Conversion of compound sentences to complex

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Conversion of compound sentences to complex

1. Search his pockets and you will find the watch. (compound )
2. If you search his pockets,you will find the watch.(complex)
3. Do as I tell you, or you will regret it. ( compound)
4. Unless you do as I tell you, you willregret it. .(complex)
5. The lion was wounded but not killed.(compound )
6. The lion was not killed although he was wounded. .(complex)
7. Waste not, want not. (compound )
8. If you do not waste, you will not want..(complex)
9. He saw the danger, but pressed on.(compound )
10. Although he saw the danger, he pressed on. .(complex)
11. He saw the danger and paused.(compound )
12. When he saw the danger he paused..(complex)
13. He aimed at winning the prize and worked hard.(compound )
14. He worked hard so that he might win the prize. .(complex)
15. He had to sign, or be executed. (compound )
16. If he had not signed, he would have been executed..(complex)
17. He is buried near Rome and myrtles grow round his grave.(compound )
18. He is buried near Rome in a place where myrtles grow..(complex)
19. He wishes to become learned; therefore he is studying hard.(compound )
20. He is studying hard so that he may become learned..(complex)
22. COMPLEX: The moment which is lost is lost forever.
23. SIMPLE: a lost moment is lost forever.
24. COMPLEX: men who have risen by their own exertions are always respected.
25. SIMPLE: self-made man are always respected.
26. Complex: they that are whole have no need of the physician.
27. Simple: healthy persons have no need of the physicians.
28. Complex: we came upon a hut where a peasant lived.
29. Simple: we came upon a peasant’s hut.
30. Complex: youth is the time when the seeds of character are sown.
31. Simple: youth is the time for the formation of character.
32. Complex: the exact time when this occurred has not be ascertained.
33. Simple: the exact time of occurrence has not be ascertained.
34. Complex: the son who was his chief pride in his old age is dead.
35. Simple: his son, the pride of his old age, is dead.
36. Complex: the place where Buddha was cremated has recently been discovered.
37. Simple: the place of Buddha’s cremation has recently been discovered.
38. Complex: I have no advice that I can offer you.
39. Simple: I have no advice to offer you.

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