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Physics chapter 1 notes

 Hollow=it means a container filled with air inside it.

 In case of nails the word solid means it doesn’t has
space inside it , it also can be used as opposite of hollow.
 Density – Amount of matter in a particular volume.

 Density = Mass/Volume
 As particles in a material get packed closer the density
increases, that’s why solids have highest density.
 In case of element, density usually increasesas the
atomic number increases. Osmium has atomic number is
76 and it is denser than Iron which has atomic number
 The substance with the highest density in the universe is
found in collapsed stars, these are made from
neutronium which has a density of 100 000 000 000 000
 If something is denser than water, it will sink in water.
 If something is less dense than water, it will float on
Q- some materials are heavy yet doesn’t sink in water like
ships. why?
ANS- Modern ships are made from steel that has a density
of 8-9 g/cm3 that is more than the density of water,
1g/cm3, but there are large spaces inside ships that contain
only air. that’s why the ship has very large volume, so the
average density of the whole ship is less than the density
of the water.
 Every liquid has different density like, crude oil is less
dense than water, when it get spilled accidently in
oceans and seas it creates water pollution and damages
marine life by floating on water.
 The gas in the fizzy drinks comes up because the bubbles
contain gases like CO2 that has less density than water,
so the bubbles rise up to the top.
 When the same gas is compressed to be filled in a
container the density of the gas increases as compared
to the density of the gas in open air.
END OF 3.1
 Heat is a measure of energy in the particles.
 Heat is the total thermal energy of the vibrating particles
in an object.
 Thermal energy can be stored, but the stored energy will
eventually dissipate into the surroundings.
 Thermal is measured in joules
 the direction that thermal will be transferred.
 The average energy of the particles in an object.
 The temperature gives us information about the energy
of the particles.
 Heat tells us about the total energy of the particles,
whereas Temperature tells us about the average energy
of the particles.
 Temperature is a good way of comparing the particle
energy between objects of different size or made from
different materials.
Q- the sparkler can be at a temperature of about 1000°C
but one spark doesn’t cause so much serious burns. why??
ANS- They doesn’t cause so much serious burns because
they have a very less or no mass and the temperature
difference between them and the air is very large therefore
the total thermal energy or the heat of the spark is very
 Temperature can be measured in kelvin and Celsius ,the
absolute zero of kelvin is equal to -273oC .
 The absolute 0 of kelvin is the lowest temperature
possible, it is believed that particles do not move after
this temperature.
END OF 3.2
 Energy is conserved means something different from
saying less energy is being used.
 Energy conserved means using the appliances that
converts major part of energy into useful energy rather
than converting it into waste energy.
 The total output energy can never be greater than the
total input energy in any type of system, because as per
the law of conservation of energy, energy can neither be
created nor be destroyed, it can only be converted from
one form to another.
 Some times the energy is dissipated in the surroundings
but not destroyed, as the dissipated energy remains in
the environment in the form of thermal or any other
kind of energy.
 To conserve energy we should use, energy efficient
products so that the amount of total used up energy
should be always greater than the amount of wasted
 Energy less used means using the appliances for less
hours, limiting their use or turn off the appliances when
not in use.
End of 3.3
 Thermal energy always moves from hotter places to
colder places. i.e. from high temperature to low
 When thermal energy is removed from a hot object, we
say that, the thermal energy is dissipate.
 When we hold ice cube in our hand the thermal energy
from our hand is transferred to the ice. If we hold the ice
for too long much more thermal energy will be
transferred to the ice and can damage our hand due to
excess transfer of thermal energy.
 The rate, speed of thermal energy transfer increases
when the temperature difference between the hot and
the cold place increase.
END OF 3.4
 When we heat the substances, the particles in the
substances gain energy, they vibrate vigorously and
move faster.
 So the substances expand when are heated due to
increase in inter-molecular space between the particles
1. Solids expands when heated and converted into liquid.
2. liquid expands when heated and converted into gas.
3. Gases also expands when heated and converted into
high pressure.
 When the particles vibrate, they will push against the
particles aside, the faster the vibration of the particles,
the greater the push. The particle beside will vibrate
more vigorously as well.
 Conduction – method of thermal energy transfer where
more vigorously vibrating particles causes neighbouring
particles to vibrate by colliding.
 Conduction of thermal energy best works in solids
where the particles are packed tightly and can only
move by vibrating.
 Metals are the best conductors of heat, because of the
ways their particles are arranged. The electrons are free
to move in metal which helps them to pass the heat.
 Conduction does not work well in liquids and gases
because the particles are far apart and can move
around rather than just vibrating.
 Conduction cannot happen in vacuum because there
are no particles present to vibrate and pass energy.
 Convection – method of thermal energy transfer where
more vigorously vibrating particles cause expansion and
decrease in density in a liquid or gas, the less dense
then rises because it floats, setting up a convection
 Convection cannot happen in solids because the
particles are not free to move. The particles in solids can
only vibrate about fixed position.
 Convection cannot happen in vacuum also because
there are no particles to move and pass energy.
 Radiation – method of thermal energy transfer that uses
waves and does not depend on particles, occurs through
a vacuum, through gases and through transparent
 Radiation is a wave that cannot be seen, and the
thermal energy passes through it very quickly.
 All objects give out thermal through radiation, the
hotter the object, the more radiation it will emit.
 The sun and the other hot objects in the space emit
thermal energy by radiation as there are no particles
present in the space.
 The colour and texture of an object effects it ability to
emit or absorb thermal energy by radiation.
 The best emitters and absorbers of radiation are dull,
black and have a large surface area.
 The worst emitters and absorbers of radiation are shiny,
white or silver and have small surface area.
 Shiny, white or silver surfaces reflect radiation away.
END OF 3.5
 When the particles with the highest energy escape from
the water, this will lower the average energy of the
particles of that remain. Therefore, the temperature of
the water will decrease, so evaporation causes cooling.
 Evaporation works in
1. Cooling the body after evaporating the sweat.
2. Cooling water inside the earthen pot by evaporating the
water on surface of the pot.
3. Air cooler use evaporation of water to cool air.
4. Perfume have weaker force between the particles, they
are designed to evaporate and letting the fragrance
5. Liquid soaps have strong force between the particles,
they take much more time to evaporate as compared to

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