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Anantha Krishnan. A, Kalarickal, Behind RBI, Cochin -682017,, 9744533302

Anil Kumar, Asst. Professor, KMEA College of Arts and Science, Kuzhivelippady,
Ernakulam, , 9633549225

Dhanalakshmi K.G, Keezhanjalichira, Vallukunathussery, Pernijery P.O, Trissur


Purpose- This study is aimed to throw light on the hidden and unknown facts about
extraterrestrial lifeforms. It also investigates the various kinds of extraterrestrials and their
Methodology- The Journals for the research were repossessed from the website using the
words ‘different types of aliens.’ Many publications which gave insight to the subject were
scrutinized for the study.
Findings- The study facilitated to find out the different species of extraterrestrial which
exists in the galaxies.
Practical Implications- The research helps those who are unfamiliar with the aliens or
extraterrestrial, with the acquaintance about these. This paper also helps the researchers who
are fascinated with the study of extraterrestrials.
Research Limitations- Inaccessibility of the information regarding the extraterrestrial is a
austere limitation founded while experiencing the study.
Originality or Value- The study helps people of various walks of life who are very much
fascinated with the realization of the existence of aliens.
KEYWORDS: aliens, extraterrestrial, galaxy


The universe is a limitless canvas made up of billions of galaxies, each of which contains
billions of stars. One question reverberates through the hallways of human curiosity among
the innumerable stars, planets, and celestial bodies: are we alone? The possibility of coming
across extraterrestrial life, also known as aliens, has captured people's curiosity for ages.

From science fiction to folklore and ancient mythologies, the idea of extraterrestrial life has
influenced societies all over the world. In this investigation, we set out to investigate the idea
of aliens and extraterrestrial life, and more significantly, to comprehend the possible effects
that these encounters might have on Earth. Exploring the cosmic universe from far-off planets
has always piqued human curiosity about exploring the enormous universe beyond our globe.
The idea of aliens and extraterrestrial life provokes conjecture as well as fascination,
propelling research into science and inspiring a plethora of fictional works. One of
humanity's most profound and enduring ambitions, from ancient mythologies to
contemporary scientific endeavours, is to solve the secrets of the cosmos and determine
whether or not we are genuinely alone in the universe. We explore the possibilities in this
investigation, thinking about the possible shapes, purposes, and effects of extraterrestrial life.

Utmost of all works on aliens or extraterrestrial life forms are done by western authors with
very few studies in India about the subject is the major gap found in the study.


The foremost objective of the research is to find out the various kinds of extraterrestrials
existing in the galaxy. The study also divulges the impact which the mankind may have if
they invaded our planet. The research lends a hand to those who are unfamiliar with the
aliens or extraterrestrial, with the acquaintance about these. This paper also facilitates the
researchers who are fascinated with the study of aliens.


A Brief History of Extraterrestrial Exploration

Civilizations have debated the existence of extraterrestrial aliens throughout human history.
Myths and stories from ancient cultures described interactions with gods, ghosts, and celestial
visits. The 17th-century scientific revolution laid the groundwork for contemporary
astronomy and the hunt for extraterrestrial life by encouraging a methodical investigation of
the universe. Technological innovations like the telescope and space exploration have made it
possible for people to look farther into space than they have in the past.

The Modern Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI)

The establishment of SETI in the 20th century signaled the start of a systematic scientific
quest for evidence of extraterrestrial civilizations. Humanity's dedication to deciphering the
cosmic enigma is demonstrated by initiatives like the Drake Equation, which calculates the
number of communicative civilizations in our galaxy, and the creation of radio telescopes to
detect alien messages. The search for conclusive proof of extraterrestrial intelligence has
lasted for decades, yet it is still ongoing.

The Possible Forms of Extraterrestrial Life

There are many different types of extraterrestrial life, from tiny microorganisms to
sophisticated beings with intelligence and technology. Researchers investigate the potential
that life could persist in harsh conditions, such Titan's methane lakes or beneath Europa's
frozen surface. "Technosignatures" is the term used to describe the process of looking for
signs of advanced civilizations by identifying technological artefacts or signals.

1. The Naascals

The naascals are from the planet Ramay, from a star system named Capella, in the auriga
constellation. They are short and bulky, with square jaws and elongated skull. Their face
features are similar to those of South American humans on terra/earth but with a smaller
nose. Their eyes are black, brown or dark grey stretched and slender, and they’re slightly
pointed ears. The naascals have been on earth even before the arrival of the annunaki but
after the PAA-TAAL. They established the lost continent lemuria and helped the annunaki

atlanteans of nibiru establish Atlantis. After the wars with selosii reached temporary
domination of earth, the naascals refused to bow down to the hierarchical selosii rule and
formed the YU Empire, choosing to move underground. Settling in the south and Central
American continents, they were at the origin of the rise of the Mayan civilization.
Considerably advanced in sciences they taught the Mayans about astronomy and time and
then left and departed from the Mayan civilization. The Mayan people then started to perform
blood sacrifices in their names, worshipping them as gods. The naascals worked closely with
the anunaki of nibiru and helping build Atlantis, they are now a part of the galactic federation
of worlds and are a part of the protection programs on earth, they practice inter dimensional
travel in space, their ships are metallic silver and bright.

2. The Laani

The Laani are from the first planet Egoria of the Vega star system, unfortunately first in line
when the massive draconian empire fleet approached, they are tall humanoids with feline face
features for their upper part of their head from their flat nose with noticeable nostrils, to their
long heavy red or golden hair, although their mouth is humanoid like as are their rest of the
bodies, their ears are small and rounded and they have a tail. Their skin is gently light brown
covered with a short silky fur and their eyes are of all sorts of shades, amber and turquoise
being the most common colour. Since the Lyran Orion wars, their kind has spread vidrely
throughout the galaxy and they are now true masters of genetics, adapting their philology to
the new environments giving birth to a wide genetic diversity of features as for instance, the

bird like mutation in the carrian system of orion. The Laani and the sister breed Taali are
naturally compatible and their crossbreed is called “Ayal”.

3. The Armani-Cetans

The Armani cetans are from a planet named Araman in the Tau Ceti star system called Norca,
and their very name attests of their Lyran origin: “Aramani” common root language, means
the exiled men humanoid. The Aramani are a race of tan skinned 5 feet 5-inch-tall humanoids
with slightly pointed ears, dark hair and strong muscular density. They are genetically
descent of the lyran Taal race, a mixed group of humanoids who fled who fled the attack of
their world by the Ciakkar Empire from the draconian star system. They developed a fair
civilization which principles are based on justice. Not eager to conquests, the aramani-cetans
have interest in earth only for scientific curiosity and by duty to the galactic federation of
worlds, the whom they are affiliated. In alliance with the annunaki of nibiru and later
annunaki pleiadeans, as well as with affiliated other annunaki societies who have been
victims of the reptilian collective, they collaborated to the establishment of a common
defense against their reptilian nemesis. They visit earth only when in collaboration with the
work of the galactic federation of worlds, whose main work is to raise awareness of the
earthlings about the subversion of their societies by the other races notably the draconians,
maytra and kiily tokurt helping them identify and expose corrupt institutions and elite
government manipulation in liaison with these enemies, uplifting human consciousness and
developing strategies against advanced mind control technologies, monitoring extraterrestrial
infiltration, deprogramming mind control, rescuing abductees and implant removal. It is

known that they were rewarded by the annunaki royals of nibiru to genetically mark and rule
a specific group of people during the genetic engineering of Homo sapiens. Their ships are
discoidal and of a very pristine shape.

4. The Afim Spiansty

The Afim Spiansty are from the planet afiola in the star system Aldoram. They have blue skin
covered with blue spots, darker for males and lighter for females with stretched eyes angled
upwards. Afim spiansty are of smaller stature than earth humans and they don’t need oxygen,
largest percentage of their planet’s atmosphere is hydrogen. Their real name is Afim, but they
call themselves Afim Spiansty because of a war they won against the spiansty race, 12 times
more numerous with 35 more ships and resources than Afim. Their name on it is a warning to
other races. Afim Spiansty is based on a warrior patriarchy structure and although they
developed space travel and technology, thanks to the help of Selosii and Lyrans, their culture
is still an early one. This is a good example of premature intercultural contact. They
colonized 10 planets in non-violent ways but Afim have no desire of conquest on Earth/Terra,
aware to be outnumbered by the forces of the galactic federation which they are a part of and
of the reptilian-Orion alliance. They are an observing race. Their technology is so advanced
and developed that they can travel to earth within 20 earth minutes. They visit earth to study
human deviation. When they are close to humans, they can become invisible if they don’t
wish to be seen. They can be found in mainly places of deviance such as entertainment
facilities, mental hospitals and even music festivals. Their ships are small and spherical,
metallic aspect and silver with a transversal band of windows and lights. They know warp
speed and space bending.

5. The Alcobata

The Alcobata are located on the planet Urdam-II, in the Granero system, which is their
original world but their race had extended far out in this galaxy and unfortunately beyond.
The Alcobata have 5 bony points sticking out of top of their skull, they are extremely
aggressive and considered by the galactic federation of worlds as a parasite race. They are a
warrior class-based society and very complex in its hierarchical structure, their religious
system is also very complicated with a myriad of gods, they breed by eggs or mammalian
way. As there are 2 ways of reproduction. They have androgynous ability and can inseminate
themselves when chosen time has come, for this transformation they produce a particular
hormone which will activate the reproductive function. The offspring from the eggs and the
offspring from the womb biologically have different purposes in the society. Females
procreate by womb individuals assigned to practical, political and social roles of both
genders. The offspring from the eggs predominately males are fit to be warriors and are
particularly aggressive. The Alcobata have colonized 200 planets currently, they perform
frequent and ongoing abductions of humans, a practice they perform on all their colonized
worlds, purpose unknown, suspected slavery, they do not like to interact with other alien
races, they are a very aggressive hostile civilization.

6. The Pleiadians

The Pleiades which is situated four hundred and forty thousand light years from earth is a
vibrant stellar, cluster commonly known as the 7 sisters throughout the universe, colonized
by humanoid refugees from the Mansi system near Vega, who have interacted and visited
earthlings on earth/terra. These ancient astronaut settlers arrived in colossal arks, away from
the Orion-Lyran wars, millions of years ago in the fifth dimension and their specific race
represents three of the original four pleiadian racial groups- Ahel, Noor and Taal. Their
mission was the terraforming of the first 3 planets of ten as the others were unfit for life. The
system’s desolation kept it hidden from the reptilian Ciakkar Empire, making it an
unattractive target, advancing rapidly in inter dimensional travel, they ascended to the fifth
density for protection, starting a new centralized control.

7. The Nhorr

The Nhorr are a reptilian hybrid species from Daran. They inhabit a binary system with six
planets and are gracious, angelic humanoids with features that leave no doubt about their

ancestry, especially their amazing large golden reptilian eyes. They are also vegetarians and
pacifists, and they enjoy wearing brightly coloured clothing and body paint. Their culture is
centred around the creative arts. Using crystal instruments and colour frequencies, the Nhoor
are the first people on Earth to generate rhythmic, ethereal sound waves and frequencies that
we know as music. Their music is a kind of art that affects the mind and soul. They are a
recently found, incredibly unique race that communicates and has peaceful ties to the galactic
federations of worlds. The Nhorr are said to be very spiritual and to detest conformity, and
their ships come in a wide variety of sizes and forms. This race has never encountered or
travelled to Terra, also known as Earth.

8. The Laang

An alien species found in the constellation Coma Bernice in the sixth star system, are five-
dimensional entities. The Laang species lives on three of the 10 planets that make up this star
system. The Lang are graceful humanoid reptilian hybrids who stand about two feet tall. They
are known for their love of aesthetics and creativity, and they display it on their bodies by
decorating themselves with feathers, beads, shiny trinkets, and other accessories, as well as
body paint to identify their tribe. Their few outfits are typically quite colourful attributions.
Their lives and merits are reliant on nature. Laang people live in complete physical and
spiritual synergy with their surroundings, and nature is fundamental to their way of life.
Surprisingly, they hunt and consume other animals, but they do it in observance of the life
cycles, which they regard as sacrosanct. Despite the appearance this society gives of being
primitive, it is highly misleading because they have quite advanced technology, especially in
the areas of health and space travel, where they have merged life in the colonies of New Lyra
and the Pleiades. Among the first extraterrestrial beings to arrive on Earth were the Laang

visitors, who are still portrayed as fairies, elves, or enigmatic small people in folklore from
antiquity. They have saved a great deal of people from the reptiles and have never kidnapped
any humans. As is the case with all beings, the Akara—the mantis insectoid race with green,
white, and black skin tones—have their own ethical mindsets. However, in the case of the
Akara, what is notable is the absence of concepts like good or bad; instead, their code of
ethics is based on what is practical and logical and what is not. Compared to humanoid
species, this species' feelings are quite different. This is the primary reason why these
peaceful beings—apart from the Akara Mantis—will voluntarily participate in the
hybridization programmes of the Ciakarr and Orion empires, which violate fundamental
cosmic rights in relation to the requirements of the Galactic Federation. Their source is the
M104 sombrero galaxy, which is located 28 million light years from Earth. These insectoid
creatures, which range in density from three to nine feet, are based on a matriarchal hive-
structured society, with female mantises being the tallest. They are an insectoid species that
resemble praying mantises found in East Asia, except they stand and move erect. Their head
is formed like a V, with large black eyes with facets, and sets of small black appendages that
function as fingers. They are sought for and held captive by the Orion Reptilian Alliance,
who kidnaps people for a variety of unclear motives. They are skilled in acoustic
technologies and telepathic communication.

9. The Gnomopo of Negumak

The gnomopo are a race of predators that are among the oldest known to still exist. They are
thought to have originated on the planet Negumak in the Antarian system, and they take their
name from their home planet. Additionally, they possess the ability to travel between

dimensions. They resemble tall, wide, and massive insects with a venomous tail. Their
genetic makeup is unknown to science, and it does not include any reptile, grey, or other
animal species seen in our galaxy. They are not based on humans. The Negumak Gnomopo
are a rare species; they are androgynous, lay enormous eggs, and fertilise them when the eggs
are mature enough. They terrorise everyone, including the Draco reptile kingdom, with their
gigantic troops. They do not belong to the galactic federation of worlds and are dreaded
throughout all galaxies. Since Negumak have the ability to exterminate the reptile race, the
Federation of Worlds is still attempting to forge an alliance. Their spacecraft have intricate
designs and are constructed from a dark, shiny metal. They have kidnapped people from other
planets, including Earth. What is known about them is that they are incredibly skilled at mind
control and then release their victims. Several of the nations on Earth learned of their
existence between 1985 and 1989.
The Impact of Discovering Extraterrestrial Life

The potential finding of intelligent alien life could have a significant impact on humankind.
As people struggle with their role in the cosmos and the idea of cosmic friendship, their
philosophical and theological views may be called into question. Scientific knowledge of life,
evolution, and the universe may be completely transformed by research into the biology and
cultures of extraterrestrial societies. In terms of society politics, the appearance of alien
contact has the potential to bring people together behind a common goal or deepen existing
rifts, contingent upon the type of interaction.

Interstellar Communication and Contact Protocols

Researchers and decision-makers have put forth communication and interaction protocols in
case there is extraterrestrial contact. Guidelines for appropriate communication and
diplomacy are outlined in initiatives such as the SETI Institute's Declaration of Principles
Concerning Activities Following the Detection of Extraterrestrial Intelligence. Careful
planning and preparation are essential, and this is further supported by the significance of
taking into account the ethical, cultural, and societal ramifications of interaction.

The Threat of Extraterrestrial Encounters

Although the majority of the conversation about aliens is positive, other voices warn against
the possible consequences of making contact. The "Fermi Paradox" begs the question of why
we haven't found any evidence of extraterrestrial civilizations if they are widespread. The

portrayal of alien civilizations in popular culture raises questions about their intents and
motivations, which emphasizes the importance of being alert and ready in case of contact.


The pursuit of comprehending extraterrestrial life and aliens is evidence of humanity's

unquenchable curiosity and drive to discover new things. Scientific, philosophical, and
sociological spheres will all be impacted by such findings, regardless of whether we come
across primitive microorganisms or highly developed civilizations. We must treat the
possibility of contact with extraterrestrial intelligence with humility, curiosity, and readiness
as we continue to explore the cosmos and look for indications of their intelligence.
We have only begun to scrape the surface of a subject as big and intricate as the cosmos itself
in this investigation. We are reminded of our position in the universe and the limitless
opportunities that lie beyond Earth's boundaries as we gaze up into the night sky.
In summary, investigating the possible effects of aliens and extraterrestrial life on Earth is a
voyage fraught with mystery, curiosity, and significant ramifications. Even though the idea of
finding extraterrestrial life is still hypothetical, it inspires scientific research, philosophical
contemplation, and social analysis. The possibility of coming across extraterrestrial life
emphasizes the interconnectedness of all life and the endless mysteries that lie ahead of us in
the vastness of the universe. It may also spark a revolution in our understanding of biology
and evolution or serve as a catalyst for international cooperation. Let us approach this
endeavour with open minds, humility, and a deep sense of curiosity as we continue to explore
the cosmos and look for evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence. We know that the quest to
understand our cosmic neighbours is as much an exploration of the unknown as it is a
reflection of our humanity.

1. Craig Campobasso The Extraterrestrial Species Almanac: The Ultimate Guide to greys,
reptilians, hybrids, and Nordics (MUFON)
2. Elena Danaan “A Gift from the Stars”
3. Elena Danaan The Seeders, The return of the Gods
4: Shambhala, The Secret world government
5: Alien races, All Alien species Revealed
6: Gil Carlson, Book of Alien Race: Secret Russian KGB Book of Alien Species (Blue Planet

7: Maest’a Pastore, Encyclopedia of Alien Races
8: Alan Fredrich, Carl Spartacus, UFOs and Aliens 1 & 2: Most Well-Known Alien Races –
An Extraterrestrial Guide-
9: Charlie Last, Aliens Unmasked: Proof! We are not Alone, We Never Were! The Truth
about Aliens, UFOs and the Future of Mankind


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