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Course Description:

This comprehensive training program is designed to provide participants with a thorough

understanding of Amazon Web Services (AWS) and its core services. Participants will learn how to
leverage AWS's cloud infrastructure to enhance their business operations, achieve cost efficiencies,
and innovate rapidly. The training includes practical exercises, real-world case studies, and hands-
on labs to ensure participants gain the skills needed to effectively utilize AWS.

Course Outline:

Module 1: Introduction to AWS

• Overview of AWS Cloud

• Benefits of Cloud Computing
• AWS Global Infrastructure
• AWS Management Console and CLI

Module 2: Compute Services

• Amazon EC2
o Launching and managing EC2 instances
o EC2 pricing models (On-Demand, Reserved, Spot Instances)
• AWS Lambda
o Building serverless applications
o Event-driven computing with Lambda functions

Module 3: Storage Solutions

• Amazon S3
o Storing and retrieving data
o S3 storage classes and lifecycle management
• Amazon EBS
o Creating and attaching EBS volumes
o EBS snapshots and data backup

Module 4: Networking

• Amazon VPC
o Creating and configuring VPCs
o Subnets, Route Tables, and Gateways
• Amazon CloudFront
o Content delivery network fundamentals
o Configuring and using CloudFront

Module 5: Databases

• Amazon RDS
o Setting up and managing relational databases
o Backup, recovery, and security features
• Amazon DynamoDB
o NoSQL database setup and management
o Scaling and performance optimization

Module 6: Machine Learning

• Amazon SageMaker
o Building and training ML models
o Deploying and managing models
• AWS Deep Learning AMIs
o Utilizing pre-installed deep learning frameworks

Module 7: Developer Tools

• AWS CodePipeline
o Continuous integration and delivery
o Automating build and deployment processes
• AWS CodeBuild
o Compiling source code and running tests
o Creating build projects and managing build artifacts

Module 8: Security

• AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)

o User and role management
o Policies and permissions
• AWS Shield
o DDoS protection strategies
o Configuring AWS Shield for web applications

Module 9: Cost Management and Optimization

• AWS Pricing Models

• Cost Management Tools
• Best Practices for Cost Optimization

Module 10: Real-World Applications and Case Studies

• Customer Success Stories

• Practical Exercises
• Group Discussions and Q&A

Module 11: Final Project and Certification Exam

• Hands-on Project
• Preparation for AWS Certification Exam
• Exam Review and Tips

Training Methodology:
1. Lectures and Presentations: Detailed explanations of AWS concepts and services.
2. Hands-On Labs: Practical exercises to apply what you've learned.
3. Case Studies: Real-world examples of AWS implementations.
4. Group Discussions: Interactive sessions to discuss and clarify doubts.
5. Final Project: A comprehensive project to demonstrate your AWS skills.
6. Certification Exam Preparation: Guidance and tips to pass AWS certification exams.


• Basic understanding of cloud computing concepts

• Familiarity with IT infrastructure and network basics
• Experience with programming or scripting is beneficial but not required

Target Audience:

• IT Professionals
• System Administrators
• Developers
• Solution Architects
• Business Leaders looking to leverage AWS Cloud for their operations


• Full Program: 8 Weeks

• Weekly Commitment: 5-10 hours per week

Enrollment and Contact Information:

To Enroll:

• Visit:
• Email:
• Phone: 1-800-123-AWS

Social Media:

• Facebook: AWS Training

• Twitter: @awscloud
• LinkedIn: Amazon Web Services (AWS)

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