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(1.) In an experiment the angles are required to be measured using an instrument. 29 divisions of the main
scale exactly coincide with the 30 divisions of the vernier scale. If the smallest division of the main scale is
half-a-degree   0.5  , then the least count of the instrument is [AIEEE-2009]
(1) Half minute (2) One degree
(3) Half degree (4) One minute

(2.) The respective number of significant figures for the numbers 23.023, 0.0003 and 2.1 103 are [AIEEE-
(1) 4, 4, 2 (2) 5,1, 2
(3) 5,1, 5 (4) 5, 5, 2

(3.) A spectrometer gives the following reading when used to measure the angle of a prism.
Main scale reading : 58.5 degree
Vernier scale reading : 09 divisions
Given that 1 division on main scale corresponds to 0.5 degree. Total divisions on the vernier scale is 30 and
match with 29 divisions of the main scale. The angle of the prism from the above data [AIEEE-2012]
(1) 58.77 degree (2) 58.65 degree
(3) 59 degree (4) 58.59 degree

(4.) Resistance of a given wire is obtained by measuring the current flowing in it and the voltage difference
applied across it. If the percentage errors in the measurement of the current and the voltage difference are 3%
each, then error in the value of resistance of the wire is [AIEEE-2012]
(1) Zero (2) 1%
(3) 3% (4) 6%

(5.) Let  0  denote the dimensional formula of the permittivity of vacuum. If M  mass, L  length, T 
time and A  electric current, then [JEE (Main)-2013]
(1)  0   M1 L3 T2 A
(2)  0   M 1L3T 4 A2 
(3)  0   M 1L2T 1 A2 
(4)  0   M 1L2T 1 A

(6.) The current voltage relation of diode is given by I   e1000 V/T  1 mA , where the applied V is in volts
and the temperature T is in degree kelvin. If a student makes an error measuring 0.01 V while measuring
the current of 5 mA at 300 K , what will be the error in the value of current in mA ? [JEE (Main)-2014]
(1) 0.2 mA (2) 0.02 mA
(3) 0.5 mA (4) 0.05 mA

(7.) A student measured the length of a rod and wrote it as 3.50 cm . Which instrument did he use to measure
it? [JEE (Main)-2014]
(1) A meter scale
(2) A vernier calliper where the 10 divisions in vernier scale matches with 9 division in main scale and
main scale has 10 divisions in 1 cm
(3) A screw gauge having 100 divisions in the circular scale and pitch as 1 mm
(4) A screw gauge having 50 divisions in the circular scale and pitch as 1 mm

(8.) The period of oscillation of a simple pendulum is T  2 . Measured value of L is 20.0 cm known
to 1 mm accuracy and time for 100 oscillations of the pendulum is found to be 90 s using a wrist watch of
1 s resolution. The accuracy in the determination of g is [JEE (Main)-2015]
(1) 2% (2) 3%
(3) 1% (4) 5%

(9.) A student measures the time period of 100 oscillations of a simple pendulum four times. The data set is
90 s,91 s,95 s and 92 s . If the minimum division in the measuring clock is 1 s , then the reported mean time
should be: [JEE (Main)-2016]
(1) 92  5.0 s (2) 92 1.8 s
(3) 92  3 s (4) 92  2 s

(10.) A screw gauge with a pitch of 0.5 mm and a circular scale with 50 divisions is used to measure the
thickness of a thin sheet of Aluminium. Before starting the measurement, its is found that when the two jaws
of the screw gauge are brought in contact, the 45 th division coincides with the main scale line and that the
zero of the main scale is barely visible. What is the thickness of the sheet if the main scale reading is 0.5 mm
and the 25 th deivision coincides with the main scale line? [JEE (Main)-2016]
(1) 0.80 mm (2) 0.70 mm
(3) 0.50 mm (4) 0.75 mm

(11.) The following observations were taken for determining surface tension T of water by capillary method:
diameter of capillary, D  1.25 10 2 m
rise of water, h  1.45 102 m .
Using g  9.80 m / s 2 and the simplified relation T   103 N / m , the possible error in surface tension is
closest to [JEE (Main)-2017]
(1) 0.15% (2) 1.5%
(3) 2.4% (4) 10%

(12.) The density of a material in the shape of a cube is determined by measuring three sides of the cube and its
mass. If the relative errors in measuring the mass and length are respectively 1.5% and 1% , the maximum
error in determining the density is [JEE (Main)-2018]
(1) 2.5% (2) 3.5%
(3) 4.5% (4) 6%

(13.) The pitch and the number of divisions, on the circular scale, for a given screw gauge are 0.5 mm and 100
respectively. When the screw gauge is fully tightened without any object, the zero of its circular scale lies 3
divisions below the mean line.
The readings of the main scale and the circular scale, for a thin sheet, are 5.5 mm and 48 respectively, the
thickness of this sheet is [JEE (Main)-2019]
(1) 5.725 mm (2) 5.740 mm
(3) 5.755 mm (4) 5.950 mm

(14.) Expression for time in terms of G (universal gravitational constant), h (Planck constant) and c (speed of
light) is proportional to [JEE (Main)-2019]
Gh c3
(1) (2)
c5 Gh
Gh hc 5
(3) (4)
c3 G

(15.) The density of a material is SI units is 128 kg m 3 . In certain units in which the unit of length is 25 cm
and the unit of mass is 50 g , the numerical value of density of the material is [JEE (Main)-2019]
(1) 640 (2) 410
(3) 40 (4) 16

(16.) The diameter and height of a cylinder are measured by a meter scale to be 12.6  0.1 cm and 34.2 
0.1 cm , respectively. What will be the value of its volume in appropriate significant figures? [JEE (Main)-
(1) 4264  81 cm3
(2) 4300  80 cm 3
(3) 4260  80 cm 3
(4) 4264.4  81.0 cm 3

 x2 
(17.) The force of interaction between two atoms is given by F   exp    ; where x is the distance, k
  kt 
is the Boltzmann constant and T is temperature and  and  are two constants. The dimension of  is
[JEE (Main)-2019]
(1) M 0 L2 T 4 (2) M 2 LT 4
(3) MLT 2 (4) M 2 L2 T 2

(18.) If speed V  , acceleration  A and force  F  are considered as fundamental units, the dimension of
Young's modulus will be [JEE (Main)-2019]
(1) V  2 A 2 F 2 (2) V 2 A 2 F 2
(3) V 4 A2 F (4) V 4 A2 F

(19.) The least count of the main scale of a screw gauge is 1 mm . The minimum number of divisions on its
circular scale required to measure 5 m diameter of a wire is [JEE (Main)-2019]
(1) 200 (2) 50
(3) 100 (4) 500

(20.) If Surface tension (S), Moment of Inertia (I) and Planck's constant (h), were to be taken as the
fundamental units, the dimensional formula for linear momentum would be: [JEE (Main)-2019]
3/2 1/2
(1) S 1/2 h 1 (2) S 3/2 h0
1/2 1/2
(3) S 1/2 h 1 (4) S 1/2 h0

(21.) In a simple pendulum experiment for determination of acceleration due to gravity  g  , time taken for 20
oscillations is measured by using a watch of 1 second least count. The mean value of time taken comes out to
be 30 s . The length of pendulum is measured by using a meter scale of least count 1 mm and the value
obtained is 55.0 cm . The percentage error in the determination of g is close to: [JEE (Main)-2019]
(1) 6.8% (2) 0.2%
(3) 3.5% (4) 0.7%

(22.) In the density measurement of a cube, the mass and edge length are measured as 10.00  0.10  kg and
 0.10  0.01 m , respectively. The error in the measurement of density is [JEE (Main)-2019]
(1) 0.31 kg / m3 (2) 1000 kg / m3
(3) 0.10 kg / m3 (4) 3100 kg / m3

(23.) The area of a square is 5.29 cm 2 . The area of 7 such squares taking into account the significant figures is
[JEE (Main)-2019]
(1) 37.03 cm 2 (2) 37.0 cm 2
(3) 37.030 cm 2 (4) 37 cm 2

(24.) In the formula X  5YZ 2 , X and Z have dimensions of capacitance and magnetic field, respectively.
What are the dimensions of Y in SI units ? [JEE (Main)-2019]
(1)  M 2 L2T 6 A3 

(2) M1 L2 T4 A2 

(3) M2 L0 T 4 A 2 

(4) M3 L2 T8 A4 

(25.) A simple pendulum is being used to determine the value of gravitational acceleration g at a certain place.
The length of the pendulum is 25.0 cm and a stopwatch with 1 s resolution measures the time taken for 40
oscillation to be 50 s . The accuracy in g is [JEE (Main)-2020]
(1) 3.40% (2) 2.40%
(3) 5.40% (4) 4.40%

(26.) If the screw on a screw-gauge is given six rotations, it moves by 3 mm on the main scale. If there are 50
divisions on the circular scale the least count of the screw gauge is [JEE (Main)-2020]
(1) 0.01 cm (2) 0.001 mm
(3) 0.001 cm (4) 0.02 mm

(27.) A quantity f is given by f  where c is speed of light, G universal gravitational constant and h
is the Planck's constant. Dimension of f is that of
[JEE (Main)-2020]
(1) Energy (2) Area
(3) Volume (4) Momentum

(28.) For the four sets of three measured physical quantities as given below. Which of the following options is
correct? [JEE (Main)-2020]
(i) A1  24.36, B1  0.0724, C1  256.2
(ii) A2  24.44, B2  16.082, C2  240.2
(iii) A3  25.2, B3  19.2812, C3  236.183
(iv) A4  25, B4  236.191, C4  19.5
(1) A1  B1  C1  A2  B2  C2  A3  B3  C3  A4  B4  C4
(2) A1  B1  C1  A3  B3  C3  A2  B2  C2  A4  B4  C4
(3) A1  B1  C1  A2  B2  C2  A3  B3  C3  A4  B4  C4
(4) A4  B4  C4  A1  B1  C1  A3  B3  C3  A2  B2  C2

(29.) The least count of the main scale of a vernier callipers is 1 mm . Its vernier scale is divided into 10
divisions and coincide with 9 divisions of the main scale. When jaws are touching each other, the 7 th
division of vernier scale coincides with a division of main scale and the zero of vernier scale is lying right
side of the zero of main scale. When this vernier is used to measure length of a cylinder the zero of the
vernier scale between 3.1 cm and 3.2 cm and 4th VSD coincides with a main scale division. The length of
the cylinder is (VSD is vernier scale division)
[JEE (Main)-2020]
(1) 3.21 cm (2) 2.99 cm
(3) 3.07 cm (4) 3.2 cm

(30.) If speed V , area A and force F are chosen as fundamental units, then the dimension of Young's
modulus will be [JEE (Main)-2020]
(1) FA1 V (2) FA2V 1
(3) FA2V 2 (4) FA2V 3

(31.) If momentum  P  , area  A and time T  are taken to be the fundamental quantities then the
dimensional formula for energy is [JEE (Main)-2020]
 12 1  (2)  P 2 AT 2 
(1)  P AT 
 
 12 1  (4)  PA1T 2 
(3)  PA T 
 

(32.) Using screw gauge of pitch 0.1 cm and 50 divisions on its circular scale, the thickness of an object is
measured. It should correctly be recorded as
[JEE (Main)-2020]
(1) 2.124 cm (2) 2.123 cm
(3) 2.125 cm (4) 2.121 cm

(33.) Dimensional formula for thermal conductivity is (here K deontes the temperature) [JEE (Main)-2020]
(1) MLT 2 K 2 (2) MLT 3 K 1
(3) MLT 3 K (4) MLT 2 K

(34.) A quantity x is given by  IFv 2 / WL4  in terms of moment of inertia I , force F , velocity v , work W
and length L . The dimensional formula for x is same as that of [JEE (Main)-2020]
(1) Coefficient of viscosity
(2) Force constant
(3) Energy density
(4) Planck's constant

a 2b 3
(35.) A physical quantity z depends on four observables a, b, c and d , as z  . The percentages of error
cd 3
in the measurement of a, b, c and d are 2% , 1.5%, 4% and 2.5% respectively. The percentage of error in z
is [JEE (Main)-2020]
(1) 13.5% (2) 14.5%
(3) 16.5% (4) 12.25%

(36.) A screw gauge has 50 divisions on its circular scale. The circular scale is 4 units ahead of the pitch scale
marking, prior to use. Upon one complete rotation of the circular scale, a displacement of 0.5 mm is noticed
on the pitch scale. The nature of zero error involved, and the least count of the screw gauge, are respectively.
[JEE (Main)-2020]
(1) Positive, 0.1 mm
(2) Positive, 10  m
(3) Negative, 2  m
(4) Positive, 0.1 m

(37.) A student measuring the diameter of a pencil of circular cross-section with the help of a vernier scale
records the following four readings 5.50 mm , 5.55 mm,5.45 mm;5.65 mm . The average of these four
readings is 5.5375 mm and the standard deviation of the data is 0.07395 mm . The average diameter of the
pencil should therefore be recorded as [JEE (Main)-2020]
(1)  5.5375  0.0739  mm
(2)  5.54  0.07  mm
(3)  5.538  0.074  mm
(4)  5.5375  0.0740  mm

(38.) The work done by a gas molecule in an isolated system is given by, W   e 2  kT
, where x is the
displacement, k is the Boltzmann constant and T is the temperature.  and  are constants. Then the
dimensions of  will be : [JEE (Main)-2021]
(1)  M2 LT 2  (2) ML2 T 2 

(3)  MLT 2  (4)  M0 LT0 

(39.) The period of oscillation of a simple pendulum is T  2 . Measured value of ' L ' is 1.0 m from
meter scale having a minimum division of 1 mm and time of one complete oscillation is 1.95 s measured
from stopwatch of 0.01 s resolution. The percentage error in the determination of ' g ' will be: [JEE
(1) 1.30% (2) 1.33%
(3) 1.13% (4) 1.03%

(40.) If the time period of a two meter long simple pendulum is 2 s , the acceleration due to gravity at the place
where pendulum is executing S.H.M. is: [JEE (Main)-2021]
(1) 9.8 ms 2 (2)  2 ms 2
(3) 16 m / s 2 (4) 2 2 ms 2

(41.) If e is the electronic charge, c is the speed of light in free space and h is Planck's constant, the quantity
1 | e |2
has dimensions of : [JEE (Main)-2021]
4 0 c
(1)  MLT 1  (2)  MLT0 

(3)  LC1  (4) M0 L0 T0 

 x2

(42.) In a typical combustion engine the work done by a gas molecule is given by W    e kT , where x is

the displacement, k is the Boltzmann constant and T is the temperature, If  and  are constants,
dimensions of  will be : [JEE (Main)-2021]
(1)  MLT 1  (2)  M0 LT0 

(3)  MLT 2  (4)  M 2 LT 2 

(43.) Two resistors R1   4  0.8 Ω and R2   4  0.4  Ω are connected in parallel. The equivalent resistance
of their parallel combination will be: [JEE (Main)-2021]
(1)  4  0.4  Ω (2)  2  0.4  Ω
(3)  2  0.3 Ω (4)  4  0.3 Ω

(44.) If ' C ' and ' V ' represent capacity and voltage respectively then what are the dimensions of  where
C / N   ? [JEE (Main)-2021]
(1)  M1 L3I2 T 7 

(2)  M 2 L4 I3 T7 

(3)  M2 L3I2 T6 

(4) M3 L4  3 T7 

(45.) A wire of 1 W has a length of 1 m . It is stretched till its length increases by 25% . The percentage
change in resistance to the nearest integer is [JEE (Main)-2021]
(1) 76% (2) 56%
(3) 12.5% (4) 25%

(46.) In order to determine the Young's Modulus of a wire of radius 0.2 cm (measured using a scale of least
count  0.001 cm ) and length 1 m (measured using a scale of least count  1 mm ), a weight of mass 1 kg
(measured using a scale of least count  1 g ) was hanged to get the elongation of 0.5 cm (measured using a
scale of least count 0.001 cm ). What will be the fractional error in the value of Young's Modulus
determined by this experiment? [JEE (Main)-2021]
(1) 1.4% (2) 0.14%
(3) 9% (4) 0.9%

(47.) The time period of a simple pendulum is given by T  2 . The measured value of the length of
pendulum is 10 cm known to a 1 mm accuracy. The time for 200 oscillations of the pendulum is found to be
100 second using a clock of 1 s resolution. The percentage accuracy in the determination of ' g ' using the
pendulum is ' x '. The value of ' x ' to the nearest integer is, [JEE (Main)-2021]
(1) 3% (2) 5%
(3) 2% (4) 4%

(48.) In the experiment of Ohm's law, a potential difference of 5.0 V is applied across the end of a conductor
of length 10.0 cm and diameter of 5.00 mm . The measured current in the conductor is 2.00 A . The
maximum permissible percentage error in the resistivity of the conductor is: [JEE (Main)-2021]
(1) 3.0 (2) 3.9
(3) 7.5 (4) 8.4

(49.) The entropy of any system is given by

  kR 
S   2  ln  2  3 where  and  are the constants,  , J , k and R are no. of moles, mechanical
 J 
equivalent of heat, Boltzmann constant and gas constant respectively.
[Take S  ]
Choose the incorrect option from the following [JEE (Main)-2021]
(1) S ,  , k and  R have the same dimensions
(2)  and k have the same dimensions
(3)  and J have the same dimensions
(4) S and  have different dimensions

(50.) If time  t  , velocity  v  , and angular momentum ( () are taken as the fundamental units. Then the
dimension of mass  m  in terms of t , v , and l is: [JEE (Main)-2021]
(1) t 1v1r 2  (2) t 1v 2 r1 

(3) t1v 2 r 1  (4) t 2v 1l1 

(51.) The force is given in terms of time t and displacement x by the equation
F  AcosBx  CsinDt The dimensional formula of is [JEE (Main)-2021]
(1) M1 L1 T 2  (2)  M0 LT 1 

(3)  M2 L2 T 3  (4) ML2 T 3 

(52.) Assertion A : If in five complete rotations of the circular scale, the distance travelled on main scale of
the screw gauge is 5 mm and there are 50 total divisions on circular scale, then least count is 0.001 cm .
Reason R : Least Count 
Total divisions on
circular scale
In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below : [JEE
(1) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A .
(2) A is not correct but R is correct.
(3) Both A and R are correct and R is not the correct explanation of A
(4) A is correct but R is not correct

(53.) Match List I with List II. [JEE (Main)-2021]

List I List II

(a) Capacitance, C (i) M1L1T 3A 1

(b) Permittivity of free space,  0 (ii) M1L3T4 A2

(c) Permeability of free space,  0 (iii) M 1L2T 4 A2

(d) Electric field, E (iv) M1L1T 2 A 2

Choose the correct answer from the options given below

(1) (a)  (iii), (b)  (iv), (c)  (ii), (d)  (i)
(2) (a)  (iii), (b)  (ii), (c)  (iv), (d)  (i)
(3) (a)  (iv), (b)  (ii), (c)  (iii), (d)  (i)
(4) (a)  (iv), (b)  (iii), (c)  (ii), (d)  (i)


(54.) A physical quantity ' y ' is represented by the formula y  m 2 r 4 g x l 2 . If the percentage errors found in
y , m, r , l and g are 18,1, 0.5, 4 and p respectively, then find the value of x and p . [JEE (Main)-2021]
16 3 (2) 8 and  2
(1) and 
3 2
(3) 4 and  3 (4) 5 and  2

(55.) If E , L, M and G denote the quantities as energy, angular momentum, mass and constant of gravitation
respectively, then the dimensions of P in the formula P  EL2 M 5G 2 are: [JEE (Main)-2021]
(1) M1 L1 T2  (2) M1 L1 T 2 

(3)  M0 L1 T0  (4) M0 L0 T0 

(56.) If the length of the pendulum in pendulum clock increases by 0.1% , then the error in time per day is:
[JEE (Main)-2021]
(1) 43.2 s (2) 4.32 s
(3) 86.4 s (4) 8.64 s

(57.) Match list-I with list-II: [JEE (Main)-2021]

List I List II

(a) Magnetic Induction (i) ML2T 2 A 1

(b) Magnetic Flux (ii) M 0 L1 A

(c) Magnetic Permeability (iii) MT 2 A 1

(d) Magnetization (iv) MLT 2 A2

Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
(1) (a)-(ii), (b)-(i), (c)-(iv), (d)-(iii)
(2) (a)-(ii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(i), (d)-(iii)
(3) (a)-(iii), (b)-(ii), (c)-(iv), (d)-(i)
(4) (a)-(iii), (b)-(i), (c)-(iv), (d)-(ii)

(58.) A huge circular arc of length 4.4 ly subtends an angle ' 4 s ' at the centre of the circle. How long it would
take for a body to complete 4 revolution if its speed is 8 AU per second? [JEE (Main)-2021]
Given: 1ly  9.46 1015 m
1AU  1.5 1011 m
(1) 3.5 106 s
(2) 4.5  1010 s
(3) 4.1108 s
(4) 7.2  108 s

(59.) Which of the following is not a dimensionless quantity? [JEE (Main)-2021]

(1) Quality factor
(2) Power factor
(3) Permeability of free space  0 
(4) Relative magnetic permeability  r 

(60.) If E and H represents the intensity of electric field and magnetising field the unit of E / H will be
respectively, then [JEE (Main)-2021]
(1) joule (2) ohm
(3) newton (4) mho

(61.) Match List-I with List-II. [JEE (Main)-2021]

List I List II

(a) RH (Rydberg constant) (i) kg m 1 s 1

(b) h (Planck's constant) (ii) kg m 2 s 1

(c) B (Magnetic field energy density) (iii) m1

(d)  (coefficient of viscosity) (iv) kg m1 s 2

Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
(1) (a)-(iii), (b)-(ii), (c)-(iv), (d)-(i)
(2) (a)-(iv), (b)-(ii), (c)-(i), (d)-(iii)
(3) (a)-(ii), (b)-(iii), (c)-(iv), (d)-(i)
(4) (a)-(iii), (b)-(ii), (c)-(i), (d)-(iv)

(62.) If force  F  , length  L  and time  T  are taken as the fundamental quantities. Then what will be
dimension of density: [JEE (Main)-2021]
(1)  FL3 T 2  (2)  FL3 T3 

(3)  FL4 T 2  (4)  FL5 T 2 

(63.) Match List-I with List-II. [JEE (Main)-2021]

List I List II

(a) Torque (i) MLT 1

(b) Impulse (ii) MT 2

(c) Tension (iii) ML2T 2

(iv) MLT 2

Choose the most appropriate answer from the option given below:
(1) (a)-(iii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(i), (d)-(ii)
(2) (a)-(i), (b)-(iii), (c)-(iv), (d)-(ii)
(3) (a)-(iii), (b)-(i), (c)-(iv), (d)-(ii)
(4) (a)-(ii), (b)-(i), (c)-(iv), (d)-(iii)

(64.) Which of the following equations is dimensionally incorrect? [JEE (Main)-2021]

Where t  time, h  height, s  surface tension,   angle,   density , a, r  radius, g  acceleration due
to gravity, v  volume , p  pressure, W  work done,   torque e  permittivity,   electric field, J 
current density, L  length
2 scos (2) W  
(1) h
 pa 4 E
(3) V (4) J 
8 L t

(65.) If velocity  V  , time  T  and force  F are chosen as the base quantities, the dimensions of the mass will
be: [JEE (Main)-2021]
(1) FT 1 V1  (2) FVT1 

(3) FT2 V  (4) FTV1 

(66.) A student determined Young's Modulus of elasticity using the formula Y  . The value of g is
4bd 3
taken to be 9.8 m / s 2 , without any significant error, his observation are as following.
Least count of the
Physical Equipment Observed
Quantity used for Value

Mass (M) 1g 2 kg

Length of bar (L) 1 mm 1m

Breadth of bar (b) 0.1 mm 4 cm

Thickness of bar (d) 0.01 mm 0.4 cm

Depression   0.01 mm 5 mm

Then the fractional error in the measurement of Y is : [JEE (Main)-2021]

(1) 0.155 (2) 0.0083
(3) 0.0155 (4) 0.083

(67.) Identify the pair of physical quantities which have different dimensions.
[JEE (Main)-2022]
(1) Wave number and Rydberg's constant
(2) Stress and Coefficient of elasticity
(3) Coercivity and Magnetisation
(4) Specific heat capacity and Latent heat

(68.) Identify the pair of physical quantities that have same dimensions :
[JEE (Main)-2022]
(1) Velocity gradient and decay constant
(2) Wien's constant and Stefan constant
(3) Angular frequency and angular momentum
(4) Wave number and Avogadro number

A2 B 3
(69.) If Z  , then the relative error in Z will be [JEE (Main)-2022]
(1)  
(2)  
(3)  
(4)  

  kt 
(70.) An expression for a dimensionless quantity P is given by P  loge   ; where  and  are
   x 
constants, x is distance; k is Boltzmann constant and t is the temperature. Then the dimensions of  will
be [JEE (Main)-2022]
(1)  M0 L1 T 0  (2) ML0 T2 

(3)  MLT 2  (4) ML2 T 2 

(71.) The dimension of mutual inductance is : [JEE (Main)-2022]

(1)  ML2 T 2 A 1  (2)  ML2 T 3 A 1 

(3) ML2 T 2 A2  (4)  ML2 T 3 A 2 

(72.) A silver wire has a mass  0.6  0.006  g , radius  0.5  0.005 mm and length  4  0.04  cm . The
maximum percentage error in the measurement of its density will be [JEE (Main)-2022]
(1) 4% (2) 3%
(3) 6% (4) 7%

(73.) The SI unit of a physical quantity is pascalsecond. The dimensional formula of this quantity will be :
[JEE (Main)-2022]
(1)  ML1 T 1  (2)  ML1 T 2 

(3) ML2 T 1  (4) M1L3T 0 

(74.) If L , C and R are the self-inductance, capacitance and resistance respectively, which of the following
does not have the dimension of time?
[JEE (Main)-2022]
(1) RC L
(3) LC L
(75.) Given below are two statements: One is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R.
Assertion A : Product of Pressure  P  and time  t  has the same dimension as that of coefficient of
Reason R : Coefficient of viscosity
 Choose the correct answer from the options given below. [JEE (Main)-2022]
Velocity gradient
(1) Both A and R are true, and R is correct explanation of A .
(2) Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A .
(3) A is true but R is false.
(4) A is false but R is true.

n a
(76.) Velocity  v  and acceleration (a) in two systems of units 1 and 2 are related as v2 
v and a2  1
2 1
m mn
respectively. Here m and n are constants. The relations for distance and time in two systems respectively
are : [JEE (Main)-2022]
n3 n2
(1) L1  L2 and T1  T2
m3 m
n4 n2
(2) L1  L2 and 1
T  T2
m2 m
n2 n4
(3) L1  L2 and T1  2 T2
m m
n2 n4
(4) L1  L2 and 2 T1  T2
m m

 a 
(77.) In van der Wall equation  P  2  V  b  RT ; P is pressure, V is volume, R is universal gas constant
 V 
and T is temperature. The ratio of constants is dimensionally equal to: [JEE (Main)-2022]
(1) (2)
(3) PV (4) PV 3

(78.) If momentum  P  , area  A  and time  T  are taken as fundamental quantities, then the dimensional
formula for coefficient of viscosity is [JEE (Main)-2022]
(1)  PA 1 T0  (2) PAT1 

(3)  PA1T  (4) PA1 T 1 

(79.) Which of the following physical quantities have the same dimensions?
[JEE (Main)-2022]
(1)  
Electric displacement D and surface charge density

(2) Displacement current and electric field

(3) Current density and surface charge density
(4) Electric potential and energy
(80.) A torque meter is calibrated to reference standards of mass, length and time each with 5% accuracy.
After calibration, the measured torque with this torque meter will have net accuracy of [JEE (Main)-2022]
(1) 15% (2) 25%
(3) 75% (4) 5%

 x 
(81.) An expression of energy density is given by u  sin   , where  ,  are constants, x is
  kt 
displacement, k is Boltzmann constant and t is the temperature. The dimensions of  will be [JEE (Main)-
(1) ML2 T2 1  (2)  M0 L2 T 2 

(3) M0 L0 T0  (4) M0 L2 T0 

 B2 
(82.) The dimensions of   will be (if  0 : permeability of free space and B : magnetic field) [JEE
 0 
(1) ML2 T 2  (2)  MLT 2 

(3)  ML1 T 2  (4)  ML2 T 2 A 1 

(83.) If the radius of earth shrinks by 2% while its mass remains same. The acceleration due to gravity on the
earth's surface will approximately [JEE (Main)-2022]
(1) Decrease by 2%
(2) Decrease by 4%
(3) Increase by 2%
(4) Increase by 4%

 x
(84.) Consider the efficiency of carnot's engine is given by  loge , where  and  are constants. If
sin kT
T is temperature, k is Boltzmann constant,  is angular displacement and x has the dimensions of length.
Then, choose the incorrect option [JEE (Main)-2022]
(1) Dimensions of  is same as that of force.
(2) Dimensions of  1 x is same as that of energy.
(3) Dimensions of  1sin is same as that of  .
(4) Dimensions of  is same as that of  .

(85.) Given below are two statements: One is labelled as Assertion (A) and other is labelled as Reason (R).
Assertion (A) : Time period of oscillation of a liquid drop depends on surf ace tension (S), if density of the
liquid is  and radius of the drop is r , then T  K is dimensionally correct, where K is
S 3/2
Reason (R) : Using dimensional analysis we get R.H.S. having different dimension than that of time period.
In the light of above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below. [JEE (Main)-
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of  A
(2) Both  A and  R  are true but  R  is not the correct explanation of  A
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false
(4) (A) is false but  R  is true

(86.) An aluminium wire is stretched to make its length, 0.4% larger. The percentage change in resistance is:
(1) 0.4% (2) 0.2%
(3) 0.8% (4) 0.6%

(87.) The maximum error in the measurement of resistance, current and time for which current flows in an
electrical circuitare 1%, 2% and 3% respectively. The maximum percentage error in the detection of the
dissipated heat will be [JEE(Main)-2022]
(1) 2 (2) 4 (3) 6 (4) 8

(88.) Match List-I with List-II: [JEE (Main)-2021]

List-I List-II

(a) h (Planck's constant) (i)  MLT1 

(b) E (kinetic energy) (ii) ML2 T1 

(c) V (electric potential) (iii) ML2 T2 

(d) P (linear momentum) (iv) ML2 I1 T 3 

Choose the correct answer from the options given below :

(1) (a)  (i), (b)  (ii), (c)  (iv), (d)  (iii)
(2) (a)  (ii), (b)  (iii), (c)  (iv), (d)  (i)
(3) (a)  (iii), (b)  (ii), (c)  (iv), (d)  (i)
(4) (a)  (iii), (b)  (iv), (c)  (ii), (d)  (i)

(89.) Match List-I with List-II: [JEE (Main)-2021]

List-I List-II

(a) h (Planck's constant) (i)  MLT1 

(b) E (kinetic energy) (ii) ML2 T1 

(c) V (electric potential) (iii) ML2 T2 

(d) P (linear momentum) (iv) ML2 I1 T 3 

Choose the correct answer from the options given below :

(1) (a)  (i), (b)  (ii), (c)  (iv), (d)  (iii)
(2) (a)  (ii), (b)  (iii), (c)  (iv), (d)  (i)
(3) (a)  (iii), (b)  (ii), (c)  (iv), (d)  (i)
(4) (a)  (iii), (b)  (iv), (c)  (ii), (d)  (i)

(90.) Match List-I with List-II.

List-I List-II

A. I

B Torque II

C Stress III ML2 T1 

D Pressure gradient IV  ML1 T 2 

Choose the correct answer from the options given below: [31th January, 2023 Afternoon]
(1) A-I, B-IV, C-III, D-II
(2) A-III, B-I, C-IV, D-II
(3) A-II, B-III, C-IV, D-I
(4) A-IV, B-II, C-I, D-III

(91.) If . and represent resistance, inductive reactance and capacitive reactance. Then which of the
following is dimensionless: [31th January, 2023 Morning]
(1) RX L X C R
(3) (4) R

(92.) Match List I with List II.

List I List II

A Torque I. kgm 1 s 2

B Energy density II. kgms 1

C Pressure gradient III. kgm 2 s 2

D Impulse IV. kgm2 s 2

Choose the correct answer from the options given below : [30th January, 2023 Afternoon]
(1) A-IV, B-III, C-I, D-II
(2) A-I, B-IV, C-III, D-II
(3) A-IV, B-I, C-II, D-III
(4) A-IV, B-I, C-III, D-II

 Aˆ B ˆ
(93.) Electric field in a certain region is given by E   2 i  3 j  . The SI unit of A and B are : [30th
x y 
January, 2023 Morning]
(1) Nm3C1 ; Nm 2 C1
(2) Nm 2 C1 ; Nm3C1

(94.) The equation of a circle is given by , where is the radius. If the equation is modified to
change the origin other than , then find out the correct dimensions of and in a new equation:

The dimensions of is given as T 1  . [29th January, 2023 Afternoon]

(1) A  L1 T  , B  LT 1 

(2) A   LT , B  L1 T 1 

(3) A  L1 T 1  , B  LT 1 

(4) A  L1 T 1  , B   LT 

(95.) Match List I with List II :

List-I (Physical List-II
Quantity) (Dimensional Formula)

A gradient I

B Energy density II
C Electric Field III

D Latent heat IV

Choose the correct answer from the options given below: [29th January, 2023 Morning]
(1) A-III, B-II, C-I, D-IV
(2) A-II, B-III, C-IV, D-I
(3) A-III, B-II, C-IV, D-I
(4) A-II, B-III, C-I, D-IV

(96.) Match List I with List II

List List II

A. Young's Modulus (Y) I.

B. Co-efficient of Viscosity ( ) II.

C. Planck's Constant (h) III.

D. Work Function IV.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below: [25th January, 2023 Afternoon]
(1) A-II, B-III, C-IV, D-I
(2) A-III, B-I, C-II, D-IV
(3) A-I, B-III, C-IV, D-II
(4) A-I, B-II, C-III, D-IV

(97.) Match List I with List II


A. Planck's constant (h) I.

B. Stopping potential (Vs) II.  M1 L1 T 1 

C. Work function    III. M1 L2 T 1 

D. Momentum (p) IV.  M1 L2 T 3 A 1 

[24th January, 2023 Afternoon]

(1) A-III, B-I, C-II, D-IV
(2) A-III, B-IV, C-I, D-II
(3) A-II, B-IV, C-III, D-I
(4) A-I, B-III, C-IV, D-II

(98.) The speed of a wave produced in water is given by . Where and  are wavelength of
wave, acceleration due to gravity and density of water respectively. The values of a , b and c respectively, are
: [15th April, 2023 Morning]
1 1 (2) 1, 1, 0
(1) , 0,
2 2

(99.) In the equation is pressure, is volume, is universal gas constant ant is

temperature. The physical quantity equivalent to the ratio is : [13th April, 2023, Afternoon]

(1) Coefficient of viscosity

(2) Energy
(3) Impulse
(4) Pressure gradient

(100.) A body of mass is moving with a velocity of . Its kinetic energy will be [13th
April, 2023, Morning]
(1) (2)
(3) (4) 1000  0.14  J

(101.) Match List I with List II

List I List II

A. Spring constant I.

B. Angular speed II.

C. Angular momentum III.

D. Moment of Inertia IV.  ML 2

T 1 

Choose the correct answer from the options given below: [12th April, 2023 Morning]
(1) A-II, B-I, C-IV, D-III
(2) A-IV, B-I, C-III, D-II
(3) A-II, B-III, C-I, D-IV
(4) A-I, B-III, C-II, D-IV
(102.) If force (F), velocity (V) and time (T) are considered as fundamental physical quantity, then dimensional
formula of density will be: [11th April, 2023 Afternoon]
(1) FV 2 T 2 (2) FV 4 T 6
(3) FV 4 T 2 (4) F2 V 2 T 6

(103.) Given below are two statements :

Statements I : Astronomical unit (Au), Parsec (Pc) and Light year (ly) are units for measuring astronomical
Statements II : Au  Parsec (Pc)  ly
In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below :
[11th April, 2023, Morning]
(1) Both Statements I and Statements II are incorrect.
(2) Both Statements I and Statements II are correct.
(3) Statements I is incorrect but Statements II are correct.
(4) Statements I is correct but Statements II are incorrect.

(104.) In an experiment with vernier calipers of least count 0.1 mm , when two jaws are joined together the zero
of vernier scale lies right to the zero of the main scale and 6 th division of vernier scale coincides with the
main scale division. While measuring the diameter of a spherical bob, the zero of vernier scale lies in
between and marks, and division of vernier scale coincides with the main scale division.
The diameter of bob is measured as [10th April, 2023, Afternoon]
(1) (2)
(3) (4)

(105.) A physical quantity is given as

The percentage error in the measurement of a, b, c and are and respectively. The
percentage error in the measurement of quantity will be [Monday 10th April, 2023 (Morning)]
(1) 14% (2) 13%
(3) 16% (4)

(106.) Match List I with List II


A. Torque I. ML2 T 2

B. Stress II. ML2 T 2

C. Pressure gradient III.

D. Coefficient of viscosity IV

Choose the correct answer from the options given below: [08th April, 2023, Afternoon]
(1) A-III, B-IV, C-I, D-II
(2) A-II, B-I, C-IV, D-III
(3) A-IV, B-II, C-III, D-I
(4) A-II, B-IV, C-I, D-III

(107.) A cylindrical wire of mass has length and radius . The

maximum error in its density will be: [08th April, 2023, Morning]
(1) (2)
(3) (4)

(108.) Dimension of should be equal to [08th April, 2023, Morning]

(1) (2)
(3) L/T (4) L2 / T 2

(109.) Two resistances are given as and . The percentage error in the
measurement of equivalent resistance when they are connected in parallel is - [06th April, 2023, Morning]
(1) 2.33 (2) 4.33
(3) 5.33 (4) 6.33

(110.) If the velocity of light , universal gravitational constant and planck's constant are chosen as
fundamental quantities. The dimensions of mass in the new system is: [01st February, 2023, Afternoon]

(3) (4)

(111.) Match List I with List II

List - I List - II

A Surface tension I.

B Pressure II.

C Viscosity III.

D Impulse IV.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:[25 Jan 2023 (Morning)]
(1) A-IV, B-III, C- II, D- I
(2) A-IV, B-III, C-I, D-II
(3) A-III, B-IV, C-I, D-II
(4) A-II, B-I, C-III, D-IV
(112.) Match List-I with List-II: [JEE (Main)-2021]
List-I List-II

(a) h (Planck's constant) (i)

(b) (kinetic energy) (ii)

(c) (electric potential) (iii)

(d) (linear momentum) (iv)

Choose the correct answer from the options given below :

(1) (a) (i), (b) (ii), (c) (iv), (d) (iii)
(2) (a) (ii), (b) (iii), (c) (iv), (d) (i)
(3) (a) (iii), (b) (ii), (c) (iv), (d) (i)
(4) (a) (iii), (b) (iv), (c) (ii), (d) (i)
(113.) The density of a solid metal sphere is determined by measuring its mass and its diameter. The maximum
error in the density of the sphere is . If the relative errors in measuring the mass and the diameter

are and respectively, the value of is [JEE (Main)-2020]

, where V   50  2 V and I   20  0.2  A . The percentage error in R is '

(114.) The resistance R  ' .
The value of ' ' to the nearest integer is
[JEE (Main)-2021]

(115.) Suppose you have taken a dilute solution of oleic acid in such a way that its concentration becomes
0.01 cm 3 of oleic acid per cm 3 of the solution. Then you make a thin film of this solution (monomolecular

thickness) of area by considering 100 spherical drops of radius . Then the thickness

of oleic acid layer will be . Where is [JEE (Main)-2021]

(116.) The radius of a sphere is measured to be . Suppose the percentage error in its volume is
The value of , to the nearest , is [JEE (Main)-2021]

(117.) The acceleration due to gravity is found upto an accuracy of 4% on a planet. The energy supplied to a
simple pendulum of known mass ' ' to undertake oscillations of time period is being estimated. If time
period is measured to an accuracy of , the accuracy to which is known as . [JEE (Main)-2021]

(118.) For , where ' ' is a constant. If percentage error in measurement of ' ' and ' ' are
and , respectively, then the percentage error for ' ' will be . [JEE (Main)-2022]
(119.) A student in the laboratory measures thickness of a wire using screw gauge. The readings are 1.22
mm,1.23 mm,1.19 mm and 1.20 mm . The percentage error is % . The value of x is [JEE (Main)-2022]

(120.) In an experiment to find acceleration due to gravity (g) using simple pendulum, time period of is
measured from time of 100 oscillations with a watch of resolution. If measured value of length is 10 cm
known to 1 mm accuracy, the accuracy in the determination of g is found to be x% . The value of x is
[JEE (Main)-2022]

(121.) The length of a given cylindrical wire is increased to double of its original length. The percentage
increase in the resistance of the wire will be % .
[JEE (Main)-2022]
(1.) 4 (2.) 2
(3.) 2 (4.) 4
(5.) 2 (6.) 1
(7.) 2 (8.) 2
(9.) 4 (10.) 1
(11.) 2 (12.) 3
(13.) 1 (14.) 1
(15.) 3 (16.) 3
(17.) 2 (18.) 3
(19.) 1 (20.) 4
(21.) 1 (22.) 4
(23.) 2 (24.) 4
(25.) 4 (26.) 3
(27.) 1 (28.) 3
(29.) 3 (30.) 1
(31.) 3 (32.) 1
(33.) 2 (34.) 3
(35.) 2 (36.) 2
(37.) 2 (38.) 3
(39.) 3 (40.) 4
(41.) 4 (42.) 2
(43.) 3 (44.) 2
(45.) 2 (46.) 1
(47.) 1 (48.) 2
(49.) 2 (50.) 2
(51.) 4 (52.) 2
(53.) 2 (54.) 1
(55.) 4 (56.) 1
(57.) 4 (58.) 2
(59.) 3 (60.) 2
(61.) 1 (62.) 3
(63.) 3 (64.) 3
(65.) 4 (66.) 3
(67.) 4 (68.) 1
(69.) 3 (70.) 3
(71.) 3 (72.) 1
(73.) 1 (74.) 4
(75.) 3 (76.) 1
(77.) 3 (78.) 1
(79.) 1 (80.) 2
(81.) 4 (82.) 3
(83.) 4 (84.) 4
(85.) 4 (86.) 3
(87.) 4 (88.) 2
(89.) 2 (90.) 2
(91.) 2 (92.) 4
(93.) 2 (94.) 2
(95.) 3 (96.) 2
(97.) 2 (98.) 3
(99.) 2 (100.) 1
(101.) 1 (102.) 3
(103.) 4 (104.) 3
(105.) 2 (106.) 4
(107.) 1 (108.) 4
(109.) 2 (110.) 4
(111.) 2 (112.) 2
(113.) 1050 (114.) 5
(115.) 25 (116.) 34
(117.) 14 (118.) 18
(119.) 150 (120.) 5
(121.) 300
(1.) (D)
29 Div of M.S  30 Div of V.S
1 Div of V.S  Div of M.S
Least count Div of M.S -1 Div V.S

(2.) (B)

(3.) (B)
(4.) (D)
(5.) (B)
 0  8.85 1012 C2 N1 m2  0   L2 A 2 T 2  MLT 2   L3 A2 M1 T4  M1 L3 T 4 A2 

(6.) (A)
I   e1000 V/T  1 mA When


(7.) (B)
As measured value is , the least count must be
For vernier scale with and ,
Least count

(8.) (B)
Δl Δt 0.1 1
  100  2. 100   100  2  100
l t 20.0 90

(9.) (D)

Final answer is

(10.) (A)
Zero error division of circular scale 1 division of circular scale
Zero error
Zero correction  0.05 mm
Reading  0.5  25  0.01  0.05  0.80 mm
(11.) (B)
ΔT ΔD Δh 0.01 0.01 100 100
 100   100   100   100   100    0.8  0.689  1.489 1.5%
T D h 1.25 1.45 125 145
(12.) (C)
m d  dm dl
   3  1.5  3 1  4.5%
l 
m l
(13.) (A)
Zero error,


(14.) (A)
3a  2b  c  0  5a  c  0

(15.) (C)
128 kg 128 1000 128
 3
 3
 3  20  40
m  100  50 4
 
 25 
(16.) (C)
 D2h  ΔV 2ΔD Δh 2  0.1 0.1
V   34.2  (12.6) 2  4264.39 cm3       ΔV  80.157 Reducing the
4 4 V D h 12.6 34.2
answers to proper significant digit then we should write it as V  4260  80 cm 3
(17.) (B)
    M 2 LT 4
(18.) (C)
A  L1 T 2 F  M1 L1 T 2 Y    1,   2,   4
(19.) (A)

(20.) (D)
 p  MLT1      MT 
y z
Iy Sz   M x L2 x ML2T 1 2
 M x  y  z L2 x  2 yT  y  2 z x  y  z  1

 z  y  2 z  1  y  0  x   p   IS
1 1 1
2 x  y  1 x  y 
2 2 2
(21.) (A)
I l Δg ΔI 2ΔT  0.1 2 1 
T  2  g  4 2 2      100  6.8%
g T g I T  55 30 
(22.) (D)
10 d   dM dV 
  M /V   10, 000 kg / m3  
(0.1) 3
  M V 
d 0.1 0.03
  d   3100 kg / m3
10, 000 10 0.1
(23.) (B)
5.29  7  37.0 cm 2 Answer should be in 3 significant digits.
(24.) (D)
X Q2  A 2 T 2  F
X  5YZ 2 Y  X C   X  M1 L2 T 4 A2  Z  B  Z   MT 2 A1 
Z 2
E  ML T  2 2
 M 1 L2T 4 A2 
Y Y   M 3 L2T 8 A4 
2 1 2
 M A 
(25.) (D)
I  25.0 cm Time of 40 oscillation is 50sec
4 2l Δg Δl 2ΔT Δg  0.1   1   Δg 
g 2        2    100   4.4%
T g l T g  25.0   50   g 
(26.) (C)
3 mm
Pitch   0.5 mm
 L.C.  mm
 mm  103 cm
(27.) (A)
 Gm1m2
hc  F  r 2
 E   hc    ML2 T 2   L    ML3 T 2  c   LT 1   G    M 1 L3 T 2  
  G  Fr

 m1m2
 hc5 
   ML T   Energy
2 2
 G 
(28.) (C)
A1  B1  C1  280.6 A 2  B2  C2  280.7 A3  B3  C3  280.7 A4  B4  C4  281
(29.) (C)
 9
Least count of V.C  1   1 mm
 10 
 0.1 mm Zero error  7  0.1  0.7 mm Measured value   31  4  0.1 mm
 31.4 mm  Length of cylinder  31.4  0.7
 30.7 mm  3.07 cm
(30.) (A)
 Force 
[ Young's modulus ]  
 Area 
 [Young's modulus]  FA1
 [Young's modulus]  FA 1 V 0
(31.) (C)
Energy  Force  Distance
 [ Energy ]   A
 PT A 1/2

(32.) (A)
Least count  cm
 0.002 cm Thickness of object  Main scale Reading + Circular scale reading  least count
(33.) (B)
dQ KA  ΔT  ML2T 2  L
  K   MLT 3 K 1
dt x T L K

(34.) (C)
     
IFv 2 ML2  MLT 2  LT 1
x   x   ML1T 2   Energy density 
WL4 ML2T 2  L4 
(35.) (B)
Δz ΔA 2 Δb 1 Δc Δd 2 1
2   3  2  2   1.5   4  3  2.5  14.5%
z A 3 b 2 c d 3 2
(36.) (B)
0.5 mm
: L.C.   102 mm  105 m  10  m
(37.) (B)
d av  5.5375 mm Δd  0.07395 mm Measured data are up to two digits after decimal
 d   5.54  0.07  mm
(38.) (C)

 x2 
W   e 2  kT
   dimensionless
  kT 
    2 2
 M 1 T 2 and  2   ML2 T 2
ML2T 2
  2   1 2
 M 2 L2T 4      MLT 2
(39.) (C)
dg d 2dT dg 1 2  0.01 1.13
g  4 2 2     
T g T g 1000 1.95 100
(40.) (D)
T  2 2  2 g  2 2 m / s 2
g g
(41.) (D)
 
 
E  E 
 4 0 r
e2 
M0 L0 T0  
4 0 r hc
(42.) (B)
 x2 2
  kT  ML T
ML2 T 2
W   e
2 kT
    2    MT 2

 2
 
  ML2
T 2
 
 2

  2
    M0 LT 0
x 
(43.) (C)
1 1 1 dR dR dR
   2   21  22 From (a.) R  2Ω
R R1 R2 R R1 R2
dR 0.8 0.4 4.8
   dR   0.3
4 16 16 16
(44.) (B)
1 C U FL FL C F  L  I 3T 3
U  CV 2
 3  V    M2 L4 T7  3 
2 V V V 3
3 3

(45.) (B)
      5  ΔR
R  R1    ( )2 R2     100  100 56%
A  Vol.  V   V  4  R1 16
(46.) (A)
F/A mg  I ΔY  1 1 0.001 0.001 
Y   100     2   100  1.4%
Δ / /I  r  Δl

Y   1000 1000 0.2 0.5 
(47.) (A)
I I (2 ) 2 Δg ΔI ΔT 103 1
T  2 or g     2  x  2
100  2   100 x  1  2  % x  3%
g T 2
g I T 10 10 100
(48.) (B)
VA  Vd 2 Δ 2Δd ΔV ΔI Δ  0.01  0.1 0.01 0.1 Δ
V  I         2     0.039  3.9%
A I 4 I  d V I  5  5 2 10 
(49.) (B)
 Energy  ML2 T 2
  R      k    S        k     R    S  
 Temperature  k
(50.) (B)
 
I  M1 L2 T1  M  I  t  V  M   M1 L2 T 1  [T] L1 T 1    1       0 2    0   2   1
(51.) (D)
2 1
 AD  MLT  T
F  AcosBx  CsinDt     1
 ML2 T3 
 B  L
(52.) (B)
5 mm
Pitch   1 mm
Total division on circular scale
So least count 
1 mm
  0.02 mm  0.002 cm So A is not correct but R is correct.
(53.) (B)
(a) U 
I 2t 2 A2T 2
 C      M1 L2 T 4 A2  (b)  0   M1 L3 T4 A2 
U  ML T 
2 2

(c)  0    MLT 2 A2 

 ML2 T 2 
(d) W  qE  d  E 
 AT  L 
(54.) (A)
Δy 2Δm 4Δr xΔg 3 Δl 3
    18  2  1  4  0.5   4  px 8  px As per given option, option 1 is correct
y m r g 2 l 2
(55.) (D)
 P  ML2 T 2  ML2 T 1 
 M 5   M 1 L3 T 2    M0 L0 T0 
(56.) (A)
T  2
 Time lost in 1 day.
ΔT 1 Δl
 
T 2 I
1  Δl  1 0.1
Δt     t    86400  43.2 s
2 l  2 100
(57.) (D)
[Magnetic flux]  M1 L2 T 2 I1  ,
F MLT 2
 B     MT 2 A1      MLT 2 A2  [Magnetization]   M0 L1 A
(a)  (iii), (b)  (i), (c)  (iv), (d)  (ii)
(58.) (B)
2 r 2 I
I  r and T   
V V 
8  1 8  4.4  9.46  1015
 t  4T    4.5  1010 s
V 1 
8 1.5  1011  4  
3600 180
(59.) (C)
Permeability of free space is not a dimensionless quantity.
(60.) (B)
Unit of E 
Unit of H 
 Ω
(61.) (A)
Unit of Rh  m1
Unit of h  ET  kgm 2 s 1
Unit of B  kgm1 s2
Unit of   kgm 1 s 1
(62.) (C)
1 2
F  M 1LT   M 1 L3    F ]a  L]b [T ]c M 1L3   M 1LT
1 2
  L]b  T ]c  a  1, b  4, c  2   F 1L4T 2
(63.) (C)
Torque  ML2 T2 
Impulse  F  time
 MLT1 Tension  MLT2
Surface tension   MT 2
So, (c.) is correct option.
(64.) (C)
 Pa 4
Option (c.) is dimensionally incorrect as dimension of is L3 T 1 by Poiseuille formula.
8 I
(65.) (D)
Mass, M  V]a  T]b [F]c
a c
 M   LT 1  [T]b  MLT 2   c  1  a  c  0  a  c  1  a  b  2c  0  b  a  2c  1  2 1  1
M   FTV1 
(66.) (C)
MgL3 dY dM 3dL db 3dd d  1 3 1 0.003 1 1  6  5.0  15  4
Y           
4bd  Y
M L b d  2000 1000 400 0.4 500 2000
  0.0155
(67.) (D)
C  and, L  Q 
S    
 m  ΔT   m
 They have different dimensions
(68.) (A)
Velocity gradient 
 LT 1 
 Dimensions are  T 1 
 L
Decay constant  has dimensions of T 1  because
of the relation   N
 Velocity gradient and decay constant have same dimensions.
(69.) (C)
A2 B 3 ΔZ 2ΔA ΔB 4ΔC
Z 4
   3 
(70.) (C)
 kt   ML T 
2 2

           L   MLT2 
x  
(71.) (C)

U  Mi 2   M   2 
1 U  ML2 T2  ML2 T2 A2 
2 i  A2  

(72.) (A)
m m
   2  % error in
V r l
 0.006 0.005 0.04 
   2   100  4%
 0.6 0.5 4 
(73.) (A)
MLT 2
[pascal-second] ]  T
 ML1 T 1
(74.) (D)
L V
1 2 1
U Li  CV 2 So,  C   i 2  R is not the dimension of time.

2 2
(75.) (C)
 Force   Distance 
[ Pressure ][ Time ]    
 Area   Velocity 
 Force   Distance 
[Coefficient of viscosity]    
 Area   Velocity 
Statement ' A ' is true
But statement R is false because coefficient of viscosity

Area  Velocity gradient
(76.) (A)
 n 
 v 2   v2 
 m 2 v1 
 L  so 
 a   a2   a1 
 mn 

v2  n3  v1 
2 2
 3 or  L2   3  L1 
 a2  m  a1  m
v  So, T  n2 T
 
T   2  1
a m
(77.) (C)
From the equation

 a   PV 2  b  V   
  PV 
 b 
(78.) (A)
   ML1 T1  Now if     P]a  A]b [T ]c
a b
  ML1 T 1    ML1 T 1   L2  [ T]c  a  1, a  2b  1,  a  c  1  a  1, b  1, c  0
     P   A]1  T ]0   PA 1 T0 
(79.) (A)
Electric displacement D   0 E  
  D    0  E    M 1L3T 4 A2   M 1L1 A1T 3   D  L2 T1 A1   Surface charge density] 
    AT L2   D and   have same dimensions
(80.) (B)
   M1 L2 T2   

 5  5%  25%
(81.) (D)
 x   kt   Energy     Energy / Distance 
u sin       x   Distance     u    L2 
 Energy / Volume   
  kt       
(82.) (C)
 B2 
   [ Energy density ]
 0 
ML2 T 2
  ML1 T 2
(83.) (D)
g 2  100  2   4% Increase by 4%
R R g R
(84.) (D)
(85.) (D)
  r 3   ML   L 
3 3

 3/2     T  As the equation for first statement is wrong dimensionally.

2 3/2
 T 
  ML T  0

 A is false and R is true
(86.) (C)
When the wire is stretched, volume remains constant. If length is increased by 0.4% area will decrease by 0.4%
From R  
dR dl dA
100  100  100 %R  0.4  0.4  0.8%
R l A
(87.) D
H  i 2 Rt % error in H  2  2% 1%  3%
 8%
(88.) B

(ii), (iii), (iv), (i)

(89.) (b)

(ii), (iii), (iv), (i)

(91.) All three have same dimension therefore is dimensionless.

Option 2
(92.) A-IV, B-I, C-III, D-II

 t
(94.) (x  At)2   y    a 2
 B
 At   A   L
  A  T1 L1
is in meters

(95.) Pressure gradient

Electric field

Latent heat


Work function has same dimension as that of energy, so

(97.) (A) Planck'sconstant


E M 1 L2T 2
V  1 1
 M 1 L2T 3 A1  IV 
q AT
  work function   energy
 M1 L2 T 2
(D) Momentum (p) = F.t
 M1 L1 T 2 T1
(98.) (c)
By dimensional analysis,

On comparing respective powers,

(99.) b
and have same dimensions

and have same dimensions

(100.) a
Kinetic energy,

(101.) Spring Constant

 F MLT 2
K    MT 2
x L
   1
    T 1
t T
(102.) (c)
  Fx V y T z
x y
 ML3    MLT 2   LT 1  [T]z
1 x x 1
3  x  y y  4
0  2x  y  z z  2x  4  2  4  2
  FV 4 T 2 Ans: c
(103.) d
A.V., Par sec and light year are the unit of distance
Light year distance travelled by light in one year

parcec light year

A.V. light year
A.V. Parsec.
Statement I correct and statement II incorrect.
(104.) (c)
The zero error in verniel scale is (+ve zero error)
Note: +ve zero error will have to be subtracted
From the reading of the object.
Now, the diameter measured with the help of Vernier scale is
Given by M.S.D + V.S.D L.S

The actual diameter is zero error

(105.) b
dP  da db dc 1 d  d  
100   2  3     100
P  a b c 2 d 
 2 1  3  2  3   4
 2  6  3 2
 13%
(106.) d
 Torque   F.L
MLT 2  L  ML2 T 2
 Stress  
 ML1 T 2
 Pressure gradient    2
ΔL A  L
F  nA
  ML T 1

(107.) a
Cylindrical wire m   0.4  0.01 g
Density const.
Differentiating after taking log on both side

(108.) d
Dimension of

(109.) b
In parallel combination,

Now, for error calculation,

 13  13 26
dReq  36  0.5     18    0.26
 900  900 100
dReq 0.26 26
Now, 100  100   4.33
Req 6 6
(110.) Say dimensionalformale of mass is H x C y G z M1   ML2 T 1   LT 1  M 1 L3 T 2 
x Z

M1 L0 T 0  M x  z L2x  y 3z T  x  y 2z

on comparing both side
On solving above equations we get

(111.) (A)

(B) Pressure

(C) Viscosity


So A-(IV), B-(III), C-(I), D- (II)

(112.) (b)

(ii), (iii), (iv), (i)

(113.) Answer (1050.00)

(114.) Answer (5)

(115.) Answer (25)

4 1
Volume of oleic acid  100   r 3 
3 100
4 3
 r  A  t t  25 10 14 m x  25
(116.) Answer (34)
4 Δv ΔR 0.85
v   R3   100   3  100   3   100  34
3 v R 7.5
(117.) Answer (14)
1 1
E  mv 2  m 2 2 02
2 2
E  CT 2 g 2 %  2   4  3   14
(118.) Answer (18)
% error in z  3  4  12
 12  6  18%
(119.) Answer (150)
1.22  1.23  1.19  1.20
I mean   1.21
0.01  0.02  0.02  0.01
ΔI mean   0.015
ΔI mean 0.015
So %I  100  100
I mean 1.21
 % x  150
(120.) Answer (5)
I dg 2dT d
T  2 100  100   100
g g T
1 1
 2   100   100  5%
50 100
(121.) Answer (300)
Volume is constant so on length doubled
Area is halfed so
I 2I I
R   and R    4  4R
So percentage increase will be
4R  R
R%   100  300%

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