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Writing 2

1. [/] 3 verb แท้ตัวเดียว หลังประธาน

2. [x] 1 Threat n prep threat to เพราะ ใข้กับคำว่า to threat + noun true or false
4/ dead v deadly ? a disease the dz
friend friendly adj tens has once been eradicate passive voice
almost adv > adv completely /
3. [x] 1 Ensure v ensuring metropolis n เมืองหลวง metropolises pleural metropole s เป็น
พหูพจน์ แปลว่าเมืองหลวงเมืองใหญ่ many + pleu N much + uncount N
4. [/] 3 savage = bad boy ; salvage retrieve 1 Deep adj >> adv deeply ? deep in = ? hidden
adj passive voice

[/] 3 even >> although vs however even >>> even if for conj
Number countable noun company 2 a number = v sing number of = verb pleu verb
followed of Noun One such construction that the GMAT often tests regarding
singular and plural subjects is the difference between “A number…” and “The
Here are the rules you need to know:

1. “A number” is always plural.

2. “The number” is always singular.
Writing 2

For example, we would say: “A number of the players ARE still injured from the last
Conversely, we would say: “The number of players accused of taking
steroids IS increasing weekly.” จำเพาะเจาะจงเมื่อไหร่เป็นเอกพจน์ แต่ถ้าพูดว่าจำนวนๆหนึ่ง a number
เป็น pleural
Writing 2


Even ไม่ใช่ conj เพราะงั้น eventhough

6. [x] 4 ? perceives for such a long time ans 2

7. [/] 3 : ส่วนที่ตามมาเป็นประโยคย่อย sv ; sv
8. [/] 2 resulting in >> on Threat noun 2 แก้เป็ น from Resulting in = leading to
resulting from = intransitive verb. : to proceed or arise as a consequence, effect, or conclusion.
death resulted from the disease. : to have an issue or result.
9. [/] 2 woman women citizens More adj
Writing 2

fall prey = (สองคำ กริยา phasal verb)

10. [/] Many people aware adj 4 verb posed are

Writing 2

11. [/] 1 targeting

12. 4[x] Vow active 3 x declaring active voice v แท้ was reported
13. [/] Being n> 4x n or n
14. [/] 2 x n ing regreting ving ? every other day (T/F)
15. [x] 1 Sv ,as SV 1 incapable of Ving S+V ,as S+V or// S+V as S+V
Using “AS’’ : SV as SV เหตุการณ์เกิดขึ้นพร้อมๆกัน (e.g. I watched her as she opened the door ;
2.Turn off the light as you go out) ; As = Because ; As totalk about some one job/
use of something (e.g. 1 I worked as a doctor ; 2) We use the garage as a workshop)
# As if for someone feel/look .sound ( Kelly sounds as if she ‘s got a cold ; The house look as if
nobody lived in it)
16. [/] S ละประธาน blocking v active of the old tree 3
17. [/] 4 easier for smone to V and V obj shoot it
18. 2[x] Having had? Not had e ละอะไร งง ละ keep bleeding keep keep bleeding in love
19. [/] 1 tense present, S V past tense the cried as? N
20. [/] Laughed at 4 in scholl แก้ให้งง เอา V pre (phrasal verb) , prep N

21. 4x[] x[x] 1. Employee employer 4 1 had learn 1

22. [/] 2 Originally คำบอก past tense referred

23. [/] 1 ถูกพบได้ในวเลากลางวัน มันทำงานได้ดีในกลางคืน as เพราะ because ในที่นี้น่าจะแปลว่า as ทันทีที่

24. 3 [x] /2 active voice refusing overruling active S ทำกิริยานี้

25. [/] 4 older ห้องสมุด หลังก่อนนี้

26. [/] 3 and me I is object of preposition (With)

27. [/] 4 diagnosis of

28. [/] 4 N infant

29. [/] 2 the reason เพราะเป็ น เหตุผลที่จำเพาะเจาะจง Become adj quite adv d desert adj

30. 1[x] 3 Abuse v abusement n abusing n Research uncountable noun cannot add with
snoun. noun. /əˈbyus/ 1[uncountable, singular] the use of something in a way that
is wrong or harmful synonym misuse alcohol/drug abuse The system of paying
cash bonuses is open to abuse (= might be used in the wrong way).

S V agressment prep N ; N countable and uncount ; Verb passive active

Writing 2

Tense ; Phasal verb

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