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Objective 6 How do you maintain a learning environment that is responsive to your community's context? Describe the context in your area and share teacher practices that contribute to further improvement of your community. I can uphold a learning environment that is sensitive to the community by being a promoter of different activities of the school, the parents and the barangay. | have been able to respond to the learners’ needs by having a good relationship with the parents and the community. In addition to this, | always communicate with the parents about the learners’ achievements, needs and progresses in school. With this, | was able to help the parents in helping their children in becoming a better versions of themselves. Moreover, | participate and support the activities of the parent-teacher association and the barangay. | also immerse the learners in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities to ensure the continuity of learning even outside the school. | believe that teachers should connect the different education stakeholders and help one another to make learning more meaningful and easier. We are the promoters of change and we open the minds of our young learners in the colourful life of our community. At the end of the day, the children’s welfare is taken good care of by assuring the commitment of our parents and the local community towards better education. How do you develop your teaching practice in accordance with the existing laws that apply to teaching and the responsibilities specified in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers? How do you develop your teaching practice in accordance with existing regulations? As a teacher, | regularly study the relevant laws and the Code of Ethics for teachers. | always make sure that | know and | am aware of the roles and responsibilities of a teacher. | have not been involved in any conflict regarding my role as a teacher. At the end of my day, | self-reflect in all of the things I’ve done inside the classroom and to the learners. lam fully aware of my flaws and be able to improve myself everyday by listening to my mentors. | seek their help everytime and take their advices. | listen to their constructive criticisms and learn from them. | reflect on it too so that | will be able to do better next time. | believe that by self-reflecting and listening to the good advices of my peers and mentors, | meet what a teacher should be expected of. Objective 7 In which practices do you show care, respect, and integrity to learners, colleagues, parents, and other education stakeholders? How do these practices uphold the dignity of the teaching profession? l abide by the saying, “Treat others the way you want to be treated.” Asa teacher, it doesn’t matter how high or low you are in the social ladder. | always teach my learners to be respectful and to do good to themselves and to other people. | always remind them also to pay respect to all kinds of people and not just to their parents, teachers and school heads. | give my respect to other people as well, especially my colleagues, by treating them kindly but in a professional way. | also lend a helping hand to all sorts of people: the learners, the parents, my colleagues and the community. | show integrity by doing what needs to be done even if no one is watching me. | continue doing what is expected of a teacher in a caring and respectful way. | do the initiative of taking good care of my learners when they are in school. We should always do our duties whole-heartedly and with integrity because that is what a teacher is all about. Objective 8 What co-curricular and/or extra-curricular organizations and/or activities did you participate in, that enabled you to share your knowledge and enhance your teaching practice? How did your membership in this organization/ participation in this activity contribute to your professional development? | engaged myselfin a lot of trainings and seminars that will expose me socially. | was a part of the Student Government and | learned to serve people whole-heartedly. Lalso learned a lot by attending different trainings and seminars on CPD. Moreover, | recently attended a seminar regarding effective teaching by meaningful learning experiences. | learned that the learners should be more involved in the learning process to abide by the 2" pillar of education: learning to do. |learned different learner-centered strategies and more examples about differentiated instruction. An example of this is the learning trips the learners can experience in Science lessons and using learner-centered lesson plans such as the SE's and 7E’s lesson plans. was able to share it with my peers who are teacher-applicants as well to provide an updated approach in delivering a lesson to the learners. These trainings helped me a lot by exposing myself to more opportunities in understanding the diversity of our learners. Objective 9 ‘TEACHER REFLECTION FORM. OBJECTIVE 10 (page 1) Free The task given to the students is to research the roles of the given workers in the ‘community by asking their parents or anyone with knowledge of the roles, It is divided into 2 sets, The Set A used the terms which are familiar to the modern ‘community, while the Set 8 used terms that are familiar in the older or indigenous community. For my classroom with a presence of Indigenous students, this type of assessment promotes culture- sensitivity, faimess, inclusivity, contextualization and is very much, with respect to how IP students must be assessed, appropriate, This kind of assessment is very appropriate to my classroom which has Indigenous students because it acknowledges the culture of these learners. According to an article, Ways of teaching & engaging Aboriginal students in an effective classroom with IP students must be culturally relevant and responsive The assessment test reflects the teacher's knowledge and sensitivity to the culture of the IPs by including their own culture and vocabulary in the assessment test, Further, the assessment also did not ask the learners to use technology to find out the roles of these people in the community but instead, the teacher asked them to utilize the community itself and elders to provide the answers. This hits two birds; one, the teacher acknowledges that not all students, specially |Ps have computers or gadgets to search for the answers, this is very much appropriate in teaching students from Indigenous Groups, second, it involves community members which Is a very strong strategy for teaching Indigenous students (Korff, 2021). This kind of assessment also, respective of the culture and the stronger presence of contextualization in our curriculum shows that the teacher did not limit the IP learners to their own culture and vocabulary but also introduced the culture and vocabulary of non-IP community and the same goes for the non-IP students in the class. ‘The type of assessment given also develops students’ HOTs or Higher Order Thinking Skills in my class. According to various articles, in order for the students, in the Indigenous Group to thrive a teacher must set a high standard for them and expect them to succeed. The assessment shows that the teacher expects everyone to explain the roles they will gather and that is developing the reasoning TEACHER REFLECTION FORM OBJECTIVE 9 (page Free Based on the scenario given, Clara is suffering from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHO) (Types of Learning Disabilities: Discover 10 Common Learning Disabilities, 2022), Clara would likely become attention seeking in class, unable to focus, unable to accomplish complex learning goals, hyperactive, and unable to follow instructions. Clara's attention span would be very short inorder to cater and deliver quality inatruction to students with Learning Disabilty, particularly ADHD like Clara, teaching strategies must also be suited to their learning needs. Assuming that Clara is in my English 8 class, here are some adjustments | would make in my instruction so that Clara can lear just like the rest ofthe students Classroom Management, Before the start of the lesson, would see to it that Clara is seated away from the things that might distract her lke windows, doors and other displays in the classroom. She is already struggling to focus, so any distractions in the classroom should be away from her. | would seat her in the middie, and if possible, near me so that can keep an eye on her, this vill compel Clara to slightly focus on class, | would also explain the rules and expected behavior in class and the consequences if rules are not followed. Clara will also be rewarded by her positive behaviors and get consequences for not following the rules. According to an article 8 Simple Schoo! Strategies for Students With ADHD, students with ADHD get benefit from reward and punishment reinforcement Lesson Delivery. My lesson must be presented in simple language, andl if possible be presented in charts, graphs, pictures, or other illustrations to facilitate her understanding of the concept. All the important concepts must also be given time early on the lesson, this calls for an inductive approach of lesson delivery, Clara's attention span would be so shor, that is why its important that she perform skills or learn concepts in the onset of the lesson, before she loses interest and focus altogether. (Objective 10 page 2) é ability and critical thinking of not only the IP students but all of the students in class. ‘As a teacher, we sometimes forget that there are IP students who are in the mainstream class who need a unique approach of teaching and assessment ‘This shows in many esearch studies that tell us that the needs of these children are not being addressed. However, there are revolutionary movements for Indigenous People especially in the Basic Education. Our curriculum advocates, inclusivity, fairness, and culture-sensitivty to all students aid to the groups they belong (D0 32, $, 2015, DO 72, , 2009, DO 101, §, 2010) ‘The Assessment given as an example in this reflection form is one way of showing us how to provide a proper and velid assessment test to all our students Irrespective of their community groups. It also shows how different the IP students may look at things and concepts learned in school, For the IPs, the elders and community are very fundamental to their existence and therefore, for the teaching instruction and assessment to be successful for this type of learners, the tasks of the learners must allow them to function in society and tenable them to ulilze their own culture and environment, To retrospect, we should always remember that assessment strategy must be in consonance with the teaching strategy in order to really assess ifthe objectives based on the competencies prescribed by our curriculum are being carried out in our lesson. In order to address the leaming needs of our students in indigenous Groups we must make all the parts of our lesson culture-sensitive, inclusive and conducive for them bearing in mind that these students are the future of our country,

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