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Properties of Materials

 The arrangement of elements in tabular form in order of their

atomic size is known as periodic table.
 The periodic table not only tells us about atomic size but also
tells us about the mass, reactivity, properties and the number
of protons, neutrons and electrons an element have.
 Trends in the table
1. As we move from left to right the atomic mass of elements
2. As we move from left to right the atomic size of elements
3. As we move from top to bottom the atomic radius of elements
4. As we move from top to bottom the reactivity of the elements
also increases.
 The atomic number of the element tells us about the number
protons in contain.
 There are same number of protons and electrons in an
element, so the atom has no charge at all.
 The mass number is the sum of neutrons and protons.
 If we subtract the atomic number from the atomic mass we get
the number of neutrons.
 The atoms lose or gain electrons to reach their electronic
 The number of electrons lose or gained is defined as the
valency of the atom.
 Dmitri Mendeleev made the first periodic table then Henry
Moseley modernized it.
 Before periodic table many scientists worked on the model an
 Firstly, J.J. Thompson gave the idea of electrons in an atom as a
plum pudding.

 Later, Ernest Rutherford modified this model of the atom

further and stated that electrons move in their predefined
shells/orbits. They do flow freely in the model.
 Ernest Rutherford was awarded with noble prize for his work.
 The electrons are arranged in shells around the nucleus just like
the earth’s orbit around the sun.
 The first four shells are known as K, L, M and N
1. K shell can only hold 2 electrons.
2. L shell can only hold 8 electrons. And so on……
 This structure of atom is known as electronic
END OF 2.1

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