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Art is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a
visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for
their beauty or emotional power.

Pre-Historic Art- Archaeological explorations reveal that there has been a gradual shift from
a nomadic lifestyle of early humans to that of permanent settlements, paving the way for the
rise of early civilizations.

Stone Age- It is a term used to describe a period of history when stones were used to make
tools for survival.

Middle Ages- since the church was the most important figures, Christian scriptures was the
most prominent artworks of the early.

The peak of Greek sculpture and architecture was during the classical period.

Romans- they were fond of the Greeks and their achievements in the arts.

It can be noticed that for the Egyptians, art should be something religious and spiritual.

Baroque- this is derived from a Portuguese term which means “irregularly shaped pearl”.

Renaissance Period- the influence of humanism shifted the focus of some artworks during
this period to empower the “individual”.

Realism as a style of work focuses on the accuracy of details that depict and somehow
mirrors reality.

Fauvism- This art involves the usage of pure and vibrant colors by applying straight from the
paint tubes directly to the canvas.

Cubism- French artists Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque introduced a new visual arts style
that highlighted the two-dimensional surface of the picture plane.

Futurism- the common themes for works in this movement are restlessness and the fast-
paced of modern life.

Artisan- they are the members of guilds, skilled men who fashioned artifacts with their
hands and tools in autonomous workshops without the aid of powered machinery.

Studio- It is often the physical space where the artists create their artworks.

GAMABA- it is an award that recognizes the folk and indigenous artists of the Philippines
who remained true to their traditions.

GAMABA began as a project of the Philippines Rotary Club Makati-Ayala.

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The two highest honors given to the artists in the Philippines:

- The Order of National Artists

- National Artist Award

Samaon Sulaiman is a Kutyapi master and a teacher.

Point/Mark is the smallest and most basic element of art.

Line- it is an element of art with width and length, but no depth. The artist uses this to create
edges and outlines of objects.

Horizontal lines are calm and quiet lines. It indicates width, rest, response, calmness,
serenity, and inaction.

Shapes have two dimensions, length, and width, and can be geometric or free form.

Space can also refer to an artist’s use of the area within the picture plane.

Medium- It is the mode of expression in which the concept, idea, or message is conveyed.

Shape- it is formed when a line encloses an area.

Unity- It enables the design to be seen as one complete piece of art or design.

Positive space- This type of space refers to an area of interest within a piece of art

Negative Space- it is the space around and between objects, rather than the object itself.

Length- it is the distance from one end of an object to the other. It is the longest dimension.

Rhythm or Movement- it refers to a regular repetition of elements to produce the look and
feel of a movement.

Pattern- It is often described as a regular arrangement of alternated or repeated elements or


Width- it is the distance from one side of an object to the other. It is the shortest dimension.

Forms- it describes volumes and mass, or the 3D aspects of objects that take up space.

Emphasis- it is the part of the design that draws the most attention without taking over the

Asymmetrical Balance- it is also known as informal balance.

Texture- it refers to the surface quality or feel of an object or material, whether it is smooth,
rough, bumpy, or soft.

Unity- it refers to the arrangement of elements to give the viewer the feeling that all the parts
of the design or piece form a coherent whole.

Emphasis in design refers to giving special attention to one part of a work of art.
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1. Artists

2. Dealers

3. Curators

4. Art Critics

5. Art Collectors


1. Samaon Sulaiman (1993)

- A kutyapi master and teacher
- who is also proficient in playing kulintang, agong, gandingan, palendag, and tambul.

2. Masino Intaray (1993)

- A prolific and pre-eminent epic chanter and storyteller.
- Recognized mastery in various traditional musical instrument such as basal, kulilal, and bagit

3. Ginaw Bilog (1993)

- A Hanunoo Mangyan poet
- Awarded for being a master of the ambahan poetry

4. Salinta Monon (1998)

- Tagabanwa-bagobo tradition weaver was awarded by Woven Fabrics using District ABACA
Fabrics called “Inabal”

5. Lang Dulay (1998)

- was a T’boli traditional weaver of “tinalak” also known as cloth made of colorful abaca fabrics.

6. Uwang Adahas (2000)

- A Yakan musician, awarded for his mastery of kwintangan, kayu, kantungtungan.

7. Federico Caballero (2000)

- From Kalinog Iloilo and was awarded in 2000 for documentation of the oral literature,
particularly the epics of his people.

8. Alonzo Saclag (2000)

- A kalinga Master of Dance and the performing arts

9. Haja Amina-Appi (2005)

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- She is a master mat weaver among the Sama indigenous community.

10. Eduardo Mutuc (2005)

- An awardee of GAMABA, who dedicated his life to creating religious and non-religious art in
silver, bronze, and wood.

11. Darhata Sawabi (2005)

- A tausug weaver, she is making Pis Syabit- the traditional cloth tapestry worn as a head cover.

12. Teofilo Garcia (2012)

- a “tabungaw” or gourd casque maker. He was cited for his efforts in keeping the traditional
Tabungaw- making alive and vibrant.

13. Magdalena Gamayo (2012)

- Master Inabel weaver from the Ilocos region

14. Ambalang Ausalin (2016)

- weaver master in Lamita, Basilan the weaving called (yakan tennun)

15. Estralita Tumandan Bantilan

- A master weaver from Malapatan, Sarangani a weaving called (B’laan igen)

16. Yabing Masalon Dulo (2016)

- A master weaver from Polomolok, South Cotabato, weaving (ikat

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