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오픽 스크립트

100% IH 보장하는 스크립트

안녕하세요, 먼저 오픽시험에 대한 정보부터 알려드리겠습니다.
오픽이란 외국어 커뮤니케이션 측정시험으로 총 15문제를 통해 평가를 하는데요, 등급은 가장 낮
은 NH부터 가장 높은 AL까지로 구성되어 있습니다.
NH -> IL -> IM1 -> IM2 -> IM3 -> IH -> AL
대부분의 수험생들이 공기업 기준 토익 935점으로 환산해주는 IH를 목표로 공부를 하실 것이라
생각합니다. 요즈음에는 토익보다 실전 말하기를 평가하는 오픽을 더욱 대우해주는 기업이 많으
며 같은 환산 점수에서도 토익 900점보다 오픽 IH가 더 쉽고 빠르게 딸 수 있다고 장담합니다.
그럼 이제부터 IH를 어떻게 따야할지 알려드리겠습니다. 정말로 저만 믿고 따라가시기 바랍니다.
심혈을 기울여 만들었습니다.

우선, 오픽 시험은 15문제로 구성되어 있고, 1번은 자기소개이며 각 문제별로 콤보세트로 나누어
져 있습니다. 예를 들어, 1번 자기소개 -> 234번에 해변콤보 -> 567번에 국내여행콤보와 같이 3문
제가 연달아서 같은 주제로 출제됩니다. 2-3-4, 5-6-7, 8-9-10은 기본 세트이며 11-12-13은 롤플레
이 콤보입니다. 마지막 14-15는 두 문제로 구성되어 있으며 14번은 IM을 평가하는 문제, 15번은
AL을 측정하는 문제입니다.

앞선 2~10번까지의 세 콤보는 보통 첫질문이 묘사, 두번째질문은 루틴이나 비교, 마지막질문은

과거에 있었던 경험으로 출제되며 마지막질문이 가장 배점이 높습니다.
IH를 획득하기 위해서는 롤플레이가 가장 중요하며 11번은 질문을 하는 유형이고 12번은 문제에
대한 해결 능력을 평가하며 13번은 그와 관련한 과거 경험을 설명하는 것으로 질문을 할 수 있느
냐를 11번에서 측정하며 12번과 13번에서 IH의 유무가 갈린다고 보시면 됩니다.
마지막 15번에서는 이슈문제가 출제되며 IH가 목표라면 따로 공부를 하지 않고 스킵하셔도 무방
( 1.묘사 2 습관비교 3 과거 / 기억나는경험 ) X3
. .

*오픽 시험 출제 공식* 롤플레이 1 상황 2 문제발생 3 비슷한 경험

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오픽 시험은 자신이 미리 정한 12개의 서베이를 가지고 3콤보가 출제되며 돌발질문을 가지고 2

콤보가 출제됩니다. 출제 자리는 랜덤이며 어느 곳에서도 돌발이 등장할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어
“서베이-서베이-돌발-서베이-돌발”, “돌발-돌발-서베이-서베이-서베이”로 등장할 수 있습니다.

서베이는 취미와 운동, 여행 등과 같이 미리 정해진 곳에서 출제되며 반드시 완벽하게 암기하고

가셔야하고, 돌발은 제가 모든 기출을 통틀어 준비해두었으니 걱정하지 마십시요.
제가 스크립트로 보여드릴 서베이는 다음과 같습니다.(볼드체만 출제됨)
영화보기, 공연보기, 콘서트보기, 공원가기, 해변가기, 음악감상하기, 헬스, 걷기, 조깅, 운동을 하지
않음, 국내여행, 집에서 보내는 휴가.
시험을 보실 때 이렇게 서베이를 선택하시고, 시험은 굵은 색으로 보여드린 곳에서만 나옵니다.
공연과 콘서트, 걷기, 조깅은 골라도 출제되지 않습니다. (오픽의 신 강사님 말씀)

기출문제를 정말 힘들게 모았기 때문에, 스크립트와 별개로 기출문제만 전부 자신의 말로 내뱉는 연습+잘 안되
는 문제는 반복만 하셔도 충분하다고 생각합니다.
오픽 시험은 출제 공식이 있습니다.
가령, 영화보기의 경우 문제 세트 수가 1개인데, 이말은 각 서베이별 정해진 문제가 있기 때문에
서베이는 완벽하게 암기하고 가실 수 있다는 겁니다. (유튜브 오픽보물창고님 말씀)
문제 유형은 1번부터 10번 유형까지 있으며 제가 골라드린 서베이는 전부 문제 세트수가 1세트
이므로 적은 양으로 암기하고 가실 수 있습니다.
예를 들어, 영화보기의 경우 유형1번이 “어떤 영화 장르와 어떤 종류의 영화를 즐겨봅니까?” 이며
반드시 유형1번으로 고정입니다. 이 말이 잘 이해가 가시지 않을 것 같아 그림으로 설명해드리겠

그림에서 보시는 것처럼 총 5콤보로 구성되며

각 문항별로 나올 수 있는 유형이 정해져 있
그래서 예를 들어, 2번 문제에 국내여행문제
가 나왔다면 다음 문제는 국내여행의 유형 2
번이 나올 것이고 그 다음은 국내여행의 유형
3번이 나올 것이라는 예측을 할 수 있습니다.
(국내여행의 경우 유형1부터 10까지 문제가
하나씩 있습니다)
유형 6,7,8번의 경우 롤플레이에 해당하며 해
당 스크립트에는 롤플레이라고 적어두었습니
다. 따라서, 10번까지 문제를 푸신 후 다음 11
번부터는 롤플레이가 나오겠구나 생각하시면

그런데, 이렇게 유형1~10까지 딱 한세트만 존

재하는 서베이가 있고(영화, 집휴가, 음악감상
등등) 다른건 다 한세트지만 롤플레이만 두세
트인 경우(국내여행 등)가 있습니다.
또한, 거주지에 관련된 문제세트수가 가장 많
은데, 유형1~4번까지는 총 2세트이고 롤플레
이는 4세트가 존재합니다.

*서베이부분은 아래 스크립트에서 문항 번호가 유형을 나타냅니다. Ex) 3. 과거와 현재의 너의 음

악 취향차이를 설명하고 언제 음악을 듣게되었니? -> 이것은 3번 유형을 나타내는 것입니다.
이제 대략적으로 시험에 대한 감을 잡으셨을 거라 생각하고 시험에 관련된 팁을 말씀드립니다.

1. 절대 암기한 티를 내면 안된다.
오픽은 커뮤니케이션 능력을 측정하기 때문에 서베이 부분은 하나도 빠짐없이 완벽하게 암기해가
실수 있지만 가서 너무 딱딱하고 감정없이 같은속도로 말하시면 안됩니다. 우리도 말을할 때 강
조할 부분은 크고 느리게, 부연설명은 작고 빠르게 가며 가끔 피식 웃기도하고 슬픈 감정을 내기
도 합니다. 그러한 부분을 중시하세요.

2. 재생버튼 누르기 전에 문제 생각하기

말씀드린대로, 오픽은 각 문항별로 나올 수 있는 유형이 정해져 있습니다. 따라서, 5번 문제에 음
악감상 유형1번이 나왔다면 그 문항을 풀고 next를 누른 후 다음 문항을 듣기 전에 ‘다음은 음악
유형3번이 나오겠구나 그 문항은 과거현재 비교고 이러이러한 내용이었지’ 생각하며 문제를 들으
시면 매우 유용합니다.
돌발도 다르지 않습니다. 보통 2~10번까지는 콤보 첫번째 문제에 묘사가 나오고 두번째에 최근경
험이나 루틴 등이 나오며 마지막에 반드시 과거 기억나는 경험이 나옵니다. 따라서 첫번째 문제
에 모든걸 얘기하면 다음 문제에서 얘기할 거리가 사라지므로 첫번째에서는 간단히 대답하고 넘
기셔야 합니다.

3. 롤플레이가 가장 중요하다.
제가 여러 후기를 보고 시험을 보면서 느꼈던 가장 큰 것입니다. IH를 받기 위해서는 롤플레이 세
트가 가장 중요합니다. 롤플레이에서도 돌발이 나올 수 있는데 보통 11번에서는 어떤 상황을 가
정하고 질문3~4개를 하는 문제가 출제되고 12번에서는 문제가 발생하여 상황을 설명하고 대안을
제시하는 문제가 출제됩니다. 마지막 13번에서는 그와 관련된 본인 경험을 말하는 문제가 출제됩
니다. (12번, 13번이 배점이 많이 높다고 들었습니다)

4. 각 서베이 집단별로 하나가 출제되면 나머지는 출제되지 않는다.

서베이는 총 5개의 집단으로 구성됩니다.
1. 거주지 집단

2. 여가 집단 (영화, 공원, 해변)
3. 취미 집단 (음악)
4. 운동 집단 (조깅, 걷기, 헬스클럽)
5. 여행 집단 (국내여행, 집휴가)

이 중에서 3개의 집단이 무작위로 골라지며 그 집단 안에서도 각 서베이가 나올 확률은 동일합니

다. 예를 들어 무작위로 거주지 집단, 여가 집단, 여행 집단이 선택되었다면 오픽 시험 총 5콤보
중 랜덤으로 저 세 집단이 배치되며 예를 들어 여가 집단이 3번째 콤보에 배치되었을 경우, 그 3
번째 콤보에서 ‘영화, 공원, 해변’ 중 하나가 출제됩니다.(공연, 콘서트는 골라도 출제X)
이말은 즉슨, 만약 여가 집단에 관련된 문제(공원가기 등)가 하나 출제되었다면 절대 영화, 해변
은 다른 문항에서 출제되지 않으므로 같은 내용 스크립트 돌려막기가 가능합니다.
아까 말씀 드렸듯이 공연, 콘서트, 조깅과 걷기, 운동을 전혀하지 않음은 골라도 출제되지 않습니
다. 그렇기 때문에 공부하시면 되는 내용은 거주지, 영화, 공원, 해변, 헬스, 음악감상, 국내여행,
집 휴가 이렇게 8집단에서 출제된다고 보시면 됩니다. (13개에서 무려 5개가 빠짐)

5. 만능 스크립트로 대비하라
오픽시험에는 각 콤보의 마지막 문제로 보통 경험이 출제됩니다. 예를 들어 여행하면서 특별한
경험, 해변가서 겪은 경험, 재활용하면서 겪은 경험 등이 출제되는데, 만능 스크립트 2~3개 정도
만들어 두어 돌발이 나왔을 경우에도 마음편하게 쓰시면 됩니다.
* 만능 스크립트 주제가 배탈이 나서 화장실이 급했던 경험이라면 그 스크립트 암기 후,
1) 해변 경험
“나 어디어디 해변 갔었는데 배탈이 나서 화장실이 급했었어”
2) 재활용하면서 겪은 경험
“재활용하다가 배탈나서 화장실 급했었어”
이런식으로 돌려막기가 가능합니다.

마지막으로, 오픽에서 답하실 때 너무 구구절절 안하셔도 됩니다. 제 경험상 문항당 1분정도면 충

분하며 할말이 없을 경우, 확실한 포인트 하나만 4~5문장 정도로 말씀하세요. 할말 없을 때
30~40초도 괜찮습니다.
그리고, 확실하게 암기했지만 문제를 들었을 경우 너무 어렵다는 식으로 둘러대다 Let me see...
아! 맞다 하면서 방금 생각난척 하셔야 합니다.
서베이 고르는 법 (반드시 이렇게 고르시고 난이도는 5-5를 고르시기 바랍니다)
➔ 난이도를 처음 설정할 때 맨 밑에서 두번째를 고르시고 중간 변경때 그대로 누르기.

그럼, 이제부터 스크립트 보여드리겠습니다.

서베이 부분은 완벽하게 외우시고 돌발은 스토리만 그려가시면 됩니다.
1. 혼자 사는 집 묘사
I live in a 3 bedroom apartment, and it is on the second floor of a 10 story apartment building. The
first thing you see when you step into my house is the entrance area. Ah! I love to buy shoes, so
there are so many shoes there.
Anyway, on the left, there is my room, and a living room is also to the left, On the right is a kitchin.
My number one area is my bedroom and there are several reasons why I like it.
To start with, my bedroom is only for me and I can do everything I want there. What’s more, my
room has a fantastic river view. so I can enjoy night view too. That’s why I love my house!

2. 집에서의 주중, 주말활동을 묘사하세요.

Let me think, During the week, I enjoy cooking dinner for myself. So I try to go home as soon as
After dinner, I usually watch TV shows or movies. These days, I spend a lot of time watching Netflix.
Or I sit on a small sofa checking social media from my smartphone.
I'm free on weekends. So, I normally catch up with housework like vaccuming, taking out the
garbage and so on.

3. 집에 문제가 생겼던 경험 몇 가지.

Problem... let me think. What should I talk about?
Ah! My upstairs is so noisy that I can't sleep these days. One time, I went up and tried to talk. But
the words didn't work. It turned out that the kids run every day. I guess they don't even sleep at
Another problem is that my room is too cold these days. There must be a problem with the boiler.
I've been meaning to have the boiler checked. But these days I’m so busy that I can’t even sleep
Speaking of which, I should have the boiler checked tomorrow.

4. 집 문제 한 가지를 상세하게 설명하세요.

Last year, my room window was broken. Can you believe it?
Recalling my memory, I was cooking in the kitchin, and suddenly I heard the sound of something
breaking. OMG, my room window was broken. I totally freaked out.
It turned out that the kids who were playing outside threw a baseball into the window. they came
and apologized to me right away. But the repair cost was quite high, Fortunately their parents paid
for it.
On the following day, I called the repairman, so, I got my window fixed well. It's an unforgettable
When you have a problem with others, I think it's important how wisely you solve it. At that time, I
was touched that the children came to apologize right away.
1. 가장 많은 시간을 보내는 방 묘사
As soon as you step into my house, you can see my room on the left.
There is a bed opposite the entrance. On the left, there is my desk, and closet is also to the left. On
the right is my sofa, Oh! my air conditioner is there too! A few months ago, I bought an air
conditioner. You know what? It's so hot in summer in Korea. This makes me survive in the summer.
Anyway, my bedroom is only for me and I can do everything I want there. What’s more, my room
has a fantastic river view. so I can enjoy night view too. That’s why I love my room!

2. 집에서의 허드렛일을 묘사하세요.

I'm so busy during the week that I can't even sleep. So I catch up with housework on weekends.
First of all, as soon as I wake up, I open the window for some good air . And I vacuum. And then I
take out the garbage.
Also, I have to cook every meal and wash the dishes after that.
Speaking like this, I think I'm busy on weekends too.

3. 과거와 현재의 집 비교
Up until 3 years ago, I lived in a huge house, and It was the place where I grew up.
Back then, I lived in 4-bedroom apartment in a quiet suburb.
Even though the house was so huge, it was a little bit old. and there was a park nearby, we used to
go jogging every weekends.
In contrast, my current home is a very small. and, there are not window I can open, so I have to go
outside to get some fresh air. However, there are several reasons why I like my current home.
First and foremost, it is close to subway station. and there are many restaurants and of course bars.
You have no idea how much I like beer. Anyway, I love my house!

4. 이사왔을 때의 집과 이후 변화된 내용을 설명하세요.

When I first moved into my current house, it was literally dirty. There was a lot of dust, and the
wallpaper was torn off. The house was a dirty and smelly. So I thought a lot about whether to buy it
or not. But It didn't cost that much. That’s why I bought it.
Before moving, I had my house cleaned and replaced the old wallpaper with a new one.
After moving, I thought I needed some furnitures, so I bought some furniture like, sofa, smart TV,
table and so on. And I like coffee, so I made a place to drink coffee like you know home cafe. It
finally looked like a home.
As the house became clean, I felt like I was really resting at home. I’m pretty happy with my home.

1. 당신 가족 중 누군가 휴가를 가기로 했는데, 그 분이 집에서 해야할 일을 당신이 돕기로 했습니다. 당신 친척
에게 연락해서 도움을 주기 위해 필요한 정보를 요청하는 질문 3~4가지를 하세요.
Hi, I’m calling you to ask something about plants and dog.
First of all, how often should I water the plants? And which do I have to keep in the shade? Can you
leave a note?
And the dog...why don’t I take care of your dog at my home during your vacation? I think it’ll be
Ah I almost forgot. How often should I walk him?
That’s all. Please answer my questions.
2. 친척집에 도착했더니 문이 잠겨있고, 있기로 한 장소에 열쇠가 없어서 들어갈 수 없습니다. 친척이 머물고 있
는 곳에 전화를 걸어 메시지를 남기는데 상황을 설명하고 문제를 해결하기 위한 2~3가지 방법을 제안하세요.
Hi, it’s me. I have a problem. Where did you put the keys? You told me that you’re going to put the
keys under the door. What’s going on?
Well. Listen. I have some ideas.
I’ll call the locksmith, and I’ll have him open the door. I’ll pay him and you pay me when you’re back,
If you mind, just send your keys to me by the express delivery service. It won’t take long.
Or, I can break one of your windows and get in. There’s no choice if you really want me to do
That is all I can think of. Get back to me as soon as possible. Your dog is alone at home. You can't
leave him alone for a long time.

3. 가족이나 친지를 도와줄 수 없었던 경험과 어떻게 해결했는지 말해주세요.

Well... I have a interesting story to tell you.
I’ve got a friend who can’t make a decision alone. He always needs somebody’s help to buy
One day, we were supposed to go shopping together to buy his clothes. But something came up
and I couldn’t make it there. At that time, I had a family thing.
So, I came up with an idea quickly. I told him to make a video call and show me the clothes he liked.
So, he called me and I told him which one was good for him.

1. 당신은 지금 새로운 집을 구하고 있습니다. 부동산에 연락해서 누구인지 밝히고 그들이 보유한 정보와 서비스
에 대해서 3~4가지 질문을 해보세요. (작은 집 취급?, 렌트있음?, 언제볼수있음?)
Hi, I’m looking for a house with a bedroom, a living dining kitchen and a bathroom. Can I ask you
First of all, I was wondering if you deal with small houses too. I don’t need a big house since I’m
living alone.
And do you have a house to rent? I don’t think I can afford to buy a house because I’m broke.
Lastly, when can I take a look at the house? I’m usually free during the weekends. So I want to take
a look on weekends.
That's all my questions.

2. 새로운 집에 도착해보니 창문 하나가 깨져있네요. 동네 수리점에 연락해서 왜 깨졌다고 생각하는지, 현재 상

태가 어떤지 말을하고 오늘 반드시 수리가 되어야하는 이유를 말해보세요.
Hi. I’m calling to ask you something.
The balcony window is broken. It was alright yesterday.
I think It’s because of winds. There were very strong wind yesterday. I heard a loud noise while I
was sleeping.
Umm... There’s a huge crack in the window. It seems like it's going to break soon. I’m so worried.
The window must be repaired today. Because I need some fresh air. You know that there’s no
window I can open in my house. And what if I break while sleeping?
And there might be a typhoon. I want to survive.
Can you help me? Call me back when you get this message.
3. 집에서 무엇인가 부서지거나 문제가 생긴 것을 발견하고 걱정이 되었던 적이 있나요? 당신이 발견한 것이 무
엇이고 어떻게 부서졌으며, 문제 해결을 위해 어떤 과정을 거쳤나요?
Last year, my room window was broken. Can you believe it? Recalling my memory, I was cooking in
the kitchen, and suddenly I heard the sound of something breaking. OMG, The window in my room
was broken. I totally freaked out.
It turned out that the kids who were playing outside threw a baseball into the window. they came
and apologized to me right away.
But the repair cost was quite high, of course their parents paid for it instead of me.
On the following day, I called the repairman, you know I got my window fixed good well.
You know, it's a hard thing to go through in my life. Who would have thought the window would
break? It's an unforgettable experience.
When you have a problem with others, I think it's important how wisely you solve it. At that time, I
was touched that the children came and apologize to me right away.

1. 집 안에 있는 창문에 문제가 생겨서 곤란한 상황입니다. 유리에 금이 갔고 제대로 닫히지도 않네요. 창문을
수리하는 곳에 연락해서 문제해결을 위해 3~4가지 질문을 하세요.
Hi. I’m calling to ask you something.
The balcony window is broken. It was alright yesterday.
Umm... There’s a huge crack in the window. It seems like it's going to be broken soon. I’m so
Anyway, Can you come over now and take a look please?
And, I have some question. When will you be able to come? And how much will it cost? I need to get
the money ready before you’come.
I need you to come and fix it right away.

2. 안타깝게도 창문을 수리하는 사람이 다음 주 이후에나 창문을 고칠 수 있다네요. 수리점 직원에게 연락해서
지금 당장 창문수리가 필요한 이유 몇 가지를 설명하세요.
I think It’s because of winds. There were very strong wind yesterday. I heard a loud noise while I
was sleeping.
Umm... There’s a huge crack in the window. It seems like it's going to break soon. I’m so worried.
The window must be repaired today. Because I need some fresh air. You know that there’s no
window I can open in my house.
And there might be a typhoon. I want to survive. And this looks really dangerous. What if it breaks
while sleeping?
Can you help me? Call me back when you get this message.

3. 집에 있는 무언가를 고쳤거나 당신 집으로 물건 배달을 시켰는데 제 때 받지 못했던 적이 있나요? 원인은 무

엇이고 어떻게 대처를 했나요? 구체적으로 설명해주세요.
I've experienced something similar to the question that just came up. It’s suprising.
Last year, my room window was broken. Can you believe it? Recalling my memory, I was cooking in
the kitchin, and suddenly I heard the sound of something breaking. OMG, The window in my room
was broken. I totally freaked out.
It turned out that the kids who were playing outside threw a baseball into the window. they came
and apologized to me right now.
But the repair cost was quite high, of course their parents paid for it instead of me.
On the following day, I called the repairman, you know I got my window fixed good well.
You know, it's a hard thing to go through in my life. Who would have thought the window would
break? It's an unforgettable experience.

1. 집에 필요한 새로운 가전제품을 구입하기로 했습니다. 너가 상점에 있다 생각하고 직원에게 가전제품에 대한
질문 몇 가지를 해보세요.
Hi. Can I ask you something? I want to buy TV.
First of all, can I watch Youtube on it? I mean, is there Youtube app on it. I want to watch Youtube
on a large screen.
And, how much is it? Can I use this coupon?
Ah! do you offer a free delivery service? if so, I’ll take it!

2. 집에 가전제품을 가지고 왔는데 문제가 있네요. 상점에 전화를 걸어 문제를 해결하세요.

Hi, I got TV this morning, but there are some problems with it.
First of all, it has no Internet access. How can I watch Youtube without Internet?
And there are scratches on the screen. Are you sure it is new one?
Please exchange it with a new one. I want to watch YouTube from today.
If you can’t, can I get a refund? So that I can buy another brand's today.

3. 방금 연기를 했던 상황과 비슷한 경험을 한 적이 있나요? 구입한 물건에 문제가 생겼던 경험에 대해 말해보
Rather than home appliances, I bought an iPad and there was a problem.
I've been wanting to have an iPad. As soon as I got it, I was so happy.
At first, there was no problem. I downloaded several apps, used Apple Pencil, and enjoyed it.
But the next day, I found a small scratch on the screen. I was sad. I could've just used it. But it's my
first iPad in my life, and I wanted a new one without scratches. So I applied for an exchange.
I bought it from Coupang. They were very kind. They exchange it right away without asking.
Anyway, I'm so happy to have an iPad.
영화 관람
1. 좋아하는 영화 장르 / 어떤 종류의 영화를 즐겨보니?
I like all kinds of movies, but romance is my favorite. You know romance movies are full of emotions.
I don't have a lot of emotional expressions, because I take after my father. but whenever I watch
romance movies, It makes me feel emotional.
As you know, most romance movies have happy endings, so when I get stressed, I try to watch
romance movies.
Of course, I tend to watch movies that I watched several times.
I watched About Time yesterday.

2. 영화 보러 갈 때 루틴
Whenever I go to the movies, my routine is very simple.
I go to the movies once a week with my friend, Edgar.
First we read reviews and decide what to see. We get tickets online and go to the movies.
Before movie, we buy popcorn and beer. And turn off our smartphones and enjoy the movie.
After movie, we go to the café and talk about synopsis and acting.

3. 최근 관람한 영화를 떠올리고 영화 전후로 했던 일 들

I can't go to the movie theater because of COVID-19. So I'll tell you about the movie I watched on
Netflix at home.
I recently watched Interstellar. Have you seen it? It's been a while since it first came out.
Actually, I've already watched it before, but I couldn't understand it then. Plus, I wasn't interested in
But recently, I became interested in astronomy. So I thought I should watch "Interstellar" all of a
But I couldn't fully understand while watching it. So, I watched it while reading the interpretation.
After the movie, I was so impressed.
Anyway, it's the best movie ever.

4. 좋아하는 영화배우에 대한 최근 뉴스나 이슈

Since I’m a movie-goer, there are a lot of actors that I like. Umm, I’d have to say that my favorite is
He has brown eyes, brown hair, and good dazzling smile. He is a little short, but we cannot notice
that on screean.
He has starred in many kinds of movies, such as 미션 임파서블 ,제리 맥과이어 and so on.
I think he is a perfect actor.
As for the issue, I don't know what to say.
By the way, I recently saw an article saying that he saved a cameraman while filming. Isn't that
He could have been in danger.
1. 친구와 함께 영화를 보려고 하는데 영화관에 연락해서 구입하고 싶은 티켓 정보 얻기위해 3~4개 질문을해라
Hello, I'm calling to ask you something about the movie. Can I ask?
We want to see Wicked. Where can I get the information about show times? We haven't decided
what time to see it yet.
And can I use this coupon? I want to get a 10% discount.
Lastly! Can I pay with my credit card?

2. 영화관 갔더니 매표소 실수로 잘못된 티켓이 나옴. 직원에게 상황설명하고 문제해결 2~3개 대안.
Hi. I'd like to ask you something. There's a problem with the ticket.
I made a reservation for the Avengers, but you gave me another ticket.
Avengers will start soon. What should I do?
I've been wanting to see this, but it's too late to change the time. I have a schedule. so, I'll just
watch this, so give me a small reward.
If you can't, can I get a refund? I think I should see next time.

3. 예약을 했거나 티켓 구매했는데 뭔가 잘못된적 있니? 언제, 어디서, 누구랑 발생했고 어떻게 해결했는지 설명
That's an interesting question. But I've never had a similar experience. I'll tell you something else.
I really like sports. Among them, I like short track speed skating the most.
So I wanted to go watch the 2020 World Championships two years ago. Because it was held in
Korea. Then, I made a reservation ticket. So I was very happy.
But you know that suddenly COVID-19 broke out. So It was canceled.
You don't know how hard I tried to get a good seat. I was so angry. I'd been looking forward to it for
a long time.
But there was nothing I could do.
1. 가장 좋아하는 공원을 묘사해보세요.
I like Han river Park the most. Because it's close to my house. There are 12 Han river parks in Seoul,
and they have beautiful scenery. I recommend you to go there at night. Because they have a
fantastic night view.
There are also many facilities, such as swimming pools, sports facilities, and convenience stores.
And there are restaurants and cafes nearby, so you can visit with a light heart.

2. 당신이 공원에서 하는 활동들을 몇 가지 설명해보세요. 주로 무엇을 하나요?

I don't do anything special.
Han River Park is right in front of my house. There is no window I can open in my house. You know
how important it is to get some fresh air, right? So I have to go out to get some fresh air. To the
And enjoy the scenery, hang out with friends, ah! I enjoy drinking beer. It’s good to drink there

3. 최근 공원에 갔던 경험을 이야기해보세요. 어디를 갔고 누구랑 갔고 어떤 일들이 있었나요

I went to Han river park last week with Edgar.. We drank beer together, enjoying the night view.
We're both job seekers. So we talked about what we want to do in the future. I said that if I got a
job, I would spend money on travel. As you know, it's easy to get emotional at night. So I really liked
that time.
I think it’s a good way of bonding with my friends. It feels like the park makes me feel relax.

4. 공원에서 특별한 경험을 이야기해보세요. 언제 어디서 누구와 어떤일이 있었고 왜 인상깊은가요?

Experience? What should I talk about? I'm not sure if I can say this.
When I went to the park a few months ago.
I drank milk in the morning and left the house. It was okay at first. But I had a slight pain in my
stomache. I thought it would be okay. but it hurt more and more. Oh...I thought I got a stomachache.
I guess there was a problem with the milk.
But, suddenly I felt like you know taking a dump. So I was in a hurry to go to the bathroom.
But you know, I was outside. Of all things, there was no bathroom. Crap!!
So I walked uncomfortably and got into the cafe nearby.
I almost got in trouble. It's an unforgettable experience. It's terrible to think about it again.

1. 친구 한 명이 다음 주말에 같이 공원을 가자고 합니다. 세부내용을 알기 위해 3~4가지 질문을하세요.
It’s so nice! I want to go to the park too! Umm I have some questions.
First of all, What time should we meet? I have something to do in the morning. How about meeting
in the afternoon?
And, who else is coming? you want me to call other friends? The more the merrier.
Oh just one more qustion, Are we allowed to drink there? It’s good to drink.
can you answer the question?

2. 다음 주말에 가려고 했던 공원이 폐쇄된다는 것을 방금 알았습니다. 친구에게 연락해서 상황설명과 2~3가지

대안을 제시하세요.
hHi it’s me. I hate to say this. Do you remember we were supposed to go to the park next weekned?
It turned out that the park will be closed. What should we do? It's too bad, isn't it?
They said they were going to fix the exercise mashine. They said It will take about a month.
I’ve got some ideas. How about going to a different park? Jamsil Park must be famous these days.
Shall we go there?
Or do you want to meet at a restaurant? We can go to the park next time!
That’s all I can think of now. just give me a call and let me know.

3. 공원에서 특별한 경험을 이야기해보세요. 언제 어디서 누구와 어떤일이 있었고 왜 인상깊은가요?

Experience? What should I talk about? I'm not sure if I can say this
When I went to the park alone,
I drank milk in the morning and left the house. It was okay at first. But I had a slight pain in my
stomache. I thought it would be okay. It hurt more and more. Oh...I thought I got a stomachache. I
guess there was a problem with the milk.
But, suddenly I felt like you know taking a dump. So I was in a hurry to go to the bathroom.
But you know, I was outside. Of all things, there was no bathroom. Crap!!
So I walked uncomfortably and got into the cafe nearby.
I almost got in trouble. It's an unforgettable experience. It's terrible to think about it again.

1. 가장 좋아하는 공원을 묘사해보세요.

I like Han river Park the most. Because it's close to my house. There are 12 Han river parks in Seoul,
and they have beautiful scenery. I recommend you to go there at night. Because they have a
fantastic night view.
There are also many facilities, such as swimming pools, sports facilities, and convenience stores.
And there are restaurants and cafes nearby, so you can visit with a light heart.

2. 당신과 어린이들의 공원 루틴을 묘사해보세요. 어떤 준비를 하고 어디를 가는지, 그리고 어떤 활동을 하는지
자세하게 묘사해보세요.
I don't do anything special.
Han River Park is right in front of my house. There is no window I can open in my house. You know
how important it is to get some fresh air, right? So I have to go out to get some fresh air. To the
And enjoy the scenery, hang out with friends, ah! I enjoy drinking beer. It’s good to drink there.
Children...? I'm not interested in children. They probably run around and play in the park
It seems like they enjoy the sliding, and play tag.

3. 최근 공원에 갔던 경험을 이야기해보세요. 어디를 갔고 누구랑 갔고 어떤 일들이 있었나요

I went to Han river park last week with Edgar. We drank beer together, enjoying the night view.
We're both job seekers. So we talked about what we want to do in the future. I said that if I got a
job, I would spend money on travel. As you know, it's easy to get emotional at night. So I really liked
that time.
I think it’s a good way of bonding with my friends. It feels like the park makes me feel relax.

4. 공원에서 특별한 경험을 이야기해보세요. 언제 어디서 누구와 어떤일이 있었고 왜 인상깊은가요?

Experience? What should I talk about? I'm not sure if I can say this
When I went to the park alone,
I drank milk in the morning and left the house. It was okay at first. But I had a slight pain in my
stomache. I thought it would be okay. It hurt more and more. Oh...I thought I got a stomachache. I
guess there was a problem with the milk.
But, suddenly I felt like you know taking a dump. So I was in a hurry to go to the bathroom.
But you know, I was outside. Of all things, there was no bathroom. Crap!!
So I walked uncomfortably and got into the cafe nearby.
I almost got in trouble. It's an unforgettable experience. It's terrible to think about it again.

1. 친구 한 명이 같이 공원을 가자고 메시지를 남겼습니다. 연락해서 좀 더 많은 정보를 알아보세요.
It’s so nice! I want to go to the park too! Umm I have some questions.
First of all, What time should we meet? I have something to do in the morning. How about meeting
in the afternoon?
And, who else is coming? you want me to call other friends? The more the merrier.
Oh just one more qustion, Are we allowed to drink there? It’s good to drink.
can you answer the question?

2. 당신 친구가 한 시간 후에 데리러 오라고 하는데 그 시간에 당신은 일이 있습니다. 친구에게 연락해서 한 시

간 후에 데리러 갈 수 없는 상황설명과 문제해결을 위한 2~3가지 대안을 제시하세요
I don't want to say this, but I don't think I can make it in an hour. I want to pick you up, but I have
something to do.
How about taking public transportation? It won't take that long.
Or can you take a taxi? I'll pay for it.
Or I can pick you up in two hours.
This is all I can think of now. I’m so sorry again.

3. 공원에서의 경험.
Experience? What should I talk about? I'm not sure if you don't mind,
When I went to the park alone,
I drank milk in the morning and left the house. It was okay at first. But I had a slight pain in my
stomache. I thought it would be okay. It hurt more and more. Oh...I thought I got a stomachache. I
guess there was a problem with the milk.
But, suddenly I felt like you know taking a dump. So I was in a hurry to go to the bathroom.
But you know, I was outside. Of all things, there was no bathroom. Crap!!
So I walked uncomfortably and got into the cafe nearby.
I almost got in trouble. It's an unforgettable experience. It's terrible to think about it again.
1. 가장 좋아하는 해변이 어디에 있니? 어떻게 생겼고 어디에 있는지 묘사해줘
I like Seoul beach the most. Because it's close to my house. and it has beautiful scenery. I
recommend you to go there at night. Because it has a fantastic night view.
There are also many facilities, such as swimming pools, sports facilities, and convenience stores.
And there are restaurants and cafes nearby, so you can visit with a light heart.

2. 해변에 갔을 때 주로 뭐하니? 루틴을 이야기해봐

I don't do anything special.
Seoul beach is right in front of my house. There is no window I can open in my house. You know
how important it is to get some fresh air, right? So I have to go outside to get some fresh air. To
the park.
And enjoy the scenery, hang out with friends, ah! I enjoy drinking beer. It’s good to drink there

3. 최근 해변 갔던 경험을 설명해봐. 어떤 해변을 갔고 뭘 했으며 누구랑 갔는지 그리고 어떤 일들이 있었는지

I went to Seoul beach last week with Edgar.. We drank beer together, enjoying the night view.
We're both job seekers. So we talked about what we want to do in the future. I said that if I got a
job, I would spend money on travel. As you know, it's easy to get emotional at night. So I really liked
that time.
I think it’s a good way of bonding with my friends. I think the beach makes me relax.

4. 해변에서 경험 한가지를 설명해줘. 웃기거나 예상치 못한 일들을 얘기해봐. 언제, 어디서 누구와 갔고 무엇을
했는지, 왜 그 일이 인상적이었는지 설명해봐
Experience? What should I talk about? I'm not sure if you don't mind,
When I went on a trip to the beach abroad.
I drank milk in the morning and left the house. It was okay at first. But I had a slight pain in my
stomache. I thought it would be okay. It hurt more and more. Oh...I thought I got a stomachache. I
guess there was a problem with the milk.
But, suddenly I felt like you know taking a dump. So I was in a hurry to go to the bathroom.
But you know, I was outside. Of all things, there was no bathroom. Crap!!
So I walked uncomfortably and got into the cafe nearby.
I almost got in trouble. It's an unforgettable experience. It's terrible to think about it again.

1. 당신이 이번 주말에 친구와 함께 해변에 가려고 합니다. 친구에게 연락해서 해변가는 계획에 대해 서너가지
질문을 해보세요.
It’s so nice! I want to go to the park too! Umm I have some questions.
First of all, What time should we meet? I have something to do in the morning. How about meeting
in the afternoon?
And, who else is coming? you want me to call other friends? The more the merrier.
Oh just one more qustion, Are we allowed to drink there? It’s good to drink.
can you answer the question?
2. 이번 주말에 해변을 갈 계획이었는데 날씨가 좋지 않을 것이라는 것을 알게 되었다. 친구에게 연락을 해서 날
씨 예보에 대한 설명을 하고문제 해결을 위한 2~3가지 대안을 제시하세요.
Hi! Do you remember we were supposed to go to the beach this weekend? I hate to say this. I heard
that the weather at the beach will be bad. It's too bad, isn't it?
I was thinking about just going if possible, but there might be a typhoon. I think it'll be very
dangerous. So I have some ideas.
Let's go to another beach! I heard that the weather on the west coast will be nice.
Or how about going to a restaurant? There is a new Indian restaurant in front of my house.
What do you think? Do you have any better idea?

3. 해변에서 인상적인 경험이 있었니? 날씨가 안좋았다거나 일이 생겨서 안좋았거나 등 어떤 일이 벌어졌고 결

과는 어땠는지 자세히 말해줘.
Experience? What should I talk about? I'm not sure if you don't mind,
When I went on a trip to the beach abroad.
I drank milk in the morning and left the house. It was okay at first. But I had a slight pain in my
stomache. I thought it would be okay. but It hurt more and more. Oh...I thought I got a stomachache.
I guess there was a problem with the milk.
But, suddenly I felt like you know taking a dump. So I was in a hurry to go to the bathroom.
But you know, I was outside. Of all things, there was no bathroom. Crap!!
So I walked uncomfortably and got into the cafe nearby.
I almost got in trouble. It's an unforgettable experience. It's terrible to think about it again.
음악 감상하기
1. 즐겨 듣는 음악 종류를 묘사해봐. 좋아하는 음악가를 말해봐
I listen to K-pop the most. among K-pop artists, I'm a big fan of BLACKPINK, the most famous
female band in Korea.
They do a variety of music such as pop music, hip-hop and so on.
Oh !!! They have a huge YouTube view. almost like 1.7 billian views. Isn't that amazing?
They also collaborated with various singers. Like Lady Gaga, Selenagamez and so on.

2. 주로 언제 어디서 음악을 듣니? 음악감상을 하는 다양한 방법을 묘사하세요.

I often listen to music when I take public transportation.
In Korea, the Internet works on the subway. So everyone is wearing earphones on the subway.
Anyway, I listen to music on YouTube, Ah! exactly YouTube music.. Do you know Music Station on
youtube music? It recommends music to me. So I don't have to look for good music. It's a really
good system.
And there are a lot of videos on YouTube. I like the fact that I can enjoy live music.

3. 처음 음악에 관심 갖게된 시기가 언제고 그때는 무슨 음악을 좋아했고 지금까지 음악에 대한 관심이 어떻게
변했니? 비교해봐
My parents really like music. Whenever I got in the car, they played music. I think that's why I got
used to music.
When I was young, I liked animation theme songs. For example, Pokemonster, Digimon and so on.
But now I like pop music, of course I like K-pop. There are various genres of K-pop, and among
them, I like dance music, such as BLACKPINK and BTS, they are good at singing and dancing.
Anyway, I think I like all kinds of music.

4. 라이브 음악에 대한 특별히 인상적인 경험이 있니? 경험을 묘사해봐 언제 어디서 누구랑 누구의 음악을 듣고
무슨 일이 벌어졌으며 특별히 인상적이었던 이유는 뭐니
I went to BLACKPINK's concert with Edgar 3 years ago. It was held in Jamsil, Seoul. When I saw
them in person, they were so beautiful.
they sang so well. Dancing was awesome. Rapping was so ~~~~ fantastic.
The reason why I thought this concert was impressive, you know It's because I went as soon as I
was discharged from the army. I was so happy because you know we couldn’t see women in the
At that time BLACKPINK was not that famous worldwide. So it was easy to get tickets, but now it's
really hard. I should've gone a lot then.

1. mp3 플레이어 구입하려고 하는데, 친구 한명이 지식이 풍부에 연락해서 구입에 필요한 정보를 3~4개 물어

I'm at the mart. I'm going to buy a MP3. You know a lot about MP3, so I'm calling to ask.
I don't know what to buy here.
what brand do you have? Is it light enough to use when working out? How long does the battery
last? Is it cheaper if I buy it online?
This is all I can think of. Can you answer me?
2. 친구에게 mp3 플레이어 빌렸는데 망가뜨렸어. 연락해서 어떻게 망가졌고 현재 상태는 어떤지 설명하고 친구
에게 작동이 되는 mp3 플레이어를 마련해 주기 위한 2~3가지 방법을 제안하세요.
Hi, it's me. I hate to say this. I'm terribly sorry. Do you remember that I borrowed the MP3 player
from you last time?
I dropped it when I was about to get off the bus. It must’ve been broken. What should I do?
Do you want me to have it repaired? If they can't fix this, Do you want me to buy you a new one?
If there is a better idea, please let me know. I'm sorry again.

3. 어떤 장비가 망가졌거나 제대로 작동을 하지 않았던 경험을 얘기해봐. 상황과 관련된 배경설명을 하고 무슨
일이 벌어졌니? 그리고 그 상황을 어떻게 해결했니?
A few months ago, my iPhone XS was broken. Technically, it’s flooded . ha...... I get angry when I
think about it again.
I always listen to music when I take a shower. One day, I checked my smart phone after taking a
shower. But the camera lens got blurry and the face ID didn't work.
I didn't know my iPhone would be this much just because I listened to music in the shower.
I was going to have it fixed, But the repair cost was more expensive than I thought. So, I thought I
might as well get a new one.
So I bought the iPhone 13 Pro, and I'm really satisfied.
You should be careful too. You know smartphones are expensive!
1. 당신이 가는 체육관이나 헬스 클럽이 어떻게 생겼는지 구체적으로 말해보세요. 위치는 어디고 어떻게 생겼고
고객에게 무엇을 제공하나요?
There is a gym in my apartment complex. I mean, it's really close to my house. You know how
important it is to be close, right?
Even though it is a little small, it has everything I need. Like free weights, cycles, treadmills and so
They don't provide sportswear, but we can take a shower after exercising. If you don't shower, it's
uncomfortable. So I think it’s very good system.
When it comes to cost, It costs about 10 dollars a month. It's very cheap.

2. 헬스장에서 규칙적으로 하는 것들에 대해 루틴을 말해보세요.

When I arrive at the gym, I prove with my membership card that I am a member.
And then, I go to the locker room. and wear sportswear.
Umm... I do weight training first.
Because if you do the treadmill first, you may get injured when you do weight training.
When it comes to weight training, I do deadlift, squat, and bench press. It's like a full body workout.
After that, run on the treadmill for about 20 minutes.
I take a shower after exercising. This is my routine.

3. 헬스에 관심을 갖게 된 계기는 무엇인가요?

At first, I wasn't interested. I used to spend my free time as a couch potato with beer.
However, three years ago, while cleaning the closet, I found a shirt. That was my favorite!
But it didn’t fit me. I was shocked!!! I never thought of myself as overweight.
So from then on, I decided to lose weight. And I heard is the best way to lose weight.
That’s why I started working out and It has become a my habit.

4. 헬스 클럽에서 생긴 인상적인 경험을 설명해보세요.

I have a really dizzying experience.
A few months ago, one day, I was bench-pressing. But for some reason, I gained confidence and
added more weight than usual.
It was okay at first, but my arms started to get tired/
So I tilted the barbell to the side so that I could survive.
But it was so hard. So, I yelled for help.
Fortunately, someone came and saved me. I almost got in trouble. But, it's embarrassing to think
about it again. I should’ve been more careful.

1. 당신은 최근에 동네에 새로 생긴 헬스 클럽에서 운동을 하고 싶어요. 이 헬스 클럽에 대해 좀 더 알 수 있도
록 매니저에게 연락해서 3~4가지 질문을 해보세요.
I'm calling to ask you for information.
I'm interested in your gym. Can I ask you a few questions?
First of all, do you have Cycles? I tend to use cycles rather than treadmills.
And, until when are you open? I like to exercise late at night.
Finally, can I take a shower after exercising?
2. 오늘 오후에 새로 생긴 헬스 클럽을 방문하기 위해 친구와 약속을 했는데 오늘 친구와 그곳에 같이 갈 수 없
다는 것을 알게 되었습니다. 상황을 설명하기 위해 음성 메시지를 남기고 약속일정을 다시 잡기 위해 3~4가지
질문을 하세요.
I really hate to say this. Sorry. You know we're supposed to go to the gym this weekend. But I don’t
think I can make it.
Do you remember Tim? We met at the last party. He suddenly called me that he was planning to
get married. When I got married, he came, too. So I think I got to go.
First of all, I have some ideas. Do you want to go with another friend? Or do you want to go next
Or, do you want to join him for his wedding? He knows you, so he'll like it.
That's all I can think of now. What do you think? Give me an answer as soon as you get this

3. 어떤 이유로든 친구와 했던 계획을 수정한 적이 있나요? 처음에는 어떤 것을 하려는 계획이었고 왜 변경하려

고 했나요? 상황을 설명하고 최종 결과는 어떻게 되었는지 말해보세요.
Last summer vacation, my friends and I decided to go to Jeju island. Just so you know, Halla
mountain is in the center of Jeju island. In other words, It the core of Jeju island
That’s why I wanted to go there. Of course, I knew it would take a lot of energe.
but if we don’t visit to the Halla mountain, what’s the point? we go all the way to Jeju island, It's
really meaningful.
But, when I suggested, no one answered No. So I took it as yes.
So, when we arrived in Jeju Island, I asked to go to Hallasan Mountain right away.
But, everyone said they didn't like it. That's where there was a little quarrel.
So we had no choice but to change our plans.
Honestly, I felt bad, but I didn't want to ruin the trip, so I tried to think positively.
As a result, it was a fun trip.
1. 당신이 여행을 즐기는 몇몇 장소와 그곳을 좋아하는 이유를 말해봐.
I think I go to Jeju island most often.
Jeju island is really big, so there are so many places to visit in Jeju island.
It has many beautiful beaches. Oh... they are really blue. You should go there, too.
And there is Hallasan Mountain in Jeju Island, it’s so beautiful. It's good to enjoy hiking.
I've been to Jeju Island a lot, but there are still many places I want to go.

2. 여행을 준비하는 몇 가지 절차들을 설명해봐.

When I plan a trip, I always follow certain process.
First of all, I decide where to go considering my butget and time. Sometimes I get
recommendations from friends to choose proper destinations.
After that, I start to find information about tourist attractions. I prefer to search online because I
can get useful informations from locals.
Lastly, I make a reservation accommodation. There are many options such as hostels, hotels and so
on. In the peak season, it might be hard to get a room or it would be very expensive, I tend to make
a reservation in advance.

3. 어렸을 때 당신이 갔던 여행들을 떠올려 보세요. 어디를 누구와 갔고 여행 중에 당신이 봤던 것들을 설명해주
When I was young, my family and I went to Busan.
There was so much traffic. Because It’s the weekend. Eventually, I fell asleep in the car. you know I
was only 8 years old.
When we arrived there, I remember eating wheat noodles first. It's just a kind of korean noodles.
And we went to Haeundae, the most famous beach in Busan. Haeundae is shallow, so it's good to
The next day, the most memorable thing was riding a submarine. I saw fishes in the sea. It was
really interesting. But honestly, I was a little scared. You know the glass could break, right?
Anyway, it was an unforgettable trip.

4. 여러 다른 장소로의 여행은 흥미롭거나 웃기거나 놀라운 경험이 있지. 상당히 인상적이었던 여행 하나를 설명
해봐. 언제 어디서 누구랑 갔는지 왜 인상적이었는지 이유를 말해줘.
Last summer vacation, my friends and I decided to go to Jeju island. Just so you know, Halla
mountain is in the center of Jeju island. In other words, It the core of Jeju island
That’s why I wanted to go there. Of course, I knew it would take a lot of energe.
but if we don’t visit to the Halla mountain, what’s the point? we go all the way to Jeju island, It's
really meaningful.
But, when I suggested, no one answered No. So I took it as yes.
So, when we arrived in Jeju Island, I asked to go to Hallasan Mountain right away.
But, everyone said they didn't like it. That's where there was a little quarrel.
So we had no choice but to change our plans.
Honestly, I felt bad, but I didn't want to ruin the trip, so I tried to think positively.
As a result, it was a fun trip.
1. 너는 국내여행 가려고해. 여행사 직원에게 연락해서 필요한 정보를 얻기 위해 3~4개 질문해.
Hello. I'm calling to ask you something. I'm planning to go to Jeju Island this weekend. Can I ask you
a question?
First of all, what is the best way to get there? Airplane, ship and so on.
If I choose an airplane, how long do you think it will take?
And can I change my accommodation to a hotel? I want to sleep comfortably. I’m willing to pay
Lastly, How much is it in total?
That's all. Can you answer the question?

2. 환불이 안되는 비행기 티켓을 예약했어. 안타깝게 다음 주 여행을 갈 수 없게 만드는 일이 생겼어. 직원에게
전화해서 상황을 설명하고 문제 해결을 위해 2~3가지 대안을 제시하세요.
Hi. I’m calling to ask you something about the ticket that I made a reservation last week.
Actually, I have a important meeting that day. So I don't think I can make it.
Of course, I'm aware that it’s non-refundable. So, I have some suggestions.
First of all, Can someone else go instead of me?
Or, Can I get a partial refund? I think I'm telling you enough in advance.
That's all I can think of now. Please show mercy.

3. 휴가 계획을 세울 때 겪었던 어려움을 생각해봐. 일을 자세하게 말하고 문제 해결을 위해 무엇을 했는지 설명

Last summer vacation, my friends and I decided to go to Jeju island. Just so you know, Halla
mountain is in the center of Jeju island. In other words, It the core of Jeju island
That’s why I wanted to go there. Of course, I knew it would take a lot of energe.
but if we don’t visit to the Halla mountain, what’s the point? we go all the way to Jeju island, It's
really meaningful.
But, when I suggested, no one answered No. So I took it as yes.
So, when we arrived in Jeju Island, I asked to go to Hallasan Mountain right away.
But, everyone said they didn't like it. That's where there was a little quarrel.
So we had no choice but to change our plans.
Honestly, I felt bad, but I didn't want to ruin the trip, so I tried to think positively.
As a result, it was a fun trip.

1. 당신은 친구와 함께 여행을 계획 중입니다. 여행사에 연락해서 희망하는 여행의 종류에 대해 문의를 해보세요.
여행 계획 수립을 위해 당신이 뭘 해야하는지 3~4개 질문을 하세요.
Hello. I'm calling to ask you something. I'm planning to go to Jeju Island this weekend. Can I ask you
a question?
First of all, what is the best way to get there? Airplane, ship and so on.
If I choose an airplane, how long do you think it will take?
And can I change my accommodation to a hotel? I want to sleep comfortably. I’m willing to pay
Lastly, How much is it in total?
That's all. Can you answer the question?
2. 여행사에 의하면 당신이 희망하는 날짜에 여행이 불가능하다고 합니다. 친구에게 연락해서 상황을 설명하고
두세가지의 대안을 제시하는 음성메시지를 남기세요.
Hi, it's me. I hate to say this. Do you remember that we're going on a trip?
I just got a call from travel agency. They said we can’t go this weekend. It must've been sold out.
What should we do?
First of all, I have some ideas.
How about changing the date to next weekend? They said it'll be fine.
Or, why don't we change destination? I think Busan will be good!
That’s all I can think of now. What do you think?
Plz call me as soon as you get this.

3. 여행을 계획하던 중 겪은 어려움 하나를 떠올려 보세요. 어떤 상황인지 어떻게 해결했는지 말해보세요.
Last summer vacation, my friends and I decided to go to Jeju island. Just so you know, Halla
mountain is in the center of Jeju island. In other words, It the core of Jeju island
That’s why I wanted to go there. Of course, I knew it would take a lot of energe.
but if we don’t visit to the Halla mountain, what’s the point? we go all the way to Jeju island, It's
really meaningful.
But, when I suggested, no one answered No. So I took it as yes.
So, when we arrived in Jeju Island, I asked to go to Hallasan Mountain right away.
But, everyone said they didn't like it. That's where there was a little quarrel.
So we had no choice but to change our plans.
Honestly, I felt bad, but I didn't want to ruin the trip, so I tried to think positively.
As a result, it was a fun trip.
집에서 보내는 휴가
1. 휴가 때 만나서 함께 시간을 보내는 사람들을 묘사해보세요.
I like to spend my vacation at home alone, but if I meet someone, it will be Edgar.
He lives right next to me. I got to know him as we ran into each other in front of the elevator. It
turned out we are about the same age and have a lot in common. So we instantly boned!
I think we hang out together at least once a week. we both are movie-goers so we go to the movies
together. I think I feel blessed to have such a good neighbor.

2. 휴가 때 당신이 방문하거나 만나는 사람들과 즐겨하는 활동은 무엇인가요?

As I just told you, I like to spend my vacation at home. I usually spend my vacation with Edgar.
We both are movie-goers so we used to go to the movies together.
But these days, he comes over to my house and we watch movies on Netflix. You know because of
I'm used to this, so even going to the theater is annoying.

3. 최근에 집에서 휴가를 보냈을 때 했던 일들을 구체적으로 말해보세요. 하루의 시작부터 끝까지 무엇을 했고
그날 만났던 사람들을 모두 묘사해보세요.
Recently... let me think... I think it was probably last summer.
At that time, I got a first dose of COVID-19 vaccine. Have you gotten? I've never been scared of
getting a vaccine. But I found it little scary then. Because, I felt like that was made in a hurry.
Anyway, After getting vaccine, I got back home and watched YouTube. I remember watching a video
of a travel YouTuber, Now that I think about it, I must've wanted to be you know vicariously satisfied
because you know we couldn't travel because of COVID-19.

4. 휴가 중에 당신이 겪었던 예상치 못했거나 특별했거나 만족했던 경험은 무엇인가요? 그 경험에 대한 구체적
인 내용을 말해주세요. 왜 인상적이었고 누가 연루되었고 무슨 일이 있었나요?
Last summer vacation, my friends and I decided to go to Jeju island. Just so you know, Halla
mountain is in the center of Jeju island. In other words, It the core of Jeju island
That’s why I wanted to go there. Of course, I knew it would take a lot of energe.
but if we don’t visit to the Halla mountain, what’s the point? we go all the way to Jeju island, It's
really meaningful.
But, when I suggested, no one answered No. So I took it as yes.
So, when we arrived in Jeju Island, I asked to go to Hallasan Mountain right away.
But, everyone said they didn't like it. That's where there was a little quarrel.
So we had no choice but to change our plans.
Honestly, I felt bad, but I didn't want to ruin the trip, so I tried to think positively.
As a result, it was a fun trip.

1. 당신이 휴가 중인데 공연을 보러가고 싶습니다. 당신은 두 장의 티켓이 필요한데요, 매표소에 전화를 해서 티
켓 구매에 필요한 정보를 얻기 위해 몇 가지 질문을 해보세요.
Hello, I'm calling to ask you something about the concert. Can I ask?
We want to see Wicked. Where can I get the information about show times? We haven't decided
what time to see it yet.
And can I use this coupon? I want to get a 10% discount.
Lastly! Can I pay with my credit card?
2. 안타깝게도 공연 당일 당신이 아프네요. 친구에게 전화해서 상황을 설명하고 문제해결을 위한 두 가지 대안을
Hi, it's me, I hate to say this, but I don't think we can go to the performance together.
Actually, I have the chills. I think I caught the flu.. So I have some ideas.
First of all, do you mind if you go alone? I think I should get a refund. Or you can go with your friend.
I'll gladly give you my ticket.
Or let's just go together next time! I'm terribly sorry.

3. 당신이 티켓을 구매했는데 공연에 갈 수 없었던 이유가 있었나요? 언제였고 어떤 상황이었죠? 당신이 말할
수 있는 모든 것을 말해주세요. 그리고 어떻게 해결했는지도 말해주세요.
That's an interesting question. But I've never had a similar experience. I'll tell you something else.
I really like sports. Among them, I like short track speed skating the most.
So I wanted to go watch the 2020 World Championships two years ago. Because it was held in
Korea. Then, I made a reservation ticket. So I was very happy.
But you know that suddenly COVID-19 broke out. So It was canceled.
You don't know how hard I tried to get a good seat. I was so angry. I'd been looking forward to it for
a long time.
But there was nothing I could do.
돌발 질문 정리
돌발은 플러스 알파라고 생각하시면 됩니다. 서베이는 정말 100% 완벽하게 다 외우시고 돌발까지 서베이처럼
외우면 너무 외우는 양이 방대하여 딱 스토리를 5단계로 적어두었습니다.
만약 서베이에서 활용할 수 있는 내용이면 서베이를 최대한 활용하여 공부량을 줄이기 위해 비슷한 유형은 서
베이 스크립트를 그대로 가져다 놓았습니다
키워드를 중심으로 스토리를 떠올리는 연습을 하세요. 제가 적어드린 스토리는 예시이므로 본인이 직접 스토리
를 만드셔도 좋습니다. 예를 들어 명절 이야기가 나오면 아래 나오는 키워드처럼 설날 기다린 이야기를 대충
떠올리고 친구에게 이야기 하듯(문법 다 틀려도 좋음) 넘어가시면 되세요.
절대 양 채우려고 구구절절 금지입니다. 오히려 마이너스입니다.
서베이는 100% 그대로 나오고 돌발은 99% 나온다고 보시면 됩니다. 기출문제 모으려고 엄청나게 고생했습니
다. 이중에서 거의 나올겁니다. 그럼 돌발도 파이팅!

1. 집에 있는 가구를 묘사하고 어떤 스타일의 가구를 비치하며 어디서 주로 구매하고 뭘 좋아하나요?
●My house has a bed, a table, a chair, and a sofa.
●I like black furniture.
●Because I don't want them dirty.
●Also, I like simple style.
●Because if there is too much furniture, it looks crowed.

2. 당신은 일상에서 가구를 어떻게 사용하나요?

●I've never thought about it. Because I just use them.
●Well, I like the sofa the most.
●Because it is useful when watching TV or Netflix.
●Actually, I bought it to read a book,
●but I ended up touching my smartphone.

3. 어렸을 때 가구에 대해서 말해주세요. 현재 사용하는 가구와 어떻게 다른가요?

●I think furniture was expensive when I was young. But it's cheap now.
●I think it's because of IKEA.
●You know how competition is fierce these days!
●But the quality is not good.
●I have a few, but several have already been broken.

4. 가구에 문제가 있었던 경험을 설명하세요.

●It's not furniture, but the refrigerator was broken.
●I opened the refrigerator door to eat ice cream, but it broke down in the summer.
●I was very worried about the food.
●Because there is a high possibility that food will decompose in the summer.
●So, well, there wasn't anything I could do. I just called the repairman and fixed it.
1. 당신 나라의 명절 몇 가지를 이야기 해보세요. 언제 기념하고 각각 명절 목적은 무엇인가요? 자세하게 설명
●There are several! Chuseok, New Year's Day and so on.
●Chuseok is an anniversary of harvest. It's similar to Thanksgiving Day in America.
●On Chuseok, all the families get together and have a great time.
●On New Year's Day, we all celebrate the New Year. But I think it's changing.
●These days, people travel during the holidays. It's a lot different from before.

2. 특정한 명절을 정하고 그것과 관련된 사람이나 행사, 관습을 얘기하세요.

●There is an interesting custom in Korea on New Year's Day.
●When children bow to adults, adults give them pocket money.
●So I used to wait for New Year's Day every year. You know money is the best when we're young.
even now!
●And we eat rice cake soup in the morning on New Year's Day.
●This means we get a year older.

3. 명절과 관련된 어린 시절 인상적인 경험

●I liked New Year's Day the most.
●Just so you know, my mom didn’t allow me to stay up late.
●But, on New Year's Day, my mom didn’t have time to care about me. So I was able to play the
game all night.
●On New Year's Day, I used to play the game with my cousins, that’s the most memorable thing.
●Of course, I don’t play the game now. Even if my mom forces me to do it.

1. 당신 나라 재활용 시스템에 대해 얘기해보세요. 언제 주로 하고 어떤게 필요한가요?
●Korea's recycling system is well-equipped.
●Most Koreans live in apartments, so it is easy for them to recycle.
●I think we do it once a week.
●The garbage day depends on where you live.
●When you throw away regular garbage, you have to prepare a garbage bag.

2. 당신이 재활용을 할 때 어떤 절차로 하나요? 뭘 제일 먼저하고 그리고 뭘 하나요?

●Steps? Of it’s difficult. I never thought about it
●First of all, it's simple because I live in an apartment.
●I sort it out in advance at home so that I can throw it away easily. And I go the recycle’s place in
apartment and recycle!
●Ah the thing is, you’re supposed to reduce the volume by stepping on the can.
●I think recycling is important for the environment.

3. 재활용을 하면서 특별히 인상적인 경험을 한 적이 있나요?

(만능1 활용)
I had a really fun experience last year. I was recycling as usual. But suddenly someone called my
name. For a moment, I thought, "Who is it?" I saw his face, but I didn't recognize him. But it turned
out he was my elementary school friend. He must have had plastic surgery. That's why I didn't
recognize him. It's been a really long time since we last hung out, and he's changed a lot.
anyway, this crossed my mind suddenly

4. 어렸을 때 했던 재활용 방법을 묘사하세요.

●Oh my God... I don't know.
●I've never done it when I was a kid.
●My parents did that, not me.
●But I learned in school that recycling is important.
●So I'm recycling well now.

1. 당신 나라의 지형을 묘사해보세요. 산이 많아? 해안도 있어? 호수는? 지형과 풍경에 대해 묘사하세요.
●Korea is a peninsula. Korea has everything, mountains, beaches, lakes, rivers and so on.
●Especially, there are many mountains. Y
●ou will be able to see mountains wherever you go in Korea.
●This is the difference from other countries.
●And it is surrounded by the sea. It has three seas. It's like Italy.

2. 당신 나라 사람들은 어떤 종류의 야외활동들을 하나요? 야외에서 하는 것에 대해 자세한 정보를 알려주세요.

●There are a lot of mountains in korea. so, many koreans like to go hiking.
●Because there are mountains in front of their houses.
●Hiking is very helpful for our health. I think that’s why many people enjoy hiking.
●Whenever they go hiking, they make sure to prepare food.
●And, When they reach the top, they enjoy the food.

3. 당신 나라의 특별한 장소나 유명한 장소를 갔을 때 경험한 인상적인 것을 얘기해주세요.

(만능2 활용)
I went to a museum with my family when I was young and I hated it. I liked active activities. But you
know we're supposed to be quiet there. I got gas in my stomach.
My stomach was filled with gas. So I cut cheese in the restaurant, and I was hoping that no one
would find out.
I mean, it was silent, but deadly.
Suddenly, people said something smells weird.
That was so funny to me. But it's a relief that there's no sound.

4. 어렸을 때 가장 좋아했던 우리나라 장소는요?

(국내여행 3번)
Oh! I’D SAY Busan!
When I was young, my family and I went to Busan.
There was so much traffic. Because It’s the weekend. Eventually, I fell asleep in the car. you know I
was only 8 years old.
When we arrived there, I remember eating wheat noodles first. It's just a kind of korean noodles.
And we went to Haeundae, the most famous beach in Busan. Haeundae is shallow, so it's good to
The next day, the most memorable thing was riding a submarine. I saw fishes in the sea. It was
really interesting. But honestly, I was a little scared. You know the glass could break, right?
Anyway, it was an unforgettable trip.


1. 우리나라 사람들이 자유시간에 가는 장소를 묘사하세요.

●There are a lot of mountains in korea.
●so, many koreans enjoy hiking during their free time.
●At mountain, there are many trees. and there's a valley, too..
●So we can play there in the summer.
●And Korea is surrounded by the sea. So we don't have to go abroad to enjoy the sea.

2. 우리나라 사람들은 자유시간에 주로 무엇을 하나요? 연령대별로는 어떤가요?

●There are a lot of mountains in korea.
●so, many koreans like to go hiking. Because there are mountains in front of their houses.
●Hiking is very helpful for our health. I think that’s why many people enjoy hiking.
●Whenever they go hiking, they make sure to prepare food. And, When they reach the top, they
enjoy the food.
●Young people usually use smartphones. In their free time.

3. 최근 자유시간에 본인이 무엇을 했는지 자세히 말해주세요.

●I'm a movie goer. So I go to the movie theater often,
●but I haven't been able to go often recently because of Corona.
●I went to a convenience store recently and bought popcorn and beer.
●Then I came home and watched a movie on Netflix.
●Staying home is the best these days!

4. 본인 자유시간 과거 현재 비교
●Of course, more!
●You know I'm a jabsicker.
●I used to be a student. So I had a lot of homework and a lot to do.
●I'm unemployed right now.
●I want to get a job. Please help me!

1. 당신 나라의 모임이나 축하행사 몇 가지를 말해보세요. 사람들이 모이면 주로 무엇을 하나요?
●We have a huge birthday party called 환갑. It means the 60th birthday.
●All family members and reletives come over to celebrate. And we eat and drink together.
●And...there are office parties.
●After work, all the people in the office go somewhere and eat and drink together.
●But, in fact, many people just prefer to go home and take a rest.
2. 특별한 모임이나 축하행사 하나를 설명하고 준비를 위해 사람들은 무엇을 하나요? 음식이나 이벤트 등
●There is an interesting custom in Korea on New Year's Day.
●When children bow to adults, adults give them pocket money.
●So I used to wait for New Year's Day every year. You know money is the best when we're young.
even now!
●And we eat lice cake soup in the morning on New Year's Day.
●This means we get a year older.

3. 당신이 참여했던 최근 모임이나 축하행사 하나를 생각해보세요. 행사에서 있었던 일들과 당신이 한 일들을 말
●Last month, It was one of my friends' birthday. So we decided to get together in Gangnam.
●Just so you know, We don't do birthday gifts. Instead, we do birthday drink at the bar. It’s like
little torture, It doesn't mean anything bad.ㅋㅋㅋ
●First of all, Prepare a big cup. And the members take turns putting in what they want. It can be
soju, beer, or even sauce or food.
●And the birthday person should drink it.
●Don’t get me wrong, It's a kind of culture of young generation.

4. 모임이나 축하행사에서 있었던 특별히 인상적인 경험 하나를 설명.

(만능2 활용)
Oh, at my friend's birthday party, I was celebrating and drinking
My stomach was filled with gas. So I cut cheese in the bar, and I was hoping that no one would find
out. I mean, it was silent, but deadly.
Suddenly, people said something smells weird.
That was so funny to me. But it's a relief that there's no sound.

1. 당신 나라의 호텔에 대해서 어떻게 생겼고 어디에 있는지에 대해서 말해보세요.
●First of all, there are five-star hotels. They are extremely expensive and luxurious.
●It’s normally located in Seoul.
●But I’m totally broke. So I can’t afford it.
●That’s why I go to the motel often.
●Motels are cheeper than hotels. And they are all over the country.

2. 호텔에서 당신은 주로 무엇을 하나요? 어떤 활동들을 하고 얼마나 자주 호텔에 가나요?

●So I can't go to the hotel often.
●I go to the hotel once a year. It's Christmas! I always go with my girlfriend.
●We usually drink in the lounge. There are various foods in the lounge.
●Then we enjoy the spa. We go all the way to a hotel, we have to do a spa!
●It’s my routine!
3. 최근 호텔에 간 경험을 이야기해보세요. 구체적으로 어느 호텔에 갔고 왜 갔으며, 무엇을 했고 누구랑 갔는지
●Last Christmas, I went to Shilla Hotel with my girlfriend. It is the most famous hotel in our country.
●After we checked in, we went straight to the swimming pool.
●we ate steak for dinner. And, we went to the lounge to drink and got back our room.
●Before going to the bed, we enjoy the spa!.
●Even though it took a lot cost, It was an unforgettable experience.

1. 당신 나라 사람들이 주로 사용하는 기술 몇 가지에 대해서 말해보세요. 무엇을 사용하고 왜 사용하나요?
●People use a lot of different technologies in korea. because, there are many kinds of big-high
tech company. Like Samsung, LG and so on.
●First of all, we can pay for public transportation fee with our smartphone.
●When we take public transportations, all we need is just smartphone.
●And we can use the Internet anywhere. We can shop even when we walk on the street
●That's all I can think of.

2. 그럼 당신이 주로 사용하는 기술은요? 그게 일상과 관련된 어떤 활동에 도움이 되나요?

●I usually use technology related to smartphones. It is fintech.
●I don't need to go to the supermarket. Because I can shop online.
●In Korea, there is a company called Coupang. Whenever I need something, I buy everything there.
●It means that I don't have to go outside to buy something in the COVID-19 era.
●Thanks to this technology, I can survive the pandemic.

3. 특정 기술에 대한 기억을 말하고 지난 10년 동안 그 기술이 어떻게 변화?

●I'll talk about smartphones.
●When the smartphone first came out, it was very small. About 4 inches.
●At that time, the camera was on the smartphone. And I was able to do the internet. I found it
●But now it's a matter of course.
●Recently, there is a fingerprint reader and a face ID. Even there is a smartphone that can be
folded in half.

4. 가끔 기술이 제대로 작동하지 않아서 문제가 발생하지. 당신이 사용하는 기술이 제대로 작동하지 않았던 경험?
●My refrigerator was broken.
●I opened the refrigerator door to eat ice cream, but it broke down in the summer.
●I was very worried about the food.
●Because there is a high possibility that food will decompose in the summer.
●So, well, there wasn't anything I could do. I just called the repairman and fixed it.
1. 당신 전화기를 묘사해보세요. 어떤 종류고 왜 좋은가요? 주로 무엇을 하나요?
●I have an iPhone 13pro. It's Sierra Blue and I bought it last year.
●I usually watch YouTube. It's literally a YouTube machine.
●And I play mobile games often
●And I like shopping, so I don't have to go outside to shop. Because I can buy what I want with my
●I love smartphones.

2. 당신은 주로 누구와 통화를 하고 하루 중 어느 시간에 주로 통화를 하나요? 다른 것도 동시에 하나요?

●I talk to my girlfriend on the phone almost every day.
●She wants to call me every day. We usually talk on the phone before going to bed.
●Sometimes she wants me to sing, so I sing, too.
●We've been dating less than a month. You know It couldn't be better.
●I can't multi-task. I can focus on only one thing. So when I call, I just focus on the phone.

3. 전화통화가 당신에게 왜 중요한가요? 몇 살 때 처음으로 친구들과 전화로 의사소통 했나요? 전화로 통화를
시작한 시기와 관련해서 모든 것을 말해주세요.
●I think the first time I called was a friend.
●Of course, it was not my cell phone, but my mom's.
●I liked the fact that I could talk to my friends at home.
●And when I was 12, my mom bought me a cell phone. It was the most important thing for me.
●It was so cool because we could talk on the phone anywhere.

4. 당신의 스마트폰에 문제가 생겼던 경험을 말해주세요. 겪었던 문제를 포함한 상황과 어떻게 해결했나요?
(음악감상 롤플 3번 활용)
A few months ago, my iPhone XS was broken. Technically, it’s flooded . ha...... I get angry when I
think about it again.
I always listen to music when I take a shower. One day, I checked my smart phone after taking a
shower. But the camera lens got blurry and the face ID didn't work.
I didn't know my iPhone would be this much just because I listened to music in the shower.
I was going to have it fixed, But the repair cost was more expensive than I thought. So, I thought I
might as well get a new one.
So I bought the iPhone 13 Pro, and I'm really satisfied.
You should be careful too. You know smartphones are expensive!

5. 지금 전화기 기종을 선택한 이유를 설명하세요.

●I used to use the iPhone xs.
●But a few months ago it broke down.
●So I bought iPhone 13 Pro
●There's no particular reason.
●It's just pretty.
6. 스마트폰 너거 좋아하는 기능은 뭐니?
●I really like shopping.
●Shopping offline is good, but I like shopping online.
●It's so much fun to lie down on the bed and shop on the smartphone.
●Also, I like that I can watch YouTube on my smartphone.
●I think smartphones are a revolution!!!

7. 스마트폰으로 주로 뭐해?
●I like listening to music.
●I listen to music while taking a shower, taking public transportation, and exercising.
●In Korea, the internet explodes in the subway.
●So I can listen to music on the subway. And watch YouTube.
●I usually watch videos of travel YouTubers.

1. 사람들이 인터넷으로 하는 것들을 말해보세요. 주로 무엇을 하나요? 이메일, 메신저앱, 쇼핑, 인터넷뉴스
●First of all, it's an email.
●People use email for work. Email has a public feeling.
●For personal communication, use the messenger app.
●And people buy everything online. from water to furniture
●Oh There's news as well.

2. 인터넷 검색에 대한 당신의 경험을 말해보세요. 어떤 사이트를 좋아하고 얼마나 자주 방문하며 무슨 정보를
●It's NAVER!
●I visit Naver almost every day. I know Google is used the most in the world, but not in Korea.
●Naver is the biggest portal in Korea. It has a lot of services. Naver Pay, economy, news, games and
so on.
●I get a lot of information from there. I also got Opic information from there.
●Whenever I travel, I get information from there.I get a imformation there.

3. 어떻게 그리고 언제 인터넷 검색을 하겠다고 결심했나요? 처음 인터넷 검색했던 시기에 대해서 말해보세요.
처음에는 어떤 느낌이고 그 경험에 대해 당신이 기억하는 특이한 점은 무엇인가요?
●When I was young, I had a lot of homework. I found it hard to do it alone.
●So I searched on the internet without my dad knowing.
●I searched the title of the homework, and I got information about the homework.
●That was my first time I used the internet.
●It was amazing that there was all the information on the Internet.

4. 인터넷으로 검색을 하면서 완성해야 했던 프로젝트에 대한 이야기를 해주세요. 언제 어떤 일인지에 대한 배경

설명으로 시작해서, 그 프로젝트를 마무리하는데 인터넷이 어떤 도움을 주었는지 말해보세요.
●Last year, there were a lot of assignments.
●One of them was the survey of the travel industry, There was no data in Korea.
●So I searched in English. There was a lot of data.
●But I didn't have time to interpret. Tomorrow was the submission!
●So I used Google Translate. Practically it completed my project.
5. 본인이 인터넷에서 주로 보는 동영상을 묘사하세요.
●I usually watch YouTube on the Internet
●Recently, I watch videos of travel YouTubers.
●Because of Corona, we can't go on a trip
●I want vicarious satisfaction.
●I hope COVID-19 ends soon

6. 인터넷에서 기억에 남는 동영상을 묘사하세요.

●I often watch videos of a travel YouTuber.
●My number one is “빠니보틀”
●He is so~ positive, active.
●Recently, he went to Egypt and saw the Pyramid Sphinx.
●I really want to go to Egypt, too. So I think that's the most memorable thing.

7. 본인이 어제 인터넷으로 했던 일들을 묘사하세요.

●I shopped on the Internet yesterday.
●I overspent yesterday because I didn't have any clothes to wear.
●Even though I’m totally broke now, I am happy when I see clothes!
●And I listened to music and watched YouTube before I went to bed.
●These are the things I did on the Internet yesterday.

1. 당신 나라에 있는 주요 산업이나 회사에 대해 말해보세요. 어떤 산업이 있고 그런 산업에 사람들은 왜 관심이
●There are various industries in our country.
●First, there is the smartphone industry. You know Samsung Galaxy, right? Samsung is the largest
company in Korea.
●And there's the music industry. You know K-pop, right? K-pop is popular all over the world these
●There are world famous K-pop stars such as BTS and BLACKPINK.
●They can sing, dance, and even rap. So people seem to be interested.

2. 특정 산업에서 특별히 유명한 회사 한 군데를 알고 싶어요. 회사 이름은 무엇이고 어떻게 성공하게 되었나요?
●Let me tell you about the music industry.
●The most famous K-pop star in Korea is BTS.
●The company that made it is Big Hit.
●It was a very small company at first. but, it became a big company thanks to BTS's talent.
●Of course, BTS wasn't famous from the beginning. They used social media. It led to success.

3. 특정 산업이나 회사가 겪은 어려움에 대해 생각해보세요. 어떤 문제들이었고 회사 사람들이 그것을 극복하기

위해 어떻게 합심해서 일을 했나요? 그 회사가 수 년 동안 어떻게 변했는지 말해보세요.
만약 나온다면 스킵해도 무방함(오히려 잘 대답하는게 스크립트 외웠다고 생각하여 더 이상할수도 있음)
4. 요즘 젊은이들이 들어가고 싶어하는 기업은?
●I think it's Samsung.
●Have you heard of Samsung? It is the largest company in our country.
●You're actually getting a job to make money.
●Samsung gives a lot of salaries.
●That's why young people seem to like it.

5. 사람들이 자신의 커리어를 위해서 하는 노력들은 무엇인가?

●I don't know in detail.
●English is a must in Korea.
●Even to enter a small company, you need an English certificate
●That’s why I'm also taking the OPIC test now.
●I really want to get in IH!

6. 근로자들에게 매력적으로 다가오는 산업분야.

●I think it’s music industry.
●K-pop is popular all over the world these days. Have you heard of K-pop?
●For example, there's BLACKPINK BTS
●If we work in the music industry, we can see them in person.
●So I think it's very attractive.

7. 본인 커리어를 위해서 한 노력은 뭐니?

●It's English.
●I couldn't speak English. But as you know, English is essential to get a job.
●So I started studying English, and it has been about a year.
●If I get Opic IH, I'm sure I can get Job.
●Please help me!

1. 당신 나라 사람들이 매일 어떻게 이동하나요? 그들은 어떤 종류의 교통수단을 이용하나요?
●People use almost all kinds of transportation. Cars, subways, buses, taxis and so on.
●Korea has a small land.
●So the public transportation system is well equipped.
●If you have to go somewhere, you can go anywhere by public transportation.
●That's why tea isn't necessary.

2. 당신 살고 있는 지역에는 어떤 종류의 교통수단이 있나요? 당신은 평일과 주말에 주로 뭘 이용하나요?

●There are all types of transportation.
●I live in Seoul, and Seoul is well equipped with a public transportation system.
●So I don't need a car. To be exact, I can't afford a car.
●I use the subway the most, and in Korea, the Internet works on the subway. So I can watch
●On weekends, rent a rental car and go play.
3. 평상시와는 다른 형태의 교통수단을 이용했던 최근 경험을 말해보세요.
●Today! As I told you, I always use the subway, but today, On my way here, I took the subway as
●But the subway was suddenly delayed.
●You know, today is the OPIC test day, so I took a taxi because I thought I shouldn't be late.
●I’m totally broke now.
●Taxi is expensive but comfortable.

4. 교통수단과 관련해서 겪었던 어려움이나 문제들이 어떤 것이 있나요? 문제가 뭐고 그것이 당신의 하루에 어
떤 영향을 주었나요? 문제해결을 위해서 당신은 무엇을 했나요?
●Last summer, it was so hot that I couldn't wait outside for the bus.
●So I decided to take the subway.
●It was really comfortable and cool. I was satisfied with my wise choice.
●But the problem was the train didn't stop and I missed my stop. It took me another 40 minutes to
get home.
●It turned out to be an express train. I shouldn't have gotten on it.

5. 어렸을 때 사람들의 교통 수단을 묘사하세요.

●It's the same as now.
●People took buses and subways.
●Sometimes people took taxis, too. I think people rode taxis very often because they were
●And when people got financially affordable, they bought their own cars.
●I have nothing more to say in particular.

1. 가장 좋아하는 식당은 어디인가요? 어떤 점들이 좋나요? 어떤 음식을 파나요? 다른 곳 보다 왜 뛰어나나요?
●There is a famous Galbi restaurant in the city where I live. I really like it.
●There are many reasons why I like that restaurant.
●First, the meat tastes great. I think the owner has a secret recipe.
●And there are many side dishes, and they're free!
●So I can enjoy as much as I want.

2. 당신이 가장 좋아하는 식당에 가는 경험에 대해서 얘기해 보세요.

●I go to the Galbi restaurant with my family on the weekend.
●We go there in my dad's car. It takes less than 10 minutes.
●Galbi is really good. There are a lot of side dishes.
●Galbi is expensive. I don't have money. So my parents pay for it.
●I want to get a job as soon as possible and buy delicious food for my parents.
3. 식당에 가서 상당히 인상적이었던 경험 하나에 대해 말해보세요.
I went to an Indian restaurant with my friends last summer. That was really good.
(만능2 활용)
My stomach was filled with gas. So I cut cheese in the restaurant, and I was hoping that no one
would find out. I mean, it was silent, but deadly.
Suddenly, people said something smells weird.
That was so funny to me. But it's a relief that there's no sound.

4. 본인이 좋아하는 테이크 아웃/ 배달 음식점 묘사

Takeout? I don't know. Instead, I'll tell you about my favorite restaurant.
(식당/음식점 2번 활용)
●I go to the Galbi restaurant with my family on the weekend.
●We go there in my dad's car. It takes less than 10 minutes.
●Galbi is really good. There are a lot of side dishes.
●Galbi is expensive. I don't have money. So my parents pay for it.
●I want to get a job as soon as possible and buy delicious food for my parents.

5. 테이크 아웃/ 배달 음식점 최근 이용한 경험

●We went to that galbi restaurant on the weekend.
●We took my dad's car and it took about 10 minutes.
●Galbi was really good. There were a lot of side dishes, too.
●I don't have money, so my parents paid for it.
●I want to get a job quickly and buy delicious food for my parents.

6. 음식점을 통해 특별한 행사를 준비한 경험

●Last month, It was one of my friends' birthday. So we decided to get together in Gangnam.
●Just so you know, We don't do birthday gifts. Instead, we do birthday drink at the bar. It’s like
little torture, It doesn't mean anything bad.ㅋㅋㅋ
●First of all, Prepare a big cup. And the members take turns putting in what they want. It can be
soju, beer, or even sauce or food.
●And the birthday person should drink it.
●Don’t get me wrong, It's a ddkind of culture of young generation.

1. 당신 나라에서 먹는 전통 음식 몇 가지를 설명해보세요. 당신 나라에서 가장 인기있는 음식들은 무엇이고 당
신은 무엇을 좋아하나요? 이유는 무엇인가요?
●We eat almost everything. I mean, we enjoy meat, seafood, vegetables, and fruits.
●I'll say kimchi first. Kimchi is Korea's representative food. This is pickled vegetables with spicy
●And there's 된장찌개. This is a stew made of fermented soybean paste and vegetables.
●My favorite Korean food is kimchi. It's good for your health.
●I recently saw an article saying that kimchi is helpful for COVID-19.
2. 당신 나라 식사시간을 얘기해보세요. 하루 중 가장 중요한 식사는 무엇인가요? 식사 시간 동안 사람들은 어
떻게 역할 분담을 하나요? 식사 시간 전후에 벌어지는 특별한 관습이나 전통 혹은 일들이 있나요? 당신 나라의
식사시간에 대해 알려주세요.
●Dinner is the most important meal in Korea.
●Everyone is busy in the morning, so they don't eat properly. Lunch is light, too.
●In the evening, all family members can gather and eat. I don't think there's a role. But my mom
usually cooks.
●Because she's a good cook.
●After dinner, we eat fruits, just so you know Koreans eat fruits for dessert. Isn't it amazing?

3. 최근에 먹었던 인상에 남는 식사에 대해서 묘사해주세요. 누구와 함께였고 무엇을 먹었나요?
●Recently, I ate lobster with my girlfriend.
●We went to Jamsil. There is Lotte World in Jamsil, and we went to Lotte World. After that, we
went to a restaurant called Big Guys Crab.
●There we ordered lobster and enjoyed it, and you know how expensive lobster is.
●I didn't have money, but I just wanted to pay for it. She said she was the best lobster, too.
●Although the price was expensive, I had a good time.
4. 건강식의 종류와 건강에 좋은 이유를 설명하세요.
●I don't know much about healthy food.
●I think Korean food is good for your health.
●The representative healthy Korean food is kimchi.
●Kimchi is a fermented food made with cabbage and seasoning.
●I heard that Kimchi was selected as one of the world's top 10 foods, so I think Kimchi is a very
healthy food.
5. 건강식을 구매하는 방법이나 조리법을 설명하세요.
●Is there any special way?
●In the past, the Internet was not developed,
●So you had to go buy it myself.
●But now you can buy it online thanks to the Internet and smartphones.
●Oh I order kimchi online and eat it.

6. 건강식을 먹게된 계기를 설명하세요.

(헬스 3번 활용)
●I used to enjoy junk food. Pizza hamburger and so on.
●However, three years ago, while cleaning the closet, I found a shirt. That was my favorite!
●But it didn’t fit me. I was shocked!!! I never thought of myself as overweight.
●So from then on, I decided to lose weight. And I heard is the best way to lose weight.
●That’s why I started working out and It has become a my habit.
1. 건강한 사람이란 당신에게 어떤 의미인지 정의해보세요. 어떤 모습이고 그 사람은 무엇을 먹나요?
●Well, I’d say being healthy is not only about the body.
●A healthy person has a healthy body and a healthy mind at the same time.
●It's also important to eat good food.
●It seems like healthy person eat a balanced diet.
●And I think healthy person also take nutritional supplements.

2. 음식 이외에 건강을 유지하는데에 기여하는 또 다른 것들은 무엇인가요? 건강유지를 위해 사람들은 어떤 활

동과 운동을 하나요? 여가시간에 그들은 무엇을 하나요? 사람들이 건강을 어떻게 유지하는지 강조해보세요.
●Absolutely exercise!
●Exercise is essential for your health. It's good to have time to exercise, but you can exercise even
if you don't have time to.
●It's walking. You can choose to walk rather than drive. Taking public transportation is also helpful.
●I don't take the elevator. Instead, I use stairs.
●This is an exercise method that doesn't require any other time.

3. 당신이 아는 건강한 사람 한 명을 묘사해보세요. 누구였고 그를 어떻게 만났나요? 그리고 어떤게 가장 인상

●My grandfather is in his 80s and he's really healthy.
●My grandfather never drinks or smokes. Isn't that great?
●I can't live without alcohol. It makes me relax.
●Anyway he goes everywhere by bicycle. He also enjoys hiking.
●I think he's really healthy at that age.

4. 건강을 위해 음식 관련해서 했던 일이 있나요?

(헬스 3번 활용)
●I used to enjoy junk food. Pizza hamburger and so on.
●However, three years ago, while cleaning the closet, I found a shirt. That was my favorite!
●But it didn’t fit me. I was shocked!!! I never thought of myself as overweight.
●So from then on, I decided to lose weight. And I heard is the best way to lose weight.
●That’s why I started working out and It has become a my habit.

1. 당신 나라 은행에 대해서 말해주세요. 은행의 내부와 외부 구조물은 어떻게 생겼나요? 주로 은행들은 어디에
위치해 있나요? 영업시간은 어떻게 되나요? 당신은 얼마나 자주 은행에가고 은행 직원들은 어떤가요?
●Banks are everywhere in korea.
●You get out. Just walk for about five minutes, you find one.
●There is a hall with chairs in the bank. And we wait for the bank clerk to call us.
●They are very skilled and kind.
●I rarely go to the bank. Because I do mobile banking.
2. 은행에서는 주로 어떤 종류의 거래가 이루어지나요? 고객들이 직원들에게 무엇을 요구하나요? 은행직원들의
책임에는 어떤 것들이 있나요?
●At the bank, I can deposit money and take out loans.
●But that’s also possible through mobile banking.
●As I said before, I rarely go to the bank.
●But if I go to the bank, it will be because of the bathroom.
●Because there is a free restroom in the bank.

3. 최근 은행에서의 경험을 얘기해보세요. 어떤 은행에서 무슨 일을 했었고 은행직원들은 도움이 되었나요? 당

신이 은행에 간 목적을 달성했나요?
●Why are you doing this to me? I really don't go to the bank. I’m telling you.
●I don't even remember when it was the last time.
●Wouldn't I have used the bathroom? I think so.
●Sorry, there's nothing more to say.
●I can make a story out of lies, but, I don't want to do that.

1. 당신은 주로 어떤 종류의 약속 일정을 잡나요? 누구를 만나기 위한 약속이고, 이런 약속을 잡는 것이 어렵다
고 생각하나요? 그것은 의사, 선생님, 친구와의 약속 혹은 다른 사람을 만나러 가는 약속일 수도 있습니다.
●It's not easy to make an appointment.
●Hanging out with friends is a good example. everybody has to fit into it.
●It's not easy. Because we all have different schedules.
●It is not easy to visit your parents. They're busy, too..
●Of course, it's easy to go to the doctor. All I need is to make a reservation.

2. 약속을 할 때 어떤 절차를 밟고 어떤 것을 신경쓰나요?

●When making an appointment, it is most important that everyone is happy.
●Of course, that's the most difficult.
●I decide who to make an appointment with. And we decide the date and place. That’s it!
●Ah!!! I make sure to remind people one more time the day before appoinmtent.
●You know, People often cancel at the last minute.

3. 가장 최근에 했던 약속과 그에 대한 상황에 대해 말해주세요. 그 약속을 한 이유가 무엇이었나요? 그 약속에

왔던 사람들은 누구였고 약속의 최종 결과는 어땠나요? 당신이 기대한대로였나요?
●Recently, I ate lobster with my girlfriend.
●We went to Jamsil. There is Lotte World in Jamsil, and we went to Lotte World. After that, we
went to a restaurant called Big Guys Crab.
●There we ordered lobster and enjoyed it, and you know how expensive lobster is.
●I didn't have money, but I just wanted to pay for it. She said she was the best lobster, too.
●Although the price was expensive, I had a good time.
1. 당신 나라 날씨는 어떤가요? 계절별로 분명한 변화가 있나요? 여름에 날씨가 어떤지 묘사해보세요. 겨울은
어떤가요? 사계절 각각의 특이점을 얘기해주세요.
●There are four seasons in Korea. spring, summer, fall, and winter.
●Spring comes after a long winter. We can see flowers. That’s when people enjoy 체리블라썸
●In the summer, it rains cats and dogs in Korea. Many people enjoy playing in the water.
●In the fall, It starts in September. It is a beautiful season.
●Finally, Korea is very cold in winter. A lot of foreigners don't know.

2. 당신이 가장 좋아하는 계절을 말해보고 이 기간 동안 당신은 주로 무엇을 하는지 묘사해보세요. 당신 나라 사

람들은 여름에 주로 어떤 종류의 활동을 하고 겨울에는 무엇을 하나요?
●Absolutely fall!
●Fall is neither cold nor hot. This means it's perfect for a trip.
●I travel every fall. I went on a trip to Jeju Island last fall, too. The weather was so nice that the trip
was good.
●Umm... People go to the beach to play in the water in the summer. There is a water park in Korea,
and people go there, too.
●It is so cold in winter that people prefer to stay at home. Everyone becomes a couch potato.

3. 어떤 이유에서든 날씨와 관련해서 살면서 들었거나 아니면 직접 경험했던 기억에 남는 사건에 대해서 이야기
해보세요. 예를 들면 당신 사는 곳에 가뭄, 홍수에 대해서 이야기해보세요. 언제, 기억할 수 있는 것을 묘사하세
●Last winter, I was playing with my friend. We went to a cafe, and we had a good time.On my way
home, it suddenly started to snow.
●it snowed heavily. Weather forecast hadn't said anything about it.
●It snowed so much that all the cars had to stop.. It was at night, and I was completely stuck in the
●So I got off the bus and transferred to the subway.
●It was really terrible.

1. 당신 나라 사람들은 보통 어떤 종류의 옷을 입나요? 각기 다른 목적으로 다른 옷을 입나요?
●Koreans are interested in fashion.
●When they go to work, they usually wear suits.
●Except for companies or special cases, they wear casual clothes. T-shirts, jeans, jackets and so on.
●When they exercise, they wear sportswear.
●Umm... They wear different clothes depending on the situation.
2. 당신은 지금 어떤 옷을 입고 있나요? 당신은 주로 이런 옷을 입나요? 아니면 특별한 스타일을 따르나요? 어
떤 스타일의 의상을 제일 좋아하고 이유가 무엇인지 말해보세요.
●I'm wearing a long goose down now. Do you know Long Goose Down? It's literally a long bench
●It hasn't been long since this became a trend.
●But if you wear this, it's really warm. Korea is cold, so I can't survive without this.
●You might think it's weird. but you'll like it once you try it on.
●Oh, and I like black clothes. I think it suits me the best. And there's no risk that my clothes will get

3. 특별한 행사를 위해서 옷을 차려 입어야 했던 경험을 생각해보세요. 어떤 행사였고 무엇을 입었으며 왜 입었

나요? 그 옷을 입으라고 누가 의견을 주었나요? 느낌은 어땠나요?
●I went to my cousin's wedding a few months ago.
●Of course I was happy to attend. My cousin is very close to me.
●He's practically my friend. We grew up together.
●So I wore a formal suit. It was so hot, but I thought I had to wear it. I needed to look neat.
●Well, I was happy because of my cousin, but I wasn't happy wearing in the suits.

4. 평소 옷을 사러 갈 때 하는 일들
●Everyone has a smartphone these days, right?
●So I don't have to go outside to buy clothes.
●I like shopping on the Internet.
●So I lie down on the bed and search for the clothes I want to buy.
●And I buy it!

5. 과거 현재 패션의 비교
●In the past, there were few brand clothes.
●But these days, people wear brand clothes.
●I'm wearing a North Face goose down too.
●Also, I used to prefer skinny fit, but these days, I think I prefer loose fit.
●This is all I know...

6. 최근 옷을 사러간 경험
●I went to the department store to buy shoes a few days ago.
●I found something I liked, but there was no size.
●I was so disappointed.
●So I bought jeans. But when I tried it on the next day, it didn't fit.
●I was so upset.
돌발 롤플레이 정리
만약 서베이에서 롤플레이가 나오지 않는다면 돌발에서 나오게 되는데, 롤플레이를 망쳐버리면 IH에 큰 타격이
있으므로 반드시 롤플레이는 문제를 완벽 숙지하고 가시기 바랍니다.
문제는 거의 99%를 담았으므로 이 안에서 나온다고 생각하시면 되시고, 제가 적어드린 5단계 스토리는 참고용
이며 전부 스크립트를 외운다기보단, 문제를 보고 본인이 녹음기를 켜서 1분정도 이야기를 해보고 들어보고 피
드백하며 대답하기 곤란한 질문들을 모아서 연습하시면 되실 것 같습니다.
돌발 스크립트를 외울 시간에 서베이를 완벽하게 외우세요!

1. 새 아파트로 막 이사를 했다고 상상하고 건물 매니저에게 연락해 재활용에 대한 필요한 정보를 알아내기 위
해 3-4가지 질문하세요.
●Hi, I just moved in and let me ask you something about recycling
●First of all, where is the recycling area? I can't find it
●Also, do I have to prepare a garbage bag for general waste?
●Lastly, how can I throw away furniture?
●This is what I'm curious about. Can you answer me?

2. 파티를 한 후 당신은 주로 다음 날 재활용을 하는데, 같은 건물에 사는 다른 사람들이 이에 대해 불만을 제기

한대. 관리실에 연락해서 상황 설명 후 문제 해결을 위해 2-3가지 대안을 제시하세요.
●Hi, I hear people are complaining about my waste I leave.
●Here’s the thing, I normally throw away trash the next day after having a party.
●What have I done wrong?
●All right, I have a few suggestions. Why don't we have a garbage day once a week?
●Or, let me know what they are complaining about

2. 당신이 살고 있는 아파트 건물에 새로운 주민이 이사오고나서 그 분이 쓰레기 처리를 제대로 안하네요. 여러
주민들이 이에 대해 불편해 하니 새로 이사온 주민에게 전화를 해서 상황설명 후 해결 방법을 몇 가지 제시하라.
●Hi, I live next door. I need to tell you something.
●You can't throw away trash like this. The residents are complaining. So I have some suggestions.
●When you throw away regular garbage, prepare a garbage bag.
●And, when you throw away a can, you have to step on it to reduce the volume.
●Or you will get fined

3. 재활용에 어려움이 있었던 경험을 떠올려 보세요. 재활용 규정을 몰랐다든가 엉뚱한 장소에 쓰레기를 버렸다
든지, 경험에 대해 말하고 상황을 해결하기 위해 무엇을 했는지 쓰세요.
●I've never done that.
●But it's annoying to recycle.
●I know recycling is very important, but I once threw garbage on the street.
●I am regretting it.
●I will recycle well from now on!
1. 오랜 친구 하나가 파티참석을 요청했습니다. 친구에게 연락해서 행사에 대해 알아내기 위해 3-4가지 질문.
●Oh! Thank you for inviting me But there are a few questions.
●First of all, is there anything I have to prepare for the party? Food, alcohol and so on.
●And who else is coming? Do you want me to call the kids? The more, the better.
●Lastly, what time is the party?
●This is all my question. Please answer.

2. 당신은 파티 날 저녁에 이미 계획이 있네요. 친구와 이 상황에 대해 이야기 하고 당신이 함께 모일 수 있는

2-3가지 대안을 제시하세요.
●Hi, I hate to say this, but I don't think I can go to the party.
●I have an important meeting. I think the meeting will end too late.
●So, let me make a suggestion, Edgar, you know? You went to his wedding. He's going to take my
●If, after the meeting, I will go if I can.
●I'm so sorry!

3. 당신 친구나 가족과 함께 했던 인상적인 방문 한 가지를 말해보세요. 자주 만나지 못하는 지인을 만나는 여행

이거나 특별한 일 같은 특별한 방문 하나를 말해보세요. 언제 어디서 누가 있었으며 무슨 일이 있었나요?
(국내여행 3번 활용)
When I was young, my family and I went to Busan.
There was so much traffic. Because It’s the weekend. Eventually, I fell asleep in the car. you know I
was only 8 years old.
When we arrived there, I remember eating wheat noodles first. It's just a kind of korean noodles.
And we went to Haeundae, the most famous beach in Busan. Haeundae is shallow, so it's good to
The next day, the most memorable thing was riding a submarine. I saw fishes in the sea. It was
really interesting. But honestly, I was a little scared. You know the glass could break, right?
Anyway, it was an unforgettable trip.

1. 친구 휴일 파티 준비를 도와주기 위해서 전화로 질문을 하세요.
●Oh! Thank you for inviting me But there are a few questions.
●First of all, is there anything I have to prepare for the party? Food, alcohol and so on.
●Should I bring a salad? You know I’m a good cooker!
●And who else is coming? Do you want me to call the kids? The more, the better.
●This is all my question. Please answer.

2. 친구 파티를 도와줄 시간이 많지 않네요. 전화로 상황설명 후 대안을 제시하세요.

●Hi, I hate to say this, but I don't think I can go to the party.
●I have an important meeting. I think the meeting will end too late.
●So, let me make a suggestion, Edgar, you know? You went to his wedding. He's going to take my
●If, after the meeting, I will go if I can.
●I'm so sorry!
3. 파티나 행사에 불참했던 경험을 말하세요.
●When I was in high school, I had a birthday party for my friend.
●But all of a sudden, my grandmother got really sick.
●So I couldn't go to my friend's birthday party because I was taking my grandmother to the
●Fortunately, my grandmother became healthy.
●And I bought him dinner as an apology.

1. 친구 한 명이 당신이 한번도 가본적 없는 식당에서 저녁식사를 한다네요. 식당에 대해 3-4가지 질문을 메시
지로 남겨보세요.
●Oh! Thank you for inviting me But there are a few questions.
●First of all, can you tell me where the restaurant is?
●And, who else is coming? Should I call the kids? The more, the better.
●Lastly, do you have pasta there? I'm craving pasta.
●This is my question. Can you answer me?

2. 안타깝게도 길에서 생긴 사고 때문에 식당 도착이 늦어지고 있어요. 친구에게 연락해 늦어지는 이유를 설명하
고 문제 해결을 위해 2-3가지 대안을 제시하세요.
●Hi, it's me. I've got some bad news. I don't think I can make it on time.
●It seems like there has been a car accident.
●First of all, I have a few ideas. Why don’t you go eat first? I'll be right there.
●Or, how about we just cancel our dinner? We have another chance next time.
●That's all I can think of. What do you think?

3. 식당을 다니면서 특별하거나 인상적인 경험을 한 적이 있나요? 식사 중에 특별한 일이 벌어졌거나, 가는 도

중 길을 잃었거나, 사고 때문에 누군가 늦었던 경우가 있나요?
I went to an Indian restaurant with my friends last summer. That was really good.
(만능2 활용)
My stomach was filled with gas. So I cut cheese in the restaurant, and I was hoping that no one
would find out. I mean, it was silent, but deadly.
Suddenly, people said something smells weird.
That was so funny to me. But it's a relief that there's no sound.

1. 새로운 은행계좌를 개설하고 싶어서 동네에 있는 은행에 갑니다. 은행 직원과 이야기를 한다고 가정하고 계좌
를 만들기 위해 몇 가지 질문을 해보세요.
●Hello, I'd like to open a bank account
●First, what kind of account do you recommend? I don't know what to choose.
●And, can I use mobile banking?
●Lastly, can I make a card?
●That's all my questions.
2. 오늘 서점에 책을 사러 갔는데, 그곳을 나와서 보니까 신용카드를 두고 왔습니다. 서점에 전화를 해서 문제
상황을 설명하고, 직원에게 카드에 대한 구체적인 정보를 제공하고, 당신 카드를 어떻게 돌려줄지 주인에게 설명
●Hello, I'm calling to ask you something.
●I think I left my credit card there. It's blue and it's a KB bank card.
●Can you contact me if you find it?
●Or, you can mail it to me. I will text you my address.
●Thank you.

3. 금융과 관련해서 어려움을 경험했던 적을 떠올려 보세요. 아니면, 문제를 해결하기 위해 도움을 청했을 때를
떠올려 보세요. 예를 들어, 당신의 ATM 카드가 제대로 작동하지 않았거나, 신용카드를 분실하거나 등의 상황.
●Two years ago, I drank with my friends, and I took a bus on my way home.
●Since I drank a lot, I fell asleep listening to music in the bus.
●But when I woke up, I missed my stop.
●I got off in a hurry. but I heard a disconnection from AirPods.
●OMG... I slept with my smartphone in my hand, but I think I dropped it. So, At that time, I had to
transfer money to someone, but I couldn't because I didn't have a smartphone.

1. 다른 나라로의 여행을 계획 중이라고 상상해보세요. 호텔에 전화를 해서 그곳 날씨는 어떤지 그리고 어떤 옷
을 가지고 가야하는지에 등에 대해 몇 가지 질문을 해보세요.
●Hi, I made a reservation there. I'm calling to ask you something about the weather. Can I ask you?
●First of all, how has the weather been lately? Should I prepare an umbrella?
●What about the temperature? Is it warm enough?
●Lastly, what kind of clothes should I pack?
●This is it. Give me the answer

2. 호텔에 도착을 했는데 당신이 가지고 간 옷들이 날씨에 적합하지 않다는 것을 알게 되었다. 옷 가게에 연락해
서 문제를 설명하고, 문제해결을 위해 당신이 구입하고 싶은 옷의 종류에 대해 몇 가지 질문을 하세요.
●Hi. I just wanted to ask you something. I didn't know it would be this cold here
●When does it open? Can I go right now? I want to go now. It's very cold.
●Do you have a coat? I think I need an outerwear.
●Oh, and, do you have waterproof clothes? It rains a lot here.
●Thank you for your answer. I'll be right there.

3. 예상치 못한 날씨로 어려움이 있었던 해외여행에 대해 말해보세요. 구체적으로 어떤 문제였고 무슨 일이 생겼

으며, 누구와 함께였고, 문제를 어떻게 해결했나요?
●I went on a trip to Japan with my friend, ate delicious food, went to a cafe, and had fun
●On my way hotel, it suddenly started to snow.
●it snowed heavily. Weather forecast hadn't said anything about it.
●It snowed so much that all the cars had to stop.
●It was at night, and I was completely stuck in the road. So I got off the bus and transferred to the
subway. It was really terrible.
가전제품 구입
1. 당신은 새로 나온 DVD 플레이어를 광고하는 포스터를 보고 구입하고 싶어요. 상점에 전화해서 질문 3-4가
●Hello, I'm calling to ask you something about the new DVD player. May I ask?
●First, how's the size? For me, portability is important. So I want a small one.
●And do you have black? I don't want it to get dirty, so I want black.
●Lastly, is it cheaper if I buy it online?
●That's all. Please answer me.

2. 당신은 그 DVD 플레이어를 구입해서 집에 왔는데 고장이 났다는 걸 알게 됨. 전화해서 설명하고 상점이 어
떻게 했으면 좋겠는지 원하는 것을 말하세요.
●Hello, I bought a DVD player at your store a few days ago. There's a problem with that.
●First of all, it doesn't play anything. I think it’s broken.
●So I have some suggestions. Please exchange it for a new one.
●Or, it's 100% your fault.
●That's it. Call me when you get it.

3. 제대로 작동하지 않거나 고장 난 제품을 구입한 적이 있나요? 구입한 물건에 대해 불만족했던 경험을 말해보
세요. 구입한 물건은 무엇이고 어떤 문제가 있었는지, 해결은 어떻게 했는지 말해보세요.
(거주지 롤플4-3 활용)
I bought an iPad and there was a problem.
I've been wanting to have an iPad. As soon as I got it, I was so happy.
At first, there was no problem. I downloaded several apps, used Apple Pencil, and enjoyed it.
But the next day, I found a small scratch on the screen. I was sad. I could've just used it. But it's my
first iPad in my life, and I wanted a new one without scratches. So I applied for an exchange.
I bought it from Coupang. They were very kind. They exchange it right away without asking.
Anyway, I'm so happy to have an iPad.

1. 당신은 새로 나온 휴대폰 구입에 관심이 있어요. 전화기 구입 전에 더 알아보기 위해 점원에게 3-4가지 질문.
●Hello, I'm calling to ask you something about the new iPhone. May I ask?
●First, how's the size? For me, portability is important. So I want a small one.
●And do you have black? I don't want it to get dirty, so I want black.
●Lastly, is it cheaper if I buy it online?
●That's all. Please answer me.

2. 휴대폰 구입했는데 전화가 안됨. 상점에게 문제를 설명하고 해결책을 제시하는 음성 메시지를 남겨보세요.
●Hello, I bought a phone at your store a few days ago. There's a problem with that.
●First of all, the phone doesn't work. I think it’s broken.
●So I have some suggestions. Please exchange it for a new one.
●Because, it's 100% your fault.
●That's it. Please call me when you get this.
3. 당신 휴대폰에 문제가 있었던 경험을 떠올리고 어떤 문제였고, 왜 인상적이었는지 어떻게 해결했는지 설명. A
(음악감상 롤플3번 활용)
A few months ago, my iPhone XS was broken. Technically, it’s flooded . ha...... I get angry when I
think about it again.
I always listen to music when I take a shower. One day, I checked my smart phone after taking a
shower. But the camera lens got blurry and the face ID didn't work.
I didn't know my iPhone would be this much just because I listened to music in the shower.
I was going to have it fixed, But the repair cost was more expensive than I thought. So, I thought I
might as well get a new one.
So I bought the iPhone 13 Pro, and I'm really satisfied.
You should be careful too. You know smartphones are expensive!

1. 친구 한 명이 새로 생긴 흥미로운 사이트를 발견했습니다. 사이트에 대해 3-4가지 질문을 해보세요.
●Hi, I heard you found an interesting website. Can I ask you a few questions?
●First, what's the address? Can I visit the site on my phone?
●And what kind of site is that?
●Lastly, do I have to be member if I want all information?
●That's all. Answer me.

2. 그 특정 사이트에 접속을 하려는데 인터넷 브라우저가 제대로 작동하지 않네요. 지원센터에 연락해서 기술 담
당자에게 인터넷 서핑을 하면서 겪고 있는 문제점을 설명하는 메시지를 남겨보세요. 가능한 빨리 문제해결을 위
해 그들이 도움을 주어야 하는 필요성을 강조하세요.
●Hi, I'm trying to access the website, but there's a problem.
●I keep getting warning messages. What should I do?
●Can you come over and take a look today? There’s nothing I can do anymore.
●I have something important to do.
●Please come over and solve it today.

3. 인터넷으로 조사를 해야 했던 프로젝트 하나를 떠올려 보세요. 참여했던 프로젝트는 무엇이고, 언제 했던 것

인지 그리고 프로젝트를 완료하기 위해 어떻게 인터넷이 중요한 요소였는지 말해주세요.
(돌발 인터넷 4번 활용)
●Last year, there were a lot of assignments.
●One of them was the survey of the travel industry, There was no data in Korea.
●So I searched in English. There was a lot of data.
●But I didn't have time to interpret. Tomorrow was the submission!
●So I used Google Translate. Practically it completed my project.
호텔 (호텔 롤플레이 콤보는 콤보가 2개이고 1번 콤보에서는 2번문제가 2가지가 있습니다. 랜덤으로 나옴)
1. 당신은 지금 처음 가 본 도시에 있어서, 그날 저녁을 보내기 위한 호텔 방을 찾아야 합니다. 호텔이 보여서
안으로 들어가 접수를 담당하는 직원과 이야기를 나눕니다. 당신이 원하는 방의 종류를 말하고 어떤 것을 이용할
수 있는지에 대해서 몇 가지 문의를 하세요.
●Hello. I need a room for the night, may I ask you a few questions?
●First of all, is there a room with a bathtub? I want to enjoy the spa.
●How much is it per night?
●What time does the restaurant close? I haven't had dinner yet.
●And how much is breakfast?

2-1. 접수를 담당하는 직원이 빈방이 없다고 하네요. 함께 여행 중인 친구에게 전화를 해서 문제를 설명하고 해
결을 위해 몇 가지 제안을 하는 음성 메시지를 남기세요.
●Hey, I'm in the hotel lobby right now, but the clerk says there's no room available. What do we do?
●First of all, I have a few ideas.
●Why don't we change hotels? I saw one on the way.
●Or, how about a suite room? The price is most double, but it's worth it.
●That's all I can think of. What should I do?

2-2. 호텔에 도착했는데 방이 예상보다 작고 청소가 되어 있지 않다는 것을 알게됩니다. 호텔 프런트에 전화해

서 문제점을 설명하고 상황을 해결하기 위해 2-3가지 방법을 제안하세요.
●Hello, this is Room 203. I'm calling to ask you something. May I ask?
●First of all, the room is not as big as I wanted. It's so small that there's no place to put my luggage.
●And the room is so dirty. Are you sure it is cleaned?
●I can't stay in a place like this. I'd like to change rooms, please.
●Or can I get a refund?

3. 호텔에 머무는 동안 특별한 경험을 자세하게 말해주세요. 무슨일이 있었고 어떻게 벌어지고 결과는요?
(만능2 활용)
Last Christmas, I went to Shilla Hotel with my girlfriend. It is the most famous hotel in our country.
After we checked in, we went straight to the swimming pool.
we ate steak for dinner.
But my stomach was filled with gas. So I cut cheese in the restaurant, and I was hoping that no one
would find out.
I mean, it was silent, but deadly.
Suddenly, people said something smells weird.
That was so funny to me. But it's a relief that there's no sound.

1. 당신은 처음 가 본 도시에 있는 호텔에 머물고 있는데, 별로 바쁘지 않아 도시 주변을 걷고자 합니다. 그 지

역에 대해 알아보기 위해 호텔 프런트 데스크로 가서 주변에 대해 접수 담당 직원에게 몇 가지 질문을 해보세요.
●Hello, I'd like to ask you something.
●The weather is really nice, and I'm not busy right now.
●So I'm thinking about taking a walk, can you recommend several place to visit?
●And, do you know a good restaurant? I want to eat local food.
●Lastly, where can I buy souvenirs?
2. 호텔로 돌아왔는데, 택시 안에 배낭을 두고 내렸음을 알게됩니다. 문제를 설명하기 위해 택시 회사에 전화를
해서 배낭을 묘사하고 그것을 어떻게 돌려줄지를 말해보세요.
●Hello. I have a problem.
●I left my backpack in your taxi. Could you please help me?
●First of all, it's huge and blue. There are stickers On top of that. It looks like a professional
climbing bag.
●I don't have a phone right now. It is in the bag. So, if you find your bag, please call this hotel.
●Or can I go over there now?

3. 당신이 겪었던 비슷한 경험이 있나요? 무엇인가 중요한 것을 잊었거나 잃어버렸던 경험이 있나요? 중요한 소
지품을 잃어버렸던 상황을 최대한 구체적으로 설명해보세요.
●Two years ago, I drank with my friends, and I took a bus on my way home.
●Since I drank a lot, I fell asleep listening to music in the bus.
●But when I woke up, I missed my stop.
●I got off in a hurry. but I heard a disconnection from AirPods.
●OMG... I slept with my smartphone in my hand, but I think I dropped it. Eventually, I couldn't find it.

1. 당신은 다른 아파트로 이전을 계획하고 있습니다. 부동산에 전화를 한다고 가정하고 당신이 찾고 있는 아파트
종류에 대해서 설명하세요.
(거주지 롤플 2-1)
●Hi, I’m looking for a house with a bedroom, a living dining kitchen and a bathroom. Can I ask you
●First of all, I was wondering if you deal with small houses too. I don’t need a big house since I’m
living alone.
●And do you have a house to rent? I don’t think I can afford to buy a house because I’m broke.
●Lastly, when can I take a look at the house? I’m usually free during the weekends. So I want to
take a look on weekends.
●That's all my questions.

2. 안타깝게도, 부동산 직원이 당신이 제시한 가격대에서 아파트를 찾을 수 없다고 알려왔습니다. 당신이 원하는
것을 직원에게 설명하고, 당신이 어떤 조치를 취하고 싶다고 말해보세요.
●I see. Okay. Can I ask you a few questions?
●How much more do I have to pay? It’s not too much, I’m willing to pay extra.
●Or, is there any cheaper house? I don’t mind a smaller house.
●Can I take a look that next week?
●What do you think?
3. 어떤 도시나 동네에 처음으로 방문했던 경험을 이야기해보세요. 어디를 갔어 어떤 경험을 했나요?
(국내여행 3번 활용)
When I was young, my family and I went to Busan.
There was so much traffic. Because It’s the weekend. Eventually, I fell asleep in the car. you know I
was only 8 years old.
When we arrived there, I remember eating wheat noodles first. It's just a kind of korean noodles.
And we went to Haeundae, the most famous beach in Busan. Haeundae is shallow, so it's good to
The next day, the most memorable thing was riding a submarine. I saw fishes in the sea. It was
really interesting. But honestly, I was a little scared. You know the glass could break, right?
Anyway, it was an unforgettable trip.

1. 어느 날 아침에 일어났더니 몸이 불편합니다. 그래서 병원에 가기로 했는데, 의사에게 연락해서 병원 방문 예
약을 위해 몇 가지 질문을 하세요.
●Hi, I think I caught the flu. Can I ask you something?
●First of all, can I see a doctor today?
●I'm so sick that I want to see him as soon as possible.
●If he is too busy today, can I see him tomorrow?
●I want to make a reservation for tomorrow morning.

2. 병원 접수담당 직원에게 전화했더니 다음 주까지 예약을 할 수 없다는 것을 알게됩니다. 직원에게 문제의 심

각성을 언급하고 빨리 예약을 잡기 위해 2-3가지를 제안하세요.
●Next week? No way!!!!!!! I'm going to die.
●Please save me. I've never been this sick before.
●First of all, can you recommend some medicine?
●I'll endure it while taking medicine.
●Can you let me know if someone does not show up? Please...

3. 약속을 할 필요가 있었는데 그렇게 할 수 없었던 날을 떠올려보세요. 문제가 무엇이었고 어떻게 해결했는지
말해주세요. 모든 것이 어떻게 해결되었나요?
It's not that I couldn't make a appointment, I deliberately didn't make a promise. You know what I
A few months ago, my iPhone XS was broken. Technically, it’s flooded . ha...... I get angry when I
think about it again.
I always listen to music when I take a shower. One day, I checked my smart phone after taking a
shower. But the camera lens got blurry and the face ID didn't work.
I didn't know my iPhone would be this much just because I listened to music in the shower.
I was going to have it fixed, But the repair cost was more expensive than I thought. So I decided not
to make an appointment.
1. 당신이 여행을 가는데 자동차 렌트를 해야합니다. 렌터카 회사 전화해서 렌트에 필요한 정보를 얻기 위해 몇
가지 질문을 해보세요.
●Hello, I'd like to ask you something. I want to rent a car. May I ask you a question?
●First of all, what kind of car do you have? Do you have a Hyundai’s minivan?
●And how about insurance?
●Finally, how much is it? May I use the coupon? I'd like to get a 10 percent discount.
●Thank you. Please answer.

2. 여행을 위해 특정한 브랜드의 차량을 빌리고 싶지만, 현재 이용 가능한 차량이 없다는 것을 알게 됩니다. 회
사 책임자에게 연락해서 상황을 설명하고 문제해결을 위한 몇 가지 대안을 제시하세요.
●Hello, I just heard that you don't have a Hyundai’s minivan.
●I heard there is a German minivan, but it is too expensive. We can't afford it.
●I have a few suggestions. Can you let us know if somebody doesn’t show up?
●Or, can I get a discount on German minivan?
●This is all I can think of. What do you think?

3. 자동차를 빌려야했던 적이 있나요? 렌터카 회사를 이용했던 경험을 듣고 싶어요. 최근인가요 오래전인가요?
어디에서 빌렸고 왜 빌렸나요?
●Last year, I went on a trip to Jeju Island with my friends.
●I was very excited to go to Jeju Island after a long time.
●When we arrived at Jeju Island, we had to rent a car.
●Cars are essential because public transportation is not well established in Jeju Island.
●I drove because I was the only one who could drive. It was a really fun trip.

1. 가구점 직원에게 가구에 대해서 현장 문의를 하세요.
(거주지 롤플 4-1)
●Hi. Can I ask you something? I want to buy TV.
●First of all, can I watch Youtube on it? I mean, is there Youtube app on it.
●I want to watch Youtube on a large screen.
●And, how much is it? Can I use this coupon?
●Ah! do you offer a free delivery service? if so, I’ll take it!

2. 가구가 도착했는데 외관이 마음에 안드네요. 설명 후 대안 제시하세요.

(거주지 롤플 4-2)
●Hi, I got TV this morning, but there are some problems with it.
●First of all, it has no Internet access. How can I watch Youtube without Internet?
●And there are scratches on the screen. Are you sure it is new one?
●Please exchange it with a new one. I want to watch YouTube from today.
●If you can’t, can I get a refund? So that I can buy another brand's today.
3. 집에서 구매한 무언가가 마음에 안들었던 경험이 있나요?
(거주지 롤플 4-3)
It's not that I didn't like it, I bought an iPad and there was a problem.
I've been wanting to have an iPad. As soon as I got it, I was so happy.
At first, there was no problem. I downloaded several apps, used Apple Pencil, and enjoyed it.
But the next day, I found a small scratch on the screen. I was sad. I could've just used it. But it's my
first iPad in my life, and I wanted a new one without scratches. So I applied for an exchange.
I bought it from Coupang. They were very kind. They exchange it right away without asking.
Anyway, I'm so happy to have an iPad.

1. 새로 개업한 음식점에 전화해서 음식점에 대해 질문을 하세요.
●Hello, everyone I'm calling to ask you something. May I ask?
●I'm craving pasta. Do you serve pasta?
●Oh, Is there an open event? I heard there's a discount.
●Finally, can you tell me exactly where it is?
●That's it. Please answer.

2. 현금과 신용카드를 집에 두고왔네요. 직원에게 외상을 요청하세요.

●I'm so sorry, but I left my wallet at home. What should I do?
●Let me make a few suggestions.
●Do you want me to transfer money to your account?
●Or, can I come next time and pay for it? Of course, I'll leave my ID.
●I'm really sorry.

3. 음식점에서 있었던 예기치 않았던 본인의 에피소드.

I went to an Indian restaurant with my friends last summer. That was really good.
(만능2 활용)
My stomach was filled with gas. So I cut cheese in the restaurant, and I was hoping that no one
would find out. I mean, it was silent, but deadly.
Suddenly, people said something smells weird.
That was so funny to me. But it's a relief that there's no sound.

1. 친구와 언제 어디서 만날지 전화로 질문을 하세요.
●Hi! I am free on weekends, too. But I have a question.
●First of all, what time shall we meet? How about afternoon because I'm busy in the morning?
●Oh, and who else is going? Do you want me to call the others? The more, the better.
●Lastly, where do we meet? I think the beach would be nice!
●See you then!
2. 친구를 만나기로 한 시간과 장소에서 못 만나게 되었네요. 상황설명 후 대안제시
(해변 롤플 2번 활용)
Hi! Do you remember we were supposed to go to the beach this weekend? I hate to say this. I heard
that the weather at the beach will be bad. It's too bad, isn't it?
I was thinking about just going if possible, but there might be a typhoon. I think it'll be very
dangerous. So I have some ideas.
Let's go to another beach! I heard that the weather on the west coast will be nice.
Or how about going to a restaurant? There is a new Indian restaurant in front of my house.
What do you think? Do you have any better idea?

3. 뭔가 계획했던 것이 뜻대로 되지 않은 경험을 얘기하세요.

(국내여행 4번 활용)
Last summer vacation, my friends and I decided to go to Jeju island. Just so you know, Halla
mountain is in the center of Jeju island. In other words, It the core of Jeju island
That’s why I wanted to go there. Of course, I knew it would take a lot of energe.
but if we don’t visit to the Halla mountain, what’s the point? we go all the way to Jeju island, It's
really meaningful.
But, when I suggested, no one answered No. So I took it as yes.
So, when we arrived in Jeju Island, I asked to go to Hallasan Mountain right away.
But, everyone said they didn't like it. That's where there was a little quarrel.
So we had no choice but to change our plans.
Honestly, I felt bad, but I didn't want to ruin the trip, so I tried to think positively.
As a result, it was a fun trip.

1. 대리점에 새로 나온 휴대폰 구매 문의하기
●Hello, I'm calling to ask you something about the new iPhone. May I ask?
●First, how's the size? For me, portability is important. So I want a small one.
●And do you have black? I don't want it to get dirty, so I want black.
●Lastly, is it cheaper if I buy it online?
●That's all. Please answer me.

2. 구매한 전화기 기능이 마음에 들지 않네요. 설명 후 대안제시.

●Hello, I bought a phone at your store a few days ago. There's a problem with that.
●First of all, the phone doesn't work. I think it’s broken.
●So I have some suggestions. Please exchange it for a new one.
●Or, give me a full refund. Because, it’s 100% your fault.
●Please call me when you get this
3. 새로운 제품이나 기술이 마음에 들지 않았던 경험이 있나요?
(음악감상 롤플 3번 활용)
A few months ago, my iPhone XS was broken.
Technically, it’s flooded . ha...... I get angry when I think about it again.
I always listen to music when I take a shower.
One day, I checked my smart phone after taking a shower. But the camera lens got blurry and the
Face ID didn't work.
I didn't know my iPhone would be this much just because I listened to music in the shower.
So I didn't like Face ID since then.

1. 친구에게 주말에 만나자고 제안하고 언제 어디서 만날지 질문하세요.
●Hey what’s up? How about we go to the beach this weekend?
●First of all, What time should we meet? I have something to do in the morning. How about
meeting in the afternoon?
●And, who else is coming? you want me to call other friends? The more the merrier.
●Oh just one more qustion, Are we allowed to drink there? It’s good to drink.
●Can you answer the question?

2. 친구 만날 약속을 못 지키게 되었네요. 전화로 상황을 설명 후 대안 제시.

●Hi, I hate to say this, but do you remember we decided to go to the beach this weekend?
●I don't think I can make it. Something just came up. So let me make a few suggestions.
●How about going to a restaurant? There is a new Indian restaurant in front of my house.
●Or let's go next time! We have another chance.
●What do you think? Do you have any better idea?

3. 누군가와의 약속을 취소한 본인 경험이 있나요?

(음악감상 롤플 3번 활용)
A few months ago, my iPhone XS was broken. Technically, it’s flooded . ha...... I get angry when I
think about it again.
I always listen to music when I take a shower. One day, I checked my smart phone after taking a
shower. But the camera lens got blurry and the face ID didn't work.
I didn't know my iPhone would be this much just because I listened to music in the shower.
I was going to have it fixed, But the repair cost was more expensive than I thought.
So I just canceled my appointment and bought a new phone.

1. 면접을 보러가야하는 회사에 대해 전화로 질문을 하세요.
●Hello. I'm John, an applicant. I'm supposed to have an interview. Can I ask you a few questions?
●First of all, can you tell me exactly where the company is?
●And, is there anything I need to prepare for the interview?
●Lastly, should I wear a formal suit?
●That's all my questions. Can you answer me?
2. 면접을 못 가는 긴급 상황을 설명하고 전화로 대안을 제시하세요.
●Hello, I'm John the applicant.
●I don't think I can go to the interview because I'm so sick today.
●So I have a suggestion. Is it possible to have an online interview? I have a zoom app.
●Or, can I go to an interview next week?
●I'm so sorry. I tried to go, but it hurts so much.

3. 수업이나 미팅, 면접에 못 가게 된 본인 경험.

●When I was a freshman in college, I had that experience.
●Usually, when you're a freshman, you drink a lot with your colleagues and seniors, right?
●One time I was so drunk that I overslept.
●So I couldn't attend the class.
●I haven't missed a class since!

1. 우리나라 방문을 계획하고 있는 상대에게 몇 가지 질문을 하세요.
●Great! It's so nice to travel to Korea! But can I ask you a few questions?
●First of all, When do you think you will arrive?
●If you don't mind, can I pick you up?
●And, where are you going to stay?)
●That’s all! Welcome to Korea!

2. 상대가 오늘 공항에 도착하네요 공항에 픽업을 가기로 했으나 일이 있어 못감. 상황설명 후 대안제시
●Hi, it's me. I hate to say this, do you remember I was supposed to pick you up?
●I'm sorry, but I don't think I can make it. Something came up. What should I do?
●First of all, why don't you take public transportation? It won't take long!
●Or do you want to take a taxi? It's on me!
●This is all I can think of now. Do you have a better idea?

3. 우리나라의 최근에 큰 사건 중에 하나를 설명하세요.

(국내여행 9번 활용)
●These days, people prefer to travel to relax in one place rather than going around somewhere.
Because of COVID-19.
●It's a trend to live in a travel destination for a month.
●I think COVID-19 has changed everything.
●People even work in hotels.
●It seems like they want to get out of their daily lives. I hope COVID-19 ends soon.
유형 9, 10 스크립트
** 만약 서베이에서 9, 10번 유형이 나온다면 밑에 그대로 나옵니다. 특성상 질문 길이가 꽤 긴데 다 쓸데없는
이야기 이므로 듣기가 안되어도 의심하지말고 외운대로 답하세요! 만약 돌발에서 9, 10번 유형이 나온다면
수 있는대로 답하고 넘기시면 됩니다.(구구절절X)

국내여행 9번 (왜 여행이 더 어려워졌고 어떻게 여행이 변함?), 집휴가 9번(과거와 휴가방식 어떻게 다른지)
●These days, people prefer to travel to relax in one place rather than going around somewhere.
Because of COVID-19.
●It's a trend to live in a travel destination for a month.
●I think COVID-19 has changed everything.
●People even work in hotels.
●It seems like they want to get out of their daily lives. I hope COVID-19 ends soon.

국내여행 10번 (여행에 대해 사람들이 갖는 우려)

●Let me talk about over-tourism.
●As people become financially relaxed, it seems like the demand for travel have increased.
●You know Venice, right? I've been there once, and it's really crowded.
●There are many problems with this.
●for example, I think there might be conflicts with locals or garbage problems.

집휴가10번 (휴가가 중요한 이유는 무엇인가?)

●Vacation is essential.
●After working, you need time to recharge.
●If you have a lot of stress, it's not good for your health
●So you have to rest through vacation.
●Otherwise, there will be a problem.

음악 9번 (서로 다른 음악가나 음악장르 비교)

●I'll talk about ballads and dance music.
●Every time I listen to a ballad, it makes me relax. Because it has a relaxing story and good melody.
●Dance music is mine. I like to dance.
●So I often listen to dance music such as BTS and BLACKPINK.
●Every time I listen to dance music, it makes me excited.

음악 10번 (최신 음악 기기에 대해 설명)

●I think AirPods are revolutionary.
●I really like listening to music. So I listen to music when I take a shower, exercise, or take public
●I always used to listen to music with my earphones
●This is very inconvenient. But AirPods aren't like that.
●AirPods are especially convenient when exercising.
공원 9번 (아이와 어른의 공원활동과 시설 비교)
●Adults usually go to the park to enjoy the scenery and breathe good air.
●They also drink beer, enjoy the night view, and talk among themselves.
●Oh, they also seem to enjoy jogging.
●But, I'm not sure what kids do at a park. They probably play tag and scream.
●They also seem to enjoy the slide.

공원 9번 (두개의 공원을 비교하고 무엇을 더 선호하니?)

●I will compare Han River Park and Naksan Park.
●There are so many cafes, restaurants, and bars in Han River Park. That's why there are many
young people and it's hot at night.
●However, Naksan Park is really quiet.
●And Han River Park is a really famous park, but Naksan Park is not.
●Anyway, I like Han River Park. Because it's in front of my house.

공원 10번 (공원에게 처한 심각한 문제점) -> 공원은 10번은 이거 하나고 9번이 두개임
●There is too much trash in the park these days.
●In the park, you can drink and eat food.
●But after eating, I think people just throw away trash.
●I think this is a problem.
●I think we need to make more trash cans.

해변 9번 (두개의 해변을 비교하고 무엇을 더 선호하니?)

●I will compare Seoul beach and Sokcho beach.
●There are so many cafes, restaurants, and bars in Seoul beach. That's why there are many young
people and it's hot at night.
●However, Sokcho beach is really quiet.
●And Seoul beach is a really famous beach, but Sokcho beach is not.
●I like Seoul Beach more. It's close to my house.

해변 10번 (해변에게 처한 심각한 문제점)

●There is too much trash in the beach these days.
●In the beach, you can drink and eat food.
●But after eating, I think people just throw away trash.
●I think this is a problem.
●I think we need to make more trash cans.
영화 9번 (과거와 현재 영화 비교)
●Korean movies are popular worldwide these days.
●I think this is different from before.
●Do you know Parasite? It won the Oscar for the first time in Korea.
●Do you know the squid game? Foreigners love it a lot. It topped on Netflix.
●I found it really fun too.

영화 10번 (친구들과 이야기하는 영화관련 토픽을 설명)

●These days, Korean movies are popular all over the world.
●That's why there are so many famous Korean movies on Netflix.
●Unlike in the past, it is amazing that foreigners like Korean movies.
●These days, my friends and I have this kind of conversation.
●You must see it, too. It's going to be fun!

헬스 9번 (다녔던 두 헬스클럽을 비교하기. 비슷한 점, 다른 점을 얘기하고 어딜 왜 선호하는지)

●The gym I used to go to when I worked out was in my apartment.
●I didn't have to pay the membership fee separately, and it was good that there were few people.
●Since it was free so the equipment was very old.
●However, the gym I go to now is very luxurious. Like a hotel.
●Although the price is high, I like the gym now.

헬스 10번 (헬스클럽에 관한 이야기를 할 때 요즘 이슈를 말해봐 뭐에 대한 이야기를 주로 하니?)

●Unlike in the past, modern people seem to be interested in health and try to exercise.
●But they don't know how to exercise, so they don't seem to know what to do at the gym.
●So people seem to be very interested in personal training at health clubs.
●But the price is very high.
●Anyway, I talk a lot about personal training with people these days. I want to, but I can't because
it's so expensive.

거주지 관련 9번( 5~10년간 우리나라 주택들의 변화 추세) -> 밑에 10번이랑 한 세트

●There were few apartments in the past.
●Nowadays, there are more apartments and luxury apartment brands. Xi, I-Park, Raemian and so
●There are many facilities in these luxury apartment complexes.
●The reason why I like luxury apartments is that there are swimming pools and gyms in the
●Anyway, I think there are more apartments than in the past.

거주지 관련 10번( 우리나라 주택시장 문제 관련 뉴스를 설명)

●The price of a house is too high prices.
●has nearly doubled.
●Even if I work all my life, I can't buy a house in Seoul.
●Do you think this makes sense?
●So I think this is the problem.
거주지 관련 9번(가족/친구 2명 비교) -> 밑에 10번이랑 한 세트
●I have two best friends.
●One is A and the other is B.
●A is very active while B is somewhat quiet.
●Also, A likes to eat very much, but B is not interested in eating.
●They're so different, but I really like them both!

거주지 관련 10번(가족/친구들을 만났을 때 하는 대화 주제를 설명)

●The price of a house is too high prices.
●It has nearly doubled.
●Even if I work all my life, I can't buy a house in Seoul.
●That's why I have this kind of conversation with my friends these days.
●Do you think this makes sense?

초등학교 친구 만난 경험 만능1
I had a really fun experience last year. (~~~를 하는 도중에), suddenly someone called my name. For a
moment, I thought, "Who is it?" I saw his face, but I didn't recognize him. But it turned out he was
my elementary school friend. He must have had plastic surgery. That's why I didn't recognize him.
It's been a really long time since we last hung out, and he's changed a lot.
anyway, this crossed my mind suddenly

방귀 뀐 경험 만능2
My stomach was filled with gas. So I cut cheese in the restaurant, and I was hoping that no one
would find out.
I mean, it was silent, but deadly.
Suddenly, people said something smells weird.
That was so funny to me. But it's a relief that there's no sound.

정말로 심혈을 기울여 만든 자료입니다.

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