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1. The Millionaire Fast Lane By MJ Demarco

2. Think and Grow Rich By Napoleon Hill

3. The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People By Stephen R. Covey

4. The Start-up Playbook By David S. Kidder

5. The Lean Start-up By Eric Ries

6. Launch By Jeff Walker

7. Crush It By Gary Vaynerchuk

8. The Thank You Economy By Gary Vaynerchuk

9. Jab, JAB, Jab, Right Hook By Gary Vaynerchuk

10. #AskGaryVee By Gary Vaynerchuk

11. Mastery By Robert Greene

12. The 48 Laws of Power By Robert Greene

13. People Over Profit By Dale Partridge

14. Rich Dad, Poor Dad By Robert T. Kiyosaki

15. Cashflow Quadrant By Robert T. Kiyosaki

16. The Richest Man in Babylon By George S. Clason

17. How to Win Friends and Influence People By Dale Carnegie

18. Awaken the Giant Within By Tony Robbins

19. How to Win at the Sport of Business By Mark Cuban

20. Never Eat Alone By Keith Ferrazzi

21. Who's Got Your Back By Keith Ferrazzi

22. Blue Ocean Strategy By W. Chan Kim

23. The 4-hour Work Week By Timothy Ferriss

24. The $100 Start-up By Chris Guillebeau

25. My Philosophy for Successful Living By Jim Rohn

26. 7 Strategies for Wealth and Happiness By Jim Rohn

27. How to Get Rich By Felix Dennis

28. Choose Yourself By James Altucher

29. Tribes By Seth Godin

30. The Dip By By Seth Godin

31. Permission Marketing By Seth Godin

32. Purple Cow By Seth Godin

33. Sell or Be Sold By Grant Cardone

34. 10X Rule By Grant Cardone

35. How Rich People Think By Steve Siebold

36. 177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the word class By Steve Siebold

37. The Toilet Paper By Mike Michalowicz

38. Entrepreneur Secrets of the Millionaire Mind By T. Harv Eker

39. Zero to One By Peter Thiel

40. Outliers By Malcolm Gladwell

41. Blink By Malcolm Gladwell

42. Losing my Virginity By Richard Branson

43. Innovation and Entrepreneurship By Peter Drucker

44. The Effective Execution By Peter Drucker

45. The Magic of Thinking Big By David Schwartz

46. Ready, Fire, Aim By Michael Masterson

47. Smarter, Faster, Better By David Siteman Garland

48. The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho

49. The Art of the Start By Guy Kawasaki

50. Reality Check By Guy Kawasaki

51. The Fountainhead By Ayn Rand

52. The Innovator’s Dilemma By Clayton Christensen

53. As a Man Thinketh’ By James Allen

54. Invisible Selling Machine By Ryan Diess

55. Worth Every Penny By Sarah Petty & Erin Verbeck

56. The Promise of a Pencil By Adam Braun

57. The School of Greatness By Lewis Howes

58. Psycho-Cybernetics By Maxwell Maltz

59. The Power of Habit By Charles Duhigg

60. I will teach you to be rich By Ramit Sethi

61. 6 months to 6 figures By Peter Voogd

62. The New Relationship Marketing By Mari Smith

63. The Compound Effect By Darren Hardy

64. Start with Why By Simon Sinek

65. The Art of War By Sun Tzu

66. Freakonomics By Steven Levitt

67. Do You! By Russell Simmons

68. Cashvertising By Drew Eric Whitman

69. Shark Tales By Barbara Corcoran

70. Getting Things Done By David Allen

71. Maximum Achievement and Time Power By Brian Tracy

72. Organizing From the Inside Out By Julie Morgenstern

73. The Fire Starter Sessions By Danielle LaPorte

74. The Desire Map By Danielle LaPorte

75. The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth By John C. Maxwell

76. How Successful People Think By John C. Maxwell

77. The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership By John C. Maxwell

78. The Greatest Salesman in the World By OgMandino

79. Content Machine By Dan Norris Dan

80. The 7 Day Start-up By Norris Michael

81. Platform By Hyatt Jack

82. Unprofessional By Delosa Robert

83. Driven By Herjavec Jack

84. Winning By Welch Jordan

85. How Not to Be Wrong By Ellenberg Jason

86. Rework By Fried

87. The E-Myth Revisited By Michael E. Gerber

88. Delivering Happiness BY Tony Hseih

89. Influence By Robert B. Cialdini

90. Good to Great By Jim Collins

91. Business Adventures By John Brooks

92. Conscious Capitalism By John Mackey and Raj Sisodia

93. The Obstacle Is the Way By Ryan Holiday

94. Power of Now By Eckhart Tolle

95. Benjamin Franklin By Walter Isaacson

96. Switch By Chip Heath and Dan Heath

97. The Four Steps to the Epiphany By Steve Blank

98. Bootstrapping Your Business By Greg Gianforte

99. Elon Musk By Ashlee Vance

100.The Miracle Morning By Hal Elrod.

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