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Course Outcomes:
On completion of this course the student will be able to:
1. Explain the characteristics of software agents and java framework for implementing agents.
2. Describe important search techniques and their suitable problem domains.
3. Define knowledge representation and deduction methods.
4. Describe the important phases in natural language processing.
5. Apply the AI principles and techniques to solve problems.
6. Analyse the problems and suggest a suitable problem solving method.

Module I
Software agents – agent characteristics, agent topology, and agent oriented programming, Java
implementation of intelligent agents. AI domains-Problem Characteristics - Problem spaces- search:
DFS, BFS - Production systems- Swarm intelligence- genetic algorithm.
Module II
Heuristic search techniques: Generate and Test - Hill climbing -Best first - A* algorithm. Problem
reduction –AO*algorithm, constraint satisfaction - Means Ends analysis. Game playing: Minimax –
Module III
Logic and Deduction: Introduction to symbolic logic - Propositional logic - Well Formed Formula-
Predicate Logic - predicates variables and constants - First order logic, Quantifiers- Forward and
backward chaining-Resolution by refutation- Unification- Goal trees.
Module IV
Representing Knowledge: Procedural versus Declarative. Reasoning under uncertainty: Non
Monotonic reasoning –support lists and dependency directed backtracking - Statistical reasoning:
Bayes theorem. Bayesian networks. Fuzzy Logic, Semantic Nets, Frames, Conceptual Dependency,
Scripts, CYC. Natural Language Processing. Learning: Types of learning.

1. Elaine Rich and Kevin Knight, Artificial Intelligence, Tata McGraw-Hill, Third Edition,
ISBN: 13:978-0-07-008770-5, 2010.
2. Jeffrey M. Bradshaw, Software Agents, AAAI Press/ The MIT Press (1997) (Module 1),
ISBN: 0-262-52234-9.
3. Dan W. Patterson, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, Prentice Hall
India Ltd., 2009, ISBN: 81-203-0777-1 (modules 2,3,4).
4. Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, Artificial Intelligence – A Modern Approach. 3rd Edition,
Prentice Hall, 2009.
5. Padhy, N.P., Artificial intelligence and intelligent systems, 2010, 0-19-567154-6.
6. Jurafsky D., Martin J.H., Speech and natural language processing, Second Edition, Prentice
Hall, 2008, ISBN 10: 0131873210.
Ref.No.Ac.C1/Faculty of Engineering/2021



(Abstract) with the

B.Tech Scheme and Syllabus
Common modifications in
Faculty of Engineering from V Semester to
VIll Semester-
revised Scheme and Syllabus of various B.Tech Programmes
Approved Orders issued.

D a t e d , K O C H I - 2 2 , 1 2 . 0 4 . 2 0 2 1


Academic Council held on

Read:-Item No.l (b)-1,4,10 of the minutes of the meeting of the

recommendation of the
meeting held on 03.03.2021, along with the
The Academic Council at its
resolved to approve the following:
Standing Committee, vide item read above, has
the Faculty in the B. Tech Scheme
and Syllabus:
1. The common modifications approved by

5th Semester (19-***-0506 to 0509) of which 0506(IE) wil be

a )Introduce Professional Elective I in
Industrial based elective.
of which 0606(IE) will be
Introduce Professional Elective Il in 6tn Semester (19-**-0606 to 0609)
Industrial based elective
Semester (19-**-0704 to 0707) of which 0704(IE) will be
c) Introduce Professional Elective IIIl in 7tn
Industrial based elective
-I in the 7n Semesters reduced from 4hrs/week to
d) Total hours/week for the open elective

which is having 1 credit.
e) No hours/ week is allotted for 19-***-0716 Industrial Interñship
the evaluation of internship will be conducted along with
In the scheme it should be mentioned that
of minimum duration of two weeks (preferably continuous,
Project Phase- I. Industrial internship
but in any case not less than one week)
has to be undergone by the student after the completion

of 4th semester and before the commencement

of 7th semester class
3 hours/week instead of 1 hr/week in the existing scheme
) Project-Phase I is allotted with
from 4hrs/week to
hours/week for the Open elective ll in 8th semester is reduced
0805) and Professional Elective V (19-***-0806 to 0809)
h) Professional elective IV (19-**-0802 to

are in the 8h Semester

existing scheme.
i) Project- Phase Il is allotted with 12 hrs/week instead of 11 hr/week in the

in the Fifth semester

Machinery and Heat Engines as a professional elective
2. To include Fluid
under the 2019 scheme of B.Tech Electrical and Electronics Engineering.

3. To incorporate the constitutional law which may include Marine aspect

also as a subject in open
elective for 2019 admitted students of B.Tech Marine Engineering ( Appendix 1).
4. The revised Syllabus and Scheme of Examination of the following B.Tech Programme uno
2019 scheme for semesters V to VII

B.Tech Degree in Computer Science and Engineering (Appendix li).

b) B.Tech Degree in Information Technology(Appendix l).

c) B.Tech Degree in Civil Engineering(Appendix IV).

d) B.Tech Degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering(Appendix V).
e) B.Tech Degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering(Appendix V)
f) B.Tech Degree in Mechanical Engineering(Appendix VIl).
g) B.Tech Degree in Safety and Fire Engineering(Appendix VIll).

Orders are issued accordingly.

Dr. Meera V*


To Civil Engineering.
1.Dr. K.S Beena, Dean, Faculty of Engineering & Professor, Division of

School of Engineering, CUSAT, Kochi-22.

Division of Computer Science & Engineering
2. Dr. Sheena Mathew, Professor,
School of Engineering, CUSAT,
School of
Division of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
3. Dr. Mridula S, Professor,
Engineering, CUSAT, Kochi-22.
Division of Civil Engineering, School of Engineering,
4.Dr.Glory Joseph, Professor,
Kochi-22. SoE, CUSAT, Kochi-
Radhakrishna Panicker, Division of Mechanical Engineering,
22 Chemical Engineering, School of Engineering,
CUSAT, Kochi-22.
6. Dr.G Madhu, Division of
Science and Engineering/Electronics
7.The Heads of Division of
Civil Engineering/Computer
Electronics Engineering/Mechanical
and Communication
Engineering/Electrical and
School of Engineering
Technology/Safety and Fire Engineering,
CUSAT, Kochi-22

8.The Director, KMSME,CUSAT, Kochi-22. Engineering/Electronics

Division of Civil Engineering/Computer Science and
9. The Heads of
and Electronics
and Communication Engineering/Electrical CUCEK,Pulincunnoo,
Technology/Safety and
Fire Engineering,

School of Engineering, CUSAT,
10. The Principal,
Pulicunnoo, Alappuzha-688504.
11. The Principal, CUCEK, (Exams)/ AR (Exams/Academic)
Examinations/ JR (Exam/Academic)/DR
12. The Controller of
PA to Registrar/ PA to CE
13. PS to VC/PS to PVCI
Conferencel All Examination
14. Academic A/
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