] [SLO: M-07-A- | [SLO: M-08-A-

Multiply and divide Multiply and divide 1] 08]
proper, improper proper, improper Verify Demonstrate the
fractions and mixed fractions and mixed associative, following
numbers by a whole numbers and express commutative and | properties:
number. the answer in its distributive -closure property
simplest form (if properties of -associative
SLO: M-04-A-25 applicable). rational numbers. | property -
Multiply two fractions existence of
and/or mixed identity element

numbers. -existence of
inverses -
property -

[SLO: M-04-A-26] [SLO: M-05-A-19] SLO: M-07-A-

Solve real-world word Solve real-world 12]
problems involving word problems Solve real-world
fractions by involving fractions. word problems
identifying involving
appropriate operations on
operations. rational numbers. decimals

[SLO: M-02-A-33] [SLO: M-03-A-25] [SLO: M-04-A-27] SLO: M-08-A-

Know and recognise Know and recognise Recognise, read, write 10]
that tenths arise by that hundredths arise by decimal numbers and Identify and
dividing an object dividing an object, identify the place differentiate
into ten equal parts single digit numbers value of decimal between decimal
and in dividing single and quantities into numbers with up to numbers as
digit numbers and hundred equal parts. three decimal places. terminating
quantities by ten (non-recurring)
(using concrete and and non-
pictorial terminating
representations). (recurring).

[SLO: M-03-A-26] [SLO: M-04-A-28]

Identify that tenths Recognise the result
arise by dividing an of dividing 1 or 2-
object, single digit digit number by 10
number and quantities and 100 and
into ten equal parts identifying the value
(e.g.,2/10=0.2)* of digits in the answer
as ones, tenths and
hundredths (e.g.,
24/100 = 0.24)

[SLO: M-04-A-29] [SLO: M-05-A-20]

Express Convert fractions to
-a decimal number decimals and vice
(up to three decimal versa.
places) as a fraction
whose denominator is
10, 100 and 1000.
-a given fraction in its
decimal equivalent
(tenths, hundredths or
thousandths) when
(i) denominator of the
fraction is 10, 100 or
(ii) denominator of a
fraction is not 10,
100, or 1000 but can
be converted to 10,
100 or a 1000.

SLO: M-04-A-30
Recognise and write a
quarter, a half and
three quarters (i.e., %,
Y4, ¥a. to its decimal

[SLO: M-04-A-31] [SLO: M-05-A-21]

Compare and order Compare and order
decimal numbers with numbers up to three
up decimal places using
to two decimal places. signs >, <and = sign
and in ascending and
descending order.

[SLO: M-04-A-32] [SLO: M-05-A-22]

Round decimal Reinforce rounding
numbers (with up to decimal numbers
three decimal places) (with up to three
to the decimal places) to
nearest whole number the nearest whole
and to one and two number and to tenth
decimal places. and hundredth.

[SLO: M-04-A-33] [SLO: M-05-A-23]

Add and subtract 3- Add and
digit numbers with up subtract
to two decimal places. numbers up to three
decimal places.

[SLO: M-04-A-34] [SLO: M-05-A-24]

Multiply and divide a Multiply numbers up
2-digit number with to two decimal
one decimal place by: places by:
e a l-digit eup to 2-digit
number. whole numbers
e a2-digit ©3-digit numbers
number with up to two
decimal places.

SLO: M-05-A-25
Divide numbers up
to two decimal
places by
e up to 2-digit
whole numbers
o 2-digit numbers
with one
decimal place.

[SLO: M-04-A-35] [SLO: M-05-A-26]

Multiply and divide a
Multiply and divide
2-digit number with
anumber up to two
one decimal place by
decimal places by
10 and 100.
10, 100 and 1000.

[SLO: M-04-A-36] [SLO: M-05-A-27]

Use appropriate
Use appropriate
operations to solve
operations to solve
real-world word
real-world word
problems including 2-
problems including
digit numbers with
numbers up to two
one decimal place
decimal places
(including money,
(including money,
quantities and
quantities and

[SLO: M-04-A-37] [SLO: M-05-A-28] | [SLO: M-06-A- | [SLO: M-07-A-
Recognise the order | Recognise the order | 10] 13]
of operations and use | of operations and use | Recognise the Recognise the
it to solve it to solve order of order of
mathematical mathematical operations and operations and
expressions involving | expressions use it to solve use it to solve
‘whole numbers, involving whole mathematical mathematical
decimals and numbers, decimals expressions expressions
fractions. and fractions. involving whole | involving whole
numbers, numbers,
decimals, decimals,
fractions and fractions and
integers. integers.

- - SLO: M-04-A-38 - -
Recognise the percent
symbol (%) and
understand that
percent is the ‘number
of parts per hundred’.

- - - [SLO: M-05-A-29] | [SLO: M-06-A- - -

Express percentages
Express one
as a fraction with
quantity as a
denominator 100 and
percentage of
as a decimal number.
another, compare
two quantities by
percentage and
increase or
SLO: M-05-A-30 decrease a
Use equivalences quantity by a
between simple given percentage.
fractions, decimals
and percentages in
real world contexts.

[SLO: M-05-A-31] [SLO: M-06-A-

Solve real-world
Solve real-world
word problems
word problems
involving conversion
of percentage,
fraction and decimal

SLO: M-05-A-32
Solve problems
which require
percentage and
decimal equivalents
of Y4, %, 1/5,2/5,4/5
and those fractions
with a denominator
of a multiple of ten
[SLO: M-05-A-33] | [SLO: M-06-A- | [SLO: M-07-A-
Use unitary method
13] 14]
Explain rate as a Calculate rate
to calculate; the
comparison of and average rate
value of many
two quantities of quantities.
objects of the same
where one
kind when the value
quantity is 1.
of one is given, the
value of one object
when value of many
is given and value of
many objects when
value of some is
given (including
related real-world

[SLO: M-06-A- | [SLO: M-07-A-

14] 15]
Calculate ratio of | Calculate
two numbers (up increase and
to 3-digit) and decrease in a
simplify ratios. ratio based on
change in

[SLO: M-06-A-
Explain and
continued ratio.
SLO: M-06-A-
Solve real-world
word problems
involving ratio
and rate.

SLO: M-07-A-
Explain and
calculate direct
and inverse
proportion and
solve real-world
word problems
related to direct | related to direct.
and inverse inverse and
proportion. compound
(using table, c
equation and
- - - - - [SLO: M-07-A- | [SLO: M-08-A-
17] 12]
Identify and Explain and
differentiate calculate profit
between selling percentage, loss
price, cost price, percentage and
loss, discount, discount.
profit percentage
and loss

[SLO: M-07-A- | [SLO: M-08-A'

18] 13]
Explain income | Explain and
tax, property tax, calculate
general sales tax,
value-added tax,
zakat and ushr.


- - . - - [SLO: M-07-A- | [SLO: M-08-A-

19] 15]
Solve real world Solve real world,
word problems word problems
involving profit, involving profit
loss, discount, %, loss %,
commission, tax, discount, profit,
zakat and ushr. markup,
partnership and

[SLO: M-05-A-34] [SLO: M-06-A- [SLO: M-07-A-

Recognise and use 17] 20]
square numbers and | Recognise and Recognise and
cube numbers, and calculate squares calculate squares
the notation for of up to 2-digit of numbers up to
squared (%) and numbers. 3-digits.
cubed (*)

SLO: M-07-A-
Find the square
roots of perfect
squares of (up to
3-digit) natural
fractions and

- — - - - [SLO: M-07-A- | [SLO: M-08-A-

22] 17]
Solve real-world
Solve real-world word problems
word problems involving
involving squares and
squares and square roots.
square roots.

SLO: M-08-A-
perfect cubes
and find:
-cubes of up to
2-digit numbers
- cube roots 0
up to 5-digit

[SLO: M-06-A- [SLO: M-07-A-

18] 23
Use language, Use language,
notation and notation and
Venn Diagrams to Venn Diagrams language
represent to represent (tabular,

different types of different sets and descriptive
sets and their their elements. and set-
elements. (natural numbers, builder
(finite, infinite, whole numbers, notation) and
empty, singleton integers, even Venn
and universal set) | numbers, odd diagrams
numbers, prime

- - - - - [SLO: M-07-A- | [SLO: M-08-A-

24] 21]
Identify and Find the power
differentiate set (P) of set A
between: where A has up
e subset and to four elemen
e proper and
e equal and
e disjoint and

SLO: M-07-A-
Describe and
operations on
sets (union,
intersection, associative,
difference and distributive laws
complement). with respect to
union and
SLO: M-07-A- intersection.
Verify the
(A UB)c=

[SLO: M-08-A-
and represent
through Venn

Domain B: Algebra

Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8

Benchmarks: Benchmarks: Benchmarks:

Students will be able to analyse and complete geometrical and number Students will be able to analyse and complete Students will be able to recognise and manipulate number o
patterns; find the missing number or operation in a number sentence. number patterns; find the missing number or patterns, use letters to represent numbers, expand,
operation in a number sentence. simplify, factorise, evaluate and manipulate algebraic
expressions, use algebraic identities, interpret and plot
graphs of linear equations, solve linear and simultaneous
linear equations and linear inequalities and apply all of
these concepts in real life context.

Student Learning Outcomes

[SLO: M-01-B-01] [SLO: M-02-B-01]
Identify and extend Complete geometrical
the next shape in patterns (e.g., on a
patterns with 2 or 3 square grid)
orientations. according to one or
two of the following
Shape, size or colour.

[SLO: M-01-B-02] [SLO: M-02-B-02]

Identify and extend Explore patterns in a
patterns using 2-D variety of ways using
and 3-D shapes as 2-D and 3-D shapes.
well as through
pictorial illustrations.

[SLO: M-02-B-03] [SLO: M-03-B-01] [SLO: M-04-B-01] [SLO: M-05-B-01] | [SLO: M-06-B-01] | [SLO: M-07-B- | [SLO: M-08-B-

Identify and extend Recognise and extend a | Using a pattern rule, | Using a pattern rule, | Recognise simple | 01] 01]
repeating, increasing | given number pattern in | describe the pattern describe the pattern | patterns from Recall Differentiate
and decreasing increasing and found in a given table | found in a given various number recognizing between an
number patterns. decreasing order. or chart. table or chart. sequences. simple patterns | arithmetic
(for e.g., on a number from various sequence and a
line or on a hundreds number geometric
chart) sequences. sequence.

- - [SLO: M-04-B-02] [SLO: M-05-B-02] [ [SLO: M-06-B-02] | [SLO: M-07-B- | [SLO: M-08-B-
Complete the given Identify and apply Continue a given | 02] 02]
increasing and the pattern rule of a | number sequence | Recall how to Find terms of an
decreasing number given increasing and | and find: continue a given | arithmetic
patterns. decreasing pattern -term to term rule number sequence using:

to: -position to term sequence and -term to term
-extend the pattern rule find: rule
for the next three -term to term -position to ters
terms rule -position to rule
-determine missing term rule
elements in a given

[SLO: M-07-B-
Find terms of a
sequence when
the general term
(nth term) is
given. arithmetic

- - - - [SLO: M-06-B-03] | [SLO: M-07-B- | [SLO: M-08-B-

Solve real life 04] 04] Solve real
problems Solve real life life problems
involving number | problems involving
sequences and involving number
patterns. number sequences and
sequences and patterns.

[SLO: M-03-B-02] [SLO: M-04-B-03]

Find the missing Identify and write
number or operation in expressions or
anumber sentence (e.g., number sentences to
20 +w = 100). represent problems
that may involve


SLO: M-04-B-04.
Identify and use
relationships in a
well-defined pattern
(e.g.,, describe the
relationship between
adjacent terms and
generate pairs of
whole numbers given

[SLO: M-06-B- [SLO: M-07-B- [ [SLO: M.

04] 05] 05]
Explain the term Recall the
algebra as an Students will difference
extension of know between:
arithmetic, Muhammad bin = open
where letters, Musa Al- and
numbers and Khwarizmi as close
symbols are the founding sentence
used to construct | father of s
algebraic Algebra. = expressi
expressions. on and
[SLO: M-07-B- equation
06] = equation
Recall variables e
as a quantity inequalit
which can take y

SLO: M-07-B-
Recognise open
and close
sentences, like
and unlike
terms, variable,
equation and

SLO: M-07-B-
polynomials as
expressions in
which the
powers of
variables are
whole numbers.

SLO: M-07-B-
Identify a
monomial, a
binomial and a
trinomial as a

- - - - - [SLO: M-06-B- [SLO: M-07-B- | [SLO: M-08-B.

05] 10] p6]
Evaluate Add and subtract | Recall the
algebraic two or more ddition and
expressions by polynomials. subtractioy
substitution of polynomi:
variables with

- - - - - [SLO: M-06-B- [SLO: M-07-B- | [SLO:

06] 1] 071
Manipulate Find the product | Recall the
simple algebraic of: multiplication
expressions - monomial polynomials.
using addition with
and subtraction. ‘monomial
- monomial with o

- binomials with

[SLO: M-08-B-
Divide a
polynomial of
degree up to 3
-a monomial
-a binomial

- - - - - [SLO: M-06-B- [SLO: M-07-B- | [SLO: M-08-B-

07 12] 09]
Simplify Simplify Simplify
algebraic algebraic algebraic
expressions. expressions (by
products of
expressions by a
number, a
variable or an
subtraction, and o

- - - - - [SLO: M-07-B- | [SLO: M-08-B-

13] 10]
Explore the Recognise the
following following
algebraic algebraic
identities and identities and
use them to use them to
expand expand
expressions: expressions:
(a+b)? (a+b)?
=a?+b?+ 2ab =a’ +b* + 2ab

(a—b)? (a—b)?
=a? +b% - 2ab =a?+b%-2ab

(a+b)@a—b) (a+b)@a—

(103)%, (1.
(99)%, 101 x 99.

[SLO: M-07-B- | [SLO: M-08-B-

141 12]
Factorize the
Factorize following types
algebraic of expressions:
expressions (by | e ka+kb+
taking out ke
common terms e ac+ad+be
and by +bd
regrouping) o a’+2ab+
b 2

SLO: M-07-B- a—b?

15] a’+2ab+b
2_ 2
Factorize ¢
expressions (by
middle term

3a’b+3ab’~ b’

- - - - [SLO: M-06-B-08] | [SLO: M-07- [SLO: M-08-B-
Recognise and B-16 14] Construct
construct linear Construct simultaneous
equations in one linear linear equations
variable. equations in in two variables.
two variables
such as; ax +
where a and
b are not

[SLO: M-06-B-09] [SLO: M-07- [SLO: M-08-B-

Solve linear B-17 15]
equations Recall Solve
involving integers, solving simultaneous
fractions and linear linear equation:
decimal equations in in two variables
coefficients. one variable.

SLO: M-06-B-10
Solve real-world
problems Solve real-world
involving linear word problems
equations. involving two
linear equations
in two variables.

SLO: M-08-B-
Identify base,
index/ exponent
and its value.

SLO: M-08-B-
Deduce and
apply the
following laws
of Exponents/


ax +b>c

SLO: M-08-B-

Represent the
solution of linear
inequality on the
number line.

SLO: M-07-
to Cartesian
SLO: M-07-
Plot the
graph of the
equation ax
+b=0 where
a#0and of
equations in

[SLO: M-07- | [SLO: M-08-]

B-20] 21]
Recognise Recognise the
and state the gradient of a
equation of a straight line.
horizontal Recall the
line and a equation of
vertical line. horizontal and
vertical lines


[SLO: M-07- [SLO: M-08-B-

B-21 22]
Find values Find the value of
of ‘x” and ‘y’ ‘y’ when ‘x’ is
from the given from the
graph. equation and
vice versa.

Interpret the
gradient/ slope
of the straight

SLO: M-08-B-
Determine the y-
intercept of a
straight line.

ain C: Measurement

Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8

Benchmarks: Benchmarks: Benchmarks:
Students will be able to measure, compare and order lengths Students will be able to measure, compare Students will be able to convert between different units of
(Kilometres/metres/ centimetres), mass (kilograms/grams/milligrams), and convert lengths, mass, capacity and measure, solve problems involving speed, distance, time,
and capacity (litres/ millilitres); read, write and compare time (hours and time from one standard unit to another; area and perimeter of 2D shapes, surface area and volume of
minutes); measure area and perimeter using square grids. read, write and convert time in 24 hour 3D shapes and apply the Pythagorean Theorem.
and 12 hour notation.

They would also solve problems involving mass, length, weight/mass,

capacity, and time (including addition and subtraction). They would also solve problems involving
length, mass/weight, capacity and time;
solve problems involving perimeter and
area of parallelogram, triangle, square,
rectangle and rectilinear shapes.

Student Learning Outcomes

[SLO: M-01-C-01] [SLO: M-02-C-01]

Use mathematical Compare the lengths
of different objects
using standard units
of length (metre and
centimetre) using <,
>, and = signs.

[SLO: M-02-C-02] [SLO: M-03-C-01]

Recognise and use the Recognise and use the
standard units of standard units of length
length (metre and (kilometre, metre,
centimetre) to centimetre and
measure and record millimetre) to measure
the length of different and record the length of
objects. different objects.

[SLO: M-04-C-01] [SLO: M-05-C-01] SLO: M-07-C-01

Convert units of Convert units of Convert different
length from larger length from larger units of distance.
to smaller units to smaller and vice
(Kilometre, metre, versa.
centimetre and

[SLO: M-02-C-03] [SLO: M-03-C-02] [SLO: M-04-C-02] [SLO: M-05-C-02]

Add and subtract Add and subtract Convert, add and Convert, add and
lengths, given in the lengths, given in the subtract lengths, to subtract lengths, to
same units to solve same units to solve real- solve real-world solve real-world
real-world word world word problems. word problems. word problems.

SLO: M-02-C-04
Compare the mass of
different objects using
standard units of mass
(kilogram and gram)
using <, >, and =
[SLO: M-02-C-05] [SLO: M-03-C-03]
Recognise and use the Recognise and use the
standard units of mass standard units of mass
(Kilograms and (Kilograms, grams and
grams) to measure milligrams) to measure
and record the mass and record the mass of
of different objects. different objects.

[SLO: M-04-C-03] [SLO: M-05-C-03]

Convert units of Convert units of
mass from larger to mass from larger to
smaller units smaller and vice
(kilogram and versa.

[SLO: M-02-C-06] [SLO: M-03-C-04] [SLO: M-04-C-04] [SLO: M-05-C-04]

Add and subtract ‘Add and subtract mass, Convert, add and Convert, add and
mass, given in the given in the same units subtract mass to subtract mass to
same units to solve to solve real-world solve real-world solve real-world
real-world word word problems. word problems. word problems.

SLO: M-02-C-07
Compare the capacity
of different objects
using standard units
more objects. of capacity (litre and
millilitre) using <, >,
and = signs.

: M-01-C-06] [SLO: M-02-C-08] [SLO: M-03-C-05] [SLO: M-04-C-05] [SLO: M-05-C-05]

ure and Recognise and use the Recognise and use the Convert units of Convert units of
compare the capacity standard units of standard units of capacity from larger capacity from larger
of objects using non- capacity (litre and capacity (litre and to smaller units to smaller and vice
standard units millilitre) to measure millilitre) to measure (litre and millilitre). versa.
and record the and record the capacity
capacity of different of different objects.

[SLO: M-01-C-07] [SLO: M-02-C-09] [SLO: M-03-C-06] [SLO: M-04-C-06]

Recognise the other
Read and write Read and write Read and write temperature
temperature to the temperature to the temperature to the measuring scales;
nearest appropriate nearest appropriate nearest appropriate unit Kelvin, Celsius and
unit i.e., (°C) using unit i.e., (°C) using i.e., (°C) using pictorial Fahrenheit
pictorial pictorial representations and
representations and representations and relating temperature
relating temperature relating temperature scale to number line.
scale to number line. scale to number line.
[SLO: M-03-C-07]
SLO: M-02-C-10. Compare and order
Compare and order temperature using <, >,
temperature using <, and = signs.
>, and = signs.

[SLO: M-02-C-11] [SLO: M-03-C-08] [SLO: M-04-C-07] [SLO: M-05-C-06]

Add and subtract Add and subtract Convert, add and Convert, add and
capacities given in the capacities given in the subtract capacities subtract capacities
same units to solve same units to solve real- to solve real-life to solve real-life
real-life word life word problems. word problems. word problems.

: M-01-C-08] [SLO: M-02-C-12] [SLO: M-03-C-09] [SLO: M-04-C-08]

and write time Read and write time Read and write time in Read and write time
in hours (o’clock) in hours and minutes hours and minutes from from digital and
from analogue clock (with five minute analogue and digital analog clocks in 12-
and digital clock. intervals, half past, clocks. hour and 24-hour
quarter past and format.
SLO: M-01-C-09 quarter to) from
Show time in an analogue and digital
hour on an analogue clocks.
SLO -13
Show time in hours
and minutes on an
analogue clock.

SLO: M-03-C-10
Recognise and use a.m.
and p.m.

SLO: M-02-C-14 [SLO: M-04-C-09] [SLO: M-05-C-07] SLO: M-07-C-02

Recognise intervals of Convert 12 hour
time (for instance - Convert larger units Convert larger units clock to 24 hour
to estimate/give a to smaller units of to smaller units of clock and vice
rough calculation of time (hours, time and vice versa. versa.
the time taken by minutes, seconds,
particular events or years, months, SLO: M-0
tasks) weeks and days). Convert between
different units of
SLO: M-04-C-10 time and speed.

Calculate duration
of different events
using start time and
end time.
[SLO: M-03-C-11] [SLO: M-04-C-11] [SLO: M-05-C-08] SLO: M-07-C-04
Add and subtract Add, subtract and Add, subtract and Calculate arrival
measures of time given convert measures of convert measures time, departure
in the same units to time to solve real- and intervals of time and journey
solve real-life word life word problems. time to solve real- time in a given
problems. life word problems. situation (on the
previous day and
the next day).

SLO: M-07-C-05

Solve real-world
word problems
involving distance,
time and average

between uniform
and average

[SLO: M-02-C-15] [SLO: M-03-C-12]

Use Solar and Islamic Read and write days
eck and months of Calendar to find a and dates from the
¢ Solar and Islamic particular day/date in Solar Calendar.
real-life situations.
[SLO: M-02-C-16] [SLO: M-03-C-13] [SLO: M-04-C-12] [SLO: M-05-C-09] [SLO: M-06-C-01]
Recognise perimeter Recognise and identify Identify the units of Recognise that the Calculate the area SLO: M-07-C-07
and area. the units of measurement for shapes with the of; a path (inside or State the
Calculate the area
measurement of area perimeter and area, same area can have outside) a rectangle Pythagoras
and perimeter and find different perimeters or square, and perimeter of theorem and
the perimeter and area SLO: -C-13 and vice versa. parallelogram,
of 2-D figures (Squares Differentiate triangle and
and rectangles) and between the SLO: M-05-C-10 trapezium. region in composite
irregular figures perimeter and area Calculate the area
(figures covers either /2 of a square, of parallelograms [SLO: M-07-C-08]
or | square unit only) rectangular and and triangles. Calculate the
on a square grid. rectilinear shapes. circumference and
area of a circle.
SLO: M-04-C-14
Apply formulas to sector of a
find the perimeter circle.
and area of squares,
rectangles and
rectilinear shapes. o

- - - [SLO: M-05-C-11] | [SLO: M-06-C-02] SLO: M-08-

Solve real life word | Solve real life word i 03]
problems involving problems involving Solve real life
perimeter and area perimeter and area. word problems
of square and using
rectangular regions. Pythagoras
[SLO: M-06-C-03] [SLO: M-07-C-09] [SLO: M-08-
Calculate the 04]
surface area and Calculate the Calculate the
volume of cube and surface area and surface area
cuboids. volume of any
simple 3-D shape
including right
prisms and

SLO: M-07-C-10

Convert between
standard units of
area (m2, cm2,
mm?2 and vice
versa) and volume
(m3, cm3 and mm3
and vice versa)

[SLO: M-06-C-04] | [SLO: M-07-C-11] | [SLO: M-08-C-

Solve real life word 05]
problems involving Solve real life word Solve real life
the surface area and problems involving word problems
volume of cubes the surface area and involving the
and cuboids. volume of right surface area
prisms and and volume
cylinders. pyramid,
hemisphere and
Domain D: Geometry

Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8

Benchmarks: Benchmarks: Benchmarks:

Students will be able to use properties to describe and compare three- Students will be able to use properties to Students will be able to construct lines, angles of
dimensional shapes (cube, cuboid, cone, cylinder, sphere, prism and describe and compare quadrilaterals; identify different measure, bisectors of angles, line
pyramids) and relate those with two dimensional shapes; differentiate three dimensional shapes and relate three segments, triangles and quadrilaterals ,use the
and classify polygons. dimensional shapes with their two properties of triangles ,quadrilaterals, polygons and
dimensional representations. circles to calculate unknown angles and lengths,
Identify parallel and perpendicular lines; reflective symmetry, right apply facts of congruence and similarity and analyse
angles and angles smaller and larger than a right angle; positions, and apply concepts of symmetry and
directions and movements, centre, radius, and diameter of a circle. They will also identify and draw types of transformations from two and three-dimensional
angles up to 180 degrees and lines of perspectives.
symmetry in 2-D shapes; compare and order
angles by size; identify circumference of a

Student Learning Outcomes

[SLO: M-02-D-01] [SLO: M-03-D-01] - SLO: M-05-D-01 -- SLO: M-07-D- -

Recognise, identify Differentiate and Recognise, compare o1]
entify 2-D shapes and draw 2-D shapes classify polygons with and classify types of Recognise
(Rectangle, square, (Rectangle, square, respect to their quadrilaterals and their quadrilaterals
le and triangle) circle, triangle, semi- attributes (pentagon, characteristics (parallel and their
respect to their circle and quarter- hexagon, octagon and sides, equal sides, characteristics
cteristics (i.e., circle) with respect decagon). equal angles, right (parallel sides,
and corners). to their angles, lines of equal sides,
characteristics. symmetry etc). equal angles,
(Square, rectangle, right angles,
SLO: M-02-D-02 parallelogram, lines of
Identify pairs of rhombus, trapezium symmetry etc).
perpendicular and and kite). (Square,
parallel lines. rectangle,
trapezium and

SLO: M-07-D-
convex and

o [SLO: M-01-D-02] [SLO: M-02-D-03] [SLO: M-03-D-02] [SLO: M-05-D-02] [SLO: M-06-D-
Recognise, identify Identify and Recognise and draw 01]
3-D shapes in differentiate between nets of prisms and Recognise and
different prisms and pyramids pyramids. identify 3-D
orientations. with respect to their shapes (i.c., cube,
SLO: M-02-D-04 attributes. cuboid, cone,
Make 3-D Shapes cylinder, sphere,
using varied hemisphere and
modelling materials cone) with
(cube, cuboid, cone, respect to their
cylinder, sphere,) characteristics.
with respect to their
[SLO: M-01-D-03] | [SLO: M-02-D-05] | [SLO: M-03-D-03] - - [SLO: M-06-D- | [SLO: M-07-D- | [SLO: M-08-
Describe the Describe the Describe the movement 02] 03] D-01
position, movement | position, direction of objects (i.e., slide and Reflect an object | Translate an Rotate an
and direction of an and movement of an | rotation). using grid paper | object and give | object and
object including object including and compass and | precise find the
moving in a straight | moving clockwise, find the line of description of | centre of
line using positional | anti-clockwise, reflection by transformation
language (for quarter, half and construction.
instance: inside, three quarters turns
outside, above, using appropriate
below, over, under, | positional language
far, near, before, (for instance: inside,
after, straight, outside, above, the given
backward, right and | below, over, under, scale factos
left). far, near, before, and find the
after, beside, centre and
between, left, right scale factor
and in front of, of
quarter turn, half enlargement.
turn, three quarter
turns, clockwise,
anti- clockwise,
behind etc).

SLO: M-02-D-06
Recognise turn as a

[SLO: M-02-D-07] | [SLO: M-03-D-04] [SLO: M-04-D-01] - [SLO: M-06-D- | [SLO: M-07-D- -
Identify and Recognise point, line, Recognise and 03] 04]
differentiate between | ray and line segment; identify parallel and Identify and Know that the
a straight and curved | and draw and measure | non-parallel lines. differentiate perpendicular

line. line segments. between parallel | distance from a
lines, point to a line is
SLO: M-02-D-08 perpendicular the shortest
Identify horizontal lines and distance to the
and vertical lines. transversal. line.

= - [SLO: M-03-D-05] [SLO: M-04-D-02] — = SLO: M-07-D-

Identify the centre, Describe the radius, 05]
radius and diameter of a | diameter and Describe the
circle. circumference of a properties of a
circle. circle; centre,
chord, arcs,
major and circle, sector,
minor arc, central angle,
semi-circle and | secant,
segment of a tangent and
circle. concentric

[SLO: M-02-D-09] | [SLO: M-03-D-06] [SLO: M-04-D-03] | [SLO: M-05-D-03] [SLO: M-06-D- | [SLO: M-07-D- -
Identify quarter Recognise and Identify | Recognise and Identify 04] 06]
turns. quarter turns and identify acute, right | - angles at a point on a | Identify adjacent | Calculate
identify quarter turns as | and obtuse angles. straight line and half | angles and find unknown
right angles (and vice aturn (180 degrees). | unknown angles | angles in
versa). SLO: M-04-D-04 - angles at a point and | related to parallel | quadrilaterals
Compare and order 1 whole turn (360 lines and using the
SLO: M-03-D-07 angles up to 180 degrees). transversals. properties of
Identify half and 3- degrees by size. (corresponding, quadrilaterals.
quarter turns (clockwise SLO: M-05-D-04 alternate and (square,
and anti-clockwise) as SLO: M-04-D-05 Describe and calculate vertically rectangle,
two and three right Measure and draw complementary and opposite angles) parallelogram,
angles respectively. angles (using a supplementary angles. rhombus,
protractor) within trapezium and
180 degrees. kite).

SLO: M-07-D-
Understand the
interior and
exterior angles
of polygons and
interior and
exterior angles
in a triangle.

SLO: M-07-D-
Calculate the
interior and
exterior angles
of a polygon
and the sum of
interior angles
of a polygon.

[SLO: M-03-D-08] [SLO: M-04-D-06] [SLO: M-05-D-05] [SLO: M-06-D- [SLO: M-07-D-
Identify reflective Recognise and draw Explore, identify and 05] 09]

symmetry in 2-D lines of symmetry in draw lines of Recognise Recognise
shapes. 2-D shapes and symmetry in 2-D rotational identity and
complete shapes and complete symmetry, find draw lines of
symmetrical figures symmetrical figures the point of symmetry in 2-
with respect to a with respect to a given rotation and order D shapes and
given line of line of symmetry. of rotational rotate objects
symmetry. symmetry. using rotational
symmetry; and
find the order
of rotational

- - - - SLO: M-05-D-06 - SLO: M-07-D- -

Identify and describe 10]
different types of Calculate
triangles; with respect unknown
to sides and angles. angles in a
Calculate and measure triangle.
unknown angles in a

- - - - [SLO: M-06-D- | [SLO: M-07-D- | [SLO: M-08-

06] 1] D-04]
Construct angles | Construct Construct a
of specific different types | triangle
measures (30, 45, | of triangles. when: -three
60, 75, 90, 105 (equilateral, sides (SSS)
and 120) and isosceles, -two sides
bisect angles scalene, acute- | and included
using a compass. | angled, right- angle (SAS)
angled and -two angles
[SLO: M-06-D- obtuse-angled) and included
071 side
Construct a - aright-
perpendicular angled
(from a point on triangle when
the line and hypotenuse
outside the line)
and a
bisector. SLO: M-0:

, trapezium,
rhombus and

SLO: M-08-
Draw angle
and line
bisectors to
divide angles
and sides of
triangles and
- - - - SLO: M-08-
and similar
figures (in

o triangles.

main E: Statistics and Probability

Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8

Benchmarks: Benchmarks: Benchmarks:

Read and interpret data from pictographs, bar graphs, tally charts, block | Read and interpret data from tables, Students will be able to collect, classify and tabulate
graphs and Carroll diagrams. pictographs, bar graphs, tally charts, block statistical data, interpret, construct and use statistical
Organise and represent data using pictographs, bar graphs, tally charts, | graphs, line graphs, pie charts and Carroll graphs, calculate and interpret measures of central
block graphs and Carroll diagrams to answer questions. diagrams. tendency and solve problems using various concepts
pertaining to Experimental and Theoretical
Describe the probability of an event. Organise and represent data using tables, Probability.
pictographs, bar graphs, tally charts, block
graphs, line graphs, pie charts and Carroll
diagrams to answer questions.

Solve problems in context in relation to

averages of quantities, measures and numbers.
Describe the probability of an event; represent
the probability of an event including real
world problems.

Student Learning Outcomes

[SLO: M-01-E-01] | [SLO: M-02-E-01] | [SLO: M-03-E-01] [SLO: M-04-E-01] | [SLO: M-05-E-01] [SLO: M-06-E- | [SLO: M-07-E- | [SLO: M-08-
Read and interpret Read and interpret Represent data; read Draw, read and Draw, read and 01] 01] E-01
data using data using and interpret data using | interpret horizontal | interpret bar and line Draw, read and -Recognise Select and
pictographs, block pictographs, bar Carroll Diagrams. and vertical single graphs. interpret drawing and Jjustify the
graphs and tally graphs and tally (including real-world and double bar horizontal and interpreting of [ most
charts. charts and; represent | problems) graphs. Interpret pie charts. vertical multiple | bar graphs, line | appropriate
(including real-world | data using tally (including real- (including real-world | bar graphs and graphs and pie | graph(s) fc
problems) charts. world problems) problems) pie charts. charts. given data
(including real-world (including real- -Differentiate and draw
problems) world problems) | between a simple
histogram and a | conclusi
bar graph. based on'
-Construct and | shape of tl
compare graph.
histograms for
both discrete
and continuous
data with equal
interval range.
-Select and
justify the most
graph(s) for a
given data set
and draw
based on the
shape of the
- - - - - [SLO: M-06-E- | [SLO: M-07-E- | [SLO: M-08-
02) ] E02]
Identify and Recognise the | Recognise
organize different | difference the difference
types of data (i.e., | between between
discrete, discrete, discrete,
continuous, continuous, continuou
grouped and grouped and grouped
ungrouped). ungrouped data. | ungrouped

= = - - [SLO: M-05-E-02] [SLO: M-06-E- | [SLO: M-07-E- | [SLO:

Find the average of 03] 03] E-03]
given quantities, Calculate the Calculate the Calculate
measures and numbers | mean, median mean, median | range,
in a data. and mode for and mode for variance and
ungrouped data ungrouped data | standard
SLO: M-05-E-03 and solve related and the mean deviation for
Solve real world word real-world for grouped ungrouped
problems related to problems. data and solve data and
averages involving related real- solve related
quantities, measures world real-world
and numbers. problems; problems.
choose and
Jjustify the
measures of
tendency for a
given set of
SLO: M-07-E- SLO: M-08-
04] E-04]
Construct Construct
frequency frequency
distribution distribution
tables for given
data (i.e.,
lower class
limit, upper
class limit,
class interval
and mid-point)
and solve problems.
related real-

[SLO: M-01-E-02] | [SLO: M-02-E-02] | [SLO: M-03-E-02] M-04-E-02] [SLO: M-05-E-04] [SLO: M-06-E- | [SLO: M-07-E- | [SLO: M-08-
Describe the Describe the Describe the likelihood | Describe the Explain experiments 04] 05] E-05] o
likelihood that that everyday events outcome of a simple | and outcomes; and Explain \Explain and Explain and
everyday events will | will occur, using probability represent the experiments, compute the compute the
oceur, using mathematical language | experiment (spinner | probability (using a outcomes, sample | probability of; | probability
mathematical (i.e., impossible, and dice), using fraction) that an event | space, events, certain events, | of; mutually
language (i.e., possible, less likely, mathematical will occur, in simple equally likely impossible exclusive,
impossible, less more likely, equally language (i.e., games and probability | events and events and independent,
likely, more likely, likely, unlikely and impossible, less experiments (including | probability of a complement of | simple
unlikely and certain). | certain). likely, more likely, | real-world word single event. an event. combined
equally likely, problems). Differentiate the | (including real- | and equally
unlikely and outcomes that are | world word likely events.
certain). equally likely and | problems). (including
not equally likely real-world
to occur. word
(including real- problems).
world word
SLO: M-08-

for certain
number of
times) to
probability of
a simple

SLO: M-08-
probability in
Cross Cutting Themes

The idea of Science, Technology, Engineering, The Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) is an overarching idea
for how to break up the study of Math into core disciplinary knowledge (that students need to learn in order
to pass examination at each grade level) and cross cutting themes (interdisciplinary connections and
recurring ideas that are best reinforced in every chapter in order to promote student critical thinking and
curiosity, but that is not expected to be assessed in standardised exams).
Cross-cutting themes must be appropriately included into every chapter of schools textbooks that are aligned
with these standards. This does not mean that every subcomponent of every theme must be included in every
) chapter, rather that where connections are appropriate and would enhance the study of the core disciplinary
knowledge these should be incorporated.
o Science, Technology and Engineering: applications of mathematics to create solutions that improve
standards of living and the connections of mathematics with the natural world.
rts: What can be understood about the nature of mathematics from the fine arts, performing arts and the
athematics: theoretical understandings/big ideas in mathematics and mathematical practices, and their
mutual overlaps in the methods of mathematical inquiry.
Science, Technology and Engineering
Applications of Mathematics

o The interconnectedness of Mathematics and Science

- The symbolic language of mathematics is extremely valuable for expressing scientific ideas unambiguously.
- Mathematics provides the rules for analysing scientific ideas and data rigorously.
- The accuracy and reliability of mathematical theories and principles serve as a basis for scientific discovery and
) understanding.
- Science provides mathematics with interesting problems to investigate, and mathematics provides science with powerful

o tools to use in analysing data.

o Mathematics has a wide range of applications in science, engineering and technology.

Mathematics is often used as a tool in the sciences, such as physics, chemistry, and biology, to describe and explain
henomena in the natural world.

- Mathematical models and equations are used to make predictions and test hypotheses in scientific research.
- Engineers use mathematical concepts and techniques to solve practical problems and design systems and structures.
- Engineers use mathematical models to simulate and analyse the behaviour of systems, and to optimise their designs.
Engineers also use mathematical tools to analyse and control complex systems and processes.
- Mathematical methods and techniques are used to analyse and optimise the performance of a wide variety of
systems and devices, including communication systems, control systems, and manufacturing processes.


Nature of Mathematics
1. Mathematics is a product of the exploration of structure, patterns and relationships.
- As a theoretical discipline, mathematics is driven by abstract concepts and generalisation. This mathematics is drawn out

ideas, and develops through linking these ideas and developing new ones.
- As an applied discipline, mathematicians focus their attention on solving problems and discovering relationships that
originate in the world of experience.
- The results of theoretical and applied mathematics often influence each other.

2. Mathematics uses a variety of methods to make claims.

Mathematics uses multiple strategies and multiple representations to revise and produce new knowledge.
The new knowledge is presented in the form of theorems that have been built from axioms and logical mathematical
arguments and a theorem is only accepted as true when it has been proven.
- Mathematics relies on logic rather than on observation as its standard of validity and accuracy, yet employs observation,
simulation, and even experimentation as means of discovering new ideas, theories and principles.
3. Mathematical knowledge is open to revision and refinement.
- Mathematics has a history that includes the refinement of, and changes to, theories, ideas, and beliefs over time.
- Mathematics is critiqued and verified by people within particular cultures through justification or proof that is
to oneself and others.
- The body of knowledge that makes up mathematics is not fixed; it has grown during human history and is growing at an
increasing rate.
4. Mathematics is a human endeavour.
- Mathematical knowledge is a result of human endeavour, imagination and creativity.
- Mathematics can be produced by each and every person.
- Mathematics is not created arbitrarily, but arises from activity with already existing mathematical objects, and from the
needs of science and daily life.
- Individuals and teams from many nations and cultures have contributed to mathematics and to advances in mathematical

applications in science, engineering and technology.

- Mathematicians’ backgrounds, theoretical commitments, and fields of endeavour influence the nature of their findings.
Technological advances have influenced the progress of mathematics and mathematics has influenced advances in
- Mathematical ideas impact society and culture, and cultural and societal factors influence the development of
5. Mathematics is worthwhile, beautiful and often useful.
- Mathematics today is a diverse discipline that deals with data, measurements, and observations from science; with
deduction, and proof; and with mathematical models of natural phenomena, of human behaviour, and of social systems.
- Mathematics empowers us to better understand the information-laden world in which we live by equipping us with
critical thinking skills.

- Mathematics reveals hidden patterns that help us understand the natural world around us.
- The patterns and structures that exist in mathematics are considered to be aesthetically pleasing and beautiful, much like
works of art.
- Mathematics is a language that is understood and used globally, making it a bridge between cultures and disciplines.


A. Mathematical Knowledge (these themes represent big ideas in mathematics which are applied across the
conceptual SLOs)
® Quantity, Measurement and Approximation

- Quantities and values can be used to describe key features and behaviours of objects such as functions.
- Measurements can be represented in equivalent ways using different units. For example, degrees and radians can be used
ngles to facilitate ease of calculation.
- Approximation of numbers adds uncertainty or inaccuracy to calculations, leading to potential errors but can be useful
handling extremely large or small quantities.
- When quantities change, a useful measurement to make is the “Rate of Change” which gives us an idea of how much
quantity is dependent on the other.
o Abstraction and Generalization

- Mathematical situations and structures can be translated and represented abstractly using variables, expressions, and

- Extending results from a specific case to a general form can allow us to apply them to a larger system.
o Patterns, Relationships and Modelling systems

- Patterns can be identified in behaviours which can give us insight into appropriate strategies to model or solve them.
- Relationships can be described and generalizations made for mathematical situations that have numbers or objects that

in predictable ways.
- Modelling real-life situations allows for prediction, analysis and interpretation and can be used to provide effective
solutions to real-life problems.
- Predictions based on models have limited precision and reliability due to the assumptions and approximations inherent

Representation and Equivalence
- Any number, measure, numerical expression, algebraic expression, or equation can be represented in an infinite number

ways that have the same value.

- Different but equivalent representations of objects such as visual, symbolic, verbal, contextual and physical
can reveal different characteristics of the same relationship.
- Different representations enable quantities to be compared and used for computational purposes with ease and accuracy.
e Space

- Objects in space can be oriented in an infinite number of ways, and an object’s location in space can be described

- Objects in space can be transformed in an infinite number of ways, and those transformations can be described and
o Logic, Validity and Justification

- Logic is a powerful tool for justifying what we discover through measurement and observation.
- Logic is a method of reasoning and a system of principles used to build arguments, reach conclusions and explain the
validity of these conclusions.
- Considering the reasonableness and validity of results helps us to make informed, unbiased decisions.
. Mathematical Practices (these themes are also embedded in the conceptual SLOs but will primarily be implemented

eaching and learning practices elaborated in this curriculum guide)

e Problem-solving

- Understand the meaning of a problem and look for entry points to its solution.
- Analyze givens, constraints, relationships, and goals.
- Make conjectures about the form and meaning of the solution and plan a solution pathway.
- Employ different problem solving strategies in order to gain insight into its solution.
These can include:
o Considering analogous problems
o Trying special cases and simpler forms of the original problem

o Finding patterns or structure and looking for general methods

o Listing all possibilities and eliminating options based on constraints
o Making educated guesses and using trial and error
o Visualising the problem using different diagrams
o Working backwards
- Monitor and evaluate progress and check answers to problems using a different method.
- Understand the approaches of others to solving complex problems and identify correspondences between different
o Communication and reasoning

‘While constructing arguments, understand and use stated assumptions, clear definitions, and previously established
considering the units involved and attending to the meaning of quantities and symbols.

- Make conjectures and build a logical progression of statements to explore the truth of the conjectures.
- Analyse situations by breaking them into cases, and recognize and use counterexamples.
- Justify conclusions, communicate them to others, and respond to the arguments of others.
- Ask useful questions to clarify or improve the arguments.

- Compare the effectiveness of two plausible arguments, distinguish correct logic or reasoning from that which is flawed,
explain the flaw in an incorrect argument.
e Mathematical modelling

- Apply mathematical knowledge to solve problems arising in everyday life, society, and the workplace.
- Make choices, assumptions and approximations to simplify a complicated situation.
- Identify variables in the situation and select those that represent essential features.
- Formulate a model by creating and selecting geometric, graphical, tabular, algebraic, or statistical representations that
describe relationships between the variables.
- Analyse these relationships mathematically to draw conclusions
- Interpret the mathematical results in the context of the original situation.

- Validate the conclusions by comparing them with the situation, and improve the model if it has not served its purpose.
o Use appropriate tools strategically

Able to use tools, including technological tools, to explore and deepen their understanding of concepts, solve
problems, test conjectures and justify interpretations.
- Be familiar with the different kinds of non-technological tools available such as pencil and paper, concrete models, ruler,
protractor and calculator.
- Be familiar with the different kinds of technological tools available such as graphical calculators, dynamic graphing
software, spreadsheets, simulations, apps, and dynamic geometry software.

- Make sound decisions about when each of these tools might be helpful, recognizing both the insight to be gained and
their limitations.

Progression Grid

o Domain A: Numbers and Algebra

Number system is a system of representing numbers in mathematics. Students deal with various types of numbers for
olving mathematics formulas and calculation, data processing and handling complex topics like algebra and geometry.
gebra is one of the oldest branches in the history of mathematics that deals with number theory, geometry, and analysis.
is the study of mathematical symbols and the rules for manipulating these symbols in formulas; it is a unifying thread of
Imost all of mathematics. Algebra includes almost everything right from solving elementary equations to the study of
abstractions. Also, there are several algebra equations, formulas and identities present in algebra.

Standard 1: The students will be able to:

e compare the properties of numbers and number systems, including the rational and real numbers, and understand complex
numbers as solutions to quadratic equations that do not have real solutions.
understand vectors and matrices as systems that have some of the properties of the real number system.

® use number-theory arguments to justify relationships involving whole number

® analyse and interpret mathematical situations by manipulating algebraic expressions and relations,
e model and solve contextual problems,
e interpret functions, calculate rate of change of functions, apply differentiation, integrate analytically,
o utilise integration, solve simple ordinary differential equations, solve nonlinear equations numerically by simple iterative

Domain A: Numbers and Algebra

enchmark I: Students will be able to identify Real Benchmark I: Students will be able to Identify complex
Numbers and their properties to carry out basic operations. numbers and their properties to carry out basic operations.
Benchmark II: Students will be able to add, subtract, and Benchmark II: Students will be able to perform matrix
algebra, evaluate determinant and solve homogeneous and
multiply matrices, evaluate the determinant of matrices to
non-homogeneous linear equations.,
find the inverse of matrices, solve simultaneous linear
equations using matrices, Benchmark I1I: Students will be able to demonstrate
Arithmetic, geometric and harmonic sequence, their means
Benchmark III: Students will be able to use Venn
and sum of series and apply them in real world problems.
diagrams to demonstrate and describe operations of sets
and apply in real life situations. Express functions, inverse Benchmark I'V: Students will be able to apply the principle
functions, and composite functions of Mathematical Induction to prove statements, identities,
and formulae, and find approximate values of the binomial
Benchmark I'V: Students will be able to simplify, factorise
expansions having indices as rational numbers.
and manipulate Algebraic Fractions, Identify and
rationalise surds, and factorise algebraic expressions Benchmark V: Students will be able to divide polynomials,
apply factor theorem, remainder theorem, factorise cubic
Benchmark V: Students will be able to solve linear
polynomial and resolve an algebraic fraction into partial
equations, a system of two linear equations with two
variables and solve linear inequalities.
Benchmark VI: Students will be able to analyse attributes
Benchmark VI: Students will be able to solve Quadratic
of quadratic equations and solve quadratic equations, and
equations by using different methods and solve real world quadratic inequalities, in one unknown
situations by formulating a quadratic equation Benchmark VII: Students will be able to plot and interpret
the Graphs of functions. Fundamental transcendental
Benchmark VII: Students will be able to plot and
functions, their domain and range. Evaluate limits of
interpret the Graphs in practical situations such as travel
different algebraic, exponential, and trigonometric functions
graphs, conversion graphs and speed time graphs.
Benchmark VIII: Students will be able to differentiate and
integrate a function with the emphasis on practical
Benchmark IX: Students will be able to find Solution of
differential equations and apply first-order separable
ordinary differential equations of degree one.

Benchmark X: Students will be able to solve nonlinear

equations in one variable and definite integral by numerical

Complex Number Complex Number
Real Numbers
e [SLO: M-10-A-01]: e [SLO: M-11-A-01]
® [SLO: M-09-A-01]: Identify complex Recall complex
Explain, with numbers, complex number z represented
examples, that conjugate, absolute by an expression of the
civilizations value or modulus of a foormz = a + ibor
throughout history complex number of the form (a, b)
have systematically e [SLO: M-10-A -02]: where a and b are real
studied living things Apply algebraic numbers and
[e.g., the history of properties and i=vV-1
numbers from perform basic e [SLO: M-11-A-02]
Sumerians and its operations on Recognize a as a real
development to the complex numbers part of z and b as an
present Arabic e [SLO: M-10-A-03]: imaginary part of z.
system. Demonstrate additive e [SLO: M-11-A-03]:
® [SLO: M-09-A-02]: identity and Know the condition for
multiplicative equality of complex
Describe the set of
identity for the set of numbers.
real numbers as a
complex numbers e [SLO: M-11-A-04]:
combination of
e [SLO: M-10-A-04]: Carry out basic
rational and irrational
Find additive inverse operations on complex
and multiplicative numbers
® [SLO: M-09-A-03]: inverse of a complex e [SLO: M-11-A-05]:
number z. Definez = a — ib
Demonstrate and
® [SLO: M-10-A-05]: as the complex
verify the properties
Demonstrate the conjugate of
of equality and
following properties z = a + ib.
inequality of real
of a complex number e [SLO:M-11-A-06]:
Definez = a2+ b
® [SLO: M-09-A-04]:
as the absolute value or
Apply laws of indices [ modulus of a complex
to simplify radical numberz = a + ib

® [SLO: M-09-A-05]:
Express a number in
® [SLO: M-10-A-06]:
scientific notations
and vice versa. Find real and
imaginary parts of
® [SLO: M-09-A-06]: compl F 's of
Describe logarithm of
the tyy (i),
a number X, +iy1

x2+iy2] ’ Solution of equations

® [SLO: M-09-A-07]:
Differentiate between x, + Ly2¢0 e [SLO: M-11-A-07]
common and natural i) Solve the
Wheren = #1land +2
logarithm simultaneous linear
e [SLO: M-10-A-07]: equations with
Explain, with

examples, how complex coefficients.
® [SLO: M-09-A-08]:
mathematical models For example,
Apply laws of and equations are S5z-B+iyw=7-i,
logarithm to real life often used to make (2-i)z+2iw=—-1+i.
situations such as predictions and test
growth and decay, e [SLO: M-11-A-08]:
hypotheses in
loudness of sound. Write the polynomial
science. [e.g, In
P(z) as a product of
® [SLO: M-09-A-09]: physics,
linear factors. For
Apply concepts of example,
equations are used to
rational numbers to
describe the motion z + a = (z + ia)(z — ia)
real word problems
of objects and the 3 2
(such as inventory z — 3z +z+5=
behaviour of energy +D)z-2-DEz-2+1)
(stock taking),
and matter. In
temperature, banking, e [SLO: M-11-A-09]:
measures of gain and Solve quadratic
mathematical models
loss, sources of equation of the form
are used to predict
income and
the behaviour of
expenditure). 2pz + qz + r =0
chemical reactions
by completing squares,
and the properties of
where p, q, r are real
molecules. In
numbers and z a
complex number. For
mathematical models
are used to predict
the growth and
spread of populations 22—22+5=0
and the spread of (z-1-2)(z-1 +2i) =0
disease.] z 1+ 2i,1-2i
SLO: M-10-A-08]:
Solve the [SLO: M-11-A-10]:
simultaneous linear Explain the polar
equations with coordinates system.
complex coefficients, [SLO: M-11-A-11]:
Describe the polar
[SLO: M-10-A-09]:
representation of a
Apply the Geometric
complex number.
interpretation of a
[SLO: M-11-A-12]:
complex number
Apply the operations
[SLO: M-10-A-10]:
with complex numbers
Apply the geometric in polar representation.
interpretation of the [SLO: M-11-A-13]:
modulus of a Demonstrate simple
complex number. equations and
[SLO: M-10-A-11]: in-equations involving
Apply the geometric complex numbers in
interpretation of polar form.
algebraic operations. [SLO: M-11-A-14]:
[SLO: M-10-A-12]: Apply concepts of
Solve quadratic complex numbers to
equations of the form real world problems
2 (such as cryptography,
wave phenomena,
a is not equal to 0 by calculate voltage,
factorization, current, circuits, the
quadratic formula, velocity and pressure
completing square of the fluid).
and graphs.
[SLO: M-10-A-13]:
Draw the graphs of
the quadratic
function. y = 4
a is not equal to 0
[SLO: M-10-A-14]:
Establish relationship
between roots and
coefficients of
quadratic equations.
[SLO: M-10-A-15]:
Form a quadratic
equation when roots
are given.
[SLO: M-10-A-16]:
Find discriminant of
a given quadratic
[SLO: M-10-A-17]:
Identify the nature of
roots of a quadratic
equation through
[SLO: M-10-A-18]:
Solve a pair of linear
and quadratic
[SLO: M-10-A-19]:
Solve word problems
involving quadratic
[SLO: M-10-A-20]:
Solve quadratic
inequalities in one
[SLO: M-10-A-21]:
Apply the concept of
quadratic equations,
and quadratic
inequalities, to real
world problems (such
as in physics,
engineering, and
finance, i.e.
calculating max and
min heights in
projectile motion,
determining the max
price on a company’s
budget, stability of
population, growth of
business, the
relationship between
hours worked and
amount earned etc.).

Matrices and Matrices & Determinants

e [SLO: M-11-A-15]:
e [SLO: M-10-A-22]: Apply matrix
Display information operations
in the form of matrix (addition/subtraction
of order 2. and multiplication of
e [SLO: M-10-A-23]: matrices) with real and
Solve situations complex entries.
involving sum, [SLO: M-11-A-16]:
difference, and Evaluate determinants
product of two of 3 x 3 matrix by
matrices using cofactors and
® [SLO: M-10-A-24]: properties of
Calculate the product
[SLO: M-11-A-17]:
of the scalar quantity
Use row operations to
and a matrix
find the inverse and the
® [SLO: M-10-A-25]: rank of a matrix.
Evaluate the [SLO: M-11-A-18]:
determinant and Explain a consistent
inverse of a matrix of and inconsistent system
order 2 x 2. of linear equations and
® [SLO: M-10-A-26]: demonstrate through
Solve the examples
simultaneous linear [SLO: M-11-A-19]:
equations in two Solve a system of 3 by
variables using 3 nonhomogeneous
matrix inversion linear equations by
method and Cramer’s using matrix inversion
rule method and Cramer’s
® [SLO: M-10-A-27]: Rule.
Explain, with [SLO: M-11-A-20]:
examples, how Solve a system of three
mathematics plays a homogeneous linear
key role in the equations in three
development of new unknowns using the
scientific theories
and technologies. Gaussian elimination
[e.g., Mathematical method.
models and [SLO: M-11-A-21]:
simulations are used Apply concepts of
to design and matrices to real world
optimize new problems such as
materials and drugs, (graphic design, data
and to understand the encryption, seismic
behaviour of analysis, cryptography,
complex systems transformation of
such as the human geometric shapes,
brain.] social network
[SLO: M-10-A-28]: analysis).
Apply concepts of
matrices to real
world problems (such
as engineering,
economics, computer
graphics, and
Sets and Functions Functions and Graphs Functions and Graphs
e [SLO: M-09-A-10]: e [SLO: M-10-A-29]: e [SLO: M-12-A-01]:
Describe Recognize notation Recall
mathematics as the and determine the « function as a rule
study of pattern, value of a function. of correspondence,
structure, and e [SLO: M-10-A-30]: * domain, co-domain
relationships. Identify types of and range of a
e [SLO: M-09-A-11]: functions (into, onto, function,
Identify sets and one-to-one, injective, « one to one and onto
apply operations on surjective and functions.
three sets (Subsets, bijective) by using e [SLO: M-12-A-02]:
overlapping sets and Venn diagrams. Know linear,
disjoint sets), using e [SLO: M-10-A-31]: quadratic and square
Venn diagrams. Explain operations root functions.
e [SLO: M-09-A-12]: on, and compositions Inverse Function
Solve problems on of, functions. e [SLO: M-12-A-03]:
classification and e [SLO: M-10-A-32]: Define inverse
cataloguing by using Find the inverse of a functions and
Venn diagrams for given function. demonstrate their
Scenarios involving e [SLO: M-10-A-33]: domain and range
two sets and three Formulate composite with examples.
sets. Further functions as defined
Graphical Representation
application of sets by of Functions
e [SLO: M-09-A-13]: gf(x) = f(gx)). Sequences and Series
e [SLO: M-12-A-04]:
Verify and apply
Sketch graphs of
properties/laws of e [SLO: M-10-A-34]: Arithmetic Sequence and « linear functions
union and Apply concepts from Arithmetic Mean (eg.y = ax + b
intersection of three functions to real [SLO: M-11-A-22]: ),
sets through world problems (such Solve problems by * non-linear
analytical and Venn as finance, analysing arithmetic functions (e.g.
diagram method transportation, and sequences and series up 2y = Xx).
[SLO: M-09-A-14]: sales.) to n terms. [SLO: M-12-A-05]:
Apply concepts from Plot the graph of the
Geometric Sequence and
set theory to real functiony = xn
Graphs of basic Functions Mean
world problems (such here n is
as in demographic e [SLO: M-10-A-35]: [SLO: M-11-A-23]: « a+ ve integer,
classification, Plot graphs of Solve problems by * a— ve integer
categorising products constant function, analysing geometric
in shopping malls identity function, sequences and series
« a rational number
and music playlist by linear function and up to n terms.
forx >0
genre) Relation absolute valued [SLO: M-11-A-24]:
[SLO: M-12-A-06]:
[SLO: M-09-A-15]: functions Identify a sequence as
Plot graph of
Explain product, e [SLO: M-10-A-36]: arithmetic or
quadratic function of
Binary Relations and Solve absolute value geometric sequence up
the form
its domain and range. equations and to n terms.
y = ax + bx + (
[SLO: M-09-A-16] inequalities in one [SLO: M-11-A-25]:
a(#0), b, care
Recognise that a variable and express Solve problems by
relation can be the solution as a analysing harmonic
[SLO: M-12-A-07]:
represented by table, range of values on a sequences and series
Draw graph using
order pair and graphs. number line. up to n terms.
e [SLO: M-10-A-37]: Miscellaneous Series e [SLO: M-12-A-08]:
Apply concepts of e [SLO: M-11-A-26]: Predict functions
absolute valued Find sum of: from their graphs
functions to e the firstn (use the factor form
real-world problems natural numbers to predict the
(such as to calculate
energy wave,
(zn). equation of a
function of the type
¢ the squares of
magnitude and the first n
distance). fx ax + bx + ¢
natural numbers
e [SLO: M-10-A-38]: (if two points where
Apply concepts from the graph) crosses x axis
« the cubes of the
functions to real and third point on the curve,
first n natural
world problems (such are given). Intersecting
numbers (¥ n’). Graphs
as finance,
transportation, and e [SLO: M-12-A-09]:
e [SLO: M-11-A-27]:
sales.) Find the intersecting
Recognize the
point graphically
arithmetic geometric
when intersection
sequence, determine
occurs between
its general term, find
« a linear function
sum to n terms and
and coordinate axes,
sum to infinite number
* two linear
of terms, using sigma
« alinear and a
e [SLO: M-11-A-28]:
quadratic function.
Identify leasing of
motor vehicles, down [SLO: M-12-A-10]:
payment, motor Solve, graphically,
vehicle insurance, appropriate problems
processing charges, from daily life.
repayment in monthly [SLO: M-12-A-11]:
instalments. Classify the
[SLO: M-11-A-29]: functions as
Solve problems related algebraic and
to leasing of motor transcendental
vehicle under different functions
conditions. [SLO: M-12-A-12]:
[SLO: M-11-A-30]: Describe various
Apply concepts from transcendental
sequence and series to functions, such as:
real world problems ¢ Trigonometric
(such as simple functions,
interest on loan, ¢ Inverse
investment, trigonometric
depreciation, functions,
Investment planning ¢ Logarithmic
on compound interest, function,
projectile motion, ¢ Exponential
gaming strategy, health function
care management, web
Logarithmic function
page design, traffic e [SLO: M-12-A-13]:
modelling). Demonstrate an
understanding of
e [SLO:M-12-A-14]:
Derive and apply
product, quotient,
and power laws of

Exponential function
e [SLO: M-12-A-15]:
Graph and analyse
exponential and
logarithmic function
Apply the concept of
exponential function
to find compound
e [SLO: M-12-A-16]:
Solve problems that
involve exponential
and logarithmic
e [SLO: M-12-A-17]:
Identify the domain
and range of
functions. Graphical
e [SLO: M-12-A-18]:
Draw the graph of
modulus function
e [SLO: M-12-A-19]:
Interpret the relation
between a one-one
function and its
inverse through a
e [SLO: M-12-A-20]:
Demonstrate the
transformations of a
graph through
horizontal shift,
vertical shift, and

Limit of a Function
e [SLO: M-12-A-21]:
Demonstrate and
find the limit of a
sequence and a
e [SLO: M-12-A-22]:
State and apply
theorems on limit of
sum, difference,
product and quotient
of functions to
exponential and

Continuous and
Discontinuous Functions
e [SLO: M-12-A-23]:
Demonstrate and test
discontinuity of a
function at a point
and in an interval.
e [SLO: M-12-A-24]:
Apply concepts of
functions, limit of a
function and its
continuity to real
world problems such
as (growth and
decay, finance,
astronomy, growth
rate of sales, rate of
change in sales,
predicting long-term
stock prices).
[SLO: M-12-A-25]:
Calculate inflation
over a period of
[SLO: M-12-A-26]:
depreciation with the
help of straight-line
method, sum of
digit method and
production unit
Mathematical Induction
Gradient of a curve
o [SLO: M-11-A-31]:
Describe a e [SLO: M-12-A-27]:

mathematlf:al . Recognize the meaning

argument, identify the of the tangent to a curve
base case, induction of at a point.
hypothesis and a
precise conclusion. ® [SLO:M-12-A-28]:
e [SLO: M-11-A-32]: Calculate the gradient of
Apply the principle of a curve at a point.
mathematical induction
to prove statements, * [SLO:M-12-A-29]:
identities, divisibility Identify the derivative
of numbers and as the limit of a
summation formulae. difference quotient.

* [SLO:M-11-A-33]: e [SLO: M-12-A-30]:

Evaluate and justify
conclusions, Calculate the derivative
communicating a of a given function at a
.. . point.
position clearly in an
appropriate e [SLO: M-12-A-31]:
mathematical form in Estimate the
daily life. derivative as rate of
change of velocity,
Binomial Theorem
[SLO: M-11-A-34]: temperature and
State and apply the profit.
Binomial Theorem to
Derivative of a Function
expand expressions of
the form (a + b)" e [SLO: M-12-A-32]:
where n is a positive
Recognize the derivative
integer. function.
[SLO: M-11-A-35]:
Describe Binomial e [SLO: M-12-A-33]:
Theorem as expansion Find the derivative of a
of binomial powers square root function.
restricted to the set of
natural numbers. e [SLO: M-12-A-34]:
[SLO: M-11-A-36]: Find the derivative of a
Calculate binomial quadratic function.
coefficients using
e [SLO: M-12-A-35]:
Pascal’s triangle.
[SLO: M-11-A-37]: State the connection
Expand using the between derivatives and
binomial theorems, and continuity.
use appropriate
Differentiation Rules
techniques to simplify
e [SLO: M-12-A-36]:
the expression
[SLO: M-11-A-38]: State, prove and apply
the constant rule, the
Find an approximate
coefficient rule, the
value using binomial
theorem Applications power rule, the sum and
of Binomial Theorem difference rule, the
[SLO: M-11-A-39]: product rule, the
quotient rule for
Use binomial theorem
to find the remainder
when a number to o [SLO: M-12-A-37]:
some large exponent is
Extend the power rule to
divided by a number.
functions with negative
[SLO: M-11-A-40]: exponents.
Use binomial theorem
to find the last digit of o [SLO: M-12-A-38]:
a number, test the Combine the
divisibility by a differentiation rules to
number and compare find the derivative of a
two large numbers. polynomial or rational
[SLO: M-11-A-41]: function.
Apply concepts of o [SLO: M-12-A-39]:
Mathematical induction
and binomial theorem Apply rates of change to
displacement, velocity
to real world problems
and acceleration of an
such as (puzzles,
object moving along a
domino effects, straight line.
Pascal's triangle,
Economic forecasting, Further on Differentiation

o [SLO: M-12-A-40]:
Rankings, Variable Find the derivative of
subletting) trigonometric and
inverse trigonometric

o [SLO: M-12-A-41]:
Find the derivative of
exponential functions.

o [SLO: M-12-A-42]:
Find the derivative of
logarithmic functions.

e [SLO: M-12-A-43]:
Apply differentiation to
state the increasing and
decreasing functions.

o [SLO: M-12-A-44]:
Apply differentiation to
find equations of tangent
and normal to a curve at
a point.

o [SLO: M-12-A-45]:
Apply concepts of
Differentiation to real
world problems such as
(profits on diminishing
returns, environmental
factors, financial
investments, population
growth, spread of
diseases, movement of
particles, time-speed in
transportation, structural
stress, material required
viz a viz changes in

Higher-Order Derivatives

e [SLO: M-12-A-46]:

Find higher order

derivatives of algebraic,
implicit, parametric,
exponential and
logarithmic functions.

Applications of Derivatives

® [SLO: M-12-A-47]:

Describe the ability to

approximate functions
locally by linear
functions. (Linear
approximations of
square root functions,
trigonometric functions)

o [SLO: M-12-A-48]:
Explain differentials and
draw a graph that
illustrates the use of
differentials to
approximate the change
in a quantity.

o [SLO: M-12-A-49]:
Calculate the relative
error and percentage
error in using a
approximation. (Volume
of a cube and sphere)

Extreme Values

e [SLO: M-12-A-50]:

Illustrate Global
extrema (absolute
extrema) and local
extrema (relative

o [SLO: M-12-A-51]:
Find the extreme values
by applying the second
derivative test.

e [SLO: M-12-A-52]:
Explain how to find
the critical points of a
function over a
closed interval.

o [SLO: M-12-A-53]:
Describe how to use
critical points to
locate absolute
extrema over a closed

o [SLO: M-12-A-54]:

Apply derivatives to
real-world problems
to find the maximum
and the minimum
values of a function
under certain

o [SLO: M-12-A-55]:
Apply the concept of
higher order
derivatives to real life
problems (such as
devices, cars, planes,
roller coasters, rate of
spread of a disease,
rate of improvement
of performance in
automobiles, radar
guns, economics).

Integration I
e [SLO: M-12-A-56]:
Find the general
antiderivative of a
given function.
e [SLO: M-12-A-57]:
Recognize and use
the terms and
notations for
[SLO: M-12-A-58]:
State the power rule
for integrals.
[SLO: M-12-A-59]:
State and apply the
properties of
indefinite integrals.
[SLO: M-12-A-60]:
State the definition of
the definite integral.
[SLO: M-12-A-61]:
Explain the terms
integrand, limits of
integration, and
variable of
[SLO: M-12-A-62]:
State and apply the
properties of definite
[SLO: M-12-A-63]:
State and apply
Theorem of Calculus
to evaluate the
definite integrals.
[SLO: M-12-A-64]:
Describe the
relationship between
the definite integral
and net area.
[SLO: M-12-A-65]:
Find the area of a
region bounded by a
curve and lines
parallel to axes, or
between a curve and
a line, or between
two curves.
[SLO: M-12-A-66]:
Find Volume of
revolution about one
of the axes.
[SLO: M-12-A-67]:
trapezium rule to
estimate the value of
a definite integral.
[SLO: M-12-A-68]:
Apply concepts of
Integration to real
world problems such
as (volume of a
container, consumer
surplus and producer
surplus, growth rate
of a population,
investment return
time period, drug
dosage required by
integrating the

Factorization: Algebraic Fractions: Division of polynomial:

e [SLO: M-09-A-17]: e [SLO: M-10-A-39]: e [SLO: M-11-A-42]:
Identify common Describe rational Divide a polynomial of
factors, trinomial expressions degree up to 4 by a
factoring, concretely, o [SLO: M-10-A-40]: linear and quadratic
pictorially and Factorize and polynomial to identify
symbolically. simplify rational quotient and remainder.
e [SLO: M-09-A-18]: expressions. Remainder Theorem
Factorize quadratic o [SLO: M-10-A-41]: and Factor Theorem:
and cubic algebraic Demonstrate [SLO: M-11-A-43]:
expressions: manipulation of Demonstrate and apply
algebraic fractions. remainder theorem
od + ' + b*or
. x4+’px +q e [SLO: M-10-A-42]: e [SLO: M-11-A-44]:
o ax’+bx + ¢
Perform operations Analyse and apply
on rational factor theorem to
o (ax’+
expressions (limited factorise a cubic
bx + c)(uxZ + bx + d|
® (x + a)(x + b) (x + ©)
to numerators and polynomial
denominators that are e [SLO: M-11-A-45]:
® (x +a)(x + b)(x +¢)
monomials, Apply concepts of
o a*+3a°b+3ab’+b’
binomials, or remainder and factor
o o’-3d% +3ab"-b’ trinomials). theorem to real world
o o’b’ e [SLO: M-10-A-43]: problems (such as
Apply the concept of polynomial regression,
[SLO: M-09-A-19]:
rational equations signal processing, and
Find highest common
(limited to coding theory).
factor and least
numerators and
common multiple of
denominators that are
algebraic expressions
and know relationship
binomials, or
of LCM and HCF
trinomials) to real
[SLO: M-09-A-20]:
world problems (such
Find square root of
as the amount of
algebraic expression
work a person can do
by factorization and
in certain amount of
time, rates, and
[SLO: M-09-A-21]:
Apply the concepts of
factorization of
quadratic and cubic
algebraic expressions
to real world
problems (such as
engineering, physics,
and finance.)

Linear Equations and Linear Inequalities in two

Inequalities in one variables:
e [SLO: M-10-A-44]:
e [SLO: M-09-A-22]: Solve two linear
Solve linear equations inequalities with two
and inequalities with unknowns
rational coefficients simultaneously
and represent the e [SLO: M-10-A-45]:
solution set on a real Interpret and
line Linear Identify regions in
Inequalities in two plane bounded by
variables: two linear
e [SLO: M-10-A-23]: inequalities in two
Solve two linear unknowns.
inequalities with two
Quadratic Equations
simultaneously e [SLO: M-10-A-46]:
Solve quadratic
equations by using
the methods of:
¢ factorization,
* completing
squares, and
« quadratic
e [SLO: M-10-A-47]:
Solve problems of
“changing the subject
of formula”.
e [SLO: M-10-A-48]:
Solve fractional
equations that can be
reduced to quadratic
e [SLO: M-10-A-49]:
Solve real world
situations by
formulating a
quadratic equation

Plotting and Interpreting Mechanics Kinematics of

the Graphs motion in a straight line
[SLO: M-10-A-50]: e [SLO: M-12-A-69]:
Draw graphs of Recognise distance
functions of the form and speed as scalar
y = ax (Including quantities, and
the sums of few of displacement,
these and taking n as velocity and
a rational number) acceleration as
[SLO: M-10-A-51]: vector quantities.
Solve a system of e [SLO: M-12-A-70]:
one linear and one Sketch and interpret
quadratic equation displacement—time
graphically and graphs and velocity—
interpret the time graphs
solution. e [SLO: M-12-A-71]:
[SLO: M-10-A-52]: use differentiation
Discover and integration with
exponential respect to time to
growth/decay of a solve simple
practical problems concerning
phenomenon displacement,
through its graph. velocity and
[SLO: M-10-A-53]: acceleration
Determine the e [SLO: M-12-A-72]:
gradients of curves use appropriate
through tangents. formulae for motion
Curves sketching with constant
e [SLO: M-10-A-54]: acceleration in a
Identify, sketch and straight line
interpret graphs of e [SLO: M-12-A-73]:
the Linear functions Apply the concept of
e [SLO: M-10-A-55]: mechanics to real
Identify, sketch and life problems (such
interpret graphs of as motion of vehicles
the Nonlinear on roads, Projectile
functions such as motion, free fall
Quadratic, Cubic, motion, relative
Reciprocal, and motion animation)
Integration II Techniques
e [SLO: M-10-A-56]: of Integration
Sketch graph of the
e [SLO: M-12-A-74]:
functiony = xn
Utilise trigonometric
where nis a + ve
relationships to
integer, — ve integer,
evaluate integrals.
rational number for
e [SLO: M-12-A-75]:
x >0
Integrate functions
e [SLO: M-10-A-57]:
involving the
Apply concepts of
exponential and
sketching and
interpreting graph to
real life problems
e [SLO: M-12-A-76]:
(such as in tax
Identify when to use
payment, income
and salary problems integration by parts
and cost and profit to solve integration
analysis) problems.
[SLO: M-12-A-77]:
Apply the
formula for definite
[SLO: M-12-A-78]:
Solve integration
problems involving
[SLO: M-12-A-79]:
Integrate a rational
function using the
method of partial
[SLO: M-12-A-80]:
Apply concepts of
integration to real life
word problems (such
as area between
curves, average value
of a function,
distance velocity,
acceleration, growth
rate of population,
moment of inertia,
vector calculus to
measure sensor

Differential Equations
e [SLO: M-12-A-81]:
Identify and
construct first order
differential equations
from practical
situations. Solution
of Differential
e [SLO: M-12-A-82]:
Solve separable
differential equations
of first order and
first degree of -
separable variable
equations -
e [SLO: M-12-A-83]:
Apply concepts of
first order
differential equations
to real life word
problems (such as
population growth
and decay,
law, flow of
electricity, series
circuits, economics
and finance,
radioactive decay).

Numerical Solution of
Nonlinear Equations
e [SLO: M-12-A-84]:
Analyse the
searching of roots of
an equation by
graphical means
and/or searching for
the sign change.
e [SLO: M-12-A-85]:
Explain the basic
principles of solving
a nonlinear equation
in one variable.
e [SLO: M-12-A-86]:
Calculate real roots
of a nonlinear
equation in one
variable by bisection
method, regular-falsi
method, Newton
Raphson method.
e [SLO: M-12-A-87]:
Apply concepts of
nonlinear equations
to real life word
problems (such as
chemical reactions,
regulation of heart
beats, electronic
circuits, and
Domain B: Geometry

Geometry is the most practical branch of mathematics that deals with shapes and sizes of figures and their properties. The
basic elements of geometry are points, lines, angles, surfaces and solids. Develops reasoning and problem-solving skills by
applying properties of lines, triangles, quadrilaterals, and circles. length, perimeter, area, circumference, surface area, and
volume to solve real-world problems.
Standard 2: The students will be able to:
« apply characteristics and properties of angles, triangles, parallelograms and circles to develop arguments about their
eometric relationships.
olve problems involving coordinate geometry, plane analytical geometry and vectors.
* recognize trigonometric identities, analyze conic sections, draw and interpret graphs of functions.

Benchmark I: Students will be able to use and interpret Benchmark I: Students will be able to interpret and solve
Cartesian coordinates in two dimensions and solve plane analytical geometry problem situations
problems involving coordinate geometry
Benchmark II: Students will be able to Identify vectors in
Benchmark II: Students will be able to Identify vectors in space and apply vector addition, dot/ cross product, scalar
plane and apply vector addition, dot/ cross product, scalar product, differentiate and integrate vector functions.
Benchmark III: Students will be able to Identify and analyse
Benchmark III: Students will be able to find volume and conic sections (circle, parabola, ellipse and hyperbola) and
surface area of composite solids and solve problems using solve related problems.
the relationship between areas of similar figures and
Benchmark IV: Students will be able to apply trigonometric
volume of different solids
identities and formulas to solve relevant situations and draw
Benchmark IV: Students will be able to apply graphs of trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions.
characteristics and properties of angles, triangles,
parallelograms and circles to develop arguments about their
geometric relationships.
Benchmark V: Students will be able to use trigonometric
identities to verify relationships between trigonometric
ratios. Apply appropriate laws and formulac of
trigonometry to solve the triangles and relevant problems.
Benchmark VI: Students will be able to calculate
unknown angles and solve problems by using the properties
of circles
Coordinate Geometry Analytical Geometry
Concurrency of Straight
e [SLO: M-09-B-01]:
Derive distance
formula by locating e [SLO: M-12-B-01]:
the position of two Find the condition of
points in coordinate concurrency of three
plane straight lines.
e [SLO: M-09-B-02]: e [SLO: M-12-B -02]:
Calculate the Find the equation of
midpoint of a line median, altitude and
segment right bisector of a
e [SLO: M-09-B-03]: triangle.
Find the gradient of a e [SLO: M-12-B -03]:
straight line when Show that
coordinates of two « three right
points are given bisectors,
e [SLO: M-09-B-04]: « three medians,
Find the equation of a « three altitudes of a
straight line in the triangle are
formy =mx + ¢ concurrent.

e [SLO: M-09-B-05]: Area of a Triangular

Find the gradient of Region
parallel and e [SLO: M-12-B -04]:
perpendicular lines Find the area of a
[SLO: M-09-B-06]: triangular region
Apply distance and whose vertices are
midpoint formulas to given.
solve real life
situations such as
Homogeneous Equations
measurements or e [SLO: M-12-B -05]:
distances between Recognize
locations. homogeneous linear
[SLO: M-09-B-07]: and quadratic
Apply concepts from equations in two
coordinate Geometry variables.
to real world e [SLO: M-12-B -06]:
problems (such as, Investigate that the
aviation and 2nd degree
navigation, homogeneous
landscaping, map equation in two
reading, longitude and variables zand 7.
latitude). represents a pair of
[SLO: M-09-B-08]: straight lines through
Derive equation of a the origin and finds
straight line in an acute angle
slope-intercept form, between them.
point-slope form, e [SLO: M-12-B-07]:
two-point form, Apply concepts of
intercepts form, analytical geometry
symmetric form, to real life world
normal form. problems (such as
[SLO: M-09-B-09]: aviation, to track
Show that a linear stars, distance
equation in two between planets and
variables represents a satellites, space
straight line and science and
reduce the general engineering).
form of the equation
of a straight line to
the other standard

Angle Between Lines

e [SLO: M-09-B-10]:
Find the angle
between two coplanar
intersecting straight
[SLO: M-09-B-11]:
Find the equation of
the family of lines
passing through the
point of intersection
of two given lines.
e [SLO: M-09-B-12]:
Calculate angles of
the triangle when the
slopes of the sides are

e [SLO: M-09-B-13]:
Differentiate between
a mathematical
statement and its
e [SLO: M-09-B-14]:
Differentiate between
an axiom, conjecture
and theorem.
e [SLO: M-09-B-15]:
Formulate simple
deductive proofs
[algebraic proofs that
require showing the
LHS to be equal to
the RHS. E.g.,

x-3"+5=x— 6x
Vectors in Plane Vectors in Space Vector Valued Function:
e [SLO: M-10-B-01]: [SLO: M-11-B-01]: e [SLO: M-12-B -08]:
Introduce rectangular Recognize rectangular Explain the need for
coordinate system in coordinate system in a vector valued
plane. space. function.
e [SLO: M-10-B-02]: [SLO: M-11-B-02]: e [SLO: M-12-B -09]:
Represent vectors as Recognize: unit vectors 7. Construct vector
directed line segment ,zandz. components of valued function.
e [SLO: M-10-B-03]: a vector. e [SLO: M-12-B-10]:
Express a vector in [SLO: M-11-B-03]: Identify domain and
terms of two non-zero Find the magnitude of a range of vector
and non-parallel vector. valued functions.
coplanar vectors. [SLO: M-11-B-04]: e [SLO: M-12-B -11]:
e [SLO: M-10-B-04]: Repeat all fundamental Identify difference
Express a vector in mathematical operations between scalar and
terms of position for vectors in space vector valued
vector which, in the plane, have functions Derivative
e [SLO: M-10-B-05]: already been discussed. of Vector Function
Express translation by [SLO: M-11-B-05]: e [SLO:M-12-B-12]:
a vector Demonstrate and prove Explain derivative of
a vector function of a

[SLO: M-10-B-06]: properties of Vector single variable and
Find the magnitude of Addition elaborate the result:
a vector. Commutative law for If 1t
[SLO: M-10-B-07]: vector addition. fO= F,®1+f
Add and subtract Associative law for
vectors, vector addition.
[SLO: M-10-B-08]: 0 as the identity for
£, £,00, f,(0) are
Multiply a vector by a vector addition. differentiable functions
—7 as the inverse for z. of a scalar variable t,
[SLO: M-10-B-09]: Dot or Scalar Product
Solve geometrical [SLO: M-11-B-06]: are differentiable
problems involving Explain dot or scalar functions of a scalar
the use of vectors product of two vectors variable t, then
[SLO: M-10-B-10]: and give its geometrical
Apply concepts from interpretation.
geometrical problems [SLO: M-11-B-07]:
involving the use of Express dot product in e [SLO: M-12-B-13]:
vectors (such as terms of components. Apply vector
parallel and [SLO: M-11-B-08]: Find differentiation to
calculate velocity and
perpendicular lines in the condition for
acceleration of a
geometrical shapes, orthogonality of two
position vector
vector projectile vectors.
f@®) = x@®)i + y(O)ji
motion, crosswinds [SLO: M-11-B-09]: Use e [SLO:M-12-B-14]
aviation, military dot product to find the Apply concepts of
angle between two vector valued
usage, designing [SLO: M-11-B-10]: Find functions to real life
roller coasters). the projection of a vector word problems (such
along another vector. as engineering and
[SLO: M-11-B-11]: transportation).
Find the work done by a
constant force in moving
an object along a given
[SLO: M-11-B-12]: Solve
daily life problems based
on vectors. Cross or
Vector Product
[SLO: M-11-B-13]:
Explain the cross or
vector product of two
vectors and give its
[SLO: M-11-B-14]:
Apply a cross product to
find the angle between
two vectors.
[SLO: M-11-B-15]:
Solve situations in daily
life based on Cross or dot
Vector Product.

Scalar Triple Product

o[SLO: M-11-B-16]:
Describe scalar triple
product of vectors.
o[SLO: M-11-B-17]:
Express scalar triple
product of vectors in terms
of components
(determinant form).
o[SLO: M-11-B-18]: Prove
Di-kxj=j- i
Prove that dot and cross
are inter-changeable in
scalar triple product.
e [SLO: M-11-B-19]: Find
the volume of
» a parallelepiped,
« tetrahedron, determined
by three given vectors.
e [SLO: M-11-B-20]:
Define coplanar vectors
and find the condition for
planarity of three vectors.
e [SLO: M-11-B-21]:
Apply concepts of
vectors in space to real
world problems such as
(design and execute
optimal navigation paths
in transportation and
logistics, graphing
complex 3D motion,
) vector operations in
engineering and computer
o graphics, practical
proficiency for work,
flux, and circulation).

Similar Figures
e [SLO: M-09-B-16]:
Identify similarity of
polygons. Area and
Volume of Similar
e [SLO: M-09-B-17]:
Solve problems using
the relationship
between areas of
similar figures and
volume of different

Geometrical Properties of
regular polygons,
Triangles and
e [SLO: M-09-B-18]:
Solve real life
problems that involve
the properties of
regular polygons,
triangles and
parallelograms (such
as building
structures, fencing,
tiling, painting,
carpeting a room).

e [SLO: M-09-B-19]:
Solve real life
problems using the
following loci and the
method of intersecting
loci for sets of points
in two dimensions
which are:
at a given distance
from a given point,
at a given distance
) from a given straight
o equidistant from two
given points
equidistant from two
given intersecting
straight lines

Trigonometry Application of Fundamental Law of Inverse Trigonometric

Trigonometry Trigonometry Functions
e [SLO: M-09-B-20]:
Identify angles in e [SLO: M-10-B-11]: e [SLO: M-11-B -22]: e [SLO: M-12-B-15]:
standard position, Extend sine and Establish fundamental Find domains and
expressed in degrees cosine functions to law of trigonometry: ranges of principal
and radians trigonometric
e [SLO: M-09-B-21]: angles between 90° e [SLO: M-11-B -23]: functions, inverse
Apply Pythagoras’ and 180° Apply fundamental law trigonometric
theorem and the sine, [SLO: M-10-B-12]: and its deductions to functions. Graphs of
cosine and tangent Solve problems using derive: Trigonometric Inverse
ratios for acute the laws of sine, ratios of allied angles, Trigonometric
angles to find a side cosine and the area double angle, half angle Functions
or of an angle of a formulas for any and triple angle identities e [SLO: M-12-B-16]:
right-angled triangle. triangle. e [SLO: M-11-B -24]: Draw the graphs of
e [SLO: M-09-B-22]: [SLO: M-10-B-13]: Express the product (of the inverse
Solve real life solve simple sines and cosines) as trigonometric
trigonometric trigonometric sums or differences (of functions of cosine,
problems in two problems in three sines and cosines). sine, tangent, secant,
dimensions involving dimensions cosecant and
Trigonometric Functions
angles of elevation [SLO: M-10-B-14]: cotangent within the
and depression. Apply concepts of e [SLO: M-11-B -25]: Find domain from 27 to
trigonometry to real the domain and range of 2m.
Trigonometric Identities the trigonometric
life world problems
e [SLO: M-09-B-23]: functions Inverse trigonometric
(such as video games, identities and solution of
Prove the flight engineering, e [SLO: M-11-B -26]:
trigonometric equations
trigonometric navigation, sound Discuss even, odd
identities and apply functions and the e [SLO: M-12-B-17]:
them to show periodicity of State, prove and
different trigonometric functions apply the addition
trigonometric e [SLO: M-11-B -27]: Find and subtraction
relations. the maximum and formulae of inverse
minimum value of a
e [SLO: M-09-B-24]: given function of the trigonometric
Solve real life type: functions
problems involving e [SLO: M-12-B-18]:
« a + bsinb,
trigonometric Solve trigonometric
+ bcos®

identities. equations of the type
+ bsin(c® + d),


Solve trigonometric
* a + bcos(c® + d) equations of the type
e [SLO: M-09-B-25]: sin® =k, cos® = k
¢ the reciprocals of above,
Interpret and use and tan® = k,
where a, b, ¢ and d are
three figure bearings.
real numbers. using periodic,
e [SLO: M-09-B-26]:
Graphs of Trigonometric even/odd and
Solve problems
Functions translation properties.
involving bearing. o [SLO: M-12-B-19]:
e [SLO: M-09-B-27]: e [SLO: M-11-B-28]: Solve graphically the
Apply the concepts Graph and analyse the trigonometric equations
of trigonometry trigonometric functions of
sine, cosine, and tangent
to solve problems, the type: sin® = %,
e [SLO: M-11-B -29]: cos® = 0,tan® = 20
Explain the properties of where — - < 8 < -
graphs of sin6, cos@ e [SLO: M-12-B -20]:
and tan®. Use the periods of
e [SLO: M-11-B -30]: trigonometric
Apply the concepts of functions to find the
trigonometric functions, general solution of
identities, graphs,
periodicity, even odd the trigonometric
functions, extreme values equations.
to real world problems e [SLO:M-12-B-21]
such as (distance, Apply concepts of
elevation, and direction inverse trigonometric
of tall structures, functions to real
navigation and mapping, lifeworld problems
lengths of irregular (such as mechanical
shapes, graphs to engineering,
visualize and predict architecture to find
patterns in data, the height of the
frequency and periodic building, angle of
length of Ferris wheel, elevation and
forces on a see-saw or depression,
lever, the ideal angle for identifying the angle
solar panel placement). of bridges to build
scale models).

Chords and Arcs of a CONICS

Circle e [SLO: M-12-B -22]:
e [SLO: M-10-B-15]: Demonstrate conics
Solve problems by and members of its
using the property of family i.e. circle,
a circle: One and only parabola, ellipse and
one circle can pass hyperbola.
through three non- Circle, Equation of a
collinear points. Circle
[SLO: M-10-B-16]: e [SLO: M-12-B -23]:
Solve problems by Derive and apply
using the property of equation of a circle in
circle: A straight line, standard form i.e.
drawn from the centre
of a circle to bisect a G-m2+E-H2=2
chord (which is not a e [SLO: M-12-B -24]:
diameter) is Find the equation of
perpendicular to the a circle passing
chord. through: three non
[SLO: M-10-B-17]: collinear points, two
Solve problems by points and having its
using the property of centre on a given
a circle: Perpendicular line, two points and
from the centre of a equation of tangent at
circle on a chord one of these points is
bisects it. known,
[SLO: M-10-B-18]: two points and
Solve problems by touching a given line.
using the property of Tangent and Normal
circle: If two chords
e [SLO: M-12-B -25]:
of a circle are
Find the condition
congruent then they
will be equidistant a line intersects the
from the centre circle.
[SLO: M-10-B-19]: a line touches the
Solve problems by circle.
using the property of e [SLO: M-12-B -26]:
a circle: Two chords Find the equation of
of a circle which are a tangent:
equidistant from the to a circle in slope
centre are congruent. form and a normal to
[SLO: M-10-B-20]: a circle at a point.
Solve problems by e [SLO: M-12-B -27]:
using the property of Find the length of
circle: If two arcs of a tangent to a circle
circle (or of congruent from a given external
circles) are congruent point.
then the
corresponding chords
are equal. e [SLO: M-12-B -28]:
[SLO: M-10-B-21]: Derive and apply the
Solve problems by standard equation of
using the property of a parabola.
circle: If two chords e [SLO: M-12-B -29]:
of a circle (or of sketch their graphs
congruent circles) are and find their
equal, then their elements.
corresponding arcs
(minor, major or e [SLO: M-12-B -30]:
semi-circular) are Find the equation of
congruent. a parabola with the
[SLO: M-10-B-22]: following given
Solve problems by elements:
using the property of focus and vertex,
circle: Equal chords focus and directrix,
of a circle (or of vertex and directrix.
congruent circles)
Equations of Tangent and
subtend equal angles Normal
at the centre (at the
e [SLO: M-12-B-31]:
Find the condition
when a line is tangent
[SLO: M-10-B-23]:
to a parabola at a
Solve problems by
point and hence write
using the property of
the equation of a
circle: If the angles
tangent line in slope
subtended by two
chords of a circle (or
e [SLO: M-12-B-32]:
congruent circles) at
Find the equation of
the centre
atangent and a
normal to a parabola
centres) are equal, the
at a point.
chords are equal.
[SLO: M-10-B-24]: Ellipse
Apply concepts of

chords and arcs of a e [SLO: M-12-B-33]:
circle to real life Derive and apply the
world problems (such standard form of
as decorative features, equation of an ellipse
rainbow, bridges, and identify its
roller coaster track). elements.
e [SLO: M-12-B-34]:
Tangent and Angles of a
Circle Convert a given
equation to the
e [SLO: M-10-B-25]:
standard form of
Solve problems by
equation of an
using the property of
ellipse, find its
circle: Ifa line is
elements and draw
drawn perpendicular
the graph.
to a radial segment of
a circle at its outer Equations of Tangent and
end point, it is tangent Normal

to the circle at that e [SLO: M-12-B -35]:

point. Find points of
e [SLO: M-10-B-26]: intersection of an
Solve problems by ellipse with a line
using the property of including the
a circle: The tangent condition of
to a circle and the tangency.
radial segment joining e [SLO: M-12-B-36]:
the point of contact Find the equation of

and the centre are a tangent to an ellipse
perpendicular to each in slope form.
other. e [SLO: M-12-B -37]:
[SLO: M-10-B-27]: Find the equation of
Solve problems by atangent and a
using the property of normal to an ellipse
circle: The two at a point.
tangents drawn to a
Standard Form of
circle from a point Equation of Hyperbola
outside it, are equal in
e [SLO: M-12-B -38]:
Derive and apply the
[SLO: M-10-B-28]:
standard form of
Solve problems by
equation of a
using the property of
hyperbola and
a circle: If two circles
identify its elements.
touch externally or
e [SLO: M-12-B -39]:
internally, the
Find the equation of
distance between their
a hyperbola with the
centres is respectively
following given
equal to the sum or
elements: transverse
difference of their
and conjugate axes
with centre at origin,
[SLO: M-10-B-29]:
two points,
Solve problems by
eccentricity, latera
using the property of
recta and transverse
circle: The measure of

a central angle of a axes, focus,
minor arc of a circle eccentricity and
is double that of the centre, focus, centre
angle subtended by and directrix.
the corresponding
Equations of Tangent and
major arc. Normal
[SLO: M-10-B-30]:
e [SLO: M-12-B-40]:
Solve problems by
Find points of
using the property of
intersection of
a circle: Any two
hyperbola with a line
angles in the same
including the
segment of a circle
condition of
are equal.
[SLO: M-10-B-31]:
e [SLO: M-12-B-41]:
Solve problems by
Find the equation of
using the property of
a tangent to a
circle: The angle
hyperbola in slope
in a semi-circle is a
right angle,
e [SLO: M-12-B-42]:
in a segment greater
Find the equation of
than a semi-circle is
atangent and a
less than a right angle,
normal to a
in a segment less than
hyperbola at a point.
a semi-circle is
e [SLO:M-12 -B-43]:
greater than a right
Apply concepts of
e [SLO: M-10-B-32]: conics to real life
Solve problems by world problems (such
using the property of as suspension and
circle: The opposite reflection problems
angles of any related to parabola,
quadrilateral inscribed Satellite system,
in a circle are elliptic movement of
supplementary. electrons in the atom
e [SLO: M-10-B-33]: around the nucleus,
Apply concepts of radio system use as
tangents and angles of hyperbolic functions,
a circle to real life flashlights, conics in
world problems (such architecture).
as architecture,

Construction of Triangle Practical Geometry of

e [SLO: M-09-B-28]:
Construct a triangle e [SLO: M-10-B-34]:
having given two Locate the centre of a
sides and the included given circle.
angle. e [SLO: M-10-B-35]:
e [SLO: M-09-B-29]: Draw a circle passing
Construct a triangle

having given one side through three given
and two of the angles. noncollinear points.
[SLO: M-09-B-30]: [SLO: M-10-B-36]:
Construct a triangle Complete the circle:
having given two of * by finding the
its sides and the angle centre,
opposite to one of « without finding the
them (with all the centre, when a part of
three possibilities). its circumference is
[SLO: M-09-B-31]: given.
Draw angle bisectors, Tangent to the Circle
perpendicular e [SLO: M-10-B-37]:
bisectors, medians, Draw a tangent to a
altitudes of a given given arc, without
triangle and verify using the centre,
their concurrency. through a given point
P when P is
the middle
point of the arc,
atthe end of
the arc,
« outside the arc.
[SLO: M-10-B-38]:
Draw a tangent to a
given circle from a
point P when P lies
« onthe
« outside the
e [SLO: M-10-B-39]:
Draw two tangents to
a circle meeting each
other at a given angle.
e [SLO: M-10-B-40]:
Apply concepts of
practical geometry of
a circle to real life
world problems (such
as athletic tracks,
recreational parks,
ferris wheels,
mechanical machines)
Mathematics is the study of order, relation and pattern. From its origins in counting and measuring it has evolved in highly
sophisticated and elegant ways to become the language now used to describe much of the modern world. Statistics is
concerned with collecting, analysing, modelling and interpreting data in order to investigate and understand real-world
phenomena and solve problems in context. Together, mathematics and statistics provide a framework for thinking and a
means of communication that is powerful, logical, concise and precise. Statistics is used to describe and analyse phenomena
involving uncertainty and variation. For these reasons this domain provides a foundation for further studies in disciplines in
which mathematics and statistics have important roles. It is also advantageous for further studies in the health and social,
sciences. In summary, the curriculum is designed for students whose future pathways may involve mathematics an
statistics and their applications in a range of disciplines at the tertiary level. In the 2006 National curriculum, the percentage
of statistical concepts as compared to O-level and A-level is not appropriate therefore concepts of normal distribution are
) added to the SLOs of Grade XII and Permutation/Combination are shifted to grade XI.

o Domain C: Information Handling

tandard-3 The students will be able to collect, organize, analyze, display and interpret data/ information.

Benchmark I: Students will be able to find measures of | Benchmark I:

central tendency and dispersion to draw conclusion,
Benchmark II: Students will be able to solve problems
construct and interpret cumulative frequency curve, measure
involving permutations and combinations
correlation using scatter diagram,
Benchmark II: Students will be able to predict the
outcomes of single and combined events using diagrams,
find probability and recognize probabilities of compound

Frequency Distribution Cumulative Frequency

Distribution and measures
e [SLO: M-09-C -01]:
of dispersion
Construct a grouped
frequency table, e [SLO: M-10-C-01]:
histogram (with Construct cumulative
unequal class frequency table,
intervals) and cumulative frequency
frequency polygon polygon or Ogive
e [SLO: M-10-C-02]:
Measure of Central Interpret the median,
quartiles, deciles,
e [SLO: M-09-C -02]: percentiles, and inter
Calculate the mean quartile range from
modal class and cumulative frequency
median of a grouped curve.
frequency distribution e [SLO: M-10-C-03]:
e [SLO: M-09-C -03]: Interpret and analyse
Solve real life box and whisker plots
situations involving Correlation
mean, weighted mean,

median, and mode for e [SLO: M-10-C-04]:
given data (such as Construct and interpret
allocation of funds in data from scatter
different projects, diagrams and also
forecasting future draw lines of best fit
demographics, e [SLO: M-10-C-05]:
marketing, forecasting Measure correlation
government budgets). using scatter diagram

Measure of Dispersion
e [SLO: M-10-C-06]:
Calculate the range,
standard deviation and
variance for grouped
e [SLO: M-10-C-07]:
Use the mean and
standard deviation to
compare two sets of
e [SLO: M-10-C-08]:
Solve real life
situations involving
variance, and standard
deviation for grouped
e [SLO: M-10-C-09]:
Apply concepts from
measures of dispersion
to solve real life
situations (such as
determining the
consistency of data,
checking variability in
finance, economics).

Probability Probability of Combined Permutation and

Events Combination
e [SLO: M-09-C -04]:
Calculate the e [SLO: M-10-C-10]: e [SLO: M-11-C-01]:
probability of a single Calculate the Explain and solve
event and the probability of problems that involve
probability of event combined events the fundamental
not occurring using, where counting principle.
e [SLO: M-09-C -05]: appropriate: e [SLO: M-11-C-02]:
Solve real life sample space Explain and Solve
problems involving diagrams, problems that involve
probability possibility diagram, permutations.
tree diagrams, e [SLO: M-11-C-03]:
Venn diagrams. Explain and Solve
Relative and expected e [SLO: M-10-C-11]: problems that involve
frequencies Apply addition law of combinations.
e [SLO: M-09-C -06]: probability to solve [SLO: M-11-C -04]:
Calculate relative problems involving Apply the concepts
frequency as an mutually exclusive of permutation and
estimate of probability. events (such as left combination to real
e [SLO: M-09-C -07]: and right hand turns, world problems such
Calculate expected tossing a coin, even as (cryptography,
frequencies. and odd numbers on a estimating the odds
e [SLO: M-09-C -08]: die, winning and of winning a lottery,
Solve real life losing a game) calculating the
problems involving e [SLO: M-10-C-12]: number of possible
relative and expected Apply the DNA sequences or
frequencies. Multiplication law of protein structures,
probability to solve choosing different
problems involving sets of songs for
independent and certain occasions)
dependent events
(trading, flipping a
coin, such as 2 cards
being drawn 1 by 1
with replacement and
without replacement

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