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The Importance of Communication

 Section 1
Present By: Khem Seyha

Hello Teacher and Hello Everyone. My name is Khem Seyha I’m from group A. Today I’m so happy
to stand here to do a short presentation about “The Importance of Communication” yes so please kindly
pay your best attention with me now.

What is communication?
Communication is the process of exchanging information, thoughts, ideas, or feelings between
individuals or groups through verbal or non-verbal mean. It involves a sender, a message, a medium of
transmission, and a receiver. Effective communication is essential for sharing knowledge, building
relationships, and ensuring understanding among people.

Why do we need to communication?

We need communication, because communication is very importance in every life. So, I will highlight
some of the key points of communication.
1.Sharing Information:
Communication allows us to share important information, knowledge, ideas, and updates with others.
For example, in academic settings, students communicate to exchange study materials and discuss concepts,
enhancing their learning process.

2.Building Relationships:
Effective communication is essential for building and maintaining relationships. By expressing
thoughts, feelings, and concerns, individuals can establish connections, trust, and mutual understanding
with others. For instance, in personal relationships, open communication helps resolve conflicts and
strengthen bonds.
Ok, please continue with Tola to explain the next point.

 Section 2
Present By: San Tola

3.Expressing Emotions:
Communication enables us to express emotions, whether positive or negative, and connect with others
on an emotional level. By sharing feelings, individuals can seek support, empathy, or celebration from those
around them, fostering emotional well-being and connection.

4. Achieving Goals:
Communication plays a vital role in setting and achieving goals, both individually and collaboratively.
By effectively communicating objectives, plans, and progress, individuals can coordinate actions, align
efforts, and work towards common objectives. In professional settings, clear communication among team
members is crucial for successful project completion.
Let, continue with Rathanak to explain the next point


 Section 3
Present By: Seng Rathanak

5. Resolving Conflicts:
Communication is key to resolving misunderstandings, disagreements, and conflicts that may arise
in various interactions. Through open and respectful communication, individuals can address issues, clarify
perspectives, and find solutions that are acceptable to all parties involved.

6. Facilitating Understanding:
Effective communication enhances understanding among individuals by ensuring that messages are
conveyed clearly and received accurately. By actively listening, asking questions, and providing feedback,
communicators can ensure that their intended message is understood correctly, promoting clarity and
reducing misinterpretations.

In summary, communication is essential for various aspects of human interaction, from sharing
information and building relationships to achieving goals and resolving conflicts. By engaging in effective
communication, individuals can connect with others, express themselves, collaborate successfully, and
navigate social interactions with clarity and understanding.

This is the end of our presentation I want to say thank you very much teacher and everyone who
listened carefully to our presentation.

The End!


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