Desni Speech

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The Role of Generation Z In Shaping A Better World

Imagine a world where a 16-year-old can spark a global movement to combat climate
change. This is not a distant dream; it's our reality, led by none other than Greta Thunberg, a
member of Generation Z. This generation is not waiting for permission to change the world;
they are already doing it.
Hello everyone, my name is Desni Hafifah from the Health Polytechnic of Tanjungkarang.
Today, I want to discuss something crucial and relevant to our collective future: “The Role of
Generation Z in Shaping a Better World.” Generation Z, born between the mid-1990s and
early 2010s, holds tremendous potential for bringing positive change. With their unique
characteristics and deep understanding of technology, they are prepared to tackle global
challenges and create innovative solutions. Why am I saying this? What is the basis for
claiming that Generation Z is ready to change the world? What concrete evidence supports
this? Okay, I will explain it to you.
First, Technology and Innovation:
Generation Z is the first digital generation to grow up with widespread access to the internet
and advanced technology. They use social media to rally support for various social
movements, create inspiring content, and leverage technology to solve real-world problems.
For example, many innovations in health, education, and the environment have stemmed
from the brilliant ideas of young people. Consider the story of Boyan Slat, who at the age of
16, conceptualized a system to clean up ocean plastics, which has now evolved into The
Ocean Cleanup project. His vision and innovation show how Gen Z can address global issues
with technological solutions.
Second, Social and Environmental Awareness:
Generation Z is known for its high awareness of social and environmental issues. They are
the most vocal generation about climate change, social justice, and human rights. With a
strong spirit of activism, they push companies and governments to take responsibility and
make real changes. Greta Thunberg, a young climate activist from Sweden, is a prime
example of the power and influence of this generation. Her Fridays for Future movement has
galvanized millions to demand urgent action on climate change. Another inspiring figure is
Melati Wijsen from Indonesia, who, along with her sister, founded Bye Bye Plastic Bags at
the age of 12 to reduce plastic waste in Bali. Their activism led to a ban on single-use plastics
in Bali.
Third, Education and Lifelong Learning:
In the era of globalization, Generation Z understands the importance of education that is not
just academic but also holistic. They pursue knowledge in more flexible and diverse ways,
often through online platforms and learning communities. They are also more open to cross-
cultural collaboration, which is crucial for creating a more peaceful and understanding
world. Lifelong learning is a fundamental principle for them to continuously adapt to the
fast-changing world. Platforms like Coursera, Khan Academy, and even YouTube have
become treasure troves of knowledge, empowering Gen Z to learn anytime, anywhere.
Last but not least, Creativity and Innovation:
Generation Z demonstrates extraordinary creativity in various fields, from arts to science.
This is evident in the numerous startups and creative projects they initiate. For instance,
many new apps and platforms developed by young people aim to solve everyday problems
and improve our quality of life. Take the example of Indonesian student, Nadya Okamoto,
who founded the nonprofit organization PERIOD at age 16, which addresses menstrual
health issues and combats period poverty. Her creative approach to a sensitive issue has
brought significant awareness and aid to those in need.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Generation Z brings hope and optimism to our future. By harnessing technology, increasing
social awareness, and emphasizing the importance of education and creativity, they are
ready to shape a better world. Our task is to support them, provide opportunities, and
ensure that their voices are heard. Let us work together to build a brighter future inspired by
Generation Z.
In the words of Malala Yousafzai, "One child, one teacher, one book, and one pen can
change the world." Let us empower Generation Z to be that change. Thank you.

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