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By Filipe Boni, Founder of UGREEN

Welcome to an exhilarating journey into the future of architecture! In this

eBook, we dive into the fascinating world of AI-driven architectural
software, a realm where creativity meets precision, and imagination fuses
with technology. As architects and designers, you stand on the brink of a
digital renaissance, where the tools at your disposal are not just
instruments but partners in your creative process.

Artificial Intelligence has not just knocked on the door of the architectural
world; it has confidently stepped inside, ready to revolutionize the way we
design, plan, and create. The pages that follow are more than just a guide;
they are your gateway to a world where the boundaries of architectural
design are being redrawn by the minute.

Get ready to explore some of the most groundbreaking AI tools that are
reshaping the architectural landscape. From concept design to project
management, from sustainable urban planning to breathtaking 3D
modeling, these tools are the key to unlocking a new era of architectural

And that's not all. Join us at our live Architecture AI Workshop to delve
deeper into these tools, interact with industry experts, and witness firsthand
the future of architecture. This is not just an opportunity to learn; it's an
invitation to be part of a community leading the charge in technological
innovation in architecture.

Embark on this journey with us. Discover, learn, and be inspired.

Let's build the future together!

1. SketchUp Diffusion
● Description: SketchUp Diffusion is an advanced
extension for the popular 3D modeling software,
SketchUp. It seamlessly integrates generative AI,
allowing users to blend AI-generated images with
existing SketchUp models. This innovative feature is
particularly useful for architects and designers seeking
to rapidly prototype and visualize complex structures or
● Benefits: Offers a creative solution for design
blockages, significantly reducing time spent on
conceptualizing and visualizing designs. Enhances the
presentation of architectural ideas with unique,
AI-driven visuals.
● Link: SketchUp Diffusion

2. Midjourney
● Description: Midjourney is an AI-powered tool that
specializes in generating photorealistic images from
textual descriptions. It is particularly adept at bringing
architectural concepts to life, allowing designers to
visualize structures and spaces that have yet to be built.
The tool’s strength lies in its ability to interpret
descriptive language and transform it into vivid visual
● Benefits: Provides a platform for architects to
experiment with design ideas and present them in a
visually compelling manner. Great for client
presentations and conceptual brainstorming.
● Link: Midjourney

3. Adobe Firefly
● Description: Adobe Firefly is a part of Adobe’s suite of
creative tools, focusing on generative AI models for
image and text effect creation. It is designed to
streamline the creative workflow, enabling architects to
easily create and edit images and other graphical
content. The tool offers a user-friendly interface, making
it accessible for both beginners and seasoned
● Benefits: Enhances creative freedom while providing a
trusted platform for generating and editing images.
Promotes efficient collaboration among design teams.
● Link: Adobe Firefly

● Description: is a sophisticated AI-powered
software platform developed to aid architects in
generating multiple design options quickly. Utilizing
advanced pattern recognition algorithms, it considers
client-specific requirements and spatial restrictions,
offering a range of possibilities that might otherwise
take extensive time to develop manually.
● Benefits: Allows for the exploration of numerous design
alternatives in a fraction of the time, thus freeing up
architects to focus more on refining and personalizing
designs. Facilitates a more client-tailored approach to
● Link:

● Description: ARCHITEChTURES is a transformative AI
tool tailored for residential planning. It intelligently
analyzes various factors including site conditions,
climate dynamics, budget constraints, and client
aspirations, to suggest a plethora of design options that
blend form with function.
● Benefits: Streamlines the residential design process by
automating the generation of tailored solutions.
Enhances efficiency by offering a variety of design
options based on comprehensive environmental and
client-specific data.

6. ARK
● Description: ARK is an AI-driven platform designed to
assist architects and developers in creating schematic
designs that comply with local regulations. It employs
an AI brain to analyze and learn from architectural
design metadata, producing variations that adhere to
the necessary standards and guidelines.
● Benefits: Rapidly generates compliant and innovative
design options, ensuring both creativity and adherence
to local ordinances. This tool significantly enhances the
pace and quality of schematic design development.
● Link: ARK

7. Sidewalk Labs
● Description: Sidewalk Labs, an Alphabet Inc. initiative, is
an AI tool focused on urban planning. It combines AI,
machine learning, and sensor technologies to address
urban inefficiencies and plan smarter cities. The tool
has been adopted in cities like Toronto, New York, and
Singapore for various urban planning projects.
● Benefits: Offers a comprehensive approach to urban
design, addressing key aspects like traffic management,
energy efficiency, and housing affordability. Promotes
sustainable urban development with data-driven
● Link: Sidewalk Labs

8. Kaedim
● Description: Kaedim stands out in the realm of
AI-powered 3D modeling. It converts 2D design ideas
into accurate 3D models using machine learning and
generative adversarial networks. This tool is particularly
beneficial for architects seeking to visualize and refine
their concepts in a three-dimensional space.
● Benefits: Saves considerable time in the 3D modeling
process, enabling architects to focus more on design
refinement. Enhances client presentations with realistic
and detailed 3D models.
● Link: Kaedim

9. Sloyd.AI
● Description: Sloyd.AI is a trailblazing cloud-based
platform for 3D modeling, employing machine learning
and natural language processing. It specializes in
generating high-quality 3D models with intricate details,
which is invaluable for architectural visualization.
● Benefits: Offers a high degree of realism in 3D models,
significantly reducing the time and effort required for
physical model creation. Allows architects to explore
and refine designs virtually, enhancing the overall
design process.
● Link: Sloyd.AI

10. Luma AI
● Description: Luma AI excels in AI-driven 3D scanning
and modeling, particularly for renovation and restoration
projects. Utilizing advanced techniques like computer
vision and deep learning, it creates detailed and realistic
3D models from photographs, providing a
comprehensive view of various objects and
architectural elements.
● Benefits: Bridges the gap between existing structures
and proposed renovations, offering architects a
powerful tool for visualization and planning. Enhances
client engagement with detailed and interactive
● Link: Luma AI

11. BricsCAD BIM

● Description: BricsCAD BIM integrates AI with Building
Information Modeling (BIM) for a seamless
architectural design process. It automates repetitive
tasks and translates 2D sketches into detailed 3D
models, offering real-time visualization and
collaborative features.
● Benefits: Increases efficiency by automating drafting
tasks and error identification, improving the quality of
outputs. Facilitates effective collaboration among
architects, engineers, and builders.
● Link: BricsCAD BIM

12. ArkoAI

● Description: ArkoAI is an AI-powered rendering service
that transforms 3D models into high-quality,
photorealistic renders swiftly. Compatible with tools like
SketchUp®, Revit®, and Rhinoceros®, it’s an invaluable
addition for architectural visualization.
● Benefits: Drastically reduces the time required for
rendering, allowing architects to focus more on creative
aspects. Offers a powerful medium for architects to
visualize and refine their designs.
● Link: ArkoAI

13. Veras
● Description: Available within SketchUp®, Veras by
EvolveLAB is an AI-powered tool for creating
photorealistic renders. It leverages 3D model geometry
and text prompts to inspire and promote creativity in
architectural visualization.
● Benefits: Facilitates quick generation of high-quality
renders, enhancing the design process by allowing
architects to explore design variations efficiently and
make informed decisions.
● Link: Veras

14. Autodesk Forma

● Description: Autodesk Forma is a versatile AI-powered
planning tool for designing sustainable, livable cities. It
operates on a cloud-based platform and integrates with
AutoCAD and Revit, using AI to simulate the
implications of various design decisions.
● Benefits: Supports architects in creating thoughtful and
sustainable urban designs. It facilitates informed design
choices, enhancing sustainability and livability while
promoting time and cost efficiency.
● Link: Autodesk Forma

15. ClickUp
● Description: ClickUp is a comprehensive project
management tool used across various industries. It
revolutionizes project management with enhanced
workflow efficiency features, organizing and tracking
projects in a unified platform.
● Benefits: Streamlines architectural project management
from design to construction. Facilitates effective
communication and collaboration, ensuring project
progression and timely completion.
● Link: ClickUp

● Description: is a groundbreaking platform
that leverages AI to assist in property development and
architectural design. It provides aerial perspectives,
detailed planning regulation data, and dynamic design
features, enabling architects to make data-driven
decisions regarding site potential and constraints.
● Benefits: Enhances the site selection and analysis
process, providing architects with crucial information
for effective planning and design. Its AI-driven insights
aid in maximizing site utilization and ensuring
compliance with local regulations.
● Link:

19. TestFit
● Description: TestFit is a real estate feasibility software
that offers instant insights for developers, architects,
and contractors. It facilitates rapid iteration of design
concepts, providing real-time data on feasibility, design,
and construction. The tool is adept at handling various
project types, such as multi-family, mixed-use, and
industrial developments.
● Benefits: Accelerates the feasibility study process,
enabling quick and efficient evaluation of design and
development potential. Its user-friendly interface and
data-driven approach enhance decision-making for
optimal project outcomes.
● Link: TestFit

20. GetFloorPlan
● Description: GetFloorPlan is an innovative service that
quickly generates 2D and 3D floor plans, as well as 360°
virtual tours, from simple sketches or floor plan
uploads. It's designed to enhance real estate listings
and presentations, offering a fast and efficient way to
create visually appealing marketing materials.
● Benefits: Boosts real estate sales and marketing efforts
by providing high-quality, detailed visualizations of
properties. Its rapid processing and cost-effective
solutions make it ideal for enhancing property listings
and presentations.
● Link: GetFloorPlan

21. nTopology
● Description: nTopology is an advanced generative
design tool that empowers architects and engineers to
create complex, optimized structures and geometries. It
utilizes computational design techniques, enabling the
exploration of novel forms and efficient solutions for
architectural challenges.
● Benefits: Facilitates the creation of innovative and
functionally optimized designs. It's particularly useful
for developing lightweight, sustainable structures,
contributing to the advancement of modern
● Link: nTopology
22. HoloBuilder
● Description: HoloBuilder is a 360-degree photo
documentation tool that leverages AI to transform the
way construction progress is tracked and documented.
It enables architects, engineers, and contractors to
capture and analyze the construction site in virtual
reality, providing a comprehensive visual record of the
project's development.
● Benefits: Enhances project management and
communication by providing a detailed and immersive
record of construction progress. It helps in identifying
and resolving issues efficiently, ensuring better project
● Link: HoloBuilder

23. Placenote
● Description: Placenote utilizes ARCore and ARKit-based
computer vision technology to overlay digital models
onto physical environments. This tool aids architects in
visualizing and presenting their designs in the context
of the real world, enhancing client understanding.
● Benefits: Offers a cutting-edge solution for augmented
reality presentations and design visualizations. It
provides a more interactive and immersive experience
for clients and stakeholders, facilitating better
communication and decision-making.
● Link: Placenote
24. SkySite
● Description: SkySite employs computer vision to
streamline project management in construction. It
organizes and categorizes site images for better
documentation and communication, ensuring that all
team members have access to up-to-date visual
● Benefits: Improves project management efficiency by
keeping a well-organized visual record of the
construction site. Facilitates seamless communication
among team members, helping to avoid
misunderstandings and delays.
● Link: SkySite

25. Ladybug Tools

● Description: Ladybug Tools is a suite of open-source
environmental simulation plugins that integrate with
design software like Rhino and Grasshopper. It allows
architects to perform detailed energy and daylight
analysis, helping them to design more sustainable and
energy-efficient buildings.
● Benefits: Empowers architects to create
environmentally conscious designs. It aids in optimizing
buildings for energy efficiency and comfort, contributing
to more sustainable architectural practices.
● Link: Ladybug Tools

As we conclude our exploration of the top AI tools for architects, it's clear
that the intersection of architecture and artificial intelligence is not just a
glimpse into the future – it's a reality that's unfolding right now. These tools
are rewriting the rules of design and empowering architects to push the
boundaries of creativity, efficiency, and sustainability.

But the journey doesn't end here. The world of architectural AI is vast and
ever-evolving, and it's a journey best taken together. That's why we extend
an exciting opportunity to you, our readers. If you've found this eBook
enlightening and believe others in your professional network would too, we
invite you to become an ambassador of innovation by recommending our
live Architecture AI Workshop.

In appreciation of your support, we're offering an exceptional incentive:

earn up to 80% commissions on every workshop sale made through your
recommendation to use in other UGREEN Courses. It's our way of saying
thank you for spreading the word about this transformative experience.

Get your referral link here.

And there's more – your friends and colleagues will also benefit. With your
referral, they'll receive a 20% discount on their workshop enrollment. It's a
win-win: they gain access to invaluable knowledge at a reduced rate, and
you earn significant rewards for your referrals.

The future of architecture is being shaped by AI, and you can be at the
forefront of this revolution. Share the knowledge, empower your network,
and be part of a community that's building the world of tomorrow.

Join us, share the vision, and let's shape the future of architecture together.


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