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Pharmacology in Rehabilitation (Contemporary

Perspectives in Rehabilitation)

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in Rehabilitation

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Contemporary Perspectives in Rehabilitation

Steven L. Wolf, PT, PhD, FAPTA, Editor-in-Chief

Pharmacology in Rehabilitation, Fifth Edition

Charles D. Ciccone, PT, PhD, FAPTA

Vestibular Rehabilitation, Fourth Edition

Susan J. Herdman, PT, PhD, FAPTA, and Richard Clendaniel, PT, PhD

Modalities for Therapeutic Intervention, Fifth Edition

Susan L. Michlovitz, PT, PhD, CHT, James W. Bellew, PT, EdD, and Thomas P. Nolan, Jr., PT, MS, OCS

Fundamentals of Musculoskeletal Imaging, Fourth Edition

Lynn N. McKinnis, PT, OCS

Wound Healing: Alternatives in Management, Fourth Edition

Joseph M. McCulloch, PT, PhD, CWS, FACCWS, FAPTA, and
Luther C. Kloth, PT, MS, CWS, FACCWS, FAPTA

For more information on each title in the Contemporary Perspectives in Rehabilitation series,
go to

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Charles D. Ciccone, PT, PhD, FAPTA
Department of Physical Therapy
School of Health Sciences and Human Performance
Ithaca College
Ithaca, New York

in Rehabilitation

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F. A. Davis Company
1915 Arch Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103

Copyright © 2016 by F. A. Davis Company

Copyright © 2016 by F. A. Davis Company. All rights reserved. This product is protected by copyright.
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Last digit indicates print number: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Senior Acquisitions Editor: Melissa Duffield

Developmental Editor: Dean DeChambeau
Director of Content Development: George Lang
Art and Design Manager: Carolyn O’Brien

As new scientific information becomes available through basic and clinical research, recommended
treatments and drug therapies undergo changes. The author(s) and publisher have done everything
possible to make this book accurate, up to date, and in accord with accepted standards at the time of
publication. The author(s), editors, and publisher are not responsible for errors or omissions or for
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contents of the book. Any practice described in this book should be applied by the reader in accordance
with professional standards of care used in regard to the unique circumstances that may apply in each
situation. The reader is advised always to check product information (package inserts) for changes and
new information regarding dose and contraindications before administering any drug. Caution is
especially urged when using new or infrequently ordered drugs.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Ciccone, Charles D., 1953- , author.

Pharmacology in rehabilitation / Charles D. Ciccone. — Fifth edition.
p. ; cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-8036-4029-0 — ISBN 0-8036-4029-3
I. Title.
[DNLM: 1. Drug Therapy. 2. Pharmacokinetics. 3. Pharmacological Phenomena. 4. Rehabilitation.
WB 330]

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Dedicated to Penny, Kate, Alex, and Rosemary.
I continue to be inspired by your faith and support throughout the years.

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Foreword to the F ourth

There are very peculiar ways in which one can mark 5 years, the advent of clinical doctoral programs in
time. We often do so by observing the rate at which physical and occupational therapy has heralded a rapid
our siblings, children, or grandchildren grow, espe- transformation in these educational arenas. Several at-
cially when we are not in daily contact, or by how tributes now take on a meaning that previously might
we inevitably underestimate the length of time trans- have been underappreciated. First, the label of “doctor”
pired since we last encountered an old friend. In this implies an expectation on the part of the consumer that
context, it seems remarkable that over 13 years have the practitioner is the penultimate expert on providing
transpired since I first discussed with Chuck Ciccone an analysis and treatment plan for improving upon the
the prospects for a text on pharmacology for our Con- pathology of any system’s movement, whether muscle,
temporary Perspectives in Rehabilitation. The realization joint, pulmonary, etc. Second, given the status associ-
that the first edition of Pharmacology in Rehabilita- ated with the professional label, there is an associated
tion appeared more than a decade ago is even more obligation on the part of the practitioner to address all
astounding. The basis for the genesis of such a book aspects of the patients’ signs and symptoms. This ob-
was founded on the belief that rehabilitation specialists ligation requires that the clinician differentiate patient
received little formal training about drug interactions responses to treatment from patient responses to phar-
and how any single pharmacological agent could im- macy. As one physical therapist so astutely told me, her
pact either treatment plans or outcomes. Chuck took recognition that a patient was not responding to pain
it upon himself to generate a text that would address medication taken well above the specified dosage, in
this educational and clinical shortcoming. The result the absence of any evidence for malingering behavior,
is very clear. Pharmacology in Rehabilitation is the “gold resulted in the subsequent detection and successful
standard” among all texts addressing this content for removal of a renal tumor. Third, as practitioners, the
nonphysician rehabilitation specialists. DPT or DOT now assumes a greater responsibility
So why is it important to create a fourth edition for keeping a contemporary knowledge base about the
within one decade? Why is a more superficial com- interface between treatment plan and concurrent syn-
pendium of information about drugs and their actions ergies or exacerbations that might result from single or
inadequate? The answer to these questions is directly multiple medications taken by the patient.
related to the rapidly emerging responsibilities incum- This collection of attributes can be best appreci-
bent upon rehabilitation specialists. During the past ated if the student is first informed and the clinician


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viii Foreword to the F ourth Edition

is educated about the most recent medications, their standard that remains immutable—Dr. Ciccone’s re-
pharmokinetics, and the interactions they have with markable gift for taking complex material and making
patients with specific diagnoses. Since the drug in- it easy to understand.
dustry is arguably one of the most dynamic corporate For those clinicians who have in their possession
structures in the world, changes in pharmacy occur early editions of this book, I invite you to compare your
at an alarmingly fast rate, one that will increase even copy to the 4th edition as validation for the assertions
more dramatically as transplants and the sequelae re- made in this Foreword. We have not compromised
sulting from genetic engineering (as two examples) the comprehensive nature of this volume in favor of a
take on greater roles in medicine. Such rapid changes, “simpler” approach to understanding pharmacology. We
then, call for contemporary and comprehensive up- believe that the topic, by its very nature and from the
dates in available information. Such updates must be implications inherent in its knowledge base, requires a
presented in a manner that is compelling, yet easy to comprehensive, yet user-friendly, delivery. This belief
understand. system remains unhindered in this latest edition; yet
Inclusive in this perception is the absolute require- the problem-solving and evidence-based nature of the
ment that the student or clinician be able to relate to content is preserved and enhanced.
the text meaningfully. Toward this important goal, The thought of having a reference text for re-
the 4th edition of Pharmacology in Rehabilitation is habilitation specialists was considered by us to be a
designed to address rehabilitation relevance in every unique concept 13 years ago. Today, many doctoral
clinical chapter as well as to present important case programs include pharmacology as a separate course
histories to reinforce this relevance. New materials on or as an important component in teaching the ratio-
agents used in or even as complementary and alterna- nale for treatment approaches and their assessment.
tive medicines have been added. Moreover, we have There is much gratification to be gained from recog-
made efforts to add to the appeal of the book through nizing this transformation and in knowing that the
the addition of colorization, use of double columns, content of this book contributes to the evolving mat-
and encasing the text within a newly designed hard uration of our educational programs and our clinical
cover. These changes are in contradistinction to one services.
Steven L. Wolf, PT, PhD, FAPTA
Series Editor

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As in the past, I was excited, albeit somewhat appre- to distill the wealth of information to the issues that
hensive, to start working on a new edition of this are most relevant to our patients.
book. I always joke that I should have written a text on This edition starts with several chapters that address
gross anatomy—human structures have not changed basic pharmacological principles, followed by chapters
much in the few years since the last edition. Pharma- that deal with drugs used to treat specific disorders or
cology, however, continues to change and expand as achieve certain clinical outcomes. The text, figures,
new drugs are developed and we explore how patients and tables were all updated, and new figures were
respond to various drug regimens. Pharmacology has added to several chapters to illustrate drug actions
likewise taken advantage of scientific developments in and effects. Case studies appear at the end of chapters
other areas to enhance patient outcomes. For example, that deal with specific clinical disorders. I revised all
the Human Genome Project, nanotechnology, and the case studies and changed the format so that sev-
creation of monoclonal antibodies were still in their eral questions are posed within the case. Answers to
infancy when I began working on the first edition of these questions appear in an appendix at the end of the
this text. These and other scientific breakthroughs are book. This change will hopefully engage readers and
now an important part of drug development, and they encourage application of information gleaned from
continue to contribute to innovative and clinically rel- the respective chapters.
evant advances in pharmacotherapy. Finally, I always appreciate the opportunity to
Given all the advancements in pharmacology, I write a new edition of this book. Pharmacology has
tried to maintain the basic ideas presented in previ- certainly become an integral part of contemporary
ous editions—that is, I describe drug therapy from the health care, and we must have a working knowledge
perspective of how specific drugs work and how they of how drugs affect our patients. I hope that I have
can provide beneficial effects as well as adverse effects provided students and clinicians with a useful re-
in patients undergoing physical rehabilitation. As in source on this topic and that this text will ultimately
previous editions, I relied heavily on the peer-reviewed help guide your practice when treating patients in a
literature to provide current information, while trying rehabilitation setting.

Charles D. Ciccone


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I am grateful to all of the people who provided input art and design, Carolyn O’Brien; and everyone else at
and support as this book evolved through five editions. F.A. Davis who helped bring this book to completion.
I must once again thank Barbara MacDermott Costa, I am likewise extremely grateful to Dean DeChambeau,
Linda D. Crane, John F. Decker, Susan S. Glenney, who was the developmental editor on this project.
Gary Gorniak, Mark Greve, Helen Wruble Hakim, Dean’s suggestions, ideas, and careful attention to de-
Sandra B. Levine, Donald L. Merrill, Grace Minerbo, tail will undoubtedly make this a stronger and more
Peter Panus, Jeffrey Rothman, and Steven R. Tippett. clinically relevant text.
Their expert advice when reviewing previous editions Finally, Steve Wolf has served as editor of the CPR
of this book has proven invaluable in laying the foun- series since its inception, and I remain indebted to him
dation for the current edition. for his wisdom and support over the years. Likewise,
As always, the staff at F. A. Davis Company has been all the students and clinicians I have worked with have
incredibly supportive in the development of this edi- unknowingly contributed to this book by asking good
tion. I would like to especially thank Melissa Duffield, questions and reminding me how drug therapy is relat-
senior acquisitions editor, for her advice and encour- ed to clinical practice. Their dedication to clinical prac-
agement while I was working on this project. Thanks tice is outstanding, and I hope I can repay their efforts
also to production manager, Bob Butler; director of with a book that is interesting, useful, and relevant.


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Dina Brooks, PhD, MSc, BSc (PT) Kristen Klyczek, PT, PhD
Physical Therap y Physical Therap y
University of T oronto Daemen College
Toronto, Ontario, Canada Amherst, New York

Douglas Haladay, DPT, MHS, OCS, CSCS Michael Moran, PT, DPT, ScD
Physical Therap y Depar tment Physical Therap y Depar tment
University of Scranton Misericordia Univer sity
Scranton, Pennsylvania Dallas, Pennsylvania


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Brief Contents

SECTION 1 10 Pharmacological Management of P arkinson

Disease, 131
General Principles of Phar macology, 1
11 General Anesthetics, 149
1 Basic Principles of Phar macology, 3
12 Local Anesthetics, 165
2 Pharmacokinetics I: Dr ug Administration,
Absorption, and Distribution, 15
3 Pharmacokinetics II: Dr ug Elimination, 31
4 Drug Receptor s, 43 Drugs Affecting Sk eletal Muscle, 177
13 Skeletal Muscle Relaxants, 179
Pharmacology of the Central Ner vous
System, 57 Drugs Used to T reat Pain and
5 General Principles of Central Ner vous System Inf ammation, 199
Pharmacology, 59 14 Opioid Analgesics, 201
6 Sedative-Hypnotic and Antianxiety Dr ugs, 69 15 Nonsteroidal Anti-Inf ammatory Drugs, 219
7 Drugs to T reat Affective Disorder s: 16 Pharmacological Management
Depression and Bipolar Syndrome, 83 of Rheumatoid Ar thritis and
8 Antipsychotic Dr ugs, 101 Osteoar thritis, 237

9 Antiepileptic Dr ugs, 115 17 Patient-Controlled Analgesia, 261


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xvi Brief Contents

SECTION 5 30 Male and Female Hormones, 465

Autonomic and Cardio vascular 31 Thyroid and P arathyroid Dr ugs: Agents

Affecting Bone Mineralization, 491
Pharmacology, 277
32 Pancreatic Hor mones and the T reatment of
18 Introduction to Autonomic
Diabetes Mellitus, 507
Pharmacology, 279
19 Cholinergic Dr ugs, 289
20 Adrenergic Dr ugs, 301
21 Antihypertensive Dr ugs, 315
Chemotherapy of Infectious and
Neoplastic Diseases, 529
22 Treatment of Angina P ectoris, 335
33 Treatment of Infections I: Antibacterial
23 Treatment of Cardiac Ar rhythmias, 349 Drugs, 531
24 Treatment of Congestive Hear t Failure, 359 34 Treatment of Infections II: Antiviral
25 Treatment of Coagulation Disorder s and Drugs, 557
Hyperlipidemia, 375 35 Treatment of Infections III: Antifungal and
Antiparasitic Dr ugs, 581
SECTION 6 36 Cancer Chemotherap y, 599

Respiratory and Gastrointestinal 37 Immunomodulating Agents, 625

Pharmacology, 397 38 Complementary and Alter native
Medications, 641
26 Respiratory Dr ugs, 399
Appendix A Drugs Administered
27 Gastrointestinal Dr ugs, 421
by Iontophoresis and
Phonophoresis, 657
SECTION 7 Appendix B Drugs of Abuse, 659
Endocrine Pharmacology, 433 Appendix C Answers to Case Study
Questions, 661
28 Introduction to Endocrine
Pharmacology, 435 Glossar y, 673
29 Adrenocor ticosteroids, 447 Index, 681

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SECTION 1 Bioavailability and Dr ug Absor ption Across the Cell

Membrane, 19
Membrane Structure and Function, 19
General Principles of Phar macology, 1
Movement Across Membrane Barriers, 20
Distribution of Dr ugs Within the Body , 23
CHAPTER 1. Basic Principles of Phar macolog y, 3 Factors Affecting Distribution, 23
Relevance of Phar macology in Rehabilitation, 3 Volume of Distribution, 24
Drug Nomenclature, 4 Drug Storage, 24
Substitution of Generic Dr ugs for Brand-Name Products, 5 Storage Sites, 24
What Constitutes a Dr ug: De velopment and Appro val of Adverse Consequences of Drug Storage, 25
Therapeutic Agents, 6 Newer Techniques for Dr ug Deliver y, 25
Drug Approval Process, 6 Controlled-Release Preparations, 25
Orphan Drugs, 7 Implanted Drug Delivery Systems, 25
Off-Label Prescribing, 8 Targeting Drug Delivery to Specific Cells and Tissues, 26
Prescription Versus Over-the-Counter Medication, 8 Summary, 26
Controlled Substances, 9 References, 27
Basic Concepts in Dr ug Therapy, 9
Dose-Response Curves and Maximal Efficacy, 9 CHAPTER 3. Pharmacokinetics II: Drug Elimination, 31
Potency, 10
Elements of Dr ug Safety, 11 Biotransformation, 31
Quantal Dose-Response Curves and the Median Effective Cellular Mechanisms of Drug Biotransformation, 31
Dose, 11 Organs Responsible for Drug Biotransformation, 33
Median Toxic Dose, 11 Enzyme Induction, 33
Therapeutic Index, 12 Drug Excretion, 33
Summary, 12 Drug Elimination Rates, 34
References, 12 Clearance, 34
Half-Life, 35
Dosing Schedules and Plasma Concentration, 35
CHAPTER 2. Pharmacokinetics I: Drug Administration,
Variations in Dr ug Response and Metabolism, 36
Absorption, and Distribution, 15
Genetics, 36
Routes of Administration, 15 Disease, 37
Enteral, 15 Drug Interactions, 37
Parenteral, 17 Age, 38
Transdermal, 18 Diet, 38


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xviii Contents

Sex, 38 Summary, 66
Other Factors, 39 References, 66
Summary, 39
References, 39 CHAPTER 6. Sedative-Hypnotic and Antianxiety
Drugs, 69
CHAPTER 4. Drug Receptor s, 43
Sedative-Hypnotic Dr ugs, 69
Receptors Located on the Cell’ s Surface, 43 Benzodiazepines, 69
Surface Receptors Linked Directly to Ion Channels, 43 Nonbenzodiazepines, 72
Surface Receptors Linked Directly to Enzymes, 44 Pharmacokinetics, 73
Surface Receptors Linked to Regulatory (G) Proteins and Problems and Adverse Effects of Sedative-Hypnotics, 73
the Role of the Second Messenger, 44 Antianxiety Dr ugs, 75
Intracellular Receptor s, 46 Benzodiazepines, 75
Drug-Receptor Interactions, 46 Buspirone, 76
Functional Aspects of Dr ug-Receptor Interactions, 47 Use of Antidepressants in Anxiety, 76
Drug Selectivity and Receptor Subtypes, 47 Other Antianxiety Drugs, 77
Dose-Response, 48 Problems and Adverse Effects of Anxiolytics, 78
Classification of Drugs: Agonist Versus Antagonist, 49 Special Concer ns for Rehabilitation P atients, 78
Competitive Versus Noncompetitive Antagonists, 49 Case Study , 79
Partial Agonists, 50 Sedative-Hypnotic Drugs, 79
Mixed Agonist-Antagonists and Inverse Agonists, 50 Summary, 80
Receptor Regulation, 51 References, 80
Receptor Desensitization and Down-Regulation, 51
Receptor Supersensitivity, 52 CHAPTER 7. Drugs to Treat Affective
Nonreceptor Dr ug Mechanisms, 52
Disorders: Depression and Bipolar
Summary, 52
Syndrome, 83
References, 53
Depression, 83
Pathophysiology of Depression, 84
Antidepressant Drugs, 86
SECTION 2 Pharmacokinetics of Antidepressants, 90
Problems and Adverse Effects, 90
Antidepressants and Chronic Pain, 92
Pharmacology of the Central Ner vous Bipolar Disorder, 93
System, 57 Lithium, 94
Other Drugs for Bipolar Disorder, 95
CHAPTER 5. General Principles of Central Special Concer ns for Rehabilitation P atients, 95
Nervous System Phar macolog y, 59 Case Study , 97
Antidepressant Drugs, 97
CNS Organization, 59
Summary, 97
Cerebrum, 59
References, 97
Basal Ganglia, 59
Diencephalon, 60
Mesencephalon and Brainstem, 60 CHAPTER 8. Antipsychotic Dr ugs, 101
Cerebellum, 60 Schizophrenia, 101
Limbic System, 61 Pathogenesis of Schizophrenia, 102
Spinal Cord, 61 Neurotransmitter Changes in Schizophrenia, 102
The Blood-Brain Bar rier, 61 Antipsychotics Mechanism of Action, 103
CNS Neurotransmitter s, 62 Antipsychotic Dr ugs, 105
Acetylcholine, 63 Traditional Antipsychotics, 105
Monoamines, 63 Atypical Antipsychotics, 105
Amino Acids, 63 Pharmacokinetics, 106
Peptides, 63 Other Uses of Antipsychotics, 106
Other Transmitters, 64 Problems and Adver se Effects, 107
The General Mechanisms of CNS Dr ugs, 64 Extrapyramidal Symptoms, 107

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Contents xix

Nonmotor Effects, 109 CHAPTER 11. General Anesthetics, 149

Other Side Effects, 110
Special Concer ns for Rehabilitation P atients, 110 Requirements for General Anesthesia, 149
Case Study , 111 Induction Stages of General Anesthesia, 150
Antipsychotic Drugs, 111 General Anesthetic Agents: Classif cation and Use
According to Route of Administration, 150
Summary, 111
Inhalation Anesthetics, 150
Intravenous Anesthetics, 153
Pharmacokinetics, 154
CHAPTER 9. Antiepileptic Dr ugs, 115 Mechanisms of Action, 154
Classif cation of Epileptic Seizures, 116 Adjuvants in General Anesthesia, 156
Rationale for Dr ug Treatment, 117 Preoperative Medications, 156
Antiseizure Dr ugs, 118 Neuromuscular Blockers, 157
First-Generation Antiseizure Drugs, 118 Nondepolarizing Blockers, 159
Second-Generation Agents, 121 Depolarizing Blocker, 159
Selection of a Specif c Antiepileptic Agent, 124 Special Concer ns for Rehabilitation P atients, 160
Pharmacokinetics, 125 Case Study , 160
Special Precautions During Pregnancy , 125 General Anesthetics, 160
Treatment of Status Epilepticus, 126 Summary, 161
Withdrawal of Antiseizure Medications, 126 References, 161
Special Concer ns for Rehabilitation P atients, 127
Case Study , 127 CHAPTER 12. Local Anesthetics, 165
Antiepileptic Drugs, 127
Types of Local Anesthetics, 165
Summary, 128
Pharmacokinetics, 167
References, 128
Clinical Use of Local Anesthetics, 167
Topical Administration, 167
CHAPTER 10. Pharmacological Management of Transdermal Administration, 167
Parkinson Disease, 131 Infiltration Anesthesia, 168
Pathophysiology of P arkinson Disease, 132 Peripheral Nerve Block, 168
Etiology of P arkinson Disease: Genetic and En vironmental Central Neural Blockade, 168
Factors, 133 Sympathetic Blockade, 169
Genetic Factors, 133 Intravenous Regional Anesthesia (Bier Block), 170
Environmental Factors, 134 Mechanism of Action, 170
Therapeutic Agents in P arkinsonism, 134 Differential Nerve Block, 171
Levodopa, 135 Systemic Effects of Local Anesthetics, 172
Pharmacokinetics of Levodopa, 135 Special Concer ns for Rehabilitation P atients, 173
Use of Peripheral Decarboxylase Inhibitors, 136 Case Study , 174
Problems and Adverse Effects of Levodopa Therapy, 137 Local Anesthetics, 174
Drug Holidays From Levodopa, 139 Summary, 174
Other Dr ugs to T reat Parkinson Disease, 140 References, 174
Dopamine Agonists, 140
Anticholinergic Drugs, 141
Amantadine, 141
Monoamine Oxidase B Inhibitors, 141 SECTION 3
Catechol-O-Methyltransferase Inhibitors, 142
Clinical Cour se of P arkinson Disease: When to Use Specif c
Drugs, 142 Drugs Affecting Sk eletal Muscle, 177
Neurosurgical Inter ventions in P arkinson Disease, 143
Special Concer ns For Rehabilitation P atients, 144 CHAPTER 13. Skeletal Muscle Relaxants, 179
Case Study , 144 Increased Muscle T one: Spasticity V ersus Muscle
Anti-Parkinson Drugs, 144 Spasms, 179
Summary, 145 Antispasm Dr ugs, 180
References, 145 Diazepam, 180
Centrally Acting Antispasm Drugs, 181

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xx Contents

Antispasticity Dr ugs, 183 Case Study , 215

Baclofen, 183 Opioid Analgesics, 215
Intrathecal Baclofen, 184 Summary, 216
Dantrolene Sodium, 185 References, 216
Diazepam, 186
Gabapentin, 186 CHAPTER 15. Nonsteroidal Anti-Inf ammator y
Tizanidine, 187 Drugs, 219
Use of Botulinum T oxin as a Muscle Relaxant, 187
Mechanism of Action, 188 Aspirin and Other NSAIDs: General Aspects, 219
Clinical Use of Botulinum Toxin, 189 Prostaglandins, Thromboxanes, and Leukotrienes, 220
Limitations and Adverse Effects, 190 Eicosanoid Biosynthesis, 220
Pharmacokinetics, 191 Role of Eicosanoids in Health and Disease, 220
Special Concer ns for Rehabilitation P atients, 191 Mechanism of NSAID Action: Inhibition of Prostaglandin
Case Study , 193 and Thromboxane Synthesis, 222
Muscle Relaxants, 193 Aspirin: The Prototypical NSAID , 223
Summary, 193 Clinical Applications of Aspirinlik e Drugs, 224
References, 194 Treatment of Pain and Inflammation, 224
Treatment of Fever, 224
Treatment of Vascular Disorders, 224
Prevention of Cancer, 224
Problems and Adver se Effects of Aspirinlik e Drugs, 224
SECTION 4 Gastrointestinal Problems, 224
Cardiovascular Problems, 225
Drugs Used to T reat Pain and Other Side Effects, 226
Inf ammation, 199 Comparison of Aspirin With Other NSAIDs, 227
COX-2 Selective Dr ugs, 229
CHAPTER 14. Opioid Analgesics, 201 COX-2 Drugs and the Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke, 230
Acetaminophen, 230
Sources of Opioid Analgesics, 201 Pharmacokinetics of NSAIDS and Acetaminophen, 232
Endogenous Opioid P eptides and Opioid Receptor s, 202 Special Concer ns for Rehabilitation P atients, 232
Endogenous Opioids, 202 Case Study , 233
Opioid Receptors, 202 Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs, 233
Classif cation of Specif c Agents, 203 Summary, 233
Strong Agonists, 203 References, 233
Mild-to-Moderate Agonists, 205
Mixed Agonist–Antagonists, 206 CHAPTER 16. Pharmacological Management
Antagonists, 206
of Rheumatoid Ar thritis and
Pharmacokinetics, 206
Mechanism of Action, 207
Osteoar thritis, 237
Sites of Opioid Effects, 207 Rheumatoid Ar thritis, 237
Effects of Opioids on Synaptic Activity, 209 Immune Basis for Rheumatoid Arthritis, 239
Clinical Applications, 210 Overview of Drug Therapy in Rheumatoid Arthritis, 239
Treatment of Pain, 210 NSAIDs, 240
Use of Opioids in Patient-Controlled Analgesia, 211 Glucocorticoids, 241
Other Opioid Uses, 211 Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs, 242
Problems and Adver se Effects, 211 Traditional (Nonbiological) DMARDs, 243
Concepts of Addiction, Tolerance, and Physical Biological DMARDs, 247
Dependence, 211 Other DMARDs, 249
Tolerance, 212 DMARD Combinations Used in Rheumatoid Arthritis, 249
Physical Dependence, 212 Dietary Implications for Rheumatoid Arthritis, 250
Tolerance and Dependence During Therapeutic Opioid Osteoar thritis, 250
Use, 213 Acetaminophen and NSAIDs, 251
Opioid-Induced Hyperalgesia, 213 Viscosupplementation, 251
Pharmacological Treatment of Opioid Addiction, 214 Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate, 252
Special Concer ns for Rehabilitation P atients, 214 Special Concer ns for Rehabilitation P atients, 253

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Contents xxi

Case Study , 253 Pharmacological Signif cance of Autonomic

Rheumatoid Arthritis, 253 Receptors, 287
Summary, 254 Summary, 288
References, 254 References, 288

CHAPTER 17. Patient-Controlled Analgesia, 261 CHAPTER 19. Cholinergic Dr ugs, 289
Pharmacokinetic Basis for PCA, 261 Cholinergic Receptor s, 289
PCA Dosing Strategies and P arameters, 262 Cholinergic Stimulants, 290
Types of Analgesics Used for PCA, 263 Direct-Acting Cholinergic Stimulants, 290
PCA Pumps, 264 Indirect-Acting Cholinergic Stimulants, 291
Administration Routes During PCA, 265 Clinical Applications of Cholinergic Stimulants, 292
IV PCA, 265 Problems and Adverse Effects of Cholinergic
Epidural PCA, 266 Stimulants, 293
Regional PCA, 267 Anticholinergic Dr ugs, 293
Transdermal PCA, 267 Source and Mechanism of Action of Antimuscarinic
Other Potential Administration Routes for PCA, 268 Anticholinergic Drugs, 294
Comparison of PCA to Other Methods of Analgesic Clinical Applications of Antimuscarinic Drugs, 294
Administration, 268 Problems and Adverse Effects of Anticholinergic
Comparison of PCA to Continuous Ner ve Blocks, 269 Drugs, 297
Problems and Adver se Effects of PCA, 270 Summary, 297
Pharmacological Adverse Effects, 270 References, 298
Problems With PCA Delivery, 270
Special Concer ns for Rehabilitation P atients, 271 CHAPTER 20. Adrenergic Dr ugs, 301
Case Study , 272 Adrenergic Receptor Subclassif cations, 302
Patient-Controlled Analgesia, 272 Adrenergic Agonists, 303
Summary, 272 Alpha-1-Selective Agonists, 303
References, 272 Alpha-2-Selective Agonists, 304
Beta-1-Selective Agonists, 305
Beta-2-Selective Agonists, 305
Drugs With Mixed Alpha- and Beta-Agonist Activity, 306
Adrenergic Antagonists, 307
SECTION 5 Alpha Antagonists, 307
Beta Antagonists, 309
Autonomic and Cardio vascular Other Drugs That Inhibit Adrenergic Neurons, 312
Summary, 313
Pharmacology, 277
References, 313

CHAPTER 18. Introduction to Autonomic

CHAPTER 21. Antihypertensive Dr ugs, 315
Pharmacolog y, 279
Normal Control of Blood Pressure, 316
Anatomy of the Autonomic Ner vous System: Sympathetic
Pathogenesis of Hyper tension, 316
and Parasympathetic Divisions, 279
Essential Versus Secondary Hypertension, 316
Preganglionic and Postganglionic Neurons, 280
Possible Mechanisms in Essential Hypertension, 317
Sympathetic Organization, 280
Drug Therapy, 318
Parasympathetic Organization, 280
Diuretics, 318
Functional Aspects of the Sympathetic and
Parasympathetic Divisions, 280 Sympatholytic Drugs, 320
Function of the Adrenal Medulla, 282 Vasodilators, 323
Autonomic Integration and Control, 282 Renin-Angiotensin System Inhibitors, 324
Autonomic Neurotransmitter s, 283 Calcium Channel Blockers, 326
Acetylcholine and Norepinephrine, 283 Drug Selection for Specif c Patients With
Hypertension, 327
Other Autonomic Neurotransmitters, 283
Nonpharmacological Treatment of Hyper tension, 328
Autonomic Receptor s, 284
Special Concer ns for Rehabilitation P atients, 329
Cholinergic Receptors, 284
Case Study , 329
Adrenergic Receptors, 286
Hypertension, 329

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xxii Contents

Summary, 330 Agents That Decrease Cardiac W orkload, 367

References, 330 Drugs Affecting the Renin-Angiotensin System, 367
Adverse Effects of Drugs Affecting the Renin-Angiotensin
CHAPTER 22. Treatment of Angina P ectoris, 335 System, 368
Beta Blockers, 368
Drugs Used to T reat Angina P ectoris, 335 Diuretics, 369
Organic Nitrates, 335 Vasodilators, 370
Beta-Adrenergic Blockers, 338 Special Concer ns for Rehabilitation P atients, 371
Calcium Channel Blockers, 339 Case Study , 371
Other Dr ugs Affecting Myocardial Oxygen Balance in Congestive Heart Failure, 371
Angina Pectoris, 340 Summary, 372
Use of Anticoagulants in Angina P ectoris, 341 References, 372
Treatment of Specif c Types of Angina P ectoris, 341
Stable Angina, 341
Variant Angina (Prinzmetal Ischemia), 343
CHAPTER 25. Treatment of Coagulation Disorder s
Unstable Angina, 343 and Hyper lipidemia, 375
Nonpharmacologic Management of Angina P ectoris, 344 Normal Mechanism of Blood Coagulation, 376
Special Concer ns for Rehabilitation P atients, 344 Clot Formation, 376
Case Study , 345 Clot Breakdown, 377
Antianginal Drugs, 345 Drugs Used to T reat Overactive Clotting , 377
Summary, 346 Anticoagulants, 377
References, 346 Antiplatelet Drugs, 381
Fibrinolytics, 383
CHAPTER 23. Treatment of Cardiac Treatment of Clotting Def ciencies, 385
Arrhythmias, 349 Hemophilia, 385
Deficiencies of Vitamin K–Dependent Clotting Factors, 386
Cardiac Electroph ysiology, 349 Antifibrinolytics, 386
Cardiac Action Potentials, 349 Agents Used to T reat Hyper lipidemia, 387
Normal Cardiac Rhythm, 350 HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors (Statins), 387
Normal Conduction of the Cardiac Action Potential, 351 Fibric Acids, 388
Mechanisms of Cardiac Ar rhythmias, 351 Other Lipid-Lowering Agents, 389
Types of Ar rhythmias, 352 Adverse Effects of Antihyperlipidemic Agents, 389
Classif cation of Antiar rhythmic Dr ugs, 352 Special Concer ns for Rehabilitation P atients, 390
Class I: Sodium Channel Blockers, 352 Case Study , 391
Class II: Beta Blockers, 354 Clotting Disorders, 391
Class III: Drugs That Prolong Repolarization, 354 Summary, 391
Class IV: Calcium Channel Blockers, 355 References, 392
Other Dr ugs Used to T reat Ar rhythmias, 355
Nonpharmacological Treatment of Ar rhythmias, 355
Special Concer ns for Rehabilitation P atients, 356
Case Study , 356
Antiarrhythmic Drugs, 356 SECTION 6
Summary, 357
References, 357 Respiratory and Gastrointestinal
Pharmacology, 397
CHAPTER 24. Treatment of Congestive Hear t
Failure, 359 CHAPTER 26. Respirator y Drugs, 399
Pathophysiology of Congestive Hear t Failure, 360 Drugs Used to T reat Respirator y Tract Ir ritation and Control
The Vicious Cycle of Heart Failure, 360 Respiratory Secretions, 399
Congestion in Left and Right Heart Failure, 361 Antitussives, 399
Pharmacotherapy, 362 Decongestants, 400
Drugs That Increase Myocardial Contraction F orce (Positive Antihistamines, 401
Inotropic Agents), 362 Mucolytics and Expectorants, 402
Digitalis, 362 Drugs Used to Maintain Airw ay Patency in Obstr uctive
Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors, 365 Pulmonary Disease, 403
Dopamine and Dobutamine, 366 Beta-Adrenergic Agonists, 403
Xanthine Derivatives, 406

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