The Desperate Tigress Went to the Village to Ask People for Help

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This story takes place in Nepal, a country known for its great love and care for tigers.

The country's success in this task is largely due to the government's strong
involvement in tiger conservation and the implementation of strict anti-poaching
policies, says Abishek Harihar, deputy director of the tiger programme at wild cat
conservation group Panthera, which supported Nepal's recent efforts to study its
Bengal tiger population.

Tigers are icons of beauty, power, and the importance of conservation. In Nepal,
those inhumane people who make sport and business out of the lives of this majestic
species are penalized. The punishment for poaching a tiger includes 15 years in
prison and a fine of $10,000.

Since the 1970s, Nepal has created five national parks where most of its tigers live.
They are heavily patrolled by park staff and the army, but not all tigers are in parks;
some live in the wild, and protecting tigers has also helped other endangered
animals, such as rhinos, elephants and pangolins, among others. That said, the
inhabitants of the country know the importance of this animal for the ecosystem,
because if they were not protected, this species would become extinct. So, the
inhabitants of a village in this country did not hesitate to help a mother tiger whose
son was in a serious state of health.

This story takes place on a Friday morning, when a mother tiger was walking with
her cub through the long jungle landscape near a village in Nepal. All was going well
for this family of cats, until they came across a poacher. When they saw this armed
man, the mother's survival instinct kicked in and she knew she had to get away from
him and her cub as quickly as possible. The inhuman hunter chased them as far as
he could, and even managed to hit a bullet in the little tiger's paw, but his mother
acted quickly, grabbed him in her teeth and ran with him, and fortunately, after a
while, they managed to lose sight of the hunter.

This time they had managed to save themselves, but the little cub bore the brunt of
it, for the bullet had caused a large wound in its paw, and it was bleeding from there.
The mother tiger did everything in her power, trying to lick the wound with her
tongue, but she knew it would not be enough. If she did nothing else, her son would
die. This desperate mother had only one option left, to go to the nearby village where
there were many humans who would be able to cure her son and help him survive.
This poor animal had no choice but to ask for help from the same species as the one
that had harmed her son.

The tigress took her son and brought him to the village, and when she arrived at the
place, the inhabitants immediately panicked, although they were very fond of this
species, they also knew that it was not advisable to have them around. But this
feeling, which quickly vanished when they saw the attitude of the feline, it was easy
to see that she had no intention of doing any harm, they could see that in her mouth
she was carrying a small dying tiger cub.

The people immediately called Isaiah Stan, the animal expert who lived in the village.
They turned to him whenever they had an animal with a problem. He was a very kind
and effective man who didn't hesitate to get his hands dirty to save the life of any
animal. As soon as the man arrived and saw the tigress and her cub, he knew what
was happening. Slowly, he approached the tigress and with his body language let
her know that he was there to help her son.

The tigress then let her guard down and somehow her instinct told her that she could
trust this man. She walked over to him and placed her young son in the human's
hands. She then stepped back a little as she waited for him to heal her child.

The process was somewhat complicated but successful, Isaiah managed to remove
the bullet from the tiger cub's paw and heal his wound. However, his recovery was
going to take time, he would not be able to return to the wild for a little while. The
tigress somehow knew this and also that she could not stay in the village to wait, so
she returned to the jungle without her son, intending to return very soon.

She left her little one in good hands, and it would only be a matter of time before she
could be with her cub again. And so it was. After a couple of weeks, the little tiger
had been kept at the home of the expert, who had taken care of feeding him,
cuddling him, and playing with him, while at the same time monitoring his recovery,
which was successful. The little tiger had regained full mobility in his paws and was
ready to return to his habitat. So Isaiah prepared himself, for he knew that the little
one's mother would appear. Of course he would miss the little tiger he had grown so
fond of, but he needed to get him back to where he belonged. It wasn't long before
the tigress returned for her son.

In a beautiful scene of reunion, the tigress was extremely happy to see her son safe
and sound again, and the little tiger kept wagging his tail in excitement at the sight of
his mother. The two felines, after greeting each other, approached Isaiah and gave
him lots of licks as a way of thanking him for what he had done for them.

Isaiah couldn't help but hold back a few tears at this. He considered himself very
fortunate to have lived through this whole experience. Not only did he have the
opportunity to help this endangered species, but he is also one of the lucky few to
have been so close to a tiger and live to tell the tale. After all, this family of felines
returned to their habitat where they will never forget the nobility of this human being.

A beautiful story that shows how beautiful the cooperation between animals and
humans can be. Men like Isaiah exist all over the world. Always ready to help those
animals who need it most.

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