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A Call to Action:

c h th e Sm o ke , Pr o te ct
Healthy L iv in g: Dit
Sm o k in g a nd Va p in g
Your B o d y— A
ig n f o r Yo u ng A d ul ts
Cessa tio n C a mp a

Group 1 | BSN 104

At the end of the discussion, the young adults are expected to:
Develop wise and cautious perspectives about their health by
1 1
providing knowledge and strategies to quit smoking.

Identify the possible triggers for smoking/vaping urges. 2

Explore different coping mechanisms to overcome the
3 temptation to smoke.

Recognize the true cost of being a smoker. 4

Smoking is the practice of inhaling smoke from burning plant
material. Nicotine acts on your brain to produce a calming,
enjoyable sensation that makes quitting difficult. However,
using tobacco increases your chances of lung disease,
cancer, stroke, heart attack, and other illnesses.

s smoking?
What i process:
After entering your mouth through the
other end, smoke enters your lungs,
passes through the bloodstream, and
eventually reaches your brain and other
Anatomy of cigarrete
Commercially produced cigarettes are
made up of:
Plant material - In tobacco cigarettes, this is
dried and processed tobacco (Nicotiana
tabacum) leaf stems.
A rolling paper wrapper.
Filter (cigarette butt) - The filter traps larger
bits of the partially burned tobacco while
smoke travels through it into your mouth.
Smoking is a health issue that is often
overlooked or ignored by service providers
as it is seen as ‘the least of clients’
problems’ or as ‘their little bit of
pleasure in their toughest time.

Challenge perceptions and

misconceptions about
common misconception They want to appear more adult
Many first-time vapers/smokers see it

as part of growing up and think that it

smoking is makes them look more mature,

confident and ‘cool’. When they see
their older friends vape and/or smoke,

they may have the misconception that
this is what mature adults do.

Their friends who are regular

vapers/smokers may offer them a
vape or cigarettes and dare them to
try. Young people may give in just to
be accepted by the group. When
someone they admire or think is cool
smokes/vape, they may wrongly
assume that vaping or smoking is cool
common misconception

“ cigarrete warning
labels are exaggerated”
According to a study, it suggests that
cigarette packaging warnings may experience a
loss of effectiveness over time, eventually
resulting in minimal impact on smoker behavior
(Aaron Drovandi, et al. 2019).

Additionally, most people believe that these

pictures are, at best, gross exaggeration.
common misconception Wrong. Research has shown that smoking
increases stress levels overall.

Much of the apparent calming effect of a
smoking relieve cigarette is simply due to the relief of
symptoms (such as irritability, anxiety and

Stress ”
restlessness) caused by nicotine
withdrawal. Also, some of the relaxation
from smoking is from taking a break and a
few deep breaths, not the cigarette itself.

Smoking increases stress by causing

frequent withdrawal periods during the
day between cigarettes. Furthermore,
nicotine is a stimulant and releases
stress hormones such as adrenaline.
Research studies have shown that ex-
smokers report feeling less stressed
than when they were smoking.
common misconception

“ E-Cigarettes are much safer ”

It's not only cigarettes that people get hooked on.
Battery-operated e-cigarettes use cartridges filled with
nicotine, flavorings, and other harmful chemicals and turn
them into a vapor that's inhaled by the user.
Some people think that e-cigarettes are safer than
regular cigarettes because they don't contain tobacco.
But the other ingredients in them are dangerous too. In
fact, there are reports of serious lung damage and even
death among people who use e-cigarettes. So health
experts strongly warn against using them.
Smoking and vaping have a significant financial cost to
the Philippines, which affects both the people and the
country. The healthcare costs due to smoking-related
financial burden
ailments like lung cancer, heart disease, and chronic
respiratory disorders add to these expenses, which are
of smoking/vaping
significant for many Filipinos. A large amount of these
expenses are borne by the Philippine Health Insurance
Corporation (PhilHealth) and other health services;
money that could be used to improve healthcare more
broadly instead wasted.


Emergency fund
Retirement account
Mutual funds
Health Insurance Educational Fund
identifying | Affective Characteristics
triggers for Affective characteristics refer to the
smoking/vaping emotional states that can trigger smoking or
vaping urges.
STress High levels of stress or anxiety are social emotions Feeling of loneliness or social anxiety
common triggers. Emotions such as can trigger cravings, as smoking or
frustration, anger, and sadness can vaping might be perceived as a way to
also lead to cravings as individuals connect with others or feel more
seek nicotine to cope. comfortable in social settings.

Example: Feeling overwhelmed Example: At a social event,

at work might lead to a desire someone might smoke or vape
to smoke as a form of stress to ease social discomfort or to
relief. fit in with a group.
identifying | Psychomotor characteristics
triggers for Psychomotor characteristics involve physical
smoking/vaping actions and routines that are associated with
smoking or vaping.
habitual routines environmental cues physical action
Certain daily routines or Being in places where smoking or The physical act of smoking
specific times of day can vaping typically occurs can trigger or vaping itself can be a
trigger urges due to cravings. This includes specific trigger due to the motor
established habits. locations, like a favorite smoking
habits developed.
spot, or the presence of smoking
identifying | Cognitive characteristics
triggers for Cognitive characteristics involve thought
smoking/vaping processes and beliefs that can lead to smoking
or vaping.
beliefs & expectations attention & focus DEcision-making

Beliefs about the benefits of Focusing on smoking-related Cognitive processes involved in

smoking or vaping, such as thoughts or being reminded of decision-making can influence
stress relief or weight control, smoking through media or smoking or vaping behavior,
can trigger cravings. advertisements can trigger especially in situations requiring
cravings. impulse control.
identifying | Social Triggers
triggers for Social situations or events— even scrolling
smoking/vaping through social media—can trigger the desire
to vape.
examples, when you :
See someone else use a vape
Smell aerosol from a vape (sometimes called
Hang out with friends who vape or use another
tobacco product
Go to a party or other social event
Study with friends Are offered a vape or a new
See vapes on social media

Triggers for Strong emotional causes for vaping can exist. It's normal to want to vape to lift one's spirits while they're
feeling down or happy.
alternative coping strategies
1 exercise 2 engaging in hobbies
3 chewing gum

- good for those trying to distract

themselves or replace smoking
- gives the body an activity that can
- Physical activity includes jogging, engross the mouth
cycling, walking briskly, and enrolling - sugar-free gum or hard candy
- Finding an activity that
in fitness classes. mimics the oral sensation that
keeps your hands and mind
- Exercise causes your body to smoking gives and can serve as a
release endorphins, which are feel- occupied, such as painting,
knitting, puzzles, or substitute for the smoker looking to
good chemicals that bind to brain quit
receptors, commonly called the playing a musical
"runner's high."
- Frequent exercise has been
instrument, will easily help
shift your energies and 4 water
connected to better moods, reduced concentration into - when one keeps sipping water during
stress levels, and enhanced cognitive productive and satisfying the day, he or she not only quenches
function. activities. their thirst but also reduces cravings,
including those to smoke.
Relaxation Techniques
- Deep breathing helps to slow the heart rate, calm the
1 deep
breathing muscles, refocus your mind and help with clear thinking, taking
your body out of the ‘fight or flight’ state.
How to do it:
1.Let your breath flow as deep down into your belly as is
comfortable, without forcing it.
2.Try breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth.
3.Breathe in gently and regularly. Some people find it helpful to
count steadily from 1 to 5. You may not be able to reach 5 at
4.Then let it flow out gently, counting from 1 to 5 again, if you
find this helpful.
5.Keep doing this for at least 5 minutes.
Relaxation Techniques
2 guided
- A technique in which a person visualizes positive images or
scenarios in their mind. During guided imagery, a person uses all
their senses in their imagination to help relax the body and
develop a sense of well-being.
The following are examples of guided imagery techniques:
·imagining a pleasant scene in a peaceful location to soothe
anxiety or relieve stress
·imagining white blood cells fighting illness, such as an infection
or cancer
3 Social
Support Surround yourself with supportive friends and family members who can encourage
you during your journey to quit smoking or vaping. Sharing your experiences and
feelings with others can provide emotional relief and motivation.
helps boost the levels of motivation and encouragement in trying to conquer
smoking behaviors.
Benefits of quitting
| Health benefits
•Kicking the tobacco habit offers some other rewards that
you’ll notice right away and some that will show up over
•Quitting smoking lowers your risk of other cancers over
time as well, including cancers of the stomach, pancreas,
liver, cervix, and colon and rectum, as well as acute myeloid
-To reduced risk of cancer, heart disease, and stroke
-To improved lung function and breathing.
-To get strong immune system
Benefits of quitting
Quitting also helps stop the
damaging effects of tobacco on how you look,
including premature wrinkling of your skin, gum
disease, and tooth loss.

-To get clearer and healthier skin

-To brighter eyes and whiter teeth
-Fresher body odor
-Your breath, hair, and clothes smell better.
Benefits of quitting
| Financial benefits
•Right away you’ll save the money you spent on tobacco.
• Quit vaping or smoking and you will have extra money.
•Every pesos you spend on cigarettes, pouch tobacco or
vapes is money you could be spending elsewhere in your
-Significant savings on cigarettes/vape products
-Lower healthcare costs
-More money for things you enjoy
Importance of self-belief and positive
determination towards quitting smoking

• Self-belief • Positive determination

It is important to believe in oneself as some To successfully stop smoking, a
people find it challenging to quit smoking. positive attitude and determination
Having faith can increase motivation and are crucial as they serve as key
resilience especially when it comes to cravings factors to help you resist the
or withdrawal symptoms. Self-belief is temptation and stay committed to
important as it can help to concentrate on your aim to quit smoking.
your goal and to face tough times emotionally
and physically.
Here are some additional reasons why self-belief and
positive are important:

Resilience- Positivity and determination can help you adjust and

1 1
strengthen your resolve to reach a healthy well-being.

Mindset shift- is one of the steps to change a habit such as to quit

smoking as it can encourage you to see yourself as a non-smoker.
Motivation- Seeing a positive outlook fuels motivation that
3 you can change and embrace a healthy lifestyle.

Setting an example- By showing that you have self-belief and

determination to quit smoking thus, it can lead to a positive impact such
as being an inspiration and a role model towards a smoke-free lifestyle.
Quitting smoking is a challenging
yet rewarding journey that is
made easier with the right Developing a
support system. A robust support
network provides the necessary
encouragement, understanding,
support system
and motivation to overcome
nicotine withdrawal and achieve
lasting change.
for quitting
Quitting smoking involves not just a
physical struggle but also mental and
emotional challenges. A strong support
system can significantly enhance an
individual's commitment to quitting.

Support can be emotional,

practical, or a mix of both, playing a
crucial role in preventing relapse.
family and
Open Communication Encourage open dialogue with friends and family about your decision to quit smoking.
Sharing your goals, challenges, and reasons for quitting fosters understanding.

Positive Reinforcement Seek positive reinforcement from loved ones. Celebrate milestones together,
whether it’s a week or a month smoke-free. Their encouragement can boost morale.

Identifying Triggers Collaborate with friends and family to identify and manage potential triggers. Their
support in avoiding situations that tempt you to smoke is vital.

Invite friends and family to actively participate in your smoke-free journey. Engage
Active Participation in new, healthy activities together or find alternative ways to cope with stress as a
Online Communities Explore online support groups where individuals share experiences,
challenges, and success stories. Connecting with people on a similar
journey fosters a sense of community.

Local Groups Attend local smoking cessation support groups. These groups provide
a safe space to discuss struggles and triumphs while offering
valuable insights and advice.
professional Consider seeking guidance from
healthcare professionals or
counselors specializing in smoking

guidance cessation. They offer personalized

strategies and coping mechanisms.

Tips for Building an Effective Support System:

Be clear about your Educate your Support Express Gratitude

NEEDS System

Communicate specific needs Help friends and family Show gratitude to those
to your support network. understand the challenges of supporting you. A simple
Whether you need someone to quitting smoking. Knowledge thank you can strengthen
listen, provide distractions about withdrawal symptoms relationships and reinforce
during cravings, or join you in and the quitting process the positive impact of their
healthier activities, clarity is leads to more effective assistance.
essential. support.
references text smoking-tobacco/the-benefits-of-quitting-smoking-now
levels stories/item/be-inspired-to-quit-success-stories-from-ex-smokers-
health-warnings-on-cigarette-npackaging-and-cigarette- in-the-region
Typical coping patterns: A person-centered approach to coping - smoking/
ScienceDirect A Mixed-Methods and Prospective Approach to Understanding
Brief Assessment of Adaptive and Maladaptive Coping Strategies Coping Behaviors, Depression, Hopelessness, and Acute Stress in a
During Pandemic | Trends in Psychology ( U.S. Convenience Sample During the COVID-19 Pandemic - Angie R.
Increasing Physical Exercise through Action and Coping Planning - Wootton, Dylan R. Rice, Anna Laura W. McKowen, Cindy Veldhuis,
PMC ( 2022 (
Adaptive and Maladaptive Coping Mechanisms - iResearchNet
it's tim e to
take a ct i
or listening!
Thank y

Activity Time!

1. This stimulant drug acts on your brain to

produce a claming, enjoyable sensation that
makes quitting difficult.


2. The quote “Smoking Stress Relieve” is Wrong.

Research has shown that smoking increases stress
levels overall. (TRUE OR FALSE)

⭐️: True

3-6 Identify 4 triggers for smoking/

vaping urges.


7. A type of relaxation technique which a person

visualizes positive images scenarios in their mind.

⭐️: Guided imagery


8-9 Give at least 2 benefits of quitting smoking/


⭐️: Health & Financial


10. This is a challenging yet rewarding journey that

is made easier with the right support system.

⭐️: quitting smoking

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