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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.


(iii) The derrick must not be used un- (n) The process of jumping the der-
less the competent person determines rick must be supervised by the A/D di-
that the test has been passed. rector.
(4) Documentation. Tests conducted (o) Derrick operations must be super-
under this paragraph must be docu- vised by a competent person.
mented. The document must contain (p) Inspections. In addition to the re-
the date, test results and the name of quirements in § 1926.1412, the following
the tester. The document must be re- additional items must be included in
tained until the derrick is re-tested or the inspections:
dismantled, whichever occurs first. All (1) Daily: Guys for proper tension.
such documents must be available, dur- (2) Annual. (i) Gudgeon pin for
ing the applicable document retention cracks, wear, and distortion.
period, to all persons who conduct in- (ii) Foundation supports for contin-
spections in accordance with § 1926.1412. ued ability to sustain the imposed
(h) Load testing repaired or modified loads.
derricks. Derricks that have had re- (q) Qualification and Training. The
pairs, modifications or additions af- employer must train each operator of a
fecting the derrick’s capacity or safe derrick on the safe operation of equip-
operation must be evaluated by a ment the individual will operate. Sec-
qualified person to determine if a load tion 1926.1427 of this subpart (Operator
test is necessary. If it is, load testing qualification and certification) does
must be conducted and documented in not apply.
accordance with paragraph (g) of this
section. § 1926.1437 Floating cranes/derricks
and land cranes/derricks on barges.
(i) [Reserved]
(j) Power failure procedures. If power (a) This section contains supple-
fails during operations, the derrick op- mental requirements for floating
erator must safely stop operations. cranes/derricks and land cranes/der-
This must include: ricks on barges, pontoons, vessels or
(1) Setting all brakes or locking de- other means of flotation (i.e., vessel/
vices. flotation device). The sections of this
(2) Moving all clutch and other power subpart apply to floating cranes/der-
controls to the off position. ricks and land cranes/derricks on
barges, pontoons, vessels or other
(k) Use of winch heads. (1) Ropes must
means of flotation, unless specified
not be handled on a winch head with-
otherwise. The requirements of this
out the knowledge of the operator.
section do not apply when using jacked
(2) While a winch head is being used,
barges when the jacks are deployed to
the operator must be within reach of
the river, lake, or sea bed and the
the power unit control lever.
barge is fully supported by the jacks.
(l) [Reserved] (b) General requirements. The require-
(m) Securing the boom. (1) When the ments in paragraphs (c) through (k) of
boom is being held in a fixed position, this section apply to both floating
dogs, pawls, or other positive holding cranes/derricks and land cranes/der-
mechanisms on the boom hoist must be ricks on barges, pontoons, vessels or
engaged. other means of flotation.
(2) When taken out of service for 30 (c) Work area control. (1) The require-
days or more, the boom must be se- ments of § 1926.1424 (Work area control)
cured by one of the following methods: apply, except for § 1926.1424(a)(2)(ii).
(i) Laid down. (2) The employer must either:
(ii) Secured to a stationary member, (i) Erect and maintain control lines,
as nearly under the head as possible, by warning lines, railings or similar bar-
attachment of a sling to the load riers to mark the boundaries of the
block. hazard areas; or
(iii) For guy derricks, lifted to a (ii) Clearly mark the hazard areas by
vertical position and secured to the a combination of warning signs (such
mast. as, ‘‘Danger—Swing/Crush Zone’’) and
(iv) For stiffleg derricks, secured high visibility markings on the equip-
against the stiffleg. ment that identify the hazard areas. In


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§ 1926.1437 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–14 Edition)

addition, the employer must train each (1) Shift. For each shift inspection,
employee to understand what these the means used to secure/attach the
markings signify. equipment to the vessel/flotation de-
(d) Keeping clear of the load. Section vice is in proper condition, including
1926.1425 does not apply. wear, corrosion, loose or missing fas-
(e) Additional safety devices. In addi- teners, defective welds, and (when ap-
tion to the safety devices listed in plicable) insufficient tension.
§ 1926.1415, the following safety devices (2) Monthly. For each monthly in-
are required: spection:
(1) Barge, pontoon, vessel or other (i) The means used to secure/attach
means of flotation list and trim device. the equipment to the vessel/flotation
The safety device must be located in device is in proper condition, including
the cab or, when there is no cab, at the inspection for wear, corrosion, and,
operator’s station. when applicable, insufficient tension.
(2) Positive equipment house lock. (ii) The vessel/flotation device is not
taking on water.
(3) Wind speed and direction indicator.
(iii) The deckload is properly se-
A competent person must determine if
wind is a factor that needs to be con-
(iv) The vessel/flotation device is wa-
sidered; if wind needs to be considered,
tertight based on the condition of the
a wind speed and direction indicator
chain lockers, storage, fuel compart-
must be used.
ments, and hatches.
(f) Operational aids. (1) An anti two-
(v) The firefighting and lifesaving
block device is required only when
equipment is in place and functional.
hoisting personnel or hoisting over an
(3) The shift and monthly inspections
occupied cofferdam or shaft.
are conducted by a competent person,
(2) Section 1926.1416(e)(4) (Load and:
weighing and similar devices) does not (i) If any deficiency is identified, an
apply to dragline, clamshell (grapple), immediate determination is made by a
magnet, drop ball, container handling, qualified person whether the deficiency
concrete bucket, and pile driving work constitutes a hazard.
performed under this section. (ii) If the deficiency is determined to
(g) Accessibility of procedures applica- constitute a hazard, the vessel/flota-
ble to equipment operation. If the crane/ tion device is removed from service
derrick has a cab, the requirements of until the deficiency has been corrected.
§ 1926.1417(c) apply. If the crane/derrick (4) Annual: external vessel/flotation de-
does not have a cab, the employer must vice inspection. For each annual inspec-
ensure that: tion:
(1) Rated capacities (load charts) are (i) The external portion of the barge,
posted at the operator’s station. If the pontoons, vessel or other means of flo-
operator’s station is moveable (such as tation used is inspected annually by a
with pendant-controlled equipment), qualified person who has expertise with
the load charts are posted on the equip- respect to vessels/flotation devices and
ment. that the inspection includes the fol-
(2) Procedures applicable to the oper- lowing items:
ation of the equipment (other than (A) The items identified in para-
load charts), recommended operating graphs (h)(1) (Shift) and (h)(2) (Monthly)
speeds, special hazard warnings, in- of this section.
structions and operators manual, must (B) Cleats, bitts, chocks, fenders, cap-
be readily available on board the ves- stans, ladders, and stanchions, for sig-
sel/flotation device. nificant corrosion, wear, deterioration,
(h) Inspections. In addition to meeting or deformation that could impair the
the requirements of § 1926.1412 for in- function of these items.
specting the crane/derrick, the em- (C) External evidence of leaks and
ployer must inspect the barge, pon- structural damage; evidence of leaks
toons, vessel or other means of flota- and damage below the waterline may
tion used to support a floating crane/ be determined through internal inspec-
derrick or land crane/derrick, and en- tion of the vessel/flotation device.
sure that: (D) Four-corner draft readings.


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.1437

(E) Firefighting equipment for serv- years. All such documents must be
iceability. made available, during the applicable
(ii) Rescue skiffs, lifelines, work document retention period, to all per-
vests, life preservers and ring buoys are sons who conduct inspections in ac-
inspected for proper condition. cordance with § 1926.1412.
(iii) If any deficiency is identified, an (i) [Reserved]
immediate determination is made by (j) Working with a diver. The employer
the qualified person whether the defi- must meet the following additional re-
ciency constitutes a hazard or, though quirements when working with a diver
not yet a hazard, needs to be monitored in the water:
in the monthly inspections. (1) If a crane/derrick is used to get a
(A) If the qualified person determines diver into and out of the water, it must
that the deficiency constitutes a haz- not be used for any other purpose until
ard, the vessel/flotation device is re- the diver is back on board. When used
moved from service until it has been for more than one diver, it must not be
corrected. See requirements in used for any other purpose until all
§ 1926.1417(f). divers are back on board.
(B) If the qualified person determines (2) The operator must remain at the
that, though not presently a hazard, controls of the crane/derrick at all
the deficiency needs to be monitored, times.
the deficiency is checked in the month- (3) In addition to the requirements in
ly inspections. §§ 1926.1419 through 1926.1422 (Signals),
(5) Four-year: internal vessel/flotation either:
device inspection. For each four-year in- (i) A clear line of sight must be main-
spection: tained between the operator and ten-
(i) A marine engineer, marine archi- der; or
tect, licensed surveyor, or other quali- (ii) The signals between the operator
fied person who has expertise with re- and tender must be transmitted elec-
spect to vessels/flotation devices sur- tronically.
veys the internal portion of the barge, (4) The means used to secure the
pontoons, vessel, or other means of flo- crane/derrick to the vessel/flotation de-
tation. vice (see paragraph (n)(5) of this sec-
(ii) If the surveyor identifies a defi- tion) must not allow any amount of
ciency, an immediate determination is shifting in any direction.
made by the surveyor as to whether the (k) Manufacturer’s specifications and
deficiency constitutes a hazard or, limitations. (1) The employer must en-
though not yet a hazard, needs to be sure that the barge, pontoons, vessel,
monitored in the monthly or annual in- or other means of flotation must be ca-
spections, as appropriate. pable of withstanding imposed environ-
(A) If the surveyor determines that mental, operational and in-transit
the deficiency constitutes a hazard, the loads when used in accordance with the
vessel/flotation device is removed from manufacturer’s specifications and limi-
service until it has been corrected. tations.
(B) If the surveyor determines that, (2) The employer must ensure that
though not presently a hazard, the de- the manufacturer’s specifications and
ficiency needs to be monitored, the de- limitations with respect to environ-
ficiency is checked in the monthly or mental, operational, and in-transit
annual inspections, as appropriate. loads for a barge, pontoon, vessel, or
(6) Documentation. The monthly and other means of flotation are not ex-
annual inspections required in para- ceeded or violated.
graphs (h)(2) and (h)(4) of this section (3) When the manufacturer’s speci-
are documented in accordance with fications and limitations are unavail-
§§ 1926.1412 (e)(3) and 1926.1412(f)(7), re- able, the employer must ensure that
spectively, and that the four-year in- the specifications and limitations es-
spection required in paragraph (h)(5) of tablished by a qualified person with re-
this section is documented in accord- spect to environmental, operational
ance with § 1926.1412(f)(7), except that and in-transit loads for the barge, pon-
the documentation for that inspection toons, vessel, or other means of flota-
must be retained for a minimum of 4 tion are not exceeded or violated.


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§ 1926.1437 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–14 Edition)

(l) [Reserved] (4) If the equipment is employer-

(m) Floating cranes/derricks. For made, it must not be used unless the
equipment designed by the manufac- employer has documents dem-
turer (or employer) for marine use by onstrating that the load charts and ap-
permanent attachment to barges, pon- plicable parameters for use meet the
toons, vessels or other means of flota- requirements of paragraphs (m)(1)
tion: through (3) of this section. Such docu-
(1) Load charts. (i) The employer must ments must be signed by a registered
not exceed the manufacturer load professional engineer who is a qualified
charts applicable to operations on person with respect to the design of
water. When using these charts, the this type of equipment (including the
employer must comply with all param- means of flotation).
eters and limitations (such as dynamic (5) The employer must ensure that
and environmental parameters) appli- the barge, pontoons, vessel or other
cable to the use of the charts. means of flotation used:
(ii) The employer must ensure that (i) Are structurally sufficient to
load charts take into consideration a withstand the static and dynamic loads
minimum wind speed of 40 miles per of the crane/derrick when operating at
hour. the crane/derrick’s maximum rated ca-
(2) The employer must ensure that pacity with all planned and actual deck
the requirements for maximum allow- loads and ballasted compartments.
able list and maximum allowable trim (ii) Have a subdivided hull with one
as specified in Table M1 of this section or more longitudinal watertight bulk-
are met. heads for reducing the free-surface ef-
TABLE M1 (iii) Have access to void compart-
Maximum Maximum
ments to allow for inspection and
Rated capacity allowable allowable pumping.
list trim (n) Land cranes/derricks. For land
(degrees) (degrees)
cranes/derricks used on barges, pon-
Equipment designed for marine use toons, vessels or other means of flota-
by permanent attachment (other
than derricks):
tion, the employer must ensure that:
25 tons or less ................................... 5 5 (1) The rated capacity of the equip-
Over 25 tons ...................................... 7 7 ment (including but not limited to
Derricks designed for marine use by modification of load charts) applicable
permanent attachment:
Any rated capacity ............................. 10 10 for use on land is reduced to:
(i) Account for increased loading
(3) The employer must ensure that from list, trim, wave action, and wind.
the equipment is stable under the con- (ii) Be applicable to a specified loca-
ditions specified in Tables M2 and M3 tion(s) on the specific barge, pontoons,
of this section. (NOTE: Freeboard is the vessel or other means of flotation that
vertical distance between the water will be used, under the environmental
line and the main deck of the vessel.) conditions expected and encountered.
(iii) The conditions required in para-
TABLE M2 graphs (n)(3) and (n)(4) of this section
are met.
Wind Minimum
Operated at speed freeboard (2) The rated capacity modification
(mph) (ft) required in paragraph (n)(1) of this sec-
Rated capacity ................................... 60 2
tion is performed by the equipment
Rated capacity plus 25% .................. 60 1 manufacturer, or a qualified person
High boom, no load ........................... 60 2 who has expertise with respect to both
land crane/derrick capacity and the
TABLE M3 stability of vessels/flotation devices.
(3) For list and trim.
Wind (i) The maximum allowable list and
Operated at speed
the maximum allowable trim for the
For backward stability of the boom: barge, pontoon, vessel or other means
High boom, no load, full back list (least stable 90 mph.
of flotation must not exceed the
amount necessary to ensure that the


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.1437

conditions in paragraph (n)(4) of this (iv) Option (4)—Centerline cable system.

section are met. In addition, the max- The crane/derrick is prevented from
imum allowable list and the maximum shifting by being mounted to a wire
allowable trim does not exceed the rope system. The employer must en-
least of the following: 5 degrees, the sure that the wire rope system meets
amount specified by the crane/derrick the following requirements:
manufacturer, or, when, an amount is (A) The wire rope and attachments
not so specified, the amount specified are of sufficient size and strength to
by the qualified person. support the side load of crane/derrick.
(ii) The maximum allowable list and (B) The wire rope is attached phys-
the maximum allowable trim for the ically to the vessel/flotation device.
land crane/derrick does not exceed the (C) The wire rope is attached to the
amount specified by the crane/derrick crane/derrick by appropriate attach-
manufacturer, or, when, an amount is ment methods (such as shackles or
not so specified, the amount specified sheaves) on the undercarriage, and that
by the qualified person. the method used will allow the crew to
(4) For the following conditions: secure the crane/derrick from move-
(i) All deck surfaces of the barge, ment during operation and to move the
pontoons, vessel or other means of flo- crane/derrick longitudinally along the
vessel/flotation device for repo-
tation used are above water.
(ii) The entire bottom area of the
(D) Means are installed to prevent
barge, pontoons, vessel or other means
the crane/derrick from passing the for-
of flotation used is submerged. ward or aft end of the wire rope attach-
(5) Physical attachment, corralling, ments.
rails system and centerline cable sys- (E) The crane/derrick is secured from
tem meet the requirements in Option movement during operation.
(1), Option (2), Option (3), or Option (4) (v) The systems/means used to com-
of this section, and that whichever op- ply with Option (1), Option (2), Option
tion is used also meets the require- (3), or Option (4) of this section are de-
ments of paragraph (n)(5)(v) of this sec- signed by a marine engineer, registered
tion. professional engineer familiar with
(i) Option (1)—Physical attachment. floating crane/derrick design, or quali-
The crane/derrick is physically at- fied person familiar with floating
tached to the barge, pontoons, vessel or crane/derrick design.
other means of flotation. Methods of (6) Exception. For mobile auxiliary
physical attachment include crossed- cranes used on the deck of a floating
cable systems attached to the crane/ crane/derrick, the requirement speci-
derrick and vessel/flotation device, fied by paragraph (n)(5) of this section
bolting or welding the crane/derrick to to use Option (1), Option (2), Option (3),
the vessel/flotation device, strapping or Option (4) does not apply when the
the crane/derrick to the vessel/flota- employer demonstrates implementa-
tion device with chains, or other meth- tion of a plan and procedures that meet
ods of physical attachment. the following requirements:
(ii) Option (2)—Corralling. The crane/ (i) A marine engineer or registered
derrick is prevented from shifting by professional engineer familiar with
installing barricade restraints (i.e., a floating crane/derrick design develops
corralling system). Employers must en- and signs a written plan for the use of
sure that corralling systems do not the mobile auxiliary crane.
allow the equipment to shift by any (ii) The plan is designed so that the
amount of shifting in any direction. applicable requirements of this section
(iii) Option (3)—Rails. The crane/der- are met despite the position, travel, op-
rick must be prevented from shifting eration, and lack of physical attach-
by being mounted on a rail system. ment (or corralling, use of rails or
Employers must ensure that rail cable system) of the mobile auxiliary
clamps and rail stops are used unless crane.
the system is designed to prevent (iii) The plan specifies the areas of
movement during operation by other the deck where the mobile auxiliary
means. crane is permitted to be positioned,


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§ 1926.1438 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–14 Edition)

travel, and operate, and the parameters (2) The following requirements apply
and limitations of such movements and to equipment identified in paragraph
operation. (b)(1) of this section:
(iv) The deck is marked to identify (i) Sections 1926.1400 through
the permitted areas for positioning, 1926.1414; §§ 1926.1417 through 1926.1425;
travel, and operation. § 1926.1426(d), §§ 1926.1427 through
(v) The plan specifies the dynamic 1926.1434; § 1926.1437, § 1926.1439, and
and environmental conditions that § 1926.1441.
must be present for use of the plan. (ii) The following portions of
(vi) If the dynamic and environ- § 1910.179:
mental conditions in paragraph (A) Paragraphs (b)(5),(6),(7);
(n)(6)(v) of this section are exceeded, (e)(1),(3),(5),(6); (f)(1),(4); (g); (h)(1),(3);
the mobile auxiliary crane is attached (k); and (n) of § 1910.179.
physically or corralled in accordance (B) The definitions in § 1910.179(a) ex-
with Option (1), Option (2) or Option (4) cept for ‘‘hoist’’ and ‘‘load.’’ For those
of paragraph (n)(5) of this section. words, the definitions in § 1926.1401
(7) The barge, pontoons, vessel or apply.
other means of flotation used: (C) Section 1910.179(b)(2), but only
(i) Are structurally sufficient to where the equipment identified in
withstand the static and dynamic loads paragraph (b)(1) of this section
of the crane/derrick when operating at (§ 1926.1438) was manufactured before
the crane/derrick’s maximum rated ca- September 19, 2001.
pacity with all anticipated deck loads (iii) For equipment manufactured on
and ballasted compartments. or after September 19, 2001, the fol-
(ii) Have a subdivided hull with one lowing sections of ASME B30.2–2005 (in-
or more longitudinal watertight bulk- corporated by reference, see § 1926.6)
heads for reducing the free surface ef- apply: 2–1.3.1; 2–1.3.2; 2–1.4.1; 2–1.6; 2–
fect. 1.7.2; 2–1.8.2; 2–1.9.1; 2–1.9.2; 2–1.11; 2–
(iii) Have access to void compart- 1.12.2; 2–1.13.7; 2–1.14.2; 2–1.14.3; 2–1.14.5;
ments to allow for inspection and 2–1.15.; 2–2.2.2; 2– In addition, 2–
pumping. 3.5 applies, except in 2–3.5.1(b), ‘‘29 CFR
1910.147’’ is substituted for ‘‘ANSI
§ 1926.1438 Overhead & gantry cranes. Z244.1.’’
(a) Permanently installed overhead and
gantry cranes. The requirements of § 1926.1439 Dedicated pile drivers.
§ 1910.179, except for § 1910.179(b)(1), and (a) The provisions of subpart CC
not the requirements of this subpart apply to dedicated pile drivers, except
CC, apply to the following equipment as specified in this section.
when used in construction and perma- (b) Section 1926.1416(d)(3) (Anti two-
nently installed in a facility: overhead blocking device) does not apply.
and gantry cranes, including (c) Section 1926.1416(e)(4) (Load
semigantry, cantilever gantry, wall weighing and similar devices) applies
cranes, storage bridge cranes, and oth- only to dedicated pile drivers manufac-
ers having the same fundamental char- tured after November 8, 2011.
acteristics. (d) In § 1926.1433, only §§ 1926.1433(d)
(b) Overhead and gantry cranes that and (e) apply to dedicated pile drivers.
are not permanently installed in a facil-
ity. (1) This paragraph applies to the § 1926.1440 Sideboom cranes.
following equipment when used in con- (a) The provisions of this standard
struction and not permanently in- apply, except § 1926.1402 (Ground condi-
stalled in a facility: Overhead and gan- tions), § 1926.1415 (Safety devices),
try cranes, overhead/bridge cranes, § 1926.1416 (Operational aids), and
semigantry, cantilever gantry, wall § 1926.1427 (Operator qualification and
cranes, storage bridge cranes, launch- certification).
ing gantry cranes, and similar equip- (b) Section 1926.1426 (Free fall and
ment having the same fundamental controlled load lowering) applies, ex-
characteristics, irrespective of whether cept § 1926.1426(a)(2)(i). Sideboom cranes
it travels on tracks, wheels, or other in which the boom is designed to free
means. fall (live boom) are permitted only if


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